Clustering Uncertain Data Based on Probability Distribution Similarity

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  • 7/28/2019 Clustering Uncertain Data Based on Probability Distribution Similarity


    Clustering Uncertain Data Basedon Probability Distribution Similarity

    Bin Jiang, Jian Pei, Senior Member, IEEE,

    Yufei Tao, Member, IEEE, and Xuemin Lin, Senior Member, IEEE

    AbstractClustering on uncertain data, one of the essential tasks in mining uncertain data, posts significant challenges on both

    modeling similarity between uncertain objects and developing efficient computational methods. The previous methods extend

    traditional partitioning clustering methods like k-means and density-based clustering methods like DBSCAN to uncertain data, thus rely

    on geometric distances between objects. Such methods cannot handle uncertain objects that are geometrically indistinguishable, such

    as products with the same mean but very different variances in customer ratings. Surprisingly, probability distributions, which are

    essential characteristics of uncertain objects, have not been considered in measuring similarity between uncertain objects. In this

    paper, we systematically model uncertain objects in both continuous and discrete domains, where an uncertain object is modeled as a

    continuous and discrete random variable, respectively. We use the well-known Kullback-Leibler divergence to measure similarity

    between uncertain objects in both the continuous and discrete cases, and integrate it into partitioning and density-based clustering

    methods to cluster uncertain objects. Nevertheless, a nave implementation is very costly. Particularly, computing exact KL divergence

    in the continuous case is very costly or even infeasible. To tackle the problem, we estimate KL divergence in the continuous case by

    kernel density estimation and employ the fast Gauss transform technique to further speed up the computation. Our extensiveexperiment results verify the effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability of our approaches.

    Index TermsClustering, uncertain data, probabilistic distribution, density estimation, fast Gauss transform


    CLUSTERING uncertain data has been well recognized asan important issue [21], [22], [27], [36]. Generally, anuncertain data object can be represented by a probabilitydistribution [7], [29], [35]. The problem of clustering

    uncertain objects according to their probability distributionshappens in many scenarios.

    For example, in marketing research, users are asked toevaluate digital cameras by scoring on various aspects, suchas image quality, battery performance, shotting perfor-mance, and user friendliness. Each camera may be scoredby many users. Thus, the user satisfaction to a camera canbe modeled as an uncertain object on the user score space.There are often a good number of cameras under a userstudy. A frequent analysis task is to cluster the digitalcameras under study according to user satisfaction data.

    One challenge in this clustering task is that we need to

    consider the similarity between cameras not only in termsof their score values, but also their score distributions. One

    camera receiving high scores is different from one receivinglow scores. At the same time, two cameras, though with thesame mean score, are substantially different if their scorevariances are very different.

    As another example, a weather station monitors weatherconditions including various measurements like tempera-ture, precipitation amount, humidity, wind speed, anddirection. The daily weather record varies from day to day,which can be modeled as an uncertain object represented bya distribution over the space formed by several measure-ments. Can we group the weather conditions during the lastmonth for stations in North America? Essentially, we need tocluster the uncertain objects according to their distributions.

    1.1 Limitations of Existing Work

    The previous studies on clustering uncertain data arelargely various extensions of the traditional clustering

    algorithms designed for certain data. As an object in acertain data set is a single point, the distribution regardingthe object itself is not considered in traditional clusteringalgorithms. Thus, the studies that extended traditionalalgorithms to cluster uncertain data are limited to usinggeometric distance-based similarity measures, and cannotcapture the difference between uncertain objects withdifferent distributions.

    Specifically, three principal categories exist in literature,namely partitioning clustering approaches [27], [18], [24],density-based clustering approaches [21], [22], and possibleworld approaches [36]. The first two are along the line of the

    categorization of clustering methods for certain data [14],the possible world approaches are specific for uncertaindata following the popular possible world semantics foruncertain data [8], [31], [17].


    . B. Jiang and J. Pei are with the School of Computing Science, Simon FraserUniversity, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada.E-mail: {bjiang, jpei}

    . Y. Tao is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong KongSAR, China. E-mail: [email protected].

    . X. Lin is with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, TheUniversity of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia, and theSchool of Software, East China Normal University, China.E-mail: [email protected].

    Manuscript received 11 June 2010; revised 10 Sept. 2011; accepted 27 Sept.

    2011; published online 14 Oct. 2011.Recommended for acceptance by C. Jermaine.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:[email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TKDE-2010-06-0328.Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TKDE.2011.221.

    1041-4347/13/$31.00 2013 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society

  • 7/28/2019 Clustering Uncertain Data Based on Probability Distribution Similarity


    As these approaches only explore the geometric proper-ties of data objects and focus on instances of uncertain

    objects, they do not consider the similarity between uncertainobjects in terms of distributions.

    Let us examine this problem in the three existingcategories of approaches in detail. Suppose we have twosets AA and IB of uncertain objects. The objects in AA follow

    uniform distribution, and those inIB

    follow Gaussiandistribution. Suppose all objects in both sets have the samemean value (i.e., the same center). Consequently, theirgeometric locations (i.e., areas that they occupied) heavilyoverlap. Clearly, the two sets of objects form two clustersdue to their different distributions.

    Partitioning clustering approaches [27], [18], [24] extendthe k-means method with the use of the expected distance tomeasure the similarity between two uncertain objects. Theexpected distance between an object P and a cluster center c(which is a certain point) is EDP ; c RP fPxdistx; cdx,where fP denotes the probability density function of P andthe distance measure dist is the square of euclideandistance. In [24], it is proved that EDP ; c is equal to thedist between the center (i.e., the mean) P :c of P and c plusthe variance of P. That is,

    EDP ; c distP:c;c V arP: 1Accordingly, P can be assigned to the cluster centerargmincfEDP ; cg argmincfdistP:c;cg. Thus, only thecenters of objects are taken into account in these uncertainversions of the k-means method. In our case, as every objecthas the same center, the expected distance-based ap-proaches cannot distinguish the two sets of objects havingdifferent distributions.

    Density-based clustering approaches [21], [22] extendthe DBSCAN method [10] and the OPTICS method [3] in aprobabilistic way. The basic idea behind the algorithmsdoes not changeobjects in geometrically dense regions aregrouped together as clusters and clusters are separated bysparse regions. However, in our case, objects heavilyoverlap. There is no clear sparse regions to separate objectsinto clusters. Therefore, the density-based approachescannot work well.

    Possible world approaches [36] follow the possibleworld semantics [8], [31], [17]. A set of possible worldsare sampled from an uncertain data set. Each possible

    world consists of an instance from each object. Clustering isconducted individually on each possible world and the finalclustering is obtained by aggregating the clustering resultson all possible worlds into a single global clustering. Thegoal is to minimize the sum of the difference between theglobal clustering and the clustering of every possible world.Clearly, a sampled possible world does not consider thedistribution of a data object since a possible world onlycontains one instance from each object. The clusteringresults from different possible worlds can be drasticallydifferent. The most probable clusters calculated usingpossible worlds may still carry a very low probability.

    Thus, the possible world approaches often cannot provide astable and meaningful clustering result at the object level,not to mention that it is computationally infeasible due tothe exponential number of possible worlds.

    1.2 Our Ideas and Contributions

    Can we cluster uncertain objects according to the similaritybetween their probability distributions? Similarity measure-ment between two probability distributions is not a newproblem at all. In information theory, the similarity betweentwo distributions can be measured by the Kullback-Leiblerdivergence (KL divergence for short, also known as

    information entropy or relative entropy) [23].The distribution difference cannot be captured bygeometric distances. For example, in Fig. 1a, the two objects(each one is represented by a set of sampled points) havedifferent geometric locations. Their probability densityfunctions over the entire data space are different and thedifference can be captured by KL divergence. In Fig. 1b,although the geometric locations of the two objects areheavily overlapping, they have different distributions(one is uniform and the other is Gaussian). The differencebetween their distributions can also be discovered by KLdivergence, but cannot be captured by the existing methodsas elaborated in Section 1.1.

    In this paper, we consider uncertain objects as randomvariables with certain distributions. We consider both thediscrete case and the continuous case. In the discrete case,the domain has a finite number of values, for example, therating of a camera can only take a value in f1; 2; 3; 4; 5g. Inthe continuous case, the domain is a continuous range ofvalues, for example, the temperatures recorded in a weatherstation are continuous real numbers.

    Directly computing KL divergence between probabilitydistributions can be very costly or even infeasible if thedistributions are complex, as will be shown in Section 3.Although KL divergence is meaningful, a significant chal-lenge of clustering using KL divergence is how to evaluate

    KL divergence efficiently on many uncertain objects.To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to

    study clustering uncertain data objects using KL divergencein a general setting. We make several contributions. Wedevelop a general framework of clustering uncertain objectsconsidering the distribution as the first class citizen in bothdiscrete and continuous cases. Uncertain objects can haveany discrete or continuous distribution. We show thatdistribution differences cannot be captured by the previousmethods based on geometric distances. We use KLdivergence to measure the similarity between distributions,and demonstrate the effectiveness of KL divergence in both

    partitioning and density-based clustering methods. Totackle the challenge of evaluating the KL divergence inthe continuous case, we estimate KL divergence by kerneldensity estimation and apply the fast Gauss transform to


    Fig. 1. Probability distributions and geometric locations.

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    boost the computation. We conducted experiments on realand synthetic data sets to show clustering uncertain data inprobability distribution is meaningful and our methods areefficient and scalable.

    The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2reviews the related work. In Section 3, we define uncertainobjects and the similarity using KL divergence, and showhow to evaluate KL divergence in both discrete and

    continuous cases. In Section 4, we present the partitioningand density-based clustering methods using KL divergence.In Section 5, we develop implementation techniques tospeed up the clustering and introduce the fast Gausstransform to boost the evaluation of KL divergence. Weconduct an extensive empirical study in Section 6, andconclude the paper in Section 7.


    Clustering is a fundamental data mining task. Clusteringcertain data has been studied for years in data mining,

    machine learning, pattern recognition, bioinformatics, andsome other fields [14], [16], [19]. However, there is onlypreliminary research on clustering uncertain data.

    Data uncertainty brings new challenges to clustering,since clustering uncertain data demands a measurement ofsimilarity between uncertain data objects. Most studies ofclustering uncertain data used geometric distance-basedsimilarity measures, which are reviewed in Section 2.1. Afew theoretical studies considered using divergences tomeasure the similarity between objects. We discuss them inSection 2.2.

    2.1 Clustering Based on Geometric Distances

    Ngai et al. [27] proposed the UK-means method whichextends the k-means method. The UK-means methodmeasures the distance between an uncertain object andthe cluster center (which is a certain point) by the expecteddistance. Recently, Lee et al. [24] showed that the UK-meansmethod can be reduced to the k-means method on certaindata points due to (1) described in Section 1.

    Kriegel and Pfeifle [21] proposed the FDBSCAN algo-rithm which is a probabilistic extension of the deterministicDBSCAN algorithm [10] for clustering certain data. AsDBSCAN is extended to a hierarchical density-basedclustering method referred to as OPTICS [3], Kriegel and

    Pfeifle [22] developed a probabilistic version of OPTICScalled FOPTICS for clustering uncertain data objects.FOPTICS outputs a hierarchical order in which data objects,instead of the determined clustering membership for eachobject, are clustered.

    Volk et al. [36] followed the possible world semantics [1],[15], [8], [31] using Monte Carlo sampling [17]. Thisapproach finds the clustering of a set of sampled possibleworlds using existing clustering algorithms for certain data.Then, the final clustering is aggregated from those sampleclusterings.

    As discussed in Section 1, the existing techniques on

    clustering uncertain data mainly focus on the geometriccharacteristics of objects, and do not take into accountthe probability distributions of objects. In this paper, wepropose to use KL divergence as the similarity measure

    which can capture distribution difference between objects.To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first work tostudy clustering uncertain objects using KL divergence.

    2.2 Clustering Based on Distribution Similarity

    We are aware that clustering distributions has appeared inthe area of information retrieval when clustering documents[37], [5]. The major difference of our work is that we do not

    assume any knowledge on the types of distributions ofuncertain objects. When clustering documents, each docu-ment is modeled as a multinomial distribution in thelanguage model [30], [34]. For example, Xu and Croft [37]discussed a k-means clustering method with KL divergenceas the similarity measurement between multinomial dis-tributions of documents. Assuming multinomial distribu-tions, KL divergence can be computed using the number ofoccurrences of terms in documents. Blei et al. [5] proposed agenerative model approachthe Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA for short). LDA models each document and each topic(i.e.,cluster)as a multinomial distribution, wherea document

    is generated by several topics. However, such multinomialdistribution-based methods cannot be applied to generalcases where the type of distributions are not multinomial.

