Clarity Practitioner Additional Downloads


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Transcript of Clarity Practitioner Additional Downloads

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Copyright 2013 Jamie Smart Ltd Tel: 0333 444 1982 email: [email protected]

The Art of Influential Leadership ........................................................................................................................... 2

The Logic of Personal Evolution: Understanding the Reset Button in Life ......................................................... 2

The Awakened Entrepreneur: Pioneering with The Principles ............................................................................ 2

Client Transformation: The Art of Working with Others ..................................................................................... 3

The Source of Superb Performance ...................................................................................................................... 3

Navigating by Wisdom Living Gracefully in Times of Uncertainty & Change .................................................. 4

Service: The Heart of Creating Clients ................................................................................................................. 4

Getting Clients with Clarity .................................................................................................................................... 5

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Copyright 2013 Jamie Smart Ltd Tel: 0333 444 1982 email: [email protected]

The Art of Influential Leadership

- recorded in November, 2011 Speaker: Sandra Krot

Influential leadership is essential when it comes to creating a life you love, living on purpose. We lead ourselves, our clients, our families & our friends, so how can you do it in a way that fits with who you really are & feels great? The field of leader-ship is beset by theories & complex models, but Sandy Krot is going to simplify it & make it highly practical, applying the inside-out understanding to the domain of influential leadership. Sandy has pioneered this work with clients ranging from private individuals to CEOs of blue-chip companies. Now she's going to be sharing it with you.

Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

The Logic of Personal Evolution: Understanding the Reset Button in Life

- recorded in February, 2012 Speaker: Dr Keith Blevens

Dr Keith Blevens has the kind of clarity of understanding of how life works that impacts you at a gut level. In this programme, he's going to use his insight, humour & compassion to help you see through the superstitions & misunderstandings that may have been blocking you until now. You're going to emerge from this practical & experiential masterclass with something that serves you deeply, & that you can pass on to your clients. You're going to discover why Keith is “the guru's guru”, & in such high demand.

Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Slides:

The Awakened Entrepreneur: Pioneering with The Principles

-recorded in May, 2012 Speaker: Jamie Smart

What does it take to go from a deep, personal grounding in The Three Principles to sharing what you're learning & engaging successfully with the world (however you define success)? By this point in the programme, you'll likely be experiencing your richest, most fulfilling quality of life so far, & enjoying many of the benefits of your new understandings. And while these understandings will also be influencing your work, you may be inspired to start pioneering & creating new ventures that you haven't even imagined yet, breaking new ground in a more

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Copyright 2013 Jamie Smart Ltd Tel: 0333 444 1982 email: [email protected]

entrepreneurial fashion. We're going to be exploring the issues most present for a person setting out in a new direction; confidence, creativity, entrepreneurship, relationships, & much more. Your new understandings are going to combine with your wisdom & your passion to help guide you on a trajectory living your most inspiring & beautiful life, enjoying every step of the journey.

Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

Client Transformation: The Art of Working with Others

-recorded in July, 2012 Speaker: Dr Mark Howard

What would it be like for you to have the deep sense of clarity, connection, and Inner peace that allows you to truly know how to share the inside-out understanding with others? It's one thing for this understanding to be impacting you in your own life, but how can your understanding help you share with others so that they have their own insights about this innate wisdom? In this three day master class, you're going to be exploring an entirely new order of change; going beyond the techniques, rituals, and incremental improvements. Instead of focusing on methods to change behaviours and feelings, you'll learn how to point clients to the power that creates their behaviours and feelings in the first place, giving them all they need to bring about profound and lasting change. You're going to learn the art of working with others in a way that helps them have profound insights into these principles, waking them up to where their experience comes from and aligning them with the true meaning of life. Realisation of this understanding gives clients the power to transform their reality to one that inspires and brings a deep sense of wellbeing and happiness.

Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

The Source of Superb Performance

-recorded in September, 2012 Speaker: Garret Kramer

So how do you connect with the source of superb performance when you're "on" in two minutes time? When you don't have the luxury of "sitting back & waiting" for inspiration to show up?

You're going to be discovering the answers to the questions above as you experience it for yourself in this profoundly practical masterclass.

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Copyright 2013 Jamie Smart Ltd Tel: 0333 444 1982 email: [email protected]

Whether you're coaching your client, or guiding your child; teeing up a golf-ball or teeing up a business deal; there's a deep level of inner confidence that comes from knowing you have what it takes to deliver the goods.

Of course, this isn't just true for your own performance; it's also the essential starting point when it comes to bringing out the best in others. As you discover that you can rely on a high level of performance more & more, you're going to find it becoming a natural, "automatic" part of your life.

Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

Navigating by Wisdom Living Gracefully in Times of Uncertainty &


-recorded in November, 2012 Speaker: Jamie Smart

The world is changing more rapidly than ever before. More people than ever are in transition, and the experience can sometimes be unsettling and overwhelming. We look outside ourselves for the answers to help us make the “right” decisions, but what would it be like if you knew that you always have the answers you need within you, no matter what? That the perfect guidance system for your life is always there, working on your behalf? Like “sat-nav” for your life, your inner wisdom is custom-made for you and your ever-changing world. It's perfectly calibrated to you; your life, your circumstances, and your values. In this powerful module, you'll become more and more aware of your wisdom, and learn to follow it in any situation. Whether you're working with others, or making important life decisions for yourself, your inner wisdom is the ultimate decision-making technology. You're going to discover what becomes possible for you when you're living a life you love, navigating by wisdom.

Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

Service: The Heart of Creating Clients

- Recorded in January 2013 Speaker: Cathy Casey

One of the fundamental shifts in creating clients from the inside-out is the move from an "acquisition" orientation to a "service" orientation. So how does that work, and what's behind it? You'll find out in "The Heart of Creating Clients".

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Copyright 2013 Jamie Smart Ltd Tel: 0333 444 1982 email: [email protected]

Day 1: Day 2: Day 3:

Getting Clients with Clarity

- Recorded in May 2013 Speaker: Jamie Smart

What's the secret to creating a thriving business grounded in the principles behind clarity? It's not a "how-to" issue, it's a grounding issue. Getting clients starts with really "getting" your clients, understanding where they're at, and helping them find the source of the answers they're looking for. Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: