Classroom Expectations

Classroom Expectations Ms. Green 6 th Grade Math/STEM 2012-2013


Classroom Expectations. Ms. Green 6 th Grade Math/STEM 2012-2013. Welcome to class!. Where you sit today…. is where you stay!. Do not turn on the computers!. Why do we have PROCEDURES?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Classroom Expectations

Page 1: Classroom Expectations

Classroom Expectations

Ms. Green6th Grade Math/STEM


Page 2: Classroom Expectations

Where you sit today…

is where you stay!

Welcome to class!

Do not turn on the computers!

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Why do we havePROCEDURES? A procedure is a way

we do things. To do things right and to avoid confusion, we use our class procedures

Example of Daily Procedures:

To open your locker, select your combination as directed by the lock manufacturer.

To bake a cake, follow the steps in the recipe

To place a call on your phone dial the numbers in the correct order

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Ms. Greens Procedures•This is the “what to do if…?” lesson.•You will copy these procedures onto a sheet of notebook paper. The notebook paper will be placed in your notebook along with your class syllabus…(Yes with more procedures) You will only need to copy the last 2 slides at the very end. •You will take a quiz on these classroom procedures on Friday, and you must pass the quiz with a 100%.

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Student Behaviors

• Be prompt Be ready to learn when class begins.

• Be prepared Have materials with you and know due dates.

• Be a polite and positive participant Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen


• Be productive Turn in work on time, and always do your best.

• Be a problem solver Correct problems quickly and peacefully before

they escalate.

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Show Respect

• Value yourself. Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values.

• Treat all members of the school community and all visitors with politeness and respect.

• Honor the ideas and opinions of others.• Offer to help.• Be responsible with property and belongings.

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Responsibility for Coursework• Bring notebook, textbook, planner, and

appropriate writing tools to class.• Know due dates, and submit all coursework

on time.• All assignments are posted on the white

board and on the class Web site @

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Promote Lifelong Learning

You can develop lifelong learning traits: By showing curiosity about human nature and

how the world works. By seeking and valuing diversity. By persisting in seeking out new solutions. By using your unique talents and intelligence to

promote positive change. By learning and applying technology tools to

solve problems.

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Entering the Class

• Enter the classroom at a walk, turn in your homework, sharpen your pencil and be seated.

• Do not touch, kick or tap another student. Do not throw things.

• Sharpen your pencil, get supplies or throw away trash before the bell rings.

• Begin working on the Opening Activity.• You may not get out of your seat until

permission is given.

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Breakfast Procedure• Breakfast is served in the room.• Eat breakfast while working on the Opening

Activity• Keep all food and drinks away from the

computers.• If there is a spill, pick it up IMMEDIATELY.• Trash will be picked up by the designated

classroom Maintenance worker• You may only have ONE breakfast food and

drink.• Unused breakfast foods will be returned to the

cafeteria by the designated Breakfast worker

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Lunch Procedure• We will walk to the basement cafeteria in a

quiet, single file line as a 6th grade and by class. (6A, 6B, 6C, 6D)

• Once in the cafeeteria, follow he following procedures:

I am Respectful Speak in conversational tonesRefrain from inappropriate and negative languageMaintain position in lineKeep eating area clean

I am Responsible Bring lunch and lunch money to cafeteriaFollow direction given by staffAccept consequences without arguing

I am Safe Remain seated once food is purchasedAvoid physical contact

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Hallway Procedure

• Students are required to walk through the hallways in a respectful manner that is both safe and efficient. Students will:

• Line up in a single-file line at the classroom door as directed by the teacher.

• Face forward in line• Walk silently on the right side of the hallway to

the destination • Keep hands and feet to themselves• Secure all books and/or supplies in hands in

front or on sides

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Transition Procedure• You are expected to be in your seat and

working until you are given permission to be up.

• Everyone is responsible for making sure all materials and supplies are put away properly.

• Check the floors for paper and trash. Pick it up and hold it until your row/table is dismissed to line up at the door. Do not get up.

• When you are dismissed, push in your chair and quietly line up.

• Our line will walk directly into Ms. Richardson’s room after dismissal.

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Tardy Procedure

• What if you are tardy?• You are expected to be seated and working

when the bell rings.• Enter quietly and give me your pass or you will

be marked tardy in my grade book.• I don’t need to know why you are late. You are

late.• If you have a pass, hold it up so I can see it and

then place it on my desk and begin working.

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Absent Procedure• If you are absent…• Yes, we did stuff while you were out. It was the coolest

stuff ever, and everyone had pizza!• For opening activities, be sure to write that you were

absent so you do not lose points for an incomplete assignment.

• Finding work after being absent:• Look at the weekly planner and find the day (s) you were

absent• Write the assignment in your planner and collect any

work from the copy bin that may go with it.• You have one day for every absence to finish the work.• After completing, return the work directly to me. Be sure

you have written “Absent” on it.