    There are also a few studies on clustering using KLdivergences.

    Dhillon et al. [9] used KL divergence to measuresimilarity between words to cluster words in documentsin order to reduce the number of features in documentclassification. They developed a k-means like clusteringalgorithm and showed that the algorithm monotonicallydecreases the objective function as shown in [9], andminimizes the intracluster Jensen-Shannon divergence

    while maximizing intercluster Jensen-Shannon divergence.As their application is on text data, each word is a discreterandom variable in the space of documents. Therefore, it iscorresponding to the discrete case in our problem.

    Banerjee et al. [4] theoretically analyzed the k-means likeiterative relocation clustering algorithms based on Bregmandivergences which is a general case of KL divergence. Theysummarized a generalized iterative relocation clusteringframework for various similarity measures from the pre-vious work from an information theoretical viewpoint. Theyshowed that finding the optimal clustering is equivalent tominimizing the loss function in Bregman informationcorresponding to the selected Bregman divergence used as

    the underlying similarity measure. In terms of efficiency,their algorithms have linear complexity in each iteration withrespect to the number of objects. However, they did notprovide methods for efficiently evaluating Bregman diver-gence nor calculating the mean of a set of distributions in acluster. For uncertain objects in our problem which can havearbitrary discrete or continuous distributions, it is essential tosolve the two problems in order to scale on large data sets, aswe can see in our experiments.

    Ackermann et al. [2] developed a probabilistic 1 -approximation algorithm with linear time complexity forthe k-medoids problem with respect to an arbitrary

    similarity measure, such as squared euclidean distance,KL divergence, Mahalanobis distance, etc., if the similaritymeasure allows the 1-medoid problem being approximatedwithin a factor of 1 by solving it exactly on a random


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    sample of constant size. They were motivated by theproblem of compressing Java and C++ executable codeswhich are modeled based on a large number of probabilitydistributions. They solved the problem by identifying agood set of representatives for these distributions to achievecompression which involves nonmetric similarity measureslike KL divergence. The major contribution of their work ison developing a probabilistic approximation algorithm forthe k-medoids problem.

    The previous theoretical studies focused on the correct-ness of clustering using KL divergence [9], the correspon-dence of clustering using Bregman divergence ininformation theory [4], and the probabilistic approximationalgorithm [2]. However, they did not provide methods forefficiently evaluating KL divergence in the clusteringprocess, neither did they experimentally test the efficiencyand scalability of their methods on large data sets.Different to them, our work aims at introducing distribu-tion differences especially KL divergence as a similaritymeasure for clustering uncertain data. We integrate KL

    divergence into the framework ofk

    -medoids and DBSCANto demonstrate the performance of clustering uncertaindata. More importantly, particular to the uncertain objectsin our problem, we focus on efficient computationtechniques for large data sets, and demonstrate theeffectiveness, efficiency, and scalability of our methods onboth synthetic and real data sets with thousands of objects,each of which has a sample of hundreds of observations.


    This section first models uncertain objects as randomvariables in probability distributions. We consider both

    the discrete and continuous probability distributions andshow the evaluation of the corresponding probability massand density functions in the discrete and continuous cases,respectively. Then, we recall the definition of KL diver-gence, and formalize the distribution similarity betweentwo uncertain objects using KL divergence.

    3.1 Uncertain Objects and Probability Distributions

    We consider an uncertain object as a random variablefollowing a probability distribution in a domain ID. Weconsider both the discrete and continuous cases.

    If the domain is discrete (e.g., categorical) with a finite orcountably infinite number of values, the object is a discrete

    random variable and its probability distribution is describedby a probability mass function (pmf for short). Otherwise, ifthe domain is continuous with a continuous range ofvalues, the object is a continuous random variable and itsprobability distribution is described by a probability densityfunction (pdf for short). For example, the domain of theratings of cameras is a discrete set f1; 2; 3; 4; 5g, and thedomain of temperature is continuous real numbers.

    In many case, the accurate probability distributions ofuncertain objects are not known beforehand in practice.Instead, the probability distribution of an uncertain object isoften derived from our observations of the corresponding

    random variable. Therefore, we associate each object with asample of observations, and assume that the sample is finiteand the observations are independent and identicallydistributed (i.i.d. for short).

    By overloading the notation, for an uncertain object P,

    we still use P to denote the corresponding random variable,

    the probability mass/density function, and the sample.For discrete domains, the probability mass function of an

    uncertain object can be directly estimated by normalizing

    the number of observations against the size of the sample.

    Formally, the pmf of object P is

    Px fp 2 Pjp xg

    jPj ; 2

    where p 2 P is an observation ofP and j j is the cardinalityof a set.

    For continuous domains, we estimate the probability

    density function of an uncertain object by kernel density

    estimation.Kernel density estimation [33], [32] is a nonparametric

    way of estimating the probability density function of a

    continuous random variable. Given a sample of a continuous

    random variable P, the kernel density estimate of the

    probability density function is the sum of jPj kernelfunctions. In this paper, we usethepopular Gaussiankernels.

    Each Gaussian kernel function is centered at a sample

    pointp 2 P with variance h. h is called the bandwidth, and isused to control the level of smoothing. A popular choice of

    the bandwidth is the Sliverman approximation rule [33] for

    which h 1:06 jPj15, where is the standard deviation ofthe sample points ofP. In 1D case, the density estimator is

    Px 1jPj ffiffiffiffiffiffi2p hXp2P


    2h2 :

    For the d-dimensional (d! 2) case, the kernel function is theproduct of d Gaussian functions, each with its own

    bandwidth hj (1 j d), and the density estimator is

    Px 1jPj2d=2 Qdj1 hj





    2h2j ; 3

    where we denote a d-dimensional point p by p:D1; . . . ; p :Dd.3.2 KL Divergence

    In general, KL divergence between two probability dis-

    tributions is defined as follows:Definition 1 (Kullback-Leibler Divergence [23]). In the

    discrete case, let f and gbe two probability mass functions in a

    discrete domain ID with a finite or countably infinite number

    of values. The Kullback-Leibler diverge between f and g is

    Df k g Xx2ID

    fx log fxgx : 4

    In the continuous case, let f and g be two probabilitydensity functions in a continuous domain ID with acontinuous range of values. The Kullback-Leibler divergence

    between f and g is

    Df k g Z


    fx log fxgx dx: 5


  • 7/28/2019 Clustering Uncertain Data Based on Probability Distribution Similarity


    In both discrete and continuous cases, KL divergence isdefined only in the case where for any x in domain ID iffx >0 then gx > 0. By convention, 0log 0p 0 for any p 6 0 andthe base of log is 2.

