Clay Relie f Tiles. Form Form refers to an element of art that is three- dimensional (height, width,...

Clay Reli ef Tile s

Transcript of Clay Relie f Tiles. Form Form refers to an element of art that is three- dimensional (height, width,...

Clay Relief



• Form refers to an element of art that is three-dimensional (height, width, and depth) and encloses volume.

BALANCEPrinciple of Design that refers to the equalization of elements in a work of art.

Symmetrical Balance – A Design in which both sides are equal and identical.

Asymmetrical Balance – A Design in which both

sides are equal, but not identical.

Radial Balance –

Circular with features radiating from a central point

Sculpture – A three-dimensional work of art, or the art of making it

Relief Sculptures – sculptural work in which the form projects from a flat background

Nanni di Banco, The monument to the Four Crowned Martyrs (Quattro Santi Coronati), detail of the relief, 1415, Marble, Orsanmichele, Florence

High Relief – large variation between highest & lowest points

Low Relief – minimal variation between highest & lowest points

Carving – subtractive; cutting or incising material to create form

Modeling – additive; manipulating a material (clay) to create form

Clay – firm earthy material that is plastic when wet, brittle when dry, and very hard when heated

Wedging – A technique in which clay is thoroughly kneaded and cut before use. Objective is to remove air bubbles.

Score and Slip – To make scratches or creases in pieces of clay to be joined together. Scoring and applying slip (slip = clay + water, and acts like glue) to the roughened surface creates a bond that holds the pieces together.

Clay Relief Tiles

• Choose an animal and a habitat where the animal lives

• Draw your scene and plan what will be carved away and what will be added to it

• Pay attention to the in class demonstrations!