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Sharpening pencils• It happens, your pencil breaks. Sometimes it

happens several times in one class period.• Be sure to sharpen your pencils before the bell

rings.• Always have extra pencils in case one breaks.• Do not get up to use the pencil sharpener

during instruction time. Have a QUIET sharpener at your seat.

• Raise your hand and get permission to get up to sharpen your pencil.

• Empty the pencil shavings and clean up after yourself if you make a mess!

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Tissue Issues

• We all get sick from time to time. If there are tissues available, you are welcome to use them, just follow these guidelines.

• Get tissues before or after the bell rings, after instruction time or when you are dismissed.

• When you grab a tissue, grab a few so you will not have to keep getting up.

• You are also welcome to use the hand sanitizer, but like always, you must do it before the bell rings or after instruction time, or when you are dismissed.

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Talking Trash

• Clean up after yourself!• If you create trash, or see some on the floor,

please pick it up.• Do not get up out of your seat or raise your

hand to throw away trash during instruction time.

• Be the bigger person with the best character! If you see trash, please pick it up even if it is not yours.

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Hall Pass• Once you enter the classroom, you are not

allowed to leave unless it is an urgent emergency.

• You may not ask to leave the classroom for any reason during instruction time or during a test.

• You may ask permission once the class is working and instruction time is over, but I reserve the right to refuse anyone at anytime. Abuse of pass use will result in limited use of the pass.

• You will need to fill out the pass portion of your planner and have me sign it before you leave the room. You may not leave without a pass.

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While You Are Working

• Stay in your seat unless permission is given for you to be up.

• Do not raise your hand to ask to throw away trash, go to the bathroom, or any other reason to be up.

• Do not disturb other students. This includes talking, touching, throwing things and any other disturbance.

• Listen closely to all directions and to any students who are giving an answer.

• Follow all classroom rules at all times.• Follow all school rules at all times.

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If you suddenly become ILL

• Let me know that you are sick and are leaving –then go.

• I will send another student to notify the office.• If you cannot make it to the restroom, please try

to get a trash can and get to the hallway.

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If you need help…

• Re-read the directions• Ask a classmate –during work time, not

instruction time.• Ask me, but make sure you have a specific

question. I do not answer “What are we doing?”

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Class Discussions, Board Work, Elmo Work• The classroom should be a place where

students feel free to share their thoughts or ask questions during a discussion.

• Be respectful. No name calling or calling a question or answer “stupid.”

• Do not make fun of another student’s answer.

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• I do not expect any problems because we are going over the procedures and will learn them for the quiz.

• Following the procedures means you will not get into trouble… and no one really wants to get in trouble.

• You expect and deserve a safe classroom and we all need to do our part.

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What Gets Me In Trouble???

• Talking or disrupting the class.• Being disrespectful to another student or the

teacher.• Not following classroom procedures.• Not following directions for the activity.• Coming to class late or unprepared day after

day.• Not following school rules.

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Making Poor Choices• 1st time – Verbal warning

2nd time – Conference with student 3rd time – Parent contact (phone, e-mail, or card sent home) 4th time – Teacher detention 5th time – Office Referral which may lead to Parent/Student/Dean/Teacher conference

 • ***If your behavior is highly disruptive,

disrespectful, or dangerous you will be removed from the classroom immediately.

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If You Feel Like Arguing…

• That’s wonderful! The world needs some good lawyers, but there is a time and a place.

• I do not argue or discuss problems in front of the class during class time.

• I am available before school or after school for arguments.

• What goes on between me and another student is our business, if you would like to get involved you will have to see me before or after school.

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Personal Grooming

• Save personal grooming for the restroom or at your locker.

• Do not brush hair or apply makeup in the classroom.

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My Pledge to Students

• I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise.

• I will respect you and work with you to solve problems.

• I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work.

• I will work with you to meet learning goals.• I will offer extra help and alternative

assessments should you require them.

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• You are responsible for following all of the procedures and policies in the syllabus as well as the procedures and policies we outlined here.

• It is your responsibility to know all of our classroom procedures and policies

• If you are not following classroom procedures, You will write out the procedures for me as a reminder of what you are supposed to be doing.

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Classroom ProceduresCopy these on your notebook

paper• Walk in the classroom.• Keep your hands to yourself.• Get what you need before the bell rings.• You are to be seated and working once the bell

rings. You may not get out of your seat until permission is given.

• Enter quietly and give me your pass or you will be counted tardy in the gradebook.

• You do not leave until your row is dismissed.• Use the pencil sharpener before the bell rings

or when given permission.

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Classroom Procedures Continued

Copy these on your notebook paper• Get tissues/use hand sanitizer before the bell rings or when given permission.

• Clean up after yourself and always push your chair in.

• You may not leave the classroom without a pass.• Do not ask to leave during instruction.• Stay in your seat.• Do not disturb others.• Cell phone/electronic devices will be taken if they

are seen or heard.• Follow all classroom rules at all times.• Follow all school rules at all times.