Class I Winter Holiday Home Work

Class I Winter Holiday Home Work

Transcript of Class I Winter Holiday Home Work

Class Ist Winter Holiday Homework
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Class II Winter Holiday Home Work
Class II Winter holiday homework
Sub: math
2.write counting from 501 to 1000.
3.write backward counting from 100 to 1.
4.write number names from 101 to 200.
5.write 20 sums of addition and subtraction each.
6.draw a calendar for the month of January 2020.
7.make a wall hanging using shapes.
8.collect and paste artificial notes of 10,20,50,100,500,2000.
9.revise syllabus for cycle test-6.
Sub: EVS
1.paste pictures of neighbourhood places and animals around your house.
2.draw picture of hospital and police station.
3.write 5 lines about your father's occupation.
4.paste pictures of at least 6 different occupations and write a line about each.
5.draw a picture of Christmas festival.
6.make and decorate a new year greeting card.
7.revise syllabus for cycle test-6.
Subject- English
Q1 Read and write 1 page of text book daily.
Q2 Write an essay about your School.
Q3 Write 5 lines about Cat and Rat.
Q4Prepare flash cards on any one of the following topic-
Rhyming words
Singular Plural
Opposite word
Q5 Learn and write 10 words-meaning daily with correct spellings.
Q6 Read and revise the lesson of-
Curly looks and three Bears
On my Black-board , I can draw
Make it shorter
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Class III Winter Holiday Home Work

– English Class III
Q1- Do 10 best handwriting in good writing
Q2 – Learn lesson “ Puppy and I” to Don’t Tell.
Q3- Learn all exercise “ Puppy and I” to “ Don’t “ Tell.
Q4 – Learn and write definition of noun with examples.
Q5 – Learn and write an application for two days leave.
Q6 Learn five lines on “ My School “ and write them.
Q7 Learn and write from page 84 to 85.
1. Draw any five pattern which you see around you.
2. Draw and write 5-5 objects which can measure less than 1 liter and more than 1 liter.
3. Complete the multiplication grid
X 4 6
4. Fill in the blanks :-
a) 1 liter = ………… ml b) Half liter = ………. Ml c) 1 kg = …………. grams
d) Half kg = ………..grams
e) Liquid are measured in ……………. (m / l ) f) 700 ml + 300 ml = …………… ml g) 198 x 6 = …………….. h) 18 x 5 = ………… + ………… + …………. + ………… + ……………
i) 30 + 30 + 30 = …………… x …………
j) 6 x ………… = 30
k) …………. X 9 = 63
5. Complete the pattern
a) 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , …………. , …………….. b) 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , …………… , ……………
6. Multiply
7. Do practice of all the syllabus of Periodic Test 2.
Subject: EVS Holiday Homework Draw the following: Q.1 (i) Different type of houses. (ii) Any five food items which we get from plants. (iii) Any five food items which we get from animals. (iv) Any five pet animals.(You can paste pictures). (v) Two postcard with – (a) Full Home address (b) Full School address. (vi) Any four medicinal plants. (vii) Picture of bird bath. Write down answers of following questions: Q .2. What problems do old people face? Q.3. How can you help blind persons? Q.4 What are similarities between a house in hilly area and a house on bamboo pillars. Q.5 What are food habits of following animals: Rat, Cockroach,Squirral,Lizard and Crow Project Work: Q.6 Make a model of a house using waste material. Note: Prepare for periodic Test-2 from Lesson-13 to Lesson-19
Class IV Winter Holiday Home Work
Winter break HW class IV EVS
Draw the following
2. Vegetables and fruits (any 5), which spoil quickly.
3. Vegetables and fruits (any5), which stay for a long time.
4. Nest made by Tailor bird and Sunbird.
5. Water containers used in your home for storing water.
6. Draw a plant, colour it and label it.
7. Draw different types of roots.
8. Draw 5 fruits and vegetables which have smooth surface and which have rough surfaces.
9. Write one slogan on water.
10. Write any 5 difference between living things and non living things.
11. Write any 4 differences in the house of mama, nandita and babloo's houses.
12. Project work- Make a small house using waste materials.
Prepare for the Periodic test 2 from lesson 14 to lesson 20
Subject MAth
Note - All the written work should be done in the homework notebook
1. Practice – lesson 8 to lesson 11 for P.T. – 2
2.Do practice time page on 127
3.Learn and write tables 2 to 15
A} Design using compass B} A floor pattern
C} Four shapes and shade = 1/2, 2/4, 1/4 ,5/10, of its parts
5. Multiply
6. Divide
A} 384 by 4 B} 538 by 9 C} 960 by 2 D}8105 by 7
8. Create your own secret message
I love Santa Clause

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Subject- English
Q1 Write 5 sentences on the “Importance of Boos”
Q2 Write Question-Answer from lesson The Milk man cow to book.
Q3 Write Past tense word of any 10 present words.
Q4 Find any 10
Q5 Learn whole syllabus pf PT2
Note- Learn all the written work should be done in the English
Homework N/B
Winter break Homework
Subject- EVS
Q1 What kind of problems will we face , if the number of vehicles keep
on increasing ?
Q2 Suggest 5 ways to save Petroleum.
Q3 write the name of different type of houses that you have seen and
draw picture.
Q6 Write and draw some musical instrument which produce melodious
and pleasant sound when you blow air.
Q 7 Write five jobs which you do not want to do . why ?
Q 8 Write the name of 5 woman players of India with game and pictures.
Q9 Make a poster to save petroleum .
Project work
Q 10 Make a House boat or Donga using waste material.
i) 234.56 ii) 450.2
Ques.2 Write in fraction
i) 4.347 ii) 0.609
Ques.3 Write in Decimals
i) 4095/100 ii) 6265/1000
i) 0.8 ii) 8/10
Ques.5 Convert in paisa
i) 2/5 rupee = _________ paisa
ii) 1/4 rupee = _________paisa
Ques.6 Find the Perimeter
3cm 5cm 1cm
4.27 , 4.72 , 6.45 , 6.54
vii) 500.5/0.5 viii) 312.3/0.3
SUBJECT: ENGLISH Ques1- Complete the spellings-
Ques2- Write the correct article-
A)-……………. Car met ……………. accident today. B)-……........ boy I saw yesterday is our new neighbor. C)-Elephant is …………… huge animal. D)-It was raining yesterday, so I bought ……………… umbrella. E)-……………. M.L.A. is the member of legislative assembly. Ques3- Write the homonyms:
A)-Honest Girl Is Renu A.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. B)-Shaving Was The Barber Sultan.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. C)- Night Go To Children schools Topsy In Turvy Land In.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. D)-Bright Iron Is Metal A.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Ques6- Answer the questions-
B)-How did the seaside creatures teach Hari a lesson?
C)-Why did the barber take so long to shave the sultan?
D)-What things do people carry with them when they are out of home?
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