Climate Change in the UK Overseas...

An Overview of the Science, Policy and You Climate Change in the UK Overseas Territories

Transcript of Climate Change in the UK Overseas...

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An Overview of the Science, Policy and You

Climate Change in the UK Overseas Territories

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Page 3: Climate Change in the UK Overseas · Climate Climate change Climate zone Coral bleaching Critically endangered species

An Overview of the Science, Policy and You

Climate Change in the UK Overseas Territories

Climate Change


Mitigation and

Ecosystem Services

in the UK Overseas


Nicole Brown

© Joint Nature Conservation Committee 2008

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Acknowledgements:This booklet is produced by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee with funding from theOverseas Territories Environment Programme (OTEP). It is published with assistance fromthe Commonwealth Foundation. Thank you to everyone who contributed in different waystoward the publication.

Lead author: Nicole A. BrownCANARI team: Sarah McIntosh, Leslie Walling, Owen Day, Leigh Morton, Alex McCaffery

Editorial/Steering Committee: Tara Pelembe (JNCC)Diana Mortimer (JNCC)Deborah Procter (JNCC)Karen Dickenson (JNCC)Gina Ebanks-Petrie (Director, Department of Environment Cayman Islands)Jack Ward (Director, Department of Conservation Services, Bermuda)Susanna Musick (Director, Department of Conservation, Ascension Island)Elaine Kendall (Defra)Rowena Harding (Commonwealth Foundation)Jean-Phillipe Palasi (IUCN)Sarah Sanders (RSPB)

Contributors:Timothy Austin (Cayman Islands Government), Tom Boden (CDIAC), Rob Bowman (Foreignand Commonwealth Office), Dr Barbara Carby (Cayman Islands Government), DarrenChristie (Government of South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands), Rhon A. Connor(Government of Anguilla), Athena Dinar (British Antarctic Survey), Corinda Essex (St. HelenaGovernment), Steven Freeman (AM-Sciences), James Glass (Tristan da Cunha Government),Lisa Greene (Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo), Mike Halpert (NOAA), Karim V. D.Hodge (Government of Anguilla), Kevin Hughes (British Antarctic Survey), Andy Holbrook(Cayman Islands Government), Lisa-Ann Hurlston (Cayman Islands Government), GordonLiddle (University of Dundee), Jeremy Madeiros (Bermuda Department of ConservationServices), Farah Mukhida (Anguilla National Trust), Grant Munro (Falklands Conservation),Helen Otley (Falkland Islands Government), Louise Quarrell (Impetus Consulting), ProfessorCharles Sheppard (University of Warwick), Vince Thompson (St. Helena National Trust),Melinda Tignor (IPCC).

Cover Photographs:Rockhopper penguins – Falklands ConservationStorm in Cayman Islands – Department of Environment, Cayman IslandsFisherman’s pirogue – Steve Freeman, AM-SciencesReef – Charles SheppardCayman Islands beach – Department of Environment, Cayman Islands Government

Funding:Funded by Overseas Territories Environment Programme.

Citation:This document should be cited as Brown, N. 2008. Climate change in the UK OverseasTerritories: An Overview of the Science, Policy and You. Peterborough,UK: Joint NatureConservation Committee

ISBN-13:978 1 86107 609 0

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Climate change is without doubt the most pressing of the world’senvironmental issues, if only because other serious issues suchas biodiversity loss, shortage of fresh water and increasinglyproblematic food security are all linked with, or a consequenceof climate change. Large land areas may have sufficientbuffering space to be able to manage the fallout from climatechange, but islands often do not, having finite and limitedresources. Ecosystem services, including the ability forecosystems to help mitigate against and adapt to climatechange, are present everywhere, however, and islands oftenhave well adapted ecosystems in this way. Understanding these,and then conserving and managing them well, must be animperative for the future.

Climate change is seen as critical to the long term health ofecosystems – yet it is also critical to the health of people, simply by virtue of ecosystemchanges. We can no longer assume that we are not connected with nature; our future onthe planet is inextricably entwined with that of nature. Thus this means that for the overseasterritories of the UK, as with small islands generally, there are very special threats for veryspecial systems.

We know that climate change is not easily forecastable, and that existing models are notnecessarily in synchrony. But we also know for certain that we have to face up toincreasing uncertainty. And managing for uncertainty is the most challenging issues forthe territories. This booklet attempts to explain climate change in an 'easy-to-read' way fordecision makers and the wider community in the United Kingdom Overseas Territories(UKOTs), so that they can get a good grasp of the basic key concepts. It also attempts tooutline what the present and future impacts of climate change will be specifically for the

Dr Peter Bridgewater

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UKOTs, and outlines options for adaptation and mitigation. Among other materials, thereare many recipes for sustainability in the guide.

The biodiversity of the UKOTs is important at a global scale, largely because of therestricted species, their genetic diversity and the attendant variation in land and seascapesof the territories. And as islands they all sit in the world’s oceans – ocean biodiversity,whether from coastal systems like mangroves and coral reefs, to deep water ecosystems,are all known key spots for vulnerability to climate change.

Climate change also interacts with other environmental pressures, including increasinghabitat fragmentation, pollution from fertilizers and invasive species. This combination maywell result in novel species assemblages, some of which will be unstable, but others ofwhich will offer huge potential for management of landscape elements. Looking out forthese opportunities are new challenges for natural resource managers of our overseasterritories, and will not be easy choices to make.

And while conservation is critical, let us not forget the role rehabilitation and restorationcan play – regenerating forgotten forests, managing coastal systems back to health andproductivity must be part of our future solutions. Yet looking for opportunities to enhanceand improve ecosystem resilience in the face of climate change are what UKOTs can andmust do to ensure their survivability and prosperity. This guide is a small contribution tomaking that happen; to minimise risk and maximise benefit for people and nature on theUKOTs.

Dr Peter BridgewaterChair, Joint Nature Conservation Committee

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Abbreviations and Acronyms 6

Glossary 7

Executive Summary 10

1. Why Climate Change Matters for UK Overseas Territories 141.1 A pressing and complex issue 141.2 UK Overseas Territories have much to lose 171.3 The time to act is now 18

2. Unpacking Climate Change 302.1 What is climate? 302.2 What influences climate? 302.3 The science behind global climate change 322.4 How do we know that climate change is occurring? 36

3 Climate Change in UK Overseas Territories: Present and Future Impacts 413.1 Overall impacts of climate change in UKOTs 433.2 Regional trends and national impacts 47

3.2.1 Antarctic and sub-Antarctic 473.2.2 Bermuda 493.2.3 The Caribbean 503.2.4 British Indian Ocean Territory 533.2.5 Mediterranean 543.2.6 South Atlantic 573.2.7 South Pacific 58

4 What can the UK Overseas Territories do about climate change? 604.1 Mainstreaming adaptation 624.2 Mitigation 674.3 Policy responses and options 68

4.3.1 Incentives 684.3.2 Institutions 684.3.3 Instruments 694.3.4 Information 71

4.4 How individuals and businesses can make a difference 714.4.1 Reducing personal vulnerability 714.4.2 Reducing energy use 724.4.3 Practicing good environmental habits 724.4.4 Improving business practices 734.4.5 Advocating for implementation of national

adaptation plans and sustainable development policies 74

5. The Way Forward 755.1 What does this mean for UKOTs? 75

References 77

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Abbreviations and Acronyms

ACC Antarctic Circulation Current

BIOT British Indian Ocean Territory

CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons

DFID Department for International Development (UK)

ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

ENSO El Niño – Southern Oscillation

GDP Gross Domestic Product

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

LDCs Least Developed Countries

MACC Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change

NAPA National Adaptation Plans of Action

PRECIS Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies

SBAs Sovereign Base Areas

UKOT United Kingdom Overseas Territory

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

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Carbon dioxidesaturation point

Carbon sink


Climate change

Climate zone

Coral bleaching

Critically endangeredspecies


In the context of climate change, adaptation is the adjustment innatural or human systems in response to actual or expected climaticstimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficialopportunities.

Caused by humans or human activities; usually used in reference toenvironmental degradation.

A regional ecosystem characterised by distinct types of vegetation,animals and microbes that have developed under specific soil andclimatic conditions.

The variety of plant and animal life found in an ecosystem (seebelow) and the variation in their genetic makeup. Biodiversity is ameasure of the health of an ecosystem, with healthy ecosystemshaving greater variety and variation in plant and animal life thanunhealthy ones.

The point at which oceans are no longer able to effectively absorbcarbon dioxide and act as a counterbalance to greenhouse gasemissions.

A reservoir that can absorb or "sequester" carbon dioxide from theatmosphere. Forests are the most common form of sink, as well assoils, peat, permafrost, ocean water and carbonate deposits in thedeep ocean.

The average, or typical, weather conditions of a given area observedover a long period of time, usually 30 years or more.

Any significant, long-term modification in the climate of a zone orregion.

An area with a prevailing climate that distinguishes it from otherareas by parameters such as temperature, rainfall and even plantspecies.

Loss of colour of corals due to loss of the symbiotic algae thatprovide their nutrients and colouration. Bleaching occurs in responseto physiological shock as a result of abrupt changes in temperature,salinity, and turbidity.

A plant or animal is critically endangered when it is considered to befacing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.

A community of living (plants and animals) and non-living things(climate, landscape) which interact together and affect each other.

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El Niño/El Niño –Southern Oscillation

Endangered species


Extinct (in the wild)

Fossil fuels

Greenhouse effect

Greenhouse gases


Ice age

Ice core

A climatic pattern that results from the interaction between the oceanand the atmosphere in the Pacific and the follow-on effect on globalclimate. It is caused when the trade winds that blow from east to westalong the equator in the Pacific decrease in intensity (this is theSouthern Oscillation) and bring about warming of the oceantemperature. The consequences are felt in the Pacific as well as globally.

A plant or animal is endangered when it is considered to be facing avery high risk of extinction in the wild.

Found only in a certain strictly limited geographical region, i.e. restrictedto a specified region or locality. This can apply to a disease or to ananimal or plant species.

A plant or animal considered extinct in the wild when it is known only tosurvive in cultivation, in captivity or as a naturalised population (orpopulations) well outside the range in which it previously occurred.

A fuel produced by the remains of living organisms that built upunderground over geological periods. They mainly consist of carbonand hydrogen and are therefore also known as hydrocarbons. They arefound in different states: liquid (for example, oil), solid (for example, coal,peat) and gaseous (for example, natural gas).

The warming effect of the Earth's atmosphere. Light energy from the sunthat passes through the Earth's atmosphere is absorbed by the Earth'ssurface and re-radiated into the atmosphere as heat energy. The heatenergy is then trapped by the atmosphere, creating a situation similar tothat which occurs in a greenhouse. Greenhouse gases (see below) allowincoming solar radiation to pass through the Earth's atmosphere, butprevent most of the outgoing infrared radiation from the surface andlower atmosphere from escaping into outer space. This process occursnaturally and has kept the Earth's temperature about 15°C warmer than itwould otherwise be. Current life on Earth could not be sustained withoutthe natural greenhouse effect.

The atmospheric gases that absorb and emit radiation at specificwavelengths within the spectrum of infrared radiation emitted by theEarth’s surface, the atmosphere and clouds. Water vapour (H2O),carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and ozone(O3) are the primary greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere.

The location and environmental conditions in which a particularorganism (plant, animal, fungus or bacterium) normally lives.

A period of long-term reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surfaceand atmosphere, resulting in an expansion of continental ice sheets,polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers.

Cylinders of ice obtained by drilling into a glacier. Since the differentlayers of ice are formed over time through build-up of snow, ice coresprovide information on climate from different periods (up to almost onemillion years) that can be used for research.

Glossary cont’d

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Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change

Invasive species

Kyoto Protocol


Native species


(Carbon) Sequestration

United NationsFramework Conventionon Climate Change

Vulnerable species


Established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization and theUN Environment Programme, the IPCC surveys world-wide scientificand technical literature and publishes assessment reports that arewidely recognized as the most credible existing sources of informationon climate change. The IPCC also works on methodologies andresponds to specific requests from the subsidiary bodies of the UnitedNations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC – seebelow) The IPCC is independent of the Convention.

Plants and animals that are introduced to an area from another andsuccessfully establish themselves and then overcome, otherwise intact,pre-existing native ecosystems.

An international agreement that is linked to the United NationsFramework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Its majorfeature is that it sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries andthe European community for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)emissions. These amount to an average of five per cent against 1990levels over the five-year period 2008-2012.

Interventions to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks ofgreenhouse gases.

All plants and animals that naturally occur, either presently orhistorically, in an ecosystem.

The process a plant uses to combine sunlight, water, and carbondioxide to produce oxygen and energy (sugar).

The removal and storage of carbon from the atmosphere in carbonsinks (such as oceans, forests or soils) through physical or biologicalprocesses, such as photosynthesis.

The Convention on Climate Change sets an overall framework forintergovernmental efforts to tackle the global challenge posed byclimate change. It recognises that the climate system is a sharedresource whose stability can be affected by industrial and otheremissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. TheConvention enjoys near universal membership, having been ratified by192 countries.

A plant or animal is vulnerable when it is considered to be facing ahigh risk of extinction in the wild.

Short-term atmospheric conditions. Weather is measured bytemperature, humidity, wind speed, atmospheric pressure, cloudinessand precipitation.

Glossary cont’d

Sources: Green Facts Glossary; IPCC Glossary of ClimateChange Terms; IUCN; La Cité des Sciences etde l'industrie; CANA

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Executive Summary

What do droughts in the Mediterranean, more intense hurricanes in the Caribbean,warmer seas in the South Atlantic, and disappearing coastlines in the Pacific have incommon? They are all results of the phenomenon known as climate change. Climatechange, or global warming as it is sometimes called, refers to the steady climb in theEarth’s temperature caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide and other gases inthe atmosphere. It is a pressing issue for the entire global community and it is one thatthe 14 United Kingdom Overseas Territories (UKOTs) cannot afford to ignore.

The global trend in the Earth’s average temperature is undoubtedly upwards:

• Global average surface temperature increased by about 0.6°C during the 20thcentury.

• Sea levels increased between 10 cm and 20 cm and the temperature andacidity of oceans changed.

• The 1990s were the hottest decade on record and 1998 the hottest year onrecord since temperature recording began some 150 years ago.

Climate change is happening at a much faster rate than originally expected. TheIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an assessment team of hundredsof scientists worldwide who have been studying and tracking the climate system andreaching consensus on their findings and observations since 1988, has warned thataverage global surface temperatures could increase between 1.4°C and 5.8°C by theend of this century. This projection is significantly larger than the panel’s 1996prediction at the time of its second assessment report, which suggested temperaturescould increase between 1°C and 3.5°C by 2100.

As a result of this warming, the IPCC has projected that the global mean sea levelcould rise between 9 cm and 88 cm between 1990 and 2100. This could meanflooding, loss of land in low-lying areas, contamination of groundwater with saltwater,and the destruction of wetlands and coastal ecosystems. Warming also bringschanges in precipitation patterns. Water-scarce areas, like the Mediterranean, arelikely to suffer from further decreases in rainfall. Some areas, like the Caribbean andthe Pacific, will experience an increase in the intensity of tropical cyclones.

Another impact associated with the warming climate is change in the distribution,range and abundance of plants and animals. Changed climatic conditions will eitherallow them to thrive outside their usual range or make their usual range inhospitable.Melting glaciers, also known as glacial retreat, in the South Georgia and SouthSandwich Islands, could increase the habitat of invasive mice and reindeer, whichwould put the Antarctic’s only songbird, the endemic South Georgia pipit (Anthusantarcticus), at risk.

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Climate change is also likely to affect human health, not only through increases in heatstress and air pollution, but also through declining water quality and the spread ofinfectious diseases as vectors change range or modify their life cycles. In both theCaribbean and the Pacific, there is concern about increases in the frequency andseverity of dengue fever outbreaks as warmer temperatures reduce the incubationperiod of the dengue virus and speed up the larval stage of the mosquitoes.

Climate change poses a challenge for all aspects of human and social developmentin the UKOTs. It is one of the most complex issues of our time and the relationshipbetween man and the environment is at the heart of this issue. As with allenvironmental issues, impacts and consequences come together in a largeinterconnected web.

Another level of complexity stems from the uncertainty that surrounds climate change.There is consensus that change is taking place, but there is less agreement on whatportion of the change is due to natural climate variability and what portion is aconsequence of human activity. Although the science is still evolving and many of theprojections are hindered by large uncertainties, there is growing evidence that climatechange could cause sudden and dangerous changes. This evidence ought not to beignored by UKOTs.

Part of the core concern about climate change is the human potential to alter theclimate through activities that are a result of our way of life and how we treat the naturalenvironment. However, the fact that we contribute to the problem means we can alsodo something about it. The European Union, including the United Kingdom, has set atarget to ensure that global temperatures do not rise by more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Addressing climate change requires a global agreement for reducinggreenhouse gas emissions as well as local commitment to action.

Although UKOTs are negligible producers of greenhouse gases in global terms, theyare very vulnerable to the effects of increased concentrations of these gases in theatmosphere. This stems, in part, from inherent economic, ecological and socialvulnerabilities associated with the small size of their land mass, populations andeconomies. In addition, several of the ecosystems found in the territories, such asmangroves and coral reefs in the Caribbean and Pacific, sea ice biomes in theAntarctic, and Mediterranean-type ecosystems, are among those that the IPCC hasidentified as “most vulnerable” and “virtually certain to experience the most severeecological impacts” of climate change. With the exception of the British AntarcticTerritory and Gibraltar, the UKOTs are small islands, and small islands are expected toexperience some of the most severe impacts of increasing temperatures.

Climate change is also increasing pressure on the rich biodiversity resources of theUKOTs. It is affecting habitats and ecosystems and could lead to a decline in thepopulations of some species. For example, coastal erosion, some of which is linked toclimate change, is causing the loss of turtle nesting sites in the Caribbean territories.This loss of plants and animals has more than just ecological consequences for theUKOTs. There are economic consequences that need to be considered. Several of theterritories, particularly those in the Caribbean and the South Atlantic, depend to

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varying degrees on tourism. Theenvironment plays a large role in theviability of this industry. Fisheries andagriculture are similarly verydependent on the environment. Thismeans ecological changes, such asdeclines in populations of someplants and animals, can negativelyaffect these industries.

Because UKOTs and small islandsare more vulnerable, it is particularlyimportant that their citizensunderstand the hazards and risksassociated with climate change andthe actions they can take to make adifference.

Although climate change and itsimpacts may seem daunting, thereare things UKOTs can do about themin their local context. Taking actionnow to prepare for climate changeimpacts will be less costly and moreeffective than remedial measures inthe future. Addressing climatechange now is an opportunity for theterritories to build resilience in the face of their inherent vulnerabilities, improve naturalresource management and physical planning processes, as well as adapt to changingclimate conditions.

Understanding both the need and the opportunities for adaptation to climate changeis fast becoming an essential requirement of both governments and the private sectorof vulnerable countries. Good climate policy includes ensuring structures and systemsare better able to withstand change (adaptation) and taking measures to reduce thehuman impact on the climate system (mitigation).

UKOTs make a small contribution to warming and have little control over globalmitigation, but they can play their part in the global reduction of greenhouse gasemissions in the following ways:

• enhancing energy efficiency;

• diversifying their energy sources and increasing reliance on non-fossil fuelsources of energy; and

• providing for the development and uptake of climate friendly technologies.

Contributing to the global reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is certainly a goodthing for any member of the international community to do, but the benefits of such

Ascension has a unique biodiversity largelystemming from the island's remote location inthe South Atlantic. Credit: Chris Gilbert/BAS

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actions are also immediate to UKOTs in the form of reduced fossil fuel dependency,decreased dependency on imports and lower fossil fuel import bills.

There is a very strong case for UKOTs to bring adaptation into the mainstream ofnational policymaking, planning and development. Adaptation is the only way to dealwith the inescapable impacts of climate change. The reality of global warming meansthat development cannot be sustainable unless it factors in climate impacts andnatural hazards and finds ways of reducing risks and minimising vulnerability. Severalof the UKOTs are prone to natural disaster as part of their normal climate conditions.Effectively managing inherent risk is important in adapting to climate change.

