Clockwork User Manual

1 Clockwork® – Machine Foundations Application Tutorial Rev. 1.37


user manual for machines vibrations foundations analysis and design

Transcript of Clockwork User Manual

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  Clockwork® – Machine Foundations  Application Tutorial   Rev. 1.37           



Page 2: Clockwork User Manual





The computer program CLOCKWORK and all associated documentation are proprietary and copyrighted products. Worldwide rights of ownership rest with NEWTONIAN MACHINES®. Unlicensed use of the program or reproduction of the documentation in any form, without prior written authorization from NEWTONIAN MACHINES® is explicitly prohibited. NEWTONIAN MACHINES® ANDRÉS DE FUENZALIDA 147 PROVIDENCIA, SANTIAGO, CHILE Tel: (+56 2) 3553835 Fax: (+56 2) 6652052 Email: [email protected] Web:

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Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 4 

2. TUTORIAL ................................................................................................................................ 5 

2.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM ............................................................................................. 5 2.1.1 Foundation Geometry ....................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.2 Machine Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.3 Soil Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 BUILDING THE MODEL .......................................................................................................... 7 2.2.1. Geometry .......................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2.2 Passive machines and other masses ................................................................................................ 14 2.2.3 Forces ............................................................................................................................................. 22 2.2.4 Soil .................................................................................................................................................. 30 2.3 ANALYZING THE MACHINE FOUNDATION AND OBTAINING RESULTS .................................. 34 2.3.1 Natural frequencies ......................................................................................................................... 35 2.3.2 Natural Frequency Range ............................................................................................................... 37 2.3.3 Displacements ................................................................................................................................. 38 2.3.4 Static Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 42 2.4 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ....................................................................................................... 43 

3. ANNEX A – MACHINE WITH PERIODIC EXCITATION .................................................... 45 

3.1 MACHINE ............................................................................................................................. 46 3.1.1 Machine Input ................................................................................................................................. 46 3.2 FORCES INPUT ..................................................................................................................... 47 




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1. Introduction

The objective of this tutorial is to provide the user with average/advanced knowledge of the tools, concepts and use of the “Clockwork” software application. To do this, we will work on a guide that will cover such essentials as the proper use of the software.

This example describes the necessary steps to conduct a response analysis of a foundation excited by a rotating machine. The analysis of the piston (or reciprocating) machine will take place in Annex A, changing only the items “Machine” and “Forces”.

It will detail the input of the geometry using the “Design view” as well as the input of the machines on the foundation, definition and allocation of soil parameters and applied forces.

The software possesses tools which will be described throughout the development of the example and reference images will be used where necessary.

Throughout this tutorial, tips/details are framed in relation to the item in which they work.

Finally, we remind the user that this tutorial is accompanied by a help manual which describes forms and detailed features and tools. It is accessed from the help menu, in the toolbar.



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2. Tuto 2.1 De


2.1.1 F

Fig. 2.





scription of

To evaluate machine and

elow show tart of the fou

Foundation G

1.1 – Founda


f the problem

the dynamicits artifacts

the drawingsundation rest


ation, lower



c response o(Table 2.1.2

of the foundts directly on


Fig. 2.1.3 – F



of the found2) correspondation/equipn the soil. Th


Foundation, S

dation proponding to a stment in plan

he units used

. 2.1.2 – Fou

Side View


osal to suppteam turbine

n and elevatiare in meter

undation, Top

ort a rotatine. The figureon. The lowe

rs and tons.

p View


ng es er

Page 6: Clockwork User Manual





2.1.2 M In this considemore th


Fig. 2.1

Fig. 2




Machine Par

example theered as passhan one activ

1.4 – Machin

2.1.6 – Mach









e only activesive machineve machine.


ne, Ground V

hine, Top Vie

chine Type

ng Speed [rp





e machine coes. See anne

Table 2.1.2 –










l 6,269


onsidered is tex A (Item

Machine Pa


ating Machin


t Dim



the “turbine3.3) for con


Fig. 2.1.5 –

ne (Steam Tu


mensions app

,7 Ly:2,6

,26 Ly:2

R: 0,9 Ly


”. The othernsidering fou

Machine, Si


prox. [m]

Lz: 3,79

Lz: 2,3


r machines arundation wit

de View


re th

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2.1.3 S 

2.2 Bu

Once tproject2.2.1

Then, omodelsfoundathe “Eselectio




Soil Paramet

uilding the M

the software t. To do this

open the dias (disk, rectaation geomet

Empty” optionon is chosen


he unit selevelopment oeans that if y

ach square of 



is open, the, go to the “

log “New” (Fangle), the unry if the founn if you preat this stage


ar Modulus [T/m2]


lected for of this, as wyou select thf the grid wil

Table 2.1.3

e first step to“File →New”

Fig. 2

Fig. 2.2.2), wnits of forcendation shapefer to define the geometr

Fig. 2.2.2 –“



the New Pwill the seleche grid size inl have an are


– Soil Param

o start devel” menu or cl

2.2.1 Toolbar

where there and distanc

pe is disk or rne the geomery can be cha

“New” Dialo

n’s Ratio


New Fi

Project predction of the n “2” and thea of “2x2 sq


loping our exlick on the i


are two deface, the grid srectangle. Aletry from scanged later in

og Form

Unit Wei[T/m3]



dominates tspacing of F

he distance unquare meters”


xample is toicon that is s

ault foundatiopacing and dlternatively y

cratch. Anywn the Design

ight ]


throughout Fig. 2.2.2. Tnit in “Meter”.

o create a neshown on Fig

on elementardata about thyou can sele

way, whateveMode.

