ClothedInRighteousness Derek Prince

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Transcript of ClothedInRighteousness Derek Prince

  • 7/29/2019 ClothedInRighteousness Derek Prince


    Copyright 1983 and 2002 Derek Prince Ministries-International | No part o this

    devotion may be reproduced in any orm or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

    including photocopying, recording, without permission in writing rom the publisher.

    Te only exception is brie quotations in printed reviews.

    Derek Prince

    DerekPrincethrough the psalms

    C L O T H E D I N R I G H T E O U S N E S S

    As or me, I shall behold Your ace in


    I will be satisfed with Your likeness when

    I awake.

    Psalm 17:15 NasB

    What beautiul words! What a beautiul expectation!

    It is the expectation o every true believerone thatextends beyond the end o time and out into eternity.

    We will all asleep in death, but one day we will awake.

    And when we awake, we will be satisedsatised with

    the likeness o the Lord. We will nd ourselves clothed

    with His righteousness. We will put on His likeness. We

    will behold His ace.

    Tat one word satised sounds a chord in the

    depths o my being. I like to repeat it to mysel. I will

    be satisedsatisedully satised! For this I amprepared both to work and to waiti need be, to suer


    I do not believe there is anything else that can ully

    satisy the human heart, except God Himsel. At this

    time, in this lie, as believers, we have contact with God,

    we know Him, we serve Him, we do His will. But there

    are gaps in the revelation. Tere is a veil in between. We

    are still creatures o fesh. Our ideas and our concepts

    are so limited, and so inadequate to apprehend God.

    But there is coming a day when we will awake

    clothed in His righteousness, not in our own, to stand

    aultless beore His throne and to see Him ace-to-ace.

    And then we will be satised! Nothing else can take the

    place o that. Tat is the end o all living. It all ends in

    God Himsel.

    To him who is able to keep you rom alling

    and to present you beore his glorious

    presence without ault and with great

    joyto the only God our Savior be glory,

    majesty, power and authority, through Jesus

    Christ our Lord, beore all ages, now and

    orevermore! Amen

    (Jude 2425).

    Faiths Response

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