Mainstreaming climate change issues into the national policy and planning processdoes not require a dramatic departure from all that has gone before and there are evenmany low- or no-cost actions that can be taken. For example, mainstreamingadaptation can be done in an incremental way, by building on, and adjusting, existingpolicies, programmes, and structures. What is required is a commitment to dealingefficiently and comprehensively with current climate, environmental, social andeconomic needs and vulnerabilities in an integrated or holistic manner. By addressingthe development challenges that have led to the accumulation of hazard and humanvulnerability, decision makers and planners will reduce the negative effects of extremeclimatic events and natural disasters. This will significantly limit the immediate losseswhile reducing the future costs of recovery from climate events. For policy anddecision makers, adaptation to climate change is a win-win proposition.

Addressing climate change in UKOTs is everyone’s business, not just a matter forpolicy and decision-makers to deal with. Individuals, households, and the public andprivate sector can do their part to reduce their own vulnerability to the effects ofclimate as well as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by making life style choices.

It is hard to predict with complete accuracy the full extent of how climate change willaffect the UKOTs, but what is certain is that there is a lot at stake for them. Adopting await and see attitude towards climate will serve no one’s interests in the long term.Climate change is a big issue with big impacts and potentially serious consequences.Adaptation and mitigation do not come cheap and without effort, but the cost of doingnothing will surely be higher.

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1.1 A pressing and complexissue

Compelling evidenceThe scientific evidence is indisputable.The world’s climate changed during the20th century. Global average surface tem-perature increased by about 0.6°C; snowcover and ice extent decreased; the tem-perature and acidity of oceans changedand sea levels around the world increasedbetween 10cm and 20 cm. Seasonal pat-terns, including rainfall, have also changedthe world over. The 1990s were the hottestdecade and 1998 the warmest year onrecord, since temperature recordingbegan some 150 years ago. And, while it is

true that there have been natural andcyclical variations in the Earth’s climate inthe past, it is also true that the current rateof change is faster than anything theplanet has experienced before.

What’s more, there is evidence that thepace of change has been accelerated by

human activities, or anthropogeniccauses, such as the burning fossil fuelsfor energy and the cutting down of forestsfor agriculture. Such activities have helpedincrease the concentration, and alter thebalance, of the greenhouse gases thatare responsible for keeping the Earthwarm. The net effect has been warmer sur-face and sea temperatures. These have inturn affected nature and society in anumber of different ways.

The complexities of climatechangeClimate change is one of the most com-plex issues of our time. The relationshipbetween man and the environment is atthe heart of this big issue, and, as with allenvironmental issues, impacts and conse-quences come together in a large inter-connected web.

One small change, like an increase in seasurface temperature by a few degrees, canspark a chain of reactions. Warmer watersaffect coral reef health and the availabilityof fish species. In countries that are highlydependent on fisheries, a downturn in thissector has a negative impact on individualfamilies as well as the national economy.

Even though many of the impacts of cli-mate change are environmental, forexample, sea level rise, flooding,changing seasonal patterns, it also hasfar-reaching implications for economies,

Why Climate Change Matters forUK Overseas Territories1

… there have been naturaland cyclical variations in theEarth’s climate in the past,

[but] the current rate ofchange is faster than

anything the planet hasexperienced before.

The wayforward

What canUKOTs doabout climatechange?

Climate changein the UKOTs:present andfuture impacts


Why climatechange mattersfor UKOTs

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social development, physical planning,and even human security. The all-encom-passing nature of climate change meansit could affect every aspect of human well-being, from jobs and livelihoods, to health,food security, leisure and recreation.Responding to climate change thereforeneeds action on several different fronts.We need to dramatically reduce and capgreenhouse gas emissions while also put-ting in place measures to prepare for andrespond to current and future climate-induced changes. Without some stabilisa-tion of greenhouse gases within atimeframe and at a level that allowsecosystems to adapt naturally to change,the consequences for man and nature areexpected to be dire. With this in mind, theUnited Kingdom and the European Unionhave set a target to ensure that global tem-peratures do not rise by more than 2°Cabove pre-industrial levels.

Another complexity of climate change stemsfrom the uncertainty that surrounds it.Although there is consensus that change istaking place, there is less agreement on whatproportion of the change is natural climatevariability and what proportion is human-induced. This makes it difficult for individualcountries to decide what resources to allo-cate to reducing human impact on the cli-mate system (mitigation) and what to spend

on strengthening their structures to with-stand change (adaptation).

Uncertainty about the patterns of changeand the scale of the impacts further com-plicates matters. Although the evidence ofpast change points to certain possibilities,there is still an element of the unknown.Countries therefore find themselves facedwith the prospect of planning for a veryuncertain future. Not only are there manyunknowns about the full extent of futureimpacts, current impacts are not wellunderstood in many countries, includingsome United Kingdom Overseas Territo-ries (UKOTs) where there has been littlemonitoring to date.

Addressing climate change requires aglobal agreement for reducing green-house gas emissions as well as local com-mitment to action. Part of the difficulty inforging a global agreement is thatalthough everyone is affected, not all havecontributed equally to the problem; someof the places that have contributed least,such as small islands, will be affected themost. There are also high costs associatedwith reducing emissions and finding alter-natives to fossil fuels, which are a largesource of greenhouse gases.

There is still some debate about how thechallenge of climate change should befinanced. Funding adaptation requiresmany tens of billions of dollars each year(Oxfam, 2007). Financing for the mosturgent and immediate adaptation prioritiesof the least-developed countries (LDCs)alone is likely to cost $1–2bn. But by 2007,the industrialised countries had only

Addressing climate changerequires a global agreementfor reducing greenhouse gasemissions as well as local

commitment to action.


Coastal erosion in Cayman Island Credit: Department of the Environment, Cayman Island Government

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pledged $182m to international funds fordeveloping-country adaptation (Oxfam,2007). An equitable approach to fundingadaptation would suggest the countriesthat have contributed most to greenhousegas emissions should bear the brunt of cov-ering the cost of adapting to and counteringclimate change. However, even as interna-tional debates continue about how to fundadaptation, the urgency of climate changeis such that all countries, regardless ofincome level, have to take responsibility forreinforcing their communities, systems andnatural and physical infrastructure.

Climate change is experienceddifferently throughout the worldThe change in climatic conditions hasmeant different things for people acrossthe planet. For the UKOTs in theCaribbean, it has meant an increase in theintensity of tropical cyclones. The low-lying

Chagos Islands in the British Indian OceanTerritory (BIOT) are facing the prospect oflosing some of their already small landarea because of rising sea levels. In theMediterranean region, the threat ofdrought has increased.

Change is expected to continueBased on the evidence of change to date,scientists have modelled future impactsand risks of climate change factoring in var-ious emissions scenarios based on dif-ferent sets of assumptions. It is notpossible to predict what will happen with100 per cent accuracy, but adverse effectsare projected. The Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change (IPCC) (Box 1) haswarned that average global surface tem-peratures could increase between 1.4°Cand 5.8°C by the end of this century. It hasalso projected that the global mean sealevel could rise between 9 cm and 88 cm

Box 1. About the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an intergovernmentalscientific body that was set up in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organisation andthe United Nations Environment Programme. It assesses and summarises scientific,technical, and socio-economic information and research that relates to human inducedclimate change, including options for mitigation and adaptation. It aims to providedecision makers and others interested in climate change with an objective source ofinformation about climate change.

Its review work is done by hundreds of scientists worldwide who collaborate throughthree working groups and the Task Force on National Green House Gas Inventories. • Working Group 1 deals with "The Physical Science Basis of Climate Change"; • Working Group 2 deals with "Climate Change Impact, Adaptation and

Vulnerability"; and • Working Group 3 deals with "Mitigation of Climate Change".

The main objective of the Task Force is to develop and refine a methodology for thecalculation and reporting of national greenhouse gas emissions and removals.

The conclusions of the working groups are presented in comprehensive AssessmentReports. To date, four Assessment Reports have been completed in 1990, 1995 and 2001and 2007 respectively.

Source: IPCC (

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between 1990 and 2100. Were thesechanges to occur over millennia, theirimpact would be less severe as plant andanimal species, including man, would grad-ually adapt to new conditions. However, thecurrent and projected rate of change is sofast that there is little capacity for naturaladaptation.

1.2 UK Overseas Territorieshave much to loseThough disparate, as a group the UKOTsare very vulnerable to the effects of climatechange. Several of the ecosystems foundin the UKOTs, such as mangroves andcoral reefs in the Caribbean and Pacific,sea ice biomes in the Antarctic, andMediterranean-type ecosystems areamong those that the IPCC has identifiedas “most vulnerable” and “virtually certainto experience the most severe ecologicalimpacts” of climate change (Parry et al.,2007) In addition, the UKOTs (with theexception of the British Antarctic Territoryand Gibraltar) are small islands, and smallislands are expected to experience someof the most severe impacts of increasingtemperatures (Mimura et al., 2007).

Inherent vulnerabilities combinedwith climate change increase riskto natural hazards Most of the UKOTs face inherent eco-nomic, ecological and social vulnerabili-ties associated with the small size of theirland mass, populations and economies.The economies of UKOTs are not highlydiversified and they depend on a narrowrange of goods and/or services. UKOTsare too small to realise gains fromeconomies of scale, are highly dependent

on exports, have high communication andtransportation costs and are vulnerable tonatural hazards. Changing climate pat-terns and extreme weather add anotherdimension of vulnerability.

Threats to biodiversity and theeconomyClimate change is also increasing pres-sure on the rich biodiversity resources ofthe UKOTs. It is affecting habitats andecosystems and could lead to a decline inthe populations of some species. Forexample, there are fewer available turtlenesting sites in the Caribbean territories asa result of coastal erosion, some of whichis linked to climate change.

Loss of plants and animals has more thanjust ecological consequences for theUKOTs. There are economic conse-quences that need to be considered. Sev-eral territories, particularly those in theCaribbean and the South Atlantic,depend to varying degrees on tourism.The environment plays a large role in theviability of this industry. Fisheries andagriculture are similarly very dependent

…the UKOTs are very vulnerable to the effects of

climate change.“

Low-lying coastal areas in UKOTs arevulnerable to the threat of rising sea levels. Credit: Charles Sheppard

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on the environment. Therefore, ecologicalchanges, such as declines in populationsof some plants and animals, can nega-tively affect these industries.

1.3 The time to act is nowUKOTs ought to assume that future climateimpacts will be more severe than anythingexperienced to date. The scope of theproblem, the challenge of reaching globalconsensus, the uncertainty of future pro-jections becoming reality, the questionabout how much change is due to naturalvariability and how much is human-induced, and the very practical issue ofcost should not be barriers to taking deci-sive action now. No matter what the sce-nario for the future of greenhouse gasemissions, change is already underway.The big question is, can countries and cit-izens afford to do nothing in the face ofinexorable changes in climate patterns? Itis only with hindsight that we will have

conclusive evidence, but by then it couldbe too late. People and the environmentwill already be confronted with the conse-quences of changed conditions. Takingaction now to cap greenhouse gas emis-sions and prepare for climate changeimpacts will be less costly and more effec-tive than remedial measures in the future.

An opportunity for UK OverseasTerritoriesAlthough climate change and its impactsmay seem daunting, there are thingsUKOTs can do about them in their localcontext. Addressing climate change is anopportunity for the territories to buildresilience in the face of the inherent vulner-abilities associated with their size and nat-ural features, in addition to adapting tochanging climate conditions. It is also anopportunity for these countries to takemeasures to stem future impacts as part ofa strategy of moving towards what formerUN Secretary-General Kofi Annan hasreferred to as “safer, sounder models ofdevelopment” (Annan, 2006). UKOTs havethe potential to be models of climatechange adaptation and mitigation for therest of the world.

A ‘win – win’ propositionAdaptation can be a ‘win-win’ situation forUKOTs. Targeted actions designed toaddress current issues such as the needfor effective biodiversity conservation andthe reduction of vulnerability to climaticevents (for example, droughts, storms,floods) are the first steps in the climatechange adaptation process. This approachis based on the premise that if a country orcommunity is not fully able to cope with cur-rent climatic conditions, it cannot expect toeffectively adapt to future changes in cli-mate. Any commitment or investment incurrent needs therefore eliminates thequestion of whether to invest in currentneeds or climate change adaptation.

Addressing climate change is an opportunity for the

territories to build resiliencein the face of the inherentvulnerabilities associatedwith their size and natural


View from St. Helena Credit: Vince Thompson, St. Helena National Trust.

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Inundation ofturtle nests

Increase indengue feveroutbreaks

Severe coralbleachingevents

Low rainfall inthe WesternMediterranean

Caribbean:increasedtropical cycloneintensity

Mangroveforests inretreat

Glacial retreatcould increasethe habitat ofinvasivespecies andendangernative andendemicspecies likethe Antarctic’sonly song bird,the SouthGeorgia pipit

Absorptivecapacity ofthe SouthernOcean hasweakenedsince 1981

Decline intourism fromsport fishersfrom achange indistribution oftuna

British AntarcticTerritory

Falkland Is.

Pitcairn Is.

Cayman Is.


British Virgin Is.AnguillaMontserrat


KeyOrange Icon = Observed changeBlue Icon = Implications and projected impacts of climate change


St. Helena

Tristan da Cunha

South Georgia and theSouth Sandwich Is.

British IndianOcean Territory

Turks andCaicos Is.

Figure 1. Selected global warming changes and impacts in UK Overseas Territories1

1 These are just a few examples. Each country and region is likely to experience multiple changes and impacts.

Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia

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Box 2. The UK Overseas Territories in Brief

The 14 United Kingdom’s Overseas Territories are a diverse grouping. They rangefrom the tiny Pacific island of Pitcairn with 47 inhabitants and a fragile subsistenceeconomy based on fishing, horticulture, and the sale of handicrafts, to Bermuda justnorth of the Caribbean, which has a population of more than 62,000 and is one ofthe world's major financial centres. They also include the Sovereign Base Areas onCyprus, which are military bases.

The Overseas Territories are: Anguilla; British Antarctic Territory; Bermuda; BritishIndian Ocean Territory; British Virgin Islands; Cayman Islands; Falkland Islands;Gibraltar; Montserrat; St. Helena and Dependencies (Ascension Island and Tristanda Cunha); Turks and Caicos Islands; Pitcairn Island; South Georgia and SouthSandwich Islands; and the Sovereign Base Areas on Cyprus.


The British Antarctic Territory (BAT)Location: The sector of the Antarctic below latitude60°S, between longitudes 20°W and 80°W.

Size: Total area of 1,709,400 km2.

Climate: The coldest, driest and windiest continentin the world. The average annual temperature at theSouth Pole is -49°C.

Topography: Only 1.4% of the BAT’s surface is ice-free. The remainder is covered bya permanent ice sheet of up to three km thick.

Biodiversity: On land, although vegetation is sparse, there are many types of lichen,moss and algae. In the surrounding seas, vast amounts of krill provide the basis forrich marine life. This includes whales, seals and very large numbers of birdsespecially petrels and penguins, inhabiting the islands and coastal areas of thePeninsula.1

Main economic activities: There is no economic activity in the BAT; however, tourismis growing. The United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT) has a team at PortLockroy each season. This historic site usually attracts about 6,000 visitors a year.

Other information: There is no indigenous population in the Territory. The UnitedKingdom’s presence is through the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), which maintainstwo permanently manned scientific stations (at Halley and Rothera) and threesummer-only stations (at Fossil Bluff on Alexander Island, Sky Blue at the base of theAntarctic Peninsula and Signy in the South Orkney Islands).

South Georgia

Location: An isolated sub-Antarctic island about 1,390 km south east of the FalklandIslands and about 2,150 km east of Tierra del Fuego. In addition to the main islandthere are smaller islands, islets and rocks.1 UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum. n.d. Promoting Biodiversity Conservation in the UK’s Overseas Territories.United Kingdom: UKOTCF.

Antarctic and sub-Antarctic

The British Antarctic Territory

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Size: 3,755 sq km

Climate: Surrounded by cold waters originating from the Antarctic, South Georgiahas a harsher climate than expected for its latitude.

Topography: Very mountainous, the island is formed of two mountain ranges. Themain mountain range, the Allardyce Range, has its highest point at Mount Paget(2,934 m). More than 50% of the island is covered by permanent ice with many largeglaciers reaching the sea at the head of fjords.

Biodiversity: Despite a very limited number of flowering plants, there is greatdiversity in the mosses and lichens; many are found nowhere else in the world.Several seal species breed on the island and whales are frequently seen offshore.There are estimated to be more than 30 million birds on South Georgia. It is animportant nesting site for the largest seabird in the world, the wandering albatross(Diomeda exulans).2

Main economic activities: Fisheries. There is a developing tourism industry.

Other information: South Georgia has no permanent population.

The South Sandwich Islands

Size: A chain of 11 volcanic islands ranging inlength from 1-28 km. The total land area of theIslands is 310 sq km.

Location: The Islands lie 470 km south east ofSouth Georgia and 1,130 km from the AntarcticContinent.

Climate: The climate is wholly Antarctic.

Topography: The islands form a volcanic arc. The larger islands are covered in iceyear round; some of the smaller islands are ice-free in summer.

Biodiversity: 16 seabirds and several seal species breed on the islands. A variety ofbryophytes, lichens and hepatica grow but only one species of vascular plant isrecorded.

Main economic activities: Fisheries.

Other information: Uninhabited. Some of the volcanoes are still active.

Bermuda and the Caribbean


Size: There are 138 islands and islets, however, theeight main islands form a chain about 30 km long,interconnected by bridges and causeways.

Location: The islands and islets of Bermuda liealong the southern rim of the summit of asubmarine volcanic mountain in the Western

2 UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum, n.d. Promoting Biodiversity Conservation in the UK’s Overseas Territories.United Kingdom: UKOTCF.

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands


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Atlantic, lying 912 km east of the coast of North Carolina

Climate: The warming effect of the Gulf Stream makes Bermuda the most northerlygroup of coral islands in the world.

Topography: The limestone islands sit on the largest of three volcanic seamountsformed about 110 million years ago.

Biodiversity: About 250 of more than 8,000 plant and animal species known fromBermuda are unique. Many of these are found in the extensive network of submergedcaves and, like the Bermuda petrel (Pterodroma cahow), locally known as the cahoware endangered or, in the case of the Bermuda skink (Eumeces longirostris), criticallyendangered.3

Main economic activities: The major industries are insurance, re-insurance,international finance, tourism, and light manufacturing.

Other information: Population - 64,000 (2007 estimate).


Size: An archipelago of 22 islands, the main islandis 26 km long and a maximum of 5 km wide,comprising a total of 90 sq km.

Location: The island is the most northerly of theLeeward Islands in the Eastern Caribbean.

Climate: A tropical, but relatively dry climate,temperatures moderated by northeast trade winds.

Topography: A low and flat coralline island formed from limestone and marlsdeveloped on old limestone rocks. The coastline has sandy beaches in the south androcky cliffs in the north. Offshore there are extensive coral reefs including the 17 kmlong coral reef along the south east coast.

Biodiversity: The unique ecosystems of Anguilla and its offshore cays are home 21species of reptile. These include the endemic black lizard (Ameiva corvina) onSombrero Island, the harmless Anguillan racer snake (Alsophis rijersmai) and theLesser Antillean iguana (Iguana delicatissima). About 139 bird species and more than550 plant species have been recorded, with the Anguilla bush (Rondeletiaanguillensis) classified as an endemic.4

Main economic activities: The major industries are tourism, construction,government service, banks and insurance.

Other information: Population - 13,600 (2005 estimate).

The British Virgin Islands (BVI)

Size: The BVI comprise more than 60 islands, islets and cays (some little more thanrocks). A total land area of only 153 sq km scattered over some 3,458 sq km of sea.

Location: Adjacent to the US Virgin Islands (USVI) and 96 km east of Puerto Rico

3 UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum, n.d. Promoting Biodiversity Conservation in the UK’s Overseas Territories.United Kingdom: UKOTCF. 4 Ibid.


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Climate: A tropical climate moderated by trade winds.

Topography: Most of the islands are hilly withsteep slopes, having been formed from formerlysubmerged volcanoes. Many of the islands havelush vegetation, sandy beaches, and coral reefs.

