Class six english 2nd paper preposition part 3

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Transcript of Class six english 2nd paper preposition part 3

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Welcome To

English Class

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He is not fit for the job. He failed in four subjects.

This situation is not favorable for doing this.

Fit for Fail in

Favor for

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Tanim is so much familiar to all of us. He is familiar with my brother.

Familiar to Familiar with

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He goes to school everyday.

You should give up the bad habits.

Go to Give up

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She has given birth to a cute baby. Tina is good at Mathematics.

Go through the whole book.

Give birth to Good at

Go through

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The office is headed by the manager. Do not hanker after wealth.

He hit upon a plan to do the work.

Head by Hanker after

Hit upon

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The exam will be held in the next month.

What was happened to you?

The accident happened in Savar.

Happen in Happen to

Held in

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Over-eating is harmful for our health.

Harmful for

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Government is indifferent to our problem. Excessive exercise is injurious for health.

I went there in order to participate with my friends.

Indifferent to Injurious for

In order to

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Tell us about the story in brief. He is ignorant of knowledge.

In spite of being rich, they do not help the poor.

She insisted on my going.

In brief Ignorant of

In spite of Insist on

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He has a special interest in history. I have no interest for your wealth.

Interest in Interest for

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He is junior to me in service. He has found out the key to his problem

I want to keep in my first position.

Junior to Key to

Keep in

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Musfiq is known to all. Shakira is very kind to the children.

They are keen to learn about computer.

Known to Kind to

Keen to

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Everybody looks down upon him. I am looking for a good job.

Look up the word in the dictionary.

Look down upon Look for

Look up

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I am looking into the matter. Look upon this matter.

She looks after her mother.

Look into Look upon

Look after

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Leave of this road as early as possible.

Poets don’t live for fame.

Leave of/Leave to Live for

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Raju was ready to make up.

I have no need for more money.

This ring is made of gold.

Make up Made of

Need for

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In spite of trying hard he cannot lie in.

He can lead to the whole team.

Listen to me, girls. They longed for fame.

Lie in Lead to

Listen to Long for

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He is popular with all for his good behavior.

I prevented him from going.

He prides in his merit.

Popular with Prevent from

Pride in

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The car ran over the man swiftly. I rushed to the spot hearing the danger of my father.

There is no remedy for this disease.

Run over Rush to

Remedy for

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He is proud of his position.

Proud of

He passed away last year.

Pass with/away

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I want to get relief from the pain. Mina is running after to get rid of enemy.

Relief from Run after

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I am satisfied with him. Rahim is Suffering from fever.

Satisfied with Suffer from

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He is senior to me by four years.

I am sure of success.

If you don’t know how to swim you will sink into the water.

He can not set up the function of computer.

Senior to Sure of

Sink into Set up

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He is true to his master.It is his long thirst to go abroad.

True to Thirst for

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I am tired of doing the same thing day after day. What do you think of him?

Over-eating tells upon health.

Tired of Think of

Tell upon

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I am victim to the destructive cyclone.

Don’t worried about for your family.

Victim to Worried about

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Group work

Make five sentences with the use ….







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“Work Hard&

Don’t be Lazy

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