Contents 1. English 1 2. Maths 5 3. Physics 6 4. Chemistry 8 5. Biology 10 6. Business Studies 11 7. Accountancy 15 8. Economics 19 9. History 22 10. Political Science 23 11. Sociology 26 12. Psychology 27 13. Computer Science 30 14. Home Science 32 Work Experience A. Instrumental Music 34 B. Vocal Music 34 C. Computer Science 34 D. Home Skills 35 E. Kathak Dance 35

Transcript of CLASS XII


Contents1. English 12. Maths 53. Physics 64. Chemistry 85. Biology 106. Business Studies 117. Accountancy 158. Economics 199. History 2210. Political Science 2311. Sociology 2612. Psychology 2713. Computer Science 3014. Home Science 32

Work Experience

A. Instrumental Music 34B. Vocal Music 34C. Computer Science 34D. Home Skills 35E. Kathak Dance 35



Text Books:1. Flamingo - Published by NCERT2. Vistas - Published by NCERT

(First Term)March

Notice for school notice board, notice for residents welfare association, classified advertisements, display advertisements, posters, formal and informal invitations, formal and informal replies, report writing, article writing.

April- MayFlamingo

Lesson-1 The Last LessonLesson-2 Lost springLesson-3 Deep water

Poem- 1. My mother at sixty six2. An elementary school classroom in a slum3. Keeping Quiet

Vistas- Lesson-1 The Third levelReading skill- Unseen passage for note making.


Lesson-4 The RattrapLesson-5 Indigo

Poem- 4. A Thing of BeautyVistas- Lesson-2 The Tiger King

Lesson-3 Journey to the end of the Earth


Lesson-6 Poets and pancakesVistas- Lesson-4 The Enemy

Lesson-5 Should wizard hit mommy?Poem- 5. A Roadside StandWriting Skill- Letter Writing

SeptemberRevision of the entire course done.



Notice, Poster, Advertisement, Formal/Informal Invitations and their replies.2. Report writing 10 marks3. Business letter of complaint, official letter 10 marks(Making enquiries or registering complaints, seeking and giving information, placing order, cancellation of order)Application for job, letter to editor.4. Article for school magazine/newspaper 10 marks

Literature1. Short and long Questions out of lesson 1 to 6 of Flamingo

20 marks2. Reference to context and short questions out of poems 1 to 5 10 marks3. Short questions and long question out of Vistas lessons 1 to 5 15 marks

Syllabus for Pre Boards

1. Reading skills1. Unseen passage for comprehension 12 marks2. Unseen passage for note making 08 marks

2. Writing skills1. Short composition (50 words) 05 marks2. Report Writing 10 marks3. Letter Writing 10 marks4. Article 10 marks

3. Literature1. Reference to context and three short questions out of poems1 to 6 10 marks2. Five short questions out of lessons 1 to 8 of Flamingo

10 marks3. One long question out of lessons 1 to 8 of Flamingo

10 marks4. One long question out of lesson 1 to 8 of Vistas

07 marks5. Four short questions out of lessons 1 to 8 of Vistas

08 marks




Section A (Reading Skills) 20 marksTwo unseen passages with a variety of questions including

three marks for vocabulary such as word formation and inferring meaning and 5 marks for note making. The total length of the two passages will be between 950- 1200 words.The passage can be factual, discursive or literary.Q:1- Unseen passage to test reading comprehension 12 marksQ:2- A shorter passage of 350-500 words for note making and abstraction. 08 marks

Section B (Writing Skill) 35 marksQ:3 One of the two short compositions of not more than 50 words e.g. Notices, designing or drafting posters, writing formal or informal letter of invitation and replies. 0 5 marksQ:4 A report or factual description based on verbal input provided (one of two) in 100-125 words. 10 marksQ:5 Writing one out of two letters based on verbal input.

10 marks1. Business or official letter placing order (Making enquiries,

registering complaints, seeking and giving information, placing order, Cancellation of order).

2. Letter to editor, Application for job and informal letters.10 marks

Section C (Literature) 45 marksQ:7(a) One out of the two extracts based on poetry from the text to test

comprehension and appreciation. 04 marksQ:7(b) Three short questions out of poetry in 30-40 words.

06 marksQ:8 One out of two long questions in 100-125 words out of lessons of Flamingo. 10 marksQ:9 Five short questions based on the lessons of Flamingo.