Biodiversity: The islands support a number ofendemic and threatened species of internationalimportance, such as the critically endangeredendemic Anegada rock iguana (Cyclura pinguis). The BVI also possess a number ofglobally significant plant species, some of which occur only on Anegada, such aspokemeboy (Acacia anegadensis) and wirewist (Metastelma anegadense).

Main economic activities: The major industries are tourism and internationalfinancial services.

Other information: Population - 27,000 (2005 estimate).

Cayman Islands

Size: The three islands have a total land area of 259 sq km. Grand Cayman isapproximately 35 km long with an average width of 6 km. Cayman Brac is about 19km long with an average width of one and a quarter miles. Little Cayman, a low-lyingisland, is approximately 16 km long with an average width of little more than 1.6 km.

Location: 268 km north-west of Jamaica in theCaribbean Sea and 240 km south of Cuba. GrandCayman, which is much larger than the others are,lies 128 km to the west of Cayman Brac and LittleCayman, which are separated from each other bya channel 8 km wide.

Climate: Tropical climate.

Topography: A huge central limestone outcrop called The Bluff rises along thelength of the island up to 140 feet. About half of Grand Cayman's area is wetland.Offshore reefs and a mangrove fringe surround most of the islands' coasts.

Biodiversity: Some 17 plant species, seven reptiles and 30 land snails are amongthose listed as unique to Cayman, along with many unique subspecies of forest birdsand spectacular coral reefs.5

Main economic activities: The major industries are tourism and offshore finance.

Other information: Some 94% of the population lives on Grand Cayman, witharound 1,822 people residing on Cayman Brac and 115 on Little Cayman. Population -53,252 (2006 estimate).


Size: The island is 18 km long and 11 km wide, with a total area of 101 sq km.

Location: One of the Leeward Islands in the Eastern Caribbean, lying 43 kmsouthwest of Antigua and 64 km northwest of Guadeloupe.5 UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum, n.d. Promoting Biodiversity Conservation in the UK’s Overseas Territories.United Kingdom: UKOTCF.

British Virgin Islands

Cayman Islands

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Climate: Tropical climate.

Topography: Entirely volcanic and verymountainous. The coastline is rugged and offersno all-weather harbour, although there are severalanchorages in the lee of the island sheltered fromthe prevailing trade winds. In 1995, the SoufriereHills volcano in the south of the island becameactive for the first time in 350 years. The volcano has remained active since then withpyroclastic flows, a collapse of the dome in 2003 and renewed dome growth. SinceApril 2007, growth of the current volcanic dome has slowed and the latest scientificadvice is that the volcano is in a state of ‘pause’, but with the danger of a large hotdome remaining.

Biodiversity: Despite its small size, Montserrat supports at least 795 native plantspecies, 12 restricted range species of birds and 1,241 invertebrates, which include 718beetles. Endemic to Montserrat are the Montserrat oriole (Icteris oberis) and thegalliwasp (Diploglossus montisserrati), a lizard. The endangered and edible'mountain chicken' (Leptodactylus fallax), a frog, is found only on Montserrat andDominica. Several other species are restricted to Montserrat and some nearbyislands.6

Main economic activities: The limited economic activity on the island includesmining and quarrying, construction, financial and professional services and tourism

Other information: Population - 4,655 (2006 estimate).

The Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI)

Size: The TCI comprise some 40 islands and cays split into two groups by a deep-water channel. The total land area is 430 sq km.

Location: South-east of the of the Bahamas chainand 44 km north of Haiti and the DominicanRepublic, and 920 km south-east of Miami.

Climate: The climate is warm throughout the yearbut tempered by constant trade winds.

Topography: Limited rainfall plus poor soil and alimestone base restrict the possibilities for agricultural development. The islands arerocky, semi-barren and covered with cacti and thorny acacia trees. There are 200miles of white beaches.

Biodiversity: More than 30 protected areas have been designated to conserve thedelicate ecosystems and wildlife habitats of the creeks, sand flats, lagoons, andmarshy wetlands. The islands provide a home for at least 14 unique plants, reptiles,and an unknown number of invertebrates, as well as the vulnerable reddish egret(Egretta rufescens) and West Indian whistling duck (Dendrocygna arborea).

Main economic activities: The major industries are tourism, property development,real estate, international finance and fishing.


Turks and Caicos Islands

6 Young, R.P. (ed). 2008. A biodiversity assessment of the Centre Hills, Montserrat. Durrell Conservation Monograph No.1,Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, Jersey, Channel Islands

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Other information: Population - 32,000 (2006 census estimate). Only six of theislands are permanently inhabited.

Indian Ocean

British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT)

Size: An archipelago of five atolls containing 55islands covers some 54,400 sq km of ocean. Theislands have a land area of only 46 sq km and698km of coastline. Diego Garcia, the largest andmost southerly island, is 27 sq km.

Location: The Territory is in the centre of theIndian Ocean. The southernmost point of the Laccadive-Maldive-Chagos ridge,between 5-7 °S, lies about 1,770 km east of Mahe, the main island of the Seychelles.

Climate: The climate is tropical oceanic type and moderated by trade winds.

Topography: The terrain is flat and low and most areas do not exceed two metres inelevation.

Biodiversity: With a huge network of coral reefs the Territory supports 1.5% of thetotal global area of reefs (JNCC, 1999). The islands also provide nesting sites for thegreen (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) turtles, and verylarge numbers of seabirds.

Main economic activities: There is no civilian air service. There are no economic,industrial or agricultural activities on the islands. UK and US military personnel andcivilian contract employees, mostly recruited from Mauritius and the Philippines,carry out construction projects and other services in support of the US defencefacility in Diego Garcia. These numbered approximately 4,000 persons (2004estimate).

Other information: The isolation of the BIOT and the low level of human impact,make it ideal for the study of tropical marine ecology, undistorted by pollution.



Size: Total area of 6.5 sq km.

Location: Bordering the Strait of Gibraltar on thesouthern coast of Spain. The Strait of Gibraltarlinks the Mediterranean Sea and the North AtlanticOcean.

Topography: Formed of Jurassic limestone, theisland has a sheer cliff on the eastern side, slopes more gently to the west andconsists largely of scrub and patches of woodland, with a rocky shoreline.

Biodiversity: Species confined to Gibraltar include sea-slugs, snails and plants.Within Europe, Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) are unique to Gibraltar.

British Indian Ocean Territory


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7 Ashmole, P and M. Ashmole. 2000. St. Helena and Ascension Island: A Natural History. Anthony Nelson. Oswestry.

Main economic activities: Gibraltar has a thriving, if narrowly based, economydominated by three main sectors – financial services, shipping and tourism (includingretail for visitors). The tourism industry has grown rapidly over the past 15 years andGibraltar now receives in excess of 7.8 million visitors per annum, who spend morethan GBP170 million.

Other information: Population - 28,779 (Abstract of Statistics 2005).

The Sovereign Base Areas (SBAs) of Akrotiri and Dhekelia[usually referred to as Western Sovereign Base Area (WSBA) and Eastern Sovereign Base Area (ESBA)]

Size: The SBAs cover 3% of the land area of Cyprus, a total of 255 sq km miles (47.5at Akrotiri and 50.5 at Dhekelia).

Location: Situated at two locations within Cyprus.

Biodiversity: Akrotiri salt lake provides a winteringarea for up to 30,000 greater flamingos(Phoenicopterus roseus) and is an importantstaging area for cranes, migrant waders (Charodrii)and birds of prey, in particular. Rare endemicorchids and various reptiles and amphibians are also found within the bases, as wellas many migrant songbirds.

Main economic activities: The SBAs are primarily required as military bases andnot ordinary dependent territories.

South Atlantic


Size: 97 sq km

Location: Ascension lies at latitude 7°7’S andlongitude 14°22’W, 1,296 km to the north west ofthe nearest land – the island of St. Helena. Thenearest continental land Liberia 1,504 km to thenorth north-east.

Climate: The climate of Ascension is dry, tropical and oceanic with little seasonalchange. Temperatures vary from 31°C to 27°C. moderated by the South East Tradewinds. Rainfall is variable but showers fall throughout the year.

Topography: The island is a rocky peak of volcanic origin with 44 distinct craters.The lower slopes and western side are made up of volcanic ash with little vegetation.Green Mountain, which rises to a height of 859 m at the centre of the island, is lushand green.

Biodiversity: Much of Ascension's global conservation importance comes from theisland's remoteness. It has 11 species of breeding seabird, one of which, theAscension Island frigate bird (Fregata Aquila) is endemic. There are six endemicspecies of terrestrial plants, nine endemic marine fish and two endemic shellfish. The

Akrotiri and Dhekelia use the Union Flag

Ascension uses the Union Flag

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island also has one of the most important breeding green turtle (Chelonia mydas)populations in the world.

Main economic activities: Ascension has a USAF and RAF military base and hostsa number of communication companies.

Other information: Civilians contracted from St. Helena, the UK and USA numberapproximately 1,000.

The Falkland Islands8

Size: The Falkland Islands have a total land area of just over 120,000 ha which formsan archipelago of two main islands, East and West Falklands and about 780 smallerislands and islets.

Location: Situated in the south-west region of theSouth Atlantic Ocean approximately 600km east ofthe mainland of South America, between latitudes51°S and 53°S, and longitudes 57°W and 62°W.

Climate: The Falkland Islands have a cooltemperate oceanic climate, dominated by westerlywinds and low annual rainfall (450-600 mm/year).

Topography: The Islands are generally rugged and hilly – the highest points areMount Usborne (705 m) on East Falkland and Mount Adam (700 m) on West Falkland.

Biodiversity: The Falklands have a wealth of biodiversity. Of the 363 vascular floraspecies, 171 species are native and 13 endemic. There are 13 recorded terrestrialendemic invertebrates. The Falkland Islands support globally significant numbers of anumber of bird species as well as two endemic species and 14 sub-species. Theseinclude vast colonies of seabirds. More than 70% of the world population of black-browed albatrosses (Diomedea melanophris) is found here. The inshore and offshoreenvironment of the Falkland Islands support a variety of whale, dolphin, seal and sealion species, including at least eleven species of cetaceans listed as of globalconservation concern on the IUCN red list.

Main economic activities: Agriculture, fishing and tourism.

Other information: Population - approximately 2,900.

St. Helena9

Size: 17 km long and 10 km wide at its largest point, with a land area of 122 sq km

Location: Approximately 1,920 km from the south-west coast of Africa and 2,900 kmeast of South America.

Climate: St. Helena has a sub-tropical but oceanic climate, tempered by the South-East Trade winds. Temperature ranges from 14°C to 27°C .

Topography: A volcanic island with a high central ridge. The highest point, Diana’sPeak, rises to 823 m above sea level.

8 Otley H, G. Munro, A. Clausen, and B. Ingham. 2008. Falkland Islands State of the Environment Report 2008. FalklandIslands Government and Falkland Islands Conservation, Stanley.9 Ashmole, P and M. Ashmole. 2000. St. Helena and Ascension Island: A Natural History. Anthony Nelson. Oswestry

The Falkland Islands

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Biodiversity: St. Helena's isolated position in theSouth Atlantic has given rise to an unusual andremarkable land and marine flora and fauna. Thenative flora consist of about 40 species, 49 ofwhich are endemic (10 genera). The precisenumber of endemic invertebrates is uncertain,however of about 1,110 land invertebrates, some400 are unique to St. Helena. At least six unique land birds once occurred on St.Helena, only one, the wire bird (Charadrius sanctaehelenae), survives today. Thereare 10 endemic, inshore fish species and 16 more are found only here and atAscension. At least five species of marine mammals are known to occur in thewaters around St. Helena.

Main economic activities: The main industries are fisheries, tourism andagriculture.

Other information: Population - 4,000. St. Helena is currently accessible only bysea, but there are plans to build an airport in the near future.

Tristan da Cunha10

Size: An area of 178 sq km. The Tristan da Cunhagroup comprises six islands, including Tristan daCunha and the neighbouring islands ofNightingale, Inaccessible and Gough.

Location: Tristan da Cunha is the most remoteinhabited island in the world lying 2,778 km westof Cape Town and 3,947 km from South America.

Climate: The climate is cool temperate oceanic but varies between islands. Meanannual temperatures vary similarly and range from 14.5°C to 11.3°C.

Topography: The islands are volcanic, the central peak in Tristan rises to 2,060 mabove sea level.

Biodiversity: At least 212 plant taxa have been recorded, including 35 ferns and 58native flowering plants. Seals are the only native breeding mammals. The islandssupport unique indigenous land-birds, including the Gough bunting (Rowettiagoughensis) and the rare Inaccessible rail (Atlantisia rogersi), the smallest flightlessbird in the world. Millions of seabirds, such as the Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross(Thalassarche chlororhynchos) and great shearwater (Puffinis gravis), breed - as dofur seals and elephant seals. Fourteen of Tristan’s bird species are of global concernincluding the critically endangered Tristan albatross (Diomedea dabbenena).

Main economic activities: The island relies on income from fishing and stamp andcoin sales.

Other information: Tristan is a dependency of St. Helena. The Settlement ofEdinburgh of the Seven Seas in the Northwest is its only inhabited area. Gough andInaccessible islands are a World Heritage Site. Population – 275.

10 Sanders, S.M. (ed.). 2006. Important Bird Areas in the United Kingdom Overseas Territories. Sandy, UK:RSPB

St Helena

Tristan da Cunha

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South Pacific

Pitcairn Island11

Size: The Pitcairn Island group is comprised offour small islands. The total land area of thePitcairn Islands is 4,516 ha. The largest island isHenderson 3,720 ha, while Pitcairn Island is 660ha.

Location: Situated in the South Pacific Ocean,Pitcairn is roughly 1,570 km West of Easter Island; 5,350 km east north-east of itsadministrative headquarters in Auckland, New Zealand.

Climate: The temperature ranges from 13°C to 28°C with a mean annual rainfall ofapproximately 1,716 mm, with considerable annual variation.

Topography: Pitcairn is volcanic; Henderson, Oeno, and Ducie are coral atolls.

Biodiversity: Henderson and Pitcairn support richer floras with a high number ofendemic and endangered species. There are nine species of birds of globalconcern. In addition, more than 90% cent of the world’s population of Murphy’spetrels (Pterodroma ultima) nest on Ducie, and Henderson is probably the principalbreeding site for the endangered Henderson petrel (Pterodroma atrata).

Main economic activities: The economy of Pitcairn is largely based on subsistencefishing, horticulture, and the sale of handicrafts and postage stamps. The PitcairnGovernment is trying to boost revenue through the sale of .pn domain names, honeyproduction and increasing tourist arrivals.

Other information: Population – 47. Henderson is a World Heritage Site.

11 Smyth, N. And Waldron, S. (in prep) Pitcairn Islands Environment Management Plan. Prepared for the UK Foreign andCommonwealth Office by BEC Consultants and Pitcairn Islands and Sanders, S.M.( ed.). 2006. Important Bird Areas inthe United Kingdom Overseas Territories. Sandy, UK:RSPB

Pitcairn Island

Chapter summaryClimate change is one of the most pressing and complex issues of our time. It is onethat UKOTs cannot afford to ignore. Although the territories contribute very little to theunderlying causes of climate change, they are particularly vulnerable to its effects.The UKOTs have much to lose: many of them are small islands with a high level ofinherent vulnerability to natural and other hazards. The effects of climate changeincrease this vulnerability.

Even if greenhouse gas emissions were to stop today, the effects would still be feltbecause of the damage that has already been done to the global climate system.Notwithstanding the uncertainties about climate change and to what extent thesechanges may occur, there is a strong case for UKOTs to take swift and decisive actionto prepare for, and respond to, its effects on nature and society. Adapting to climatechange is an opportunity for UKOTs to build resilience and move towards more sus-tainable forms of development.

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2.1 What is climate?

Understanding climate is a useful startingpoint for understanding climate change.

Climate vs. weatherThe words ‘climate’ and ‘weather’ aresometimes used interchangeably, but theyare in fact different, though related, phe-nomena. Weather refers to short-term,atmospheric conditions, climate to long-term ones. Weather is measured by tem-perature, humidity, wind speed,atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, andprecipitation. Climate is the average, ortypical, weather conditions of a given areaobserved over a long period of time, usu-ally 30 years or more.

Climate zones, are distinguished fromeach other by their prevailing temperatureand precipitation, which have a naturalrange and variability within zones.

Climate variations can occur from year toyear, one decade to another, one centuryto another, or any longer time scale.Weather conditions may change quickly,for example, it may be sunny and dry oneday and rainy and cool the next. Climate,on the other hand, is slower to change, butthe implications of change are far reaching.

Within each climate zone, the people,plants and animals are adapted to therange of conditions found there. Theplants and animals that are native to the

tropical climate of the Turks and CaicosIslands thrive there, but would find theAntarctic climate of the British AntarcticTerritory hostile and vice versa. However,when change occurs within a climatezone, human and ecological systems arechallenged by conditions that are on theedge of, or outside, the normal range.Over time, this can put stress on systemsor modify them.

People and climateHuman and biological systems are so inter-linked that a change in one area of eithersystem has knock-on effects on others.Human activity is greatly influenced by cli-mate. “Climate shapes ecosystems andspecies, determines the types of engi-neering structures we build (from houses tobridges), and affects our culture, ourmoods, our leisure pursuits” (Hulme, 2006).

2.2 What influencesclimate?Several geographic factors influence cli-mate, including latitude and altitude, conti-nentality, distance from the ocean,mountain barriers, solar radiation, oceancurrents, volcanic activity, and prevailingwinds. It is also influenced by changes inthe Earth’s orbit around the sun and theenergy the planet receives from the sun. Allof these geographic factors are fairly con-stant, however, where there are changes,these take place over the long term.

Unpacking Climate Change2The wayforward

What canUKOTs doabout climatechange?

Climate changein the UKOTs:present andfuture impacts


Why climatechange mattersfor UKOTs

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The interaction between the ocean andthe atmosphere (ocean-atmospheredynamics), has an impact on climate aswell. One such phenomenon that has amajor influence on climate in the UKOTs isthe El Niño - Southern Oscillation(ENSO) or El Niño, as the phenomenon iscommonly known.

El Niño/La Niña and the SouthernOscillation El Niño and La Niña are experienced world-wide (Figure 2). El Niño is the result of theinteraction between the ocean and theatmosphere in the Pacific and the resultingeffect on global climate. It is caused when

Figure 2. Expected seasonal effects of El Niño (warm episodes) across the globe duringDecember–February (top) and expected seasonal effects of La Niña (cold episodes) during thesame time period (bottom). Source: Climate Prediction Center, NOAA

Box 3. Global cooling in 2007 – 2008?

The cooling of the oceans experiencedin late 2007 through 2008 is due to aLa Niña event. Because of La Niña,2008 has been forecast to be coolerthan the previous seven years. But sci-entists have been quick to point outthat this cooling is due to the strengthof the La Niña event, and not becauseglobal warming or climate change hasgone away. The mean temperature isstill expected to be above that of 2000.

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the trade winds that blow from east to westalong the equator in the Pacific decrease inintensity (this is the Southern Oscillation)and bring about an increase in the oceantemperature. This in turn affects wherestorms occur along the equator and trig-gers ripple effects worldwide.

Under normal conditions, the westwardblowing winds push the ocean’s watertowards western Pacific. In the deepereastern Pacific, cold water is pulled from theocean’s depths to replace the water that isblown west. The normal ocean temperaturebalance is therefore warm water (30°C) inthe west and cold water (22°C) in the east.

El Niño events occur about every two toeight years and are considered a normalphenomenon. In an El Niño event, thetrade winds weaken and less water ispushed westwards. Cold water in theeastern Pacific is not pulled up, makingthe water in that part of the ocean warmerthan usual. The warmer water contributesto the weakening of the winds in a self-per-petuating or positive feedback cycle.

El Niño events generally cause droughts inseveral regions, including the Caribbean,

the western Pacific, SoutheastAsia and Southern Africa. Theyare also associated with coralbleaching, a phenomenonbrought about by high watertemperatures that cause coralsto lose the symbiotic algae thatboost their metabolism, respira-tion, waste excretion and growthrate. Very severe coralbleaching occurred in the trop-ical Indian Ocean in 1998, thehottest year on record to dateand the year of the strongest ElNiño recorded. That year, oceantemperatures were between 3°Cand 5°C above normal (WorldWildlife Fund and McGinley,2007).

