Classical cryptography

CRYPTOSYSTEMS & CRYPTOSYSTEMS & AUTHENTICATION AUTHENTICATION Classical Cryptography- Substitution Ciphers- permutation Ciphers-Block Ciphers-DES Modes of Operation- AES-Linear Cryptanalysis, Differential Cryptanalysis- Hash Function -SHA 512- Message Authentication Codes-HMAC - Authentication Protocols UNIT II



Transcript of Classical cryptography

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Classical Cryptography-Substitution Ciphers-permutation Ciphers-Block Ciphers-DES Modes of Operation- AES-Linear Cryptanalysis, Differential Cryptanalysis- Hash Function -SHA 512- Message Authentication Codes-HMAC - Authentication Protocols


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0To introduce basic concepts & terminology of encryption

0To prepare us for studying modern cryptography



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0Cryptography0Basic Terminology0Classical Cryptography

0 Substitution0 Transposition0 Product

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What is Cryptography?

0 The idea of storing and transmitting data in a form that only the authorized parties can interpret.

0 Process of making and using codes to secure transmission of information

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0 Can be characterized by:0 type of encryption operations used

0substitution / transposition / product

0 number of keys used0single-key or private / two-key or public

0 way in which plaintext is processed0block / stream

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Basic terminology

0 Plaintext: original message to be encrypted

0 Ciphertext: the encrypted message

0 Enciphering or encryption: the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext

0 Encryption algorithm: performs encryption

0 Two inputs: a plaintext and a secret key

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Basic terminology

0 Deciphering or decryption: recovering plaintext from ciphertext

0 Decryption algorithm: performs decryption0 Two inputs: ciphertext and secret key

0 Secret key: same key used for encryption and decryption0 Also referred to as a symmetric key

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0 Opponent whose goal is to break cryptosystem is the adversary

0 Objective: to recover the plaintext of a ciphertext or, more typically, to recover the secret key.

0 Kerkhoff’s principle: adversary knows algorithm used, but not key

0 Two general approaches:0 brute-force attack0 non-brute-force attack (cryptanalytic attack)

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Brute-Force Attack0 Try every key to decipher the ciphertext.0 On average, need to try half of all possible keys 0 Time needed proportional to size of key space

Key Size (bits) Number of Alternative Keys

Time required at 1 decryption/µs

Time required at 106 decryptions/µs

32 232 = 4.3 109 231 µs = 35.8 minutes 2.15 milliseconds

56 256 = 7.2 1016 255 µs = 1142 years 10.01 hours

128 2128 = 3.4 1038 2127 µs = 5.4 1024 years 5.4 1018 years

168 2168 = 3.7 1050 2167 µs = 5.9 1036 years 5.9 1030 years

26 characters (permutation)

26! = 4 1026 2 1026 µs = 6.4 1012 years 6.4 106 years

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Cryptanalytic Attacks

0 Classified by how much information needed by the attacker

0 Three types of attacks:0 Ciphertext only: adversary has only ciphertext; goal is to find

plaintext, possibly key. 0 Known plaintext: adversary has ciphertext, corresponding

plaintext; goal is to find key0 Chosen plaintext: adversary may supply plaintexts and obtain

corresponding ciphertext; goal is to find key0 Chosen-ciphertext attack: adversary may choose ciphertext

and corresponding decrypted plaintext ; goal is to find key

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Ciphertext-only attack

0 Given: a ciphertext c 0 Q: what is the plaintext m?0 An encryption scheme is completely insecure if it

cannot resist ciphertext-only attacks.

