Cm the littleredhenandtheorangejuice

The Little Red Hen and the Orange juice By: Ca’e Murphy

Transcript of Cm the littleredhenandtheorangejuice

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The Little Red Hen and the Orange juice

By:  Ca'e  Murphy  

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 Once  upon  a  'me,  there  was  a  li9le  red  hen.  The  li9le  red  hen  found  an  orange  seed.  She  then  asked  her  friends,  dog,  pig,  cat,  and  mouse,  “Who  will  help  me  plant  this  seed?”  

 “Not  I,”  barked  the  dog.    “  Not  I,”  meowed  the  cat.    “Not  I,”  snarled  the  pig      “  Not  I,”  squeaked  the  mouse.  

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 “  Fine  ,I’ll  do  it  myself.”  remarked  the  hen.  So  hen  went  to  her    beau'ful  yard  full  of  flowers  and  berries.  She  dug  a  hole  and  put  the  seed  in  and  then  watered  the  seed.  

 A  few  beau'ful  months  later  she  asked  her  friends,  “Who  will  help  me  pick  these  oranges?”  

 “  I  won’t,”  the  dog  snapped  has'ly.    “  I  won’t,”  purred  the  cat.    “  I  won’t,”  snorted  the  pig.    “  I  ....,”hesitated  the  mouse.  

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“  Alright,  I’ll  do  it  myself,”  sighed  the  hen.  So,  the  hen  went  and  got  her  woven  basket  when  mouse  appeared  and  squeaked  “  I’ll  help  you!”.  So  hen  and  mouse  picked  oranges  all  day.        Then  hen  thanked  mouse  for  

all  his  help.  AOer  mouse  leO  she  had  dinner  and  went  to  bed.  

The  next  morning,  hen  went  to  juice  her  oranges.  She  got  out  a  pitcher  for  the  orange  juice  she  will  make.  Soon  enough  hen  finished  juicing  the  oranges.  

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Later  she  asked  her  friends,  “Who  will  help  me  drink  this  orange  juice?”  

 “  Oh  I  will,”  said  the  dog  greedily.    “I  will,”  screamed  the  cat.    “  Of  course  I  will  ,”  oinked  the  


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But  mouse  said  absolutely  nothing!  So  hen  replied  ,”  Mouse  and  I  shall  drink  the  juice  together  for  he  and  I  are  the  ones  who  made  the  orange  juice  and  you  guys  did  nothing.  Mouse  and  hen  drank  the  juice  together  and  about  a  month  later  they  opened  a  juice  store  where  they  both  worked.  The  juice  store  s'll  remains  in  Foundville,  and  Foundville  was  named  aOer  mouse  and  hen’s  juice.