Class Resources - Amazon S3Self+Study/CCH08-S… · can & we're pretty darn protective of the work...

Reminder: No files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. This presentation and all related documents are ©2015 by The Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™. Hey Crystal Hottie!: We know you want to share your love of Crystals with the world & totally encourage you to do so, but please remember that anything you receive via the HMCCH course is because you are a PAID member & student. This includes videos, audios, PDFs, Word documents, class resources or usernames & passwords. With that in mind, we must ask that you not copy, forward, or lend your materials to others as these materials were created & provided with much love exclusively for our students. We work feverishly to provide you with the best most up-to-date content we can & we're pretty darn protective of the work that has gone into creating your courses & protecting your investment. Thank you, thank you, thank you for understanding! Mwaaaaah!♥

Transcript of Class Resources - Amazon S3Self+Study/CCH08-S… · can & we're pretty darn protective of the work...

Reminder: No files of any kind may be copied, shared or disseminated in any way. This presentation and all related documents are ©2015 by The Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy™.

Hey Crystal Hottie!: We know you want to share your love of Crystals with the world & totally encourage you to do so, but please remember that anything you receive via the HMCCH course is because you are a PAID member & student. This includes videos, audios, PDFs, Word documents, class resources or usernames & passwords.

With that in mind, we must ask that you not copy, forward, or lend your materials to others as these materials were created & provided with much love exclusively for our students. We work feverishly to provide you with the best most up-to-date content we can & we're pretty darn protective of the work that has gone into creating your courses & protecting your investment.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for understanding! Mwaaaaah!♥

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Class Resources: Tying it all Together

Please remember that this Self-Study version of the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Healer Course is not for certification purposes. It is highly recommended that you take the additional requirements if you intend on conducting crystal healing sessions in a professional capacity by becoming a Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Healer (CCH).

If you're interested in taking these next steps and bringing your crystal healing knowledge to this next level, please email us at [email protected] for more info. :)

Recommended Optional Supplies:

Dreamtime Warm Embrace Body Wrap:

Dreamtime Pampered Sole Foot Cozies:

Earthing Mat/Kit for grounding sessions:

10 lb warm yoga sand bag for hip joints (arrives empty, you fill with sand, rice, BB pellets, your choice):

BioMat amethyst technology products (if you’re a CCH graduate you can receive a $100 discount & we’ll submit the paperwork for you when you purchase from this link. I also highly recommend that you sign up as a distributer if you do decide buy 1 of these babies b/c that can bring you passive income for the rest of your life):

Chakra pillows to help hold stones in place (as seen in Jennifer's video). Get an Exclusive Hibiscus Moon 10% Discount by using coupon code: HMOON10

Divine Crystal Eye Mask:

Good Music for sessions...Deep Theta by Steven Halpern:

More good music...Relax by Liquid Mind:

Grounding music...Sacred Drums by Laura Chandler:

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High Ascension music...Astral Breath by Gulan:

I highly recommend these crystal singing bowls (only kind I use) AND you can get an exclusive 10% Hibiscus Moon discount by using coupon code HM10:


Ujjayi Nose Breathing:

Sacred Stone Crystal Facial demo:

Hibiscus Moon Crystal Healing Session Pandora Station:

How I smudge to clear a space vid:


Recommended Lodestone Source:

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Quartz crystal facing up (or

down if grounding) & aligned

North & South if possible.

Lodestone approx. 6”

below feet.

Light Column Activation:

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The Points

Disclaimer: Should only be done by

licensed Massage Therapists or

Acupuncturists, check with your

local laws & regulations. Not for

pregnant women!

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Crystal Session Action Steps & Script Outline:

Remember, everything is done slowly, gently, softly & quietly:

1. Prep & Clear Phase

Client lying down aligned North to South if possible, draped with sheet or


Hovering hands over client’s head say:

“I call upon source energy to assist the crystals, stones & all energies

present in this session. I call upon (name) & his/her spiritual guides to

assist in this session. I am grateful for the mutual healing we will each

receive here today. I call upon (name’s) higher self to communicate

whatever may be needed at this time, making certain to be correct & for

the good of all.” Pause.

Say: “Inhale slowly & deeply. When you exhale let go of all cares &

worries, softening your jaw, letting your teeth part & your tongue go

limp. As you inhale sink deeper still & on this exhale let your ears &

scalp relax, softening. Let your head sink deeper into the pillow.

Surrender & let go.”

