Climate Card Game

Download YOUR ‘Climate Crime’ cards ARE YOU READY TO TAKE ON ANO T HER CLIMA TE CO PS MISSION? Use your skills of investigation to help the Climat e Cops cut down on the climate crimes that are t aking place in your home and make your house more energy efficient. Download the Climate Crimecards and use them to search your home to make sure that none are happening under your own roof ! Then build your Climate Crime Case Fileand report back to your family to make sure they dont commit those crimes again (or else)! You may need to keep a watchful eye over them by revisiting the case every week or two to make sure they dont slip back into any of their old habits. You can spread your search even wider by adding even more Case Filesto your notes. What about the homes of your uncles, aunts or friends from school?


A great detective game for kids to help you and your home become more energy efficient and help combat climate change.

Transcript of Climate Card Game


Use your skills of investigation to help the Climate Cops cut down on the climate crimes that are taking place in your home and make your house more energy efficient.

Download the ‘Climate Crime’ cards and use them to

search your home to make sure that none are happening

under your own roof! Then build your ‘Climate Crime

Case File’ and report back to your family to make sure

they don’t commit those crimes again (or else)! You may

need to keep a watchful eye over them by revisiting the

case every week or two to make sure they don’t slip

back into any of their old habits.

You can spread your search even wider by adding

even more ‘Case Files’ to your notes. What

about the homes of your uncles, aunts or

friends from school?

Climate Cops never leave the TV on standby...

it wastes so much energy Climate Crime: Does everyone remember to turn the

T V off properly after they’ve finished watching? If not,

who are the suspects?

Case notes:

Using the tumble dryer on a sunny day...

Climate Cops say absolutely no way! Climate Crime: Have you caught anyone drying their

washing in the electric tumble dryer when it ’s a nice day

instead of using the washing line outside?

Case notes:

Did you know? In the UK alone, we could save over £230 million on

our electricity bills if we didn’t leave appliances on

standby or plugged in when they’re not being used. (Source: CRed)

Did you know? Using a tumble dryer on a nice day wastes energy

and causes a pointless release of carbon dioxide.

To energy saving light bulbs, the Climate Cops say YES...

when it comes to electricity they use so much LESS Climate Crime: How many energy saving light bulbs

have you managed to detect around the house?

Case notes:

Leaving a mobile phone charger plugged in...

come on, we all know that’s a sin Climate Crime: Anyone guilty of not unplugging the

charger after they’ve finished charging their mobile


Case notes:

Did you know? If every house fit three energy saving light bulbs, it

would save enough energy to run the country’s

street lights for a year.

(Source: Energy Saving Trust)

Did you know? A survey found that the average household has up to

12 gadgets or appliances left on standby or charging

at any one time. What a waste!

(Source: Energy Saving Trust)

Lights on when there’s no-one there...

us Climate Cops would never dare Climate Crime: Have you walked into an empty room

with the light already on? Can you uncover who the last

person was to leave the room without turning it off ?

Case notes:

Wasting water is not the sign of a Climate Cop...

water is precious, we must never ever waste a drop Climate Crime: Have you witnessed anyone wasting

water? For example, did they leave the tap running whilst

brushing their teeth? Or, did they have a bath when they

could’ve had a shower?

Case notes:

Did you know? Wasting energy is not very smart because it not only

causes needless pollution but it also costs us money.

Would you just screw up your pocket money and

throw it away?

Did you know? A dripping hot water tap wastes energy and in one

week wastes enough water to fill half a bath!

(Source: Energy Saving Trust)

Putting hot food in a fridge or freezer is in fact a crime...

Climate Cops know that waiting until it’s cool is the right time Climate Crime: Have you seen anyone commit this

crime? If it ’s hot, more energy will have to be used to

cool the food down.

Case notes:

Climate Cops say, keep windows clean to allow in the natural light...

it can help to heat the room without having to put up a fight! Climate Crime: Anyone guilty of not unplugging the

charger after they’ve finished charging their mobile


Case notes:

Did you know? If your family are shopping for new kitchen appliances

like fridges, dishwashers and washing machines look

out for the Energy Saving Recommended logo.

Those products will cost less to run and help prevent

climate change.

Did you know? You can also stop heat escaping through windows by

having double glazing. This can reduce the loss of

heat by half compared to single glazing.

(Source: Energy Saving Trust)

Boiling a kettle full of water for one cup of tea...

is such a waste of energy, I most certainly agree Climate Crime: Have you spotted anyone heating up

more water than they actually need?

Case notes:

Leaving the room door open on a cool day...

really isn’t the Climate Cop way!

Climate Crime: Who’s guilty of letting the heat escape

by leaving the windows and doors open on a cool day?

Case notes:

Did you know? Every cup your family boils releases 25 cups of

carbon dioxide.

(Source: CRed)

Did you know? If adults turned the heating down by just 1°C, it could

save around £40 a year… more than enough for a

brand new pair of trainers!

(Source: Energy Saving Trust)

Case notes: Case notes: