CLICK HERE to see the NDSM-plein with the Greenpeace...

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2014 – 297 Distribution : daily to 31300+ active addresses 24-10-2014 Page 1 Number 297 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Friday 24-10-2014 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites. The Rotterdam pilot cutter POLARIS inbound for Hoek van Holland (Europoort) to seek shelter last Tuesday for the approaching gale which was expected to reach NW gale force 9-10 Bft on the left is seen the 8500 t feeder CEPHEUS J outbound Photo : Gerrit Jan Postma © CLICK HERE to see the NDSM-plein with the Greenpeace ESPERANZA and "POLLUX" moored in Amsterdam

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Number 297 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Friday 24-10-2014

News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites.

The Rotterdam pilot cutter POLARIS inbound for Hoek van Holland (Europoort) to seek

shelter last Tuesday for the approaching gale which was expected to reach NW gale force 9-10 Bft on the left is seen the 8500 t feeder CEPHEUS J outbound

Photo : Gerrit Jan Postma ©

CLICK HERE to see the NDSM-plein with the Greenpeace ESPERANZA and "POLLUX" moored

in Amsterdam

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The CSCL SOUTH CHINA SEA moored in Zeebrugge – Photo : Henk Claeys ©

Jan De Nul Group supports II International Forum of Dredging Companies as its Sponsor

Jan De Nul Group supports the II International Forum of Dredging Companies as its Sponsor. The Forum will be held in Moscow on February 19’ 2015. Venue: The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya (Nikolskaya street, 12). The event is organized by Media-Group PortNews with FSUE Rosmorport as a Partner.

Left : Jan de Nul’s TSHD VASCO DA GAMMA anchored of Batam Photo : Piet Sinke © CLICK on the photo !

Jan De Nul Group was founded in 1938. The company is headquartered in Luxemburg. It specializes in construction and maintenance of marine infrastructure facilities all over the world.

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Dredging works make the core of the Group’s activities. The fleet of Jan de Nul comprises 76 vessels. Source : PortNews

Iskes HERCULES operating between the Ijmuiden breakwaters Photo : Simon Wolf ©

Maersk scraps AHTS Maersk Supply Service has followed up a rush of newbuilding activity with the disposal of one of its anchor handlers for demolition. Maersk Supply has sent the 10,880-bhp Maersk Gabarus (built 1983) for scrap in Belgium. A spokesperson for the owner says the sale comes as part of the company’s fleet renewal programme.

Photo left : Ronald Ribbe – ©

“We currently have 12 new-buildings in the order book ... and on 14 October we sold Maersk Fetcher to new owners,” the spokesperson said. Galloo has taken delivery of the Maersk Gabarus

and will oversee its recycling in a safe and environmentally sound fashion, Maersk Supply said. Last week the Danish owner signed a contract for six anchor-handlers with Norway’s Kleven Maritime. The vessels will be delivered by the fourth quarter of 2016, as part of a deal which includes four optional units.Maersk Supply contributed a profit of $182m in 2013, a figure which accounted for 5% of parent AP Moller-Maersk's bottom line last year, according to RS Platou Markets. Right : The MAERSK FETCHER departing under the name HAN JI 2 from Rotterdam-Calandcanal Photo : R&F.v.d.Hoek / Analysts at the Norwegian finance house believe Maersk Supply will turn a profit of $133m in 2014 and $141m in 2015. Source : tradewinds

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Tug sent to tow stricken Pentland Firth cargo ship

The Herakles tug was sent to tow the stricken ship to Scapa Flow

A coastguard tug has been sent to the aid of a cargo ship that has broken down in the Pentland Firth. The 95m-long vessel raised the alarm at 22:00 on Sunday. It had broken down shortly after passing through the Firth, and was drifting about five miles north of Dounreay. The emergency tug Herakles was sent to the scene from Kirkwall in Orkney. It was due to attach a line and take the stricken ship into Scapa Flow.It had originally been planned to take the ship, which was carrying a load of coal, to Scrabster but because of poor weather conditions it will be anchored in the Flow instead. Source : BBC

Continership Alliance Expands to US Trades

The CKYHE Alliance (COSCO, "K" LINE, Yang Ming, Hanjin Shipping, and Evergreen Line) has announced they will expand their cooperation scope to U.S. Trades and CKYHE files an Agreement and reports to related regulators to comply with their regulations. Regarding the expansion of the cooperation, CKYHE already submitted a formal letter to Ministry of Transport (MOT) of PRC, filed with the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) a Filing Agreement to cover U.S. trades, and informed the EU Commission of developments.

In U.S. trades, CKYHE will follow the same pattern of cooperation that the alliance members have successfully used in the Asia/Europe, Mediterranean trades during the past year. This expanded cooperation will provide the carriers with greater operational flexibility and will permit each of them to better serve its customers, offering wider port coverage, increased frequency of sailings and stable transit times. CKYHE acknowledges its environmental obligations, and their cooperation will be benefits to the environment. Each line is committed to environment-friendly shipping; a quality known to be highly valued by their customers. After the regulators approve, the parties will discuss and agree their cooperation with a target implementation date of the spring 2015. The CKYHE carriers wish to thank their customers for their support and look forward to continuing to serve them. Source : MarineLink

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The ALIOS during her weekly run seen off Haifa – Photo : Peter Szamosi ©

CyberKeel: Shipping unprepared for online attacks

Shipping is the target of many cyber criminals yet the majority of the industry struggle to understand how to combat this growing scourge. Lars Jensen, who writes a container column for this title and is also the founder of boxwatchers, SeaIntel, has launched a new initiative called CyberKeel aimed at tackling online attacks hitting the shipping industry. CyberKeel has just released a whitepaper analysing the current challenges related to cyber security for maritime companies as well as ports and terminals. The whitepaper indicates that virtually all aspects of the maritime IT infrastructure are vulnerable to exploitation, and further includes tangible examples of successful cyber attacks within the industry. Examples of actual cyber attacks include recent attacks aimed at the interface between shipping lines and bunker companies resulting in the loss of millions of dollars, a shipping line losing all information as to the whereabouts of their cargo, information theft as well as the use of Facebook as a means of information gathering for Somali pirates. Furthermore, controlled tests shows the feasibility of controlling and manipulating AIS, ECDIS as well as the maritime satellite communications. Interestingly, CyberKeel carried out what it called “simple tests” earlier this year which showed that 37 out of the 50 largest container carriers appeared vulnerable to relatively simple penetration attacks. Jensen tells Maritime CEO that the issue of cyber security is one that only a few in the industry are properly aware of. “The broad picture I am getting is that awareness is very low indeed,” he says. Most often it is seen as a technical issue delegated to the CIO or IT manager, whereas in reality it has be addressed at the business process level involving all of management, he reckons.CyberKeel is performing consultancy jobs in the industry related to penetration testing, and also offering workshops at management level focused on increasing awareness as well as facilitating the development of tangible plans for how to improve cyber security.CyberKeel is also looking to launch a cross-industry forum specifically aimed at addressing cyber security threats from both a tactical and strategic angle. The forum will provide maritime stakeholders with the means to share information on attack profiles to be able to thwart attacks more quickly, as well as work on the establishment of voluntary standards and guidelines aimed at heightening cyber security levels without unduly jeopardizing business efficiency. Source : Maritime-CEO

Anthony Veder’s latest two fleet additions CORAL METHANE and CORAL STICHO moored at Hoppe in Zeebrugge

Photo : Wouter van der Veen ©

Unions protest over Alexandria Containers and DP World alliance

DP World has received approvals to form an alliance with Alexandria Containers & Cargo Handling to bid in a tender to build, operate and deliver the new CT3 berth 100 container terminal at Dekheila Port, Egypt Alexandria

