Clothing presentation

Male Protagonist- This is the outfit for the male protagonist. The main theme we were trying to get across was the fact that the female protagonist gets sent on a mission (you don’t see this until the very end who the male protagonist was actually sat talking to) so because of the nature of this we needed the protagonist to appear serious and in a business like manner. As you can see, the male was dressed in business clothing with a grey jacket to symbolise age and experience, white to show the character and being pure and innocent but with a red tie which shows a bloodier side to the character (shows the future for the person he is giving the job to and the danger on the business he is


clothing presentation

Transcript of Clothing presentation

Page 1: Clothing presentation

Male Protagonist- This is the outfit for the male protagonist. The main theme we were trying to get across was the fact that the female protagonist gets sent on a mission (you don’t see this until the very end who the male protagonist was actually sat talking to) so because of the nature of this we needed the protagonist to appear serious and in a business like manner. As you can see, the male was dressed in business clothing with a grey jacket to symbolise age and experience, white to show the character and being pure and innocent but with a red tie which shows a bloodier side to the character (shows the future for the person he is giving the job to and the danger on the business he is in) with this the scene set in a business with actual employees who follow the male protagonist. Because of the male protagonist being in a suit it shows a typical male stereotype of him being dominant and upper class compared to the females in the film.

Page 2: Clothing presentation

Two male antagonists- Both of the antagonists used were both wearing black clothing but in a urban way. We wanted the clothing to represent the surroundings (an underpass) and we didn’t want the film to appear like a stereotypical vampire film. We wanted to add a more urban edge so the antagonist we’re dressed in urban clothing, the male on the left in a black jacket symbiotic to death and danger with his hood up to show mystery and to hide his face, the male on the right in a red shirt to show blood which symbolises the vampire he is without the audience’s knowledge. With this also, enigma was applied as while the audience are able to establish that the two male antagonists are dangerous and up to something, you don’t know what they are and what their relationship is with the female antagonist.

Page 3: Clothing presentation

Male protagonist (centre):For the male protagonist in the centre we needed to establish his innocence, so while we started the scene with him emerging from a bright light we needed to show in another scene his innocence like shown in this shot were we see the full face of the character. For this, while keeping to the urban style, we dressed the protagonist in white to show the binary opposite of the other three characters and to show the difference between the light (being the protagonist) and the dark side (the antagonists)

Page 4: Clothing presentation

Female Antagonist: This is the first shot and outfit of the female antagonist. Due to the fact the audience are under enigma is the way that they don’t know who the antagonist is, why she is killing people and what creature she is, we wanted to show her all in black for the audience to be able to understand she is an antagonist but also the style from which she is dressed is very different to the other characters. While the other two male antagonists are dressed in a up to date modern way, we dressed the female character in a French styled button down coat and a black hat. We did this to show age and a graceful side to the character, so while she appears to look harmless and beautiful in her style, the deeds she does is far from innocent and the black colouring of her clothing is symbiotic to her being associated with death and breaking the typical female stereotype.

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Female Protagonist:This is the first shot you see of the protagonist character which instead of seeing what the character looks like when she accepts the job, you see the end result. We did this because we wanted enigma to be applied to several things:1. Who is the character?2. What has happened to the character?3. Is she the person the male protagonist at

the beginning was talking to? Did she accept the dangerous job at the beginning of the trailer?

4. What is going to happen to her? Will she die?

5. Who did this to her?With these questions in mind we wanted the character to appear to have been hurt, so by whitening the skin and smudging black eyeliner under the eye the character appears tired with blood loss. We also covered the face with black and red paint and bandaged the neck so it is obvious to the audience that the character has taken some kind of neck wound, why is questioned in enigma.

Page 6: Clothing presentation

What we also did was while the character is led against a white background which will be explained in a later power point, we dressed the character in black and ripped the t-shirt she is wearing so the character appears to have gone through so kind of fight and in some way has lost, yet why is she still alive. What we were trying to show here is that, unknown to the audience, this is the first stages of the characters transformation into a vampire so while the outside of her in white and innocent, the black symbolises the dark side of her that is slowly taking over her without her knowledge which explains what is slowly happening to her.