Hysteretic Damping


the This rs”,


w g.

ry he ct er

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To sta(tons, mthe fou




Toor resthe2.2


g. 2.2.3 – Ci

art the Desigmeters) and

undation of o

2.2.4 – Desi

he orientation

o quickly star“Rectangle

spectively. Ie foundation2.3


ircular Foun

gn Mode, firthen click o

our example,

ign Mode. On(XY); o

n of the coor

rt a foundati”, which co

It is necessarn and the rad

dation (on th

st select the on the button

guided by th

n left-center,on bottom-rig


rdinate axes i

on design, seorresponds try to enter tdius (dimens


he left), Rect

“To be defin “OK”. Fromhe drawings.

perspectiveght, orthogon

is given by th

elect the founo a circularhe radius (dions if recta

angular Fou

ine” option (m this point,Fig. 2.1.1 to

e view; on topnal view (ZX

he right-hand

ndation type r or rectangudimensions ifangular) of th


undation (on

(Fig.2.2.2), u, you can beo Fig. 2.1.6.

p-right, orthoX). 

d rule. Fig. 2

as either “Dular foundatf rectangularhe pedestal.

the right)

units “ton, megin designin





ogonal view


Disk” tion, r) of Fig.


m” ng

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2.2.1. G 

  Enter Fig. 2.2  




A new






a default uni2.5, and then

block has be

The locatioorigin of th(Fig. 2.2.7) To navigateD, W, whicin/out, rotate

 Changing thview. It is Lateral”, “S 

ach block is finitely rigid


itary block inn click on the


een added, w

on (center of he XYZ coo)

e through thech correspone the mouse

he main viewalso possib

Show→ Top

considered id.

nto the coorde design spac

Fig. 2.2.5 –

2.2.6 – Defa

with a default


gravity) of aordinate syst

e different vind to left, dowheel back a

w is done sle to perfor”, Show →P

infinitely rigi  

dinate spacece. (Fig. 2.2.

–“Add New B

ault block siz

t size of 1 m³

any object is tem to the c

iews, use theown, right aand forth.

imply by dorm this actioPerspective”.

New Bloc

id, which me

by clicking o6)

Block” Butto

ze, 1x1x1 m³

³. (Fig. 2.2.6)

given by theenter of gra

e arrow keysand up respe

ouble clickinon from the.


eans the resu  

on the button



e distance frovity of the o

s or the keysectively. To

ng on the see menu “Sho

ulting solid is

n shown in

om the object.

s A, S, zoom

elected ow →

s also


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It areheblo(infouHoresblo


g. 2.2.8 – Pa

he software cWhen entering

which mean is importantea of the f

enceforth). Tocks that men contact wiundation conowever, for sizing the blocks will be



artly Embeddc

considers thag a block, yons it is resting

t to enter thefoundation inThe SCA coeet the condiith the soil)nsists only the case of

lock until it considered t

2.2.7 –Partly

ded Foundationsidered fo


at all volumeu may noticeg directly ov

e correct chon contact wonsidered byition of bein. The SCAof one bloc

f the foundatreaches the

to calculate t


ly Embedded

ion, composeor obtaining t

es below thee that its lower unexcavat

oice of the gwith the soily ClockWo

ng the lowestof Fig. 2.2

k, and theretion such aslowest area

the SCA.

d Foundation

ed of two blothe SCA. 

e plane Z = wer default boted soil.

geometry givl (Soil Con

ork is calcut area of the

2.7 is very sefore, only os Fig. 2.2.8, . Otherwise,



ocks. The low

0 are embedoundary is at

ven to the lontact Area, Sulated only e whole strucsimple sinceone lowest a

we recomm only one of

wer one is

dded. t Z =

ower SCA with cture e the area.

mend f the


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o calculate theight is used

o change theouse button.

alues such aundation (bo



Fig. 2.2.1

he mass of .

e attributes o This action

as location aody weight) t

g. 2.2.9 – Side

10 – Resizing


each block (

of a block, sn will displayand size, astaking into ac


e tab, block p

g a block by u

(and all the

simply clicky a left tab ts well displccount all ex


using the mo


k on the objeto facilitate laying informxisting block



the concrete

ect with thethe adjustmemation abous. Fig. 2.2.9

e unit

e right ent of ut the


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With “Zoresizing 

A quickwith thesame burest. Fig

To stick2.2.11, Fblocks. Wtool is d Use “Al


Fig. 2.2.1

oom” capabor moving o

k way to cha left mouse b

utton. A markg. 2.2.10

k blocks to Fig. 2.2.12). When workiisabled.

ign” for leve

Fig. 2.2.11


13 – Two sep


ilities, it is poobjects. 

ange the sizebutton. It is fked object ch

each other This tool al

ing with mor

eling and che


1 – Creating

2.2.12 – Align

parate blocks

ossible to ac

e of a block first necessarhanges color

quickly, thelso aligns allre than one o

ecking the SC

g the Model.

n Tool.

s but rigidly l

chieve better

is to stretch ry to mark thto be disting

ere is an “Al kinds of obobject at a ti




r accuracy w

one of its she block withguished from

Align” tool (bjects, as welime, the “Ali



sides h the

m the

Fig. ll as ign”


gn Tool 

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The sofgraphicaconsists


For the position its exact2.2.15).


Fig. 2.2

ftware consially displayeof two separ

A Location 

location of is graphicalt location is

Fig. 2.2.1

2.15 – The re


iders that aled as separrate blocks, b

the SCA, prlly representeshown in the  

14 – Unfinish

ed point show

ll blocks arerate units. but physicall

ress the buttoed by a red se bottom righ

hed Model.

ws the locati

e rigidly linConsequen

ly are an uniq

on “SCA” (Fsphere in the ht of the mai  

ion of the SC

nked even wntly, Fig. 2.que rigid sol

Fig. 2.2.15). design view

in window. (


when 2.13


The w and (Fig.




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2.2.2 Passive

As indicatedturbine) and the imbalanc Mass

Continuing according toforces and wadd this class

Now proceed

After selectimouse withilocation give


Machine - Pass- Acti



e machines a

d in Table 2.1others mach


s Data Input

the developo Table 2.1.2

will not be cons of active eq

d to enter the

ing the indicn the area o

en by Fig. 2.1


es can be cla

sive machineive machineem.

and other m

1.2, the equiphines conside


ment of ou2. It should nsidered merquipment.

e mass of the

Fig. 2.2.1

cated button of the top vi1.6. (Fig. 2.2

2.2.16 – Ad

assified as Pa

es only contres are the so



pment is comered passive.

r example, be noted th

rely as a mas

e “Generator

5i – Add New

in Fig. 2.2.ew (XY) to 2.16)

dding the “Ge

assive or Act

ribute to the mource of the

mposed by anThe turbine

the masses hat the “Turss. The Item


w Mass Butto

.15i, click wadd the new




model by thedynamical e


n active machproduces for

are added rbine” produ2.2.2.2 cove


with the left w mass, spec


dd New Mass 

eir masses. excitation of

hine (the rces due to

to the moduces dynam

ers the steps t

button of thcifically in th

f the  14

del mic


he he

Page 15: Clockwork User Manual






















































Use the “Relby Fig., thenwith the mou(“Generator’

Fig. 2.2.18 –

After positdimensions.

