CLUBHOUSES CHANGING ROOMS 2 - Welsh Rugby · PDF file · 2011-09-15CLUBHOUSES &...


Transcript of CLUBHOUSES CHANGING ROOMS 2 - Welsh Rugby · PDF file · 2011-09-15CLUBHOUSES &...

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Facilities Guidance Note 2

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Facilities Guidance Note 2


INTRODUCTIONThis guide provides a checklist of standardsfor the design and construction of changingrooms and clubhouses for a new facility,extension to your existing clubhouse orrefurbishment of your existing facilities. Itis intended as a guide and should assistboth your project steering group andappointed consultants when undertakingthe feasibility study, scheme developmentand any applications for funding.


It is recommended that your project steeringgroup, prior to commencing the proposeddesign and the selection and appointmentof any professional team, assemble thefollowing information:

• a site plan that shows the extent andscope of your land ownership, legalagreements, covenants, way-leaves andrights of way, etc

• existing buildings, mains services andpitch layouts, local knowledge ofground conditions and site factors

• grounds maintenance arrangements

• existing and future programme of use,including age and sex of players, i.e.senior male, senior female, junior male,junior female

• car parking requirements

• access and usage by people/players withdisabilities (Facilities Guidance Note 4Accessible Facilities & Compliance with the DDA)

• initial outline and schedule of proposedaccommodation for changing roomsand support accommodation

• other sports uses and events on the site. This is of particular relevance if your club

caters for a number of different sportsthat operate in different seasons or takeplace indoors

• details of any initial consultations withthe Local Planning Authority, otheragencies and organisations

• funding sources and initial capital.

Carefully consider the options in whether tobuild new facilities or refurbish/extendexisting buildings. When related to the costof carrying out a refurbishment project,where refurbishment project costs are inexcess of 70% of a replacement building, theyshould be not considered of sufficient valuefor money in the long term (Sport England).

Access and usage by people with disabilitiesneed to meet the Disability Discrimination Act1995 and the Disabled Rights CommissionCode of Practice.


The selection and appointment of yourprofessional team is an important processand it is recommended that you refer to theSport England/CABE document; BetterPlaces for Sport: a client guide to achievingdesign. The guide provides a best practiceguide on preparation, design, constructionand use and is available via the WRUwebsite.

For design quality, the architect or designeris the most important choice. The RoyalInstitute of British Architects (RIBA) ClientAdvisory Service can supply names ofsuitable designers. The WRU would alsorecommend the appointment of aConstruction & Design Manager and/orIndependent Building Control Advisor to theproject and that the club ensures that allcontractors carry suitable ProfessionalIndemnity Insurance.

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Facilities Guidance Note 2



Each site will vary and have specific sitefactors that will influence design solutionsand project details. Your feasibility study isa crucial and necessary process that willenable your project steering group andprofessional team to make informeddecisions for submission of a well designedproject. The feasibility study should coversuch areas as: Site and buildings

• Access, car parking and emergencyvehicle access (refer to Sport England Guide on Car Park and LandscapeDesign)

• Site boundaries and adjoining owners,including use

• Topography (levels, trees and specialfeatures)

• Existing mains services, loading andcapacity

• Orientation, view of pitches andexposure to wind and weather

• Site locations (alternatives)

• Geotechnical investigation (groundconditions)

• Town planning issues including landdesignations, Unitary Development Planand Local Plan

• Audit of existing buildings and facilitiesincluding general conditions

• Access for people with disabilities

• Existing accommodation, includingplans, sections and elevations

• Safety and security

• Grounds maintenance.

Your team/appointed consultants will beable to develop the initial brief into anarchitectural brief and schedule ofaccommodation with actual room sizes and

performance standards. This schedule willalso enable a footprinting and optionsappraisal to be carried out. The range andnumbers of pitches should be taken accountof in relation to the number of changingrooms, showers and toilet arrangementsthat will be required, together with thetypes of usage, i.e. male/female, age andpeak demand, and provision of officials’changing and first aid/treatment rooms.Longer term developments and extensionsshould also be considered. Your sportsdevelopment plan may anticipate a futureincrease in players and types of users. Spacefor additional changing rooms and socialaccommodation should be allowed for.


Ideally, any entrances to the pavilion should beoriented away from the direction of theprevailing wind. However, to permitcomfortable viewing of the principal pitch fromthe pavilion, the building should not face thesetting sun. Club room glazing provided forviewing pitches must be carefully specified anddetailed to combat glare; roof overhangs orscreening may be required. Consider carefullythe use of safety glazing.

Diagram 1

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Facilities Guidance Note 2


LOCATION(DIAGRAM 2)Clubhouse and changing room developmentneeds to be considered in the context of thesite as a whole. The shape and contours ofthe available site will obviously influence thelocation of a pavilion. However, in mostinstances, the proximity of an existing accessroad and/or the necessary main services willbe of prime importance if unnecessary andexpensive site development costs are to beavoided. It is essential that the site shouldprovide:

• sufficient space for the proposedpavilion as well as space for futureexpansion

• adequate car parking provision,including the potential for overspillparking

• access for service and emergencyvehicles, service deliveries, maintenancevehicles and equipment

• a reasonable relationship with thesports spaces it will serve

• number of pitches should be in relationto the number of changing rooms,showers and toilet arrangements.

OPTIONS/FOOTPRINTING(DIAGRAM 3)The development of the project brief into aschedule of accommodation with proposedsizes will enable your consultants to carry outan options appraisal that includes critical sitefactors, possible locations and spatialrequirements related to the available land.Each option should be considered and theadvantages and disadvantages clearly shownand commented upon. Future developmentsshould also be shown. This exercise shouldlead to an agreed option being identifiedwhich can then be developed more fully withplans, sections and elevations so that theproposals are fully understood by yoursteering group.

Diagram 2

Diagram 1 (continued)

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Facilities Guidance Note 2


ACCOMMODATION(DIAGRAM 4)The scale and the type of the changingaccommodation depend upon the numberand type of pitches served as well as thedifferent sports that may use the facility. Thegeneral accommodation could include:

• Changing rooms

• Showers and dry off areas

• Toilets

• Separate officials’ accommodation

• Club room

• Bar and bar storage

• Cleaner’s cupboard/store

• Entrance lobby

• Plant room

• Disabled toilets

• Kitchen

• Office

• First aid/physio room

• Equipment storage (social and sporting)

Careful planning of the accommodation isessential to ensure a successful scheme andspecial consideration should be given to thefollowing points:

• Include an entrance lobby for even the smallest pavilion; never enter directly into a corridor

• Separation of changing and wet and muddy areas from any social or indoor sports accommodation

• Provide planning flexibility to respond to different levels of male/female use

• Plan for simple, straightforward circulation routes

• Ensure access for disabled users; includea lift to upper level social or club accommodation

• Plan for convenient access to pitches and satisfactory viewing of the principalplaying areas

• Never plan grass pitch changing rooms with stair access at first floor level

• Provide well considered entrances and lobbies and make provision for boot cleaning

• A flexible social and catering layout

• If it is proposed to have a licensed bar area, consultations and requirements for this should be addressed at an earlystage. Security and protection of your buildings when unoccupied has to be considered and reflected in the design solutions and construction details

• Break-ins through windows and doors are a common occurrence and easy access routes to roofs should be avoided.Good external lighting, security systems and CCTV installations will greatly help toprotect your building.

Each option should be considered and theadvantages and disadvantages clearlyshown and commented upon. Futuredevelopments should also be shown. Thisexercise should lead to an agreed option

1 Element 1 (Clubhouse)• Clubroom/Bar/Social• Kitchen/Food prep/Stores• Bar/Stores• Refuse area

2 Element 2 (Support core)• Male/Female toilets• Disabled toilet /shower• Office/Store• Officials M/F• Plant room• Cleaner

3 Element 3 (changing rooms)• Male/Female changing rooms:

16 person• Ensuite showers/drying area• 2 toilets (or 1 urinal, 1 toilet)

+ 2 handbasins

Future extensions



2 1







1 2



First flooroption

Diagram 3


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Facilities Guidance Note 2


being identified which can then be developedmore fully with plans, sections and elevationsso that the proposals are fully understood byyour steering group (Diagram 4 illustratessome of the spatial relationships of aclubhouse.)

DisabilityAccess and usage by people with disabilitiesneed to meet the Disability Discrimination Act1995 and the Disabled Rights CommissionCode of Practice. For further information inthis area, refer to Facilities Guidance Note 4 -Accessible Facilities and Compliance with DDAor Sport England’s Access for Disabled PeopleGuidance Note.

Baby changing units should be installedwithin disabled lavatories.

Child protection and equityIn line with its Safeguarding and EquityPolicies, the WRU recommends that all newbuild projects or extensions provide changingrooms with ensuite showers and toilets. Anyclub wishing to deviate from thisrecommendation needs to enforce suitable riskmanagement procedures in line with the club’sown child protection policy. Clubs’ seeking torefurbish existing changing rooms should showdue diligence in applying best practice todesign or programming solutions forcommunal facilities in addressing the site’s ownchild protection and equity policies.

CHANGING ROOMS -RECOMMENDED STANDARDS(DIAGRAM 5)Changing room designs and layouts shouldfollow these minimum standards butreference should also be made to WRUlicensing criteria where appropriate.

• Corridors serving the changing roomsshould have a width of 1200-1800mm inline with DDA requirements and shouldalso be appropriate to the usage of thesite

• When calculating changing room space,allow for 1.1m2 minimum per playerincluding a mandatory bench space of650mm width x 400mm bench depth.

This refers to the overall changing roomspace and must not include the en-suitefacilities (lavatories, showers, drying area) norany space deemed to be common circulation.Diagram 5 demonstrates this space

• Layouts must provide flexibility for different proportions of male/female use

• All changing areas should be fitted withsight screens to deny views in

• If clothes storage lockers are included with changing, the recommended areasmust be increased to accommodate thespace taken up by the lockers

• Wheelchair access for parents or coachesshould be considered by all clubs when designing their facility. If the siteprovides sports facilities for wheelchair users such as hard court areas, sportshalls or artificial turf pitches, it may beappropriate that the design complieswith Access for Disabled People Guide

• When developing designs andspecifications for sports pavilions,whether new-build or improvementworks, account must be taken on aproportionate basis of the needs ofplayers, staff and visitors from ethnic orminority groups in the catchment areaof the facility.



47 16


811 11

11 11







1 Terrace overlooking pitches.2 Club room3 Kitchen4 Bar5 Cellar6 Yard7 Store8 Female WC9 Male WC

10 Disabled WC11 Change/showers/WC’s12 Plant13 Cleaner14 Lobby15 Future Extensions (changing rooms)16 Office first aid17 Officials


6 5




Diagram 4

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Facilities Guidance Note 2


Examples include enhanced levels ofchanging privacy, and particular hygienerequirements in toilets

• The design of the self-contained change/shower/toilet unit for people withdisabilities, may also serve to meet therequirements of a range of user groups.


• Each changing unit requires its own showers located as far as possible from changing entrances and WCs to minimise water migration and to separate mud and moisture

• All en-suite changing accommodationshould follow the shower, toilet, washhand basin ratios outlined in Table 1 below

• Allow a minimum of one shower point per four players

• Shower outlets must be at minimum of750mm intervals, with a minimum of

450mm between end fittings and side walls. Fittings carried around an internalcorner must maintain these minimum standards

• Showers on opposing walls should be spaced 2.3m apart to permit a central circulation route and will require a separate dry-off area to one end

• Drying areas should be 0.85m2 per shower head

• Disabled access to showers should be based on the site’s user profile. If disabled performers are an identified user, at least one drop down seat and appropriate grab rail should be incorporated into one shower space. The seat must fold up out of the way when not required

• Further information on dedicateddisabled shower units can be found in Facilities Guidance Note 4 - Accessible Facilities and Compliance with DDA andthe Sport England ‘Accessible Sports facilities’ document.

Changing 17.68sqm


5200 18001800

3400 6.12sqm




Diagram 5



750 1450








Shower area

Shower area

Shower area

All measurements in mm

Drying off area

Drying off area

Towel hooks

Towel hooks



Diagram 6

Table 1 - En-suite changing room provision

Player numbers WCs Basins Showers Standard Bench space







650mm x 400mm19/2021/2221/22






23/24 4 3 6 Minimum


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Facilities Guidance Note 2


TOILETSEach en-suite changing room should beequipped with toilet to players ratios asoutlined in Table 1 - En-suite changing roomprovision.

Communal facilities should only beconsidered for existing facility upgrade andrefurbishment. For new build and extensions,en-suite facilities are the minimumrequirement. Please refer to Table 2 above forminimum criteria for communal facilities.

• Wash hand basins and urinal bowls mustbe a minimum of 700mm centres

• If urinal trays are preferred, allow for a minimum width of 700mm per person.


• The facilities should include a minimumof one self-contained changing room for use by officials

• On new-builds or extensions, the WRU would also recommend a second self-contained officials’ changing room toallow for both male and female usage

• Within a refurbished scheme, the clubshould make suitable provision to meetits own equity policy when applied tomatch officials. This room can double upas a first aid room or treatment room onnon-match days

• There should be space for a minimum of1.1m2 clear floor space per person

• There must be changing space for threematch officials providing a minimum of0.85m2 clear floor area per person

• There must be one WC, one wash handbasin and one shower outlet with adedicated immediately adjacent dryingspace of at least 0.85m2.

Reference should also be made to the WRUlicensing criteria where appropriate.

CLEANERS’ STOREA lockable cupboard for cleaning materialsis the minimum provision required. Formulti-team pavilions, provide a store withshelving and a bucket sink adjacent to thechanging rooms.

Number of players (to a maximum of)

30 60 70 100

WCs 3 4 5 6

Urinals 3 4 5 6

Wash basins 2 3 4 5

Showers 8 12 14 20

Table 2 - Communal changing room provision





800 900

Option 1

Option 22000


1950 1950

Diagram 7 - Typical match officials’ changing rooms

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Facilities Guidance Note 2


CLUB ROOM(DIAGRAM 8)The club room should have large windowsfor viewing the principal activity. Considerthe range of potential uses that the clubroom could accommodate. Provide a storefor furniture, so that part of the floor can becleared for dancing, and allow space forsports equipment.

BUILDING EXTERIOR• A vandal-resistant design is invariably

required, with limited openings andcareful detailing. The degree ofprotection will be determined bylocation and the need to design inkeeping with the surroundings.

• Pitched roofs are less vulnerable to illicitaccess. Profiled aluminium/coated steel is preferred to resist breakage andvandalism, but if the roof is slated ortiled a plywood underlay makes a break-in more difficult.

• Roof overhangs make access moredifficult in single-storey buildings andgive protection to people and wallfinishes.

Diagram 8

8-team, integral WCs, external access

8-team with club room and accessverandas

8-team with central corridor and WCsat pitch exit and in the foyer

8-team with part-integrated WCprovision in place of field exit units

8-team with en suite WCs

Diagram 8 (continued)


Large-scale pavilion with all social content at first floor

Single-bank changing with club serviceand officials’ rooms opposite

Mix of individual and communalchanging with club room and bar area

8-team, back-to-back showers, part-integral,part-centralised WCs

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Facilities Guidance Note 2


• Windows in changing rooms shouldgenerally be avoided. Roof lights toboth changing rooms and corridors aremore secure and can produce a lighter,more airy environment, but they shouldbe fitted with internal grilles.

• Wall finishes should be selected with theproblem of graffiti in mind. Detailingshould not assist vertical access.Rainwater downpipes and their fixingsshould therefore be specified with care.