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Containers’ Board of Directors and Egypt’s Ministry of Transport granted the approvals, but the announcement has been met with criticism from the Egyptian Port Workers’ Union and Alexandria Containers staff. The Egyptian Port Workers’ Union, represented by Egypt’s Minister of Investment and Minister of Transport, is lobbying Alexandria Containers’ Board to reject the foreign partner and uphold the interests of the country.An independent union of Alexandria Containers employees said in a statement the Ministry of Transport had turned against the principle of the protection of national companies, and had imposed a foreign partner without considering the damage on Egypt’s national security and economy.The union is also concerned that there will be redundancies. "It is well known that DP World doesn't get along with Egyptian labour. Three strikes in the Port of Sokhna where caused by it, in addition to the company's firing of employees,” it said in a statement today.“We are confident that President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will not be allowed to risk the country's economy, as well as we are also sure that the national companies with their local labour have not failed in supplying funds of hundreds of millions annually in the state treasury,” the union said. Source : Gulfshipnews

The AZAMARA JOURNEY outbound from Haifa – Photo : Peter Szamosi ©

RNLI shifts marketing strategy to focus on younger audience as it plots app and

personalisation drive The Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) is undergoing a major overhaul of its marketing strategy and digital infrastructure as it looks to engage with a younger audience and create more personalised content for its supporters.

Speaking to The Drum, digital transformation manager, Neil Thornburn, revealed that the charity is trying to change the way it interacts with what is “essentially the polar opposite” of its historic audience and is working in conjunction with Bournemouth University to understand how to better

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target the youth audience.“Rather than chasing the 22 year-olds now – because by the time we get there they’ll be gone - what we’ve done is to look to the 15 year-olds to understand the way they absorb the internet and share content, because it is so completely different than the way a 20 year-old will use the internet.“If we can start to change the way that we create content and push messaging, and start to drive change now, by the time they [the audience] get to their early twenties we have a new set of people that we can start to target. It’s a challenge and it’s essentially the polar opposite of our historic target audience.”

The RNLI held its first hackathon with local fisherman this month to create a new app focusing on coastal safety and prevention. The app was born out of the idea that the RNLI needed an engaging digital asset that was more than “just a microsite”.“The RNLI respond to about three incidents every day involving fisherman, so we decided we needed to push something out there to fisherman to start to raise awareness of the dangers of fishing and things to look out for,” explained Thornborn.“Obviously digital came to the forefront in this space and I’ve been working with the coastal

safety team to come up with some innovative ideas and it became apparent that we couldn’t just create a microsite that says, ‘wear a life jacket when you go fishing or wear a life jacket and take a selfie’, it’s just not going to work.”

Thornborn and his team drummed up ideas for an app that could potentially send out warning messages to fishermen, but then decided to invite 30 local fisherman to come up with their own ideas and present a six-second Dragon’s Den-style pitch.The winning app went into production late last week, and while Thornborn remained tight-lipped about what the content of the app will entail, he did say that it was something that RNLI “couldn’t have come up with” had it not had the input

from the fisherman.A stream of digital projects are also in the works, including overhauling the RNLI website, to deliver hyper-local, personalised content, alongside the exploration of social platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram.

As part of the overhaul, the RNLI began to accept Bitcoin, after it decided that the charity needed to be prepared should it be left a legacy donation in the currency. Luke Williams, social media innovation officer, who led the Bitcoin project told The Drum that since launch on 30 July, the charity has received 167 donations totalling around £1700; a figure he feels will continue to rise.“It’s been very encouraging; we had an initial spike in donations but it has continued and we see a donation every couple of days.“We realised that it will open us up to new audiences and supporters and one of the things we’ve found from comments on platforms like Reddit is that it has been really well received.” Source : The Drum

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The GLOVIS SUNRISE inbound in Melbourne – Photo : Dale E.Crisp ©

Ferry operator resurrects proposal to challenge Nova Star for Maine-Nova

Scotia route The leader of an earlier play to restore ferry service between Maine and Nova Scotia has revived a similar effort, seeking to challenge the Nova Star ferry service and run what he called “a proper ferry line.” Bruce McNeil said Monday that his new venture, dubbed Canamerica Cruises, is seeking a vessel that would hold about 700 passengers — 500 fewer than the Nova Star — for an 11-hour voyage at a cost he said would be up to 45 percent cheaper for an adult bringing a car aboard the ferry.

“The route has been dormant way too long to expect a full capacity on a vessel that can carry 1,200 passengers,” McNeil said. “You can’t have a cruise ship on this route, it will never work.”The province has not solicited requests for other proposals to start the service, but McNeil said he thinks provincial leaders are in a position to call their contract with the Nova Star complete and cut the loss of about $26 million in subsidies to the service this year. McNeil said his group, which includes an adviser who operated the Scotia Prince ferry that ended its run in 2004, will submit a full proposal to the province in about two weeks.That adviser is Henk Pols, McNeil said. The company’s president and CEO is Martin Salzedo, the president of a shipping company and a past cruise industry executive.

Dennis Bailey, spokesman for Nova Star Cruises, said the company has no reason to believe that the province is looking to abandon its relationship with the service that just completed its first season of daily runs from Portland to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.“We’re committed and we think the province is committed,” Bailey said. “We’re trying to revive a route and people have to be a little patient. We’ll get there.”Sarah Levy McLeod, spokeswoman for Nova Scotia’s Department of Economic Development and Tourism, wrote the province’s focus now is to work with Nova Star cruises as it uses disclosure requirements in an amended contract with the company to understand costs. But it will give some look at alternatives.“If a company has a well thought-out proposal with sound fundamentals they want us to look at, they can send it to us and we’ll take a look at it,” McLeod wrote in an email. “Our main interest is to ensure there continues to be a reliable ferry service between Yarmouth and Maine, based on realistic costs, the right business plan and the best interests of Nova Scotians.”McLeod did not respond to a question about whether the province has received similar statements of interest from other ferry operators.McNeil said that Canamerica’s proposal would require some financial support from the province, but he said the group has not yet run the numbers on how much they would need from Nova Scotia to make the service viable. It would not seek support from Maine, he said, and would be headquartered in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.

The province’s contract and $21 million subsidy was determined after review by an expert panel that found the service needed to be a “cruise ferry” that focused more on onboard amenities than ferry service. The report found the service would eventually need to return to passenger traffic of between 130,000 to 135,000 per year, more than double the traffic on the Nova Star in its first season.

The province had agreed to give Nova Star Cruises $21 million Canadian over seven years but that amount — and another $5 million — was spent to keep the service running through the first season. The 2012 report estimated startup costs at about $5 million with a total of $30 million to $35 million needed to restart the service.Operators of the Nova Star have requested help from Maine to secure an additional $5 million line of credit, a task with which Gov. Paul LePage said he would help by drafting legislation to that effect. His office hasn’t specified just how the bill would allow the state to extend that credit. McNeil’s announcement of Canamerica’s bid for the Yarmouth-Portland ferry

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service has included criticism of many aspects of the Nova Star’s operation, from the size of the ship to the price and progress of advance bookings for the 2015 sailing season.

