Climate Change, Water and Food Security in the Mediterranean … · 2015. 5. 26. · 2013, 2014 et...

Climate Change, Water and Food Security in the Mediterranean and in West Africa What strategies ? Guillaume Benoit General Engineer , permanent member of CGAAER (France) Member of the international panel of experts in CGDA (Morocco) and of the panel of experts on sustainable agriculture and food in the FAO Coordinator/rapporteur for the SESAME Seminars Chair of the FWP Water and Food Security Working Group A North/South cross- analysis from the experience developed in the Water and Food Security Seminars in the Mediterranean (SESAME) 2013, 2014 et 2015 WWF7 Korea Regional Process (Mediterranean) 2015, April 14

Transcript of Climate Change, Water and Food Security in the Mediterranean … · 2015. 5. 26. · 2013, 2014 et...

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Climate Change, Water and Food Security

in the Mediterranean and in West Africa

What strategies ?

Guillaume BenoitGeneral Engineer , permanent member of CGAAER (France)

Member of the international panel of experts in CGDA (Morocco) and of the panel of experts on sustainable agriculture and food in the FAO

Coordinator/rapporteur for the SESAME SeminarsChair of the FWP Water and Food Security Working Group

A North/South cross- analysis from the experience developed in the Water

and Food Security Seminars in theMediterranean (SESAME)

2013, 2014 et 2015

WWF7 KoreaRegional Process (Mediterranean)2015, April 14

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From WWF 6 (Marseille 2012) to COP 21 (Paris 2015)

WWF6 Marseille 2012 SESAME 1, 2 and 3

WWF7…(>) … COP 21

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Climate Change, Agriculture, Forestry and OtherLand Use (AFOLU) and water : the big issues

Climate Change => majors risks of increasing food inse curity (IPCC)� Yield decline� Breakage caused in food systems by droughts, floods ..� Endangering rural livelyhoods due to insufficient access to irrigation

water and declining agricultural productivity� Soaring world prices� 600 more millions hungry by 2050 ? � Migrations, instabilities

Global Challenge: combining adaptation, mitigation and growth/ food securityFeed 9,5 billion in 2050, = need « Climate smart agriculture »Eradicate hunger and poverty, Create jobs (300 million in Africa)Maintain stability

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The Mediterranean and West Africa:Climate change world hotspots

Already a calamity in Africa and South Mediterranean: too much or not enough water, crop losses

Less water / rainfall and run-off

More droughts and floods

More water needs for Agriculture

Problems in:agricultural productivity,access to water for irrigation

Mutant “Terroirs”, migration, instability

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No Climate solution without the AFOLU (agriculture, forest and soils) contribution to mitigation

Acting on the 3 mitigation levers : reducing emissions + C storage + substitution (bio- products)

= 20 to 60% of the global potential by 2030 (IPCC 2 014)

Two global priorities: restore degraded lands back up and dynamically manage the forest / timber industry

Acting on a plurality of levers: Ex France (CGAAER, 2014)AFOLU = ¼ of the 2030 national goal for mitigation (-40%)- Agro-ecological transition / 12-15 Mt CO2- Preserving farmland and grassland / 8-10 Mt CO2- Reducing food waste / 8-10 Mt CO2- Forest Storage / 3-5 Mt CO2- Bioproducts substitution (wood,bioenergy ..) / 25-30 Mt CO2

But no food security nor mitigation without adaptat ion, and therefore without better water management

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SESAME : a North/South reflection platform (lead : CGDA, CGAAER, AFD…)

Food security /resource management / sustainable territo ry development

Sesame 1 (water) Montpellier, 2013 Sesame 2 (family agriculture) Meknès, 2014Sesame 3 (climate change), Paris, 2015

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3 sub-regions representative of global issues and div ersity

North Mediterranean:• an abundant water resource• agriculture: 2-10% of jobs• stable population

South Mediterranean:• physical water scarcity• agriculture : 20-40% of jobs• average population growth(+ 119 millions 2010 -> 2050)

West Africa:• economic water scarcity• agriculture : 60% of jobs• high population growth(to double by 2050)

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Water and the Mediterranean : a North/South Asymmetry

North (incl. Portugal) :90% of water resource Water demand = 138 km3= 13% of conventional

potential water resource

South (incl. Jordan) : 10% of water resourcesWater demand = 116 km3= 105% of conventional

potential water resource

(Source Margat2012)

South Mediterranean =60% of the water-poor global population

East : shared watersheds

scarcity : 64 million in 2010, 287 million in 2050 ?


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Serious ecological + socio-economic + food fragilityclimate change

+ Non sustainable waters + Rural poverty + Erosion +Dam siltation

+ Dependance on food imports= high vulnerabilty

Cereal imports, MENA region (Mt)Poverty ratio (2$/day)

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What to do ? What possible answers ?

1/ Store water, develop and enhance irrigation

2/ Retain water and revitalize soils Succeed in implementing the agro-ecological transition (rainfed agriculture and rangeland)

3/ Achieve (sustainable) territorial developmentMute towards climate-smart territories

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1. Store water, develop and enhance irrigation

Irrigation is important for:

� production, income, development, stability� Global average goals : double incomes, trebble production� Tunisia: 8%UAA = 40% national prod.; Spain : 16%UAA = 60% national prod.� Senegal River Valley: fixing population / stopping migration, « one of the

most important issues for economic development »

� adaptation to climate change � Low irrigation rate in West Africa = High vulnerabil ity to Climate Change !� Climate Change = increased need for storage� Climate Change = increased need for water (for irrigat ed systems, for

rainfed, for transition from rainfed to irrigated)� Global investissement needs for adaptation (storage and irrigation) : 225 $

billion by 2030 (IPCC)

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1. Irrigation : large room for improvement in the Mediterranean / Africa

Important water resource can be potentially mobilized , e.g. in:West Africa: e.g. Senegal River Valley (VFS)� M. Ndao : « an immense development potential »� M. Diop : « here, a mere 5 billion m3 are mobilized and 15 are lost to the sea »

North Mediterranean: e.g. Spain/Ebro River Valley. I rrigation is consideredas essential (adaptation, food security, commercial balance, jobs) :

� Supply/demand policies set out to achieve a triple obje ctive for sustainability on : ecology, agro-food and energy

� Demand : localized irrigation ratio raised from 17 to 40%, with drawals decreased from 24000 hm3 to 16000 hm3

� Supply :2030 Storage goals: 9.658 hm3 . Savings on runoff - 35%/ 7.580 hm3 , 21% now2030 Irrigation goals: increase consumptions (30%), i ncrease UAA from 1 to 1.4 Mha, secure 800.000ha shifting to high efficiency s ystems

But also obstacles: funding, lack of awareness on climat e impacts and on the role of AFOLU and importance of water storage (e.g. Fr ance) ...

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1. Irrigation: room for improvement also in the Southern Mediterranean

� « the answer to Climate Change: first improve resource mo bilization » (F Chehat, DG INRA Algéria) : dams, long distance transfers, reuse (800.000 m3 mad e to date), irrigation upgrade, desalination plants for 60 coast al cities.

� Full Supplemental Irrigationand

Deficit supplemental Irrigation

Think of ‘‘water productivity’’ rather than soil productivity !


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1. Irrigation: room for improvement also in the Southern Mediterranean

Egypt (Sharkia Province)Water productivity was increased by 72% on 37000 ha in 3 years

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2/ Retain water Revitalize soils Succeed into implementing agro-ecological transition

Restore degradedlands = Conserve and harvest water, Revitalize soils

A huge issue: global, for Africa and for the Mediterranean:� Adaptation / resilience� Productivity / jobs� mitigation / C storage

Portugal(photos by D Crespo)

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2/ Case: Restoring degraded lands in Portugal

SBLRPP « Sown Biodiverse Legume Rich Permanent Pastures »

More than 500 000 ha revitalized (Portugal, Spain)

Productivity & Carbonsequestration into soils were doubled !

Major Co-bénéfits are offeredto water, biodiversity, landscapes…

(photos by D Crespo)

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2. Water Harvesting

- water evaporated+ water transpirated+ Carbon into soils- flooding risks= + productivity + resilience/adaptation+ mitigation

South MediterraneanPhotos: ICARDA

West Africa

Zaï, stone bunds, half moons

• Yields up to + 120% (Burkina, Fasso, 2007)

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2. Conservation/Revitalization water / soils

Farm at Shoul (Rabat, Morocco)



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2. Conservation Agriculture / Direct sowingDirect sowing techniques for wheat Case: Morocco (Settat)

• Yields : + 30 to + 40%

• Water efficiency : + 60%

• Energy : - 70%

• Carbon Sequestration: 1 to 4 t CO2/ha

• Organic matter + 3 to +14%

But yet only used on 10.000 ha

Direct sowing techniques spread also in Syria and Irak

Source : INRA Maroc

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3. Muting towards Climate-Smart Territories (CST)A necessary paradigm shift

Policies : pro family agricultureproactive, climate smartTerritorial projectsBlue and green, supply and demand

Primarily urban, using silos, versatile, short term, top downBlue water; supply or demand

water : storage (surface, aquifers, soils), mobilisation / sustainablemanagement . Productivity: water, soils and forest/wood

Poor water mobilization (W Africa) Overexploitation (S Med)

Poor valorisation (South)

Water Forest/wood

/ Adaptation, mitigation, developmentHigh productivity/yields, C lockin

/ 2050 : high yield decrease and High GHG emissions, instabilities

Visions &Policies

Living soils, agro-ecology, C lockinErosion, desertification, siltationSoils/ agr.

Land preservation, densification Circular economics

Loss due to urban sprawl (North..)Waste of: food, garbage,azote

Agr. landsWaste

Strcturation / aggregation, access Food processingDiversification for rural economics

Agro-ecological transition

Subsistence farming

Rural poverty, low productivity Losses when harvesting

Environmental impacts

Agriculture Small size

(South)Modern agr

Climate-Smart Territories Situation / BAU scenario

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4. Conclusion : what messages from WWF7 to COP 21 ?

1. Incorporate Food-Security/Adapation/Water issues into the COP21 agreement because:• Climate Change/Water/Agricultural Systems = Food Ccrisis, Instabilities

• AFOLU = part of global climate solution (20 to 60% potential mitigation by 2030) only ifprovided successful adaptation/ food security / betterblue and green Water Management

2. Handle water (blue andgreen) and soils into Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA = adaptation + mitigation + local andglobal food security) • Climate change = new strategic importance of water storage and irrigation and of water

harvesting / agro-ecological transition (« living soils ») : resilience tools, risk management

• Combine water and land productivity progress (+ 60% by 2050) and resource water and soils sustainability (overexploitation of aquifers, erosion/desertification, urban sprawl… problems)

3. New «climate smart » and inclusive Strategies and Policies• Taking into CSA and development objectives into adaptation/mitigation/water strategies • Mobilizing all actors, shifting everywhere toClimate Smart Territories : Family Agricultural

Policies (including food processing) ; Agricultural research and innovation,Territory Projects/ Contracting with actors (rural communities…) / Payments for environmental services ; Investments.

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Thanks for your attention

To know more:



SESAME 3 (climate change):

Report by CCAAER « the possible contributions of Agriculture and Fore stry in the fight against

Climate Change - CGAAER » (in French - February 2015)