• On some sites, it will be inadvisable toinclude open porches or other places ofpotential concealment.

• Window frames must be in hardwood,aluminium, galvanised steel or UPVC toreduce maintenance.

• External doors should be limited innumber and of robust specification.Where there is central internalcirculation, avoid individual field exitsfrom changing rooms, which increasefloor area and decrease security.

• Door and veranda thresholds must beramped for wheelchair access. Thenumber of door openings should berestricted and door leaves andironmongery should be of a highspecification.

• Consider roller shutters to windows inall locations prone to vandalism.

• Consult with the local police crimeadvisor during development ofclubhouses, particularly in risky areas orlocations.

EXTERNAL WORKS• Provide non-slip, well-drained surfaces

in the vicinity of the building. Avoid theuse of light coloured pavings to terraces- they can cause distracting glare.

• Disabled parking bays should be as closeas possible to the entrance and haveramped curbs.

• Coach as well as car parking will usuallybe required and service vehicle accessand turning must also be considered.

• Synthetic-surfaced playing areas requirepaved access to the pavilion, routed todeter use by grass pitch players.

• Good lighting levels are an essentialsafety feature around the building andthe car park.

• Boot scrapers outside the changingentrance encourage boot cleaning andremoval, especially if under cover.

• Buildings always look better whenproper attention has been paid to theirimmediate surroundings.

BUILDING INTERIOR FLOORS• Concrete floor construction is required

for all ground floors either power-floated or screeded, or screeded pre-castplanks.

• In changing rooms and showers, floorfinishes must be flush and have durable,non-slip surfaces.

• Shower dry-off zones and changingrooms should be laid to fall towards theshower floor, which in turn, should fallto a drainage channel with a continuouslift out grille.

• The main entrance and changingentrances require footwells of at least1.2m length, with mats for bothscraping and drying.

• Floors outside the changing areas,especially in rooms at an upper level,can have less durable finishes and carpetis often preferred in these social spaces.

• Club, weights or fitness rooms that areadjacent to changing could have heavieruse and need to be specified with care.

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Facilities Guidance Note 2


WALLS• Internal walls must be strong enough to

withstand impact and to support coatpeg rails and possibly kit bag rackingand canti-levered benching. Brick, denseconcrete block and modular concretepanels are suitable materials

• Robust timber framing can providequick and economic construction butmust be carefully specified and detailedwith particular attention to moistureprotection. Wooden skirting should beavoided in changing rooms andcorridors.

• Always raise stud-frame sole platesabove slab level on a concrete curb.

• Partition lining should be plywood orglass fibre reinforced plasterboard. Ifplasterboard is used as a finish, it mustbe backed with plywood. Marine gradeplywood is essential behind showertiling.

• Walls to showers must be finished withceramic tiles from floor to ceiling. Ifwalls continue upwards to meet apitched roof, tiles can be stopped atdoor height.

• Doors should be of solid coreconstruction with good qualityironmongery and protected with kickplates.

CEILINGS• Pitched roofs incorporating roof lights

invariably provide the most pleasantenvironment for changing.

• Lightweight suspended ceilings shouldnot be used as they are rapidly vandalised.

• In two-storey buildings, the ceiling finishshould be robust.

• Glass fibre reinforced plasterboardshould be specified throughoutchanging, shower and circulation areas.

BENCHES• Benches should be of slatted, light

coloured hardwood or dense, solidplastic planks. Note that aluminium/steel cantilever brackets for the benchescan provide easier access for cleaningfloors.

COAT HOOKS• Coat hooks should be mounted over

benches and in shower dry-off areas.Provide two snub pattern hooks foreach shower or bench space.

MIRRORS, NOTICE BOARDS, ETC• Fix mirrors in each changing unit.

• Wipe boards to be fitted in home andfirst team changing rooms.

• Provide notice boards in the entrancearea.

• Unisex changing rooms should providea vanity area with shelf and hairdryeroption.

HEATING• Radiators or heaters should be sited

beneath benches or in locations thatprevent damage or burns.

• The heating should be controlledcentrally with a time clock but withtamper-proof local thermostats to givea degree of limited local control andsensitivity. Frost protection must alwaysbe considered.

• Larger pavilions will have a boiler orplant room which should be located forease of service vehicle access.

• The type of heat source is dependent onthe fuel available and pattern of use.

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Facilities Guidance Note 2


• Electric convector heaters are cheap toinstall and easy to control withthermostats and time clocks, but they dohave high running costs and aregenerally of lightweight constructionand rot and deteriorate rapidly. If theyare used, they must be carefully selectedand specified.

• For pavilions/changing areas withcontinuous use, underfloor heatingusing off-peak electricity and buriedcables, or a water-based system with agas boiler will provide lifelong lowmaintenance and comfort, but bothsystems are more expensive to install.

• Gas or oil-fired water-based centralheating systems are likely to be the mostappropriate for most pavilions.

• Temperatures need to be: changing areas20-22°; toilets and other areas 18-20°.

• Provide background heating to givefrost protection in cold weather.

• Electric heaters must be robust andlocated for protection, for examplebeneath benches.

VENTILATION• Provide for efficient cross-ventilation

throughout the building by fitting airbricks, grilles and/or trickle ventilators inexternal walls. Undercut internal doorsor fit robust transfer grilles for ventilationwhen the building is locked up.

• Fit mechanical extracts to changing areatoilets, kitchens and shower areas.

• All fans should be fitted with humidistatsand over-run switches and provide eightair changes per hour. Good design of theheating and ventilation systems isimportant, not only to provide acomfortable environment but also toensure that the problems ofcondensation and mould growth areavoided. Due to the nature and type ofuse, changing rooms create conditionsthat are ideal for these problems.

INSULATION• Consider the provision of insulation

above Building Regulations standardsand other associated regulations.

LIGHTING• Light fittings should be fixed directly to

the wall or ceiling and be of robust,moisture-resistant design. Avoid cuttingthrough ceiling vapour barriers.

• Consider the use of presence detectorsthroughout.

• Provide 100-150 lux minimumthroughout the changing block, withswitching from a central, securelocation.

• Consider the need for external lightinglinked to time clocks or sensors.

POWER• Provide an electrical intake and meter

cupboard, even for the smallest pavilion.

• Fit elevated, guarded power sockets forcleaning equipment throughout thechanging areas.

• A corridor location is preferable and thecircuit should be protected with aresidual current circuit breaker.

OTHER ELECTRICAL SERVICES• Include a telephone in all but the

smallest pavilions.

• Consider an electronic security systemand contact the local Crime Prevention Officer for advice.

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Facilities Guidance Note 2


WATER SERVICES• Wherever possible, pipework should be

concealed in well-detailed, accessibleducts to reduce vandalism and toimprove its appearance.

• Insulate all pipework and run beneathroof/ceiling insulation for extraprotection and ease of maintenance.

• In ‘all-electric’ pavilions, consider acentral, multi-point heater in preferenceto individual shower or basin heaterswith limited output.

• Hot water storage is wasteful exceptwhere there is continuity of use, forexample in educational establishments.

• Cold water storage, if required, shouldbe in an insulated tank above a showeror other drained area with a frost-protection heater.

• If a drinks vending machine is fitted, itwill require a mains water supply.

• Use thermostatic mixing valves tocontrol the flow and temperature ofany stored water.

• Fit cylinders with centrally-located 7-day,24-hour time switches.

• Provide bib-cocks in shower areas toallow hosing down.

SANITARY FITTINGSSanitary fittings must be specified with care:

• ‘Back to wall’ WCs assist with cleaning.

• Individual wall-hung basins are easier tomaintain than a vanity top with insetbasins. Note that it is essential that thebasin mounting bracket is fitted with asubstantial fixing.

• Stainless steel fittings are appropriatefor some locations.