10 marksQ:10 One out of the two long answer type question based on the Supplementary Reader, Vistas in 100-125 words. 07 marksQ:11 Four short questions out of lessons of Vistas in 30-40 words. 08 marks



Monthly Syllabus Planning (2011-12)


S.N. Month Topics1. March 2011 I. Matrices

II. Determinants2. April+May 2011 I . I n v e r s e T r i g o n o m e t r i c

functionsII. Continuity and differentiability

3. July 2011 I. Application of derivatives4. August 2011 I. Integrals

II. Application of Integrals5. September 2011 I. Revision of Half Yearly Examination

2011-126. October 2011 I. Differential Equations

II. Vector Algebra7. November 2011 I. Vector Algebra (contd.)

II. Three Dimensional GeometryIII. Probability

8. December 2011 I. Linear ProgrammingII. Relations and FunctionsI I I . R e v i s i o n f o r P r e - B o a r d Examination 2011-12

FIRST MONDAY TEST (18.07.2011)1. Matrices and Determinants 15 marks2. Inverse Trigonometric functions 05 marks

Total 20 marks

SECOND MONDAY TEST (31.10.2011)1. Differential Equation 20 marks

Total 20 marks

THIRD MONDAY TEST (12.12.2011)1. Vectors 06 marks2. Three Dimensional Geometry 07 marks3. Probability 07 marks

Total 20marks



Half Yearly Examination1. Inverse trigonometric functions 07 marks2. Matrices and Determinants 28 marks3. Continuity and Differentiability 15 marks4. Application of derivatives 20 marks5. Integrals 24 marks6. Application of Integrals 06 marks


1. Relations and Functions 05 marks2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions 05 marks3. Matrices and Determinants 13 marks4. Continuity and Differentiability 08 marks5. Application of Derivatives 10 marks6. Integrals 12 marks7. Application of Integrals 06 marks8. Differential Equations 08 marks9. Vectors 06 marks10. Three Dimensional Geometry 11 marks11. Linear Programming 06 marks12. Probability 10 marks

Total 100 marks

PHYSICSMarch Electrostatics April & May Current Electricity Magnetic Effect of Current &

MagnetismJuly Electromagnetic Induction

Alternating CurrentElectromagnetic Waves

August OpticsSeptember Revision for Half Yearly ExaminationOctober Dual Nature or RadiationNovember Atoms & Nucleus

Electronic DevicesDecember Communication System.

FIRST MONDAY TEST (24.04.2011)Electro statics 10 marksCurrent Electricity 10 marks



SECOND MONDAY TEST (25.07.2011)Magnetic Effect of Current 12 marksMagnetism 08 marks

THIRD MONDAY TEST (14.11.2011)Dual Nature of Radiation 10 marksAtoms & Nucleus 10 marks

HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION1. Electro statics 14 marks2. Current Electricity 10 marks3. Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism 12 marks4. Electromagnetic Induction 12 marks5. Electromagnetic Waves 05 marks6. Optics 17 marks

Theory 70 marksPractical 30 marksTotal 100 marks

PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION1. Electro statics 08 mark2. Current Electricity 07 marks3. Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism 08 marks4. Electromagnetic Induction

Alternating Current 08 marks5. Electromagnetic Waves 03 marks6. Optics 14 marks7. Dual Nature of Radiation 04 marks8. Atoms and Nucleus 06 marks9. Electronic Device 07 marks10. Communication System 05 marks

Theory 70 marksPractical 30 marksTotal 100 marks




March-April-MayChapter X Haloalkanes & Haloarenes Chapter XI Alcohols, Phenols & EthersChapter XII Aldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic AcidsChapter XIII Amines

JulyChapter I Solid StateChapter II SolutionsChapter III Electro ChemistryChapter IV Kinetics

AugustChapter V Surface ChemistryChapter VI General Principles & Processes of Extraction

of Elements.Chapter VII The ‘p’ Block Elements (Group- 15,16)

SeptemberRevision + Half yearly Exams

OctoberThe ‘p’ block Elements (Group-17,18)

NovemberChapter VIII ‘d’ and ‘f’ block ElementsChapter IX Co-ordination CompoundsChapter X PolymersChapter XI Bio-molecules

DecemberChapter XII Chemistry in Everyday Life


First Monday Test (11.07.11)1) Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 10 marks2) Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 10 marks

Second Monday Test (29.08.11)1) Solutions 10 marks


Page 10: CLASS XII

Third Monday Test (05.12.11)1) p- block Elements 10 marks2) d & f- block Elements 10 marks

Half Yearly Examination1. Solid state 07 marks2. Solutions 08 marks3. Electro chemistry 08 marks4. Kinetics 08 marks5. Surface Chemistry 06 marks6. General Principle & Processes of Extraction of Elements 06 marks7. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 06 marks8. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 06 marks9. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 09 marks10. Amines 06 marksTheory 70 marksPracticals 30 marks

Total 100 marks

Pre-Board Examination1. Solid State 04 marks2. Solutions 05 marks3. Electro Chemistry 05 marks4. Chemical Kinetics 05 marks5. Surface Chemistry 04 marks6. General Principles & Processes of Isolation of Elements 03 marks7. p- block Elements 08 marks8. d-f block Elements 05 marks9. Co-ordination compounds 03 marks10. Haloalkanes & Haloarenes 04 marks11. Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers 04 marks12. Aldehyde, Ketones & Carboxylic Acid 06 marks13. Amines 04 marks14. Polymer 03 marks15. Bio-molecules 04 marks16. Chemistry in Everyday Life 03 marks