The “Rethe edge

It is pos



lative Distan6. To do thisn select the bluse. Depends” mass in th

– “Relative D

tioning the . All of this

elative Distaes of a selecte

ssible to addby using the

Fig. 2.2.17- “

nces” tool to s, press the block to be us

ding on the this case) to th

Distances” T

generator, data is in Ta


ances” tool ied block.

d the positioe property tab


“Relative Dis

locate the exbutton “Relased as a refertype of viewhe selected b

Tool. On the ZX view

you must ble 2.1.2. (F

indicates the

on of the ceb. (Fig. 2.2.1

stances” butt

xact positiontive Distancrence and fin

w in use, the block’s edge

left, the XY v

assign masFig. 2.2.19)

e distance of

enter of grav19)



n of the “Genes” from the

nally move thdistances frwill be disp

view; and on

ss value, g

f an object f

vity of the m

nerator” givee toolbar (Fighe mass objeom the objelayed.  

n the right, th

geometry an

Relative Distances




en g. ct




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Having enterand size, pre



red this infossing the but


2.2.19 – Pro

ormation, yotton “Machin

Fig. 2.2.



operties Tab

u can view ne” from the

20 – Machin





b for Mass Ob

the artifact atoolbar. 

ne Button. 



according too its geometr






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Fig. 2.2.21 – Generator over Foundation 

To enter the mass of the “Condenser” follow the same steps described above. However, now select a cylindrical geometric form as the envelope surface of the machine, the orientation of its rotator axis, length and radius.

The orientation of the cylinder is modified by clicking on the button “Rotate to”. This way, the new direction is reflected graphically in the design view (if the machine button is enabled) and also in the side properties tab “Cylinder at Y Direction”.









Fig. 2.2.22 - Mass properties tab.

 Length of main axis and radius  




































Cylinder‐ rotator axis at “Y” direction  

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Op 2 Id A1poAa Tm





Frequengeometraccount correctlybe directbe cross

It is impfor this cmachineItem 3.3

Fig. 2.2.2

Others than presented the Activ

In this sectiodynamical fo

According to1850 rpm. Frproduced byobtain an apAlso we willa table.

To start the model, by cli


ntly, the cenric center. T

only its ceny set, it does tly resting oving it.

portant to notcategory of mes (rotating a.  

23 – The con

the Turbineey can be ent

ve Machine

on we will beorce forces.

o Table 2.1.2requently, th

y the machinpproximate vl cover how t

entry of the icking with t

nter of graviThe software nter of gravit

not matter thver the found

te that the rotmachine. To and reciproca

ndenser is no

e there are ntered using th

Data Input

egin the inpu

2, the “turbinhere is not inne imbalancevalue of thesto input thes

machine, bethe mouse on

Fig.2.2.24 –



ity of a massimplifies t

ty. Thereforehat graphicadation (Fig. 2

tatory analyssee how to m

ating) over th

ot displayed d

not other rehe mass butt

ut for the activ

ne” is a rotatnformation fre in normal ose forces usise forces if th

egin by addin the “CG” b

– Center of G

ss does not this probleme, if the cenlly the mach2.2.23) or ev

sis can be pemix differenthe same foun

directly restin

elevant masston.

ve machine p

ting machinerom the suppoperation. Laing empiricahe supplier in

ng a “Centebutton of the

Gravity button



match withm by taking nter of gravithine seems noven if it seem

rformed onlyt categories ondation, go to

ng over the f

ses. If other

properties an

e whose operplier about dyater, an outl

al formulas wndicates them

r of gravity”toolbar.

er of ity 

h its into

ty is ot to

ms to

y of o


masses wer

nd the

rating speed ynamic forceline of how twill be givem by means o

” object to th



is es to n. of


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It is pos

machineselect frEnvelopdata (maentered examplesaved, th

The “Stialthoughchange (ZX) (Ficenter o

The Rotor cwill be gener

Fig. 2.2.2

Like the otheaccording to you can entealso possible

You can defactive machi

After saving


sible to add e and the cenrom the “Li

pment” (Fig. ass, geometrdata, belon

e, to the objhis object ch

ick to Block”h these blockthe positionig. 2.2.26). “f gravity, for

center of grarated. These

25- Quick op

er componenthe drawing

er the mass oe from the “M

fine more thine. Internall

this data, a n

one center onter of graviist of Cente2.2.25). Aft

ry and size).ngs only to ject “of the anges its def

” tool allows ks are at diffn (height) of“Stick To Blrce point and

avity objecte unbalanced

ption, add one

nts of the mags of Fig. 2.1of this compMachine” me

han one Roty the softwa

new “Center



of gravity, wty of the fou

ers” list boxter this, it is . It is importthe selectedEnvelopmen

fault name to

the movemeferent heightsf an object wlock” can md bearing.

represents thd forces are a

e default Cen

achine, place1.6 and give iponent in theenu as indica

or Center ofre generates

r of Gravity”

with relation tundation. Tox, the object

possible to tant to note d center of nt”. Once tho “CG_Equip

ent of objectss. Therefore,without usin

manipulate ob

he point whlways perpen

nter of Gravi

e the Center it the name o

e side tab of ated below.

f Gravity if a list of Rot

object will b


to the size ofo use this optt called “of enter the relthat this relgravity, in

e data has bpment”.

s over the blo, it is possibl

ng the side vbjects like m

ere the unbandicular to th

ity, called “C

of Gravity iof Table H

you have mor Center of

be added to t

f the tion, f the lated lated this


ocks le to view


alanced forcehe rotor axis


in the positio2. OptionallyHowever, it

more than onf Gravity. 

the internal.


es .

on y, is


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It is pos“Frequefrequencdisplacemin to F

The next step

Now, go to gravity of the

In this menu

On Fig. 2.2.machine, opewhich in thisOnce the cenwill activate


ssible to anaency Range” cy in the ements are obF max. Later

Fig. 2.

p is to assign

the menu “Me machine. F

you can com

28 part of terating frequs case revolvnter of gravithe fields fo

alyze a rangand enterin“Machine”

btained for ewe see these

2.26 – “Mac

n the Rotor C

Machine” toFig. 2.2.26 –

Fig. 2.2.2

mplement ma

the machine uency (Hz) aves around thity is associaor the entry o



ge of operating a minimu menu (F

each intermee results grap

chine” Optio

Center of Gra

associate th– Fig. 2.2.27.