    Note that, KL divergence is not symmetric in general,that is, Dfkg 6 Dgkf.3.3 Using KL Divergence as Similarity

    It is natural to quantify the similarity between two uncertainobjects by KL divergence. Given two uncertain objects P andQ and their corresponding probability distributions, DPkQ evaluates the relative uncertainty of Q given thedistribution ofP. In fact, from (4) and (5), we have

    DP k Q E log PQ

    !; 6

    which is the expected log-likelihood ratio of the twodistributions and tells how similar they are. The KLdivergence is always nonnegative, and satisfies Gibbsinequality. That is, D



    !0 with equality only if

    P Q. Therefore, the smaller the KL divergence, the moresimilar the two uncertain objects.

    In the discrete case, it is straightforward to evaluate (4) tocalculate the KL divergence between two uncertain objects Pand Q from their probability mass functions calculated as (2).

    In the continuous case, given the samples of P and Q, bythe law of large numbers and (6), we have





    logPpiQpi DP k Q;

    where we assume the sample ofP fp1; . . . ; psg. Hence, weestimate the KL divergence DP k Q as

    DP k Q 1s


    logPpiQpi : 7

    It is important to note that the definition of KL divergencenecessitates that for any x 2 ID ifPx > 0 then Qx > 0. Toensure that the KL divergence is defined between every pairof uncertain objects, we smooth the probability mass/density function of every uncertain object P so that it has apositive probability to take any possible value in the domain.In other words, we assume that there is always a smallnonzero probability for an uncertain object to observe any

    unseen value. As in the camera rating example, if we onlyobserve ratings 2, 3, 4, and 5 of a camera, but not 1, we stillassume that the camera has a small probability to be rated as1, even we have no such observations.

    The smoothing is based on the following two assump-tions about the uncertain objects to be clustered in ourproblem:

    1. We assume that the probability distribution of everyuncertain object to be clustered is defined in thesame domain ID.

    2. We assume that the domain ID is bounded.

    IfID is discrete, we assume it has a finite number of values.Forthe continuous domain, we only consider ID asaboundedrange of values. In most applications, possible values arewithin a sufficiently large bounded range, as we can use the

    lowest and highest recorded values to define the range. Forexample, cameras can be rated at five possible grades, andtemperatures on Earths surface usually range between90C to 60C.

    We smooth a probability distribution P as follows:

    Px Px 1


    j j; 8

    where 0 < < 1, IDj j is the number of possible values in IDif ID is discrete and the area of ID (i.e., IDj j R

    IDdx) if ID is

    continuous.Clearly, the sum/integral ofPx over the entire domain

    remains 1. For two uncertain objects P and Q, aftersmoothing, Px Qx for any x 2 ID still holds if andonly if Px Qx.

    The error incurred by such an approximation is

    Px Px 1 Px IDj j1= IDj j

    2 0; maxf1;

    1 IDj jg1= IDj j


    As the domain ID is bounded, IDj j is bounded. By choosinga sufficient small , we can provide an approximation atarbitrary accuracy level.

    In summary of this section, we model every uncertainobject to be clustered as a random variable in the samebounded domain ID and represent it with a sample of i.i.d.observations. The probability distribution of an uncertainobject is estimated from its sample by (2) in the discrete caseand (3) using kernel density estimation in the continuouscase. In both cases, the probability mass/density function issmoothed by (8).

    We define the similarity between two uncertain objects

    as the KL divergence between their probability distribu-tions. The KL divergence is calculated by (4) and (7) in thediscrete and continuous cases, respectively.


    As the previous geometric distance-based clustering meth-ods for uncertain data mainly fall into two categories,partitioning and density-based approaches, in this section,we present the clustering methods using KL divergence tocluster uncertain objects in these two categories. InSection 4.1, we present the uncertain k-medoids methodwhich extends a popular partitioning clustering method

    k-medoids [19] by using KL divergence. Then, we develop arandomized k-medoids method based on the uncertaink-medoids method to reduce the time complexity. Section 4.2presents the uncertain DBSCAN method which integratesKL divergence into the framework of a typical density-basedclustering method DBSCAN [10]. We describe the algo-rithms of the methods and how they use KL divergence asthe similarity measure.

    4.1 Partitioning Clustering Methods

    A partitioning clustering method organizes a set of nuncertain objects OO into k clusters CC1; . . . ; CCk, such that

    CCi OO (1 i k), CCi 6 ;, Ski1 CCi OO, and CCi \ CCj ;for any i 6 j. We use Ci to denote the representative ofcluster CCi. Using KL divergence as similarity, a partitioningclustering method tries to partition objects into k clusters


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    and chooses the best k representatives, one for each cluster,to minimize the total KL divergence as below

    T KL Xki1


    DP k Ci: 9

    For an object P in cluster CCi (1 i k), the KL divergenceD



    between P and the representative Ci measures

    the extra information required to construct P given Ci.Therefore,

    PP2CCi DP k Ci captures the total extra in-

    formation required to construct the whole cluster CCi usingits representative Ci. Summing over all k clusters, the totalKL divergence thus measures the quality of the partition-ing clustering. The smaller the value of T KL, the betterthe clustering.

    k-means [25], [26] and k-medoids [19] are two classicalpartitioning methods. The difference is that the k-meansmethod represents each cluster by the mean of all objects inthis cluster, while the k-medoids method uses an actualobject in a cluster as its representative. In the context of

    uncertain data where objects are probability distributions, itis inefficient to compute the mean of probability densityfunctions. k-medoids method avoids computing the means.For the sake of efficiency, we adopt the k-medoids methodto demonstrate the performance of partitioning clusteringmethods using KL divergence to cluster uncertain objects.

