Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 1 The honey bee is a very unusual kind of insect. _______ other insects which live alone, the honey bee lives as a _______ of a community. These bees live _______ in what is known as a bee colony. The head of the colony is called the queen bee. She is larger than the_______ of the bees. Her main task _______ the colony is to lay eggs. Most of the _______ bees are the worker bees. These bees _______ nectar and pollen from flowers. The nectar _______ is carried by the worker bees is deposited on the hive and then converted _______ honey. The worker bees also help look ________ the young bees. As soon as the eggs are ________, the worker bees feed the young bees ________ pollen and nectar. The third type of bee found in the colony is the drone or ________ bee. The main task of ________ a bee is to mate with a new queen. The queen bee has a life ________ of about three years. ________ this period, she would have ________ more than half a million eggs. ________ the queen bee is dying, a new queen would be groomed. This new queen would eventually take ________ the 'duties' of the old queen when the ________ dies. over | such | When | collect | hatched | male | rest | in | together | that | laid | after | latter | Unlike | During | with | other | into | member | span Question 2 "Would you like to buy a box of matchsticks, mister?" the little girl asked. The man _______ she approached did not even _______ to answer her. He shuffled _______ in his great coat, eager to get home _______ his cosy fireplace. The girl was shivering _______ the cold. It had been _______ continuously for the past two days. The girl's shoes, _______ were already thin were thoroughly soaked. Yet, her sweet, angelic _______ did not lose _______ innocent smile. It only made her ________ more pathetic when she knitted her brows sometimes. Her feet ________ sore with painful chilblains. Someone shouted, "Watch ________, girl!” It was too ________! The coach was going too fast and the ________ had not seen her earlier. There was barely enough ________ for the little girl to take a step back. In her hurry to get to ________, the basket of matchsticks fell ________ the snow. She ________ them up, wet and dirty from a puddle of melted snow. The matchstick couldn't be used now. As she began to make her way ________, she realised that she had lost ________ of her shoes in the snow. onto | driver | in | stop/bother | look | whom | to | safety | were | late | out | face | picked | home | One | time | snowing | which | its | away

Transcript of Cloze questions 1 to 50

Page 1: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 1

The honey bee is a very unusual kind of insect. _______ other insects which live alone, the honey bee

lives as a _______ of a community. These bees live _______ in what is known as a bee colony.

The head of the colony is called the queen bee. She is larger than the_______ of the bees. Her main task

_______ the colony is to lay eggs. Most of the _______ bees are the worker bees. These bees _______

nectar and pollen from flowers. The nectar _______ is carried by the worker bees is deposited on the

hive and then converted _______ honey. The worker bees also help look ________ the young bees. As

soon as the eggs are ________, the worker bees feed the young bees ________ pollen and nectar. The

third type of bee found in the colony is the drone or ________ bee. The main task of ________ a bee is

to mate with a new queen.

The queen bee has a life ________ of about three years. ________ this period, she would have

________ more than half a million eggs. ________ the queen bee is dying, a new queen would be

groomed. This new queen would eventually take ________ the 'duties' of the old queen when the

________ dies.

over | such | When | collect | hatched | male | rest |

in | together | that | laid | after | latter | Unlike | During |

with | other | into | member | span

Question 2

"Would you like to buy a box of matchsticks, mister?" the little girl asked. The man _______ she

approached did not even _______ to answer her. He shuffled _______ in his great coat, eager to get home

_______ his cosy fireplace.

The girl was shivering _______ the cold. It had been _______ continuously for the past two days. The girl's

shoes, _______ were already thin were thoroughly soaked. Yet, her sweet, angelic _______ did not lose

_______ innocent smile. It only made her ________ more pathetic when she knitted her brows

sometimes. Her feet ________ sore with painful chilblains.

Someone shouted, "Watch ________, girl!”

It was too ________! The coach was going too fast and the ________ had not seen her earlier. There was

barely enough ________ for the little girl to take a step back. In her hurry to get to ________, the basket

of matchsticks fell ________ the snow.

She ________ them up, wet and dirty from a puddle of melted snow. The matchstick couldn't be used

now. As she began to make her way ________, she realised that she had lost ________ of her shoes in

the snow.

onto | driver | in | stop/bother | look | whom |

to | safety | were | late | out | face | picked |

home | One | time | snowing | which | its | away

Page 2: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 3

It was midnight when the last guest left. I sighed heavily as I looked around. The living room was _______

of cigarette smell and stale perfume. As I looked around, I _______ wet patches of spilt beer on my best

Persian carpet. My antique vases were totally smashed. They had even _______ my antique oak tables as

ashtrays. These guests of _______ had done their best to destroy my expensively decorated living room!

What a night this had turned _______ to be.

I shook my head. The mess would _______ hours to clear. Getting _______ of the smell would require

days. My housekeeper would had resigned _______ the spot if she saw the mess. i had to do _______

fast. I could not afford to lose her ________ she is the best cook I ________ ever had

I had no choice. I went to the bookshelf, took ________ the book 'The Evolution of Man' by Charles Darwin

and pressed on the wall behind ________. A small hole in the wall appeared ________ my right. I reached

________ and took out a long object. Then I waved it in the ________. The room started to clean itself

________. Even the antique vases started fitting themselves ________ so well that one could not tell they

had been ________. As you might have guessed by ________, the long object is a wand, and I am what

they call a witch.

something | take | out | saw | out |

rid | it | have | full | used | mine | as | on |

on | up | together | air | broken | Now | in |

Question 4

You must have heard of many ghost stories, but have you heard of this _______ from Japan? The story

_______ like this; one moonlit night, a man was walking home along the river _______ he saw a woman

_______ on the bridge. He could not see her _______ because she was sitting with her back _______ him.

However, he could see that she was crying _______ hysterically that her whole body was shaking. The

man felt _______ for her. When he went _______ to comfort her, she suddenly ________ around. To his

horror, the man ________ that she had no eyes, no nose and no mouth ________ her face! ________ a

while the man stood frozen. Then he turned and ran away as ________ as he could until he ________ to

the nearest inn.

Once ________, he began to stammer out what he had seen, for he was trembling ________ fear. The

proprietor of the inn, who had been bending ________ to clean the tables, straightened ________ and

asked him, "Did she look ________ this ?" His face, too, was egg-like.

The man fainted!

turned | crying | one | when | with |

face | sorry | Like | up | down | For | saw |

inside | up/forward | to | on | goes | so | fast | came

Page 3: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 5

It was a Saturday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Kerugesu were window shopping at a shopping centre. As they

stood outside a boutique, Mr Kerugesu spotted a shiny new _______ machine.

"Look! It's _______ of those modern computerized machines that tells your weight and gives you your

fortune at the _______ time. I think I shall try it," he told his _______.

Mrs Kerugesu, however, was not too keen _______ the idea.

"Let's _______ bother. I don't _______ in fortune telling," she said.

Mr Kerugesu, however, insisted _______ trying the machine. He was very curious to _______ out his

'fortune'. He stepped on the machine and ________ a fifty cent coin. There was a soft buzzing ________

from the machine. A few seconds ________, a slip of paper emerged. Mrs Kerugesu took the slip and

________ it out to her husband:

"Your fortune: You are a clever and ________ person. If you are working, you will become an employee

that ________ boss would be proud of. You will become a good leader ________ men. Everyone will listen

to you ________ you speak. ________ you lead, everyone will follow."