El Niño events are generally followed by aperiod of opposite conditions called LaNiña. In La Niña conditions, the water in theeastern Pacific is cooler and the winds thatblow from east to west are stronger thannormal. In most locations, the phenomenonis associated with increased rainfall. Prelim-inary findings suggest that climate changewill cause El Niño events to increase in fre-quency. When the El Niño events are super-imposed on the upward climatechange-induced temperature trends, phe-nomena such as coral bleaching willbecome more frequent There appears tobe a correlation between strong El Ninoevents and severe coral bleaching. (Figure3). It has been suggested that bleachingmay become an annual event by 2020(Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999).

2.3 The science behindglobal climate change

What is climate change?Climate change is any significant modifi-cation in the climate of a zone or regionover time. There are natural processes ofclimate change that have been taking

Figure 3. Number of reef provinces bleaching since 1978.Arrows indicate strong El Nino years. While some of thetrend can be explained by observer bias, this factor doesnot completely explain the increasing trend with time.Source: Hoegh-Guldberg 1999



































of r

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place since the Earth began evolving morethan four billion years ago. These naturalprocesses include such things as changesin the Earth’s orbit, changes in sun inten-sity, and volcanic eruptions (which alteratmospheric gases). Ice ages are oneexample of climate change brought aboutby natural causes. Scientists believe theperiod of global cooling between the 1400sand 1700s known as “The Little Ice Age”was the result of weakening of the sun’sintensity.

The present-day global concern about cli-mate change, however, is not about nat-ural processes. It is rather about theunprecedented and accelerated increasein the Earth’s temperature over the past 60to 100 years, which has its roots in humanactivity that continues to grow (Solomon etal., 2007). Scientific evidence notwith-standing, how much of the observedchange is due to human influence hasgenerated a lot of debate; what is not indoubt is that the current rate of climatechange is unusual and is linked to howhumans use the planet.

The greenhouse effect The change that is now taking place in theglobal climate has its roots in the intensifi-cation of a natural phenomenon, thegreenhouse effect. The atmosphere ismade up of water vapour, dust particles

and gases. The main gases are nitrogen(78 per cent) and oxygen (21 per cent).Argon, and small amounts of other gases,such as carbon dioxide and trace amountsof hydrogen, methane, ozone, carbonmonoxide, helium, neon, krypton andxenon account for the remaining 1 per cent(Figure 4).

Some of the gases in this 1 per cent playan important role in regulating the Earth’stemperature, however, by helping to bal-ance the energy that is received from thesun and reflected back into space by theEarth. These gases include carbondioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide andtogether with water vapour, are commonlyknown as greenhouse gases. They helpwarm the atmosphere by trapping some ofthe energy reflected off the Earth and pre-venting it from escaping.

The principle is much like the heat-trappingglass panels of a greenhouse (Figure 5),hence the name greenhouse gases. Theglass panels of a greenhouse allow radia-tion from the sun to get in, but prevent theheat that is generated by the ground, plantsand objects inside from escaping easily.The result is a build-up of heat inside. Figure 4. Gases in the atmosphere

Figure 5. The heat-trapping ability of agreenhouse is influenced by a number offactors, including the transparency of thegreenhouse cover, and colour and type ofsurfaces of the greenhouse.

Nitrogen 78%

Oxygen 21%

Other gases 1%

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The greenhouse effect works much thesame way. Energy from the sun, or solarradiation, passes through the atmosphereand warms the Earth’s surface. Some ofthe radiation is reflected back out intospace at the level of the atmosphere.Some reaches the Earth, is absorbed bythe ground and released as heat. Some ofthis heat passes back through the atmos-phere into outer space and some isretained by the gases in the atmosphereand warms the Earth (Figure 6).

This natural warming is what makes theEarth habitable for the plants, animals andhumans that have evolved there; without it,the Earth’s average temperature would bean inhospitable -18°C instead of thepresent 14°C.

The enhanced greenhouse effectWhen this natural warming process isexaggerated or enhanced, there is causefor concern. An increase in the concentra-tion of greenhouse gases in the atmos-phere results in more heat being retainedand an overall warming of the Earth’s tem-perature. Although they make up a smallpercentage of atmospheric gases,changes in the concentration of green-house gases have a huge effect on the bal-ance of natural processes.

The human factorThe core concern about climate change ishuman potential to alter the climatethrough activities that are a result of ourway of life and how we treat the naturalenvironment. There have been significant

Box 4. Human activity andgreenhouse gases

The principal greenhouse gasesthat enter the atmosphere becauseof human activities are:Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Carbon dioxideenters the atmosphere through the burningof fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal),solid waste, trees and wood products, andalso as a result of other chemical reactions(e.g., manufacture of cement). Carbon diox-ide is also removed from the atmosphere(or “sequestered”) when it is absorbed byplants as part of the biological carbon cycle.

Methane (CH4): Methane is emitted dur-ing the production and transport of coal,natural gas, and oil. Methane emissions alsoresult from livestock and other agriculturalpractices and by the decay of organic wastein municipal solid waste landfills.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O): Nitrous oxide isemitted during agricultural and industrialactivities, as well as during combustion offossil fuels and solid waste.

Fluorinated Gases: Hydrofluorocarbons,perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluorideare synthetic, powerful greenhouse gasesthat are emitted from a variety of industrialprocesses. Fluorinated gases are sometimesused as substitutes for ozone-depleting sub-stances (i.e., CFCs, HCFCs, and halons).These gases are typically emitted in smallerquantities, but because they are potentgreenhouse gases, they are sometimesreferred to as High Global Warming Poten-tial gases (“High GWP gases”).

Source: US Environmental Protection Agency (

Figure 6. Greenhouse effectSource: Impetus Consulting Ltd.

Sunlightpassesthrough thegreenhousegases andwarms theearth

The earthwarms up andgives out heat,

some heat passes back outthrough the greenhouse gases

but some is trapped insidekeeping the earth warm



Outer Space

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technological advances over the past 60to 100 years that have offered humankindcountless benefits and conveniences.These increases in human activity, how-ever, have also led to an additional releaseof greenhouse gases that have placedstress on natural processes.

Some of the gases, such as carbondioxide, water vapour, methane, nitrousoxide, and ozone are the resultof both natural and humanprocesses. Others, notably fluo-rinated gases, are generatedsolely by human activities. Thesources of these gas emissionsinclude burning fossil fuels topower our way of life, industrialprocesses, urbanisation andland use, agriculture and defor-estation (Figure 7 and Box 4).Since the beginning of theindustrial revolution, concentra-tions of carbon dioxide in theatmosphere have increasednearly 30 per cent (Figure 7),methane concentrations havemore than doubled, and nitrous

oxide concentrations have risen by about15 per cent.

Carbon dioxide and the increase inwarmingCarbon dioxide is the single largest con-tributor to the enhanced greenhouseeffect. Increases in carbon dioxide emis-sions account for approximately 70 percent of the enhanced greenhouse effect.Using ice cores from the Antarctic, scien-tists estimate that the concentration ofcarbon dioxide in the atmosphere in thepre-industrial era had a value of approxi-mately 280 parts per million (ppm). Mea-surements in 2005 put it at 379 ppm. The2005 figures also tell a story of alarminggrowth. The 2005 carbon dioxide levelsexceeded the natural range of atmos-pheric carbon dioxide over the last650,000 years (180 to 300 ppm). In addi-tion, even though there has been year toyear variability (at an average of 1.9 ppm),the annual growth rate of carbon dioxideconcentrations in the atmosphere waslarger during the 10 years between 1995and 2005 than it had been since the begin-ning of continuous direct atmosphericmeasurements between 1960 and 2005(average: 1.4 ppm per year) (IPCC, 2007).

Figure 8. Trends in Atmospheric Concentrations andAnthropogenic Emissions of Carbon Dioxide Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Figure 7. Greenhouse-gas emissions in2000, by source. Source: Prepared by Stern Review,from data drawn from World Resources Institute ClimateAnalysis Indicators Tool (CAIT) on-line database version 3.0.


Atmospheric Concentrations














s (m


n m



of c



Anthropogenic Emissions















1750 1800 1850 19501900 20000

PowerTransportBuildingsIndustry Other energy related

WasteAgricultureLand use


Power (24%)

Transport (14%)

Industry (14%)

Agriculture (14%)

Land use (18%)

Other energy r




Buildings (8%)


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The carbon dioxide imbalanceIt is true that natural sources of carbondioxide - plant respiration and decomposi-tion of organic matter - generate more than10 times the amount of carbon dioxide pro-duced by human activities such as drivingmotor vehicles, heating homes and pow-ering factories. However, in the past, nat-ural processes that remove or sequestercarbon dioxide from the atmosphere,namely photosynthesis and the carbonreservoir function of the oceans, balancedout these releases.

We now have a situation where not onlyare additional sources producing andemitting carbon dioxide in significantquantities, but the natural sinks thatremove carbon dioxide are also beingcompromised. Trees and forests are beingcut down for a variety of reasons, includingagriculture and human settlements. At thesame time, oceans, including the Northand South Atlantic oceans, are reachingtheir carbon dioxide saturation pointbecause their absorptive capacity is failingto keep pace with the increase in carbondioxide emissions. A 10-year study by theUniversity of East Anglia found that theNorth Atlantic halved its absorption ofcarbon dioxide between the mid-90s and2005 (Schuster and Watson, 2007). Scien-tists previously thought the carbon sinkfunction of the oceans would help offsetthe increase in anthropogenic carbondioxide emissions. However, this appearsnot to be the case. Even though adecrease in the ability of the oceans toabsorb carbon dioxide was anticipated byscientists and even factored into some cli-mate models, it seems to be happening 40years earlier than expected.

Ocean acidificationScientists are now observing trends of ocean acidification, a decrease in the pH due to increased absorption of

atmospheric carbon dioxide. Surfaceocean pH is already 0.1 units lower thanpre-industrial values and, in one emis-sions scenario, by the end of the centuryit could be lowered by an additional0.14–0.35 units. Research is suggestingthat if the acidification trend continues,marine organisms such as coral, planktonand shellfish, might not be able to maketheir skeletons and this could have ramifi-cations for coastal and marine environ-ments.

Under normal conditions, carbonate ionlevels are high in the ocean, but when thewater becomes more acidic, theydecrease. When this happens, structuresthat are made of calcium carbonate are atrisk of dissolution. In the case of corals,this could cause slower or more fragilegrowth and lead to a decrease in coralcover and a smaller reef framework(Kleypas et al., 2006; Orr et al., 2005; TheRoyal Society, 2005). The Caribbean is oneof the regions where reefs are expected tosuffer the effects of ocean acidification(Hoegh-Guldberg, et al., 2007).

Coral reefs play an important role in pro-tecting the shoreline from wave erosion.They generate coral sand, provide nurs-eries and habitats for fish and other marinespecies and provide opportunities forrecreation activities, particularly diving andsnorkelling. Compromised coral reefsweaken coastal defences and can have anegative effect on fisheries, beach qualityand tourism.

2.4 How do we know thatclimate change isoccurring?The mass media have made much of thefate of polar bears in the Arctic due tolosses of summer sea ice. Althoughmelting sea ice and glaciers and drowningbears are some of the widely known earlywarning signs of change, they are not the

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only things that tell us something is awrywith the global climate.

Changes in climate cues In some northern latitudes, growing sea-sons are longer because spring nowarrives earlier and bird nesting and animalmigration patterns have changed. Somespecies of insects, like butterflies, dragon-flies and beetles, are surviving at higherlatitudes than before. Some species morecommonly associated with warmer cli-mates, like loggerhead turtles, are increas-ingly being spotted in the United Kingdom.

Changes in weather patternsThese changes in climate cues are linkedto changes in weather patterns, particu-larly changes in temperature and precipita-tion. Single abnormalities in weather arenot the things that tell us that climatechange is occurring. On their own, anunseasonably cool December in Bermuda

or a wetter than usual summer in theChagos Islands could be random events,but evidence of climate change comesfrom observed patterns over time. TheIPCC and other climate researchers havebeen building a body of observationaldata that show medium to long-termtrends, and this information points to fourthings.

First, changes in the atmosphere have hadan effect on temperature, precipitation,storms and sea level. Second, warminghas noticeably influenced many physicaland biological systems (Parry et al., 2007,Solomon, et al., 2007). Third, climatechange impacts fall into two main cate-gories: slow onset impacts (changes inaverage climate conditions) and extremeevents (increased intensity in rainfall andtropical storms) (see Box 5). Finally, cli-mate change is not experienced in thesame way by all countries and regions.

Box 5. Slow onset versus sudden extreme events

Although there are a range of potential impacts from climate change, ranging from risingsea levels, to changing rainfall patterns, individuals and countries are likely to experienceclimate change in two main ways: either as a change in average climate conditions (oftenreferred to as slow onset change), or as an increase in sudden, extreme events.

Slow onset changes include:• Sea-level rise

• Increase in air temperature: The average warming in regions where small islands arelocated is likely to be between 2.0°C and 2.8°C by 2050 (compared with 1990temperatures). By 2080, the increase (above 1990 temperatures) is likely to bebetween 3.1°C and 4.3°C.

• Increase in sea surface temperature

• More rainfall and flooding during wet seasons

• Less rainfall during dry seasons.

Examples of sudden, extreme events:• The frequency of extreme temperatures (e.g., heat waves) is likely to increase

• An increase in the intensity of rainfall

• An increase in the intensity of tropical cyclones.Source: Tompkins et al., 2005

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Observed trendsSome of the IPCC conclusions aboutobserved trends are below.

Temperature: Eleven of the 12 warmestyears since 1850 (when instrumentalrecord keeping began) occurred between

1995 and 2006. The linear warming trend

over the last 50 years, an average of 0.13°C

per decade (with a range between 0.10°C

and 0.16°C), is nearly double that of the

previous 100 years. The total temperature

increase from 1850–1899 to 2001–2005 is

Figure 9. (Top) Patterns of linear global temperature trends over the period 1979 to 2005estimated at the surface (left), and for the troposphere from satellite records (right). Greyindicates areas with incomplete data. (Bottom) Annual global mean temperatures (black dots) with linear fits to the data. The left handaxis shows temperature anomalies relative to the 1961 to 1990 average and the right hand axisshows estimated actual temperatures, both in °C. Linear trends are shown for the last 25 (yellow),50 (orange), 100 (purple) and 150 years (red). The smooth blue curve shows decadal variations,with the decadal 90% error range shown as a pale blue band about that line. The total temperatureincrease from the period 1850 to 1899 to the period 2001 to 2005 is 0.76°C ± 0.19°C. (Source: IPCC, 2007a, FAQ 3.1, Figure 1).

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an average of 0.76°C, with a rangebetween 0.57°C and 0.95°C (IPCC, 2007).(Figure 9)

In their Fourth Assessment Report, theIPCC concluded it is very likely that overthe past 50 years cold days, cold nightsand frosts have become less frequent overmost land areas, and hot days and hotnights have become more frequent. It alsosuggests heat waves may have becomemore frequent over most land area andthere are possibly more heavy precipita-tion events over most areas (IPCC, 2007).

Precipitation: Between 1900 and 2005,there was an increase in precipitation insome parts of the world and a decline inothers. There were significant increases ineastern parts of North and South America,northern Europe and northernand central Asia but decreasesin the Sahel, the Mediterranean,southern Africa and parts ofsouthern Asia. More areas seemto be affected by drought glob-ally since the 1970s (IPCC,2007). In the future, Arctic andEquatorial regions may becomewetter, and subtropical regionsdrier. However, projections ofprecipitation changes for tem-perate regions are less consis-tent.

Storms: Since 1970, there hasbeen more intense tropicalstorm activity, marked by a 75per cent increase in the numberof category 4 and 5 hurricanes.The largest increases were inthe North Pacific, Indian andSouthwest Pacific Oceans, butthe number of hurricanes in theNorth Atlantic has also beenabove normal in nine of the past11 years, including the recordbreaking 2005 season (IPCC,2007). One of the natural factors

that helps decrease storm intensity is coldocean waters, but as average ocean tem-peratures increase (see below), a naturalretardant is becoming an accelerant.

Hurricane Ivan in the Cayman Islands. The number and intensity of storms hasincreased in recent years Credit: Department ofEnvironment, Cayman Islands Government

Figure 10. Time series of global mean sea level (deviationfrom the 1980-1999 mean) in the past and as projected forthe future. For the period before 1870, global measurementsof sea level are not available. The grey shading shows theuncertainty in the estimated long-term rate of sea levelchange. The red line is a reconstruction of global mean sealevel from tide gauges and the red shading denotes the rangeof variations from a smooth curve. The green line showsglobal mean sea level observed from satellite altimetry. Theblue shading represents the range of model projections ofthe Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (project A1B)for the 21st century, relative to the 1980 to 1999 mean, andhas been calculated independently from the observations.Beyond 2100, the projections are increasingly dependent onthe emissions scenario. Over many centuries or millennia,sea level could rise by several metres.(Source: IPCC, 2007b, p.111).

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Sea level and temperature: Globalaverage sea level has risen at an averagerate of 1.8 mm per year since 1961, with amarked acceleration in the rate of increaseto an average of 3.1 mm per year since1993 (Figure 10). It is too soon, however, toknow if the latter is a short-term variabilityor a long-term trend. Sea level rise is theconsequence of two processes associ-ated with warming: inflows of water frommelting glaciers, ice caps and the polarsheets and thermal expansion of seawater,that is, an increase in the volume of sea-water in response to a temperaturechange.

More than 80 per cent of the heat added tothe climate system is being absorbed by

oceans and this is affecting not just thesurface water, but water at greater depthsas well. Observations since 1961 show theaverage temperature of water at depths ofup to 3,000 m has increased (IPCC, 2007).

In their latest report, the IPCC projectedthat global sea level rise in the 21st centurywould be at a greater rate than the periodfrom 1961 to 2003.

Snow and ice extent: Satellite data since1978 show that annual average Arctic seaice extent has shrunk by an average of 3.7percent per decade, with larger decreasesin summer of 7.4 per cent per decade.Mountain glaciers and snow cover onaverage have declined in both hemi-spheres.

Chapter summaryClimate change is any significant modification over time in the climate of a zone orregion. This change can be natural or it can have its roots in human activity. Naturalprocesses of change have been taking place since the Earth began evolving, but thepresent day global concern is about the unprecedented rate of change over the past60 to 100 years that is caused by human activity.

The change that is now taking place is the result of the intensification of a natural andnecessary process, the greenhouse effect. Increased emissions of greenhousegases are leading to an increase in the Earth’s average surface and sea tempera-tures.

Changes in the atmosphere are having an effect on temperature, precipitation, stormactivity and sea level. The linear warming trend over the last 50 years is nearly doublethat for the last hundred years. Some parts of the world have been experiencing anincrease in precipitation while others have had a significant decline. Global averagesea level has risen at an average of 1.8 mm per year since 1961 because of meltingglaciers, ice caps and sea ice. Satellite data since 1978 show that annual average seeice extent has shrunk by an average of 3.7 per cent per decade.

All of these consequences of warming in turn influence physical and biological sys-tems; this has serious implications for man and society.

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Climate scientists use data and informa-tion about past and present conditions tomodel scenarios that provide projectionson plausible future changes (Box 6). Eachscenario or set of scenarios is based onassumptions about how present condi-tions might change. Changes in popula-tion, energy use and technology are someof the things that scientists factor in. Thisinformation is used to make predictions.

Getting the right data together to provideevidence of change is a big challenge.Using what we have now has given usenough to understand the general princi-ples of what has happened and to predicthow things will change. In some places thedata are very clear, and are linked to whatis happening locally. In other places, thebasic data have not been collected and sopredictions about what will change andwhy have to be based on the best availableevidence and on basic scientific principles.

Challenge of making projectionsfor UKOTs Making climate projections for UKOTs andconsequently predicting future impacts isnot that straightforward, even with thecaveat that making predictions about cli-mate-induced changes globally is anuncertain science. First, data are simplynot available. The spatial scales, or grids,of most models of the global climatesystem are too large to provide information

about small countries like the UKOTs.

The Caribbean is trying to address thisissue through joint collaboration betweenregional institutions and the Met OfficeHadley Centre in the United Kingdom,under the Providing Regional Climates forImpacts Studies (PRECIS) project.