2. Energy Work Phase

Place Light Column Layout: clear quartz at crown pointing upward, lodestone

at Earth Star.

Say: “As you inhale visualize & feel light energy moving from Mother

Earth up into your Earth Star chakra, up a column of light through the

center of your body, warming you as it moves all the way up your spine

& out your crown chakra. As you exhale, this light energy moves out &

cascading back down, out & around your body, back down to your

Earth Star chakra. Inhale the light energy up again, going deeper within

& continue this cycle very slowly. As you exhale, any remaining stress

or worries are released. Let’s do this a few times more to activate your

inner light column.”

Remove Layout

Apply grounding stone 1st

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Sense energy, balance (involves crystal placement, moving from lower to

higher chakras), re-check (without the assistance of stones to get true sense

energy in that area), make necessary adjustments

Add/change corresponding stones, essential oils, sprays, bijas & mudras

when called to

Sensing subtle sensations? Areas requiring sealing of leaks & tears,

impurities? Correction of energy flow direction?

Other healing modalities? Appropriate to do so now (you may remove all

stones before or after this step except grounding stone. Maintain grounding

stone until after the session is over.)

3. Conclusion Phase

Say: “Bring your attention & breathing back to your light column, back

to your body. Direct the energy we’ve worked with here today to

penetrate every cell in your body, into your DNA. Visualize this

happening now. Feel your body glowing with energy. The energy

surrounding your body is a bit less intense now. Now direct that light

energy from your crown back down & right back into Mother Earth.”

Seal in work w/ selenite wand on “The Points” IF licensed to do so

Say: “We are very grateful & thank source energy, any spirit guides &

Mother Earth for their assistance here today. We are very grateful for

the gifts we've received here today. May (name) only take away that

which is for his/her highest good. All work done here today will be

correct & for the good of all.”

Ring singing bowl, bell or tingshas

Say: “Now slowly wiggle your toes, then your fingers, prepare to open

your eyes. And when you feel ready, slowly open your eyes”

Explain maintenance of grounding stone for at least 5min., allow client to

relax, while you leave room

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Chakra Questionnaire

Root chakra

1. Are you disorganized? 2. Do you eat, drink or smoke excessively as a means of escape? 3. Did you have some trauma, distress or difficulty between conception and the age of 7? 4. Do you feel fearful or anxious much of the time? 5. Are you low in energy and often feel weak, tired or just not well? 6. Do you have any physical problems in your legs, knees or feet? The root chakra is the chakra representing basic substance & survival. If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above then you may need to address some of the issues in the questions & concentrate your work on this chakra. If the base chakra is not balanced, the others will also be out of balance. Sacral chakra

1. Do you have difficulty with touch – either being touched gently or being able to touch others? 2. Do you have problems with your kidneys, bladder or with retaining fluid? 3. Did you suffer distress or trauma of any sort between the ages of 7 and 14? 4. Do you feel that your general vitality & stamina are low? 5. Do you have difficulties with any part of your sexuality? 6. Do you feel your creativity is blocked or that you are not a creative person? If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your sacral chakra needs attention.

Solar plexus chakra

1. Do you have digestive problems, e.g. ulcers, heartburn or recurrent indigestion? 2. Do you have an aggressive nature? 3. Did you suffer distress or trauma between the ages of 14 and 21? 4. Are you easily influenced by others? 5. Do you sometimes feel powerless or have a low self-esteem? If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your solar plexus chakra needs attention. Heart chakra

1. Do you find it difficult to love or feel loved? 2. Are you intolerant, critical, judgmental? 3. Do you feel exhausted & drained most of the time? 4. Are you impatient or the opposite, i.e. too patient & tolerant & others take advantage of you? 5. Do you have difficulty in saying you are sorry or in feeling forgiveness? If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your heart chakra needs attention.

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Throat chakra

1. Do you have difficulty with general communication? 2. Do you have problems expressing yourself with speech, with making yourself clearly understood? Great fear of public speaking? 3. Do you have problems listening attentively to other people’s point of view? 4. Do you have problems with throat infections, thyroid, ears or any sort of neck problems? 5. Are you shy, quiet, withdrawn? If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your throat chakra needs attention. Third eye chakra

1. Do you suffer from migraines, vision problems or headaches? 2. Are you unable to visualize your future? 3. Do you have nightmares? 4. Do you have a lack of imagination? 5. Do you have difficulty concentrating? If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your third eye chakra needs attention or possibly has not been fully developed yet. Crown chakra

1. Do you feel separated from abundance, spirituality & wholeness? 2. Do you have difficulty learning new things? 3. Do you feel uncertain or feel a lack of purpose? 4. Do you have a fear of death? 5. Are you overly intellectual?

If you answered ‘yes’ to most of the above, your crown chakra should be balanced or possibly has not yet been fully developed.

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Common Questions from Class 8 Light Column

Can we activate the light column on ourselves or is that not a good idea? I’d love to have

someone give a crystal healing to me!

A: Yes, you can. I do it to myself but in a less formal manner. You can simply visualize the

process instead of speaking or reading the script). It’s just as effective & powerful.

Crystals for Fibromyalgia

Do you have any suggestions on crystals to help one deal with the symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

A: I would recommend working with rutilated quartz along with selenite. Also check out my blog post here on that topic:

Selecting Tuning Forks

I know we discussed tuning forks and singing bowls. I’m looking to start with the tuning forks because they’re a little more cost effective. There are so many kinds and I’m not really sure how to compare them, other than price. Any tips on selecting tuning forks or better yet a set/site/supplier that you like?

A: How exciting!! I don’t feel you need to get the fancy “spiritual” tuning forks. A regular tuning fork set is perfect for this. They are no different than the tuning forks used for tuning music or teaching science…except for their creative name & price. This is the one I recommend:

Despite what a seller may tell you, the specific frequency of the fork doesn’t matter & I explain why in this video: The purpose of the weighted tuning fork is to give a pronounced feeling of vibration when the fork is placed on the body when used in tuning fork therapy…however for the purposes of clearing crystals (or any energy) you’re using acoustic energy (sound vibrations). So with a weighted fork, that energy has been dampened…less amplitude. Yes, it’s the sound that’s doing the clearing. Unless you’re trying to clear something in the physical body with vibration, then the dampened fork makes sense in my mind. In my new Space Clearing eKit, I even give a sound mp3 made specifically for clearing your crystals & space for this reason.

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Magnetic Sand with Lodestones

Is it necessary to use magnetic sand with our lodestones? Will they lose their magnetic quality, if they are stored long-term without the magnetic sand? Thanks in advance.

A: No, not at all. Sellers usually sell it with that (iron filings) just to prove that the stone does indeed have its magnetism intact. But, I’ve brushed mine off & cleaned it so it doesn’t dirty everything up.

Alternative for Lodestones

Lodestone for the Light Column Activation is holding me up! I searched for days before finally

settling on a male/female pair of lodestones measuring about 2 inches each. I had to order

online, and I have no idea of what they’ll look like “in person”. Will one of these two stones be

sufficient? Can I use them together for the layout? I understand Lodestone is the best choice,

but would something like Morion black quartz work for this purpose

A: I’m not sure what “male/female pair” means…sounds like a seller’s gimmick. Did you ask

them? As long as the piece is magnetic it will be perfect. For that reason, Morion black quartz

would not do. If you don’t have access to a magnetic stone then simply skip the Light Column


Crystals and Pregnancy and Babies

Are there any crystals we shouldn’t use when young babies/newborns or pregnant mommies are around? Other than obsidian. Another question, same theme, regarding gem elixirs, pregnant and/or breastfeeding mommies.

A: As for pregnancies, no other special cautions besides the acupressure cautions given in the course (you’ll learn that in future classes). No crystals would be "bad" energy. Now if you know there are some fears with the client that they're working on, keep that in mind in choosing which crystals to work with. Make sure they are completely comfy with your choices. You may also like to consult my blog post on the subject here. Â All that info is perfect for pregnancies-in-progress as well as getting pregnant.

As for newborns, they can be around but I wouldn’t do a body layout or session specifically on the newborn (or any children for that matter) as they’re still integrating into their new reality & energy here on Mother Earth.

And all of the above applies for any gem elixirs that you may want to use.

Copyright & Use

How do you feel about us using some of the layouts you taught us? For example, do you mind if we offer a transmuting shield body layout? Or shall we take that and make it our own–call it something else, use different stones, etc.? Or the Chakra Immersion idea? I don’t want to offer these services without your blessing first.

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A: That’s why I give you those layouts. I want you to use them in your practice and do give you permission to use them in that way. Go for it!! Bless, bless, bless. However, they are not to be taught to others. Teaching of these layouts, HMCA methods & copy written info can only be done by the HMCA. If you're still unsure, please send an email on over to [email protected] for clarification.