• Air-admittance valves, correctlyinstalled, should be used in preferenceto roof vent terminals to avoid havingto break through the roof finish.

SUSTAINABLE DESIGN ANDCONSTRUCTIONEveryone involved in the design, procurementor operation of any project should consider itssustainability, taking full account of alleconomic, social, environmental issues, designand specification standards. Your LocalAuthority Planning Department may requireclear statements and information on this topic.Further information on this subject is providedthrough the Sport England EnvironmentalSustainability Design Guidance Note.

CAPITAL COSTSFunding applications will require estimatedcosts prepared by your professional teamand these should include the following:

• Scheme drawings.

• Performance standards and specifications.

• Buildings and external work.

• Professional fees and statutory charges.

• Projected costs.

• VAT.

• Exclusions.

• Procurement method outlineprogramme with key dates and cashflow information for the business plan.As a guide, the average cost forchanging room and clubhouseconstruction stands at £1,450 per squaremetre on a national average as recordedby BCIS on 19/03/08.

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Facilities Guidance Note 2


PROCUREMENT ROUTESThere are three main methods of procuringbuildings:

TRADITIONAL is where design andconstruction are separate elements. A designteam prepares design and constructioninformation. Several contractors (usuallythree) are invited to tender and one isappointed to build the project. Qualitycontrol is the key strength of this method.

DESIGN AND BUILD entails a moreintegrated approach as the contractorstender before the construction informationis complete and so become involved duringthe design and preparation stages. Thecontractor is responsible for developing thedesign so cost control is the key strength butthis can be at the expense of quality. Theparallel working can save time.

CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT is wheneither client or contractor assumes a centralmanagement role and responsibility. Themost appropriate method will depend on thenature and scope of works, how the risks areallocated, design responsibility, coordinationand the basis of costs. The final choice couldalso be influenced by the funding body.

STAGE 4:APPLICATION CHECKLISTIn addition to completed application forms,an application should include:

• Feasibility study/architectural brief.

• Performance standards and specifications(mechanical and engineering).

• Planning permission.

• Design drawings - plans, sections andelevations (where appropriate) at scale 1:100.

• Detailed professional budget estimateor three detailed competitive tenders.

• Confirmation and details regardingprovision and access for people withdisabilities.

The WRU acknowledges the RFU, RugbyFootball Foundation, Sport England, theFootball Foundation and RLF Constructionand Property Consultants in the productionof this Guidance Note.

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Facilities Guidance Note 2



Sport WalesSport Wales, Sophia Gardens,Cardiff CF11 9SWTel: 0845 045 0904 Fax: (0845) 846 0014 E-mail:[email protected]


Commission for Architecture and the BuiltEnvironment (CABE)The Tower Building, 11 York Road,London SE1 7NXT: 020 7960 2400F: 020 7960 2444E: [email protected]:


The Royal Institute of British Architects(Client’s Advisory Service)T: 020 7307 3700E: [email protected]:

The Royal Institution of Chartered SurveyorsT: 020 7222 7000W:

The Association of Consulting EngineersT: 020 7222 6557

The Chartered Institute of Building ServicesT: 020 8675 5211

The Institution of Planning SupervisorsT: 0131 221 9959

The Landscape InstituteT: 020 7738 9166

The Sports and Play ConstructionAssociationT: 024 7641 6316E: [email protected]:


Centre for Accessible EnvironmentsNutmeg House, 60 Gainsford Street,London SE1 2NYT:020 7357 8182F: 020 7357 8183E: [email protected]:

Disability Rights Commission

DRC Helpline, Freepost MID 02164,Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 9HYT: 08457 622 633F: 08457 778 878E: [email protected]: 08457 622 644W:

For further information contact WRU Club Development officers:Nicola Smith – [email protected] Rose – [email protected]

The WRU shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of or reliance on theinformation contained in this Guidance Note.

The WRU reserves the right to amend or withdraw the information contained in this Guidance Note. Clubs should also refer to WRU entry and license criteria where appropriate.

Produced in association with the RFU.