Mrs. Kerugesu paused ________ breath.

"It's got your weight ________ too," she added.

of | later | believe | not | weighing | on | read | every | | find | same | for |

wife | one | about/on | inserted | talented | sound | when | Wrong | Wherever

Question 6

Sandwiches make a delicious snack any time. They are a common _______ at picnics and teas.

Interestingly enough, the sandwich is the invention of _______ eighteen century English Earl called John

Montagu. Montagu was addicted _______ card games. He would play these games _______ his friends

for long stretches of _______. Often, he even found it _______ bothersome to stop his games _______


One day, _______ the middle of a game, Montagu was served a meal of sliced meat _______ bread. At

that time, Montagu was playing the game that ________ its players to cover cards one on top ________

another. As Montagu looked at ________ the game and his food, an idea came to his ________.

"I can do the same with my food ________ well," he thought.

He took a slice of bread, ________ a piece of meat on it and covered that with ________ slice of bread.

Montagu was very pleased with his invention ________ it allowed him to play cards with one hand and

eat his meal with the ________.

Montagu's friends quickly caught ________ to his idea and they named the new invention ________ him.

As Montagu's full title was 'the Earl of Sandwich', the new invention became known as a 'sandwich'.

with | to | as | in | time | on | both | another | required |

sight | for | mind | with | because/for | an | placed | after | of | other | too

Page 4: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 7

"I will never forgive her," Anne muttered as she walked away _______ the class. Panting and running _______ her, Lilian came up _______ her and apologised profusely _______ accidentally spilling chocolate milk all _______ Anne's new bag. Anne _______ to listen to Lilian. She cupped her _______ over her ears, glared at Lilian _______ screamed.

"I'll never talk to you _______!" Then she ran away.

Anne was ________ angry when she reached home. She banged the door hard ________ her and woke Granny from her afternoon ________. She was rude to Mother when Mother asked her what she ________ for dinner. She ________ little Tony when she found that he had messed ________ her room again. Tony ran howling ________ Mother. His poor arm was red ________ Anne's pinching.

"What's the matter ________ you today, Anne?" Mother came into the room and asked. "You've made everybody upset ________ you stepped into the house. Did something ________ in school?”

Happen | after | up | from | hands | with | nap/sleep |

to | behind/after | to | again | and | refused | still |

pinched | wanted | over | since | for | from

Question 8

I will always remember the trip I made to the zoo in 2014. It was then _______ I caught measles from one of my friends, Peter, who had gone _______ too. _______ he met us at the zoo, he had gone to _______ his cousin who was recovering _______ measles. The next day, Peter was complaining _______ a sore throat, a bad cold and high fever. When he was diagnosed _______ a doctor as having measles, his parents rang _______ up to warn me that I had been exposed _______ measles too. By the next day, I was also ________ the same symptoms. My doctor advised me to ________ at home for the next two weeks.

I was quite pleased ________ the doctor's instruction. I spent the time ________ storybooks, listening to music ________ watching television. When I get ________, I would call up Peter, who ________ had to spend two weeks at home, for a chat. Unfortunately, the two weeks passed ________ quickly. When we ________ to school, we had to work twice ________ hard to catch up with our classmates. It was definitely not ________ the 'holiday'.

by | with | Worth | also | visit | to | reading |

and | too/by | along | showing/having | bored | stay |

as | returned | from | that | Before | me | of

Page 5: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 9

Once upon a time, there was a man called Rip Van Winkle. He was a likeable _______ lazy man who never did an ounce of _______ in his life. His wife was always nagging _______ him for being so lazy.

One day, to _______ his wife's nagging, Rip Van Winkle took a stroll in the woods. In these mysterious woods, he encountered a _______ of old men with long beards. _______ they saw Rip Van Winkle, they offered him a drink from a flask. Rip Van Winkle took a _______ and found the drink delicious. As he was very thirsty, he drank to his heart's _______. Immediately after the drink, he felt his eyelids becoming heavy. Before he knew it, he had _______ into a deep sleep.

When he ________ up, the sun was shining brightly.

"I must have slept the whole night," he thought to ________.

As Rip Van Winkle ________ his way home, he discovered, to his astonishment, that the landscape around him had changed. As he approached his village, he was even ________ dumbfounded. He found that he could not recognise ________ in the village! Not only ________ the people look different, they were also ________ in a different fashion. Everyone was staring at his chin. As Rip Van Winkle looked ________ at his own chin, he realised, to his surprise, that he had ________ a very long beard.

After ________ some enquiries, Rip Van Winkle realised that one hundred years had passed from the time he drank the liquid ________ the time he woke up. This meant that he had been asleep for one hundred years!

group | fallen | When | at | anyone | dressed | but | did | making |

down | To | work | made | content | sip | woke | himself | escape/avoid | more | grown

Question 10

The sky was getting darker by the minute and strong wind was _______ across the field. Soon, _______ of water were falling down _______ the overcast sky. Peter did not _______ the rain at all. It was _______ than playing under the hot _______. He liked the _______ of rain on his face and the cold sensation _______ it soaked through his football jersey. His team had been _______ hard for the tournament. It had been two years ________ they last won the Inter-Constituency Football Cup. Last year, in the game ________ Rockingham, their team had lost ________ just one goal. They were determined to win the Cup back this year. "Goal!” His team had ________ again. Peter wanted to ________ the next goal. If only he could get ________ the two defenders, he would be able to ________ the ball into the goal easily. He did not ________ to score his goal because the rain was pouring too ________ and the field was getting too wet. As the boys ended their game and walked ________ the field, Peter sneezed. He felt and unpleasant tingle of coldness running ________ his body.

since | score | better | through/down | scored | across | feeling |

when | drops | blowing | against | sun | heavily | mind | past | practising | by | get | from | kick

Page 6: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 11

Squirrels are the most resourceful animal in the world. They have the knack of saving up for _______ days.

Autumn can be very entertaining _______ them. That is the time _______ they begin the great harvest collection _______ their winter store. You can see them scampering here and _______, collecting nuts of _______ sorts. Walnuts, beechnuts, chestnuts, dried berries ... They are not fussy. Relentlessly, they run _______ their storage point, usually a tree hollow, _______ the vast amount of wild nuts to be _______ in the forest.

These beautiful animals are house-proud. They take great ________ to ensure that their nest is secure and ________ enough to hide them ________ the harsh winter. You will see them busily ________ soft pieces of bark, wood and leaves to line ________ nests.

After all their scavenging ________ done, and when the first, cold hard frost arrives, they will seal ________ inside their nests for the ________ of the cold spell. There, they will hibernate ________ it is warm enough to bring out their stored food. Ah, but then again, they are the ________ forgetful little animals, and it is not ________ to see squirrels searching desperately for their hoards.

is | warm | rainy | till | collecting | pains | over |

found | for | duration/rest | their | all | for | themselves |

there | to | most | Unusual | when | from

Question 12

The Red Indians were waiting for the arrival _______ the bison. The beasts, _______ come only once a year, are a good _______ of meat and hide. The Red Indians needed these to _______ the cold, bitter winter.