27 – “Machi

ass data asso 

informationand the orienhe X axis. ated, press onf mass, geom

ing frequencum frequencyFig.2.2.28). ediate step (ophically.

on and “Stick

avity to a par

he “turbine” .

ne” Form.

ciated with t

n has been antation of the

n it using thmetric form a





cies by selecy and maximThe maxim

of 0.1Hz) fro

k to Block” T

rticular mach

object with

the machine.

dded, such ae main axis o

e left mouseand size. 

Menu Machine 

Stick to 

List of centergravity

List of centerassociate


cting mum mum om F



h the center o


as the type oof the turbin

e button. Th


rs of

rs of gravity ed to the hine



of ne,


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Th          Fig. 2.2.28 – “Machine” menu. Mass, geometry and dimensions assigned 


Fig. 2.2.29 – Masses over Foundation




































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2.2.3 Forces As mentioned in the preceding paragraph for this example further information is not available regarding the dynamic forces produced by the machine (Steam Turbine). Next, use formulas provided by recognized standards, such as ACI351, ASA/ANSI S2.19 and DIN4024 for conservative approximations of the value of these forces. 

Pressing the button “Forces by formula applied at centers of gravity” from the menu “Machine”, shows the window of Fig. 2.2.30.

Fig. 2.2.30 – Machine” Form

The software provides four well known formulas:

1. Machine unbalance provided by the manufacturer 2. Machine unbalance meeting industry criteria 3. Dynamic load determined from an empirical formula 4. Machine unbalance by DIN4024






































Forces Calculation Form 

Bearings, forces        Form 

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Fig. 2.2.31 – Forces Form. Provides formulas from international standards that allow calculation of dynamic forces applied at the selected center of gravity.

For the example, the employed formula is “Dynamic Loads determined from an empirical formula”. (Fig. 2.2.32)







Fig. 2.2.32 – Dynamic loads determined from an empirical formula

To obtain the approximate force, first add one rotor, pressing the up arrow in the “Segments of the rotor” section, then select the “turbine” center of gravity from the “Rotor center of gravity” column. Finally, in the “Select formula” column we choose the formula “Dynamic loads determined from an empirical formula”. 

“Balance Quality” Table

“Service Factor” Table




































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The valuautomatmachine

In this examcorresponds “Rotating WFig. 2.2.33.

In the ca“Servicesophisticalso usedata tabby press


ue of the opically filled

e entered in t

mple we asto 40% of

Weight” field

ase of havinge Factor” ancated formule these formles attached

sing the “>”

perating freqd in, considthe previous

sume that tthe weight

(Fig. 2.2.32)

Fig. 2.2

 g further datand/or “Balanlas for the ca

mulas, approato the form button, to th


quency used dering the omenu.

the weight oof the turb

) and press th

.33 – Resulti

a of the machnce Quality”alculation ofaching the p(Fig. 2.2.34

he right of th

in each of operating fre

of the rotatine. Enter the right mou

ing Force

hine, such as”, you wouldf forces. Othprevious val4). These tabe input data.


the formulaequency of

ting part of the resultinguse button on

s “Eccentricid be able toherwise, you lues throughbles are acce (Fig. 2.2.31

as, is the

f the maching value in thn “Calculate

ity”, use can

h the ssed

1)  24

ne he e”.

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Once the for2.2.30). TheThis force isrotor, becausspace. Therein direction Z

When tapplied 2.2.35).



rce is calcula value has bs to be applise the axis o

efore, the resZ and directi

the manufacat the mach

Fig. 2.2.34a –

Fig. 2.2.34b

ated, press thbeen assigneied in the diof the mach

sultant forceion Y.


cturer gives hine bearings


–“Balance Q

b –“Service F

he button “Oed to the rotirections perphine rotates

due to the u

the force s; the “bear

Quality” Tab

Factor” Tabl

Ok” (Fig. 2.2.tor center ofpendicular toaround direc

unbalance of

magnitude ring” object




33) and thenf gravity of o the axis oction X of tf the rotor ha

values direcis useful. (F

n “Save” (Figthe “turbinef the machinthe coordinaas componen

ctly Fig.  25

g. e”. ne ate nts

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The adventry of obtain eafter entin the toclick on (Fig. 2.2the “Ma

The bearingsfoundation.



vantage of thf forces are sieven an apprtering the “boolbar. (Fig.the object w

2.38) or go tchine” menu

s are the poin



he object “beimplicity androximation obearings” (F 2.2.37). To

with the rightto “Forces apu. Fig. 2.2.38

nts where the

Fig. 2.2.35 –

Fig. 2.2.36 –

Fig 2.2.37 –



earing” in fd speed of daof the size oFig. 2.2.36), po add forces t mouse buttopplied at bea


e machine dy

– “Bearing” B

– Bearings o

Machine on

front of otheata entry, as

of the machipress the buto a “bearin

on to open itarings point

ynamical reac


on foundation



r objects to it is possible

ine. To do thtton “Machinng” object, jts properties ” option wit

ctions are ap


Bearing Button 

the e to his, ne” just tab


pplied to the


Page 27: Clockwork User Manual



























































By usin“Machinthe “Adforces ar

Fig. 2.2.38a

There is2.2.39), woption. Yby using

Rememb“Center visual dirigidly li


ng the “Forne” form, yodvanced” butre loaded and

– Forces Inp


an additionwhich allow

You can accethe right mo

ber that in thof Gravity”

irect contact nked to the s

rces appliedou can have tton. Here yd the used ph

put F

g. 2.2.39 – To


nal object tws rotating oress the propeouse button. (

he case of thand “Beariwith the fo

structure. (Fi


d at bearingaccess to an

you can see hase. (Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.2.38b –

oolbar, “For

o add forcer reciprocatinerties of the (Fig. 2.2.40)

he objects “Fing”, it is nooundation, asig. 2.2.40)

Force PButto

gs point” on advanced in

the directio.2.38a – 2.2.

– Forces Inp

rce Point” bu

es, the “Forng forces, dobject as yo


Force Point”ot necessarys these are c

Point on 


option from nput by clickon in which38b)

put, “Advanc


rce Point” (epending on

ou can any ot

”, “Mass Poiy that they hconsidered to

the king the

ced” option




(Fig. n the ther,

int”, have o be


Page 28: Clockwork User Manual














Fig. 2.2.40 – Force Point. To the left are the properties of the object. 


















































Page 29: Clockwork User Manual



How masses and dynamical forces are entered.

