CLASSIFIED - TorranceCA.Gov · 2010. 1. 7. · dondo Blvd., Lomlta. 33 Real Estate: Improved.. 'OR...

CLASSIFIED Advertisements All ads published In both TOR- RANCE HERALD and LOMITA NEWS. » Rates for combined circulations, both papers: One Insertion, per word __ 2o Two losoHtong, per word ___ So Three Insertions, per word _ 4Hc Four Insertions, per word __ 60 Minimum 'ad, 12 words. Display Classified, 80c per inch. Eight lines to Inch. Estimate SIX ORDINARY words to the line. In- itials and figures count as words All ads with white space computed at rate of 80c per Inch. Classified Ad Columns close: For Tuesday Edition, 6:80 P. M Monday. For Friday Edition, S:80 P. M. Thursday. Phone Torrance 200. Phone Lomlta 102. CLASSIFICATION No. Heading 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS i Funeral Notices 1 Cards of Thanks ( Lodge Notices E Lost and Found ( Business Directory, ,1 7 Personal 1 Travel Opportunities 1 Business Opportunities 10 Financial 11 For Rent: Houses, Furnished 12 For Rent: Houses, Unfurnished % It For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Furnished It For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Unfurnished IB For Rent: Rooms, Furnished It For Rent: Rooms, Unfurnished 17 For Rent Garages IS For Rent: Stores and Offices .8 For Rent: Furnished or Unfur- nished 20 Board and Room 11 For Sale: Automobiles and Ac- cessories 12 For Sale: Furniture and House- hold Ooods 11 For Sale: Horses and Livestock 2( For Sale: Miscellaneous 26 Help Wanted: Male rates by the month. Phone 167-J. 27 Help Wanted: Female 21 Help Wanted Male and Female 29 Situations Wanted 10 Wanted To Buy 11 Wanted To Rent 12 Wanted: Miscellaneous 11 Real Estate: Improved H Real Estate: Unimproved IK 'Ear Lease If Oil Properties, Leases, Royal- ties, etc. 17 Income Property IS Real Estate for Sale or Trade M Musical Instruments 10 Miscellaneous j, 3 Cards of Thanks WE DESIRE TO THANK our friends for the many expressions of sympathy and the beautiful floral offerings received during 4 the illness and at the time of the passing of our little son, John Jones. 5 Lost and Found Saturday afternoon, black moire silk purse, yellow bead trim. Finder please leave at this of- fice. Reward. 6 Business Directory D. C. TUKNER In Rappaport'B Store Expert Shoe Repairer Hakes Old Shoes Look New DRESSMAKING Designers, alter- ations and hemstitching. Work guaranteed. 1426 E. Carson St., Torrance. WANTED Painting, tinting and paper-hanging. First class work. Prices right. T. J. Wilson, P. O. Box 874, Torrance. SUPERIOR cesspool digging and draining. J. W. Snyder, 2388 W. Anaheim, Harbor City. Phone Lomlta 349-W. I CABINET VAPOR BATHS; Swed- | ish massage. 2021 Carson St., Torrance. TANSEY BEAUTY SHOP, 1913 , Carson Marcelling, 75c. Phone 84-W. PAN'S Window Cleaning Service- House, store, office. Reasonable. Phone 201-M. 2304 Gramercy. HEMSTITCHING, Mrs. King, 2867 West Carson St., 1 block west of high school. 11 For Rent: Houses Furnished FOR RENT Two-room furnished houses, with water, light and gas paid. Hot and cold water, shower batb. Garage space. $20 a month. Gilbert, Hansen & Page, 1203 El Praflo, Torrance. LEIDY HOMF.S now open for oc- cupancy; two blocks south of Union Tool factory, at corner 218th St. and Western Ave. Completely furnished; everything new and modern. Phono -l-\\. 120 FURNISHED HOUSE, with batfc, BUS. llslits and water In- cluded. 1443 Carson St., Tor- rance. THREE -HOOM modern house: ga- rage. 3035 Hedondo-W'ilmington Blvd., i.omita. THREE-ROOM HOUSE, furnished; all modern; cheap rent. 1443 Carson St. 12 Foi Rent: Houses Unfurnished MODERN 6-room house, garage and workhouse, on" Hoover, first house north of 216th St. $30 UNFURNISHED Five-room modern house, with Karaite. 1527 Kshelman, I.omita. 13 For Rent: Apartments and Flats Furnished FOR RENT Furnished apartment in Edison Bldg. Newly furnished apartment. Low rent to a per- manent tenant. Inquire Mrs. Fanny King, 1322 Sartori Ave., or at two front offices- NEWLY FURNISHED three-room apartment, With bath, $27.50; with garage, $30. 911 Portola Ave. ' OWING TO CONDITIONS, will for $30 per month. Call 802-A Sartori Ave. FURNISHED apartments in bunga- low court, strictly modern. $30, including garage. 2825 Redondo- Wilmhlgton Blvd.. Lomita. FOR RENT, furnished Two rooms close in; separate entrance.' ' 1675 Gramercy. 14 For Rent: Apartments and Flats,, Unfurnished UNFURNISHED 4-room flat, mod- ern, close in; garage. 1875 Oram- ercy. 17 For Rent: Garages FOR RENT Oarage. 1730 Arling- ton Av«. 19 For Rent: Furnished or Unfurnished BUSINESS AT YOUR HOME Front apartment, 3 rooms and bath,'' suitable for living rooms and small business. Furnished or un- furnished. Rent reasonable. Apt. A, 2075 Redondo Blvd. 3-ROOM APARTMENTS, furnished and unfurnished; hot and cold water; garages. Inquire Apt. H or K, California Court, 1005 Sar- tori. ATTRACTIVE 3-room furnished or unfurnished apartments, 2 beds; $30 and $35. 2075 Redondo Blvd., Apt. A. 21 For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories FOR SALE 1917 Buick touring, $50. See at 2227 Andreo. 22 For Sale: Furniture and Household Goods VICTOR console phonograph; A-l condition; walnut finish: $25 rec- ords. For immediate sale, $60 cash. De Bra Radio Co., Tor- FOR SALE CHEAP Five roams of good furnuiture. Inquire after 4:30 p.m. 211 South Irenov. Re- dondo Beach. BEDS, dressers, stoves, dining set sewing machine. 1927 Carson St. 24 Poultry and Pet Stock BABY DUCKS Mammoth White Peking at ,20c each; best stock. Also Red, Rock and Leghorn baby chicks at lowest prices. Fraser's Hatch- ery, 814 South 'Hawthorne Blvd., Hawthorne, Calif. 25 For Sale: Miscellaneous FOR SALE Standard Mowing ma- chine and hay rake in good con- dition, $50. Inquire 20509 Sherer St., Ncstoria City, 2 miles north- east of Torrance. cheap; also good milch goat. Call 1108 Elm St., Torrance. 27 Help Wanted: Female VANTED Married woman, work at Brighton Hotel and take apartment as part pay. Apply Brighton Hotel, Torrance, be- twceii 'J and 1 p. m. GIRI, for office work, that call do typing. X, Herald. 28 Help Wanted: Male and Female MAKK MONEY taking magazine Kiihscriptlons. ' Full Information and confidential catalogue on ap- plication. SUNSET SUBSCRIP- TION HUUF.AU. Hie largest sub- scription agency west of Chicago (owned and operated by Sunset Magazine), 460 Fourth St.. San Francisco. 30 Wanted to Buy WANTED To buy beef cuttle and veal. Trailer for rent. Oeo. W. Glllesple, P. O. Box 315, Ingle- wood, Calif. WANTED Real estate. List your properties with the Noll! Realty Company. S-28-tf 32 Wanted: Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY Feed sacks. paid. H. 1, Box 3S6, or 2802 Re- dondo Blvd., Lomlta. 33 Real Estate: Improved.. 'OR SAl.K, CHKAP Three-room house and lot, $1500; $360 cash. $20 a month. 5155 Market St. Ijwndalc, Calif. U.S. Withholds Reward 23 Years Dorr S. Tozier, above, retired commander . now in Marine lios- . "pital, Baltimore, has just re- ceived a sword granted him 23 years ago by King Edward of Great Britain for discovering a lifeboat- of tlie S. S. Condor, which sank off Vancouver Island without a trace. A law forbid- ding an American officer from receiving gifts from foreign gov- ernments lieid up the gift till congress recent!}- ratified the eift. Harbor City Notes H. A. Hall, who has been in the General hospital; Los Angeles, for the past five weeks, is somewhat better, and is now staying at the Harbor City hotel. Mr. Hall for- merly conducted the barber shop >vi 253d street. Mrs. A. L. Maxwell and friends have returned from a business trip to Mexico. Mrs. Maxwell Is visiting for a few 'days with her mother. Mrs. S. Walton, of 252d street and Normandle avenue, before returning to her homo in-Oakland, Calif. Harbor City Boy Scouts enjoyed a swim at Hedondo plunge Thurs- day evening. The boys wero ac- companied by J. Fry and A. E. As- pittle, scoutmaster. Scouts attend- ing were James Fry, Simon Bus- termante, Joe Argott, .Clarence As- pittle, Courtland Myers, Stanley As- pi ttle, John Myers, Glenn and Dale Frits, Arthur Cox, Sydney Far- quhar, William . Stevens. Trans- portation was donated by George F. Hopklns of the Harbor Sash and Door Company. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sutler of Wilmington were entertained Sun- day by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Curtls of Redondo boulevard. Everybody's talking about oyr delicious bacon. Try it and you'll say you never ate good bacon be- fore. Harry Warren. Adv. 33: Real Estate: Improved HERE IS A STEAL Two lots. Sartori, 60x130 $600 each Half Cash TWO-ROOM HOUSE and garage, on 221st. Lot 40x 180, In Standard Oil lease, with royalty. J1250. Lot on Andreo, $1300 if sold within 16 days. Torrance Investment Co. Phone 176 FOR HOMES IN LOMITA. and for fire, compensation and automo- bile Insurance, see J. W. WELTH 1144 Narbonnc Lomita WILL TKADK one four-room house ill Una. value »S300. for a home in Toiianee. See liukor Smith, I'.lll Carson SI. 34 Real Estate: Unimproved *IL'00; $3011 down, balancn $L'fi a month. Inquire lllil -Moon Ht., I.omita. 37 Income Property INCOME I'ltOI'HKTY I'm ticular.s by letter only. Voorhies, 701 Consolidated Ulilj,'., Los Angeles, Calif. 38 Real Estate for Sale or Trade $1000 DOWN will buy new S-uiilt furnished court, or take house or lot first payment. Write M, Herald office, Ton-am-/ 39 Musical Instruments JSKD I'JANOS low as $70. Used players low as $150. Terms low us JS cash, $1 weekly. Write for list ino used pianos. Story & Clark Factory Agents, '.132 South Hill St., Los Allgclea, Calif. ONN SAXOPIIONK; K flat ulto; good as new. JU'O cash. I'. O. Itox list, Tonance. 40 Miscellaneous 1ALL MRS. LYNNE, Lomlta 102, before 8 a. in. and after 6:90 p. m. and Blvo her your news Items or advertisements. Anywhere at any time. No Items or advertise- ment too small and none too larttt Close School Early Friday So Students May See the Fleet On Friday. April 3, the last. da.v of school heforo tho Easter holi- days, all classes will start at 8 a. m., mid school will be dismissed at 12 o'clock, in order to allow any who wish to attend the batllr- Bhip maneuvers at San I'cdro in the afternoon. ORDINANCE No. 108 An Ordinance (Jranting to Superior Oil Company, a Corporation, Its Successors and Assigns, for the Term of Forty (I'D Years From the nth Day of January. 11)25,. the Franchise, Right and I'rivilego to Lay. Maintain, and Operate a Pipe Line Along Certain Streets in tho City of Torrance. The Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance do ordain as fol- SECTION 1. The Board of Trus- tees of the City of Torrance here- by grants to the Superior Oil Com- pany, a corporation, its successors and assigns for the term of forty (10) years from the 5th day of January, 1925, subject to all tho terms, conditions and limitations hereinafter made and expressed, the franchise, right, and privilege to lay, maintain, operatn and repair a pipe linn system in streets and alleys in that part of the City of Torrance not included within the following boundary streets: Do- mingucz Street and a ivolongratton thereof easterly to east city limits; Western Avenue on the east: Plaza del Amo on the south and south- west and Madrid on the west. SECTION 2. The rights, privi- leges and permissions herein grant- ed to said corporation are de- pendent for their continuance and validity upon tho performance by said corporation of all the con- ditions hereinafter set forth, to-wlt: 1. That said pipe lino shall be laid and maintained at least one (1) foot below the street or alley grade and shall follow a lino in said street to bo designated by the City Engineer of the City of Torrance. '2. This franchise shall not be construed as permitting the op- eration of a public utility. 3. It Is understood that before any excavation work may be made either in laying or maintaining said pipe line an application will he made to the proper officials of the City of Tot-ranee for permit so to do and in doim; any such work the ordinance of the City of Torrance respecting excavation in the public streets will be fully complied with. 4. The holder of this franchise shall pay Ono Dollar ($1.00) per rod for all pipe line laid hereunder and shall also pay the Two percent (2%) of gross receipts from use of such pipe line as required by the laws of the State of California. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Tor- ranco Herald, and thereupon and thereafter this ordinance shall bo in full force and effect. Approved: R. R. SMITH, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance. Attest: A. H. BART LETT, City Clerk of the Cily of (Seal) Torrance. State, of California, County of Los I, Albert H. Bartlelt, do hereby certify that I am the City Clerk of the City of Torrance, and that the abon-e ordinance was regularly In- troduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of said City on the 2nd day of March, 1925, and wo-s adopt- ed on the 16th day of March, 1925. A. H. BARTLETT, City Clerk of tho City of (Seal) Torrance. j ORDINANCE No. 110 No. 60, 55, 69 and 71 and Estab- lishing Rates of License for Cer- tain lousinesses and Providing Itnallles for Violation Hereof. City of Torrance, California, do SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether as prin- cipal or agent, clerk or employe, cither for himself or any oilier person, or for any body corporate, or otherwise, to COIIIIIH nee to carry in any trade, calliiij,-. luotession or lecuiiatioii. in nils Ordinance speci- fied, without first having procured i license from said Cily to do so. ir without complying with any and ill regulations of such trade, call- in,-, profession or occupation con- tained in this Ordinance; and the n this Ordinance without first laiiiiL; procured a license from said itv to do so, or with. ml complying wilh any ami all regulations of such Ira'de. calling. |,iolVssion or iccupaliun contained in this Oi- linance shall be. and constitute, a msdeincauor and shall he deemed i separate .offeuso for each and very day that such trade, calling, iroli'HMJoii or occupation is so carried on. SECTION 2. The amount of any iccnse imposed by this Ordinance ihall he (teemed u di lit to the Cily it Torr.iiice; and any pcison. firm ra.le, callillK. profession or occll- lation mentioned In this Ordinance . vllhoill haling a license tiom said lly In .In so. shall be lliibln to ' II any ciiilil of competent Jill Isdle loii lor the am,, mil of license by i Ills Ordinance impose. 1 on such 1 rude, calling, piofessioll or occu- > SKI 'THIN 3. 11 .shall lie the duty I f the City Clerk to prepare and i dtnancc, for every person liabh to pay a license thereunder, duly signed by the Prc.'ddent of tho Board of Trustees iind the City Clerk, and attested with tho City's thv amount, thereof, the period of the person, firm or corporation to whom Issued, the business, trade, calling, profession or occupation licensed and the location or placo of business, where said business, trade, calling, profession or occu- pation In to be carried on. SECTION 1. All licenses shall be paid In advance In the legal currency of tho United Stales, at Ihe office of the City Clerk. A separate .license must be obtained for each branch, establishment or separate place of business In which tho trade, calling, profession 01 for each separate arfd different kind of business conducted, except as herein otherwise provided, and each license shall authorize the party obtainlni; it to carry, on, pur- sue or conduct only that trade, culling, profession or occupation described In such license, and only at tho location or place of business which Is Indicated thereby. SECTION 5. No greater or less amount of money shall be charged or received for any license than is provided In this Ordinance, and no license shall bo issued for any period of time, other than as pro- vided In this Ordinance. In no case shall any mistake by the City Clerk In stating the or prejudice tho collection for .the City of what shall be actually due, ing on said' business" without a Tho City Clerk shall on or before the first Tuesday in each month pay over to tho City Treasurer, all license fees collected -by him during the previous month, taking the City Treasurer's receipt therefor,, and shall report to tho Board of Trus- tees at its first meeting in each month a list of licenses remaining delinquent. SECTION 6. Every person, firm or corporation having a license under the provisions of this Or- dinance, and carrying on a trade, calling, profession or occupation or business shall keep such license posted and exhibited, while in force. In some conspicuous part of said place of business. Every person having such license andjjiot having a fixed place of business'shall carry such license with him at uall times while carrying on the business, trade, calling, profession or occu- pation for which the same was .^ranted. Every person, firm or corporation havink a license under tho provisions of this Ordinance shall produce and exhibit the same when applying for a renewal there- of, and whenever requested to do so by any police officer authorized to issue. Inspect or collect licenses. SPJCTION 7. Tho City Marshal and all Police Officers of said City shall have and exercise the power: First, to make arrests for the vio- lation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance; Second, to enter, freo of charge, any place of busi- ness for which a license is re- quired and^rovlded, and to de mand tho exhibition of such license for the current term from any per transaction of such business, and 1 such person shall then and there fail to exhibit such license, sucl persons shall bo liable to the pen- alty provided In Section 17 of this Ordinance. It Is hereby made the duty of plaint to be mado against all per- sons violating any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance, and as soon as he has knowledge of the same, to deliver to the City Clerk the names of all persons not paying a license whom he believes nhoult bo charged with the payment of. It shall also be the duty -of the City Marshal to proceed to collect my delinquent license fee, by order of the Board of Trustees, and to collect same In his discretion, by suit or otherwise. SECTION 8. The conviction and acting any business, trade, calling, profession or occupation wlthoul ^license, shall not excuse or exempt such from the payment of a license fee duo or unpaid at tho time of such conviction and nothing contained herein shall pre- vent a criminal prosecution for my violation of the provisions of (his Ordinance. SKCTION 11. The daily licenses m ibis Ordinance provided, slrall bc'. payal.'c to the City each day in All other licenses in this Or- linance pro\ iiled lor. shall be <lun ind payable to the City at the lime ol takini! out s.'ii.l IVeiises ami crly and yearly in advance as lercinal'U-r piovideil and .-uch II- eliscs shall he |;i ,, cured b.\ .-\.-iy any on the trade, calling, pio- issiuii i,r occupation for which such is issued, and each license which is made payable, by the noiith or longer period shall In the ii'st instance run to the cud of the lerioil during which the same is .aid and thereafter for one, three, u twelve months or as the case ie.\t pcilod after the, ono during vliirli it was first Issued, and no Icduciiun or rebate on any license hall be mado for any reason or uunu whatsoever, except as hciv- imftfr provided. SUCTION 10. No license or pi i - nit shall bi> rtMiulreil under the eruis of this ordinance foi the onductlin? of IccturcH, concerts, irotlt organizations of the City ol Nil license shall be required hcre- mli r for tin. selling of only such n, pioductH an the vendor imsi If produces from land owned i by said vendor. SKCTIO.V 11 The rates of II- , uses for ihe pioicssioim. tradus, allingx ami occupatioiltl, horeln- fter named, ahull be, and thu same nrn hereby flxeo anil established for and within the City of Tor- ranco according to the followlm, schedule, and the same shall In paid by all persons, firms or cor- _ fesslon*. (radon, callings, and occu- 1. Fur any of the following busl- Rcnl Estale and Insurance lirokcr. Bank or Loan or Investment Carago keeper. Including the nclllng of accessories and sup- plies for motor vehicles. Drnylng and (.rucking. Fruit Stand.' Meat and Fish Market. Bakery. (Irocery and retailing of any food stuffs, except as lunches 01 foods prepared specially for im- 1 mediate consumption. - following businesses: Restaurant, Lunch Counter, Confectionery, Lunch Vending Machine, or Sale of Lunches. Creamery. 'Selling milk from three or more COWH. Selling ice. Selling water for drinking pur- poses. Drug Store, license for which will Include the right to sell To- baccos. Selling Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes. General Merchandise Business, not including selling of Food Stuffs. Dry Goods and Haberdashery Store, r Selling Hardware and all build- ing supplies Including sand, gravel, crushed rock-, lumber, etc. Carrying on one or more of the following businesses: Sellingwall- paper, or paints. Gasoline Service Station, In- cluding sale of accessories and other supplies for motor vehicles. Lumber Yard, including the selling of building materials. Sewing Machine Agent with established place of business In the City of Torrance, Barber Shop, and manicurifng shop. Hair dressing, unless hair dresser is working by the hour only, and not selling any lo- tions, remedies or other mer- chandise, in which case no license foe shall lie charged. Jewelry Store. Hotel. Apartment House. Rooming House. Undertaking or funeral di- recting. . Dealing in Second Hand floods. Physician and Surgeon. Osteopath. Chiropractor. Dentist. Attorney, any person, firm or corporation sliall pay a license fee of Six Dol- lars ($6.00) per quarter, provided that if goods or merchandise of any kind are sold by peddler not having an established place of business in the City of Torrance, but having an established route in the City of said peddler sells and offers for_sale his said goods at least twice each week the license fee foe such ped- dling shall be Twelve Dollars ($12.- 00) per quarter; and provided fur- ther that any peddler having neith- er an established place of business nor an established route as above defined within said city shall pay a license fee of Twenty-Five Dol- lars ($25.01)) per da^'for carrying on such business, and any peddler who cannot show proof satlsfac- lory to the City Clerk that he has been for more lhan Iwo months prior to the passage of this ordin- ance following an established route, or that ho has an established place of business in the said city, and any future applicant for peddler's license shall deposit with the City Clerk the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) as an evidence of good faith that he will establish such a route or place of business. And If during the two months next suc- ceeding the date of issuance of this license at the lesser rate above provided he shall have kept a Iiluce of business or have followed such an established route his Fifty Dollars ($50.00) so deposited shall bn refunded to him. 2. For sclllns real estate, or any live stock at punlic auction. Five »ol.|acfw.<*5.*0) ,K.r day. 3. FV running automobiles used for thu intcrurban currying of pas- sengers for hire. Thirty Dollars ($:iti.oO) tier iiuailer. 1. For the business of conduct- liilllanl parlor or bowling alleys, Six Dollars ($6.00) per quarter. Thin license shall Include tho prlvl- CKC of selling soft drinks, cigars, Hid tobacco, at retail. Provided ier,-uiidei- without tin- approval irsl had of the Itoaid of Trustees n tlie City of Torrance. r,. For conduct!. m-, managing or <|iarring loll, Ten Dollars $10.011) per day: and pun id, d that m license shall he issued under his section without the permission list ha.<l and obtained Horn the ioald of Trustees. 1 allying on a, circus Twenty-Five ' Jollurs ($25.00) per day foi each | ing; for any other liaMlim; show Three Dollars <*3,lil» per ilav, 7. For every person who cailies ill. plactli'es or professes to prac- >', palmistry, phrenology, llfe- eading, fortune telling, curtotnun- >'. clairvoyance. crystal-gazing. ispnotism. mediumship. prophecy, iigury. divination, magic or nccro- nancy. and demands or rceelveM a ec lor Ihe «xi-rclae or exhibition of is art thci-fln. 01 who gives an ei- libilion theieof at any place where 11 admission fee is charged. K)tly lollais ($:,u uo ) pei annum, payable n advaiiie. ami piuviiled Hi., l no ail then-ill :,hall I,,! leiuiniil for ny can.-,., except that lii the event t a MAocallou llui.of uu hlTfln- llei provided, Ihe Hoard of Trua- the- return of a part thereof; am provide. 1 no license under the, upon permission li om ihe Board ol Trustees of said City. The Hoan any time without notli'e to cance any license issued under this Hub- division, if in Its judgment licen- see has failed to comply with tin laws and regulations of the City or if licensee, in the opinion of (lii Board of Trustees has conducted said establishment in a inaiinei prejudicial to the public well'iifi or good morals. S. For conducting, mimai'linr, 01 carrying-on the business of selling upon Ihe public streets or in pub- lic .places, flre-crnckcrs, torpedoes or fire-works of any kind, or flags banners, balloons, canes, Jiorns, trumpet.-!, musical or noise-making instruments of any kind. toys, badgin, buttons or souvenirs of any kind. Two Dollars ($2.00) per day. n. For conducting, managing or carrying on any public dance hall mission fee, or fee , for dancing is charged or received, Fifty Dollars (S.'iO.OO) per annum, excepting ho- tels, and organizations holding 10. For conducting, managing, or ing any theatre, moving picture show or any other exhibition not iH-ovidcd for in this Ordinance, Twelve and 50-100" Dollars ($12.50) per quarter. 11. For conducting, managing or carrying on the business of operat- ing, exhibiting, showing or letting the use of any phonograph, graph- kinetoscopc . biograph, projecto- scope. or other instrument or nrn- chine of like character or micro- scope, lung tester, muscle tester galvanic battery or weighing ma- chine, and all devices similar in Ten Dollars ($10.00) per quarter. 