Tikka, the young boy, was chosen to look _______ for the herd's arrival. Every day, he would run to the _______ of the hill to see if he could spot them _______ the vast horizon.

One night, _______ he was sleeping, the ground shook violently and his bag of arrows fell _______ from its hook on the wall. Tikka rushed out of his wigwam and ________ a strong gust of wind and dust gush ________ him. Shouting excitedly, he ran to the ________ wigwams and woke everyone ________. A big fire was immediately ________ and the Red Indians danced ________ it, giving praises to their God ________ had, at last, sent ________ their food and clothing of animal hide. The next morning, ________ the warriors were assigned to hunt ________ the beasts which were grazing ________ the river.

who | while | of | top | near | source | felt | which |

off | all | past | out | them | down | on | built |

other | round | survive | up

Page 7: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 13

"Help! Help! It's a gang fight!”

Shoppers at Marina Centre in Singapore ________ cries coming from the field nearby. A girl screamed, loudly and very shrilly. The fright in her ________ turned Daryl's blood cold. ________ a split second, time seemed to be frozen as the horror ________ the situation penetrated every shopper's brain. Then, all of a sudden, everybody ________ running towards the field. It seemed as if everyone had gone mad! Daryl ran ________ with them, eager to see part of the action.

When he ________ the field, the fight was over. All he could ________ was a huge crowd huddled in the middle of the field. Daryl pushed his ________ through the crowd and stared. __________ on the ground was a teenager. His face was very pale and he was covered __________ blood. The handle of a switch blade could be seen sticking __________ of his stomach. Daryl began to __________ very sick.

Suddenly, a man pushed his way __________ the crowd and called for a little space. Obediently, the people moved __________. Daryl was very relieved. He __________ that the ambulance had arrived. However, the man whipped out a __________ and started taking photographs of the boy, __________ bothered that the teenager was injured. He even tried to interview the boy. Finally, help came, but it was too __________. The paramedics fought to __________ the injured teenager, but failed. Daryl looked on as the corpse was loaded into the ambulance.

see | along | not | of | Lying | late | Save | heard | For | reached | voice | thought | out | back | started | way | through | with | camera | feel

Question 14

"You paid forty dollars for this miserable ________ of stamps?" Susan asked in disbelief. Michael put the stamps carefully ________ his album. It was no ________ telling Susan about his precious stamp collection. She, ________ all girls, is only interested ________ glossy fashion magazines with pouting women in designer ________ and articles like 'How to lose weight ________ eating less'.

This was ________ ordinary set of stamps. Michael had bought them ________ Daniel as Daniel needed __________ to buy a new Walkman. Daniel said that it was a gift from his grandmother __________ his last birthday. The stamps dated __________ to the early part of the century. There were only a __________ sets left in circulation today.

"She __________ it's a priceless antique," Daniel had __________ him. "My mum would be very angry with me __________ she knew I'm selling it to you."

Susan interrupted his reveries.

"Mother should cut __________ on your pocket money, the way you __________ it on these silly stamps," she muttered.

Michael felt irritated. Susan was always finding __________ with him about the way he __________ his money.

"What do you know?" Michael snapped back.

without | back | Spent | set | on | from/off | said | money | few |

Page 8: Cloze questions 1 to 50

like | clothes | waste | told | into | faults | no | down | if | in | use

Question 15

Last evening, I decided to go for a jog. As I was ________ my warm-up exercises, I heard a familiar voice ________ my name.

"Hi, Mabel! I didn't expect to see you ________," the voice said. I turned around. ________ was my classmate, Judy. When she heard I was going jogging, she asked me ________ she could come along. I declined at once ________ Judy was an excellent runner and had ________ the school in many competitions. I told her she would probably run circles around me. However, she still insisted ________ joining me.

We started running round the track. ________ running for about four hundred metres, I was already __________ of breath. I had not been exercising for many weeks and my stamina was __________. Judy, in contrast, ran effortlessly __________ my side. She __________ a pitying glance at me and said:

"We could go at a slower pace if you like."

"Hah! You think I cannot __________ up with you?" I said contemptuously.

I then spent the next few minutes __________ to prove myself right. After two laps around the track, I could not stand it any __________. I came to __________ abrupt halt. Panting heavily, I asked Judy to continue __________ me.

She ran six more laps. I was amazed by the sheer __________ of energy she had. Looking at her, I was __________ to go jogging more often to improve my stamina.

an | After | cast | by | doing | keep | on | without | represented | calling | trying | Determined | amount | It | because | whether | poor | here | longer | out

Question 16

You probably ________ that French fries is a legacy of France. This is not ________. In fact, this delicious snack originates ________ Belgium.

One day, a cook in Belgium was preparing a stew________ his employer's guests. He chopped ________ several potatoes into small slices to be thrown ________ the stew. However, ________ he was transferring the potato slices to the pot, he accidentally ________ them into the frying pan. The cook stared at the potatoes ________ dismay. He had no more potatoes __________ in his kitchen and he did not know what to __________ his guests.

While the cook stood wondering what to do __________, the aroma of fried potatoes enveloped the kitchen. The cook eyed the sizzling potatoes __________ curiosity. He took a slice and tasted __________. He realized it was __________.

His guests also __________ this dish delicious. When his guests __________ his for the name of the dish, he told them it was 'Pommes frites' which __________ 'fried potatoes' in French. From then __________, people began ordering potatoes __________ French way. These potatoes eventually came to be known as 'French fries'.

The | asked | delicious | dropped | serve | left | in | means | it |

Page 9: Cloze questions 1 to 50

onwards | for | into | next | while | found | from | think | up | true | with

Page 10: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 17

Laura nudged me with her elbow.

"Look over ________," she whispered. I was surprised that she was talking to me ________ a test, but I followed the ________ of her eyes. Audrey was copying her________ from a piece of paper she held ________ her desk. At the other end ________ the classroom, Miss Brown was ________ marking some books.

"Wait till Miss Brown catches Audrey ________ it. She's bound to be ________ out of class," Laura whispered.

Just at this moment, Miss Brown looked __________. Laura was bending slightly forward __________ my side of the table.

"Laura Dean, __________ what you are doing immediately and come __________!" Miss Brown shouted. Laura's face __________ red. Desperately trying to defend __________, Laura cried out:

"Miss Brown, Audrey is __________!" All eyes were directed __________ Audrey. Suddenly, there was a rustling __________ of paper from her desk. Audrey had crumpled __________ her test paper. Then she __________ into tears.

stop | up | cheating | direction | sound | up | to | there | busy | turned | Burst | at | of | answers | sent | here | during | under | towards | herself

Question 18

Ali rubbed his eyes as the clock slowly chimed the ________. He groaned as he ________ of his mother. She would die ________ something was done. He wished he could meet Death ________ to face. He would ________ Death so that Death could not take her.

Suddenly, Death appeared. He ________ a big black cloak that ________ him totally. When Death walked nearer, the cloak fell ________ his head and little blue lights shone from ________ the eyes should have been a skeleton-like face grinned __________ Ali. Horrified Ali stood staring at him.

"I am Death," he said. "Do you have __________ to say to me?" His bony __________ grabbed Ali as he tried to __________ out of the room.