Predicting impacts is further complicatedby the fact that climate change is not theonly process that is affecting the naturaland physical environments in UKOTs.Other phenomena and processes influ-ence, and are influenced by, climatechange impacts. Vulnerability to climatechange can be exacerbated by the pres-ence of other stresses or forcing factors,whether natural, such as ENSO or a vol-canic eruption, or man-made, such as pol-lution or land use patterns.

Not only is there a lot of uncertainty sur-rounding the future impacts of climatechange on UKOTs, the full extent of currentimpacts is unknown. This is in partbecause there has been little climatechange-specific monitoring to date.

Climate Change in UK OverseasTerritories: Present and Future Impacts3

The wayforward

What canUKOTs doabout climatechange?

Climate changein the UKOTs:present andfuture impacts


Why climatechange mattersfor UKOTs

…what’s at stake for most[UK] territories is a way of

life and many of the naturaland cultural features thatare so much a part of their



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Box 6. Three temperature increase scenarios

It is a foregone conclusion that the Earth’s temperature will continue to rise for sometime to come. What is not known is the extent of the change that will take place. Climatescientists have modeled different scenarios of mean temperature changes with a view topredicting what some of the likely impacts of temperature changes would be.

Global mean temperature changes of up to 1.5°C would exacerbate current key vulnerabili-ties and cause others, such as negative health effects caused by heat waves, floods androughts, as well as malnutrition and infectious diseases, millions more people exposed toincreased water stress, increased damage from storms and floods, increased coral bleaching.

Global mean temperature changes of 1.5°C to 3.5°C would result in an increasing num-ber of key impacts at all scales, such as many million more people at risk from coastalflooding, widespread loss of biodiversity, and commitment to widespread melting of theGreenland and West Antarctic ice sheets with associated sea level rise.

Global mean temperature changes greater than 3.5°C would exceed the capacity of allsystems - physical, biological and social, in particular of human societies - to adapt to thisextent of warming, especially since it can be even more pronounced regionally. As exam-ples, about 30% loss of global coastal wetlands and widespread mortality of corals.

Source: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety et al., 2007

Need for action in the UKOTsBased on the data and information that areavailable (some of which is summarisedbelow), climate change is already affectingUKOTs. The IPCC projects that, even in thebest possible scenario, the effects of cli-mate change will worsen before the situa-tion improves. UKOTs have no control overthe storm surges that affect their shores,nor can they regulate the increasing oceantemperatures that affect their coral reefs orfish and marine animals in their waters, butwhat they can do is plan for these threatsand put in place systems and infrastruc-

ture to reduce risk and build resilience.

UKOTs cannot afford to adopt a wait andsee attitude. The economies of the territo-ries are too small and they are toodependent on sensitive ecosystems. Ifthey are completely unprepared, theexternal shocks of some climate changeimpacts could be devastating. In the mostextreme circumstances, some UKOTs

could lose land because of rising sealevels. Even without the most extreme sce-nario becoming reality, what’s at stake formost territories is a way of life and many ofthe natural and cultural features that are somuch a part of their identity.

Vulnerability to climate change canbe intensified by the presence ofother stressesClimate change is not the only threat thatUKOTs face. Each territory has its partic-ular mix of stresses on the natural andphysical environments. Some of thesepressures are a result of changes peoplehave made to the landscape and oceans.Some are a consequence of pollution, theintroduction of invasive alien species,and the over harvesting of plants, fish andanimals. Some have their roots in naturalphenomena. Nevertheless, whatever thesource, together with climate change, theyincrease risk and reduce resilience to nat-ural hazards in a mutually reinforcing

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cycle. These pre-existing stresses make itdifficult for systems to naturally withstandall the effects of climate-induced change.Climate change presents additional chal-lenges for systems already under strain.

3.1 Overall impacts ofclimate change in UKOTsThe full extent of climate change impactson UKOTs is uncertain because it is diffi-cult to project future climate scenarios withaccuracy. However, based on trends todate, UKOTs can anticipate being affectedby climate change ecologically, economi-cally and socially.

Livelihoods and food security: UKOTsrely more heavily on fragile naturalresources than many other societies. Theyalso rely on a limited set of coastal andmarine resource systems. Mosteconomies, and consequently communityand individual livelihood strategies, are notvery diversified and there is little potentialfor diversification (Sear et al., 2001, Mimuraet al., 2007). Some of the key sectors thatprovide opportunities for livelihoods inUKOTs – tourism, fisheries and agriculture– will be affected by climate change.

Tourism in the Caribbean UKOTs andBermuda would be particularly affected by

climate change because of their relianceon coastal and marine resources. Becauseof the linkages between tourism and othersectors, such as agriculture, handicraftindustries, entertainment and small busi-nesses, a downturn in the tourism industrywould have serious knock-on effects inthose UKOTs where tourism is a major eco-nomic activity. The entire economies ofplaces like the Cayman Islands andAnguilla, where tourism contributes 45 percent and 28.7 per cent of GDP respectively,would certainly feel the effects of anydecline in the industry.

Other forms of tourism are also likely to besensitive to climate change impacts oncoastal and marine habitats. Those territo-ries that sell a nature tourism product thatis built around their birds and marine ani-mals, such as South Georgia and the SouthSandwich Islands, could also experience adown turn in arrivals if loss of habitat andfood supplies leads to a decline in thespecies that visitors go to see.

In addition, the increasing cost of traveland changes in destination choices mayreduce the number of tourists visitingUKOTs (Sear et al., 2001).

Commercial and subsistence fishing areimportant in a number of UKOTs, includingAnguilla, the Falkland Islands, St. Helena,the South Georgia and South SandwichIslands, the Turks and Caicos Islands andTristan da Cunha. Fisheries account for 85per cent of GDP in South Georgia and theSouth Sandwich Islands. With most of theworld’s fisheries under stress from overfishing and habitat destruction from pollu-tion, climate change only adds anotherlayer of pressure. Water temperature influ-ences the migration, growth, recruitmentand mortality of fish. As habitats becomeless favourable, species migrate in searchof conditions that are more suitable. Insome instances species risk becominglocally extinct.

Climate change increases the habitat ofinvasive species. In some of the SouthAtlantic and sub-Antarctic islands invasivereindeer are putting endemic species at risk.Credit: Falklands Conservation

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Changing growing seasons, drought andwater shortages are placing a strain onfood production in some territories. Thoseterritories that are prone to tropicalcyclones risk devastation of local agricul-ture after intense storms. Scientists do notyet know the full effect that global warmingwill have on agriculture. What they doknow is that temperature, carbon dioxideconcentration and ozone levels all affectcrop yields.

Health: The IPCC projects that climatechange will increase the burden of diseaseglobally (Parry et al., 2007). The healthrisks associated with extreme weather inUKOTs will increase. It is also likely that theincidence of water and vector borne dis-eases will increase as water availability isaffected and higher temperatures changethe geographic distribution of vectors andshorten incubation periods.

Water resources: Though it is difficult topredict exactly what rainfall patterns will bein future, precipitation changes are likely toinfluence water supplies. The wet and drycycles associated with ENSO events canseriously affect water supplies in countriesthat are heavily dependent on rain water.Ground water supplies, in small islands inparticular, face possible threats from con-tamination by salt water. Drought-proneregions that already experience water

shortages, like the Mediterranean, arelikely to see more acute scarcity.

Economic and financial impacts: Thesmall and narrow economic bases of theUKOTs make them very vulnerable toexternal shocks. All of the physical impactsof climate change in the coastal zone haveassociated economic costs. Some aredirect, as in the case of damage to infra-structure (see below), human settlements,crops etc. Others are indirect, such as fore-gone earnings from major sectors liketourism and loss of the services of criticalecosystems. Extreme weather events,such as hurricanes or tropical storms, canbe particularly costly. For example, Hurri-cane Ivan in 2004 cost the Cayman IslandsUSD3,432 million or 138 per cent of GDP(Zapata Martí, 2005). There are also con-siderable costs associated withaddressing climate change proactively byreducing risk and building resilience.

The goods and services that coastal and marine

ecosystems provide UKOTsare critical to the well-being

of their people andeconomies

A Cayman Islands’ beach, before and after erosion. Credit: Department of Environment, Cayman Islands Government

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Infrastructure: Most UKOTs have a highconcentration of critical infrastructure(ports, airports, houses and businesses) inthe coastal zone. Flooding and physicaldamage may lead to closure of roads, air-ports and bridges. The resulting disruptionis also likely to affect communications aswell as other key dependent sectors andservices, including tourism, agriculture,health care delivery and market supplies(Mimura et al., 2007).

Coastal and marine resources: Oceansand seas are important ecosystems in allthe UKOTs. The goods and services thatcoastal and marine ecosystems provideUKOTs are critical to the well-being of theirpeople and economies.

Coral reefs and sea grass beds are impor-tant nurseries for fisheries, for example,and beaches are breeding grounds forseveral marine species, such as turtles inthe Caribbean and Pacific and seals in theAntarctic and sub-Antarctic. Coral reefsare an extremely diverse ecosystem. Glob-ally, they cover a mere 0.2 per cent ofocean floor, but they are home to 25 percent of its species (Roberts, 2003 cited inGrimsditch et al., 2006), they are also partof the tourism product that many of theCaribbean UKOTs market. They generatethe fine white sand that is part of theappeal of tropical beaches and their abun-dant marine life and structural formationsattract snorkellers and divers.

Mangroves and other wetlands are animportant part of the natural defences of

several UKOTs and play a role in waterquality management and erosion control.They are also wildlife habitats andbreeding grounds for some marinespecies.

Climate change and sea level rise con-tribute to coastal erosion, landward intru-sion of seawater, flooding (includinghigher storm surge flooding), damage tocoral reefs from bleaching and disease,destruction of mangroves and sea grass

Box 7. Possible intensification of the El Niño Southern Oscillation

The natural pattern of El Niño/ La Niña events appears to be changing. The evidence isnot yet conclusive, but it seems that since the 1970s the events are becoming strongerand more frequent, with little return to normal conditions in between. Climate scientistsare beginning to look at the relationship between this phenomenon and global warmingto ascertain if and to what extent human-induced climate change may be playing a rolein this. Intensification of ENSO would have climate and economic implications globally,including for UKOTs.

Healthy coral reefs support muchbiodiversity in our oceans, but they arevulnerable to impacts of climate change. Credit: BdaReef. TMurdoch 2005

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beds, higher seas surface temperaturesand reduced sea ice cover.

Biodiversity: The biodiversity resourcesof UKOTs make a significant contributionto global biodiversity (Joint Nature Conser-vation Committee, 2006). These mainlysmall and often isolated locations have ahigh degree of endemism. This meansmany of the plants and animals found onthem occur nowhere else in the world. Ofglobally threatened species identified inthe 2007 IUCN Red List, 61 critically

endangered species are found in theUKOTs12, compared to five in metropolitanUK. Fifty-eight endangered speciesoccur in the territories (10 in metropolitanUK) along with 168 vulnerable species(23 in the metropolitan UK) (IUCN, 2007).

The biodiversity of UKOTs is under threat.There are more than 200 endemic plantspecies, 20 known endemic bird species,and 500 endemic invertebrates in theUKOTs. There are also, however, 39recorded extinctions in the UK OverseasTerritories and two species are extinct inthe wild. The latest extinction in the Over-seas Territories, namely that of the St.Helena olive (Nesiota elliptica), occurredin 2003 when the last tree in cultivationdied (JNCC, 2006).

In addition to the number of globally threat-ened species, the UKOTs also hold region-ally or globally important concentrations ofspecies. For example, Ascension Islandsupports the second largest green turtlerookery in the Atlantic; Gough Island(Tristan da Cunha) has been described asthe world’s most important seabird island;and the reefs of the Chagos Archipelago(British Indian Ocean Territory) are consid-ered to be some of the most pristine andbest protected in the Indian Ocean (andaccount for some 1.3 per cent of the worldresource). The importance to nature con-servation of parts of the Territories is

Box 8. What the terminology means

A plant or animal is critically endangered when it is considered to be facing anextremely high risk of extinction in the wild. Extinct in the wild means a plant oranimal is known only to survive in cultivation, in captivity or as a naturalisedpopulation (or populations) well outside the past range.

A plant or animal is endangered when it is considered to be facing a very high risk ofextinction in the wild.

A plant or animal is vulnerable when it is considered to be facing a high risk ofextinction in the wild.

Source: IUCN (

12 These figures include all of Cyprus and Antarctic as the IUCN figures for Cyprus SBA and BAT are not broken down tothis level.

Some commercially valuable fish specieswill not survive increased sea temperatures,threatening fisherfolk livelihoods. Credit: Steve Freeman

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recognised through the designation asWorld Heritage Sites of Gough Island andInaccessible Islands (Tristan) and Hen-derson Island (Pitcairn) for their insularnatural heritage interests (JNCC, 2006).

One of the impacts associated with climatechange is species expansion, that is, themigration of plants and animals to newranges for all or part of their life cyclebecause of changed climatic conditionsthat allow them to thrive outside their usualrange. In the absence of natural predatorsor competitors, they sometimes changethe balance of species in the new location.Conversely, they create room for otherspecies to become established. Changes,over time, could lead to a considerabledecline in the populations of some plantsand animals, or even their local or globalextinction. Besides prompting changes inspecies range and abundance, climatechange affects species composition, orthe variety of species found in an area.

Climate change is not the only threat toecosystems and habitats, but the effects ofclimate change on them reinforce just how

important it is to conserve biodiversityresources to minimise the loss of species.Although biodiversity is threatened by cli-mate change, proper management of bio-diversity resources can reduce theimpacts of climate change. Some of theways in which this can be done include:

• protecting and enhancing ecosystemservices;

• managing habitats for endangeredspecies;

• creating refuges and buffer zones; and

• establishing networks of terrestrial,freshwater and marine protected areasthat take into account projectedchanges in climate (Secretariat of theConvention on Biological Diversity,2007).

3.2 Regional trends andnational impacts

3.2.1 Antarctic and sub-Antarctic There are two UKOTs in this region: theBritish Antarctic Territory and SouthGeorgia and the South Sandwich Islands.

Box 9. Why is biodiversity important to us?

The term biodiversity or biological diversity refers to the variety of plant and animallife on Earth. It includes the different ecosystems and habitats, the range of speciesfound in them and the variation in their genetic makeup.

All of these come together in the natural environment and support human existence byproviding direct and indirect benefits. These include ecosystem goods and services likefood, water, timber, genetic material for medicines and cosmetics, as well as regulationof climate, flooding, water quality. Biodiversity also supports ecological processes thatmaintain the environment, including pollination and soil formation. The benefits ofbiodiversity also include social benefits such as recreation, aesthetic enjoyment,spiritual fulfillment, tourism, education and research. Biodiversity is also important inits own right; natural heritage is every bit as precious as cultural heritage.

Preserving biodiversity is important for maintaining known benefits, goods andservices, as well as safeguarding potential benefits. As species are lost, so too is thepotential they may offer for new fibres, fuels, medicines, and crops, among other things.

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Observed change

Data and information from the BritishAntarctic Survey (2007) highlight the fol-lowing trends:

• Temperature trends vary across Antarc-tica. The west coast of the AntarcticPeninsula is one of the most rapidlywarming areas of the planet. Since the1940s when records for the area began,the temperature there has increased byalmost 3°C, or 10 times the mean rate ofglobal warming. Warming has beenslower on the eastern side of the penin-sula, with the greatest temperatureincreases occurring in summer andautumn. The temperature of the highplateau of East Antarctica, whichincludes the area around the SouthPole, appears not to have changedmuch.

• There has been considerable warmingin the Southern Ocean and the watersof the Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC) are warming more rapidly thanthe global ocean. Since 1955, upperocean temperatures to the west of thepeninsula have increased by more than1°C since 1955.

• In keeping with global trends, thetroposphere (or lowest layer of the

atmosphere), above the Antarctic haswarmed and the stratosphere (the nextlayer up) has cooled. However, in thelower levels of the troposphere, atheights of 5 km above the Antarctic,the 30-year warming trend is more thanthree times the average rate ofwarming for the Earth as a whole.

• There has been an overall increase insea ice extent, but this is distributedunevenly: sea ice cover has shrunk inthe seas to the west of the AntarcticPeninsula but increased elsewhere inthe Antarctic.


• IPCC projections for loss of summersea ice range from a slight increase tonear-complete loss.

• Warming of the atmosphere and oceanaround Antarctica could lead to loss ofmass from the Antarctic ice sheets, andthis could make a significant contribu-tion to sea level rise.

• As the climatic barriers that protectpolar species from competition are low-ered, the part of the Antarctic may seethe encroachment of alien species.

Sea ice cover has shrunk in the seas to thewest of the Antarctic Peninsula butincreased elsewhere in the Antarctic. Credit: Pete Bucktrout/BAS

The decline in sea ice in sections of theAntarctic is leading to a decline in theAdélie Penguin population. Credit: Chris Gilbert/BAS

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South Georgia andSouth SandwichIslands

An increase in sea temperature could lead to a movement or loss ofthe fish stocks that support fisheries and many of the seabirds andmarine animals found in South Georgia, such as albatross, prions,petrels, penguins and seals.

Sea level rise could threaten beaches where fur seals and elephantseals breed and the tussac grass communities where the endemicSouth Georgia pipit (Anthus antarcticus) lives and breeds.

Glaciers currently play an important role in containing rats, mice andreindeer. At present rats occupy 65 per cent of the coastline; mice arerestricted to one area, and reindeer to two. Glacial retreat wouldincrease the habitat of these invasive species, which would endangerthe pipit and lead to loss of habitat for certain burrowing petrelspecies.

Country Impacts

Table 1. Country impacts – Sub-Antarctic

Source: D. Christie, Environment Officer, Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

Implications and possible futureimpacts

• The Southern Ocean’s carbon absorp-tive capacity has been weakened since1981; changes in ocean temperaturescurrents and sea ice could further affectits capacity to absorb carbon dioxide.

• Most environmental change has takenplace in the Antarctic peninsula whereclimate change has been largest. Sincethe 1970s, the population of krill, the tinyshrimp-like creatures that are major partof the diet of many Antarctic species,including whales, penguins and seals,has been in decline and this is believedto be linked to warming waters. With thedecline of krill, an important link in theAntarctic food chain is being broken.

• The Adélie penguin (Pygoscelisadeliae), which is well adapted to seaice conditions, is in decline and is beingreplaced by open water species, suchas the Chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelisantarctica) (Fraser et al., 1992 cited inBAS, 2007).

3.2.2 Bermuda Observed change

• There has been an increase in the fre-quency and magnitude of coral diseaseand bleaching events over the last threedecades.

• Data from the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study station show carbondioxide levels at the ocean surface ofthe Sargasso Sea southeast of theBermuda Triangle are rising at aboutthe same rate as atmospheric carbondioxide. The change is even greater atdeeper levels: in the waters between250 and 450 m deep, carbon dioxidelevels are rising at nearly twice the rateof the surface waters (Glick, 2004).

Implications and possible futureimpacts

• Bermuda’s mangrove forests are threat-ened by salt water inundation due torising sea levels. Climate change is con-tributing to the death of mangroves atthe Hungry Bay Mangrove Swamp, a

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designated wetland of internationalimportance under the Ramsar Conven-tion. This mangrove forest is consideredto be “in retreat.”

• Turtle nesting sites are subject to ero-sion from tropical storms and hurri-canes that affect the island.

• Bermuda’s coral system is distinctivefor being the most northerly of its kindin the world and is among the moregeographically isolated reefs. The fateof this reef system is linked to those ofthe Caribbean, which seed them. Thedecline in Caribbean coral (see section3.2.3) will likely affect coral dispersaland gene flow to Bermuda, increasingthe geographically isolation of thesystem there. Limited genetic variationwithin isolated populations in marginalenvironments, like the North Atlantic,could lead to a weakening of the coral’scapacity to respond to or recover fromenvironmental disturbances. Localcoral deaths, whether caused by pollu-tion, dredging, disease outbreaks, hurri-cane damage or thermally inducedbleaching, will have lasting effects(Jones, 2004).

3.2.3 The Caribbean There are five UKOTs in this region:Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, theCayman Islands, Montserrat and the Turksand Caicos Islands.

Observed change

According to the PRECIS project (2005),research by institutions in Cuba andJamaica show the following regionaltrends:

• The mean temperatures of individualCaribbean territories show an upwardtrend over the last 30 years.

• At the end of the 1970s, significantwarming in the lower part of the atmos-phere was detected in the region. Thewarming supports the idea thatchanges are occurring in backgroundclimate conditions. It is also consistentwith significant variations in circulationpatterns that have been detected overthe North-Pacific sector of NorthAmerica for the same period.

• The upward trend in the mean tempera-tures seems to be largely driven bychanges in the minimum temperatures.

• The diurnal temperature range isdecreasing, consistent with globaltrends. From the 1950s to the present, a2°C change has been detected for theregion.

• The number of very warm days in theregion is increasing, but the number ofvery cold nights is decreasing (1950s topresent).

• The frequency of droughts hasincreased significantly since 1960.

A 2001 study of recent global changes inprecipitation found that conditions in theEastern Caribbean (which includesAnguilla, the British Virgin Island andMontserrat) have been slightly drier, whilethose of the northern Caribbean (whichincludes the Cayman Islands and the Turksand Caicos Islands) have been wetter(New et al., 2001 cited in Sear et al., 2001).


As with islands in the Pacific and IndianOceans, rates of warming in the Caribbean

The Cahow (Pterodroma cahow) is anendangered species endemic to Bermuda.Credit: Andy Dobson

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are expected to be lower than the globalaverage (IPCC, 2007). According to theMainstreaming Adaptation to ClimateChange (MACC) Project in the Caribbean,temperature increases are expected to bebetween 2.0°C and 2.8°C for the 2050sand 3.1°C to 4.3°C for the 2080s. Marginalincreases in rainfall are expected, and rain-fall patterns could change, but it is not yetknown how. MACC reports that sea level isexpected to rise by about 38 cm between1990 and 2080. Hurricane intensity is likelyto increase and higher temperatures couldlead to a greater incidence of vector bornediseases, such as dengue and malaria(Chen et al., 2006).

Implications and possible futureimpacts

Economy: More than half the population inthe Caribbean live within 1.5 km of thecoastal zone. Damage to the coastal zonetranslates into damage to a considerableproportion of the infrastructure, human set-tlements and industry of these countries.There are the direct costs of repairingdamage caused by storms and otherweather events, as well as the indirectcosts of loss of productivity and income

forgone from badly affected industries andsectors.

A study by the United Nations EconomicCommission on Latin America and theCaribbean (ECLAC) of the economicimpact of the 2004 hurricane season in sixCaribbean countries, including theCayman Islands, found that 76 per cent ofthe total impact was made up of actualphysical damage to assets (houses, busi-nesses, roads and bridges, utilities,schools, hospitals and clinics, etc.)(Zapata Martí, 2005). Most of the damageaffected the social sectors (47.5 per cent).Damage and losses to infrastructure andutilities such as electricity, water and sani-tation, and transport accounted for 15.6per cent, and the direct environmentalimpact was calculated at 1.3 per cent sincemost of natural resources were expectedto recuperate (Zapata Martí, 2005:42).Figure 11 shows the breakdown of damageand losses in the Cayman Islands fromHurricane Ivan. Housing suffered thegreatest proportion of damage, followedby commerce and tourism.

There are the longer-term costs ofdeclining production in key sectors – agri-culture and fisheries and potentiallytourism, as well as the cost of loss ofecosystem services.

Figure 11. Breakdown of damage and lossesin the Cayman Islands, Hurricane Ivan 2004Source: Zapata Martí, 2005

Road transportation – 6.81%Telecommunications – 2.78%Public buildings – 1.48%Emergency assistance – 0.12%Environment - 0.37%Education - 1.57%Health – 0.66%Housing - 50.50%

Agriculture - .20%Commerce – 16.20%Tourism – 16.16%Electricity - 2.41%Water and wastewater - 0.20%Ports and airports – 0.56%

The galliwasp Diploglossus montisserrati, is acritically endangered species, endemic toMontserrat. Credit: C. McCauley, Centre Hills Project

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Higher temperatures and variability inwater supplies in the Caribbean couldtranslate into increased transmission ofdengue fever. Drier conditions associatedwith El Niño events, which seem to be get-ting more frequent, often give rise to theneed for water storage, which providesbreeding habitats for the Aedes aegyptimosquito that transmits dengue. Breedinghabitats also increase after heavy rains,such as tropical cyclones. Warmer temper-atures hasten the larval stage of mosqui-toes, causing them to be smaller and to

need to feed more frequently. Higher tem-peratures also reduce the incubationperiod for the parasite that causesdengue. At 30°C, dengue type 2 has anincubation period of 12 days, but onlyseven days at 32°C - 35°C. The projected2°C increased in temperature by 2080could lead to a three-fold increase in therate of transmission of dengue fever in theCaribbean (Chen et al., 2006).

Caribbean coral reefs are threatened byover fishing, disease, pollution and run-off


British VirginIslands



Turks andCaicosIslands

Depletion of fish stocks.

Beach erosion, compounded by development in the coastal zone.

A longer dry season and decreased availability of water could affectagriculture.

Sea level rise will increase the risk of salt-water contamination of riversand salt-water intrusion of ground water, which will jeopardiseagricultural production in and around coastal communities.

Increased hurricane and storm intensity could disrupt sanitation andsewerage disposal systems as well as cause damage to coastalcommunities and infrastructure.

Coral bleaching.

Low-lying Anegada is vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise and tostorm surges and wave action during hurricanes.

Coral bleaching.

Beach erosion and destruction of turtle nesting sites.

As low-lying islands, the Cayman Islands are vulnerable to the effects ofseal level rise and to storm surges and wave action during hurricanes.

Changes in coastal vegetation.

Coral bleaching.

Sea level rise will increase the risk of salination of rivers and salt-waterintrusion of ground water, which will jeopardise agricultural productionin and around coastal communities.

Country Impacts

Table 2. Country impacts – Caribbean

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from agriculture, industry and human set-tlements in the coastal zone. The intensityof hurricanes is also placing stress oncorals. The region’s reefs have experi-enced a massive decline from approxi-mately 50 per cent coral cover to less than10 per cent (Jones, 2004). Reefs are likelyto be affected by a higher incidence ofbleaching and die-out due to higher watertemperatures. Additionally, changes inocean chemistry that are the result ofhigher levels of carbon dioxide in theatmosphere are contributing to the weak-ening of coral skeletons (Jones, 2004).

Across the region, mangroves are threat-ened by development in the coastal zoneand conversion to other uses. Mangrovesare an important element of the coastaldefence system. They provide protectionagainst cyclones, storm surges, and tides.They are also nurseries and habitats formany marine species and play a role in fil-tering run-off from the land. Mangroves aresensitive to the threat of sea level rise, par-ticularly from increased salination of theecosystem. This sensitivity is heightenedby the pressures they are already facing.

Over time, higher sea levels are likely tochange the size and distribution of coastalwetlands and increase the risk of flooding(Wall, 1998 and Nicholas et al., 1999 citedin Sear et al., 2001).

Climate change is expected to have long-term impacts on biodiversity in theCaribbean, particularly in marine andcoastal ecosystems. Climate change is notthe only threat to the region’s biodiversity,but it intensifies the effects of other threatsand vulnerabilities.

A 0.5 m increase in sea level is expected toresult in the loss of just over one third ofmarine turtle nesting sites in theCaribbean (Fish et al., 2005, cited inMimura et al., 2007). This is not the onlypotential threat to turtles. Sea level rise,increases in water temperature, stormi-ness and rainfall could also damage reefsand sea grass beds, the foraging habitatsof sea turtles. Temperature also plays arole in determining turtle sex: eggs incu-bated in warmer waters produce femalesand those nurtured in cooler temperaturesproduce males. According to the MarineConservation Society in the UK, naturalsex ratios and reproduction could beaffected if marine turtles do not changetheir nesting seasons (Marine Conserva-tion Society, 2008).

Commercially valuable fish species suchas tuna (Thunnus albacares), and parrot-fish (Scaridae), would not survive a 1°Crise in Caribbean Sea temperature andwould migrate further north as formerlycold waters become milder. Loss of theparrotfish would affect coral reef health aswell as fisheries. This favourite onCaribbean tables plays an important rolein keeping corals free of algae. Without it,unchecked algae could smother the reefsand cause them to die (Moxam, 2008).

3.2.4 British Indian Ocean Territory The British Indian Ocean Territory has oneof the largest and most isolated coral reefand island systems. Because it is largelyuninhabited, it is one of the few remainingtropical areas that could be used as a ref-erence location for observing the impacts

Mangrove in the British Virgin Islands Credit: BVI National Trust

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Corals killed by sea warming in BIOT Credit: Charles Sheppard

Same coral species in good health Credit: Charles Sheppard

of climate change without the presence ofhuman-induced environmental stresses,such as pollution and land-use in thecoastal zone.

Observed change

• Rising sea temperatures have con-tributed to the death of coral reefs.There have been several coralbleaching episodes following the majorbleaching event in 1998, whichdestroyed some 80 per cent of live coralcover to a depth of 30 m after sea sur-face temperatures rose to almost 30°Cin the Chagos Archipelago. Bleachingevents have taken place as recently as2004.

• Some of the islands are experiencingcoastal erosion caused by sea level riseand possibly the loss of sand produc-tion following the mass mortality ofcoral reefs. Some areas have beenmore badly affected than others.

• Sea level rise in Diego Garcia has aver-aged 0.54 cm per year since 1986, butappears to be accelerating (Sheppardand Spalding, 2003).

Implications and possible futureimpacts

• Loss of reefs is leading to loss of somefish and other marine species. The bio-diversity of reefs and their biologicalintegrity is being compromised.

• Erosion is already causing, and will con-tinue to cause, damage to the shorelineand to buildings and structures alongthe coast.

• As the sea level rises, the reef flats (theshallow, flattest part of the reef that isoften uncovered at low tide) at the meanlow tide level will become less effectivein offering the shoreline protection fromwaves.

3.2.5 Mediterranean There are two UKOTs in this region:Gibraltar and the Sovereign Base Areas ofAkrotiri and Dhekelia in Cyprus.

Observed change

• El Niño events have been associatedwith low rainfall in the western and cen-tral Mediterranean.

• Some of the larger river deltas in theregion have been affected by sea levelrise.

• There have been variations in sea sur-face temperatures over the last 120years, but no clear trend has emerged.However, deep-water records for thewestern Mediterranean point to contin-uous warming from 1959 (Bethoux et al.,1997 cited in Karas, 2000).

• Land records show a warming trend forthe western and central part of theregion and a slight cooling in theeastern part of the basin.

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• Warmer and drier conditions are par-tially responsible for reduced forest pro-ductivity and increased forest fires inthe Mediterranean Basin.


• The long-term prospect is for continuedwarming as the influence of green-house gases increases over time. A2005 study by WWF found that a globaltemperature increase of 2°C is likely tolead to a corresponding warming of 1°Cto 3°C in the Mediterranean. Tempera-tures are likely to be higher inland thanalong the coast and the largest increasewill take place during the summer(Giannakopolous et al., 2005).

• Precipitation trends are uncertain, butsome models suggest an increase ofup to 10 per cent in winter precipitationand a decrease of 5 to 15 per cent insummer precipitation by the latter halfof the 21st century (Karas, 2000).

• As climate changes in the region, thefrequency of extreme weather - heatwaves and droughts - will increase.Droughts are likely to be longer.

Implications and possible futureimpacts

• As early as 1990, the United NationsEnvironment Programme (UNEP)warned that the Mediterranean wouldbe one of the first regions to feel theimpact of climate change on waterresources. Water is already scarce insome parts of the region and adecrease in precipitation could makeexisting problems even worse. Waterquality could also be affected. Highertemperatures and evaporation wouldcause an increase in salinity of lakesand reservoirs. Sea level rise wouldincrease saltwater intrusion intoaquifers and estuaries (Karas, 2000).

• The areas that are prone to desertifica-tion are likely to increase, as will the

severity of desertification in existing drylands (Karas, 2000).

• There may be a reduction in productionand crop yields in the southern part ofthe Mediterranean basin. Desertifica-tion, increased fire risk, spread of pestsand diseases in the region, andchanges in global markets could affectagriculture to varying degrees (Karas,2000).

• Warmer temperatures in northernEurope could encourage people thereto take domestic holidays, rather thantravel to the Mediterranean (Gian-nakopolous et al., 2005). This wouldadversely affect the economy of theMediterranean.

Variations in precipitation due to climatechange are likely to accelerate erosion on theeastern side of St. Helena. The Great Wood(shown here) was originally populated bygumwood trees endemic to St Helena. Thewhole forest has been destroyed as timberwas used for firewood and the bark fortanning leather. Domesticated animalsroamed free grazing on new growth. Lowrainfall and the south-easterly winds are nowinstrumental in changing the exposedwoodland soil to parched low-grade sand/claywith low levels of nutrient. Heavy rains canincrease the erosion rate; drought retains theconditions for further wind based erosion. Credit: Vince Thompson, St Helena National Trust

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St. Helena


Tristan daCunha13

Increase in sea temperature.

Sea level rise will adversely affect nesting beaches and could cause a drop in seaturtle nesting success due to nest inundation.

Changes in regional seasonal rainfall patterns could advance the spread ofinvasive plant species and increase erosion.

Fish stocks and the fishing industry are at the highest risk from climate change.

Changes in air and sea temperatures could influence weather patterns andcause disruption to established wind and rainfall patterns, leading to floods,drought, and/or soil erosion.

Research points to a strong warming trend in air temperature (2°C over 60years) and a slight decrease in rainfall. Over time, the latter could haveimplications for local water supplies.

Altitudinal shifts in vegetation zones.

Currently identifiable ecological imbalances could become even more marked.

Cooler, less saline water may affect distribution and abundance of the maininshore fauna and flora.

There is need for more research and data gathering on the effects of climatechange in the Falklands. To date, little is known about the effects of climatechange on plant communities or about what it means for whale and dolphincommunities.

There has been little monitoring of climate-linked changes on Tristan da Cunhaand Gough Island, so the full extent of impacts is unknown. However, anecdotalevidence and observation of certain trends point to the several likely changes.

Increased invasiveness of introduced species due to warmer temperatures.Species introduced from South Africa, especially invertebrates and plants, thatat one time would not survive, may establish themselves.

Warmer temperatures could lead to an increase in the mouse populationincreasing the threat to species like the Tristan albatross (Diomedea dabbenena),which is already considered ‘critically endangered’.

There may be a potential risk to the five seamounts in the islands’ exclusiveeconomic zone.

Coastal areas are likely to be affected if there is a rise in seawater, as it couldencroach on the native habitat forcing species that breed in the coastal zone,such as the northern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome moseleyi) and

Country Impacts

Table 3. Country impacts – South Atlantic


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• Fire risk could increase, especially ininland locations. The Iberian Peninsulais one of the places where the period ofextreme fire risk would increase.

• Wetlands and other ecosystems are atrisk of damage or loss as climatechange compounds the other pres-sures these natural resources face.Drier conditions and sea level risewould affect wetlands.

3.2.6 South Atlantic The territories in this region are St. Helenaand its dependencies (Ascension Islandand Tristan da Cunha) and the FalklandIslands.

Implications and possible futureimpacts

Changes in sea temperature canadversely affect native fish populationsand potentially lead to mass strandingsduring the spawning season.

Highly migratory fish species, such as tunaand marlin (Istiophoridae), are also highly

sought-after sport fishing species. A

change in the distribution or abundance of

these fish could lead to a reduction in

sport fishers and a related loss to the

tourism sector of the economy.

Cliff nesting seabirds such as black (Anous

minutus) and brown (Anous stolidus) nod-

dies will be challenged with a higher risk of

nest failure from sea level rise.

Tristan daCunha


sub-Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis), to move further inland.

Although there has been no evidence of a change in rainfall at Gough Islandover the last 40 years, anecdotal evidence suggests a seasonal change: instead offour seasons, winter appears to go straight into summer and the summers seemdrier and winters wetter.

Some of the natural ponds/bogs are becoming smaller (either drying up orbeing taken over by Scirpus and Sphagnum bog grass).

Fishing industry could be negatively affected by warming temperature. Thiscould have implications for some of the marine predators.The islands are theonly breeding site in the middle of the South Atlantic for several species; otherbreeding areas are 2,000 km away.

Increased storm severity puts the sole harbour, which is the only means ofaccess to the outside world, at risk.

Country Impacts

13Source: J. Glass, Department Head, Agriculture and Natural Resources Department, Tristan da Cunha

Albatross Chick Credit: Falkland Islands Conservation

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3.2.7 South Pacific There is one UKOT in this region: The Pit-cairn Islands.

Observed change

• Annual and seasonal ocean surfaceand air temperature increased by 0.6°Cto 1°C since 1910 in much of the Pacific.

• There has been a significant decreasein the annual number of cool days andcool nights, particularly after El Niñoevents, for the period 1961 to 2003.

• Sea level rise has varied across theregion, ranging from 1.5 mm to morethan 3 mm per year.

• There has been an increase in tropicalstorm intensity. Climate scientists haveobserved a correlation between ENSOand the tracks, density and occurenceof cyclones (Walsh, 2004 cited inMimura et al., 2007).


The IPCC suggests that the climate in thePacific could be in a permanent El Niñostate with global temperature increases.

A World Bank study of the potentialimpacts of climate change scenarios in thePacific (World Bank, 2000) projects the fol-lowing by 2100:

• Sea level may rise 0.5 m (“best-guess”scenario) to 1 m (“worst-guess” sce-nario).

• Air temperature could increasebetween 1.6°C and 3.4°C.

• Rainfall could increase or decrease(most models predict an increase) by20 per cent, leading to more intensefloods or droughts.

• Cyclones may become more intense,with wind speeds increasing by asmuch as 20 per cent; intensity couldincrease by 5 to 10 per cent by 2050(Walsh, 2004 cited in Mimura et al.,2007).

Implications and possible futureimpacts

Changes in rainfall will also affect agricul-tural production. Loss of coastal land wouldreduce the available space for cultivation insome countries. In low-lying ones, salt-water intrusion would also affect productionof copra, breadfruit and panadanus. Adecline in the cultivation of some traditionalcrops, such as yams and taro, would alsoaffect the subsistence economy of thePacific islands (World Bank, 2000).

The tuna fisheries in the western and cen-tral Pacific could collapse.

Diarrhoeal and vector borne diseases areexpected to increase with warmer tempera-tures in the Pacific. As in the Caribbean, thefrequency, severity and distribution ofdengue fever could increase, as warmertemperatures reduce the incubation periodof the dengue virus and speed up the larvalstage of the mosquitoes.

Climate change could also increase theincidence of ciguatera poisoning. Habitatdisturbance, including from extremeweather, and warmer waters cause thealgal blooms that produce the ciguatoxins,which are ingested by fish. In Kiribati, whichhas one of the highest rates of ciguaterapoisoning, for example, by 2050 the inci-dence of poisoning is expected to go upfrom 35 to 70 people to 160 to 430 per thou-sand (World Bank, 2000).

Variations in rainfall will affect water sup-plies in some Pacific islands. Ground watersupplies in low-lying islands could beaffected by salt-water intrusion.

Coral reefs are also likely to be affected bybleaching events, which could lead todeath of the corals and a decline in fish-eries and a long-term reduction in coastalprotection. Mangroves are likely to beaffected by sea level rise and flooding andinundation will affect the costal zone insome islands.

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Chapter summaryThe information that is available about the impacts of climate change on UKOTs isvariable. To date, there has been little climate change-specific monitoring in most ter-ritories. Making projections about future impacts is complicated by the fact that mostglobal climate change models are not at a high enough resolution to provide informa-tion about the small UKOTs. Climate change is not the only process that is affectingthe natural and physical environment on UKOTs. Other natural and man-madeprocesses and phenomena influence, and are influenced by, climate changeimpacts. Notwithstanding the uncertainty that exists, adopting a ‘wait and see’ atti-tude is not something the territories can afford to do. Scientific evidence points tothings getting worse before they improve, even if green house gas emissions werehalted now.

Climate change causes an increase in temperatures, changes in precipitation, and arise in sea levels. This has an impact on national and local economies, livelihoodsand food security as some of the economic sectors that several of the territoriesdepend on – tourism, agriculture and fisheries – are affected by variations in temper-ature. Moreover, there are high economic and social costs associated with recoveryfrom damage caused by extreme weather.