12. For carrying on tho business of soliciting orders at retail foi pictures, paintings, photographs, or portraits or merchandise of an} description, except food products Five Dollars ($5.00) per day; pro- vided that nothing in this section contained shall apply to any per- son having a regularly established place of business in said City of Torrance for the taking or selling of pictures, paintings, photographs or Bortraits, or for the selling of such merchandise. 13. For each person engaged In agent, Five Dollars ($5.00) per regularly established place of busi- ness in this city. 14. For every person conducting or engaged in tho business of ped- dling any kind goods, wares, or merchandise on foot. Five Dollars ($5.00) per day. , corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of sell- ing at retail by sample or order teas, coffees, or spices, or any other food products, for himself or any other person. Six Dollars ($6.00) per quarter, provided that nothing n this section contained shall ap- atlon having a regularly established place of business in the City of Torrance for the manufacture or sale of such goods, chattels, wares or merchandise, or to. the agents of .any such person, firm or cor- poration. 16. For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a watch, jewelry or clothing club, Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per 17. For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of junk dealer or collector, for himself or any other person. Two Dollars ($2.00) per day. 18. For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a sewing machine agent or of solicit- ing orders for sewing machines and not having an established place of business In the City of Torrance, Ten Dollars ($10.00) per day. 19. For every person, firm or corporation peddling coal oil, gas- oline, or distillate at retail from a wagon or vehicle. Eighteen Dol- lars ($18.00) per annum. 20. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling non-alcoholic drinks, la- beans.' candy or edibles of any description or other merchandise from carts, or baskets, upon the public slreels. Sin Dollars ($ii.o«) per quarter for each wagon, hand -art. stand, tray or basket. Pro- vided that -no license shall be is- sued under' this subdivision until a permit has been llrst obtained from the Board of Trustees' who sh.ill have Ihe right to grant, re- fuse or reioke a permit under this sul.division in their discretion. sale automobiles on |h,. Mi-eels or ither public places ill the Cily ol'.ince. Six llollais Hi'.."") per lll.lller. msiness carried on in public places will, on! an established place of msiness in the city of Torrance, I'Mi Ive Dollars UIJ.llii) per i|iiar- er. :;;(. For the business of c.irrymg li.-liil.ullng laundry In Urn City nt foriallce. Twenty - Five Dollars $ .-5.011) per i|llaiter, L'l For the business of distrib- llin. adveilisements or hand hills ii- samples. Tin Dollars ($10.1111) in ,1.1 y; provided mi samples of n. ilnine shall ever be distribute. i n the Cily of Toiiance; and pro Vidcil that the license lee herein Ixe.l shall not apply to any hona hie business, printing or puhlmh- ng any newspaper in the Cily ol 25. Fur conducting a public lance h.,l| m eoiinectlon with any mill ..i apaiimeiil house. Twenty- 'Ivn Dollars ($25.00) per annum, 26. For the business of plumb- UK contracting. electric wiring ontracting, or cement conn acting, 'lit-.- Poll;,,* l$.,ii,|in p.-,- annum. payable seml-annually III advance. For the business of general con- tiaciini,- one Hundred Dollars ISliMUHl) per annum, payable »oml- annually in advance. For the bus- iness of painting contractor, plas- teiim,- contractor, or muring con- linctor. Twenty-Five Dollars ($26.- nimlly in advance; provided that for the business of plumbing con.- tr.-ictinr. genera^ contracting and elect rie wiring contracting no 11- CCUMC shall be issued hcrcunder un- lil a bond in the sum of One Thou- sand Dollais (.ftiinn .00) approved by Ihe Boanl m Trustees shall first have b.-n tiled with the city Clerk, which bond shall bo conditioned upon the performance by the li- censee of all work on buildings In the City of Torrance in ac- cordance with the "ordinances of the City of Torrance and of tho County of Los Angeles, and the 4aws of the State of California; and which bond shall be signed by a reputable hontlinfC company 27. For the business of drilling for or producing from wells, oil or gas a business license the- amount of which to be paid by every person or company engaged In such business shall be deter- mined as follows: For each well being drilled or operated by said person or com- pany $6.00 per quarter so long as said well or production obtained therefrom. 28. For every business not here- in otherwise mentioned and pro- vided for, Six Dollars ($6.00) per quarter. SECTION 12: It shall be un- lawful for any person trt sell or offer for sale or attempt to sell or obtain orders for any goods, wares, or merchandise, or any property of any description, on any private property on which there shall be posted conspicuously a notice in effect as follows: "No peddlers or canvassers allowed." SECTION 13: Nothing in this Ordinance shall be -construed as imposing a license or tax or other- wise regulating or restraining for- eign or interstate commerce and any business or portion thereof which is embraced in the term "Int'erstate Commerce" or in th« term "Foreign Commerce" Is not made subject to the license Im- posed by this ordinance. SECTION 14: All licenses Is- sued under this Ordinance, or any section thereof, are granted and ac- cepted by all parties receiving li- censes with the express under- standing that the Board of Trus- tees of said CHy. may revoke the same at any time, by amending this Ordinance, or any portion thereof, or if salistled that any condition of the license or terms of this or any other Ordinance or law have been violated, or that th» license was obtained by fraudulent representations, or that tho holder of any such license Is an unfit person to be trusted with tho priv- ileges granted by such license, pro- vided, however, that no license shall bo revoked without first glr- ing the holder thereof an oppor- tunity to appear before the Board of Trustees in his or her own be- half by notification in writing to the holder of such license, giving and fixing the time and place ot such hearing. Upon tho revoca- tion of the license no part of til* money in the hands of tho City shall be returned, and all such li- cense fees shall bo forfeited to to* City. When tho license of any such person is revoked in no caM shall another license be granted to the same pei-son within six months of the date of such revocation. SUCTION 15: That no 1 Icons* shall be issued for any pool room* billiard hall, skating rink, shoot- Ing gallery, bowling tilley, merry- go-round, moving picture show or other place of amusement, enter- tainment or exhibition, for which u license fee is charged under thlft ordinance, until tho Board of Trustees shall have authorized tb% issuance of a permit therefor and the said Board of Trustees shall have the right to grant or refuas any such permit in its discretion ind said Board of Trustees may mpose such terms and conditions, ipnn the conduct of such business mt in conflict with law and any irdinalici. of the City of Torrano*. is it may deem necessary or ejt- icilient t.. proiecl the health, safe- ly or welfare of said citly or its nhabltants in the conduct of said msiness, and that said permit or icense shall not be transferred or issigneil without the consent of he Board of Trustees, llrst ob- aim-il. SF.CTION. Hi. Onlinam'cs 50. 55. ,!l and 71 fie hereby repealed. SKCTIO.V K. Any person who .hall violate any of the provisions if this ordinance shall h>. doomed guilty of a mis.lemeanoi, and upon oiiviction t hereof, shall bn pun- she, 1 by a tin. no! ...xc.-c.lim? Two 1 mulled Doii.ns IS2IIU.01I). or by nun isonim -111 lor a penod not e»- ecding nill-ly Cinl days, or by mill such line and impi iMinment. SKI flux is. Th,. rny clerk shall co, lily to tin. adoplhm of this irdinaucc, and shall e.lllsu tUO same lo be published once in tll« I',-, III raid, ami thereupon. 1,1,1 IhercaMir this onllllallco Shall le Ill tllll lure-- and effeel. Approved: 11. It SMITH. 'resident of the Hoard of Trustees. of Ihe rny of Tonance. \ttest: A.^II. HAHTI.KTT, City Clerk of Ihe City Seal) STAT1-: OF i' \1.IFOK.\1A, COUN- T"V OF l.os AMiKI.KS -SB. 1. All. .it H, do hereby .-inn I am ihe city dark ,1 the City 01 Tuiianee, and that he above ordinance was regularly lltioilucul :.l I III. cling of ttk« loanl ol Trilsiees ol said City on In. :.', ! ,l,,v ol M..I.-I,, PJ25. and ' \.IS :,,l.,ple,l ,,,1 the Itittl Jay Of M.lll'll, I'll'j A II. HAHTLKTT. ity t'l.-ik .it the ray ( Torranov (Seal;

