Clima Weather

CLIMA / WEATHER Weather Expressions ¿Qué tiempo hace?/ What's the weather like? ¿Cómo está el tiempo?/ How is the weather? In Spanish, one of the most common verbs to describe weather conditions is estar/ to be. EXAMPLES Está soleado./ It's sunny. Está nublado./ It's cloudy. Está fresco./ It's cool. Está húmedo./ It's humid. El tiempo está feo./ The weather is bad. Está cálido./ It's warm. Está templado./It's mild or fair. Está tempestuoso./ It's stormy. Está lloviendo.( Llueve)./ It's raining. Está nevando. (Nieva)./ It's snowing. Está granizando. (Graniza)./ It's hailing. Está despejado./ It's clear. Está oscuro./ It's dark. 2. Another common verb is hacer/ to make. EXAMPLES Hace calor./ It's hot. Hace frío./ It's cold. Hace buen tiempo./ The weather is nice. Hace mal tiempo./ The weather is bad. 3. Another verb is haber/ there is. EXAMPLES Hay viento./ It's windy.


spanish vocabulary

Transcript of Clima Weather

Page 1: Clima Weather

CLIMA / WEATHERWeather Expressions

¿Qué tiempo hace?/ What's the weather like? ¿Cómo está el tiempo?/ How is the weather?

In Spanish, one of the most common verbs to describe weather conditions is estar/ to be.


Está soleado./ It's sunny. Está nublado./ It's cloudy. Está fresco./ It's cool. Está húmedo./ It's humid. El tiempo está feo./ The weather is bad. Está cálido./ It's warm. Está templado./It's mild or fair. Está tempestuoso./ It's stormy. Está lloviendo.( Llueve)./ It's raining. Está nevando. (Nieva)./ It's snowing. Está granizando. (Graniza)./ It's hailing. Está despejado./ It's clear. Está oscuro./ It's dark.

2. Another common verb is hacer/ to make.


Hace calor./ It's hot. Hace frío./ It's cold. Hace buen tiempo./ The weather is nice. Hace mal tiempo./ The weather is bad.

3. Another verb is haber/ there is.


Hay viento./ It's windy. Hay niebla./ It's foggy. Hay relámpagos./ There is lightening. Hay tormenta./ There is a thunderstorm

In Spanish, there are a number of idiomatic expressions that employ the verb hacer

(literal meaning: to do or to make), and are used to describe the weather. ¿Qué tiempo hace?

Page 2: Clima Weather

What's the weather like? Hace frío. It's cold. Hace calor. It's hot. Hace viento. It's windy. Hace sol. It's sunny. Hace buen tiempo. The weather is good. Hace mal tiempo. The weather is bad. Hace fresco. It's cool / refreshing.

There are also weather expressions that use the verb hay: Hay niebla. It's foggy. Hay neblina. It's misty. Hay relámpagos. It's lightning. Hay humedad. It's humid. Hay nubes. It's cloudy. Hay lluvias torrenciales. It's pouring. Hay un vendaval. There's a windstorm.

. Hay lloviznas. It's sprinkling.

Other weather expressions use the verb estar along with an adjective: Está oscuro. It's dark. Está nublado. It's cloudy.


Other weather expressions simply use a single verb:

Page 3: Clima Weather


It is raining. or It rains.

From the verb llover (to rain)


It is snowing. or It snows.

From the verb nevar (to snow)

It is snowing Está nevando

It is raining Está lloviendo

It is cloudy Está nublado

It is foggy Hay neblina

There is a breeze Hay una brisa

It is windy Hay viento

It is very windy Hay mucho viento

It is sunny Hay sol

It is cold Hay frio / Hace frio

It is cool Hay fresco / Hace fresco

It is warm Hay calor / Hace calor

It is hot Hay calor / Hace calor

It is humid Esta húmido

Raining cats and dogs Llover a cantaros