Clinton campaign chief linked to Russian bank listed in Panama Papers | Washington Examiner

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  • 8/17/2019 Clinton campaign chief linked to Russian bank listed in Panama Papers | Washington Examiner


    4/6/16, 63linton campaign chief linked to Russian bank listed in Panama Papers | Washington Examiner

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    The head of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is linked to a

    Russian bank involved with an emerging international scandal,

    according to documents reported on Tuesday.

    Registration forms indicate that the Podesta Group signed up tolobby for the Sberbank of Russia in Washington about a month ago,

    in early March. The bank has been implicated in a scheme

    unearthed on Sunday in which leaders worldwide illegally stashed

    their assets overseas.

    The Podesta Group was founded by John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton's 2016 campaign for president and a chief of staff to former

    president Bill Clinton. His brother, Anthony Podesta, is listed as a

    lo bbyist for the account on the March filing.

    The form, which was first discovered by the Washington Free

    Beacon, also lists three affiliated companies. Those include the

    Luxembourg-based SB International, Cyprus-based SBGB and

    Troika Dialogue Group, located in the Cayman Islands.

    The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, the

    collection of journalists responsible for initially reporting on the

  • 8/17/2019 Clinton campaign chief linked to Russian bank listed in Panama Papers | Washington Examiner


    4/6/16, 63linton campaign chief linked to Russian bank listed in Panama Papers | Washington Examiner

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    papers, have indicated that Troika Dialogue and Sberbank are tied

    to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his associates. Troika

    reportedly signed away assets to another company, Avto Holdings,

    owned by Sergei Roldugin, a godfather to Putin's daughter.

    The Panama Papers, comprised of 11.5 million pages leaked from

    Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, were first revealed on