Ali swallowed hard. He had __________ his mind about killing Death. In fact, all he wanted to __________ was to get out __________ Death kills him!

"Um ... I ... " Ali's __________ went dry and no sound came out. Death __________ menacingly. His laughter made Ali's hair stand on __________. It did not sound like anything he had __________ before!

off | where | end | throat | at | hour | changed | unless | covered | do | anything | kill | hands | thought | face | before | wore | run | Heard | laughed

Page 11: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 19

The next time you come ________ of the shower, be careful to dry thoroughly the areas ________ your toes before you put ________ your socks or shoes. Otherwise, fungi might grow on your feet and ________ itchy blisters to appear. This is ________ fungi grow best in warm ________ moist surroundings. This disease is known as Athlete's Foot ________ it often affects people ________ exercise regularly and do not ________ care of their personal hygiene. The fungi can __________ to the soles of your __________ if you are not careful. They can even spread to the other __________ of your body if you scratch the blisters.

__________ Athlete's Foot is rarely painful and serious, it __________ be quite a nuisance. The treatment __________ Athlete's Foot is to __________ the skin dry, especially in hot weather __________ the skin sweats more. Dust your feet with powder __________ a precaution before you go out of your house. In __________ serious cases, fungicides and antibiotics are used to __________ the growth of fungi.

between | out | take | can | more | because | Stop | on | and | Although | parts | feet | when | for |

cause | spread | who | keep | as | because

Question 20

When I was young, I used to enjoy watching Mother cook, especially ________ she was preparing my favourite omelettes. When the eggs ________ golden and Mother flipped them ________, I would jump and clap my hands ________ glee.

Once, when Mother was not in, I decided to fry an egg by ________. ________ watched Mother do it so many times before, I thought I could not go ________. First, I washed the pan. Then I ________ some oil into the pan. However, as the oil heated ________, it splattered all __________ the stove. Some of it got on my face and arms, and I cried out __________ pain. I was terrified and did not even try to go __________ the pan! After what __________ like eternity, the sizzling oil __________ hissing. I then turned off the stove and spent the __________ hour cleaning up the mess.

After that incident, I never wanted to __________ cooking. Up till now, I __________ have not learnt the art __________ frying anything. I would __________ help Mother wash the cooking utensils after she __________ cooking!

stopped | Having | next | up | learn | in | over | Finishes | with | near | of | poured | over | rather |

seemed | still | wrong | when | turned | myself

Page 12: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 21

An Indonesian folktale tells the story of a fisherman who always wanted more than what he ________ had.

"If only I ________ rich!" was the thought constantly ________ his mind. He would never have to fish again. He would build a large house for ________ and have hordes of ________ to wait on him.

One day, when the fisherman was ________ Sea, something heavy got entangled ________ his fishing net. Cursing his bad luck, he hauled the ________ in. Something shiny caught his ________ - it was a gold chain __________ was 'caught' in the net!

"Gold! I'll be __________!" Visions of his day dreams coming __________ raced through his __________ as he began to pull in the gold chain. His small __________ began to sink due to the __________ of the gold, but the man was __________ greedy to stop. Soon, water was rushing __________ the boat.

Still, the man __________ pulling in the never ending gold chain. The boat eventually capsized and the gold chain __________ to the bottom of the sea, taking the greedy fisherman __________ it.

true | rich | sank | net | into | With | servants | in | eyes | already | continued | too | that | mind |

on | himself | were | weight | boat | at

Question 22

Charles Schulz, the world-famous cartoonist, came from a humble background. ________ a young boy, Schulz used to ________ as a delivery boy. When he ________ his first salary, he took the ________ to a department store and bought ________ a book on cartoons. As he sat reading his book during lunch, ________ of his colleagues came over. He asked Schulz ________ he was reading. When Schulz ________ him the book, his colleague was extremely surprised. He could not ________ how Schulz would spend two dollars and fifty cents __________ a book of cartoons.

__________ working as a delivery boy for some time, Schulz applied __________ a job in an advertising firm. At __________, all he did in his job __________ to tie bundles of papers together. Eventually, however, his bosses discovered that he __________ draw and do lettering. He was then __________ to work on simple cartoons for his company. This was the start of his __________ as a cartoonist.

Today, Schulz is the creator of famous characters __________ as 'Snoopy' and 'Charlie Brown'. His cartoons are well-loved __________ the world and are enjoyed by both children and __________.

After | understand | was | himself | throughout | such | for | allowed | money | on | As | one |

collected | showed | what | could | Adults | work | career | first

Page 13: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 23

If you go horse-riding, you may notice that horses wear 'horseshoes' on their hooves. These U-shaped shoes, ________ are made of hard metal, are very ________ to the horses. If horses do not have these shoes, their hooves will ________ out quickly on hard ________ brittle roads. Hence, horse’s ________ on rough roads tend to become lame often. ________ shoes, horses carrying heavy loads ________ become injured easily.

In ________ olden days, horses did not always wear shoes. Instead, horse riders would carry the horseshoes ________ with them. These shoes would be worn __________ if the horses were trotting on a hard or bumpy __________. They were usually fastened __________ the 'horses' feet with small __________ of wire. However, riders soon discovered that this __________ of having horses 'wear shoes' was difficult and clumsy. Often, the shoes would come __________.

In the ninth century, riders __________ of a way of preventing the shoes __________ coming off. The metallic horse shoes were heated up __________ a high temperature and then pressed __________ the horse's hooves. By nailing the shoes __________, they were securely fastened onto the hooves.

important | the | wear | travelling | on | way | Down | Without | to | also | only | off | which |

along | thought | from | pieces | and | road | against

Question 24

The Israelite camp was in a state of panic. They had received a ________ from their enemy, the Philistines, to fight a battle. The Philistines ________ their champion, Goliath, a giant over nine feet tall, as their representative ________ the Israelites. If the Israelites ________ the battle, they would be ________ the slaves of the Philistines, and vice ________. For forty days, no Israelite ________ to volunteer to fight the gigantic Philistine.

One morning, David, a young shepherd, went to the Israelite ________ to volunteer to fight Goliath. He said that his God would help him ________ the battle. The king was surprised __________ David was only a young boy. However, touched __________ the boy's faith in his God, he allowed him to __________ the giant.

Goliath roared __________ laughter when he saw David. He was __________ a puny boy that even the armour was too __________ for him! He had no weapons __________ a sling. David was unperturbed __________ Goliath's ridicule. Using his sling and a stone, David __________ the giant right between his eyes. The stone sank __________ Goliath's brain and __________ a deafening roar of pain and anguish, the giant fell down and died.

by | challenge | win | into | with | King | because/for | made | hit | versa | big | but/except | by |

such | sent | dared | against | lost | fight | with

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Question 25

Louis Braille was born in the nineteenth century. When he was three years old, a tragic accident at his father's workshop left _______ permanently blind. _______ a young boy, Louis was hardworking and intelligent. His teachers suggested that he should be enrolled _______ the National Institute for Blind Youths. At that time, this was the only school _______ the blind in France.

At the institute, Louis was eager to _______ to read and write. To his great disappointment, the few _______ he found at the institute used raised letters. This method of reading was difficult for the blind, who had to feel slowly _______ letter. By the time they _______ the end of a sentence, they had forgotten what the _______ was about!

Louis wanted to develop an ________ reading system for the blind. His idea of such a system ________ from Charles Barbier, a French army officer. Barbier had invented a system called 'Night Writing', which was ________ up of dots and dashes. Soldiers used this system to ________ with one another during the night. Louis adapted this system for his own ________. He got ________ of the dashes and produced a simpler system ________ on dots. For example, 'A' is represented ________ a single dot. Many blind students found this system ________ easier to use.

This ________ to be known as the 'Braille' system. Today, millions of ________ people are able to read, thanks to the work of a dedicated, young blind man.

As | made | each | came/originated | easier | him | much | communicate | in | learn | reached | by | | based | rid | came | books | beginning | blind | for | use

Question 26

I cleaned up the family attic last week. I had been prepared to _______ at least three days finishing the job. Little did I _______ that much more time was required.

It was _______ the accumulated junk to be tidied that _______ up most of the time that I had bargained _______. What _______ me preoccupied was discovering the things _______ had sentimental value, and reliving the memories that came flooding _______. I spent the greater part of my time running up and _______ the stairs, yelling ________ my wife, son or daughter, ________ them the history of every little item.

I found my high school photographs and ________ the good old days of accidentally breaking windows with baseballs. I found my son's first ________ of shoes. Then there was the painting of me that my daughter had ________ in kindergarten. My wife's knitting, which she aborted ________ trying to knit me a sweater, lies among the junk ________.

So, it was this incessant reminiscing of times ________ by which hindered my progress. I suspect that at the end of it all, I have ________ as much junk as before, for I could not ________ to throw most of the things ________.

after | down | realise | remembered | for | took | too | out/away | spend | pair | bear | just | | kept | back | that | gone | to | drawn | telling | not

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Question 27

On Sports Day, the field is _______ with banners. Little coloured triangular flags are stuck in the ground _______ the length of the track. The pavilion is the _______ decorated area, especially _______ its lavish display of rosettes and banners. In front of the pavilion _______ three long wooden tables displaying the cups, trophies _______ other medals _______ would be given to the winners at the _______ of the meet. A three-levelled _______ stand opposite the pavilion ________ the figures 1, 2 and 3 clearly marked on the ________ different levels.

All the ________ feel very nervous as they warm ________ for their events. Bang! As the gun goes ________ for each race, the contestants would run with ________ their strength. As the runners come near the finishing ________ the crowd would ________ the runners on. At the end of the day, the prize-winning ceremony would ________ place. All the winners are called to step onto the platform to ________ their medals. Usually, a well-known person is asked to present the medals to the ________.

decorated | winners | up | with | off | are | cheer | line | along | participants/contestants | most | platform | with | take | which | all | end | and | receive | three

Question 28

James threw his hands _______ in frustration.

"Mum! I thought I told you _______ I didn't want anybody to touch my things. Now I can't even _______ my socks."

Mother, _______ was hanging up the laundry in the garden, replied, "They're in the second drawer _______ your cupboard. Your jeans are _______ too."

James was horrified. "You _______ my jeans! Mum, the signatures Michael, Kelvin and Eugene _______ on it ... do you know _______ they are still there?”

Mother shrugged her ________. She looked genuinely puzzle. "Why, I didn't notice. The water did look very blue ..."

James went into his room, pulled ________ the second drawer and took out a pair of jeans. They were ________! All the precious things his best friends had scribbled ________ his jeans were ________ just patches of colour. Oh, why didn't she just ________ his things alone? She hated his Bon Jovi and Madonna posters and always told him ________ disgusting they looked. She also always ________ the opportunity, whenever he was ________, to go into his room and 'put every in ________', as she puts it. To James, it was ________ like messing it up.

gone | before | who | out | leave | there | shoulders | how | of | up | order | on | open | took | more | if | now | find | washed | are

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Question 29

Not long ago, a kitten was tied in a plastic bag and then flung into a canal. It would have died _______ it had not been rescued by a kind soul _______ brought it to the Society for the Prevention of cruelty to Animals (SPCA). The throwing of this kitten into the canal is just _______ instance of an act of cruelty towards animals.

Every month, the SPCA _______ with animals that have been ill-treated by their owners. A common _______ of animal abuse occurs when these pets are badly neglected by _______ owners. Some pet owners do not _______ to look after their pets _______ the poor animals are ill. By the _______ these animals are brought to the SPCA, they are usually infected ________ diseases. Some of ________ diseases are so severe that it would be more humane to ________ these animals to sleep just to ________ their suffering. Then there are other pet owners who abandon their pets ________. These pets often suffer ________ hunger and diseases.

The SPCA ________ to educate pet owners to be more responsible ________ their pets. Cruelty towards animals is a serious ________. ________ the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals act, anyone found ________ an animal can either be jailed up to six months, fined up to five hundred dollars, or both.

who | their | end | from | put | Under | type | one | when | abusing/ill-treating | if | towards | time | altogether | bother | with | matter/offence | hopes | these | deals

Question 30

Somebody tapped me on my shoulder, I turned and saw a familiar face _______ me. However, I could not tell _______ she was.

"It's me, Maybelline. We were from the _______ secondary school, remember?" the girl said. I stared intently _______ her heavily made-up face. Maybelline? Suddenly, something clicked _______ my brain.

"It's you! I almost couldn't _______ you. You look so _______ now," I said.

'Different' was _______ understatement. She _______ to be a plain girl in pigtails when we sat together in the same class. Now she ________ of perfume and ________ expensive clothes. Her shoes were four inches ________. I had ________ from some of my friends that she worked ________ a singer in a club. I could tell from her ________ that she smoked. I felt uncomfortable before this sophisticated person and did not ________ how to act naturally.

Fortunately for me, she was in a ________ to go. Her boyfriend was ________ for her, she said. As I watched her walk ________, I wondered what had happened to the simple, easy-going Gertrude I had once known. I ________ I did not know this Maybelline at all.

who | before | as | in | wore | an | heard | used | recognise | hurry | felt | same | breath | smelled | high | waiting | know | at | different | away

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Question 31

One day, an old and fussy millionaire entered a plush restaurant to _______ a meal. The staff of the restaurant sighed when they _______ him. They _______ he was a man who wanted the best but _______ only willing to pay the _______.

A menu was _______ in Mr. John's hands, and the waiter _______ patiently as the millionaire kept changing his _______. Finally, he _______ to order a bowl of oxtail soup. Relieved, the waiter ________ the order and promptly disappeared ________ Mr. John changed his mind again.

When the dish was ________ to the millionaire, Mr. John called ________ the waiter again. The staff shook their ________. They knew Mr. John was going to ask for proof ________ the soup was made with real ox tail. However, the clever waiter just smiled. He was prepared for this situation. After ________ to the complaint, the waiter went ________ the kitchen and dragged ________ an ox with a bandaged tail. Speechless, the millionaire had no choice ________ to ________ with his meal.

heads - listening - into - was - out - saw - took – decided - least – served - waited - before - but – for/upon - continue - knew - placed - have - order – that

Question 32

Once upon a time, there lived a peasant girl named Arachne. Arachne was a very talented weaver _______ wool. Her skilful fingers could create the _______ intricate and beautiful tapestries in the world. _______ who knew Arachne admired and praised her _______ her gift. They told her that Minerva, the goddess of weaving and handicraft, must have _______ her this talent. Instead of agreeing _______ them, Arachne was proud and scornful.