Total 70 marks


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MarchChapter 1 Reproduction in OrganismsChapter 2 Sexual Reproduction in Plants

AprilChapter 3 Human ReproductionChapter 4 Reproductive Health

MayChapter 5 Principles of inheritance & Variation

JulyChapter 6 Molecular basis of InheritanceChapter 7 EvolutionChapter 8 Human Health & Diseases

AugustChapter 9 Strategies for Enhancement of Food ProductionChapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

SeptemberChapter 11 Biotechnology : Principles and its Processes

OctoberChapter 12 Biotechnology and its Application

NovemberChapter 13 Organisms and PopulationChapter 14 Ecosystem

DecemberChapter 15 Bio-diversity & ConservationChapter 16 Environmental Issues

First Monday Test (02.05.11)Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms 06 marksChapter 2 Sexual Reproduction in Plants 07 marksChapter 3 Human Reproduction 07 marks

Total 20 marks


Page 12: CLASS XII

Second Monday Test (01.08.11)Chapter 4 Reproductive Health 06 marksChapter 5 Principles of inheritance & Variation 07 marksChapter 6 Molecular basis of Inheritance 07 marks

Total 20 marks

Third Monday Test (21.11.11)Chapter 11 Biotechnology : Principles and its Processes

06 marksChapter 12 Biotechnology and its Application 07 marksChapter 13 Organisms and Population 07 marks

Total 20 marks

Summative Assessment I/Half Yearly ExamUnit 1 Reproduction 18 marksUnit 2 Genetics and Evolution 22 marksUnit 3 Biology in Human Welfare 22 marksUnit 4 Biotechnology : Principle and Processes 08 marks

Total 70 marks

Pre-Board SyllabusUnit 1 Reproduction 14 marksUnit 2 Genetics and Evolution 18 marksUnit 3 Biology in Human Welfare 14 marksUnit 4 Biotechnology 10 marksUnit 5 Ecology and Environment 14 marks

Total 70 marks


MARCHUnit I : Nature and Significance of Management

Management - Concept, Objective, ImportanceManagement as Science, Art and ProfessionLevel of ManagementManagement Functions - Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and ControllingCoordination - Characteristics and Importance


Page 13: CLASS XII

APRILUnit II : Principle of Management

Principles of Management - Concept, Nature and SignificanceFayol’s principles of Management

Taylor’s Scientific Management - Principle and Techniques

MAYUnit XII : Consumer Protection

Importance of Consumer ProtectionConsumer RightsConsumer ResponsibilitiesWay and mean of Consumer Protection - Consumer Awareness and Legal Redressal with reference to Consumer Protection Act.Role of Consumer Organizations and NGOs.

JULYUnit IV : Planning

Concept, Features, Importance, LimitationsPlanning ProcessTypes of Plans - Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedure, Method, Rules, Budget, Programme.

Unit V : OrganizingConcept and Importance.Steps in the Process of Organizing.Structure of Organization - Functional and Divisional.Formal and Informal Organization.Delegation : Concept, Elements and Importance.Decentralization : Concept and Importance.

AUGUSTUnit VI : Staffing

Concept and Importance of Staffing.S ta f f i ng as a par t o f Human Resource Management.Staffing Process.Recruitment - Meaning and Sources.Selection - Process.


Page 14: CLASS XII

Training and Development - Concept and Importance. Methods of Training.

Unit VII : DirectingConcept and Importance.Elements of Directing -(i) Supervision - Concept and Role.(ii) Motivation - Concept, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; Financial and Non-finanacial Incentives.(iii) Leadership - Concept; Qualities of a good Leader.(iv) Communication - Concept, Formal and Informal Communication; Barriers to Effective Communication.

Unit VIII :ControllingConcept and Importance.Relationship between Planning and Controlling.Steps in the process of Control.Techniques of Controlling : Budgetary Control.

SEPTEMBERRevision and Half Yearly Examinations

OCTOBERUnit IX : Financial Management

Concept, Importance, Objectives of Financial Management.Financial Decisions : Factors Affecting.Financial Planning - Concept and Importance.Capital Structure - Concept and Factors Affecting.Fixed and Working Capital - Concept and Factors Affecting its Requirements.

Unit X : Financial MarketsConcept of Financial Market: Money Market and its Instruments.Capital Market and Types - Primary and Secondary Market.Stock Exchange - Functions, Trading Procedure, NSEI, OCTEI.Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) - Objectives and Functions.


Page 15: CLASS XII

NOVEMBERUnit XI : Marketing Management

Marketing - Concept, Functions and Role, Marketing and Selling.Marketing Management Philosophies.Marketing Mix - Elements:(i) Product - Nature, Classification, Branding, Labeling and Packaging.(ii) Price - Factors Determining Fixation of Price.(a) Physical Distribution - Elements.(b) Channels of Distribution - Types, Function, Choice of Channels(iii) Role of Promotion - Elements of Promotion Mix.(a) Advertising - Concept, Merits and Limitations, Objections against advertising.(b) Personal Selling - Concept, Importance;(c) Sales Promotion - Concept, Merits, Limitations,

Methods.(d) Publicity - Concept and Importance.

Unit III : Management and Business EnvironmentBusiness Environment - ImportanceDimensions of Business Environment - Economic, Social, Technological, Political and Legal.Economic Environment in India; Impact of Government Policy changes on Business and Industry with Special Reference to Adoption of the Policies of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization.

Marking scheme of Monday Test :First Monday Test (11.07.2011)

1) Nature and Significance of Management. 14 marks2) Principles of Management (Part 1) 06 marks

Total 20 marks

Second Monday Test (29.08.11)1) Consumer Protection 08 marks2) Planning 12 marks

Total 20 marks


Page 16: CLASS XII

Third Monday Test (05.12.11)1) Staffing 05 marks2) Directing 08 marks3) Controlling 07 marks

Total 20 marks

Marking Scheme for Half Yearly and Pre-BoardsTopics H.Y. Pre-BoardsNature and Significance of Management 10 07Principles of Management 10 07Consumer Protection 10 06Planning 15 07Organizing 15 10Staffing 15 08Directing 15 10Controlling 10 06Financial Management 12Financial Markets 08Marketing Management 14Business Environment 05

Total 100 marks 100 marks


Unit IV : Company Accounts Issue of Shares - Meaning and Characteristics o f a C o m p a n y , D i s t i n c t i o n b e t w e e n Partnership and Company Accounts, Kinds of Joint Stock Company, Private and Public Company, Steps in the Formation of a Company.Share Capital - Meaning, Types, Accounting treatment of Shares at par Premium and at Discount.Over and Under-subscription, Calls in Advance and Calls in Arrears. Issue of Shares for consideration other than Cash.

APRIL & MAYUnit IV :Contd. Company Accounts

Accounting Treatment of Forfeiture and Reissue of Shares, Private Placement of Sweat Equity Shares, ESOP, Right Issue, Buy back of Shares, Escrow Account.


Page 17: CLASS XII

Issue of DebenturesMeaning of Debentures and Bond, Distinction of Shares and Debentures, Types of Debentures, Issue at par Premium and Discount, Issue of Debenture for Consideration other than Cash, As Collateral Security.Redemption of DebenturesMeaning, Sources of Redemption, Methods of Redemption, Writing of Loss on the Debentures, Interest on Debentures, Bonds with Put or Call option.

Debentures Redemption- Out of Profit, Out of Capital, Purchase in the Open Market and Conversion.


Unit VI :(a) Analysis of Financial StatementMeaning, Advantages and Characteristics of Financial Statements, Contents of Annual Reports, Major Heading of Balance sheet of a Company, Preparation of Balance sheet in Horizontal and Vertical form, Parties interested in Financial Statements and Limitation of Financial Statements.(b) Financial Statement AnalysisMeaning, Tools, Types and Process of Financial Statement Analysis, Purpose and Significance of Financial Analysis, Uses, Parties Interested and Limitations of Analysis.

TOOLS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT(I) AnalysisMeaning of Comparative Financial Statements, Objectives or Purpose of Comparative Financial Statements, Comparative Balance sheet, Comparative income Statements, Common Size Statements.


Page 18: CLASS XII

(II) Accounting RatiosMeaning of a Ratio and Accounting Ratio,Meaning of Rat io Analys is , Object ives, Advantages, Uses and Limitations of Ratio Analysis.Types of Ratios-(i) Liquidity Ratios : Current Ratio and Liquid Ratios.(ii) Solvency Ratios : Debt - Equity Ratios, Total Assets to Debt Ratio and Proprietary Ratios.(iii) Activity Ratios : Inventory Turnover Ratios, Debtors Turnover Ratios, Working Capital Turnover Ratios, Fixed Assets Turnover Ratios.(iv) Profitability Ratios : Gross Profit Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Return on Investment, Earning per Share, Dividend per Share, Price Earning Ratio.(c) Cash Flow StatementMeaning, Object ives, Uses of Cash f low Statement, Limitations, Important Definition as per Accounting Standard-3 (Revised), Preparation fo Cash flow Statement.

AUGUSTUnit II : Accounting for Partnership Firms

Nature of Partnership Firms, Partnership Deed, Meaning and Importance.Partner’s Capital Account - Fixed vs Fluctuating Capital, Division of Profit among Partners, Profit and Loss Appropriation Account including Past Adjustments.

Unit III : Reconstitution of PartnershipChange in Profit Sharing Ratio among the existing Partners, Sacrificing and gaining Ratio.Accounting for Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities, Distribution of Reserves.Goodwill - Nature, Factors Affecting,Methods of Valuation - Average Profit, Super Profit and Capitalization Method.Admission of a PartnerEffect of Admission of Partner, Change in Profit Sharing Ratio, Accounting treatment for Goodwill (as per AS-10), Revaluation fo Assets and Liabilities, Adjustment of Capital.


