Classroom management

Classroom Management


Education: What does it take to keep control of a class?: Managing groups of children is a fundamental skill of teaching, but theories differ about whether it is inborn, a question of trial and error or can be learnt.

Transcript of Classroom management

  • 1. Classroom Management

2. Classroom Management Education: What does it take to keep control of a class?: Managing groups of children is a fundamental skill of teaching, but theories differ about whether it is inborn, a question of trial and error or can 3. Are you ready to take a unique trip to the shores of success tides of . And the land of fulfillment? 4. Singapore has a stereotype that it is a country filled withmany laws and that all of her citizens follow each and every one of them. No gum is allowed. No jaywalking. No eating and drinking on the public transit. Singapore has been closely tied with laws, fines, and discipline. The Singaporean culture is quite reflective in the classroom in terms of discipline, and thus the classroom is managed very well. Students understand what is expected out of them in the classroom. They are all well-behaved; however, when the teachers leave the room, the students would become very loud and noisy, similar to how American students would act. It was expected of the students to be obedient and respectful to all teachers and administrators. Students would greet every teacher with a small bow when they encounter one. 5. Insight (cognitive) teacher spends time with problem students individually, getting to know them personally, attempting to instruct and inform them 6. Good classroom management results in high levels of student engaged time Willingness of the teacher toaccept responsibility classroom control Do not hit, push or others. Be polite and helpful.forhurtTake care of your school. Teachers are not taking job seriously Physicallayout: ability to see all students Teacher movement: move around the room Group focus: keep students involved 7. themselves accountable, and gets things done Most of us turning everyday situationsinto problems, and worrying about a bunch of things that simply do not matter. And who can blame you? While its good to handle your business and get serious about growing, loving and being the best person you can be, The truth is we know only know a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what the Subject we teach, We might think we know, but we dont. Drop the idea that you are Atlas carrying the world on your shoulders. The world would go on even without you. 8. Know Your Industry, and Your World 80% of lifes most significant events take place by age 35, Two-thirds of lifetime wage growth happens in the first 10 years of a career. So those who wait to get going in a real job will never catch up. No matter which position you hold at your job, On the job, need to calm down and get to work. You might not always be right, but your opinions will be appreciated. Working through the challenges will not only help you in your current job, but also throughout your entire career. You might think about changing jobs to end this situation, but frankly I dont think this is the solution, because you will put into practice the same schemes again and fall into the same routines. The only solution is to change your attitude towards work now 9. What separate educator from other instructor ? To do anything they believe it can be done. They are driven to do something that has never been done before Bringing knowledge Alive, Sparking Imagination, Creating Possibility and Caring Environment. 10. Quality education and best service should be delivered by everyone. It is the burning desire for the studentto becounted in class. We have to earn reputation for which keep in in mind you are Treating people not things all children can learn, but not all in the same way. 11. How value is created?Value is not something that just exists waiting for forms to come along and harvest it. Before value can be plucked it must be created. Value creation starts with parents who spend their money to have their child satisfied or services that parents esteem highly enough to pay for. 12. Teachers boil at different degrees. Studentsmelt at different temperatures They can't go to sleep at night because they can'tturn their thoughts off. An idea may even manifest itself in their dreams. The next morning they find themselves still consumed with that idea, distracting them from the class they're supposed to be taking.TOUGH TIMES NEVER LAST, TOUGH PEOPLE DO 13. Willing to do different: 14. Where would you like to go? everyday things that happen in a classroom While a look few got on with their work, manychildren were loud and disruptive, wandering around the class, talking, singing, arguing, pulling faces - even right in front of the teacher. Teachers must show they can control pupils or weed outincompetent teachers Teachers unable to control mobile phone in class: check mobile phones, uniform, shoes, tie, belt and hair styleKeeping discipline is a daily struggle 15. Why students are misbehaving? Could this misbehaviour be aresult of inappropriate curriculum or teaching strategies? Could this misbehaviour be a result of the student's inability to understand the concepts being taught? The best teachers have an enthusiasm for their subject and an understanding of how children develop. If teachers do not have the ability to convey their knowledge and passion to pupils, their academic brilliance is not going to do pupils any good. 16. The reality of classroom life All faculties are confronted with studentswho engage in behaviours that are disruptive to the educational process. Students may be late for class, leave early, talk inappropriately, or sleep during class. Recently faculty have reported more threatening behaviours, physical or verbal attacks. 17. Figure out: who are you?