"Minerva indeed! I'm quite sure I'm even _______ than she is at weaving. In fact, I'm ready to _______ her in a weaving contest," she said.

_______ Minerva heard about Arachne's challenge, she was very angry that a mortal had ________ to challenge a goddess. One day, Minerva appeared ________ Arachne's cottage and reminded Arachne of her challenge. ________ no time, the contest began. ________ Arachne and Minerva started to weave, their fingers moving at lightning ________. When they had ________ their task, everyone was astounded. Arachne's tapestry was ________ more beautiful than Minerva’s! In a fit of jealousy, Minerva ________ her temper.

"You will now do all ________ weaving in the air!" she declared. After saying this, she ________ Arachne into a small black hairy creature with eight legs. As the first spider in the world, Arachne was ________ to weave the most elaborate webs.

your - completed - for - dared - far - Everyone - at – In - speed – of - Both - able - When - changed – given - with - challenge - better - lost - most

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Question 33

A young soldier, _______ plane was shot at during the war, _______ his plane in a forest and escaped _______ minor injuries. He tried to make his way out of the forest but _______ up walking deeper and deeper _______ it. _______ he wandered around, he came to an old cottage. It seemed strange _______ him that a solitary cottage should exist _______ the heart of the forest. All the _______, he thanked Fortune for ________ pity on him.

An elderly couple ________ in the cottage. They took the soldier in and nursed him carefully ________ to health. They treated him as if he ________ their own son. When he was fully ________, they gave him precise directions to get ________ of the forest. He was grateful to them and ________ to visit them again.

The soldier reported________ to camp and told his captain of the old couple's hospitality. The soldier was shocked when the captain revealed that the forest bad been ________ by bombs much earlier in the war. The elderly couple, ________ were officially listed as dead in their records, were the parents ________ one of their young soldiers who had died in the war.

lived - to - taking - promised - into - in - landed – ended - destroyed – recovered - same - out – whose - was - who - with - back - of - As – back

Question 34

Getting good results in your studies comes from developing good study habits. The best _______ to study is a comfortable room with good lighting. The best chair for studying should be _______ which you would be comfortable _______, but not so comfortable that you may _______ asleep on it after a while! Before you study, look for a _______ environment with no distractions. If you _______ your home too noisy for studying, try the library or community centre _______.

When you study, _______ realistic targets for yourself to achieve. For example, do not _______ to study five chapters of Geography in one sitting ________ you know that you take more than an hour to read one chapter. Furthermore, remember not to push yourself too ________. When you have studied for a ________ of time, reward ________ by taking a short break. You could perhaps take a short walk or listen to some music for a ________.

If you begin to ________ sleepy when studying, do not force yourself to go on as you may ________ your power of concentration. Instead, you may want to ________ a short nap to refresh yourself. Studying may also be strenuous ________ the eyes. When you study, it may be a good idea to ________ your eyes away from your books occasionally. Looking at objects at a distance or at greenery can help ________ tired eyes.

hard - fall - place - soothe - one - on - yourself – feel - while - lift – find - instead - period - set – quiet - aim - in - take - when - lose

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Question 35

When you catch a cold, you tend to feel miserable. You are tired of sneezing and blowing your nose _______ the time. When someone in your house has a cold, you are _______ to get it too. This is because the cold virus _______ easily. _______ a person who has a cold blows his nose, his _______ could carry the cold virus. This virus is then deposited _______ whatever he touches such as doorknobs, telephone handles _______ shower handles. People who also touch the surfaces of _______ things and then clean their nose would obtain the virus as well. To _______ your cold from spreading, here is a piece of good ________: wash your hands with soap and water frequently ________ that the cold virus would have ________ chance to survive.

There is no actual ________ for the common cold. The medicine that you take makes you feel ________ but it cannot ________ rid of the cold virus completely. Most people tend to recover ________ colds within a week. When you have a cold, the best thing to do is to get ________ of rest. You should go to bed early and not over exert ________. Your must also ________ more water as fluids help to cool the throat ________ relieve nasal passages.

all - advice - on - or - likely - plenty - get - prevent – so - no - drink – and - hands - from - - better – these - yourself - spreads - cure – When

Question 36

Mrs Elizabeth Sanyagi, a very wealthy lady, was worried. Recently, her favourite _______ of gold earrings and a silver bracelet had vanished into _______ air. Mrs Elizabeth Sanyagi admitted that she _______ never been very careful about _______ she kept her jewellery. She often left them lying _______ the house. However, her jewellery had never disappeared _______. Mrs Elizabeth Sanyagi had no reason to think of _______ in her household as a thief. Her three servants had been _______ the family for more than fifteen years and had never been dishonest. They were _______ suspicion. When Mrs Elizabeth Sanyagi ________ the situation to her son, Roger, he told her he would ________ her catch the thief.

A few days later, Roger ran ________ her room excitedly.

"Mom, I've ________ the thief!" he said, panting. Roger went ________ to explain.

"I was doing my homework ________ usual at my desk. All of a sudden, a dark shape flew by my window. It was a magpie. The bird swooped ________, grabbed my silver scissors with its beak and flew off again. I trailed the bird and found it depositing my scissors into ________ nest at the end of the garden. When I reached the nest, I discovered all the items you had ________. You see, Mom, birds like the magpie are attracted ________ shiny objects."

After this speech, Roger showed his mother the objects he had retrieved ________ the nest. In addition to Mrs Elizabeth Sanyagi's jewellery, there were three forks, two spoons, a thimble and a pair of scissors.

on - pair - help - lost - anyone - had - its - to - from – with - down – explained - thin - beyond – where - before - caught - into - around - as

Page 20: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 37

Jill was walking to her class slowly. She was worried _______ the History test she would have to _______

that morning. As she was reaching the classroom, a piece of paper suddenly fluttered down and _______

near her feet. As Jill glanced down at the paper, her heart nearly _______ a beat. It was the History test

paper complete _______ answers!

Jill's very first thought was not to _______ anyone about what she had found. She would memorize _______

the answers and do extremely _______ in the test. After some hard thinking, however, she knew that it

would be a very _______ thing to do. Besides, it would not be ________ to her classmates. In the ________,

Jill returned the paper to her History teacher, Miss James.

"Thanks, Jill. I have been searching high and ________ for it," said the teacher.

"I...I've read all the questions ________, Miss James," Jill confessed.

Miss James ________ her not to worry as she would think of new questions for the test. Jill's ________ sank.

She was half hoping that the test ________ be cancelled. Nevertheless, she did her best in the new test later

that day.

A few days later, the test papers were ________ to the class. Go her pleasant surprise, Jill discovered that

she had ________ eighty marks.

"You know something," she told her friends. "I could easily have scored ________ marks if I had cheated on

this test. But I wouldn't be as pleased as I am ________ with the eighty marks I obtained."

missed - all - end - dishonest - low - told - already - would - now –

take - fair - with - returned - full - well - tell - about - scored - landed - heart

Question 38

A desert is a special region where only certain kinds of plants and animals can survive. All deserts have very

_______ water. This means that only animals and plants that can _______ without water for long _______ of

time can exist in the desert.

Plants in the deserts are particularly adapted _______ the dry and hot environment. _______ well-known

desert plant is the cactus. _______ many desert plants, this plant has very tiny leaves. As plants lose most of

their water _______ their leaves, the small leaves of the cactus help to cut _______ water evaporation.

There are _______ desert plants that do not have leaves at all.

Some desert plants survive ________ avoiding the dry season altogether. ________ the dry season, this

plant remains as a seed and does not emerge ________ the soil at all. When the rains come, this seed would

grow very quickly ________ a plant. It would bloom rapidly ________ then scatter its seeds before the dry

season ________.

Desert animals have also learnt to adapt ________ to life in this region. The camel, for ________, survives

well in the desert because water can be ________ in its body. Other desert animals ________ rodents such

as mice. These animals need very little water as they can get ________ the water they require from their


into - little - - to - and - by - well - During - from - down - include –

arrives - through - other - One - Like - example - periods - all - live - stored

Page 21: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 39

Once upon a time there was a king who loved to wear new clothes. He wanted a new outfit _______ for himself every day, until finally, the royal tailor ran _______ of ideas for his wardrobe.

The tailor _______ his brains and then came _______ with a plot to teach the vain king a _______. He told the king that he would make him a special robe this _______. It would be the most beautiful robe in the world, but _______ intelligent people would be able to see it. The foolish, however, would not be _______ to see or feel the robe. To make his story sound even _______ credible, the tailor requested ________ a week to finish his masterpiece. The king, fascinated ________ the idea of owning the most beautiful robe in the world ________ readily to his request.

The week ________ quickly. The king tried ________ the robe enthusiastically. To his horror, he could not see it! Yet, he ________ quiet, fearing that others would say he was foolish ________ he could not see the robe. He pretended that he was really ________ into the new robe and echoed the tailor's praises ________ the beautiful robe. Finally, he paraded down the streets unclothed, not realising ________ all the subjects of his kingdom were laughing ________ him, including the tailor!

lesson - agreed - racked - able - only - out - passed - at - changing –

kept - since - with - on - for - of - made - that - more - time - up

Question 40

You have spent a day at the seaside. At the _______ of the day, everyone tells you how _______ darker you look. You are proud of your tan; it makes you _______ healthy.

However, studies have _______ that too much sunlight can be damaging to your skin. Sunlight _______ harmful rays known as ultraviolet rays. Over exposure to these rays can _______ your skin to become dry and wrinkled. It may even _______ you age faster! Worst of _______, too much sunlight may even result _______ skin cancer.

Our bodies ________ a kind of pigment called melanin. When the sun blazes ________ on you, the melanin pigment helps protect your skin ________ absorbing as much ultraviolet rays as ________. However, if you stay in the sun ________ too long, this pigment is unable to 'cope ________' the strong rays of the sun.

________ you do want to go swimming, you should take the following precautions. First, try to avoid swimming ________ ten in the morning ________ two in the afternoon. These are the ________ when the sun is the strongest. It may also be a good idea to ________ a sun protection lotion when you go out in the sun.

make - down - all - much - apply - If - possible - end - produce - for –

times - and - cause - shown - with - in - look - by - contains - between

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Question 41

It was the time of the year for physical fitness tests again. The girls of Secondary 2B were lining up to _______ their height and weight measured.

"Kate, it's your turn to _______ yourself," Susie said.

"Let's _______ she doesn't spoil the machine!" somebody shouted. There was a roar of laughter. Kate, _______ embarrassed, stepped onto the weighing machine.

"Sixty-two kilograms," said Miss Murphy as she _______ Kate's weight onto the register. "Your _______ is one hundred and sixty centimetres. Now, girls, go to Mr. Shane at the car park _______ your sit-and-reach evaluation."

That afternoon, Kate went home and had a good look at _______ in the mirror. There was no mistake _______ it, she was really overweight for her height. However, she had been plump ever ________ she was a baby.

Kate decided to do ________ about her weight. She started to go for regular jogs in the park near her house. She ________ having snacks between meals. It was ________ for her because she enjoyed eating. During the holidays, she even took ________ swimming lessons from one of her cousins.

Soon school reopened and she was getting ________ to go to school; she ________ that her skirt was an inch too ________. She went to her mother.

"Mum, can you ________ the buckle of my skirt further in by an inch?" she asked. There was an unmistakable note of joy in her ________. Her perseverance had paid ________.

have - height - stopped - feeling - recorded - loose - voice - ready - herself –

hope - for - since - sew - difficult - off - weigh - up - something - about - found

Question 42

The skunk is a creature which you probably do not want to go _______. What makes this animal unpopular _______ the terrible odour it gives _______. The skunk has two scent glands under its tail. These glands _______ a smelly fluid called musk. When it meets an enemy, the skunk squirts _______ musk in a spray. This spray is overpowering and may _______ sickness in the stomach. If the spray accidentally gets _______ your eyes, you will also get temporary blindness.

The skunk does not strike _______ giving its victims plenty of warning first. The first warning the skunk _______ is to stamp its feet, as if it were ________ a little dance. ________ this warning fails, the skunk would shake its head from side ________ side. If the intruder ________ does not leave, the skunk would get ________ to spray. Some skunks stand on their hind ________ to spray. Others remain ________ all fours.

Many people do not ________ that the skunk is actually a friendly creature. In fact, it would ________ a good pet. The skunk only sprays ________ self-defence. It uses its spray when it feels that its ________ is being threatened.

doing - is - produce - know - out - make - ready - on - still - into - to - near –

life - cause - legs - gives - When - in - off - before

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Question 43

"I couldn't go _______," Mary thought wearily. She had no idea how _______ they had walked, or _______ how long. It seemed like forever. She had protested once or _______ in the beginning that they would be wiser to _______ remain in the jeep or return to the cool _______ of the trees around the oasis. Philip scolded her angrily.

She stumbled and _______ in the sand, twisting her ankle. _______ of her was Philip. He turned and glared at her, coming back to pull her _______. Mary held ________ a cry as her full weight was ________ on her foot.

"Can't you try to keep ________ with me?" he said harshly. Mary knew better ________ to ask him where they were going. They seemed to have been following this sandy track for a lifetime. Her face felt as ________ it was on fire and her ankle throbbed agonizingly ________ every step she took. Their water supply had ________ hours ago. She thought longingly ________ the cool water of the oasis. Philip's outline wavered ________ her tired eyes as she felt herself slip ________ a world filled ________ hallucinations and mirages.

though - before - - with - either - shade - up - back - with - than –

twice - on - up - into - for - put - of - fell - far - Ahead - finished

Question 44

In the beautiful highlands of Scotland, there is a lake called the Loch Ness. _______ these peaceful surroundings, a sea monster known as the 'Loch Ness Monster' is _______ to be living in the lake. This creature, affectionately _______ as 'Nessie', has been reported to be seen by many people _______ the lake. According to these _______, Nessie looked like a creature _______ the dinosaur age. It had a huge body, a small reptilian head _______ a long neck.