“If you’re at Oct. 20 and you’re not taking reservations and you’re starting in May, that shows their inexperience to run a proper ferry line,” McNeil said. “They’re headed down the same road that they started on last year.” Bailey said that the Nova Star is currently revamping its website and booking system, but that passengers could make reservations by calling the company. And he said the company is in discussions with motor coach tours, which typically book their charters a year or more in advance. The Nova Star ended its season early this year, which it attributed to a low volume of motor coach traffic.Bailey said he questions why McNeil’s group was not involved in the same bidding process as the Nova Star, calling McNeil’s effort “a little bit of backpedaling.”“There are a few things that are missing, which is that the province issued a [request for proposals] over a year ago for this route and they had some very specific criteria,” Bailey said. “This group had an opportunity to bid on the route, but they didn’t. So, it’s like, where were they?” McNeil said his group was not part of bidding in the last request for proposals from the province because they were rebuffed after spending $70,000 on an earlier bidding process and thought that the 2013 effort to restart the ferry service would not be complete before a change of government in October 2013.That change put Premier Stephen McNeil in charge of the provincial government. Bruce McNeil said there’s no relation.“If I was, I wouldn’t be doing any loans,” McNeil joked, “I would be asking for free money.” Source: bangordailynews

The backhoe dredger MACHIAVELLI operating at 1 Webb Dock Photo : Andrew Mackinnon – ©

Three hundred jobs at risk at Sunseeker luxury yacht maker

Sunseeker International, the renowned British luxury motor boat company famous for supplying boats for the James Bond movies, has announced that up to 300 jobs could be at risk.This is very sad news for the British boat building industry and even more so for those whose jobs are at risk.WRS Tech has worked with Sunseeker for a long time and has good relationships with many of its staff.If we can be of any help in finding the next step for employees leaving Sunseeker please get in touch.WRS Tech is a Marine Specialist Recruitment agency and we are incredibly busy with lots of exciting opportunities for people with Marine skills and knowledge. We are currently looking for a number of people with experiences in Marine Design, Project management and skilled boat building trades. Source : BBC

Russia goes to Latin America to bypass sanctions, Maersk discovers

RUSSIA has responded to economic sanctions imposed by the EU, the US, Canada and Norway because of its of military intervention in the Ukraine, by importing food from Latin America, says Maersk Line. Maersk has noticed a surge in Latin America reefer demand for beef, poultry, fruit, vegetables, fish and seafood."Demand for reefer capacity out of Latin America has increased noticeably due to Russia increasing its imports of salmon from Chile, poultry from Brazil and grapefruit from Peru," a Maersk spokesman told Lloyd's Loading List. Maersk said scarcity was driving up prices, although price increases for Russian imports are not just limited to food.The ruble has depreciated 20 per cent against western currencies since January and Russian importers and ultimately consumers now face paying

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considerably more for a broad range of imported non-edible goods. A Russia-based executive for one forwarder said the effects of the ban on food imports were now visible in supermarkets, which he said were "low on stock, especially for fruit and vegetables, as well as dairy products - cheese in particular."This sparked fears that sea and air freight volumes to Russia could be hit in the final quarter of the year. Source : Asian Shipper

The HEUNG-A SINGAPORE approaching the Ma Wan Bridge in Hong Kong enroute Chiwan/ Shekou in China

Photo : Piet Sinke © – CLICK on the photo !

Captain was ‘daydreaming’ when NC ferry became stuck in sand last year

WILMINGTON, NC — The captain of a Bald Head Island ferry was likely daydreaming when the vessel ran aground in the Cape Fear River last year, according to a report recently released by the Coast Guard. Thirteen passengers and one crew member were injured.

The StarNews of Wilmington reports the ferry with 30 passengers aboard was outside the main channel and hit a sandbar Dec. 17.The report concludes the captain was lost in thought or daydreaming because he could not explain to investigators what happened.

The ferry hit the sandbar at nearly 22 mph and the captain did not try to change course or slow down.

The report said that the captain had had to euthanize a dog that was his longtime pet the previous day and had been prescribed medicine to deal with the loss. Source: StarNews Online

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Stena Line ferry adrift in Belfast Lough with 18 passengers on board

A Stena Line ferry drifted from its berth in Belfast Lough with 18 passengers and 55 crew on board.

The ferry is one of Stena Line's Superfast twins that operate the frequent Belfast to Cairnryan route. Passengers disembarked at the Stena Line terminal. A company spokesman said the incident was caused by stormy weather.

"Severe weather conditions in Belfast Port caused the Stena Superfast VIII to drift from her berth at VT4. "Tugs from the port were deployed to help manoeuvre the ship back on to berth. Many Irish Sea services were cancelled due to the severe weather conditions, as the tail-end of Hurricane Gonzalo lashed Northern Ireland and Great Britain. The Stena Line Superfast twins are the biggest ferries ever to sail between Northern Ireland and Scotland, and are capable of holding up to 1,200 passengers and 600 cars during their 12 daily crossings. Source : belfasttelegraph


The crew of the Hong Kong PILOT BOAT 15 catching a fish at the pilot station whilst waiting for their next

“customer” Photo : Piet Sinke © – CLICK on the photo !

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Shipping industry wants green initiatives but needs more options

A recent survey carried out by the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) together with Colfax Fluid Handing, a leader in pumps, systems and Smart Technology solutions for the marine industry has highlighted that 88% of the industry agrees that the ‘Green Agenda’ is good for the global maritime industry, but less than 46% say it actually offers good value for money.With around 200 responses, the survey also claims that 75% of respondents think the ‘Green Agenda’ can impact business and could act as a success factor, with 78% agreeing that more options need to be made available to encourage companies to invest in green initiatives. “The survey results are really interesting and clearly highlight that the industry as a whole could use a best-practice guide or a set of options that are clearly available” said John Barnes of the IMarEST. “There are a number of initiatives available to shipping companies, but it is difficult to work out which solutions work, and for whom, when there are so many out there.One respondent to the survey suggested that “companies are not going to invest [in green initiatives] unless forced to or there is an attractive financial incentive”. The IMarEST and Colfax Fluid Handling are holding a roundtable discussion which is set to create an industry debate to address what the sector needs to do and discuss going forward.Ben Martin, Director of Global Marketing at Colfax Fluid Handling added: “Suppliers to the shipping industry have a responsibility to listen to industry leaders, hear what they have to say and then respond to their needs. That’s why Colfax Fluid Handling feels it’s critical to partner with IMarEST on such an important discussion. Our goal is to support the global commercial marine industry and help its leaders secure the best return from investing in green initiatives.”The ‘Making the Green Agenda Pay’, invitation-only roundtable will take place on 28th October. Chaired by Richard Vie, Vice President of Technical Development and Quality Assurance, Corporate Shipbuilding, at Carnival Corporation & plc and the current President of IMarEST, it has attracted representatives of key organisations who between them cover ship owners and operators, classification societies, cruise lines, industry associations and bodies, academia and suppliers.Source: IMarEST

Early Nov VLCC of North Sea Forties crude fixed for Korea

South Korean refiner SK Energy has bought one VLCC of Forties from the November loading program of UK North Sea grade Forties, a source close to the company said Tuesday. The 270,000 mt Ingrid was reported by shipbrokers to be loading in the first half of November, Hound Point to South Korea, at an unknown freight rate. This backs up what North Sea traders have been saying about an arbitrage fixture. While SK Energy are only taking this one cargo, traders say that other fixtures east could be made.“I know that one is confirmed, but the other one is up in the air, there are a lot of rumors,” said one trader Monday.The Ingrid was earlier this month reported on subjects to PetroIneos, a joint venture between PetroChina and Ineos, but the vessel failed subjects Shipping sources said that although SK was the ultimate buyer of the Forties, there may be another charterer responsible for delivering the cargo to SK.Platts ship-tracking software cFlow shows the vessel’s current position as moored at the French port of Antifer. The pick-up in buying interest from South Korea has been a factor in the recovery of the North Sea market seen over

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the last month.Forties crude reached a four-month high of Dated Brent plus $0.195/barrel Monday, after the sustained weakness of many North Sea grades in Q3 this year.Contracts for Difference, reflecting prompt physical crude prices versus further out monthly Cash BFOE contracts, has remained backwardated since October 9, the first time since mid-June it has not been in contango. Source: Platts

The RPA 16 and pilot tender AQUILA operating off the port of Hoek van Holland – Photo : Kees Torn ©

Supramax and Ultramax dry bulk carriers could see long-term upside

from latest developments in coal trade Up until recently, it was iron ore that was the driving force behind any major shift in dry bulk freight rates, with other major commodities acting as the supplementary forces. However, the latest development around coal trades, could seriously impact rates in the months to come. According to the latest monthly report from shipbroker Intermodal, China’s decision on coal policy could lead to major changes in coal trade routes and move away cargoes towards other destinations, like India. The shipbroker noted that “while most of the attention on the dry bulker side is usually placed on iron ore around this time of the year, coal recently made head-lines as well, following the new policies set in place by the Chinese government in relation to its trade. As the country remains the world’s biggest producer and consumer of coal, recently announced plans to set a floor on the quality of coal consumed domestically, has brought the Asia Pacific dry bulk trade to the spotlight. The Chinese government has during the past years tried to pursue more environmentally friendly policies and coal consumption has been one of the main issues those policies have tried to tackle. Up until recently the pledge to reduce coal usage in the Chinese energy mix, without nevertheless setting a specific limit of coal consumption, has been the only solid promise by the government to intervene in the trade of the commodity. Earlier this year though the country’s administration started considering a ban on lower-quality coal imports and despite the fact that different versions of this policy were being drafted since 2013, it was only a few weeks ago that the final regulation was set out. So what is the impact on imports and most importantly; are dry bulk rates in the Pacific due for another hit?”, the report asks. According to Intermodal’s analyst Eva Tzima, “as China ranks second amongst those countries with the biggest coal reserves internationally, the country’s need to import coal has been inextricably linked with its continuously growing appetite for the commodity, as well as the fact that importing coal would come cheaper compared to producing it and transporting it domestically, since the main coal producing provinces are located far from the major coal consuming city centres. While S. Africa also managed to get a piece of the pie in the most recent years, Indonesia and Australia have been traditionally those countries satisfying the largest portion of Chinese imports. The new regulations, which are set to come into effect as soon as January 1st 2015, will restrict the import and local sale of coal with ash content over 16% and sulphur content over 1%, in main Chinese population centres, while a total ban will be imposed on the

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sale, transportation and import of coal in cases where ash and sulphur content exceed 40% and 3% respectively”, Tzima said. She added that “at a first glance, with the biggest chunk of Australian coal having an ash content of more than 20%, it seems that Chinese coal imports from the Land Down Under will be the ones that could take a hit. Panamax up to Capesize range vessels are usually the ones facilitating this trade, so pressure on rates for these segments is logically expected. Whether this pressure is going to last is still questionable at this stage though. We could well see sooner rather than later coal producers in Australia invest in upgrading the quality of their production to meet the new quality standards, while even in the case that they don’t, Australian production could most probably be directed towards countries like India that has been displaying growing appetite for coal”. Meanwhile, Intermodal’s analyst noted that “at the same time, as quality restrictions also apply to Chinese domestic production, the time it will take for local producers to adjust to the new standards could also be a period during which imports will have to remain strong. Since the majority of Indonesian production is meeting the recently announced quality standards, China will most probably turn to Indonesia to increase its imports. Although there is a chance that Indonesia’s own recent regulations with regards to export permits could possibly delay some of the upside created by the squeeze out of Australian exports, once these issues are streamlined, we could soon see Supramax rates that facilitate this trade enjoying some nice upside, while Ultramax rates could also benefit as this segment is expected to get a piece of that trade as well in the near future. So even though in the short to medium term Australian exports to China might take a hit, seaborne coal trade volumes in the Pacific could soon find their balance back. Australians might improve the quality of their production and lure back demand ex China, or they could shift their imports to countries like India limiting the downside on Panamax – Cape rates. On top of that, coal exports to China from other countries, like Indonesia, might intensify, boosting earnings for Supramax/Ultramax tonnage”, she noted. Concluding her argument, Tzima mentioned that “some argue that what could actually hurt Chinese growth of coal usage is the growth rate of coal intensive sectors in the country. The growth in industries like those of crude steel, cement, and pig iron, which are heavily using coal as an energy source, has slowed down and that could also put pressure on coal volumes. But in my opinion, as these sectors are bound to continue operations, despite any short or longer term growth squeeze, they will still remain dependent on coal and the fact that their profit margins might stay under pressure, will be exactly what will support the usage of coal, which still re-mains one of the cheapest options for energy out there, a knowledge well adopted across the Asia Pacific region”.Source : Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Seaborne iron ore lump spot prices ride for third week on tight November supply

Spot prices of seaborne iron ore lump have climbed for a third week, lifted by a scramble for November-shipment cargoes as seasonal demand strengthened for the material as a substitute for sinter and pellet. Platts assessed the weekly spot lump premium at $0.1775/dry mt unit, up $0.03/dmtu week on week. The premium, assessed Tuesday this week because of a Singapore public holiday Wednesday, is normalized to a CFR basis and expressed over the IODEX fines assessment.As steelmakers sought to buy lump for November, when operations at some sintering units in Hebei province may be cut to improve air quality for a major conference in Beijing, mill sources have reported being unable to find supplies.One trading source also said BHP Billiton had already sold all its lump for that month, something the miner does not comment on.“Last week when we tried to buy lump, traders were at least able to reply with some offers,” said a source at a mill based in Central China. “But this week, traders no longer have material for us to negotiate over.”Offers were heard at as high as a $0.20/dmtu premium on a CFR basis to the IODEX, and some

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mills, likely with supply secured through term contracts, said they would look to pay a premium of, at most, $0.14-0.16/dmtu. Rio Tinto sold a 70,000 mt cargo of Pilbara Blend lump Monday at $93/dmt CFR Qingdao in a single shipment loading November 7-16, which, when compared with the price at which PB fines traded on the same day at $81.80/dmt CFRQingdao, yielded a calculated premium of about $0.18/dmtu. Already last week, signs of a sharper rise in prices could be seen in the Thursday sale of a 110,000 mt cargo of 63.2%-Fe Newman Blend lump loading November 16-25 at a premium of $0.1856/dmtu FOB basis to the November average of the IODEX.This normalized to $0.1785/dmtu on a CFR basis, after taking into account underlying moisture differences in the fines and lump indexes and a freight assessment of $7.15/wet mt for the Port Hedland-Qingdao route for Capesize vessels, Platts calculations showed.Spot lump demand had also firmed as a result of winter restocking by steelmakers, a source in Hebei said.“It is still unclear how much domestic concentrate production will decline in winter, but it definitely will during the colder months,” he said. “Even before winter, we already are hearing of some domestic mines shutting down.” Source: Platts

Al Qaeda’s Next Target: American Oil Tankers

Al Qaeda discusses strategic attacks on chokepoints of oil shipments from the Middle East to the West in its first issue of “Resurgence,” an English-language propaganda magazine posted to al Qaeda online forum In a 117-page issue produced by As-Sahab, a new South Asia al Qaeda media branch, the group lays out the American oil flow system in detail and suggests the interruption of that flow with attacks. The extremists have recently taken a back seat in western media to their more evil counterparts, ISIS, but they are still plotting the destruction of America. In an article called, “On Targeting the Achilles Heel of Western Economies,” Hamza Khalid writes that the way for al Qaeda to weaken the U.S. is to carry out a “multi-pronged strategy that focuses not only on attacking American military presence in the Muslim world, but also targeting the super-extended energy supply line that fuels their economies and helps to sustain their military strength.” al Qaeda is going straight for American oil chokepoints, like the Straits of Gibraltar, the Straits of Hormuz, the Suez canal, or the Bab El Mendeb Strait at the mouth of the Persian Gulf. Some spots are narrow enough for insurgents to lurk in the bushes and launch RPG attacks on passing ships. “Even if a single supertanker… were to be attacked in one of the chokepoints or hijacked and scuttled in one of these narrow sea lanes, the consequences would be phenomenal…” the article says. The group is pushing a “coordinated effort to disrupt enemy shipping in the future in all of these regions” to put a damper in the “energy umbilical cord” of the western economy—oil.Countries in which al Qaeda says it has soldiers for potential attacks are the Atlas Mountains in northern Algeria, Sinai, Syria, the Philippines, Indonesia and Somalia. According to the article, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula also “has the operational ability to attack western targets in the Gulf.” Khalid goes on to list other targets besides chokepoints: “Western workers working in oil companies in the Muslim World,” “Oil facilities, including terminals and pipelines, which export oil to western countries,” and “attacks on the U.S. Navy.”America’s energy independence (read: independence from relying on unpredictable middle east sources of oil) has been a major priority for President Obama, and even got a subtle mention in his first, long-awaited speech on ISIS. Nonetheless, an attack on the U.S. oil system would be devastating–even though the U.S. is set to surpass Saudi Arabia this month as the world’s top producer of oil America remains the world’s largest consumer of oil, and like any developed economy, is susceptible to price changes. ISIS now controls oil fields in much of northern Iraq, adding to the disruption–the Islamic extremist group is making millions per day selling oil on the black market. Al Qaeda are just as keen to heap economic woe on the U.S., and not just by causing big, showy explosions or stealing their military hardware, but by hitting their insurance bills and the petrol pump at the same time. “In 2002,” says Khalid, “the Mujahideen attacked a French oil tanker, the Limburg, off the coast of Yemen in the Bab El Mendeb Strait. The attack caused a short-term collapse of international shipping in the Strait. The insurance premium for a single supertanker carrying two million barrels of oil tripled from $150,000 to $450,000 per trip, adding 15 cents a barrel to the delivered cost of oil.”“Resurgence” is just the latest installment in glossy English-language publications produced by Middle Eastern terrorist groups. ISIS produced a similarly fancy magazine called Dabiq starting in July, mostly focused on the group’s caliphate in Iraq and Syria.Source: Vocativ

SCHOTTEL’s Hydrokinetic Turbine Proves Its Efficiency

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In the last months, SCHOTTEL successfully tested its hydrokinetic turbines in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland. The full-scale tests included 260 operating hours under realistic conditions. One turbine with a rotor diameter of four meters generates 50 kW per second at a rated water velocity of 2.75 meters per second. Ten hours of operation provide enough electricity to supply an average household for a month.

The Strangford Narrows in Northern Ireland is a strait between the enclosed Strangford Lough and the Irish Sea with strong tidal currents. It offers an ideal testing environment for tidal turbines. Due to the long period of testing, the recorded data includes a large number of tidal cycles with highly turbulent current conditions. For the trial, SCHOTTEL attached the turbine with a rotor diameter of four meters to a moored barge. It was mounted on a lifting frame at the stern and lowered down into the operating position for testing. Additionally, the barge was equipped with a large range of measurement devices and sensors to monitor the test results. The turbine shaft rotations, torque and power output were recorded for use in the performance assessment. Load cells measured the resulting thrust force, while detailed measurements of flow conditions were also taken.

The testing method and characterisation of turbine performance have been developed according to the latest standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The test series in Strangford Lough has also been the first scientifically monitored testing of a SCHOTTEL turbine, in collaboration with Marine Research Group at Queens University of Belfast, supported by the European MARINET programme. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Starzmann, Research Engineer at SCHOTTEL, said: “We already tested our turbine under lab conditions and with another sea test, but this time the testing conditions were certainly perfect and most realistic.” The recent tests prove once again that SCHOTTEL Hydrokinetic Turbines are a reliable and effective solution for hydrokinetic power generation. “Our turbines are based on the fact that reducing turbine size leads to a better ratio of power and material use,” explains Ralf Starzmann, “they produce grid-ready electric power and are individually adaptable.”The turbines are available with a rotor diameter between three and five meters. They can be implemented in rivers, sea straits and tidal races offshore on jetty, floating or submerged platforms in varying quantities, according to the customer’s needs. Source :

Schultz wil toch breed Breeddiep Minister Schultz (I en M) wil toch meebetalen aan de verbreding van het Breeddiep, een belangrijke verbinding voor de binnenvaart in de Rotterdamse haven. Ze schrijft dit in een brief aan de Tweede Kamer.

Ze noemt het project in een voortgangsrapportage over het project Project Mainportontwikkeling Rotterdam (PMR), waarvan de aanleg van de Maasvlakte 2 het belangrijkste onderdeel is. Verbreding van het Breeddiep maakt de binnenvaart veiliger en vergroot de capaciteit van het achterlandnetwerk van Maasvlakte 1 en 2 via de binnenvaart, aldus Schultz.Het Breeddiep is de opening tussen de zogenoemde Landtong Rozenburg en de Splitsingsdam, die de scheiding vormen tussen de Nieuwe Waterweg en het Calandkanaal. Samen met het Hartelkanaal vormt het de toegang voor de binnenvaart tot het Europoort-gebied en de Maasvlakte. Het Breeddiep is nu nog maar tachtig meter breed en er is, mede door eb- en vloedstromen, veel stuurmanskunst nodig om het te passeren. De binnenvaart dringt daarom al jaren aan op verbreding en kreeg vorig jaar Havenbedrijf Rotterdam aan haar zijde. Die wilde het project, van toen naar schatting achttien miljoen euro, uitvoeren maar vroeg het Rijk om een bijdrage. Schultz weigerde dat eind vorig jaar met het argument dat het om ‘een Rotterdams probleem’ gaat.

Uit de PMR-brief blijkt dat ze daar van is teruggekomen. Ze laat nu weten dat de kosten ‘gelijkelijk door het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam en het Rijk worden gedragen’ en dat die kunnen worden gedekt uit het PMR-budget. Ze zet bovendien in op een breedte van ‘maximaal’ 350 meter, waar er vorig jaar nog sprake was van maximaal 200 meter.

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Oorspronkelijk was de doorvaart van het Breeddiep overigens verboden, waardoor binnenschepen van en naar de Maasvlakte om de Splitsingsdam heen praktisch over open zee moesten varen. Via aan rechtszaak in het verleden heeft de sector dat verbod van tafel gekregen. Ondanks de nauwe doorvaart zijn er tot nu toe nooit grote ongelukken gebeurd bij deze flessenhals. Source : Nieuwsblad Transport

Talisman hires Icon Offshore’s AHTS Icon Offshore Group Sdn Bhd has recently been awarded a contract from Talisman Malaysia Limited for the provision of one anchor handling/tug/supply vessel. The contract is for a firm period of two years with an option to extend the hire by a further one year. The contract started in September 2014.The company said that the contract, valued at approximately RM63.5 million ($19.48 million), inclusive of the option period, is expected to contribute positively to the earnings and net assets of ICON for the financial year ending 31 December 2014 and beyond. The contract is not expected to have any effect on the share capital and shareholding structure of ICON.Our Board is of the opinion that the acceptance of the Contract is in the best interest of the Company. Source : offshoreenergytoday

CMA CGM beefs up reefer fleet to meet demand

The CMA CGM GEMINI handling boxes in Zeebrugge earlier this week whilst three tugs are pushing the liner against the quay due to the strong winds during the fist Autumn storm of 2014 – Photo : Wouter van der Veen ©

With reefer volumes surging, the world's third-largest carrier says it bought new refrigerated containers as part of a larger effort to handle 1 million reefer TEUs annually by 2015 CMA CGM said it bought 7,000, 40-foot high cube refrigerated containers, the newest to hit the market, including 6,000 low-consumption engines, as reefer volumes increase by 13 percent annually. The new containers, which will produce 60 percent less carbon emission than first generation reefer containers, will allow give the carrier better control of exact temperatures. "These investments strengthen CMA CGM’s leader’s position in reefer transport, which will become the most important vehicle of sensitive goods transport in the following years to come," Alexis Michel, senior vice president of logistics and reefer, said in a press release.