Climate change also has implications for human health and water resources. The riskof mosquito and other vector borne diseases is likely to increase in some areas. Pre-cipitation changes will likely affect water supplies, particularly in drought prone areas,and the ground water in some territories is at risk of salt-water contamination.

Coastal and marine resources and biodiversity are also at risk. Climate change andsea level rise contribute to coastal erosion, landward intrusion of seawater, flooding,damage to coral reefs from bleaching and disease and destruction of coastal andmarine ecosystems, such as mangroves and sea grass beds. The rich biodiversityresources of UKOTs are threatened by the migration of plants and ranges for all orpart of their life cycle because of changed climatic conditions that allow them to thriveoutside their usual range. Over time, this could lead to a decline of native plants oranimals and an overall reduction in the variety of plants and animals found in a givenarea.

UKOTs have no control over the storm surges that affect their shores, nor can theyregulate the increasing ocean temperatures that affect their coral reefs or fish andmarine animals in their waters, but what they can do is plan for these threats and putin place systems and infrastructure to reduce risk and build resilience.

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Climate change is not a future possibility. Itis part of the current reality for UKOTs andthe entire global community. UKOTs arenegligible producers of greenhousegases, but are extremely vulnerable to theeffects of their increased concentration inthe atmosphere and many of them haveeconomies that are very dependent on cli-mate-sensitive natural resources. It isbecause of this vulnerability that the territo-ries cannot afford to ignore climatechange or put off taking decisive action toreduce its impacts and increase theirresilience.

Even if all human-induced greenhouse gasemissions were to stop today, UKOTs andother countries would continue to feel theimpacts of climate change for decades tocome. The time that it takes for green-house gases to breakdown in the atmos-phere varies greatly. The atmosphericlifetime for methane is 12 years, some chlo-rofluorocarbons (CFCs) can persist formore than 500 years. However, that is not

the full story. All greenhouse gases con-tinue contributing to global warming foryears after they have broken down in theatmosphere. This is why it is so importantfor the global community to reduce green-house gas emissions.

Adaptation and mitigation In addition to producing less greenhousegas emissions and removing them fromthe atmosphere, effectively addressing cli-mate-induced change requires a mix ofapproaches and strategies to prepare forand respond to its various impacts on bothsociety and nature.

Adaptation is about being ready for cli-mate change and responding to it by min-imising the risks it presents to people’slives and livelihoods. It includes buildingcapacity and putting measures in place tocope with and recover from impacts, aswell as to live with climate-inducedchanges and take advantage of any bene-fits they might offer. Adaptation can bedone at different levels – national, commu-nity or even individual. The benefits ofadaptation are immediate (short- tomedium-term) and often localised.

Mitigation is a means of stemming climatechange impacts. However, just as theeffects of climate change felt today are theresult of actions in the past, the benefits ofmitigation will not be felt immediately. Thebenefits are global and will be realised in

What can the UK OverseasTerritories do about climate change?4

The wayforward

What canUKOTs doabout climatechange?

Climate changein the UKOTs:present andfuture impacts


Why climatechange mattersfor UKOTs

Even if all human-inducedgreenhouse gas emissionswere to stop today, UKOTsand other countries would

continue to feel the impactsof climate change for

decades to come.

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the future, even though the costs areimmediate and local. Robust, early mitiga-tion will reduce the cost of adaptation overthe long term (Stern, 2007). Mitigationrefers to using policies and other interven-tions to reduce greenhouse gas emissionsand improve the functioning of carbon andgreenhouse gas sinks. While adaptationdeals with ‘weathering’ current and futureimpacts in the best possible way, the ideabehind mitigation is to go from presentlevels of climate change impacts toreduced levels in the future. The interna-tional mechanism for doing this is theUnited Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change (UNFCCC). This treatyand its instruments aim to reduce green-house gas emissions, using 1990 as a

baseline year, in order to combat climatechange (see Box 10).

“Both…and”, not “either…or”Good climate policy aims to both adaptand mitigate. Adaptation is crucialbecause even the most rigorous mitigationmeasures taken today will not stave off thenegative effect of the warming already inprocess. Unmitigated climate change atthe current rate will challenge the capacityof man and nature to adapt.

Given the small contribution that UKOTsmake to greenhouse gas emissions andthe great extent to which they are affectedby global warming, the thrust towardsadaptation will be greater in UKOTs thanthe adoption of mitigative strategies. Evenso, there is scope for them to promote andadopt mitigation options that contribute tothe global effort, while advancing theirnational development agendas.

Box 10. The international response to climate change

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)(UNFCCC) was adopted in 1992 to provide a context for taking measures to stabilisethe concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that wouldminimise the human contribution to climate change. Its first mechanism was to set avoluntary target for developed countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990levels by 2000. The UNFCC is a non-binding international treaty, but includesprovisions for obligatory procedures or protocols that commit signatories to action.

The first such agreement, the Kyoto Protocol, was adopted in 1997. It is linked to theconvention but stands on its own as a legally binding commitment to reducegreenhouse gases by 2012 as a percentage of 1990 levels. Developed countrysignatories have prescribed targets, while developing countries are encouraged tointroduce emission abatement measures.

Negotiations have begun on the agreement that will succeed the Kyoto Protocol. Aplan of action for reaching a new agreement once the Kyoto Protocol expires,popularly known as the Bali Roadmap, has been developed. It sets out a process fornegotiations that must be completed by 2009 and which will result in a new set ofemissions targets. It also provides a framework for talks about adaptation, facilitatingthe transfer of clean technologies to developing countries and reducing emissionsfrom deforestation.

Source: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (

Good climate policy aims toboth adapt and mitigate.“ ”

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4.1 MainstreamingadaptationThe concept of adapting to climate varia-tions is nothing new. People have alwaysfound ways of responding to climate varia-tions using their resources and traditionalknowledge gained from experiences. How-ever, the current pace of change suggestsit is not enough for people to rely on expe-rience to navigate the future.

Adaptation is the only way to deal with theinescapable impacts of climate change(Stern, 2007). If UKOTs hope to sustainthose economic activities and livelihoodstrategies that are climate-dependent (forexample, tourism) or heavily climate-influenced (for example, fisheries and agri-culture), they have to make adaptation amajor part of their national developmentstrategies. The natural disasters that affectmany UKOTs as part of their ‘normal’ cli-mate conditions are becoming moreintense and the territories have to look athow these have been, and will continue tobe, influenced by climate change. Allcountries already have some measures inplace to deal with natural hazards; adapta-tion to climate change simply needs toscale up what already exists and strategi-cally identify the gaps and weak pointsthat need to be addressed.

An opportunity for UKOTsAdapting to climate change is an opportu-nity for UKOTs to improve natural resourcemanagement and physical planningprocesses. Even if climate change weretaken out of the equation, adaptive meas-ures would make the territories better ableto deal with the natural hazards that arepart of their normal climate variability, aswell as the growing human-inducedstresses on the environment.

There are many things that UKOTs can doto adapt to climate change. Adaptive

responses can be technological (forexample, improving coastal defences),managerial (for example, introducing croprotation) or policy-based (for example,strengthening planning regulations). Theycan also be behavioural. At the individuallevel, this could be something as simple aspreparing one’s home adequately for ahurricane or using less water in thegarden.

Building adaptation into nationaldevelopment agendasMore and more countries are beginning todevelop adaptation strategies or plans ofaction. The UNFCCC makes provisions forits least developed country signatories toprepare National Adaptation Plans ofAction (NAPAs) that set out the priorityareas in which they need urgent andimmediate adaptive measures. Even out-side of the NAPA framework, countries aredeveloping adaptation strategies in theface of the growing realisation that actionto address climate change is needed now.The Caribbean UKOTs, for example, areworking with the Caribbean CommunityClimate Change Centre (CCCCC) todevelop and implement adaptation strate-gies under the Mainstreaming Adaptationto Climate Change in the UK OverseasTerritories project, funded by the UKDepartment for International Development.Some multilateral agencies, like the AsianDevelopment Bank, have begun to inte-grate climate concerns into their grant andloan procedures.

Simply having a national plan or strategy isnot enough; it is how countries use them

Adapting to climate changeis an opportunity for UKOTsto improve natural resourcemanagement and physical

planning processes.


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that is important. There is a strong case forbringing adaptation into the mainstream ofnational policymaking, planning and devel-opment. The effects of climate change cutacross all economic and social sectors; atthe same time, development decisionsand activities in these areas can affect acountry’s vulnerability to climate changeand its impacts.

Overarching national development strate-gies, such as national sustainable develop-ment plans, are a strategic entry point formainstreaming adaptation. Mainstreamingadaptation means integrating climate con-cerns into water management, land-use

planning, human settlements, naturalresource management and conservation,as well as policymaking and practice in alleconomic (agriculture, fisheries, tourism,forestry, finance etc.) and social (health,education etc.) sectors. It also meansensuring there are budgetary allocationsand the necessary funding to cover thecost of doing this.

The reality of global warming means thatdevelopment cannot be sustainableunless it factors in climate impacts andnatural hazards. Adaptation plans orstrategies similarly need to take intoaccount all aspects of a country’s context

Box 11. Increasing Resilience to Hurricane Risk in the Cayman Islands

The jolt from two Category 5 hurricanes* and a Category 4 one over the thirteen-yearperiod between 1988 and 2002 prompted the government and citizens of the CaymanIslands to strengthen the territory’s hurricane preparedness. There have been importantregulatory changes to the building code and development planning. There have alsobeen significant institutional changes. The Natural Resources Unit was upgraded to aDepartment of the Environment in 1988 and integrated into the development planningprocess and a National Hurricane Committee created. The latter has become aninfluential local advocate that engages the public, NGOs, the private sector, andreligious groups in its efforts to mainstream the concept of hurricane preparedness.Sector response plans have also been developed: the health sector, for example, nowhas clear guidelines of what to do in a hurricane and who will do it.

This level of knowledge and awareness has translated into support among citizens andcivil servants for improving resilience to climate change risk. One study found supportfor initiatives such as:

• putting measures in place to deal with sea level rise; • modifying the construction of roads and buildings to increase their ability to

withstand everyday weather; • creating a Disaster Fund for relief in extreme weather situations;• increasing the minimum elevation for development on reclaimed land to prevent

future flooding; and• developing a national energy policy.

Some of these have already been championed in the government’s main policy planningdocument, Vision 2008.

Source: Tompkins and Hurlston, 2005.*On the Saffir-Simpson Scale of 1 to 5 for measuring hurricane intensity, a category 1 hurricane haswinds of 119 – 153 km/hr and a storm surge of 1.2 – 1.5 m above normal. A category 5 hurricane haswinds above 245 km/hr and a storm surge greater than 5.4 m above normal

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and capacity rather than rely on a project-by-project approach to tackling problems.

Mainstreaming climate change into thenational policy and planning process doesnot require a dramatic departure from allthat has gone before and there are evenmany low- or no-cost actions that can betaken. Mainstreaming adaptation can bedone in an incremental way, building onand adjusting existing policies, pro-grammes, and structures.

Linking adaptation to managingdisaster riskMany of the UKOTs are prone to naturaldisasters as part of their normal climateconditions. Natural disasters can have anegative effect on a national economy andthey can devastate households and com-munities. Reducing vulnerability to haz-ards in the short term goes a long waytowards reducing long-term risk to climate

change (CDERA, 2003). Over time, theintroduction of policies and other nationalresponses for managing natural disasterrisk can provide a way to introduce meas-ures for preparing for specific climateimpacts, as has been the case in theCayman Islands (Box 11).

Addressing vulnerability as a key tobuilding resilience The information from climate modellingscenarios is important, but should not bethe only thing that countries use to plan forfuture vulnerability. Existing social andeconomic vulnerabilities and communityand household coping mechanisms influ-ence a country’s ability to withstand cli-mate impacts and natural hazards.

Effective adaptation needs to make vulner-able people, communities and locationsbetter able to withstand and recover frommajor shocks. This means dealing with the

underlying causes of their vulnera-bility, such as low incomes, poorhousing stock, lack of education,poor health and nutrition, limited orno assets, inadequate infrastruc-ture and public services, poor gov-ernance structures and institutionalarrangements for management.Addressing these issues is whatsustainable development is allabout (UNEP Finance Initiative,2006).

Strategic climate change adapta-tion measures that reduce vulnera-bility in the right way candramatically reduce risk (Figure 12).

Climate change increases hazardor the potential for harm. With nomeasures to reduce vulnerability(adaptation), the level of risk, orlikelihood of harm, is high, butwhere appropriate measures aretaken to reduce vulnerability, thelevel of risk decreases dramatically.

Figure 12. Hazard, vulnerability and risk



Climate changewith no adaptation

(Hazard increases, vulnerabilityunchanged, risk increases)













Climate changewith adaptation

(Hazard increases, vulnerabilitydecreases, risk decreases)

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Strengthening adaptation throughbiodiversity conservation andnatural resource managementNatural resources and biodiversity can bemanaged and conserved in ways that helpreduce the impacts of climate change. Theresilience of ecosystems can be enhancedand the risk of damage to human and nat-ural ecosystems reduced through theadoption of biodiversity-based adaptiveand mitigative strategies (Secretariat of theConvention on Biodiversity, 2007).

Resources put into the management andconservation of ecosystems such as coralreefs, forests, mangroves and other wet-lands are well used. Not only do the inter-ventions help ensure that theseecosystems can carry out their ecologicalfunctions and services, they also helpthem to reduce the impacts of climatechange by bolstering coastal and shore-line defences in the case of mangrovesand coral reefs or increasing availablecarbon sinks, in the case of forests. Man-groves, for example, can absorb 70 to 90per cent of a normal wave (IUCN, 2005).

A compelling illustration of the protective

role of mangroves comes from Sri Lanka’sexperience of the 2004 Asian tsunami. Asurvey by IUCN found that coastal areaswith dense mangrove forests experiencedless damage and fewer losses in thetsunami than those with mangroves thathad been degraded or lost through con-version to other land use. Perhaps themost sobering illustration comes from twovillages in the lagoon of southern SriLanka - Kapuhenwala and Wanduruppa.Only two people died in Kapuhenwala,which has two 200 hectares of dense man-grove and scrub forest around it. In con-trast, there were 5,000 to 6,000 tsunamirelated fatalities in the Wanduruppa districtwhere the mangrove forests are degraded(IUCN, 2005).

Conserving and promoting the planting ofendemic and native species of trees andplants also build the resilience of ecosys-tems to the impacts of climate change.Endemic and native species are bettersuited to local climatic conditions thanintroduced or invasive species, and arebetter able to withstand extreme weatherevents that are exaggerations of the norm(Box 12).

Box 12. Greater Resistance of Bermuda Endemic and Native Plant Speciesto Increased Hurricane Frequency than Introduced Invasive Species

The oceanic island of Bermuda has experienced a greatly increased frequency of majorimpacts by hurricanes in recent years, with seven storms giving hurricane-force or greaterwinds during the last 20 years, compared to only one for the previous 25 years.

Woodland areas and trees planted for landscaping use on Bermuda are overwhelminglydominated by introduced tree and plant species, a number of which have becomeaggressively invasive and now comprise an estimated 95 per cent to 98 per cent of theisland’s vegetative biomass. The most dominant of these invasive introduced species arethe Australian casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia), Brazil pepper (Schinus terebinthifolia),Indian laurel (Ficus retusa) and allspice (Pimenta dioica).

During the increased hurricane activity of recent years, these introduced invasive speciessuffered considerable damage, with from 50 per cent to 75 per cent of mature trees being

Box 12 continued overleaf

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Box 12 cont’d

uprooted or snapped off, causing considerable damage to utilities and buildings on theisland. Surviving introduced vegetation also suffered complete defoliation andconsiderable dieback from wind and salt spray blown over the islands during thehurricanes.

By contrast, tree and plant species endemic or native to Bermuda are mainly found asisolated specimens or small stands on coastal cliffs, rocky areas or offshore islands. Themost noteworthy of these plant species are the Bermuda cedar (Juniperus bermudiana),Bermuda olivewood (Cassine laneanum), Bermuda palmetto palm (Sabal bermudana)and yellow-wood (Zanthoxylum flavum).

A number of Nature Reserve and Park areas have had invasive vegetation removed andendemic vegetation planted as part of a native reforestation program. The mostnoteworthy of these are the Nonsuch Island Nature Reserve and Walsingham Trustreserve, where reforestation efforts have been underway for over forty years. In bothareas, an immature closed-canopy forest has developed, with a high diversity ofunderstory plant species. These restored endemic/native woodland areas have shownsignificant resistance to both hurricane-force winds and salt damage. On NonsuchIsland, less than 2 per cent of the mature trees in the restored native forest wereuprooted or damaged, despite the extremely exposed aspect of the island. Salt damageto foliage was also much less than that with introduced trees on more sheltered areason the main island of Bermuda, and new foliage was re-sprouting within two weeks onnative trees.

The increased resistance stems from adaptations common to most of Bermuda’sendemic and native tree species, including a shorter, dense growth form, salt-resistantfoliage and robust root systems which can penetrate deep into cracks in the limestonerock which underlies Bermuda’s generally thin soils. These adaptations have given theendemic tree species an advantage over the introduced tree species in extremehurricane conditions, and have led to the increased propagation and use of endemicspecies in replanting and landscaping uses on Bermuda. Much of the seed andseedlings used for this purpose are now obtained as surplus from the regeneratingnative forest on Nonsuch Island.

Source: Jeremy Madeiros, Conservation Officer (Terrestrial), Department of Conservation Services, Bermuda

Meeting multiple objectivesthrough effective adaptationWhen investments in climate changeadaptation, biodiversity and sustainabledevelopment, and disaster managementintersect, there is a ‘win-win-win’ situation(Figure 13). The triple dividend of thisinvestment payback translates into ‘safer,sounder models of development’ andimproved resilience to natural disastersand climate impacts. Each dollar spentgoes towards climate impacts, disaster

Figure 13. The Triple dividendSource:UNEP Finance Initiative, 2006


Climate adaptation

Biodiversity & Sustainabledevelopment

Triple Dividend

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recovery and economic growth (UNEPFinance Initiative, 2006).

A stitch in time…Building adaptive capacity is not withoutcosts for UKOTs, but failing to do so is apotentially more costly alternative in themedium- to long-term.

A growing body of evidence shows thatthe cost of managing risk to natural haz-ards is less expensive than repairingdamage after the fact. Early investmentspay off. The incremental costs of ‘climateproofing’ structural investments at theoutset is often much smaller than repairingdamage, as comparative figures from theCaribbean show in Table 6. Reconstruc-tion costs can be as much as 40 per centof the original investment, which is gener-ally much more than it would have cost to

take preventative measures at the start(Bettencourt et al., 2006).

4.2 MitigationAlthough UKOTs make a miniscule contri-bution to warming and have little controlover global mitigation, they can play theirpart in the global reduction of greenhousegas emissions by enhancing energy effi-ciency, diversifying their energy sourcesand increasing reliance on non fossil fuelsources of energy, and providing for thedevelopment and uptake of climatefriendly technologies. Climate changeaffects us all, therefore we all have avested interested in doing whatever wecan to reduce emissions, however smallthe contribution in global terms. Collec-tively, small efforts add up to a make a dif-ference.

Original project cost

Reconstruction costsafter disaster

Reconstruction as a %of originalconstruction cost

Risk management ofnatural hazards costsas a % of originalconstruction costs

Risk management ofnatural hazard costs asa % of reconstructioncosts





















Infrastructure DeepwaterPort(Dominica)

NormanManley LawSchool(Jamaica)

TroumasseBridge(St. Lucia)

Grand PalazzoHotel(St. Thomas)

Table 4. Comparing prevention and reconstruction in the Caribbean (in USD)

Source:: USAID-OAS, 1998 cited in Bettencourt et al. 2006

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Some territories have taken steps towardsimproving fuel efficiency and diversifyingtheir sources of energy. In Bermuda, forexample, the power company, BELCO, hastaken steps to diversify its energy sourcesin order to become less dependent onfossil fuels. A government-operated incin-erator is diverting waste from landfills andturning rubbish into energy sufficient topower 2,500 homes (Government ofBermuda, 2007). Three wind turbines onSt. Helena contribute up to 240Kw to thetotal demand for electricity. According tothe Public Works and Services Depart-ment, this accounts for approximately 20per cent of the supply during peak loadand 45 per cent off-peak. The saving indiesel fuel is approximately GBP150,000 ayear. A proposed hydro-electric powerplant on South Georgia island wouldreduce carbon emissions there. Plans arealso in progress to erect two additionalwind turbines on Ascension by 2011, whichwould bring to nine the total number ofwind turbines in use there. Actions such asthese not only reduce greenhouse gasemissions, they have the added benefit ofreducing fossil fuel dependency,decreasing dependency on imports andlowering a country’s oil bill.