Page 19: CLASS XII

SEPTEMBERRevision for Half Yearly Examination

OCTOBERRetirement and Death of a PartnerChange in Profit Sharing Ratio, Accounting Treatment of Goodwill, Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities, Adjustment of Capitals. Dissolution of a Partnership Form.

NOVEMBERAccounting for Non-profit OrganizationMeaning and Features of Not for Prof i t Organization.Meaning and Features of Fund based Accounting.Receipts and Payment Account.Preparation of Income and Expenditure Account and Balance from Receipt and Payment Account with Additional Information.

Marking SchemeFirst Monday Test (24.04.11)

Accounting for Share Capital 15 marksAccounting for Debentures 05 marks(Only Issue of Debentures)

Total 20 marks

Second Monday Test (25.07.11)Redemption for Debentures 12 marksTools of Financial Statement Analysis 08 marks(Till Ratio Analysis)

Total 20 marks

Third Monday Test (14.11.11)Retirement and Death of a Partner 15 marksDissolution of Partnership Firm 05 marks

Total 20 marks

Marking SchemePart A : Accounting for Not for Profit Organizations Partnership Forms and Company Accounts.

Half Yearly Pre- BoardAccounting for Non-Profit Organization 10 marks


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Accounting for Partnership Firms 10 marks 05 marksReconstitution of Partnership 15 marks 20 marksAccounting for Share Capital and Debenture 35 marks 25 marks

Total 60 marks 60 marks

Part B : Financial Statement AnalysisAnalysis of Financial Statement 25 marks 12 marksCash Flow Statement 15 marks 08 marks

Total 40 marks 20 marksTOTAL 100 MARKS 80 MARKS

Project Work :Project File 04 marksWritten Test 12 marksViva Voce 04 marks

Total 20 marks


Unit I : Micro EconomicsIntroduction(a) Central Problem of an Economy(b) Production Possibility Curve - Meaning and Opportunity Cost.

Unit II : Consumer Behaviour and Demand(a) Consumer’s Equilibrium - Meaning and Attainment

of Equilibrium in the case of Single and Many Commodities. Indifferent Curve Approach.

(b) Demand - Meaning and Types, Determination of Demand, Change in Demand, Demand Curve etc.,

(c) Price - Elasticity of Demand.Unit III : Supply

Supply - Meaning, Market and Individual Supply, Supply Schedule and CurvesCauses - Elasticity of Supply, Measurement and Numerical.

JULYUnit III : Continued

Producers Behaviour - Cost & Revenue(a) Production Function - Returns to a Factor(b) Producer’s Equilibrium - Meaning


Page 21: CLASS XII

(c) Cast and Revenue - Concept of Costs, TC, AC, AVC, AFC, TFC, TVC, MC Relationships and Calculations.

Unit IV : Macro EconomicsIntroduction, Meaning.Difference between Micro & Macro Economics.National Income and its related Aggregates.Circular Flow of Income.

AUGUSTUnit IV : Continued

Concept of GDP, GNP, NDP, NNP at Market Price & Factor Cost, National Disposable Income.Measurment of National Income by Value Added Method, Income and Expenditure Method.

SEPTEMBERRevisionHalf Yearly Examination

OCTOBERUnit V : Micro Economics

Forms of Market and Price Determination under Perfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition and Monopoly. Feature and Forms of Demand Curve. Equilibrium Price Shift in Demand and Supply Curve. Simple Application of Tools of Demand and Supply.Micro EconomicsMonetary Banking - Meaning and Functions of Money.Commercial Banks and Central Banks - Functions.Govt. Budget - Meaning and Components, Balance, Surplus and Deficit Budget.Balance of Payment - Capital and Current Account. Foreign Exchange.


Determination of Income and Employment.Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply and Their Components.Propensity to Consume and Save.


Page 22: CLASS XII

DECEMBERUnit VI : Continued

Multiplier - Meaning and Working of MultiplierRevision

JANUARYPre- Board Exam

First Monday Test (02.05.11)Micro Economics(a) Central Problems, PPC, Consumers Behavior 8(b) Demand & Elasticity of Demand 8(c) Supply- Meaning and Factors 4

Total 20 marks

Second Monday Test (01.08.11)(a) Production Function 8(b) Macro Economics 4(c) National Income and Aggregates 8

Total 20 marks

Third Monday Test (21.11.11)(a) Measurement of National Income 8(b) Forms of Market, Revenue, Equilibrium 8(c) Govt. Budget. 4

Total 20 marks


Micro EconomicsIntroduction 04 marksConsumer’s Equil./Demand 13 marksProducer’s Behavior and Supply 23 marksForms of Market Determination 10 marks