Type of Mass Description Restriction

Foundation Mass

Is automatically calculated when creating the foundation model using the concrete specific weight.

Other Masses

Use the “Add New Mass” button (Fig. 2.2.15i) to insert masses. Masses are considered uniform inside the envelope shape.

Masses with Forces

Use the “Center of Gravity” button (Fig 2.2.24) when: - Mass represents the

rotor mass when forces are to be calculated in rotation machines

Rotatory machines only

- Mass represents the total machine when forces are to be calculated.

How dynamical forces are entered in ClockWork.

Type of Force Description Restriction

Forces determined from formula applied at Centers of Gravity

From the machine form these forces are calculated from formulas and assigned to the assigned centers of gravity.

Given forces to be applied at bearing points

Forces given by the machine data sheet are assigned at bearings. The machine envelope is created if not entered before.

Given forces to be applied at a “Force Point”

General method for entering any force in

Using “Forces applied at bearing points” from the machine form.

Forces are applied using a table. Rotatory machines only







































































Page 30: Clockwork User Manual























































2.2.4 Soil

To considerproperties of2.2.41). For o

Once the forClassified”, fform. 

You may2.2.42 o“Standa2.2.43b.


r the soil-stf the soil. Tour example

Fig. 2.2.4

rm is open (Ffollowed by


y enter the sor obtain an rd Penetrati

tructure inteThe definitione, the data giv

41 – Access m

Fig. 2.2.42),clicking the

Fig. 2.2.42 –


shear moduluapproximat

ion Test” (F 

eraction, youn is made inven in Table

menu “Define

press with th“Add” butt

“Soil Classif

us directly intion based oFig. 2.2.43),

u need to n “Define → 

2.1.3 is used

e →Soil Clas

he left mouson located o

fication” Fo

nto the field aon test result

using the m



enter the gSoil Classif



se button on n the bottom


as shown in ts from an methods in

Soil assification  

geomechanicfication” (Fig

the label “Nom-center of th

Fig. SPT Fig.


al g.

Not he

Page 31: Clockwork User Manual























































The fields arthe new layeassigning laythe data give

Fig. 2.2.43a

Once the dabutton “Closlayer that w“Soil” form,

In this exampselection of tthe static stifpress the “Ad

The sof“Classifrecognizexpande“Add Cclassificthe soil l


re activated ter. This nameyers to youren in Table. 2

-“Standard p

ata of Tablese” on the s

will be assignlocated in th

ple we use ththe impendaffness. To asdvanced” bu

ftware is acfied Soils”. zed standarded by the useClassified Socation. Any nlibrary.

to fill the soie is the identmodel in th



e 2.1.3 in theame form (F

ned to the mhe menu tool

Fig. 2.2.44

he theory of ance. The foussign all of tutton, located

ccompanied These soi

ds which areer pressing (ioil” button new classific


il parameterstifier that all

he next steps

test” Form

e “Soil ClasFig. 2.2.42).

model is combar Fig. 2.2.

4 – Toolbar,

semi-infiniteundation rectthis data, god on the right

by a librarils contain e used worlin the “Soil

and enterication and ev

s, after whichlows you to fs. The remai

Fig. 2

ssification” f After this s

mpleted. The 44.

“Soil” form

e space, the “tangular geo

o to the “Soilt of the same




ry of soil pparameters

ldwide. ThisClassificatioing a namevery added l

Soil for


h you must gfind the soil ning fields a

2.2.43b – SP

form is entestep, the defallocation is

“Standard” mometry is entls” form (Fige form.


Ohsaki – Iwas

wai – Tonou

eed, 1983 (Sa

properties cas belongings library canon” form) one for the ayer is store


give a name tat the time o

are filled wit

PT Methods

ered, press thfinition of ths made on th

method for thtered to obtaig. 2.2.45) an


saki, 1973

chi, 1982

and soils )

alled g to n be n the new

ed in


to of th

he he he

he in nd

Page 32: Clockwork User Manual




















































To assign ththe new soil,to define it.

The “Type” 2.2.45)

The value offor a semi-in

For stratified

The field “Teperform this

Click on “Sa

Then, in the

The selmethod allows ano chang

To add “Layers to removlabel.

In the c“Cones”embedmfoundati



he layer defin, in the “Nam

field is assig

f the “Thicknnfinite space

d horizontal s

exture” is opexample we

Fig. 2.2.4

ave” button o

design wind

ection of sofor obtaining

any type of stges in the ad

or remove laover rigid r

ve) appearin

case of emb” method, s

ment. The ions, though

ned above, fme” field of

gned with th

ness” field inthe thickness

soil layers th

ptional and ree choose the f

45 – “Soils” f

of the “Soils”

dow you can

oil stratificag the static stratification,

dvanced form

ayers from trock” optionng on the rig

bedded founince it cove“Fundamentonly for the


first denote,the “Soil” op

he mouse, by

n this exampls is infinite.

he thickness o

epresents thefirst texture.

form. Assign

” form to sav

see the alloc

ation is diretiffness. In gand it is the


the “Layers s, press the ght side of t

dations, it iers all typetal” method“Semi-infini

with a nameption. It cou

y left-clickin

le is predeter

of each layer

e soil in the d 

ning an uncla

e changes.

ation made g

ectly relatedgeneral, the “default selec

over semi-inarrows (‘up’the “Number

is recommens of soil std also alloite space” op


e, the layer tuld be the sam

ng on the ent

rmined and u

r shall be ind

design windo

assified soil  

graphically. (

d to the cho“Cones” metction if there

nfinite space’ to add, ‘dor of soil laye

nded to use tratification ows embedption.

that composeme name use

try area. (Fig



ow. To

(Fig. 2.2.46)

osen thod e are

” or own’ ers”

the and

dded  32

es ed




Page 33: Clockwork User Manual



Fig. 2.2.46 – Model with assigned soil.  



















































Page 34: Clockwork User Manual







































2 Ait 













2.3 Analyzin

After enterininitiate the anthe F5 key. T

The purposecompleted in

Fig. 2.3.2.a

Start the An

It is posform byrange vdampingfreedom

- M - M

- M - M - M - M

An effec35% of t

Thus, ifvalue, th

Note: Th


ng the mach

ng all necessnalysis. In th

This will star

Fig. 2.