Drewry Maritime Research estimated about 300,000, 40-foot reefer containers will be added to the global fleet by 2018, increasing reefer capacity by 22 percent. There were 1.6 million 40-foot reefer slots in 2013, Drewry said. China's market has led the way for growth: imports of fresh fruit have grown 9 percent per annum since 2009 with 2.7 million tons entering the country in 2013.A 35-day transit from South America to China that was impossible a decade ago is now a viable option for shippers via containers that are not only temperature controlled, but also regulate the atmosphere. CMA CGM's new reefer containers lengthen the shelf life of perishable goods significantly, the carrier said.

CMA CGM's reefer fleet of 185,000 TEUs carriers fruits, vegetables, frozen food, wine, flowers and pharmaceuticals. The French carrier estimates it ship 850,000 TEUs of reefer cargo a year, but CMA CGM noted it hopes to be transporting more than 1 million 20-foot equivalents by the end of 2015. Source : Journal of Commerce

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Two men rescued in Northern Territory after boat sinking

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) coordinated the rescue of two men east of Darwin. About 4.30am AEDT Wednesday morning, AMSA detected an unregistered distress beacon 166km east of Darwin near the Alligator Rivers region in Arnhem Land.AMSA tasked its Darwin based dedicated search and rescue Dornier aircraft and a Careflight rescue helicopter to respond.On arrival at the site of the original beacon detection, two large eskies were seen floating in the water. The strobe light of the distress beacon was then seen on nearby mud flats and two men were located about 6.40am AEDT.It is understood the men's boat sank early this morning and the men were able to swim to the mud flats. AMSA strongly encourages people to register their distress beacon. Registering your beacon meansAMSA can contact you or an emergency contact if your beacon is activated and determine the nature of distress and your location, and help to ensure help arrives as soon as possible.Registering your beacon is free and only takes a few minutes and can be done online at or by phoning 1800 406 406. Trip details can also be logged, as well as a photo of your vessel. Source : noodls

NAVY NEWS USS Milius Departs on Deployment

The guided missile destroyer USS Milius (DDG 69) departed Naval Base San Diego Oct. 20 on an independent deployment to the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans. The ship and crew of more than 300 Sailors, assigned to

Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 21, will conduct presence operations and goodwill activities with partner nations.

Left the USS MILIUS CLICK on the photo !

Prior to deploying to the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility, Milius will participate in a Task Group Exercise off the coast of Southern California, Oct. 20-31, along with other units from the U.S and Canadian navies and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. U.S. 3rd Fleet will lead the exercise that serves to train independently-deploying units in air defense, anti-submarine warfare, surface warfare, and maritime interdiction operations, while also building cooperative relationships. Milius is a multi-mission ship with anti-air warfare, anti-submarine warfare and anti-

surface warfare surface combatants capabilities, designed to operate independently or with an associated strike group. The Navy announced Oct. 16 the ballistic missile defense (BMD)-capable guided-missile destroyers USS Benfold (DDG 65) and Milius will become part of the Forward Deployed Naval Forces (FDNF) based at Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan in the summers of 2015 and 2017, respectively. Milius is homeported in San Diego and is part of Naval Surface Forces and U.S. 3rd Fleet.U.S. 3rd Fleet leads naval forces in the Eastern Pacific from the West Coast of North America to the international date line and provides the realistic, relevant training necessary for an effective global Navy. Source : US Navy

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China’s Only Air Craft Carrier Is Having Some Technical Difficulties

China has developed some impressive defense capabilities in recent years. But one of its flagship achievements has had some notable technical problems in recent weeks. As Robert Beckhusen explained at War is Boring, the Liaoning, China’s sole aircraft carrier, unexpectedly powered down during a sea trial last week. The vessel “appeared to suffer a steam explosion which temporarily knocked out the carrier’s electrical power system,” Beckhusen wrote, citing a Chinese-language media report (which is summarized at Asia Defense News). Beckhusen notes these sorts of failures aren’t unheard of on Soviet-built carriers of the late 1980s — before it was the Lianoning, China’s carrier was called the Varyag, and carriers of its class haven’t aged particularly well. “The 40,000-ton displacement Indian carrier Vikramaditya—first a Soviet Kiev-class carrier commissioned in 1987 and sold in 2004 — temporarily shut down at sea after a boiler overheated two years ago,” Beckhusen recalls, adding that “the 50,000-ton Russian carrier Admiral Kuznetsov goes nowhere without a tug escort in case her engines break down while underway.” The Lianoning’s troubles reveal an important tension within China’s defense outlook.

China wants to be a major conventional power. No country goes through the trouble of acquiring a half-operable carrier, or developing simultaneous models of stealth jet, if it doesn’t have hopes of becoming one of the globe’s leading military powers. Simply pursuing these sorts of projects reveals an undeniable depth of commitment towards keeping pace with the US, which has multiple carrier groups in the Pacific at a given time, and has been developing its own advanced fighter, the troubled F-35, for years.But China’s current military advantages are actually asymmetrical. In other words, capabilities meant to quickly and expediently close the gap between China and the US without having to build up China’s order of battle to identical level, even if that means breaking some broadly-accepted rules of how states should behave.

So China’s military hacks cyber targets throughout the world, and builds weaponry that few other countries would — things like anti-satellite systems, or missiles capable of carrying nearly a dozen nuclear warheads.The fact that China even has an aircraft carrier is a reminder that Beijing wants to be a conventional power on par with the US. But the Lianoning’s recent problems also show China is still far behind the US as a military power — something that might only make its actions less predictable and more worrisome as Beijing progresses towards super-power status. Source : businessinsider


Seen October 20th an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter from the Island Knights of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 25 delivers supplies from the Military Sealift Command dry cargo and ammunition ship USNS Washington Chambers (T-AKE 11) to the flight deck of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Mustin (DDG 89) during a replenishment-at-sea. Mustin is on patrol in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility supporting regional security and stability in the Indo-Asia Pacific region. Photo : U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Declan Barnes/Released CLICK on the photo

Russia to Launch Third and Final Bulava SLBM Last Week of November

The third and final launch this year of the Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) will take place in the final week of November from the Alexander Nevsky nuclear submarine, a high-ranking official from the Russian military-industrial complex announced “There will be two more launches of the Bulava [submarine-launch ballistic] missile by the end of the year. One launch will be held in the last week of October from the Yuri Dolgoruky nuclear submarine, and the last one will be in the end of November from the Alexander Nevsky,” the official said. He said the

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submarines would launch the missiles from the White Sea with a trajectory toward the Kura Range on the Kamchatka Peninsula In September, a Bulava missile was successfully test-fired from the Borey-class Vladimir Monomakh nuclear-powered submarine.The three-stage Bulava SLBM carries up to 10 independent warheads and has a range of 8,000 kilometers (about 5,000 miles).Bulava testing has encountered several failures in the past. In September 2013, during trials of the Aleksander Nevsky nuclear submarine a Bulava rocket malfunctioned. Following this incident, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered five additional launches of Bulava missiles.Despite the test failures, the Russian military insisted there was no alternative to the Bulava as the main armament for Russia's new Borey-class strategic missile submarines that are expected to become the backbone of the Russian Navy's strategic nuclear deterrent force. Source : RIAnovosti