Macro EconomicsIntroduction 04 marksN. I. and Related Aggregates 15 marksDetermination of Income and Employment 12 marksMoney and Banking 08 marksGovt. Budget and Economy 05 marksBalance of Payment and Foreign Exchange 05 marks

Total 100 marks


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Theme One- Bricks, Beads and Stone Map work

APRIL - MAYTheme Two - Kings, Farmers & TownsTheme Three- Kinship, Caste & ClassTheme Four- Thinkers, Beliefs & Buildings

JULYTheme Four- (Contd.)Theme Five - Through the Eyes of TravelersTheme Six - Bhakti Sufi TraditionsTheme Seven- An Imperial Capital Vijaynagar

AUGUST + SEPTEMBERTheme Eight- Peasants, Zamindars and the StateTheme Nine- Kings & ChroniclesTheme Ten - Colonialism & The Country Side

SEPTEMBERHalf Yearly Examination

OCTOBERTheme Eleven- Rebels and RajTheme Twelve- Colonial Cities

NOVEMBERTheme Thirteen- Mahatma Gandhi and ColonialismTheme Fourteen- Understanding PartitionTheme Fifteen- Framing the Constitution


JANUARYPre- Boards

MONDAY TESTS SCHEDULESFirst Monday Test (11.07.11)

Theme 1, 2, 3, 4 + Map Work


Page 24: CLASS XII

Second Monday Test (29.08.11)Theme 5, 6, 7, 8(Half) + Passage based Q.

Third Monday Test (05.12.11)Theme 9, 10, 11,12 + Map Work

Marking Scheme M. M. 20(1) 2 Question of 2 marks each 04(2) 2 Question of 4 marks each 08 (3) 1 Map/Source based Question 03(4) 2 Question of 5 mark each 05

Total 20

Half Yearly Exams M.M. 100Theme 1 to Theme 10

Pre- Board Syllabus M.M. 100The Whole Course

Marking Scheme for Half Yearly, Pre- Board(1) 5 Question of 2 marks each 10 marks(2) 8 Question of 5 marks each 40 marks(3) 2 Question of 8 marks each 16 marks(4) 3 Source based Question of 8 marks each 24 marks(5) 2 Map Question of 5 marks each 10 marks

Total 100 marks

POLITICAL SCIENCEBook 1 - Politics in India since IndependenceMARCH

Lesson 1- Challenges of Nation BuildingLesson 2- Era of one Party Dominance

APRIL & MAYLesson 3- Politics of Planned DevelopmentLesson 4- India’s External RelationsLesson 5- Challenges and Restoration of Congress System

JULYLesson 6- The Crises of Democratic OrderLesson 7- Rise of Popular Movements


Page 25: CLASS XII

Lesson 8- Regional AspirationsLesson 9- Recent Development in Indian Politics

AUGUSTBook II : Contemporary World Politics

Lesson 1- Cold War Era in World PoliticsLesson 2- The Collapse of BipolarityLesson 3- United State Dominance in the World Politics

SEPTEMBERLesson 4- Alternative Centers of Economic and Political

PowerLesson 5- South Asia in the Post Cold War Era.

OCTOBERLesson 6- International Organization in a Unipolar World

NOVEMBERLesson 7- Security in Contemporary WorldLesson 8- Globalization



FEBRUARY & MARCHRevision and Board Exams

MONDAY TEST SCHEDULEFirst Monday Test (25.04.11)

Book I:Lesson 1- Challenges of Nation Building 05 marksLesson 2- Era of one Party Dominance 05 marksLesson 3- Politics of Planned Development 05 marksLesson 4- India’s External Relations 05 marks

Total 20 marks

Second Monday Test (25.07.11)Lesson 5- Challenges and Restoration of Congress System

07 marks


Page 26: CLASS XII

Lesson 6- The Crises of Democratic Order 06 marksLesson 7 & 8- R ise o f Popu lar Movements & Regiona l

Aspiration 07 marksTotal 20 marks

Third Monday Test (14.11.11)Book II

Lesson 1- Cold War Era in World Politics 04 marksLesson 2- The Collapse of Bipolarity 04 marksLesson 3- US Dominance in the World Politics

04 marksLesson 4- Alternative Centers of Economic and Political

Power 04 marksLesson 5- South Asia in the Post Cold War Era.