e of this formn order to con

a – Effective d

Fig. 2.3.2


ssible to altey varying thevaries betweg, respective

m. The corresp

Modal NumbModal NumbModal NumbModal NumbModal NumbModal Numb

ctive dampinthe calculate

f internally he effective C

his is not a re

hine foundat

sary data forhe toolbar (Frt the analysi

.3.1 – “Analy

m (Fig. 2.3.ntinue.

damping lim

2c – Analysis

er the dampe values of ten 0 and 1

ely), can be pondence is

ber 1: Degreber 2: Degreber 3: Degreber 4: Degreber 5: Degreber 6: Degre

ng limit of 0ed value.

the softwareCx to be used

eduction of a


tion and obt

r the dynamFig. 2.3.1), gois. However,

ysis” Menu,

2b) is to en

mit F

s successfully

ing from thethe column “1 (minimumentered indias follow:

e of Freedome of Freedome of Freedome of Freedome of Freedome of Freedom

0.35, will lim

e determinesd in the analy

a damping cr

taining resul

mic analysis oo to “Analysfirst you fin


nsure that al

Fig. 2.3.2b –

ly completed

e “Effective “Value”. Thi

m and maximvidually for

m X (Horizonm Y (Horizonm Z (Verticalm rx (Rockinm ry (Rockinm rz (Torsion

mit the effect

s, say in dirysis is 0,35C

ritical value



of the systemsis →Run” ornd the forms o

” option

l the data en

Data verific

damping limis factor, whmum valueseach degree

ntal) ntal) l)

ng X) ng Y) n Z)

tive damping

rection X a Cx.

m, proceed tr simply preof Fig.2.3.2.

ntry has bee

cation form

mit” hose s of e of

g to



to ss


Page 35: Clockwork User Manual



2.3.1 Natural frequencies

To obtain the natural frequencies of the model, it is necessary to provide, as a minimum requirement, the foundation geometry, the machine mass, and soil parameters. Access to this option is possible through the toolbar “Analysis →Results → Natural Frequency”.

Fig. 2.3.3 –“Natural Frequencies” Toolbar Natural Frequencies Display








Fig. 2.3.4a – Natural Frequencies 

On Fig. 2.3.4a, the natural frequencies of the first six degrees of freedom of the model are indicated. These were obtained selecting the “Coupled Modes” option.





































Natural Frequencies

Page 36: Clockwork User Manual


       36 Uncoupled Natural Frequencies, factored and unfactored damping

If the “Uncoupled Modes” is selected the table displays approximate values of frequencies considering that the modes are “Pure”. This means that the foundation block will move for each mode in only one direction, for example: The Z Mode corresponds to a vertical displacement without any rotation and without any component in X or Y. The Coupled Modes are more accurate. The Uncoupled Modes are an approximation that nevertheless is useful for taking decisions. For example: If the frequency of the Z Mode is very near to a resonance condition the designers knows how to identify the problem, and he/she can decide to resize the foundation area.


Fig. 2.3.4b – Uncoupled Natural Frequencies 

The Unfactored ξ column shows the critical damping ratio obtained directly from the soil impedance mode. The Factored ξ column shows these values when modified by the “Effective Damping Limit” factor. The values from this last column are useful when designing machine foundations with limited critical damping ratio, as recommended in some specifications and codes.                  




































Page 37: Clockwork User Manual



2.3.2 Natural Frequency Range You can obtain natural frequencies for a range of values of shear modulus, by using the “Shear Modulus Range” option, from the menu “Analysis →Results →Shear Modulus Range” (Fig. 2.3.5)  




Fig. 2.3.5 – Access menu, “Shear Modulus Range” 

Fig. 2.3.6 –“Shear Modulus Range” form

When you first open the form, the fields “G min”, “G max” and “Step” are filled automatically. The calculation of these default values is made by multiplying the shear modulus provided (Fig. 2.2.42) by “0.5” and “1.5”, for “G min” and “G max” respectively. Changing “G min” and “G max” is allowed. (Fig. 2.3.6)








































Natural Frequency Range 

Page 38: Clockwork User Manual











































2 2 AtDw






Fig. 2

2.3.3 Displac Displ

After the verthe displaceDisplacemenwill be disab

You can see form.

Each row ofoundation directions.

The SCA conthe overturni

In the “Swhich afrequencindicatesthe buttoto



2.3.7 – “Shea


lacement Ta

rification andement tablents” (Fig. 2.3bled.


the dynamic

f the results(Fig. 2.3.9)

Ux: DiUy: DiUz: Di

ntrol point hing moment.

MUx: MUy: MUz:

Shear Modulallows to dicies that ares the accepton “DIN 402



ar Modulus R


d analysis (Fe, go to t3.8). If you h

2.3.8 – Acce

c analysis res

s table corre). Each “co

isplacement isplacement isplacement

as the same t

Rocking aroRocking aroRocking aro

lus Range” fsplay the ra

e near to a rable range c24” will high




Range” Form

Fig. 2.3.2), yothe toolbar have not don

ess to “Disp

sults, within

esponds to aontrol point

at X directioat Y directioat Z directio

three directio

ound X axis (ound Y axis (ound Z axis (

form, there isange of G vresonance cocriteria accorhlight, in coptable

m, Applying D

ou are able tooption “A

ne the analy

lacements” F

the table of t

an assigned t” has thre

on (from zeroon (from zeron (from zero

ons but three

(from zero to(from zero tofrom zero to

s a button mvalues that ondition. Thrding to the lor, all frequ



DIN4024 Sta

o obtain resuAnalysis →sis previousl


the “Displac

“control poee possible

o to peak) o to peak) o to peak)

e more corres

o peak) o peak) o peak) 

marked “DIN determines

he upper rigstandard. Pr

uencies that (Fig


ults. To acce Results →ly, this optio


oint” over thdisplacemen

sponding to

4024”, natural

ght box ressing belong .2.3.7.)


ss → on

he nt

Page 39: Clockwork User Manual



































































  To loca

Object” 2.3.12). Point” apoint worigin of

Each bloface. If one of thPoints” displacePoints”




Fig. 2.3.11 –

ate a particuoption, fromIn the searc

and it will thith the rightf the coordin

ock has fouradjacent conhem remains

button froements/velocbutton shoul


ntrol Points arch option

Fig. 2.3.9 –

Fig. 2.3.10

– Access Men


ular control m the menu ch window (

hen appear int mouse but

nate axes (Fig

r control pontrol points as. To activatom the tooities/accelerald remain ena

ontrol Points Button


– “Displacem

0 – Control P

nu to Search

point withi“Show →O

(Fig. 2.3.13)n the design tton will obtg. 2.3.14).

ints, locatedare detected te the controolbar. Bear ations at thabled. (Fig.

ments” Form

Points Button

for Control

in the modeObject → Co) enter the Iwindow. Clitain its posi

d on the edg(for the stu

ol points, prein mind t

hese points,2.3.10, Fig.