Transcript of CLASSIFIED - TorranceCA.Gov · 2010. 1. 7. · dondo Blvd., Lomlta. 33 Real Estate: Improved.. 'OR...

Page 1: CLASSIFIED - TorranceCA.Gov · 2010. 1. 7. · dondo Blvd., Lomlta. 33 Real Estate: Improved.. 'OR SAl.K, CHKAP Three-room house and lot, $1500; $360 cash. $20 a month. 5155 Market


All ads published In both TOR­ RANCE HERALD and LOMITA NEWS. »

Rates for combined circulations, both papers: One Insertion, per word __ 2o Two losoHtong, per word ___ So Three Insertions, per word _ 4Hc Four Insertions, per word __ 60

Minimum 'ad, 12 words. Display Classified, 80c per inch. Eight lines to Inch. Estimate SIX

ORDINARY words to the line. In­ itials and figures count as words All ads with white space computed at rate of 80c per Inch.

Classified Ad Columns close: For Tuesday Edition, 6:80 P. M

Monday. For Friday Edition, S:80 P. M.

Thursday. Phone Torrance 200. Phone Lomlta 102.


1 ANNOUNCEMENTS i Funeral Notices 1 Cards of Thanks ( Lodge Notices E Lost and Found ( Business Directory,

,1 7 Personal 1 Travel Opportunities 1 Business Opportunities

10 Financial 11 For Rent: Houses, Furnished 12 For Rent: Houses, Unfurnished

% It For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Furnished

It For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Unfurnished

IB For Rent: Rooms, Furnished It For Rent: Rooms, Unfurnished 17 For Rent Garages IS For Rent: Stores and Offices .8 For Rent: Furnished or Unfur­

nished 20 Board and Room 11 For Sale: Automobiles and Ac­

cessories 12 For Sale: Furniture and House­

hold Ooods 11 For Sale: Horses and Livestock 2( For Sale: Miscellaneous 26 Help Wanted: Male

rates by the month. Phone 167-J. 27 Help Wanted: Female 21 Help Wanted Male and Female 29 Situations Wanted 10 Wanted To Buy 11 Wanted To Rent 12 Wanted: Miscellaneous 11 Real Estate: Improved H Real Estate: Unimproved IK 'Ear Lease If Oil Properties, Leases, Royal­

ties, etc. 17 Income Property IS Real Estate for Sale or Trade M Musical Instruments 10 Miscellaneous

j, 3 Cards of ThanksWE DESIRE TO THANK our

friends for the many expressions of sympathy and the beautiful floral offerings received during

4 the illness and at the time of the passing of our little son, John


5 Lost and Found

Saturday afternoon, black moire silk purse, yellow bead trim. Finder please leave at this of­ fice. Reward.

6 Business Directory

D. C. TUKNERIn Rappaport'B Store

Expert Shoe Repairer Hakes Old Shoes Look New

DRESSMAKING Designers, alter­ ations and hemstitching. Work guaranteed. 1426 E. Carson St., Torrance.

WANTED Painting, tinting and paper-hanging. First class work. Prices right. T. J. Wilson, P. O. Box 874, Torrance.

SUPERIOR cesspool digging and draining. J. W. Snyder, 2388 W. Anaheim, Harbor City. Phone Lomlta 349-W.

I CABINET VAPOR BATHS; Swed- | ish massage. 2021 Carson St., Torrance.

TANSEY BEAUTY SHOP, 1913 , Carson Marcelling, 75c. Phone


PAN'S Window Cleaning Service- House, store, office. Reasonable. Phone 201-M. 2304 Gramercy.

HEMSTITCHING, Mrs. King, 2867 West Carson St., 1 block west of high school.

11 For Rent: Houses Furnished

FOR RENT Two-room furnished houses, with water, light and gas paid. Hot and cold water, shower batb. Garage space. $20 a month. Gilbert, Hansen & Page, 1203 El Praflo, Torrance.

LEIDY HOMF.S now open for oc­ cupancy; two blocks south of Union Tool factory, at corner 218th St. and Western Ave. Completely furnished; everything new and modern. Phono -l-\\.

120 FURNISHED HOUSE, with batfc, BUS. llslits and water In­ cluded. 1443 Carson St., Tor- rance.

THREE -HOOM modern house: ga­ rage. 3035 Hedondo-W'ilmington Blvd., i.omita.

THREE-ROOM HOUSE, furnished; all modern; cheap rent. 1443 Carson St.

12 Foi Rent: Houses Unfurnished

MODERN 6-room house, garage and workhouse, on" Hoover, first house north of 216th St.

$30 UNFURNISHED Five-room modern house, with Karaite. 1527 Kshelman, I.omita.

13 For Rent: Apartments and Flats Furnished

FOR RENT Furnished apartment in Edison Bldg. Newly furnished apartment. Low rent to a per­ manent tenant. Inquire Mrs. Fanny King, 1322 Sartori Ave., or at two front offices-

NEWLY FURNISHED three-room apartment, With bath, $27.50; with garage, $30. 911 Portola Ave. '


for $30 per month. Call 802-A Sartori Ave.

FURNISHED apartments in bunga­ low court, strictly modern. $30, including garage. 2825 Redondo- Wilmhlgton Blvd.. Lomita.

FOR RENT, furnished Two rooms

close in; separate entrance.' ' 1675 Gramercy.

14 For Rent: Apartments and Flats,, Unfurnished

UNFURNISHED 4-room flat, mod­ ern, close in; garage. 1875 Oram- ercy.

17 For Rent: GaragesFOR RENT Oarage. 1730 Arling­

ton Av«.

19 For Rent: Furnished or Unfurnished

BUSINESS AT YOUR HOME Front apartment, 3 rooms and bath,''

suitable for living rooms and small business. Furnished or un­ furnished. Rent reasonable. Apt. A, 2075 Redondo Blvd.

3-ROOM APARTMENTS, furnished and unfurnished; hot and cold water; garages. Inquire Apt. H or K, California Court, 1005 Sar­ tori.

ATTRACTIVE 3-room furnished or unfurnished apartments, 2 beds; $30 and $35. 2075 Redondo Blvd., Apt. A.

21 For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories

FOR SALE 1917 Buick touring, $50. See at 2227 Andreo.

22 For Sale: Furniture and Household Goods

VICTOR console phonograph; A-l condition; walnut finish: $25 rec­ ords. For immediate sale, $60 cash. De Bra Radio Co., Tor-

FOR SALE CHEAP Five roams of good furnuiture. Inquire after 4:30 p.m. 211 South Irenov. Re­ dondo Beach.

BEDS, dressers, stoves, dining set sewing machine. 1927 Carson St.

24 Poultry and Pet StockBABY DUCKS

Mammoth White Peking at ,20c each; best stock. Also Red, Rock and Leghorn baby chicks at lowest prices. Fraser's Hatch­ ery, 814 South 'Hawthorne Blvd., Hawthorne, Calif.

25 For Sale: MiscellaneousFOR SALE Standard Mowing ma­

chine and hay rake in good con­ dition, $50. Inquire 20509 Sherer St., Ncstoria City, 2 miles north­ east of Torrance.

cheap; also good milch goat. Call 1108 Elm St., Torrance.

27 Help Wanted: FemaleVANTED Married woman, work at Brighton Hotel and take apartment as part pay. Apply Brighton Hotel, Torrance, be- twceii 'J and 1 p. m.

GIRI, for office work, that call do typing. X, Herald.

28 Help Wanted: Male and Female

MAKK MONEY taking magazine Kiihscriptlons. ' Full Information and confidential catalogue on ap­ plication. SUNSET SUBSCRIP­ TION HUUF.AU. Hie largest sub­ scription agency west of Chicago (owned and operated by Sunset Magazine), 460 Fourth St.. San Francisco.

30 Wanted to BuyWANTED To buy beef cuttle and

veal. Trailer for rent. Oeo. W. Glllesple, P. O. Box 315, Ingle- wood, Calif.

WANTED Real estate. List your properties with the Noll! Realty Company. S-28-tf

32 Wanted: MiscellaneousWANTED TO BUY Feed sacks.

paid. H. 1, Box 3S6, or 2802 Re­ dondo Blvd., Lomlta.

33 Real Estate: Improved.. 'OR SAl.K, CHKAP Three-room

house and lot, $1500; $360 cash. $20 a month. 5155 Market St. Ijwndalc, Calif.

U.S. Withholds Reward 23 Years

Dorr S. Tozier, above, retired commander . now in Marine lios-

. "pital, Baltimore, has just re­ ceived a sword granted him 23 years ago by King Edward of Great Britain for discovering a lifeboat- of tlie S. S. Condor, which sank off Vancouver Island without a trace. A law forbid­ ding an American officer from receiving gifts from foreign gov­ ernments lieid up the gift till congress recent!}- ratified the eift.

Harbor City NotesH. A. Hall, who has been in the

General hospital; Los Angeles, for the past five weeks, is somewhat better, and is now staying at the Harbor City hotel. Mr. Hall for­ merly conducted the barber shop >vi 253d street.

Mrs. A. L. Maxwell and friends have returned from a business trip to Mexico. Mrs. Maxwell Is visiting for a few 'days with her mother. Mrs. S. Walton, of 252d street and Normandle avenue, before returning to her homo in-Oakland, Calif.

Harbor City Boy Scouts enjoyed a swim at Hedondo plunge Thurs­ day evening. The boys wero ac­ companied by J. Fry and A. E. As- pittle, scoutmaster. Scouts attend­ ing were James Fry, Simon Bus- termante, Joe Argott, .Clarence As- pittle, Courtland Myers, Stanley As- pi ttle, John Myers, Glenn and Dale Frits, Arthur Cox, Sydney Far- quhar, William . Stevens. Trans­ portation was donated by George F. Hopklns of the Harbor Sash and Door Company.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sutler of Wilmington were entertained Sun­ day by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Curtls of Redondo boulevard.

Everybody's talking about oyr delicious bacon. Try it and you'll say you never ate good bacon be­ fore. Harry Warren. Adv.

33: Real Estate: Improved

HERE IS A STEALTwo lots. Sartori, 60x130

$600 each Half Cash

TWO-ROOM HOUSEand garage, on 221st. Lot 40x 180, In Standard Oil lease, with royalty. J1250.

Lot on Andreo, $1300 if sold within 16 days.Torrance Investment Co.

Phone 176FOR HOMES IN LOMITA. and for

fire, compensation and automo­ bile Insurance, see

J. W. WELTH 1144 Narbonnc Lomita

WILL TKADK one four-room

house ill Una. value »S300. for a home in Toiianee. See liukor Smith, I'.lll Carson SI.

34 Real Estate: Unimproved

*IL'00; $3011 down, balancn $L'fi amonth. Inquire lllil -Moon Ht., I.omita.

37 Income PropertyINCOME I'ltOI'HKTY I'm ticular.s

by letter only. Voorhies, 701 Consolidated Ulilj,'., Los Angeles, Calif.

38 Real Estate for Sale or Trade

$1000 DOWN will buy new S-uiilt furnished court, or take house or lot first payment. Write M, Herald office, Ton-am-/

39 Musical InstrumentsJSKD I'JANOS low as $70. Used

players low as $150. Terms low us JS cash, $1 weekly. Write for list ino used pianos. Story & Clark Factory Agents, '.132 South Hill St., Los Allgclea, Calif.

ONN SAXOPIIONK; K flat ulto; good as new. JU'O cash. I'. O. Itox list, Tonance.

40 Miscellaneous1ALL MRS. LYNNE, Lomlta 102,

before 8 a. in. and after 6:90 p. m. and Blvo her your news Items or advertisements. Anywhere at any time. No Items or advertise­ ment too small and none too larttt

Close School Early Friday So Students

May See the FleetOn Friday. April 3, the last. da.v

of school heforo tho Easter holi­ days, all classes will start at 8 a. m., mid school will be dismissed at 12 o'clock, in order to allow any who wish to attend the batllr- Bhip maneuvers at San I'cdro in the afternoon.


An Ordinance (Jranting to Superior Oil Company, a Corporation, Its Successors and Assigns, for the Term of Forty (I'D Years From the nth Day of January. 11)25,. the Franchise, Right and I'rivilego to Lay. Maintain, and Operate a Pipe Line Along Certain Streets in tho City of Torrance.

The Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance do ordain as fol-

SECTION 1. The Board of Trus­ tees of the City of Torrance here­ by grants to the Superior Oil Com­ pany, a corporation, its successors and assigns for the term of forty (10) years from the 5th day of January, 1925, subject to all tho terms, conditions and limitations hereinafter made and expressed, the franchise, right, and privilege to lay, maintain, operatn and repair a pipe linn system in streets and alleys in that part of the City of Torrance not included within the following boundary streets: Do- mingucz Street and a ivolongratton thereof easterly to east city limits; Western Avenue on the east: Plaza del Amo on the south and south­ west and Madrid on the west.

SECTION 2. The rights, privi­ leges and permissions herein grant­ ed to said corporation are de­ pendent for their continuance and validity upon tho performance by said corporation of all the con­ ditions hereinafter set forth, to-wlt:

1. That said pipe lino shall be laid and maintained at least one (1) foot below the street or alley grade and shall follow a lino in said street to bo designated by the City Engineer of the City of Torrance.

'2. This franchise shall not be construed as permitting the op­ eration of a public utility.

3. It Is understood that before any excavation work may be made either in laying or maintaining said pipe line an application will he made to the proper officials of the City of Tot-ranee for permit so to do and in doim; any such work the ordinance of the City of Torrance respecting excavation in the public streets will be fully complied with.

4. The holder of this franchise shall pay Ono Dollar ($1.00) per rod for all pipe line laid hereunder and shall also pay the Two percent (2%) of gross receipts from use of such pipe line as required by the laws of the State of California.

SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Tor­ ranco Herald, and thereupon and thereafter this ordinance shall bo in full force and effect.

Approved: R. R. SMITH,

President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance.

Attest: A. H. BART LETT,

City Clerk of the Cily of (Seal) Torrance.

State, of California, County of Los

I, Albert H. Bartlelt, do hereby certify that I am the City Clerk of the City of Torrance, and that the abon-e ordinance was regularly In­ troduced at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of said City on the 2nd day of March, 1925, and wo-s adopt­ ed on the 16th day of March, 1925.

A. H. BARTLETT, City Clerk of tho City of

(Seal) Torrance. j


No. 60, 55, 69 and 71 and Estab­ lishing Rates of License for Cer­ tain lousinesses and Providing Itnallles for Violation Hereof.

City of Torrance, California, do

SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether as prin­ cipal or agent, clerk or employe, cither for himself or any oilier person, or for any body corporate,

or otherwise, to COIIIIIH nee to carry in any trade, calliiij,-. luotession or lecuiiatioii. in nils Ordinance speci­ fied, without first having procured i license from said Cily to do so. ir without complying with any and ill regulations of such trade, call- in,-, profession or occupation con­

tained in this Ordinance; and the

n this Ordinance without first laiiiiL; procured a license from said itv to do so, or with. ml complying

wilh any ami all regulations of such Ira'de. calling. |,iolVssion or iccupaliun contained in this Oi- linance shall be. and constitute, a msdeincauor and shall he deemed i separate .offeuso for each and very day that such trade, calling, iroli'HMJoii or occupation is so

carried on. SECTION 2. The amount of any

iccnse imposed by this Ordinance ihall he (teemed u di lit to the Cily it Torr.iiice; and any pcison. firm

ra.le, callillK. profession or occll- lation mentioned In this Ordinance . vllhoill haling a license tiom said lly In .In so. shall be lliibln to '

II any ciiilil of competent Jill Isdle loii lor the am,, mil of license by i Ills Ordinance impose. 1 on such 1 rude, calling, piofessioll or occu- >

SKI 'THIN 3. 11 .shall lie the duty I f the City Clerk to prepare and i

dtnancc, for every person liabh to pay a license thereunder, duly signed by the Prc.'ddent of tho Board of Trustees iind the City Clerk, and attested with tho City's

thv amount, thereof, the period of

the person, firm or corporation to whom Issued, the business, trade, calling, profession or occupation licensed and the location or placo of business, where said business, trade, calling, profession or occu­ pation In to be carried on.

SECTION 1. All licenses shall be paid In advance In the legal currency of tho United Stales, at Ihe office of the City Clerk. A separate .license must be obtained for each branch, establishment or separate place of business In which tho trade, calling, profession 01

for each separate arfd different kind of business conducted, except as herein otherwise provided, and each license shall authorize the party obtainlni; it to carry, on, pur­ sue or conduct only that trade, culling, profession or occupation described In such license, and only at tho location or place of business which Is Indicated thereby.

SECTION 5. No greater or less amount of money shall be charged or received for any license than is provided In this Ordinance, and no license shall bo issued for any period of time, other than as pro­ vided In this Ordinance.

In no case shall any mistake by the City Clerk In stating the

or prejudice tho collection for .the City of what shall be actually due,

ing on said' business" without a

Tho City Clerk shall on or before the first Tuesday in each month pay over to tho City Treasurer, all license fees collected -by him during the previous month, taking the City Treasurer's receipt therefor,, and shall report to tho Board of Trus­ tees at its first meeting in each month a list of licenses remaining delinquent.

SECTION 6. Every person, firm or corporation having a license under the provisions of this Or­ dinance, and carrying on a trade, calling, profession or occupation or business shall keep such license posted and exhibited, while in force. In some conspicuous part of said place of business. Every person having such license andjjiot having a fixed place of business'shall carry such license with him at uall times while carrying on the business, trade, calling, profession or occu­ pation for which the same was .^ranted. Every person, firm or corporation havink a license under tho provisions of this Ordinance shall produce and exhibit the same when applying for a renewal there­ of, and whenever requested to do so by any police officer authorized to issue. Inspect or collect licenses.

SPJCTION 7. Tho City Marshal and all Police Officers of said City shall have and exercise the power: First, to make arrests for the vio­ lation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance; Second, to enter, freo of charge, any place of busi­ ness for which a license is re­ quired and^rovlded, and to de mand tho exhibition of such license for the current term from any per

transaction of such business, and 1 such person shall then and there fail to exhibit such license, sucl persons shall bo liable to the pen­ alty provided In Section 17 of this Ordinance.

It Is hereby made the duty of

plaint to be mado against all per­ sons violating any of the pro­visions of this Ordinance, and as soon as he has knowledge of the same, to deliver to the City Clerk the names of all persons not paying a license whom he believes nhoult bo charged with the payment of.

It shall also be the duty -of the City Marshal to proceed to collect my delinquent license fee, by order of the Board of Trustees, and to collect same In his discretion, by suit or otherwise.

SECTION 8. The conviction and

acting any business, trade, calling, profession or occupation wlthoul

^license, shall not excuse or exempt such from the payment of a license fee duo or unpaid at tho time of such conviction and nothing contained herein shall pre­ vent a criminal prosecution for my violation of the provisions of (his Ordinance.

SKCTION 11. The daily licenses m ibis Ordinance provided, slrall bc'. payal.'c to the City each day in

All other licenses in this Or- linance pro\ iiled lor. shall be <lun ind payable to the City at the

lime ol takini! out s.'ii.l IVeiises ami

crly and yearly in advance as lercinal'U-r piovideil and .-uch II- eliscs shall he |;i ,, cured b.\ .-\.-iy

any on the trade, calling, pio- issiuii i,r occupation for which

such is issued, and each licensewhich is made payable, by the noiith or longer period shall In the ii'st instance run to the cud of the lerioil during which the same is .aid and thereafter for one, three, u twelve months or as the case

ie.\t pcilod after the, ono during vliirli it was first Issued, and no Icduciiun or rebate on any license hall be mado for any reason or

uunu whatsoever, except as hciv- imftfr provided.

SUCTION 10. No license or pi i - nit shall bi> rtMiulreil under the eruis of this ordinance foi the onductlin? of IccturcH, concerts,

irotlt organizations of the City ol

Nil license shall be required hcre- mli r for tin. selling of only such n, pioductH an the vendor imsi If produces from land owned i by said vendor. SKCTIO.V 11 The rates of II-

, uses for ihe pioicssioim. tradus, allingx ami occupatioiltl, horeln- fter named, ahull be, and thu same

nrn hereby flxeo anil established for and within the City of Tor­ ranco according to the followlm, schedule, and the same shall In paid by all persons, firms or cor-

_ fesslon*. (radon, callings, and occu-

1. Fur any of the following busl-

Rcnl Estale and Insurance lirokcr.

Bank or Loan or Investment

Carago keeper. Including the nclllng of accessories and sup­ plies for motor vehicles.

Drnylng and (.rucking. Fruit Stand.' Meat and Fish Market. Bakery. (Irocery and retailing of any

food stuffs, except as lunches 01 foods prepared specially for im-

1 mediate consumption.

- following businesses: Restaurant, Lunch Counter, Confectionery, Lunch Vending Machine, or Sale of Lunches.

Creamery. 'Selling milk from three or more

COWH.Selling ice. Selling water for drinking pur­

poses. Drug Store, license for which

will Include the right to sell To­ baccos.

Selling Tobaccos, Cigars and Cigarettes.

General Merchandise Business, not including selling of Food Stuffs.

Dry Goods and Haberdashery Store,

r Selling Hardware and all build­ ing supplies Including sand, gravel, crushed rock-, lumber, etc.

Carrying on one or more of the following businesses: Sellingwall- paper, or paints.

Gasoline Service Station, In­ cluding sale of accessories and other supplies for motor vehicles.

Lumber Yard, including the selling of building materials.

Sewing Machine Agent with established place of business In the City of Torrance,

Barber Shop, and manicurifng shop.

Hair dressing, unless hair dresser is working by the hour only, and not selling any lo­ tions, remedies or other mer­ chandise, in which case no license foe shall lie charged.

Jewelry Store. Hotel. Apartment House. Rooming House. Undertaking or funeral di­

recting. . Dealing in Second Hand floods. Physician and Surgeon. Osteopath. Chiropractor. Dentist. Attorney,

any person, firm or corporation sliall pay a license fee of Six Dol­ lars ($6.00) per quarter, provided that if goods or merchandise of any kind are sold by peddler not having an established place of business in the City of Torrance, but having an established route in the City of

said peddler sells and offers for_sale his said goods at least twice each week the license fee foe such ped­ dling shall be Twelve Dollars ($12.- 00) per quarter; and provided fur­ ther that any peddler having neith­ er an established place of business nor an established route as above defined within said city shall pay a license fee of Twenty-Five Dol­ lars ($25.01)) per da^'for carrying on such business, and any peddler who cannot show proof satlsfac- lory to the City Clerk that he has been for more lhan Iwo months prior to the passage of this ordin­ ance following an established route, or that ho has an established place of business in the said city, and any future applicant for peddler's license shall deposit with the City Clerk the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) as an evidence of good faith that he will establish such a route or place of business. And If during the two months next suc­ ceeding the date of issuance of this license at the lesser rate above provided he shall have kept a Iiluce of business or have followed such an established route his Fifty Dollars ($50.00) so deposited shall bn refunded to him.

2. For sclllns real estate, or any

live stock at punlic auction. Five »ol.|acfw.<*5.*0) ,K.r day.

3. FV running automobiles used for thu intcrurban currying of pas­ sengers for hire. Thirty Dollars ($:iti.oO) tier iiuailer.

1. For the business of conduct-

liilllanl parlor or bowling alleys, Six Dollars ($6.00) per quarter. Thin license shall Include tho prlvl- CKC of selling soft drinks, cigars, Hid tobacco, at retail. Provided

ier,-uiidei- without tin- approval irsl had of the Itoaid of Trustees n tlie City of Torrance.

r,. For conduct!. m-, managing or

<|iarring loll, Ten Dollars $10.011) per day: and pun id, d that m license shall he issued under his section without the permission list ha.<l and obtained Horn the ioald of Trustees. 1

allying on a, circus Twenty-Five ' Jollurs ($25.00) per day foi each | ing; for any other liaMlim; show

Three Dollars <*3,lil» per ilav, 7. For every person who cailies

ill. plactli'es or professes to prac-

>', palmistry, phrenology, llfe- eading, fortune telling, curtotnun- >'. clairvoyance. crystal-gazing. ispnotism. mediumship. prophecy, iigury. divination, magic or nccro-

nancy. and demands or rceelveM a ec lor Ihe «xi-rclae or exhibition of is art thci-fln. 01 who gives an ei-

libilion theieof at any place where 11 admission fee is charged. K)tlylollais ($:,u uo ) pei annum, payable n advaiiie. ami piuviiled Hi., l no ail then-ill :,hall I,,! leiuiniil for ny can.-,., except that lii the event t a MAocallou llui.of uu hlTfln- llei provided, Ihe Hoard of Trua-

the- return of a part thereof; am provide. 1 no license under the,

upon permission li om ihe Board ol Trustees of said City. The Hoan

any time without notli'e to cance any license issued under this Hub- division, if in Its judgment licen­ see has failed to comply with tin laws and regulations of the City or if licensee, in the opinion of (lii Board of Trustees has conducted said establishment in a inaiinei prejudicial to the public well'iifi or good morals.

S. For conducting, mimai'linr, 01 carrying-on the business of selling upon Ihe public streets or in pub­ lic .places, flre-crnckcrs, torpedoes or fire-works of any kind, or flags banners, balloons, canes, Jiorns, trumpet.-!, musical or noise-making instruments of any kind. toys, badgin, buttons or souvenirs of any kind. Two Dollars ($2.00) per day.

n. For conducting, managing or carrying on any public dance hall

mission fee, or fee , for dancing is charged or received, Fifty Dollars (S.'iO.OO) per annum, excepting ho­ tels, and organizations holding

10. For conducting, managing, or

ing any theatre, moving picture show or any other exhibition not iH-ovidcd for in this Ordinance, Twelve and 50-100" Dollars ($12.50) per quarter.

11. For conducting, managing or carrying on the business of operat­ ing, exhibiting, showing or letting the use of any phonograph, graph-

kinetoscopc . biograph, projecto- scope. or other instrument or nrn- chine of like character or micro­ scope, lung tester, muscle tester galvanic battery or weighing ma­ chine, and all devices similar in

Ten Dollars ($10.00) per quarter. 12. For carrying on tho business

of soliciting orders at retail foi pictures, paintings, photographs, or portraits or merchandise of an} description, except food products Five Dollars ($5.00) per day; pro­ vided that nothing in this section contained shall apply to any per­ son having a regularly established place of business in said City of Torrance for the taking or selling of pictures, paintings, photographs or Bortraits, or for the selling of such merchandise.

13. For each person engaged In

agent, Five Dollars ($5.00) per

regularly established place of busi­ ness in this city.

14. For every person conducting or engaged in tho business of ped­ dling any kind o£ goods, wares, or merchandise on foot. Five Dollars ($5.00) per day. ,

corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of sell­ ing at retail by sample or order teas, coffees, or spices, or any other food products, for himself or any other person. Six Dollars ($6.00) per quarter, provided that nothing n this section contained shall ap-

atlon having a regularly established place of business in the City of Torrance for the manufacture or sale of such goods, chattels, wares or merchandise, or to. the agents of .any such person, firm or cor­ poration.

16. For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a watch, jewelry or clothing club, Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per

17. For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of junk dealer or collector, for himself or any other person. Two Dollars ($2.00) per day.

18. For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a sewing machine agent or of solicit­ ing orders for sewing machines and not having an established place of business In the City of Torrance, Ten Dollars ($10.00) per day.

19. For every person, firm or corporation peddling coal oil, gas­ oline, or distillate at retail from a wagon or vehicle. Eighteen Dol­ lars ($18.00) per annum.

20. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling non-alcoholic drinks, la-

beans.' candy or edibles of any description or other merchandise from carts, or baskets, upon the public slreels. Sin Dollars ($ii.o«) per quarter for each wagon, hand -art. stand, tray or basket. Pro­ vided that -no license shall be is­ sued under' this subdivision until a permit has been llrst obtained from the Board of Trustees' who sh.ill have Ihe right to grant, re­ fuse or reioke a permit under this sul.division in their discretion.

sale automobiles on |h,. Mi-eels or ither public places ill the Cily ol'.ince. Six llollais Hi'.."") per lll.lller.

msiness carried on in public places will, on! an established place of msiness in the city of Torrance, I'Mi Ive Dollars UIJ.llii) per i|iiar-er.

:;;(. For the business of c.irrymg

li.-liil.ullng laundry In Urn City ntforiallce. Twenty - Five Dollars $ .-5.011) per i|llaiter,

L'l For the business of distrib- llin. adveilisements or hand hills ii- samples. Tin Dollars ($10.1111) in ,1.1 y; provided mi samples of n. ilnine shall ever be distribute. i n the Cily of Toiiance; and pro Vidcil that the license lee herein Ixe.l shall not apply to any hona hie business, printing or puhlmh- ng any newspaper in the Cily ol

25. Fur conducting a public lance h.,l| m eoiinectlon with any mill ..i apaiimeiil house. Twenty- 'Ivn Dollars ($25.00) per annum,

26. For the business of plumb- UK contracting. electric wiring ontracting, or cement conn acting, 'lit-.- Poll;,,* l$.,ii,|in p.-,- annum.

payable seml-annually III advance. For the business of general con- tiaciini,- one Hundred Dollars ISliMUHl) per annum, payable »oml- annually in advance. For the bus­ iness of painting contractor, plas- teiim,- contractor, or muring con- linctor. Twenty-Five Dollars ($26.-

nimlly in advance; provided that for the business of plumbing con.- tr.-ictinr. genera^ contracting and elect rie wiring contracting no 11- CCUMC shall be issued hcrcunder un- lil a bond in the sum of One Thou­ sand Dollais (.ftiinn .00) approved by Ihe Boanl m Trustees shall first have b.-n tiled with the city Clerk, which bond shall bo conditioned upon the performance by the li­ censee of all work on buildings In the City of Torrance in ac­ cordance with the "ordinances of the City of Torrance and of tho County of Los Angeles, and the 4aws of the State of California; and which bond shall be signed by a reputable hontlinfC company

27. For the business of drilling for or producing from wells, oil or gas a business license the- amount of which to be paid by every person or company engaged In such business shall be deter­ mined as follows:

For each well being drilled or operated by said person or com­ pany $6.00 per quarter so long as

said well or production obtained therefrom.

28. For every business not here­ in otherwise mentioned and pro­ vided for, Six Dollars ($6.00) per quarter.

SECTION 12: It shall be un­ lawful for any person trt sell or offer for sale or attempt to sell or obtain orders for any goods, wares, or merchandise, or any property of any description, on any private property on which there shall be posted conspicuously a notice in effect as follows: "No peddlers or canvassers allowed."

SECTION 13: Nothing in this Ordinance shall be -construed as imposing a license or tax or other­ wise regulating or restraining for­ eign or interstate commerce and any business or portion thereof which is embraced in the term "Int'erstate Commerce" or in th« term "Foreign Commerce" Is not made subject to the license Im­ posed by this ordinance.

SECTION 14: All licenses Is­ sued under this Ordinance, or any section thereof, are granted and ac­ cepted by all parties receiving li­ censes with the express under­ standing that the Board of Trus­ tees of said CHy. may revoke the same at any time, by amending this Ordinance, or any portion thereof, or if salistled that any condition of the license or terms of this or any other Ordinance or law have been violated, or that th» license was obtained by fraudulent representations, or that tho holder of any such license Is an unfit person to be trusted with tho priv­ ileges granted by such license, pro­ vided, however, that no license shall bo revoked without first glr- ing the holder thereof an oppor­ tunity to appear before the Board of Trustees in his or her own be­ half by notification in writing to the holder of such license, giving and fixing the time and place ot such hearing. Upon tho revoca­ tion of the license no part of til* money in the hands of tho City shall be returned, and all such li­ cense fees shall bo forfeited to to* City. When tho license of any such person is revoked in no caM shall another license be granted to the same pei-son within six months of the date of such revocation.

SUCTION 15: That no 1 Icons* shall be issued for any pool room* billiard hall, skating rink, shoot- Ing gallery, bowling tilley, merry- go-round, moving picture show or other place of amusement, enter­ tainment or exhibition, for which u license fee is charged under thlft ordinance, until tho Board of Trustees shall have authorized tb% issuance of a permit therefor and the said Board of Trustees shall have the right to grant or refuas any such permit in its discretion ind said Board of Trustees may mpose such terms and conditions, ipnn the conduct of such business mt in conflict with law and any irdinalici. of the City of Torrano*. is it may deem necessary or ejt- icilient t.. proiecl the health, safe­

ly or welfare of said citly or its nhabltants in the conduct of said msiness, and that said permit or icense shall not be transferred or issigneil without the consent of he Board of Trustees, llrst ob- aim-il.

SF.CTION. Hi. Onlinam'cs 50. 55. ,!l and 71 fie hereby repealed.

SKCTIO.V K. Any person who .hall violate any of the provisions if this ordinance shall h>. doomed guilty of a mis.lemeanoi, and upon oiiviction t hereof, shall bn pun- she, 1 by a tin. no! ...xc.-c.lim? Two

1 mulled Doii.ns IS2IIU.01I). or by nun isonim -111 lor a penod not e»- ecding nill-ly Cinl days, or by mill such line and impi iMinment.

SKI flux is. Th,. rny clerkshall co, lily to tin. adoplhm of this irdinaucc, and shall e.lllsu tUO

same lo be published once in tll«I',-, III raid, ami thereupon. 1,1,1 IhercaMir this onllllallco Shall le Ill tllll lure-- and effeel.

Approved: 11. It SMITH.

'resident of the Hoard of Trustees. of Ihe rny of Tonance.

\ttest: A.^II. HAHTI.KTT,

City Clerk of Ihe City


STAT1-: OF i' \1.IFOK.\1A, COUN- T"V OF l.os AMiKI.KS -SB. 1. All. .it H, do hereby

.-inn I am ihe city dark,1 the City 01 Tuiianee, and that he above ordinance was regularly lltioilucul :.l I III. cling of ttk« loanl ol Trilsiees ol said City on In. :.', ! ,l,,v ol M..I.-I,, PJ25. and '\.IS :,,l.,ple,l ,,,1 the Itittl Jay Of

M.lll'll, I'll'j

A II. HAHTLKTT. ity t'l.-ik .it the ray „( Torranov