    In Section 4.1.1, we first present the uncertain k-medoidsmethod which integrates KL divergence into the originalk-medoids method. Then, we develop a randomizedk-medoids method in Section 4.1.2 to reduce the complexityof the uncertain one.

    4.1.1 Uncertain K-Medoids MethodThe uncertain k-medoids method consists of two phases,the building phase and the swapping phase.

    Building phase. In the building phase, the uncertaink-medoids method obtains an initial clustering by selectingk representatives one after another. The first representativeC1 is the one which has the smallest sum of the KLdivergence to all other objects in OO. That is,

    C1 argminP2OO


    DP0 kP0@


    The rest k 1 representatives are selected iteratively. In theith (2 i k) iteration, the algorithm selects the represen-tative Ci which decreases the total KL divergence (9) asmuch as possible. For each object P which has not beenselected, we test whether it should be selected in the currentround. For any other nonselected object P0, P0 will beassigned to the new representative P if the divergenceDP0 kP is smaller than the divergence between P0 and anypreviously selected representatives. Therefore, we calculatethe contribution of P0 to the decrease of the total KLdivergence by selecting P as

    max 0; min


    DP0 kCj DP0 k P :

    We calculate the total decrease of the total KL divergence byselecting P as the sum over the contribution of all

    nonselected object, denoted by DECP. Then, the objectto be selected in the ith iteration is the one that can incur thelargest decrease, that is,

    Ci argmaxP2OOnfC1;...;Ci1g


    We end the building phase as long as k representatives areselected and proceed to the swapping phase.

    Swapping phase. In the swapping phase, the uncertaink-medoids method iteratively improves the clustering byswapping a nonrepresentative object with the representa-tive to which it is assigned. For a nonrepresentative objectP, suppose it is assigned to cluster CC whose representativeis C. We consider the effect of swapping P and C in twocases on every nonselected object P0 other than P:

    . If P0 currently belongs to C, when C is replaced byP, we will reassign P0 to P or one of the other k 1existing representatives, to which P0 is the mostsimilar.

    . If P0 currently belongs to a representative C0 otherthan C, and DP0 kP < DP0 kC0, P0 is reassignedto P.

    When a reassignment happens, the decrease of the total KLdivergence by swapping P and C is recorded. After allnonrepresentative objects are examined, we obtain the totaldecrease of swapping P and C. Then, we select the objectPmax which can make the largest decrease. That is,

    Pmax argmaxP2OOnfC1;...;Ckg


    We check that whether the swapping of Pmax can improve

    the clusters, i.e., whether DECPmax > 0. If so, theswapping is carried into execution. Otherwise, the methodterminates and report the final clustering.

    Complexity. The building phase in the uncertaink-medoids method requires evaluating the KL divergencesbetween Okn2 pairs of objects, where n is the number ofobjects. In the swapping phase, in each iteration, it evaluatesOn2 KL divergences to find the optimal swapping. Intotal, the uncertain k-medoids method has complexityOk rn2E, where r is the number of iterations in theswapping phase and E is the complexity of evaluating theKL divergence of two objects. The method cannot scale on

    big data sets due to it quadratic complexity with respect tothe number of objects. Next, we present a randomizedk-medoids method to bring down the complexity.

    4.1.2 Randomized K-Medoids Method

    The randomized k-medoids method, instead of finding theoptimal nonrepresentative object for swapping, randomlyselects a nonrepresentative object for swapping if theclustering quality can be improved. We follow the simulatedannealing technique [20], [6] to prevent the method frombeing stuck at a local optimal result.

    The randomized k-medoids method follows the building-

    swapping framework. At the beginning, the building phaseis simplified by selecting the initial k representatives atrandom. Nonselected objects are assigned to the most similarrepresentative according to KL divergence. Then, in the


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    swapping phase, we iteratively replace representatives bynonrepresentative objects.

    In each iteration, instead of finding the optimal non-representative object for swapping in the uncertaink-medoids method, a nonrepresentative object P is ran-domly selected to replace the representative Cto which P isassigned. To determine whether P is a good replacement ofC, we examine the two cases as described in the swappingphase in Section 4.1.1. After all nonrepresentative objectsare examined, the total decrease of the total KL divergenceby swapping P and C is recorded as DEC.

    Then, we compute the probability of swapping as

    P rswapDEC 1 if DEC > 0eDEClogrcur if DEC 0;&

    where rcur is the current number of iterations. Basically, ifDEC > 0, the swapping can improve the clustering, thenthe swapping is put into practice. In the cases whereDEC 0, the swapping may not improve the clustering.However, the swapping may still be carried out withprobability eDEClogrcur to prevent the algorithm from beingstuck at a local optimal result. We repeat the iterativeprocess until a swapping is not executed.

    The randomized k-medoids method has time complexityOrnE where r is the number of iterations in the swappingphase and E is the complexity of evaluating the KLdivergence of two objects. The cost of the building phasein the uncertain k-medoids method is removed since therepresentatives are randomly initialized. The object selectedfor swapping in each iteration in the swapping phase is alsorandomly picked, so the randomized k-medoids methodevaluates O


    KL divergences in each iteration. We will see

    in our experiments that the randomized k-medoids methodcan scale well on data sets with a large number of objects.

    4.2 Density-Based Clustering Methods

    Unlike partitioning methods which organize similar objectsinto the same partitions to discover clusters, density-basedclustering methods regard clusters as dense regions ofobjects that are separated by regions of low density.

    DBSCAN [10] is the first and most representativedensity-based clustering method developed for certaindata. To demonstrate density-based clustering methodsbased on distribution similarity, we develop the uncertain

    DBSCAN method which integrates KL divergence intoDBSCAN. Different to the FDBSCAN method [21] which isbased on geometric distances and finds dense regions in theoriginal geometric space, the uncertain DBSCAN methodtransforms objects into a different space where the distribu-tion differences are revealed.