04 marksTotal 20 marks

Pre- Board ExamBook1:

Lesson 1 to 9 54 marksBook2:

Lesson 1 to 8 46 marksTotal 100 marks

MARKING SCHEMEHalf Yearly, Pre- Board

1 Mark Question - 1 x 10 = 10 marks2 Mark Question - 2 x 10 = 20 marks4 Mark Question - 4 x 10 = 40 marks6 Mark Question - 6 x 05 = 30 marksTotal No. of Question = 35Total Marks = 100


1 Mark Question - 1 x 04 = 04 marks2 Mark Question - 2 x 03 = 06 marks4 Mark Question - 4 x 01 = 04 marks6 Mark Question - 6 x 01 = 06 marksTotal No. of Question = 09Total Marks = 20


Page 27: CLASS XII


Introduction Indian SocietyDemographic Structure, Rural Urban Linkages and Division

APRIL & MAYSocial Institutions - Continuity and ChangeFamily and KinshipThe Casts System

JULYCaste Tribals (Contd.)Tribal SocietyMarket as a Social Institution

AUGUST & SEPTEMBERSocial Inequality and ExclusionChallenges of Unity in DiversityProject Work

OCTOBERProcess of Social Change in IndiaColonialism, IndustrializationSocial Reform Movement and LawSocial Change and the Constitution

NOV. & DEC.Social Change and EconomyLand Reforms, The Green Revolution and LiberalizationMediaGlobalizations and Social ChangeSocial Movement - Workers, Peasants, Woman Movement, Tribal & Environmental Movements.Revision




Page 28: CLASS XII


MONDAY TEST SCHEDULEFirst Monday Test (25.04.11)

Introduction Indian Society 05 marksDemographic Structure 05 marksFamily and Kinship 10 marks

Total 20 marks

Second Monday Test (25.07.11)The Casts System 05 marksTribals Society 05 marksMarket as a Social Institution 05 marksSocial Inequality 05 marks

Total 20 marks

Third Monday Test (14.11.11)Land Reforms 05 marksMedia 05 marksGlobalizations 05 marksSocial Movement 05 marks

Total 20 marks

Pre- Board (10.01.11 To 21.01.11)The Whole Syllabus

Book I : Indian Society 32 marksBook II :Change and Development in Indian Society

48 marksTotal 80 marks

20 marks are prescribed for Project work to be evaluated by External Examiner

(a) Project 07 marks(b) Viva based on Project Work 05 marks(c) Research Design 08 marks

Total 20 marks

Monday Test Marking Scheme2 Question - 03 marks each1 Question - 04 marks each2 Question - 05 marks each

Total 20 marks

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Marking Scheme for Half Yearly Exam01 - 15 Question - 02 marks each16 - 25 Question - 04 marks each26 - 29 Question - 12 marks eachQuestion No. 30 carries 06 marks based on the passage given

Total 100 marks

Marking Scheme for Pre- Board Exam01 - 14 Question - 02 marks each15 - 21 Question - 04 marks each22 - 24 Question - 06 marks eachQuestion No. 25 are of 06 marks (Passage Question)


Chapter 1 - Variation in Psychological Attributes 09 marks

APRILChapter 2 - Self and Personality 10 marks

MAYIntelligence Test - RSPMPersonality Test - EMPI

Chapter 3 - Meeting Life Challenges 07 marks

END OF MAYAptitude Test - EMPIAdjustment Test - DBDAAttitude Test - SAS

JULYChapter 4 - Psychological Disorders 10 marks

AUGUSTChapter 5 - Therapeutic ApproachesChapter 6 - Attitude and Social Cognition 05 marks

SEPTEMBERHalf Yearly ExaminationRevision of Chapter 01 to 06

Page 30: CLASS XII


OCTOBERChapter 7 - Social Influence and Group Process 06 marks

NOVEMBERChapter 8 - Psychology and Life 06 marks

DECEMBERChapter 9 - Developing Psychological skills 06 marks

First Monday Test (01.08.11)Chapter 1 - Variation in Psychological AttributesChapter 2 - Self and PersonalityChapter 3 - Meeting Life Challenges

Second Monday Test (21.11.11)Chapter 4 - Psychological DisordersChapter 5 - Therapeutic ApproachesChapter 6 - Attitude and Social Cognition

Third Monday Test (16.01.11)Chapter 7 - Social Influence and Group ProcessChapter 8 - Psychology and LifeChapter 9 - Developing Psychological skills

MARKING SCHEME FOR MONDAY TESTMaximum Marks 20Total No. of Questions 11

Types of Question Marks of Each Q. No. of Q. TM1. Learning Check 01 03 032. V.S.A. Type Q 02 02 043. S.A. Type Q I 03 01 034. S.A. Type Q II 04 01 045. L.A. Type Q 06 01 06


Chapter 01 to 06

MARKING SCHEME FOR HALF YEARLY EXAMMaximum Marks 70Total No. of Question 28

Page 31: CLASS XII

Types of Question Marks of Each Q. No. of Q. TM1. L.C.Q 01 10 102. V.S.A. Type Q 02 06 123. S.A. Type Q I 03 04 124. S.A. Type Q II 04 06 245. L.A. Type Q 06 02 12

TOTAL 28 70Theory 70 marksPractical 30 marksTOTAL 100 marks

MARKING SCHEME FOR PRE- BOARDSyllabus - Ch. 01 to 09 70 marksPractical 30 marks

Types of Question Marks of Each Q. No. of Q. TM1. L.C.Q 01 10 102. V.S.A. Type Q 02 06 123. S.A. Type Q I 03 04 124. S.A. Type Q II 04 06 245. L.A. Type Q 06 02 12

TOTAL 28 70Practical -

Conduction of Practical 15 marksViva 05 marksPractical 05 marksProject File 05 marks

TOTAL 30 marks


(1) Review of C++ (Syllabus Covered in XI)(2) Object Oriented Programming

APRIL & MAY(1) Classes & Objects(2) Constructors & Destructors

JULY(1) Boolean Algebra(2) Inheritance : Extending Classes

AUGUST(1) Data File Handling


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(2) Data Base Concepts(3) SQL

SEPTEMBER(1) SQL Contd.(2) Revision

OCTOBER(1) Pointers(2) Arrays

NOVEMBER(1) Stacks & Queues

DECEMBER(1) Computer & Networks Concepts(2) Revision

First Monday Test (02.05.11)1. Review of C++ 05 marks2. Classes & Objects 15 marks

Second Monday Test (01.08.11)1. Constructors & Destructors 05 marks2. Inheritance 10 marks3. Boolean Algebra 05 marks

Third Monday Test (21.11.11)1. SQL 08 marks2. Data File Handling 08 marks3. Arrays 04 marks

Half Yearly Exam1. C++ Revision Tour 10 marks2. Object Oriented Programming 05 marks3. Classes & Objects 07 marks4. Constructors & Destructors 08 marks5. Inheritance : Extending Classes 10 marks6. Data File Handling 12 marks7. Boolean Algebra 08 marks8. SQL 10 marksTheory 70 marksPractical 30 marksTOTAL 100 marks


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Pre- Board Exam1. Programming in C++ 30 marks2. Data Structure 16 marks3. Data Base and SQL 08 marks4. Boolean Algebra 08 marks5. Communication & Network Concepts 08 marksTheory 70 marksPractical 30 marksTOTAL 100 marks

Board/Annual Exam1. Programming in C++ 30 marks2. Data Structure 16 marks3. Data Base and SQL 08 marks4. Boolean Algebra 08 marks5. Communication & Network Concepts 08 marksTheory 70 marksPractical 30 marksTOTAL 100 marks


1. Know Little Children.2. Protection from Preventable Diseases.

APRIL & MAY1. Substitute Care at Home & Outside.2. Special Needs of Disadvantaged & Disabled Children.3. Planning meals for the family.

JULY1. Ways to ensure Good Heath for the Family.2. Meal Planning.3. Planning Meals for the Family.4. Diet Modification.5. Food Hygiene.6. Food Adulteration.

AUGUST1. Money Management & Consumer Education.2. Family Income.3. Savings & Investment.4. Consumer Education.5. Consumer Aids.


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SEPTEMBER1. Consumer Protection.2. General Revision.

Half Yearly ExamTheory- 70 marksPractical- 30 marks

OCTOBER1. Clothing in Relation to Personality.2. Factors influencing Selection of Clothing .3. Selection of Fabric.

NOVEMBER1. Ready-made Garments, Quality & Workmanship.2. Care of Clothes.3. Things I Can Do With Home Science.

Pre- Board Exam1. Know Little Children 17 marks2. Nutrition for Self and Family 17 marks3. Money Management 17 marks4. Clothing in Relation to Personality 17 marks5. Things I Can Do with Home Science 02 marks

First Monday Test (02.05.11) 20 marks1. Know to Little Children 10 marks2. Protection from Preventable Childhood Diseases.l

10 marks

Second Monday Test (01.08.11) 20 marks1. Diet Modification 10 marks2. Food Adulteration 05 marks3. Savings & Investments 05 marks

Third Monday Test (21.11.11) 20 marks1. Clothing in relation to Personality 05 marks2. Ready-made Garments, Quality and Workmanship

10 marks3. Care of Clothes 05 marks


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1st Term1. Rhythm Practice on Drum, Kanjo, Banjo and Tabla.2. Song with Guitar Chords and Rhythm 3. Finger Practice with Sargam cum Sixth4. 16th Beat Rhythm on Drum and Tabla5. Revision

2nd Term1. Guitar Chords with Bad Guitar2. Alankar Practice on Three Octave3. A Practice Song4. National Anthem5. Revision


1. Knowledge of Musical Scales.2. Knowledge of Twelve Notes (Sudh Swar and Wikrit Swar) 3. Practice of Alankar4. Knowledge of Taal “Dadra” and “Kaharwa”5. Knowledge of “Tabla”6. Revision

2nd Term1. National Anthem2. School Anthem3. Taal Practice on Hand Beats.4. One Bhajan or Patriotic Song5. Revision


Chapter-1 : Introduction to Dream weaver.Chapter-2 : Working with Tables.Chapter-3 : Working with Frames.Chapter-4 : Working with Text and Links.Chapter-5 : Working with Images.Chapter-6 : Cascading Style Sheets.


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