Clash Royale Deck Archetypes and Counters Guide.docx

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  • 8/16/2019 Clash Royale Deck Archetypes and Counters Guide.docx


    Clash Royale Deck Archetypes and Counters Guide by Siddmaster 

    In other card games (Yugioh is what I’m basing this off of, because I play that game, even if casually

    and it’s the best example I can think of), archetypes are used to classify a certain deck type that a

    person is using !here are "# or more card classification in Yugioh, and many have differentsubtypes !hen there are the types, attributes, etc $ut an archetype is not limited to how many

    cards of a type a person has% If a person uses a lot of synchro monsters in their extra deck, it doesn’t

    make it a synchro deck if that’s not their win condition &n archetype is cards used 'S how a

    person gets win condition, not unlike *'+s like pokemon, although they don’t have archetypes, they

     ust have win conditions, because most teams look the same except rare cases like rain teams In

    another example, -earthstone, archetypes are chosen when you pick your character, but there are

    many mixups in an archetype, but they tend to stay the same generally, like the control master

    'riest !here are only . types of cards in /lash *oyale0 Troops, Spells, and Structures !roops are

    divided into ranged and melee, spells are divided into damage and affect, and structures are divided

    into defensive, spawners, and productive (elixir collector) !here is also the mirror, which could fitinto its own classification 1ith all that said, I believe that these are the archetypes in /lash *oyale

    Basic Descriptions

    Balanced 2 sing all types of cards, with an emphasis on troops, common in all levels)

    Offensive 2 3avoring big troops like prince and giants and supportive spells to gain an edge,

    common in low to mid levels

    Offensive Mixed 2 sing damaging buildings like xbow during an assault, or putting them at the

    enemy’s crown tower after one tower is destroyed, while keeping the pressure

    Defensive 2 3avoring defensive and productive buildings to gain a lead, then using spells and

    ranged troops to finish the towers, common in mid to high levels

    Swarm 2 sing small troops like witch, skeleton, gob, spear gob, minion, drag for backup, to get to

    the witch easily, maybe a cheap defense, not seen a lot but most prevalent in lower to mid levels

    Support 2 sing a main tank like a '455&, prince, giant, or hog and making the whole deck revolve

    around that one troop, and chipping down what’s left of the tower 67!40 &n 8bow deck is a form of

    the support deck, 67! defensive

    Control – sing cheap defensive buildings and troops to counter almost everything your opponent

    has, then rushing down the opponent with troops like the barbarian and goblin barrel

    Counters for the Dierent archetypes

    Balanced decks are countered by defensive decks

    Defensive decks are countered by offensive decks and support decks

    Offensive decks are countered by swarms

    Swarms are countered by defensive decks

    Support decks are countered by swarms

    Control decks are countered by support decks

    Swarms are also countered by control decks

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    Important Cards for Each Type of Deck 

    Staple Cards for All Deck archetypes: Some if speci!cally helpful to a deck

    type may "e used a#ain

    Baby Dragon: /an be used for countering an opponent’s push, or being used as a mini tankFireball!rrow: Staple card for countering small cards, as well as chip damage

    "i#ard$ce "i#ard: & staple for continuing a push with splash damage

    Mirror: 4asily get two of a key card in your deck, such as double golem or double hut

    Barbarians: Staple, bulky troops, much like what their cousins were supposed to be

    !rc%ersMinions: Some air targeting troops, baby dragons fear them

    S&eleton Bomber: Splash damage and good tower damage make them a multipurpose troop

    'rincess: ong ranged support for offense, countering small troops, or chipping on defense

    (lixer Collector: +aining on the momentum, distracting troops while making a profit and using

    elixer on both offense and defense

    Balanced: $ost "alanced decks use the a"o%e list as a "ase for startin# o

    "ein# the &startin#' archetypes

    Free#e: Stops a push or counters your opponent’s counter 

    S&eleton Swarm: 9istracts troops that are easily distracted, like an unbacked '455&

    'rinceDar& 'rince: /an easily take down an unprotected tower, or with backup rush a protected


    Defensi%e Decks

    S&eleton )omb* +oblin ,ut* and Barbarian Barrac&s: &ll are a staple to defensive decks,

    distracting troops in a push

    ,og* +iant* -oyal +iant* and Balloon: +etting safe, guaranteed damage to the tower, tanks for

    after the tower is gone

    S&eleton Swarm: 9istracting a push, yet easy to punish with arrows:splash

    'rincess0 ;asssive range, camp a tower 

    !ll Defensive )owers: !his is pretty much self explained, being the name of the archetype


    +iant S&eleton: Stopping a push while tanking for your spawned troops and making a mini push

    (ensi%e Decks

    +iant* Mini '(..!* 'rinceDar& 'rince* Balloon* '(..!* +olem: 1hen supported, a threat to a


    /ig%tning!rrows: !aking out an opponent’s counter 

    +oblins: 3ast, taking down a tower while a troop is tanking

    0bow 1Offensive Mixed card 2: -elping destroy a tower from the background with its insane 9'S

    -age: 'owers up your troops in a large radius for a push

  • 8/16/2019 Clash Royale Deck Archetypes and Counters Guide.docx


    Support Decks

    ,og -ider* +iant* Mini '(..!* '(..!* Baloon* 0bow 1C%oose one2: !he main troop to be


    +oblin Barrel: & secondary support:chip troop

    Free#e/ig%tning'oison!rrowsFireball: Spell that helps the main troop alone$nferno )ower* Cannon* 0bow10bow O3/4 if t%e main troop is not 0bow2: 'rotects your tower

    while the troops are away

    Small )roops li&e !rc%ers: Support the main troop in its tower

  • 8/16/2019 Clash Royale Deck Archetypes and Counters Guide.docx


    Control decks revolve around controlling the pace of the game as well as possible, much like a

    ?oner:grappler in fighting games