    The uncertain DBSCAN method finds dense regionsthrough core objects whose "-neighborhood contains at least objects. Formally, P is a core object, if

    fQ 2 OOjDQ k P "g ! :An object Q is said to be direct density-reachable from an

    object P if DQ k P " and P is a core object.Initially, every core object forms a cluster. Two clusters

    are merged together if a core object of one cluster is density-reachable from a core object of the other cluster. A noncore

    object is assigned to the closest core object if it is directdensity reachable from this core object. The algorithmiteratively examines objects in the data set until no newobject can be added to any cluster.

    Note that direct density-reachability described above is anasymmetric relationship. This is not caused by the asym-metry of KL divergence. The relationship is also asymmetricon certain data where similarity between points aremeasured by the square of euclidean distance.

    The quality of the clustering obtained by the uncertainDBSCAN method depends on the parameters " and . Wewill show the performance in Section 6.

    The complexity of the uncertain DBSCAN method isOn2E where n is the number of uncertain objects and Eis the cost of evaluating the KL divergence of two objects.Essentially, the KL divergence of any pair of objects isevaluated because we do not assume any index on thedata set.

    5 BOOSTING COMPUTATIONThe uncertain k-medoids method, the randomized k-me-doids method, and the uncertain DBSCAN method allrequire evaluation of KL divergences of many pairs ofobjects. As the number of uncertain objects and the samplesize of each object increase, it is costly to evaluate a largeamount of KL divergence expressions. In this section, we firstshow the implementation technique to save the computationin Section 5.1. Then, Section 5.2 introduces fast Gausstransform to provide a fast approximation of KL divergencein the continuous case.

    5.1 Efficient ImplementationIn both the uncertain and randomized k-medoids methodsbut not DBSCAN, the most used operation is computing thedifference between two KL divergence expressions, DP kC DP k C0, for example, to decide whether P should beassigned to representative Cor C0, and to compute the DECof replacing a representative.

    We can evaluate the divergence difference DP kC DP k C0 more efficiently than evaluating the twodivergences separately and then computing the subtraction.

    In the discrete case, applying (4), we have








    Pp log PpCp


    Pp log PpC0p


    Pp log C0p log Cp:10

    In the continuous case, applying (7), we have

    DP k C DP k C0







    jPjXp2P log C0


    log C



    By directly computing the difference between the twodivergence expressions, we simplify the computation in


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    both the discrete and continuous cases. More importantly,we avoid evaluating the term log Pp in the continuouscase, thus substantially reduce the computation in densityestimation.

    5.2 Fast Gauss Transform for Efficiently CalculatingProbability Density Functions

    The probability mass functions of uncertain objects in the

    discrete case can be directly calculated as shown in (2). Thecomplexity is linear to the sample size of the uncertainobject. Moreover, as the domain is finite, we can precom-pute the probability mass function of every object and storethem in a hash table either in-memory or on-disk.

    However, in the continuous case, the complexity ofcalculating the probability density functions is quadratic tothe sample size of the uncertain object. Precomputation isnot feasible since the domain is uncountably infinite. Nomatter we evaluate KL divergences directly or evaluate thedivergence differences as described in Section 5.1, the majorcost is on evaluating the following expression:




    e p:Djq:Dj


    2h2C;j : 12

    It requires to evaluate the sum of N Gaussian functions atM points, where N is the sample size of C and M is thesample size of P. Straightforwardly, N M Gaussianfunctions are evaluated, and the computational complexityis ON M. Clearly, it is costly for large N and M. Tomake the computation practical for large data sets, weresort to approximate (12).

    The main idea of approximating the sum of a series of

    Gaussian functions is to make use of the fact that theprobability density of the Gaussian function decays ex-ponentially and is negligible outside a certain distance tothe center of the Gaussian. The fast Gauss transform [13] isone of the best techniques to do the job. It reduces thecomputational complexity from ON M to ON Musing a divide-and-conquer strategy and combined with themanipulation of Hermite polynomial expansions andTaylor series. However, as pointed out by Yang et al. [38],the constant factor in ON M grows exponentially withrespect to the dimensionality d, which makes the techniqueimpractical for d > 3. Yang et al. [38] developed animproved fast Gauss transform to reduce the constantfactor to asymptotically polynomial order. We adopt theirimproved Gauss transform to boost the efficiency ofevaluating (11).

    The improved fast Gauss transform takes advantages ofthe exponential decay of the Gaussian. Another keytechnique is to expand the sum of Gaussian functions intoa multivariate Taylor expansion and truncate the series afterdegree p, where p is chosen to be sufficiently large such thatthe bounded error is no more than the precision parameter .

    To evaluate (12), the algorithm works in the followingsteps:

    . Step 1: Approximate the sample of C by clustering.Partition the N sample points of C into k clustersS1; . . . ; Sk using the farthest point clustering algo-rithm [12], [11] such that the maximum radius of all

    clusters is less than h1, here h is the bandwidth ofthe Gaussian function and 1 is a controllingparameter.

    . Step 2: Choose parameter p for truncating Taylorexpansion. Choose p sufficiently large such that theerror estimate is less than the precision . Here, theerror atany point ofPisboundedby N2pp! 12 e


    where 2 is a controlling parameter.. Step 3: Compute the coefficients of the Taylor

    expansion. For each cluster Si (1 i k), let cidenote the center found by the farthest pointclustering algorithm, compute the coefficients below

    Ci 2jj




    eq:Djci :Dj2

    h2q ci



    Here, 1; . . . ; d is a multiindex which is ad-dimensional vector of nonnegative integers. For

    any multiindex and any real value vector x

    x:D1; . . . ;x:Dd

    , we define the following operations:

    x x:D11 x:Ddd ;jj 1 d;! 1! d!:

    . Step 4: Compute the sum of approximated Gaussianfunctions. For each point s 2 P, find the clusterswhose centers lie within the range h2. Then, thesum of Gaussian functions in (12) is evaluated as









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    6.1 Synthetic Data

    We generated data sets in both continuous and discretedomains. In the continuous case, an uncertain object is asample drawn from a continuous distribution. In thediscrete case, a data set is generated by converting a dataset in the continuous case. We discretized the continuousdomain by partitioning it into a grid. Every dimension isequally divided into two parts. So, a d-dimensional spaceis divided into 2d cells of equal size. We use the centralpoints of cells as values in the discrete domain. Theprobability of an object in a cell is the sum of theprobabilities of all its sample points in this cell.