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Known-plaintext attack

0 Given: (m1,c1), (m2,c2), …, (mk,ck) and a new ciphertext c.

0 Q: what is the plaintext of c?0 Q: what is the secret key in use?

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Chosen-plaintext attack

0 Given: (m1,c1), (m2,c2), …, (mk,ck), where m1, m2, …, mk are chosen by the adversary; and a new ciphertext c.

0 Q: what is the plaintext of c, or what is the secret key?

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Chosen-Plaintext Attack

Crook #1 changeshis PIN to a numberof his choice


PIN is encrypted andtransmitted to bank

Crook #2 eavesdropson the wire and learnsciphertext correspondingto chosen plaintext PIN

… repeat for any PIN value

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Chosen-ciphertext attack

0 Given: (m1,c1), (m2,c2), …, (mk,ck), where c1, c2, …, ck are chosen by the adversary; and a new ciphertext c.

0 Q: what is the plaintext of c, or what is the secret key?

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Basis for Attacks

0 Mathematical attacks0 Based on analysis of underlying mathematics

0 Statistical attacks0 Make assumptions about the distribution of letters,

pairs of letters (digrams), triplets of letters (trigrams), etc.0Called models of the language

0 Examine ciphertext, correlate properties with the assumptions.

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Statistical Attack

0 Compute frequency of each letter in ciphertext:G 0.1 H 0.1 K 0.1 O 0.3

R 0.2 U 0.1 Z 0.1

0 Apply 1-gram model of English0 Frequency of characters (1-grams) in English is on next


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Private Key(Secret Key)

Public Key

Block Cipher Stream Cipher Integer Factorization

Discrete Logarithm

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More Definitions

0 Unconditional security 0 no matter how much computer power is available, the

cipher cannot be broken since the ciphertext provides insufficient information to uniquely determine the corresponding plaintext

0 Computational security 0 given limited computing resources (eg time needed for

calculations is greater than age of universe), the cipher cannot be broken

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0 Quintuple (E, D, M, K, C)0 M set of plaintexts0 K set of keys0 C set of ciphertexts0 E set of encryption functions e: M K C0 D set of decryption functions d: C K M

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0Example: Cæsar cipher0M = { sequences of letters }0K = { i | i is an integer and 0 ≤ i ≤ 25 }

0E = { Ek | k K and for all letters m,

Ek(m) = (m + k) mod 26 }

0D = { Dk | k K and for all letters c,

Dk(c) = (26 + c – k) mod 26 }

0C = M

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Ciphers0Symmetric cipher: same key used for

encryption and decryption

0Block cipher: encrypts a block of plaintext at a time

(typically 64 or 128 bits)

0Stream cipher: encrypts data one bit or one byte at

a time0Asymmetric cipher: different keys used for

encryption and decryptionIFETCE/M.E CSE/NE7202-NIS/Unit 2


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Classical Cryptography

0Sender, receiver share common key0Keys may be the same, or trivial to derive

from one another0Sometimes called symmetric cryptography

0Two basic types0Transposition ciphers0Substitution ciphers0Combinations are called product ciphers

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Classical Ciphers

0Plaintext is viewed as a sequence of elements (e.g., bits or characters)

0Substitution cipher: replacing each element of the plaintext with another element.

0Transposition (or permutation) cipher: rearranging the order of the elements of the plaintext.

0Product cipher: using multiple stages of substitutions and transpositions



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Substitution Ciphers

0Change characters in plaintext to produce ciphertext

0Monoalphabetic Substitution0 Each plaintext character is mapped onto a unique

character of a ciphertext.

0Polyalphabetic Substitution0 Each plaintext character can be mapped onto m

alphabetic characters of a ciphertext.

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Monoalphabetic Ciphers

0Shift Cipher(Ceaser)0Substitution Cipher0Affine Cipher0Hill Cipher

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1.Caesar Cipher

0 Earliest known substitution cipher0 Invented by Julius Caesar 0 Each letter is replaced by the letter three positions further

down the alphabet.Plain: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Cipher: D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C0 Example: ohio state RKLR VWDWH

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Caesar Cipher

0Mathematically, map letters to numbers:a, b, c, ..., x, y, z

0, 1, 2, ..., 23, 24, 25

0Then the general Caesar cipher is:c = EK(p) = (p + k) mod 26

p = DK(c) = (c – k) mod 26

0Can be generalized with any alphabet.