Towards a sustainable energyagenda for UKOTsIn order for mitigative actions to be trulymeaningful for UKOTs, they have to becompatible with the territories’ sustainabledevelopment goals, supporting, forexample, efforts towards sustainableenergy through efficiency, conservation,and diversification.

Areas which UKOTs could consider as pri-ority for mitigation through energy effi-ciency include:

• development and application of renew-able energy technologies, especiallysolar and wind;

• improved efficiency in energy-use by allusers (public sector, private sector,households); and

• strengthened institutional capacity forenergy management (Challenger,2002).

4.3 Policy responses andoptionsEveryone has a role to play in addressingclimate change and everyone can make adifference.

Governments have an important role toplay in setting a national agenda and pro-viding a framework for action by individ-uals, communities, the public and theprivate sector and putting incentives, insti-tutions and instruments in place to supportadaptation and mitigation as well asensuring that the right information is avail-able to all.

4.3.1 Incentives

Encourage and reward early actionIt is important to have incentives in placethat encourage appropriate early action,rather than promote remedial action.Some countries have set up disasterrecovery funds, for example, and while thisis essential, it is also important to havefunds in place that support preventativeaction at all levels.

The right incentives can also support phys-ical planning regulations, encourage theuptake of technologies as part of anenergy agenda, and encourage busi-nesses and individuals to take action toreduce damage or losses from weatherevents.

4.3.2 InstitutionsHaving the right institutions in place to pro-mote and facilitate adaptation is important.The appropriate institutional arrangementswill vary from territory to territory, but there

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are certain important conditions and char-acteristics:

a. There should be an institution thatdrives the process with a clear mandateto coordinate, implement and supportappropriate climate change adaptation.

b. This institution should be a part of keydecision making processes across sec-tors and mainstreamed into nationaleconomic planning with a role to play inthe elaboration of national developmentplans, budget, sectoral plans, policies,regulations, codes of practice and pro-grammes and projects (Bettencourt etal., 2006). When adaptation is main-streamed or fully integrated intonational planning processes and instru-ments, efforts (and money spent) aremore effective than stand-alone ven-tures.

c. Effective adaptation needs a mix of ‘topdown’ and ‘bottom up’ contributions,which makes it important to have inplace mechanisms that make participa-tion by citizens and their organisations,the private sector, and actors across thepublic sector possible. These couldinclude provisions for participatoryplanning that bring all stakeholders(government, civil society and privatesector) to agree on priorities and theirroles in implementation. They couldalso include inter-sectoral coordinationmechanisms, such as Inter-ministerialcommittees, as well as participatorybudgetary processes (Bettencourt etal., 2006).

4.3.3 InstrumentsThere are several instruments that can beused to support climate adaptation andmitigation. As in the case of institutionalarrangements, each country needs toapply the mix of instruments best suited toits capacity, vulnerabilities and needs. Thelist below is by no means exhaustive.


¨ Integration of disaster managementand climate adaptation into nationaldecision making and policy processes(see Table 5).

¨ Adjusted building codes to withstandstronger hurricanes and cyclones.

¨ Land use policy for development in thecoastal zone.

¨ Land development control plans.

¨ Energy policy to diversify energysources and decrease reliance onfossil fuels.

¨ Hazard disclosure laws for real estatepurchases.

¨ Economic diversification.

¨ Agricultural diversification.

¨ Coastal zone settlement policy/reloca-tion of vulnerable communities.


¨ Introduction of early warning systemsfor hurricanes, floods and droughtsand improved weather forecasting.

¨ Introduction of water-saving devices.

¨ Expanding the network of hydro-mete-orological, oceanographic and marineinstruments to monitor climate change.

¨ Improvements to man-made coastaland sea defences (sea walls, groins,etc).

Economic and fiscal incentives

¨ Tax breaks for adoption of clean tech-nologies.

¨ Reduced import duties on alternativeenergy technology.

Information for decision making

¨ Regional climate modelling.

¨ Flood plain, storm surge, erosion orhazard mapping.

¨ Social vulnerability mapping.

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Food Security

Water Supply


Building on higher ground

Using natural ventilation to coolbuildings

Encouraging the use of small-scale renewable energy, e.g.,small wind turbines and solarwater heaters

Encouraging longer stay visitors

Promoting eco-tourism throughinvestment in preservation ofbuffering ecosystems

Supporting individual use ofsolar panels and solar waterheaters

Promoting low-energy forms oftransport, e.g., cycling, sharedcars, hybrid cars, energy efficientcars

Developing public transportation

Promoting and supporting localproduction of agricultural goods

Water conservation

Ensuring roads haverunoff/drainage systems

Building in low-lying or easilyflooded areas

Using air-conditioning

Encouraging visitors to the islandon short stays/weekend breaks.

Promoting eco-tourism throughthe exploitation of naturalresources

Preventing use of solar panels orsolar water heaters

Encouraging use of large energy-intensive vehicles, e.g., Hummers,SUVs

Increasing reliance on foodsimported from overseas

Water over-use

Roads that do not haverunoff/drainage systems

Policy area Policies that take climatechange into account

Policies that ignore climatechange risks

Table 5. Policies that affect the ability to cope with climate change

Source: Tompkins et al, 2005

¨ Resource inventories.

¨ Economic valuations of the impacts ofclimate change scenarios on eco-nomic sectors (tourism, fisheries, agri-culture).

¨ Capturing traditional knowledge fromcommunities and key natural resourceuser groups, such as farmers andfishers.

¨ Weather hazard audit for infrastructure.

Monitoring and management

¨ Watershed management.

¨ Integration of climate change consider-ation into day-to-day management of allsectors.

¨ Water quality monitoring of fresh,saline and hyper-saline waters to trackthe vulnerability to sea level rise.

¨ Integrated coastal zone management.

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¨ Monitoring systems for sea level riseand local wave climate.

¨ Shore line monitoring.

¨ Beach nourishment.

¨ Reduction of external stresses oncoastal and marine ecosystems,including coral reefs, sea grass beds,salt marshes, and wetlands.

¨ Post-disaster preparedness plans.

Building capacity

¨ Improvements to data managementsystems.

¨ Increasing local research and scientificcapacity.

¨ Building linkages between localresearch initiatives and communities.

4.3.4 InformationIt is also important for decision makers,whatever the sector, to have adequate andappropriate information, not only aboutrisks and vulnerability, but also aboutoptions for taking action.

It is not just decision makers who need tounderstand climate risks; the public atlarge and the private sector do too. One ofthe implications of this is the need for earlywarning systems to include a strong com-munications component.

Widespread public awareness and educa-tion are necessary to any effort to get sup-port for climate policy and adaptation. Notonly do all groups need to understandpotential risk and vulnerability, they alsoneed to appreciate the benefits of adapta-tion and early action, particularly as theyrelate to their individual circumstances.

4.4 How individuals canmake a differenceAddressing climate change may seem likea daunting task, and it may appear to bethe responsibility of governments becauseof all the policy level actions required. Gov-ernments do indeed have a lead role toplay in setting the agenda for climatechange adaptation and mitigation in theirnational context and putting things inplace to ensure that the necessary stepsare taken. However, ordinary citizens inUKOTs can also make a difference. Inmany cases, all that is needed are smallchanges in lifestyle and habits.

4.4.1 Reducing personalvulnerabilityIndividuals, households and businessescan take proactive measures to reducetheir personal vulnerability to natural haz-ards. It is important, for example, to avoidbuilding homes and businesses in hazard-prone areas, such as flood plains or cer-tain sections of the coastal zone.

In cyclone-prone regions, reducing vulner-ability includes such things as ensuringhurricane-readiness of homes and build-ings by the following:

¨ Have a plan in place to secure prop-erty, including a system for protectingwindows and glass doors. This couldbe permanent storm shutters or havingon hand 5/8” marine plywood cut to fitand ready for installation.

¨ Install straps or additional clips tosecurely fasten roofs to buildings’frame structure.

¨ Regularly prune trees and shrubsaround buildings.

¨ Keep up with routine maintenance andkeep rain gutters and downspoutsclear of debris.

¨ Identify where and how boats will besecured.

Widespread publicawareness and education arenecessary to any effort to get

support for climate policyand adaptation.


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In regions prone to drought or periods ofwater shortage:

¨ Plant drought tolerant plants in gar-dens and practice water conservationtechniques such as the use of mulch toreduce evaporation.

¨ Reduce domestic water consumption,for example, through the installation ofwater-saving devices.

¨ Create a soak away system and intro-duce gray water recycling and rain-water harvesting.

4.4.2 Reducing energy useSeveral simple steps can be taken toreduce transport and residential energyconsumption.


¨ Drive less and drive more slowly. Carspollute more when they travel over 90km/hr.

¨ Do not idle car engines for longer than10 seconds; idling for longer periodsuses more fuel than shutting off andrestarting the car.

¨ Car-pool or use public transport.

¨ Purchase energy efficient vehicleswhen replacing existing models.


¨ Power down by turning off applianceswhen not in use.

¨ Improve heating and cooling energyefficiency. Reduce home heating intemperate climates and cool less intropical climates. Use double glazedwindows to improve insulation in tem-perate climates and construct build-ings in the tropics to take advantage ofair flows.

¨ Use energy-efficient appliances. Newrefrigerators, for example, use 40 percent less energy than models madejust 10 years ago.

¨ Replace incandescent light bulbs withefficiency rated fluorescent ones.Energy efficient light bulbs use 75 percent less energy and last 10 timeslonger than conventional ones.

4.4.3 Practicing goodenvironmental habitsLook after the environment and it will lookafter you. The damage to the environmentcaused by human activity makes UKOTsmore vulnerable to the negative effects ofclimate change. Good environmentalhabits like disposing of garbage and wasteproperly and not cutting down trees alsocontribute to climate change adaptationand mitigation.

¨ Keep rivers and watercourses free ofgarbage, debris and effluent to helpmaintain the health of wetlands andreefs so that they can perform theirecological coastal defence functions.

¨ Maintain and protect mangroves.Keeping mangrove forests intact allowsthem to maintain their living barrierfunction. Converting mangroves forhuman use like construction of roads,homes or businesses, dumpinggarbage in mangroves, or cutting themdown for fuel wood or agriculturalstakes are all activities that compro-mise the health of mangrove forests.Their ability to support marine and birdlife is affected and they are less able to

Anguilla harbour is vulnerable to sea levelrise. Credit: Anguilla National Trust

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play their filtering role that reduces theamount of land-based run-off anddebris that enters the seas. They arealso less effective in protecting thecoastal zone from storm surges andwave action.

¨ Maintain and protect coral reefs. Pollu-tion from activities on land – improperwaste disposal and run-off fromfarming and industry – affects thehealth of coral reefs, as do activities inthe sea. In addition to reducing theland-based sources of reef stress, it isimportant to ensure that commercial(fishing) and recreational (scubadiving, snorkelling and swimming)activities do not contribute to dam-aging reefs.

¨ Avoid unsustainable farming practices.The misuse and over-use of pesticidesand fertilizers, over-cultivation on mar-ginal lands, and inappropriate farmingtechniques on hillsides all contribute tosoil erosion and soil loss. Some of thissoil ends up in inland water bodies

(rivers, lakes, ponds); some makes itsway to the marine environment. Pollu-tion of water sources reduces theamount of fresh water that is availablefor domestic and commercial use. Indrought-prone areas, this could lead tocompetition over a scarce resource.

4.4.4 Improving business practicesUnderstanding both the need and theopportunities for adaptation to climatechange is fast becoming an essentialrequirement of both governments and theprivate sector of vulnerable countries andmakes good business sense. No matterhow big or how small, businesses can alsodo their bit to tackle climate change.

¨ Manage risk. As extreme weatherevents and intense natural hazardsincreasingly become a part of life insome UKOTs, businesses of all sizeswill have to look carefully at their expo-sure to risk and take proactive meas-ures to reduce it. This could meantaking steps to secure equipment, vitalrecords, and buildings during cyclonesor taking measures to ensure consis-tency of adequate water suppliesduring periods of shortage. Reducingrisk also means adhering to buildingcodes, complying with environmentalregulations and legislation and nottaking short cuts. Much can be done atthe design stage to minimise risk, fromchoices about building materials towhere to site buildings and even archi-tectural features.

¨ Increase energy efficiency and userenewable energy sources. Businessesin UKOTs are not likely to face a cap ontheir emissions any time soon, but thesavings that come from increasedenergy efficiency and from replacingfossil fuels with alternative sources ofenergy will make a difference to theirbottom line in the medium to long-term.Increasing energy efficiency can be as

Beach clean-up in Anguilla.Credit: Anguilla National Trust

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simple as replacing light bulbs, pow-ering down equipment that can beturned off when not in use or makingmodifications to production lineprocesses. The cost of investing inalternative sources of energy, such assolar or wind technologies, may initiallybe high but will translate into savings inthe medium to long-term.

¨ Use clean technology and sustainableproduct sources. As with shifting toalternative energy, the initial outlay fornewer, cleaner technologies can behigh, but they too generally translateinto savings in the medium to long-term.

4.4.5 Advocating forimplementation of nationaladaptation plans and sustainabledevelopment policiesCitizens play an important role. UKOT citi-zens and citizen organisations can call fornational climate change adaptation plansto be developed and implemented. Theycan promote the implementation of sus-tainable development policies. Examplesof such policies include the designationand proper management of protectedareas, the implementation of coastal zoneplans and compliance with developmentplanning regulations.

Chapter summaryChoosing not to address climate change and its impacts would be a false economyfor UKOTs. Although it is hard to say what the full impact of climate change on the ter-ritories will be, it is already apparent that they will be adversely affected.

Addressing climate is, however, an opportunity for UKOTs to scale up existing meas-ures for dealing with natural hazards and to improve natural resource managementand physical planning processes. The inherent vulnerability that comes from theirsmall size makes them even more sensitive to climate change impacts. It is, therefore,very important for UKOTs to take measures to shore up their structures to withstandclimate change (adaptation).

Even if they did not have to contend with climate change, adaptive measures wouldmake UKOTs better able to deal with the natural hazards that are part of the normalclimate variability, as well as the growing human-induced stresses on the environ-ment. Although they are not major producers of greenhouse gases, UKOTs can playa role in helping to reduce the human impact on the climate system (mitigation).

Addressing climate change is everybody’s business. Governments have an importantrole to play in setting the national agenda and putting in place the policies, pro-grammes and structures that make it possible for others to play their part in adapta-tion and mitigation. It is important to have incentives in place that encourage earlyappropriate action rather than promote remedial responses.

No contribution to the national effort to address climate change is too small. Busi-nesses, households and even individuals can take steps to make their property moreresilient to extreme weather, reduce their energy use and play their part in maintaininga healthy environment.

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The global trend in average surface tem-perature is upwards and the pace at whichit is moving is fast. While there are stilluncertainties surrounding future projec-tions and possible impacts, the evidencepoints to unprecedented change, withpotentially dire consequences. Because oftheir inherent vulnerabilities, there is a lotat stake for UKOTs .

There is no quick fix to the climate changeproblem and no single policy will set us onthe right path. No single country or groupof countries acting alone can solve the

problem. This global issue requires anagreement between nations of all sizesand at all stages of development. Itrequires a commitment to joint and indi-vidual action by governments, the privatesector, communities, civil society, house-holds and individuals. It requires social,economic, environmental, and culturalpolicies and actions. It requires vision andcreativity.

5.1 What does this meanfor UKOTs?• Action. No country has the luxury of

waiting to see how the climate changechallenge will play out, least of all theUKOTs, where many ecosystems areamong those that have already beenidentified as most vulnerable to climatechange and have begun to experienceadverse effects of an unstable climate.

• Management and protection ofecosystems. Looking after biodiversityand critical ecosystems helps ensurethat they carry out their ecological func-tions and services as well as increaseresistance to climate change.

• Climate-proofing national policiesand development. Climate changehas to become a long-term strategicissue for UKOTs that is factored intodecision and policymaking in allspheres, from water resource manage-ment to physical planning to agriculture

The Way Forward 5The wayforward

What canUKOTs doabout climatechange?

Climate changein the UKOTs:present andfuture impacts


Why climatechange mattersfor UKOTs

Coral reef monitoring in the British Virgin Islands (BVI).Credit: BVI National Trust

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and industrial development. Thisincludes taking a multi-sector and inte-grated approach to decision makingthat brings in the views and perspec-tives of a range of interest groups orstakeholders in society.

• Reducing greenhouse gas emis-sions. Capping carbon dioxide emis-sions is essential if we are to avoidglobal climate chaos. Even though theyare small contributors to the globalproblem, UKOTs can take steps toreduce their impact on the climatesystem by reducing fossil fuel depend-ency and increasing energy efficiency.

• Sharing good practice and lessonslearned. UKOTs can learn much fromeach other by sharing good practiceand lessons from experience.

UKOTs can tackle climate changeeffectivelyUKOTs have it in their power to adapt to cli-mate change and to reduce their ownimpact on the global ecosystem. Thechapters in this book explain what climatechange is, why it matters, present and

future impacts, and suggest what UKOTscan do about climate change. By estab-lishing strategies and implementing poli-cies to adapt to and mitigate againstclimate change the UKOTs will be pro-viding a firm foundation for their own futurewell-being.

Wind farm in St. Helena.Credit: St. Helena National Trust

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Page 83: Climate Change in the UK Overseas · Climate Climate change Climate zone Coral bleaching Critically endangered species
Page 84: Climate Change in the UK Overseas · Climate Climate change Climate zone Coral bleaching Critically endangered species

What do droughts in the Mediterranean, more intense hurricanes in the Caribbean,warmer seas in the South Atlantic, and disappearing coastlines in the Pacific have incommon? They are all results of the phenomenon known as climate change. Climatechange, or global warming as it is sometimes called, refers to the steady climb in theEarth’s temperature caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide and other gases in theatmosphere. It is a pressing issue for the entire global community and it is one that the14 United Kingdom Overseas Territories (UKOTs) cannot afford to ignore.

This book provides an overview of what is happening globally in terms of climate changeand how this will affect the UKOTs. It stresses the need for urgent action by all of us andprovides practical suggestions for, and examples of, mitigation and adaptation strategies.

This document forms part of series on climate change in the UK Overseas Territories,prepared by the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute for the Joint Nature ConservationCommittee. It has been funded by the Overseas Territories Environment Programme(OTEP) with assistance from the Commonwealth Foundation. Thanks are due to themany persons in the UKOTs who provided inputs and advice. Documents in the series:

Climate Change in the UK Overseas Territories : An Overview of the Science,Policy and You - A look at climate science and policy and how global warmingaffects UK Overseas Territories.Climate Change in the UK Overseas Territories : A Brief Overview of theScience, Policy and You - Executive summary of the document above.

Climate Change: An Overview for Politicians and Senior Decision Makers - Keyissues for policy and decision makers to take into account in climate-proofingnational policies and programmes.

Climate Change: A Practical Guide for Your Organisation - How businesses canreduce their carbon footprint.

Climate change in the UK Overseas Territories (DVDs): Part 1: Impacts and Part2: Adaptation and mitigation

Climate Change: A Practical Guide for You – Simple things individuals can doto reduce their climate impact.

Guidance for Biodiversity Conservation and Management in a ChangingClimate in the UK Overseas Territories – Practical guidance for the practitionerswho must plan and manage biodiversity in the face of climate change.

Copies available on the internet at

Paper copies can be requested from: Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)Monkstone House, City Road Peterborough PE1 1JY United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1733 562626; Fax: +44 (0) 1733 555948Email: [email protected] ISBN-13:978 1 86107 609 0