Points by ID

el, use the ontrol Point”ID of the “Cicking on a cition regardi

es of the upck blocks ca

ess the “Conthat to obt, the “Con2.3.11)


“Show ” (Fig.

Control control ing the

pper ase) trol tain trol


Page 40: Clockwork User Manual



Fig. 2.3.12 – The P55 Control Point is displayed by using the “Show Object” option.  



Fig. 2.3.13 – “Control Point” Search Window 












Fig. 2.3.14 – Control Point location is displayed by using the “Show Object” option.





































“Control Point” P47 Location 

Page 41: Clockwork User Manual




































































We can grapPlot” (Fig. 2

Fig. 2.3.16 –

The grapdeterminhas suffeforces. It is pos(velocitiwhich isvalue is,



lacements, v

h the obtaine.3.15). 


– The chart rX. The s

ph representnate point offered with res

sible to add ies and accels located belo, by default,


velocities an

ed results by

2.3.15 – Acc

represents peelected Cont


s the displacf the foundaspect to its o

or remove nleration), by ow the contr0.001. (Fig.

p  M


nd accelerati

y using the “P

cess to graph


eak to peak dtrol Point co

cement, veloation (controriginal positi

nodes from thchanging th

rol point list 2.3.17)

Max. Magnitu(0 to peak)

ion graphics

Plot” option

hic results wi

displacementrresponds to

city or accell point or foion by the ac

he graphic ohe ‘number oof the “Plot”





in “Analysis


ts at a horizoo the SCA. 

leration whicoundation SCction of exter

of displacemeof steps’ opti” form. The s

Max. Magnitu(Peak to Pea

→Results →

ontal directio

ch a CA) rnal

ents ion, step

ude ak) 



Page 42: Clockwork User Manual




Fig. 2.3.17 – Plot Form – The time interval between nodes has been changed from the default value (0.001) to 0.1 (the distance unit depends on the selected one at the beginning of the project)   





2.3.4 Static Analysis

It is possible to obtain the soil pressures for each control point belonging to the soil contact area. To access this option go to “Analysis → Results → Static Analysis”.

The Static Analysis is performed only for dead weight.

Fig. 2.3.17i – Access menu to the Static Analysis option.




Fig. 2.3.17e – Soil Pressures for each control point belonging to the SCA.








































Static Analysis 

Page 43: Clockwork User Manual











































Vibration CMachinery (Bl

Arya, O’Ne














Criteria for Rlake 1964, as eill, and Pincu


2.4 Acceptan

In certain cvibration limstandards anwell known v

ViArMaPu Ge“VEn Rean

In our exam1964 (as mod

It should be is necessary Point” buttooption. 

Showingmore “Cfrom thcriteria u

  The con

“ID.Diredisplacecan be shas been

If a sel

criteria than thonot shominimum

Rotating modified by

us 1979)


nce criteria

cases, the emits for its nond recommenvibration crit

ibration crirya, O’Neil

Maintenance,”ublishing Co

eneral machVibration Tongineering an

eiher-Meistend Foundatio

mple, we usedified by Ary

Fig. 2

noted that foto have the an enabled; o

g the displacControl Poine left-handused. (Fig.2.

ntrol points oection”; whi

ement. For thseen in Fig. 2n found at Y

ected contrograph, this m

ose allowed bown becausem of the crite

equipment mormal operatindations fromteria widely

iteria for roll, and Pi” Hydrocar, Houston, T

hinery vibraolerances fond Maintena

er chart (Ricons”, Prentic

the “vibratiya, O’Neill, a

2.3.18 – Acce

or loading thanalysis of thotherwise, on


cements on nts” is as simlists. The r3.19)

on the vibrach means, thhis example, 2.3.19, the mdirection (P

ol point is nmeans that tby the criterie their disperia.


manufacturerion. In such m recognizedused.

otating macincus 1979;rbon ProcesTex., V. 43, N

ation severitor Industry,ance Confere

chart, Hall, ce-Hall, Engl

ion criteria fand Pincus 1

ess menu, “V

he control pohe model comnly the SCA

the vibratiomple as choresult is auto

ation criteria he “ID” nam

the control major displa46.y)

not being rethe displaceia. In this explacements

r does not cases, it is pd studies. Th

chinery (Bla; “New Vssing and P

No. 1, Jan., pp

ty chart (Ba” ASME P

ence, Detroit,

and Woods 1lewood Cliffs

for rotating 1979)” (Fig.

Vibration Cr

oints on the vmpleted. Opt

A control poi

on criteria oposing the coomatically r

have the fome and the “D

point chosenacement of th

epresented oment magni

xample, P46.are much l


establish thpossible to ushe software i

ake 1964, asVibration SPetroleum Rp. 111-114)

axter and BePaper 67-PEt, Mich., Apr.

1970, “Vibrafs, N.J., 414 p



vibration crittionally, keepint will be lo

ption of oneontrol point reflected on

ollowing formDirection” ofn is the P46.his control p

on the vibraitudes are lo.x and P46.zlower than

he acceptabse well knowincludes thre

s modified bStandards foRefiner, Gu

ernhard 196EM-14, Plan.)

ations of Soipp.)

, from “Blak

teria option, p the “Controoaded into th

e or IDs the

mat: f the . As


ation ower z are

the  43

le wn ee

by for ulf

67, nt



it ol he

Page 44: Clockwork User Manual







































































For all magnituunits of right sidaxis has

The Sergiven fa


Fig. 2.3.

criteria, twudes and one

inches in mde in microm

RPM units (

rvice Factor actor. In the F

19 – Vibratio

o types of e for frequen

mils [1mil =meters [1micr(Revolutions

option allowFig. 2.3.19 a


on Criteria f

units are uncy (of rotat

inches] rometer = s per minute)

ws to multipService Fact

for rotating m

used; one fotion). The von the left s


ply each disptor of 1.6 is u



or displacemvertical axis side, and on . The horizon

placement bused.