    The data space was restricted to 0; 1d. We use threedifferent types of distributions shown in Fig. 2, the uniformdistribution, the Gaussian distribution, and the inverseGaussian distribution. An inverse Gaussian distributionwas generated from a Gaussian distribution. Given a pointx in a Gaussian distribution, we generated a point y for theinverse Gaussian distribution according to the followingformula for 1 i d,

    y:Di 1:5 x:Di ifx:Di 2 0:5; 1;0:5 x:Di if x:Di 2 0; 0:5:&

    We consider four major factors in our experiments, thedimensionality d of the data space (from 2 to 10), thecardinality (i.e., the number of objects) n of the data set(from 50 to 10,000), the sample size s (from 50 to 900), andthe number of clusters k (from 3 to 25).

    Given the number of clusters k for a data set, wegenerated k probability density functions, in which there isone uniform distribution, k 1=2 Gaussian distributionswith different variances, and



    =2 inverse Gaussian

    distributions with different variances. The variance of theith Gaussian/inverse Gaussian distribution is 0:05i. Foreach distribution, we generated a group of samples, each ofwhich forms one object. Thus, objects in the same group aresampled from the same probability density function. Thenumber of objects of a group was randomly picked with anexpectation of nk . We made sure that the total number ofobjects is equal to n. As we generated a synthetic data setin this way, we have the ground truth of the clustering inthe data set. We used the ground truth to evaluate theclustering quality of our algorithms.

    Our experiments include three parts. Section 6.1.1 first

    evaluates the effect of KL divergence used in clusteringmethods presented in Section 4. Then, Section 6.1.2 showsthe speedup by the implementation techniques and fastGauss transform introduced in Section 5. Last, Section 6.1.3

    shows the scalability and feasibility of our algorithms onlarge data sets.

    6.1.1 Effectiveness of KL Divergence in Clustering

    We first compare the clustering quality of KL divergenceswith geometric distances in both partitioning clusteringmethods and density-based clustering methods. For parti-tioning clustering methods, we implemented the UK-means method [24] (denoted by UK) using geometric

    distances as well as the uncertain k-medoids method(denoted by KM-KL) and the randomized k-medoidsmethod (denoted by RKM-KL) using KL divergences. Fordensity-based clustering methods, we implemented theFDBSCAN method [21] (denoted by FD) using geometricdistances and the uncertain DBSCAN method (denoted byDB-KL) using KL divergences.

    We use precision and recall as the quality measurements.Let jG denote the ground truth clustering generated by thesynthetic data generator, CC is the clustering obtained by aclustering method. Two objects are called a pair if theyappear in the same cluster in a clustering. We define

    TP true positive, the set of common pairs of objects inboth GG and CC;

    FP false positive, the set of pairs of objects in CC butnot GG;

    FS false negative, the number of pairs of objects in GGbut not CC.

    Then, the precision and recall of a clustering CC arecalculated, respectively, as

    precisionCC jT Pj=jT Pj jF Pj;recallCC jT Pj=jT Pj jF Nj:

    By default a data set contains n 100 objects, each ofwhich has s 100 sample points in a d 4 dimensionalspace. The number of clusters is k 6 by default.

    We note that density-based methods, FD and DB-KL, donot use k as a parameter. Instead, the clustering is controlledby the minimum number ofpointsrequiredtoformaclusterand the neighborhood distance/divergence. As suggested in[21], we set 5 and varied " so that FD and DB-KL canoutput approximately the specified number k of clusters.

    Figs. 3 and 4 compare the precision and recall of UK, KM-KL, RKM-KL, FD, and DB-KL in the continuous case,respectively. Clearly, geometric distance-based methods

    UK and FD have very poor precision and recall, while theKL divergence-based methods KM-KL, RKM-KL, and DB-KL can obtain much better clustering. KM-KL has higherprecision and recall than the randomized versions RKM-KL,


    Fig. 2. Three types of distributions.

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    since the uncertain k-medoids method tries to find theoptimal nonrepresentative object for swapping in eachiteration. In the discrete case, as shown in Figs. 5 and 6, wesee similar results as in the continuous case.

    We also see that the precision and recall of all algorithms

    follow similar trends. They are not sensitive to thedimensionality. They increase as the sample size increasesor the number of clusters decreases. Also, they drop whenthere are more clusters in a data set since the number ofobject pairs in a clustering decreases linearly as k increases;thus, the misclustered pairs incur large penalties on theprecision and recall.

    6.1.2 Efficiency of Boosting Techniques

    Fig. 7 shows the speedup of the boosting techniques,especially the fast Gauss transform. We plot the runtime ofKM-KL, RKM-KL, and DB-KL and their corresponding

    methods implemented with the fast Gauss transform,annotated by KM-KL-FGT, RKM-KL-FGT, and DB-KL-FGT. Methods with the fast Gauss transform are signifi-cantly faster than their counterparts, since the fast Gauss

    transform brings down the complexity of evaluating the

    sum of KL divergences from quadratic to linear.Figs. 8 and 9 show that the precision and recall of the

    methods with the fast Gauss transform are slightly lower

    than their counterparts which compute KL divergences

    directly due to the error incurred in the approximation.In a word, the fast Gauss transform is a tradeoff between

    quality and time. The experiment results show that it can

    speed up the clustering a lot with an acceptable accuracy


    6.1.3 Scalability

    As the uncertain k-medoids method and the uncertain

    DBSCAN method have quadratic complexity with respect

    to the number of objects, they cannot scale on data sets with

    a large number of objects. In this section, we test

    the scalability of the randomized k-medoids method onlarge data sets which consist of4;000 objects and 300 sample

    points in a 4D space by default. The number of clusters in a

    data set is k 10 by default.


    Fig. 3. Comparison in precision between KL divergences and geometric distances in the continuous case.

    Fig. 4. Comparison in recall between KL divergences and geometric distances in the continuous case.

    Fig. 5. Comparison in precision between KL divergences and geometric distances in the discrete case.

    Fig. 6. Comparison in recall between KL divergences and geometric distances in the discrete case.

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    Figs. 10 and 11 show similar trends of precision andrecall of RKM-KL and RKM-KL-FGT as on small data sets.