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Cryptanalysis of Caesar Cipher

0Only have 26 possible ciphers 0 A maps to A,B,..Z

0Could simply try each in turn 0A brute force search 0Given ciphertext, just try all shifts of letters0Do need to recognize when have plaintext0Eg. break ciphertext "GCUA VQ DTGCM"

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2.Monoalphabetic Cipher

0Shuffle (jumble) the letters arbitrarily 0Each plaintext letter maps to a different

random ciphertext letter 0Hence key is 26 letters long

Plain letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Plaintext: ifwewishtoreplaceletters


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Monoalphabetic Cipher Security

0Now have a total of 26! = 4 x 1026 keys 0With so many keys, might think is secure

0But not secure against some cryptanalytic attacks.

0Problem is language characteristics

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Language Statistics and Cryptanalysis

0Human languages are not random.

0Letters are not equally frequently used.

0In English, E is by far the most common letter, followed by T, R, N, I, O, A, S.

0Other letters like Z, J, K, Q, X are fairly rare.

0There are tables of single, double & triple letter frequencies for various languages

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English Letter Frequencies

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Statistics for double & triple letters

0 In decreasing order of frequency

0 Double letters:

th he an in er re es on, …

0 Triple letters:

the and ent ion tio for nde, …

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Use in Cryptanalysis0 Key concept - monoalphabetic substitution ciphers do not

change relative letter frequencies 0 To attack, we

0 calculate letter frequencies for ciphertext0 compare this distribution against the known one

0 If caesar cipher look for common peaks/troughs 0 peaks at: A-E-I triple, NO pair, RST triple0 troughs at: JK, X-Z

0 For monoalphabetic must identify each letter0 tables of common double/triple letters help

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Example Cryptanalysis


0Count relative letter frequencies 0Guess P & Z are e and t0Guess ZW is th and hence ZWP is the0Proceeding with trial and error finally get:

it was disclosed yesterday that several informal butdirect contacts have been made with politicalrepresentatives of the viet cong in moscow

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3.Playfair Cipher

Not even the large number of keys in a monoalphabetic cipher provides security

One approach to improving security was to encrypt multiple letters

Playfair Cipher was invented by Charles Wheatstone in 1854, but named after his friend Baron Playfair

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Playfair Key Matrix

0A 5X5 matrix of letters based on a keyword 0Fill in letters of keyword (sans duplicates) 0Fill rest of matrix with other letters0Eg. using the keyword MONARCHY





UU VV WW XX ZZIFETCE/M.E CSE/NE7202-NIS/Unit 2 Slide #9-42

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Encrypting and Decrypting0Plaintext is encrypted two letters at a time

1. if a pair is a repeated letter, insert filler like 'X’

2. if both letters fall in the same row, replace each with letter to right (wrapping back to start from end)

3. if both letters fall in the same column, replace each with the letter below it (wrapping to top from bottom)

4. otherwise each letter is replaced by the letter in the same row and in the column of the other letter of the pair

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Security of Playfair Cipher

0Equivalent to a monoalphabetic cipher with an alphabet of 26 x 26 = 676 characters.

0Security is much improved over the simple monoalphabetic cipher.

0Widely used for many yearseg. by US & British military in WW1 and WW2

0Once thought to be unbreakable.0Actually, it can be broken, because it still

leaves some structure of plaintext intact.

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Polyalphabetic Substitution Ciphers

0A sequence of monoalphabetic ciphers (M1, M2, M3, ..., Mk) is used in turn to encrypt letters.

0A key determines which sequence of ciphers to use.

0Each plaintext letter has multiple corresponding ciphertext letters.

0This makes cryptanalysis harder since the letter frequency distribution will be flatter.

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1.Vigenère Cipher

0Simplest polyalphabetic substitution cipher0Effectively multiple caesar ciphers

0Key is multiple letters long K = k1 k2 ... kd

0ith letter specifies ith alphabet to use 0Use each alphabet in turn 0Repeat from start after d letters in message0Decryption simply works in reverse

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Example of Vigenère Cipher

0Keyword: deceptivekey: deceptivedeceptivedeceptive

plaintext: wearediscoveredsaveyourself


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Security of Vigenère Ciphers0There are multiple ciphertext letters corresponding

to each plaintext letter.0So, letter frequencies are obscured but not totally

lost.0To break Vigenere cipher:

1. Try to guess the key length. How?

2. If key length is N, the cipher consists of N Caesar ciphers. Plaintext letters at positions k, N+k, 2N+k, 3N+k, etc., are encoded by the same cipher.