Service Fac

ment has the


by a



Page 45: Clockwork User Manual











































3 Tit“ TeEs  


















3. Annex A –

The “Periodincreasing thto that perfor“Functions”

The data coexample, in oExcitation” osame for the



The periodic




– Machine w

dic excitatiohe complexitrmed througoption (Fig.

oncerning thorder to achioption. The periodic ana

Fig. 3.1.1f (t) in

c force shown

Machine T






with Periodi

on” optionty of operatiogh the “Rotat 3.3.1).

he machine ieve a propersteps to pro

alysis case; h

Table 3.1.1

1 – Periodic units of weig

n in Fig. 3.1.








ic Excitation

provides fleon. You can ting Machine

has been r understandoceed with thence, it is ig

1 – Machine

Force of a Rght tons, and

.1 is applied





l 6,269


exibility of even make

e”, by using

developed aing of the ca

the Item 2.2.gnored in this


Reciprocatingd t in seconds

vertically fo




tonf] D

6 Lx

1 L



analysis wia harmonic athe cosine f

and exaggerapabilities of .2.1 “Mass Is annex.

g Machine s of time

or this examp

ting Machine


Dimensions ap

x:3,7 Ly:2,6

Lx:1,26 Ly:2

R: 0,9 L

ithout undulanalysis equfunction in th

rated for thf the “PeriodInput” are th


pprox. [m]

6 Lz: 3,79

Lz: 2,3



ly ual he

his dic he

Page 46: Clockwork User Manual



3.1 Machine The machine type discussed in this annex is composed of masses of the same characteristics to those recently studied in this the tutorial. However, the applied force is not sinusoidal as in the previous example, but its time variation is as shown in Fig. 3.1.1.

3.1.1 Machine Input To set this type of machine, we begin by adding a “Center of Gravity” object to the model. The location is given by Table 3.1.1. The steps required to add a “Center of Gravity” object are listed in Item

Until this moment, the steps with respect to the rotatory machine are the same. The changes come when choosing the type of machine in the “Machine” form.












Fig. 3.2.1 “Machine” Form

After selecting the “Periodic Excitation” of the “Machine” form, you set the period according to the parameters given in Table 3.1.1, and the number of harmonics for the Fourier Series. For this example we use 80 harmonics. (Fig. 3.2.1)







































A bigger number of terms (harmonics) for the Fourier Series, implies a better approximation of the results. (Fig. 3.2.1)

The period set in the “Machine” form is considered as a global period, hence, it is the maximum period for all the periodic forces. If a periodic force exceeds the maximum established period, then the period of the periodic force will be truncated until the maximum established.

Page 47: Clockwork User Manual




























































3.2 Forces In

To enter themenu bar "D

As shown inis not activeFunction" bu

After the funon the center

To add ppress on


the softwfunctionas explafunction



e force plotteDefine → Fun

n Fig. 3.3.1, te until this putton.

nction has ber of gravity "

points to the n the “-” butto

gh the periodware deeme

n) is of 0.038ained above


ed in Fig. 3nctions".

Fig. 3.3.1

there is a forpoint, it shal

een defined i"turbine" (Fig

 function, preon. (Fig. 3.3

d of the “Fz” ed that the p8s (the appliee, this is th  

.1.1, go to t

1 – “Functio

rce function wll be now sa

it is possibleg. 3.3.2)

ess on the “+.1)

function addperiod of thed one in thehe period th

the "Functio

ons” Form

with its respaved. To do

e to use it. In

+” button. To

ded in Fig. 3his function e “Machine” hat applies  

ns" form, w

pective nameo this, press

n the “Design

o remove poi

3.3.1 is of 0.0(and any omenu) becato all perio

which is in th

, but the forcon the "Sav

n View”, clic

Add a P


03s, other ause, odic




ce ve



ve a nt

Page 48: Clockwork User Manual
















































When you clshows a list "Fz" defined

With these cCalculate" o

When this isthrough the d(Fig. 2.3.15 -

Access t

There aBy P3.3.1By E(Fig.


To defin

“Functioname tothe left expressidescribevariable



lick one of tof predefine

d above, as a

changes, you r press F5 to

s done the andisplacemen- Fig 2.3.16)

to the "Funct

are two waysPoints: Addin

) Expression: A

3.4.3). It is

options are a

ne a functioons” form an the new funmouse butt

ion (Fig. 3.4e a curve as

represents th

g. 3.3.2 – Sid

the drop-dowed force funcvertical load

will be ableo start the ana

nalysis is finnts table (Fig).

tions" form,

to add a perng point by p

Adding the mpossible to d

accessible by

on using the nd then clicknction in the ton on the 4.4a). It is ps shown in he time axis


de bar, “Turb

wn boxes of ctions added d.

e to analyze talysis.

nished and itg. 2.3.8 – Fig

from "Defin

riodic functiopoint until the

mathematic exdefine a piece

y clicking on

“By Expresk on the side

“Function N“+” button

possible to uFig. seconds.

bine” proper

the side tab by the user

the system a

t is then posg. 2.3.9) or b


e → Functio

on in the “Fue curve is com

xpression of ewise-define

n their respec

ssion” optiontab “By Exp

Name” field. to add a n

use the defa. In the exp



properties, y. Apply the f

again. Go to

ssible to obtaby using the


unctions” formplete. (Fig

f the functioned function.

ctive tab.

n, first openpression”. Gi

Next, click new mathemault functionpression, the

you will seeforce functio

"Analysis →

ain the resul“Plot” optio

rm: g.


n the ive a with

matic ns to e “t”


it on

lts on

Page 49: Clockwork User Manual






































Fig.3.4.3 - Functions defined using the option “By Expression”. Note that the amplitude of force (1.62 [tons] for the turbine and 1.5 [tons] for the generator) is used directly in the function definition form. 













Fig. 3.4.4a – “Add Function” button. Fig. 3.4.4b – Default functions


Add New Function 


Default Functions 

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Fig. 3.4.8 –

Once thewhich cin “Ana



– Resultant F

e loads are aorresponds t

alysis → Resu


3.4.7 – “For

Force of the Fig

applied, we cto the total suults → Force

s on SCA 


rces in center

“turbine” ang.3.4.3.

can verify theum of the foes in center o

r of SCA” op

nd “generato

e resultant forces assignedof SCA” (Fig



or” functions

orce on the Sd. This optiog. 3.4.7)

s defined in

SCA on is