    Fig. 12 shows the runtime of RKM-KL and RKM-KL-FGTon large data sets. RKM-KL scales well as the number ofobjects increases; however, it suffers from the quadraticcomplexity of evaluating the sum of KL divergences withrespect to the sample size. Thanks to the fast Gaussiantransform, RKM-KL-FGT is scalable on data sets with both alarge number of objects and a large sample per object.

    6.2 Real Data

    We obtained a weather data set from the National Center

    for Atmospheric Research data archive ( sets/ds512.0/). The data set consists of 2;936stations around the world. Each station contains 366 dailyrecords in the year of 2008. Each record has threedimensions, average temperature, precipitation, and aver-age humidity. We labeled the climate type of each station

    according to the Koppen-Geiger climate classification [28].

    For the ground truth, stations with the same label areconsidered to be in the same cluster. In total, we have five

    clusters, tropical climate, dry climate, temperate climate,

    continental climate, and polar climate.Fig. 13 shows an example distribution of each of the

    five climates. We only plot dimensions of average

    temperature and precipitation for better visualization.

    Clearly, we observe the difference among the five types

    of climates.Fig. 14 shows the results of the UK, RKM-KL, RKM-KL-

    FGT, and a random clustering methods (denoted by RD)

    on the weather data set. The random clustering method

    randomly assigns an object to one of the k clusters, and it

    serves as the baseline of other methods. We see that RKM-

    KL and RKM-KL-FGT have much higher precision and

    recall than RD and UK. RKM-KL-FGT has feasible running

    time comparing to RKM-KL.


    Fig. 7. Comparison in runtime between methods w/ and w/o the fastGauss transform in the continuous case.

    Fig. 8. Comparison in precision between methods w / and w/o the fast

    Gauss transform in the continuous case.

    Fig. 9. Comparison in recall between methods with and without the fastGauss transform in the continuous case.

    Fig. 10. Precision on large data sets in the continuous case.

    Fig. 11. Recall on large data sets in continuous case.

    Fig. 12. Runtime on large data sets in continuous cases.

    Fig. 13. Example distributions of the five types of climates.

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    6.3 Summary

    In summary, both partitioning and density-based clusteringmethods have better clustering quality when using KLdivergences as similarity than using geometric distances.The results confirm that KL divergence can naturallycapture the distribution difference which geometric dis-tance cannot capture.

    To boost the computation in the continuous case tobattle the costly kernel density estimation, the fast Gauss

    transform can speed up the clustering a lot with anacceptable accuracy tradeoff. To scale on large data sets,the randomized k-medoids method equipped with theGauss transform has linear complexity with respect to boththe number of objects and the sample size per object. It canperform scalable clustering tasks on large data sets withmoderate accuracy.


    In this paper, we explore clustering uncertain data based onthe similarity between their distributions. We advocateusing the Kullback-Leibler divergence as the similaritymeasurement, and systematically define the KL divergencebetween objects in both the continuous and discrete cases.We integrated KL divergence into the partitioning anddensity-based clustering methods to demonstrate theeffectiveness of clustering using KL divergence. To tacklethe computational challenge in the continuous case,we estimate KL divergence by kernel density estimationand employ the fast Gauss transform technique to furtherspeed up the computation. The extensive experimentsconfirm that our methods are effective and efficient.

    The most important contribution of this paper is tointroduce distribution difference as the similarity measure

    for uncertain data. Besides clustering, similarity is also offundamental significance to many other applications, such asnearest neighbor search. In the future, we will study thoseproblems on uncertain data based on distribution similarity.


    The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers andthe associate editor for their constructive and criticalcomments on the paper. The research of Bin Jiang and JianPei is supported in part by an NSERC Discovery Grant andan NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement Grant. The

    research of Yufei Tao is supported in part by grants GRF4169/09, GRF 4166/10, and GRF 4165/11 from HKRGC.The research of Xuemin Lin is supported in part by grantsARCDP110102937, ARCDP0987557, ARCDP0881035, and

    NSFC61021004. All opinions, findings, conclusions, and

    recommendations in this paper are those of the authors and

    do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.

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    Bin Jiang received the BSc and MSc degreesin computer science from Peking University,China, and the University of New South Wales,Australia, respectively. He is currently workingtoward the PhD degree in the School of

    Computing Science at Simon Fraser University,Canada. His research interests lie in mininguncertain data.

    Jian Pei is a professor in the School ofComputing Science at Simon Fraser University,Canada. His research interests can be summar-ized as developing effective and efficient dataanalysis techniques for novel data intensiveapplications. He is currently interested in varioustechniques of data mining, web search, informa-tion retrieval, data warehousing, online analyticalprocessing, and database systems, as well astheir applications in social networks, health-

    informatics, business, and bioinformatics. His research has beensupported in part by government funding agencies and industrypartners. He has published prolifically and served regularly for theleading academic journals and conferences in his fields. He is anassociate editor of the ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery fromData (TKDD) and new editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions of Knowl-edge and Data Engineering (TKDE) beginning in 2013. He is therecipient of several prestigious awards. He is a senior member of theAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

    Yufei Tao is a is a full professor at the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong. He also holds a visitingprofessor position, under the World Class Uni-versity (WCU) program of the Korean govern-

    ment, at the Korea Advanced Institute ofScience and Technology (KAIST). He is anassociate editor of the ACM Transactions onDatabase Systems (TODS) an d th e IEEETransactions on Knowledge and Data Engineer-ing (TKDE). He is/was a PC cochair of ICDE

    2014, a PC cochair of SSTD 2011, an area PC chair of ICDE 2011, anda senior PC member of CIKM 2010, 2011, and 2012. He is a member ofthe IEEE.

    Xuemin Lin received the BSc degree in appliedmath from Fudan University in 1984 and the PhDdegree in computer science from the Universityof Queensland in 1992. He is a professor in theSchool of Computer Science and Engineering,the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Hehas been the head of the database researchgroup at UNSW since 2002. He is a concurrentprofessor in the School of Software, East ChinaNormal University. Before joining UNSW, he

    held various academic positions at the University of Queensland and theUniversity of Western Australia. During 1984-1988, he studied for thePhD degree in applied math at Fudan University. He is currently anassociate editor of the ACM Transactions on Database Systems. Hiscurrent research interests lie in data streams, approximate queryprocessing, spatial data analysis, and graph visualization. He is aseniore member of the IEEE.

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