Climate change in tanzania

Climate Change in Tanzania How we in the Greater Milwaukee Synod can help

Transcript of Climate change in tanzania

  1. 1. Climate Change in Tanzania How we in the Greater Milwaukee Synod can help
  2. 2. Possible effects of climate change in Tanzania Reductions of maize production by 13% by 2050 other crops will face similar reductions Drier areas will have more droughts; wetter areas will have more floods Salt water intrusion can damage fresh water sources Disappearance of Mt. Kilimanjaros ice fields Bleaching of coral reefs and possible loss of fisheries
  3. 3. Green house gas emissions by country and sector
  4. 4. Benefits of switching to renewable energy Switching to renewable resources will help slow climate change. Will lead to increased demand which will lead to more construction of renewable resources. May lead to research in renewable resource technology, making it more efficient and cost effective WE CAN DO IT TODAY!
  5. 5. Action steps Convince your church council and church members to enroll in a renewal energy program Encourage your friends, co-workers and others to enroll as well. Open a dialog with partner churches in the Meru Diocese to talk about the stewardship of the earth and climate change. Learn about other ways to reduce green house gases. Learn more about climate change.
  6. 6. Closing picture
  7. 7. Resources EPA website on climate change National Resources Defense Council steps to reduce global warming National Geographic Global Warming Solutions ELCA Social Policy Resolution on Global Warming Global Warming Solutions Reduce Emissions Policies that tackle the issues of global climate change World Bank resources including 3 steps to Decarbonizing Development for a Zero-Carbon Future
  8. 8. References Slide Two Greater Milwaukee Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America website of partnership with the Meru Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. Photo credit: Ann Fritschel (2015). Used by permission. Slide Three U.S. Data from the World Bank World Development indicators Tanzania Data from the World Bank World Development indicators Slide Four: Climate emissions lasting decades or longer: Effects of climate change: IPCC, 2013: Summary for Policymakers, In: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis: Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Stocker, T.F. et al, eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Photo credit : Marc St. Gil, official photographer of the EPA (1972) (government photo). Slide Five: Photo credit: Ann Fritschel (2015) Used by permission. Slide Six: Maize production reduction and climate variability : Climate Variability and crop production in Tanzania, Pedram Rowhani,et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (2011) pgs. 449-460. Salt water intrusion: Climate Change: Tanzania Blames Rising Sea Levels For Saltwater Intrusion - See more at: at Mt. Kilimanjaros ice fields: Kilimanjaros ice fields set to disappear at Coral Bleaching: Resilience and climate change: lessons from coral reefs and bleaching in the Western Indian Ocean, David O. Obura, Estarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 63 (2005) 353-372
  9. 9. References continued Slide Seven: Greater Milwaukee Synod statistics available at: WE Energies renewable energy program information may be found at: While WE Energies covers most of the synod, most power companies have similar programs. Slide Eight: U.S. EPA, Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data Slide Nine: Photo Credit: Oast House Archives, Creative Commons License Slide Eleven: Cheaper to do changes now: World Development Report 2010, Development and Climate Change, The World Bank, p.3 Photo Credit: Ann Fritschel (2015) Used by permission.