3. Attack each individual cipher as before.IFETCE/M.E CSE/NE7202-NIS/Unit 2 Slide #9-49

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Guessing the Key Length0Main idea: Plaintext words separated by multiples

of the key length are encoded in the same way. 0In our example, if plaintext = “…thexxxxxxthe…”

then “the” will be encrypted to the same ciphertext words.

0So look at the ciphertext for repeated patterns.0E.g. repeated “VTW” in the previous example

suggests a key length of 3 or 9: ciphertext: ZICVTWQNGRZGVTWAVZHCQYGLMGJ

0Of course, the repetition could be a random fluke.0Then attack each monoalphabetic cipher

individually using same techniques as before

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2.Vernam Cipher

0 Ultimate defense is to use a key as long as the plaintext with no statistical relationship to it

0 Invented by AT&T engineer Gilbert Vernam in 19180 Originally proposed using a very long but eventually

repeating key

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3.One-Time Pad

0If a truly random key as long as the message is used, the cipher will be secure

0Called as One-Time pad0It is unbreakable since ciphertext bears no

statistical relationship to the plaintext0Since for any plaintext & any ciphertext there

exists a key mapping one to other0Can use the key only once though0Problems in generation & safe distribution of key

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4.Rotor Cipher Machines0 Before modern ciphers, rotor machines were most common

complex ciphers in use.

0 Widely used in WW2.

0 Used a series of rotating cylinders.

0 Implemented a polyalphabetic substitution cipher of period K.

0 With 3 cylinders, K = 263 =17,576.

0 With 5 cylinders, K = 265 =12 x 106.

0 What is a key?0 If the adversary has a machine0 If the adversary doesn’t have a machine

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German secret setting sheets


DateWhich rotors to use (there were 10 rotors) Ring settingPlugboard setting

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The Rotors

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Enigma Rotor Machine

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Enigma Rotor Machine

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Transposition Ciphers

0Also called permutation ciphers.

0Shuffle the plaintext, without altering the actual letters used.

0Can recognise these since have the same frequency distribution as the original text

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1.Rail Fence cipher

0Write message letters out diagonally over a number of rows

0Then read off cipher row by row0Eg. write message out as:

m e m a t r h t g p r y e t e f e t e o a a t


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2.Row Transposition Ciphers

0Plaintext is written row by row in a rectangle.

0Ciphertext: write out the columns in an order specified by a key.

Key: 3 4 2 1 5 6 7




a t t a c k po s t p o n e

d u n t i l tw o a m x y z

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Product Ciphers0Ciphers using substitutions or transpositions are

not secure because of language characteristics0Consider using several ciphers in succession to

make harder, but: 0 two substitutions make a more complex substitution 0 two transpositions make more complex transposition

0Uses a sequence of substitutions and transpositions0 Harder to break than just substitutions or transpositions

0This is a bridge from classical to modern ciphers

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Unconditional & Computational Security

0 A cipher is unconditionally secure if it is secure no matter how much resources (time, space) the attacker has.

0 A cipher is computationally secure if the best algorithm for breaking it will require so much resources (e.g., 1000 years) that practically the cryptosystem is secure.

0 All the ciphers we have examined are not unconditionally secure.

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An unconditionally Secure Cipher


1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Key = (random, )

Plaintext =


Vernam’s one-time pad cip

used one-time only

xt =


Can be proved to be unconditionally sec


ur . e

i i i

k k k k

m m m m

c c c c

c m k

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Classical to Modern Cryptography

0 Classical cryptography0 Encryption/decryption done by hand

0 Modern cryptography0 Computers to encrypt and decrypt0 Same principles, but automation allows ciphers to

become much more complex

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0 Classical Cryptography0 Substitution0 Transposition

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