_______ the Loch Ness Monster really exist? No _______ can tell for sure. ________ since the sighting of the monster, many people have been keeping ________ at the lake, hoping to ________ a glimpse of Nessie. ________ 1934, a doctor, Colonel Robert Wilson, even managed to ________ the creature. The picture revealed a creature with a long neck sticking ________ of the water.

Where could the Loch Ness Monster have come ________? One explanation given is that the monster ________ a pre-historic creature which lived in the ________ of the dinosaurs. While other dinosaurs have died ________ and become extinct, this creature has somehow managed to ________ to its surroundings and live on!

known - photograph - one - from - catch - and - around - Ever –

In - reports - is - watch - In - out - days - Does - - out - from - said - adapt

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Question 45

(John and Mark are having lunch in the school canteen.)

John: I just heard a very good riddle yesterday. Do you want to hear it?

Mark: I love riddles. Try me.

John: Listen carefully. Romeo and Juliet are dead on the floor, _______ shattered glass and spilt water all _______ them. A man lies unconscious, _______ not dead like Romeo and Juliet, in the _______ room. There are no _______, such as knives _______ guns around in the room. Now, _______ me who killed who and how he or she _______ it.

Mark: (thinking _______ hard that his forehead ________ furrowed) Let's see ... the man poisoned ________ Romeo and Juliet and he ________ was poisoned too.

John: What an imagination you ________! But the answer is no.

Mark: (after a long time) I give ________. What happened?

John: Romeo and Juliet are fishes. The man, ________ was drunk, had walked right ________ the fish tank, knocking it ________ and breaking the glass ________ the aquarium. He himself ________ unconscious when he slipped and ________, hitting his head.

Mark: Fishes! That was unfair.

John: Ha! Ha! Ha!

around - tell - into - have - who - himself - though - with –

becomes - so - became - both - weapons - or - did - up - fell - down - of - same

Question 46

Charles Dickens, who wrote _______ unforgettable stories as Oliver Twist and David Copperfield, was born to a poor _______. His father was always _______ debt, and _______ Charles was twelve, his father was _______ to prison for failing to _______ his debts. Young Charles had to work in a dismal factory. This terrible _______ continued to haunt him even _______ he attained success with his novels. David Copperfield is the _______ of Dickens' ________ life when he worked in the factory. Another ________ in the novel, Mr. Micawber, is a portrayal ________ Dickens' own father, who was ________ incorrigible spendthrift.

Because of his humble ________, Dickens never forgot what it was ________ to be poor. He was always concerned ________ the orphaned and the destitute. He worked ________ his books to arouse public concern for their plight. Dickens was a ________ respected writer when he died ________ 1870. Till ________, many people still think that he is the greatest of English novelists.

experience - an - background - pay - story - like - character –

when - much - through - after - in - own - for - sent - in - family - such - today - of

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Question 47

Mr Jones, the manager of a large company, was worried. His money was missing. When he went _______ a meeting this morning, he had _______ an envelope with five hundred dollars on his table. When he returned to his office _______, the envelope was gone. As Mr Jones always locks his office when he leaves, no one could have _______ it. No one _______ for the cleaning lady, Mary, who also had the _______ to his office. Mary cleaned his office every morning.

Mr Jones sighed. He had no choice but to _______ Mary to his office. Mary was soon _______ to tears. She swore that she had not seen the envelope. Mr Jones_______ Mary had always been an honest and hardworking worker. However, ________ were bad for her as her husband had been jobless for several months. As Mary was the ________ one who could have taken the money, all suspicion ________ on her. Mr Jones told her firmly that if she ________ to return the money, he would not ________ the matter to the police.

After Mary left, Mr Jones sat down to resume his work. As he opened his top drawer, he found, ________ his horror, the missing envelope. Mr Jones suddenly ________ he had put the money ________ for safe-keeping just before going off for the meeting. He felt ________ of himself for falsely accusing Mary ________ the theft and decided to apologise to her at ________.

later - left - key - entered - knew - except - were - for - summon –

once - only - times - close - of - report - fell - there - ashamed - remembered - to

Question 48

The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. Like _______ mammals, it has only seven bones in its neck; its height is accounted _______ by the extraordinary _______ of the bones.

Because of its long neck, the giraffe _______ very clumsy when it spreads out its four _______ and bends down to drink. It _______ enters deep forests where it can _______ be caught, or even be strangled _______ tree branches. It_______ only in grassland and open country and plains. It ________ on leaves and not grass; picking the leaves from trees ________ it's tongue.

The soft, dark eyes of the giraffe ________ a giraffe its gentle look. Indeed, a giraffe in the wild ________ no harm to other animals. Instead, it is hunted ________ the lion for food and by man for its ________ which makes good leather. The giraffe can ________ at more than forty-five kilometres per hour, even ________ than a horse.

The giraffe occasionally fights. It does so swinging its head and horns ________ its opponent's neck. When two giraffes disagree ________ each other, they will sometimes fight ________ one of their necks is broken or dislocated.

for - never - looks - length - other - with - legs - stays - into - skin –

by - poses - feeds - by - easily - run - faster - with - gives - until

Page 26: Cloze questions 1 to 50

Question 49

It was April fool’s Day. Victor, _______ a mischievous boy, decided to play a trick _______ his teacher, Miss Williams. He scooped his pet mouse, Snoopy _______ his pocket and took it to school.

In the middle of a science lesson, Victor_______ Snoopy loose. The little creature at once scampered _______ the front of the class. At _______, Miss Williams did not notice the mouse. She was writing on the blackboard with her _______ facing the class. The mouse, however, decided to announce its _______ by giving a loud squeak. On hearing the _______, Miss Williams turned around. ________ she saw the mouse, she screamed at the ________ of her voice and climbed on her table.

"Who brought this creature here?" she demanded. However, no one heard her as the class was roaring with ________. Several students even laughed till tears rolled ________ their cheeks. Miss Williams was ________ amused.

"________ no one admits to playing this trick, I shall punish the whole ________," she declared angrily.

When the class heard this threat, they ________ laughing. Everyone looked at Victor, expecting him to ________ up. Victor, however, stared at the floor and did not say a ________. He was a coward ________ heart.

If - not - to - stopped - presence - own - on - let - into - first - sound –

being - class - back - word - at - top - When - laughter - down

Question 50

You are in the middle of a science test. _______ is total silence in the class. While the others are writing _______ furiously, you are beginning to _______ hungry. It is nearly recess time and you are_______ of how delicious a bowl of laksa in your canteen would taste. Suddenly, _______ any warning at all, your stomach _______ a loud growling sound. Your classmates _______ to giggle and you nearly die _______ embarrassment.

_______ does your stomach behave that way? When you are ________, your stomach begins to secrete digestive juices. The churning of these ________ in your stomach is what ________ the growling sound. When you eat something to ________ your hunger, the juices will not churn as there is now something to work ________. Thus, the churning of these juices ________ the stomach's way of alerting you that it is time to ________.

Your brain also ________ an important part in informing you that you are hungry. There is part of the brain ________ the 'appestat'. Scientists believe that it is ________ part of the brain that tells your body ________ you are hungry as well as when to stop eating.

Why - of - away - juices - without - makes - when - There - plays - on –

start - satisfy - thinking - eat - this - hungry - called - feel - is - causes