CloudMondo Intelligent CRM

Cloud Mondo Intelligent CRM

Transcript of CloudMondo Intelligent CRM

CloudMondo Intelligent CRM

IntroductionCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business model that assists companies and businesses in nurturing, maintenance and growth of current and future customer relationships. Present CRM methodologies involve using technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service and technical.

Many CRM systems are still built as if one-size-fits-all. While it’s definitely better than having no CRM system at all, we believe that approach is archaic in the present scenario.

CloudMondo is a CRM system built for users in the post-PC era. A CRM system accessible from anywhere and through a user’s choice of CRM device.

We believe that each business has a unique requirement and should be able to choose the modules that would best help them achieve their goals.


dashboardGet a customizable overall view of all details, activities and opportunities with a customer.


customer overview

Get an overview of a particular customer, including past, present and future sales trends. Get detailed insight, opportunities to explore and detailed interaction activities with key decision makers.

customer Know your customer

Find out about a customer’s industry, revenue, region, city, turnover and even interests etc.

customer additional information

Any additional information about the customer? Customer information is easily editable and upgradable

customer contact information

Detailed contact information of each customer including the best time to make a sales call.

customer contacts

Connect with each customer over a plethora of ways, including calling from within the app, email and/or social networks.

customer adding new opportunity

New customer / potential? Add information into the database for intelligent scanning to begin.

customer possibilities

Find out possible sales opportunities with a particular customer based on online behavior patterns.

customer Opportunities

Find out what will and wont work with a particular customer with a customized list of out a list of sale probabilities.

customer visualize your insights

Enjoy useful and insightful reports. With our intelligent CRM you’ll be able to quickly identify the strengths and weaknesses in your workflow to improve sales performance.

customer sales activity

Customize sales stages and invite other team members to collaborate on current opportunities and share deals, contacts, notes and tasks.


contacts contextual access

Your customers are the heart of your business, and it always help to save all their contact information in one place and compose email contextually. This will eliminate the need to hunt down conversation history related to contacts or deals

contacts add a new contact

Choose from a list of suggestions from social media networks, and match them with customer information.

contacts consolidated database

Use the consolidated database to connect with the customer in a multitude of ways

contacts Opportunities

Get intelligent insights about customer opportunities based on activity metrics

contacts communication strategy

work out a communications strategy with each individual customer based on generated intelligence


opportunities sales forecasting lists

make better business decisions with sales forecasting lists

opportunities Edit Mode

the more information your enter, the more intelligent the system becomes and adapts to your needs

opportunities forecasting

Should you focus on closing deals in the later stage of your pipeline or fill the funnel at the beginning? Intelligent forecasting provides powerful insights to predict sales and meet goals.


activitiesaction steps

Efficiently cut down on repetitive tasks with task automation. Create rules for action-based tasks and reminders to automate business functions.

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