TRIYARDS acquires shipbuilding and fabrication companies Strategic Marine

and Strategic Marine in Vietnam TRIYARDS Holdings Limited, an offshore vessel fabrication and engineering solutions provider to the oil and gas (O&G) industry, has added new capabilities, products and clients with its latest acquisition of experienced shipbuilding and fabrication companies, Strategic Marine (S) Pte Ltd and Strategic Marine (V) Co. Limited (collectively termed Strategic Marine), the company announced in its press release. Strategic Marine has been building aluminium and steel vessels as well as complex aluminium and steel structures for the marine infrastructure and mining sectors for over 10 years. Its two yards – one in Vung Tau, Vietnam, and the other in Singapore – with a total area of 158,648 m 2 will increase the Group’s yard capacity by over 67 % (excluding Houston) . Strategic Marine’s Vietnam yard (area: 147, 600 m 2 ) is also strategically sited very close to TRIYARD S’ existing 134,000 m 2 Vung Tau facility and offers operational synergies and room for growth. TRIYARDS’ Chief Executive Officer, Mr Chan Eng Yew , said: “ Strategic Marine is a good fit for TRIYARDS as we work to build our name in fabrication and engineering solutions and move beyond the construction of Oil & Gas product lines adding capabilities and products which would target a wider clientele base. “ Besides immediately expanding our product range, we will also have access to the client and market base of Strategic Marine . TRIYARDS currently owns and operates fabrication yards in Ho Chi Minh City and Vung Tau in Vietnam, as well as yards in Houston in the United States (TRIYARDS Houston) and Singapore. The Group’s recent acquisition of experienced aluminium shipbuilders Strategic Marine (S) Pte. Ltd. and Strategic Marine (V) Company Limited adds both new fabrication capacity as well as engineering capabilities. TRIYARDS’ yards in Vietnam a reequipped with heavy - lift gantry cranes and deepwater berths, and both yards have the capability to undertake large - scale projects to fabricate different components of fixed platforms, as well as vessel conversion and construction. TRIYARDS Houston produces equipment such as cranes, A - frames and winches, which can be installed on the self - elevating units and offshore support and construction vessels fabricated in Vietnam. Source : PortNews

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Rolls-Royce signs a co-operation agreement with Astican Shipyard, Canary

Islands Rolls-Royce and the Astican Shipyard in Las Palmas, Canary Islands, have signed a co-operation agreement that will enhance the service capabilities of both parties in order to meet growing demand from rig and drillship owners, the company said in its press release. A new 1980m2 state-of-the-art service facility will be built by Astican for Rolls-Royce to service and overhaul the complete Rolls-Royce product range, including the simultaneous reconditioning of up to six Azimuth thruster units. Coupled with Astican's extensive ship repair facilities, the new custom-built service centre at the crossroads of the Atlantic, linking Europe, Africa and the Americas, will allow Rolls-Royce to better serve operators with ongoing exploration, production & development operations in these regions. Antonio Germán Suárez, President of Astican, said: "We are delighted to join with a reputable partner such as Rolls-Royce in this new venture. We strongly believe that this agreement will help recognize the Port of Las Palmas as a one-stop-shop for the offshore industry in West Africa. Furthermore, this is a positive signal to other complementary equipment manufacturers that Las Palmas is an attractive place for facility investment." Knut Hovland, Senior Vice President Marine Services Europe & Africa, said: "The Canary Islands is an important location for the offshore industry and this new partnership will allow us to deliver an unparalleled level of service and skill to our customers. We are delighted to develop our relationship with Astican, one of the leading ship repair yards in the region.Both Rolls-Royce and Astican customers will benefit from the integrated approach offering full vessel overhaul capabilities in one location "The core business is rigs and drillships, but we see a growth in the offshore supply and service market and the fisheries segment for the coming years. Rolls-Royce will be able to provide Original Equipment Manufacturer services to all these sectors," said Knut Hovland. Source : portnews

Shipyard Pella (Leningrad region) delivers tugboat Griphon-8 of project 90600

Shipyard Pella (Leningrad region) has delivered the tugboat Griphon-8 of project 90600 (building No 944) to the customer, "Griphon" Ltd., the shipbuilding company says. The tugboat is intended for towing and berthing operations in harbor, roadsteads and coastal areas which comply with R3 navigation area, refloating of ships and vessels, fire fighting operations at floating and shore objects, oil and petroleum content products, cargo transportation, ice breaking and erosion operations. Major technical information: length max – 25.4 m, width max – 8.8 m, draught – 4.2 m, speed – 11.8 knots, classification - КМ Arc4 R3 Aut3 Tug by Russian Register of shipping. The deck equipment includes bow electro-hydraulic anchor-towing-mooring winch Fluidmecanica providing 10 t of bollard pull; towing hook Fluidmecanica providing 470 kW t of bollard pull; cargo crane.Leningrad Shipyard Pella was founded in 1950 and privatized in 1992. The holding

incorporates a head company and a number of subsidiaries. The shipyard specializes in construction of tug boats for Russian customers. Source : PortNews CLICK on the Photo !

Completion of second Caspian Sea rig Lamprell, a leading provider of fabrication, engineering and contracting services to the onshore and offshore oil & gas and renewable energy industries, is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed construction of the second

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Caspian Sea jackup drilling rig, the "MERCURY". Completion of this rig is another significant milestone for the Group, particularly as it has been built under challenging conditions but with an excellent safety record and several weeks ahead of schedule. In light of this and further to the Company's announcement on 28 August 2014, timely completion enables the Company to release contingencies held in connection with this project which will have a significant positive impact on the 2014 financial results.The " MERCURY " is the second vessel that Lamprell has built for this client. Delivery of this rig will take place in the coming month and the rig is then expected to commence operations on its first contract elsewhere in the Caspian Sea alongside its sister vessel, the "Neptune" rig, which was delivered in November 2013. A number of key operational improvements, learnt from this first rig project, were successfully implemented onto the " MERCURY " project allowing Lamprell to complete as planned. Jim Moffat, CEO of Lamprell, commented:

"I am delighted to report that we have completed the second drilling rig for use in the Caspian Sea, not only because of the significant beneficial impact on this year's results but also because of the exemplary safety record on a highly complex project in a remote location. As a result of the close teamwork between the Lamprell and client teams, the project achieved nearly 4 million man hours without a day away from work which is a world class achievement. Our strong operational performance both in the UAE and Astrakhan allowed us to take advantage of the milder recent weather and complete construction activities on the rig ahead of schedule.We would like to thank the client for entrusting us with this important project and we hope to work with them again in the future." Source : LAMPRELL PLC


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McDermott awarded second contract for PETRONAS Bukit Tua Development in East Java McDermott International, Inc. announced that one of its subsidiaries was awarded a transportation, installation and pre-commissioning contract by PC Ketapang II Ltd, a subsidiary of PETRONAS, for the Bukit Tua Development Project in the Ketapang block of East Java, Indonesia. The contract will be included in McDermott’s fourth quarter backlog. McDermott Derrick Barge 30 was key in securing this contract. The vessel has a lifting capability of 3,080 tons and can install pipe up to 60 inches in diameter.

“McDermott is uniquely positioned to support the fast track nature of the Bukit Tua development that is critical to provide energy to power a key industrial area in Gresik, Indonesia,” said Hugh Cuthbertson, Vice President and General Manager, Asia Pacific. “This is the second award we have received related to the Bukit Tua Development this

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year. We are currently fabricating the 1,212-ton BTJT-A wellhead jacket at our Batam Island fabrication facility in Indonesia, where construction work is on track and expected to complete in November 2014.” This new contract is for the transportation and installation of the BTJT-A jacket, its related topsides and subsea pipeline tie-in spools. Additionally, McDermott will undertake the pre-commissioning of the related export and infield pipelines. All offshore installation work will be carried out by the McDermott Derrick Barge 30 (“DB30”). “McDermott’s innovative engineering solutions played a key role in us winning the project. The unique configuration of our DB30 enables work to be carried out in a shorter amount of time, which translates to time and cost savings and helps to improve the overall efficiency and safety of offshore operations for our client,” said Cuthbertson The offshore campaign is expected to be completed by end of the first quarter of 2015. The Bukit Tua field is located approximately 21 miles from Madura Island and 62 miles from Surabaya, East Java, in approximately 190 feet of water. McDermott has operated in Indonesia since the early 1970s and has an outstanding track record of delivering project excellence for the Indonesian energy industry from its regional engineering offices, Batam Island fabrication facility and fleet of installation vessels. For more information, please visit:

The BORE SONG assisted by the SMIT LION in the port of Zeebrugge Photo : Wouter van der Veen ©

2nd quay crane comes to NZ's most southerly box port as volume rises

A SECOND German-made Liebherr LHM 550 mobile harbour crane is in operation at New Zealand's most southerly box port, joining another that's been in service since 2010, reports the Otago Daily Times, serving the Dunedin area on New Zealand's South Island. South Port NZ Ltd (South Port), located at Bluff, will be used for container handling for Mediterranean Shipping Co, the harbour's biggest customer."Six or seven years ago we were handling 8,000-10,000 TEU annually. Last financial year that was up to 32,000 TEU and we are expecting that to increase again in the next 12 months," said South Port cargo chief Geoff Finnerty. South Port offers a comprehensive service portfolio. A projected containerised cargo increase over the next five years in the southern region called for additional state-of-the-art cargo handling equipment. Growth in agricultural products, most dairy and food, made a second crane was a must, said the company. Said Mr Finnerty: "We have worked with Liebherr since 1995, so a good partnership has evolved.?The crane comes with a twin-lift spreader and tower extension, giving a cabin height of around 29 metres."Most of the MSC vessels enter the port light meaning they are high in the water, so the additional height of the cabin and boom pivot were essential components of the order," Mr Finnerty said.There was the 115-tonne undercarriage with its 72 truck wheels and its four stabilisers; the slew housing which contains the winch, engine and other machinery; the 75-tonne tower and the boom.The investment was necessary to cope with increasing cargo volumes and to potentially double container handling capacity over the next five years, Mr Finnerty said. Source : Asian Shipper

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The ZHE HAI 2 berthed at the Nyrstar Wharf at Risdon upstream from Hobart,Tasmania discharging Zinc

Concentrates. Photo : Glenn Towler ©

Polarcus announces major new multi-client project offshore Australia

Polarcus Limited is pleased to announce the imminent commencement of a major new RightBAND(TM) multi-client project over the Roebuck Basin, offshore North West Shelf, Australia.The Capreolus 3D survey, supported by strong industry funding, will comprise approximately 15,000 sq. km and is designed to provide exploration companies with an extensive basin-wide high quality broadband 3D seismic dataset over and adjacent to the recent Phoenix South oil discovery. The discovery announced by Apache Corporation on 18 August 2014 has the potential to open up a major new oil province within one of the few remaining underexplored parts of the North West Shelf. The Capreolus 3D survey is specifically designed in conjunction with the project sponsors to enable companies to explore the petroleum potential within the primary Triassic and Jurassic reservoirs.

The project will commence in Q4 2014 utilizing two Polarcus A-Class 3D seismic vessels towing super-wide 12 x 120m long offset receiver arrays. The acquisition phase is estimated at approximately eight vessel months (four calendar months) duration, optimally placing these vessels for the previously announced two vessel program for a major energy company offshore Sakhalin in Q2 2015. The resultant data from the Capreolus 3D survey will be processed through a pre-stack depth migration routine by DownUnder GeoSolutions in Perth, Australia, with final data products expected to be delivered within Q2 2016.

Scorpio Bulkers Inc. Announces Commitment for a $411 Million Loan Facility and Status of Remaining

Bank Financing Scorpio Bulkers, Inc. announced that it has received commitments from a group of financial institutions for a loan facility of up to $411.264 million (the "Facility"). The Facility was arranged by DNB Markets, Inc and contains commitments from financial institutions including DNB Capital, LLC, the Export-Import Bank of Korea and Korea Trade Insurance Corporation as well as Korean and international pension funds and financial institutions.The Facility shall mature six years from the delivery of the final vessel securing the Facility, however not later than June 2022, and in certain circumstances the Facility shall mature 12 years after the delivery of each financed vessel. The Facility is available to finance up to 60% of the contract price of the Company's 12 Capesize bulk carriers under construction at Sungdong Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd, South Korea. The terms and conditions of the Facility, including covenants, are similar to those in the Company's existing credit facilities and customary for financings of this type, and the commitments from KEXIM and KSURE are in accordance with OECD Guidelines. The Facility is subject to customary conditions precedent and the execution of definitive documentation. Emanuele Lauro, Chairman and CEO, commented, "We are delighted by the support we have received from our financial partners, particularly from leading financial institutions and pension funds in South Korea. We now have five closed or committed loan facilities amounting to up to $1.388 billion, financing 64 vessels in our 80 vessel fleet. We have also received proposals for loan facilities for our

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remaining 16 unfinanced vessels and expect that we will announce commitments in respect of these vessels within the fourth quarter of 2014." Source : Scorpio Bulkers Inc.

21-10-2014 : The Russian flagged 1990 built 85 mtr long Hydrographic vessel SIBIRIAKOV arriving in Malta

Photo : Michael Cassar ©

Windward Report Finds Rising Fraud on the High Seas

In the first industry research report to document intentional data manipulation at sea, specialized data and analytics company, Windward, has found that ships worldwide are increasingly manipulating data to conceal their identity, location and destination, undermining the ability to track their activities. The report, “AIS Data on the High Seas: An Analysis of the Magnitude and Implications of Growing Data Manipulation at Sea,” finds that the widely-used Automatic Identification System (AIS) data is becoming unreliable, with far-reaching implications from Wall Street commodity traders to global security and intelligence agencies.

The research identifies the top five methods of data manipulation, quantifies the magnitude of this fast-growing trend, and discusses the implications for decision makers. Some of the key findings:

False Identities on the Rise: There has been a 30% increase in the number of ships reporting false identities over the past two years, with 1% of all ships currently reporting a false identity. Obscuring Destinations: Ships report their final port of call during only 41% of their voyages, on average, undermining commodity traders and others tracking global commodity flows and supply and demand dynamics. GPS Manipulation: There has been a 59% increase in the number of ships transmitting incorrect positioning information over the past two years, allowing ships to obscure their actual location. Chinese fishing vessels account for 44% of GPS manipulators. ‘Going Dark’: 27% of ships do not transmit data at least 10% of the time, and large cargo ships shut off their transmissions 24% longer than other ships. 19% of ships that ‘go dark’ are repeat offenders. AIS Spoofing: AIS can be spoofed, allowing interested parties to create ‘ghost ships’ where none exist. There are significant incentives – both criminal and financial – to conceal the real identities, locations or destinations of ships. This growing manipulation is possible because AIS, originally designed to promote safety at sea, mandates that ships transmit information, but has no validation mechanisms to ensure that the information is accurate. This off label use of AIS – for tracking ships vs. for safety – has resulted in a growing number of ships hiding their information.

“Global seaborne trade touches nearly every aspect of our lives, with 90% of the world’s trade and most of our commodities transported by sea. And yet, the oceans remain one of the last Wild West frontiers, as this report shows that the data available on what’s happening at sea is increasingly unreliable and manipulated,” said Ami Daniel, co-

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Founder and CEO of Windward. “Using this data as-is is a dangerous, and costly, game of chance. With so much at stake, Windward is at the forefront of providing technology that reveals what's truly at sea.”In the finance industry, taking AIS data at face value may result in a distorted view of commodity flows, a flawed understanding of supply and demand dynamics, and even impact trading models. These manipulations also undermine security and intelligence communities’ use of watch lists as ships change identities and erase their digital footprints. As ships grow aware that they are being watched via their AIS transmissions, Windward believes the incentive to manipulate will likely see a sharp increase.To read the Executive Summary of the report and see an Infographic highlighting the main findings, go to

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HAL’s ZAANDAM docked in Manta, Ecuador. Photo: Zaandam Engineer ©

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