Claire Gorton question 5

did you attract/addres your audience?

Transcript of Claire Gorton question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Front cover

Image: band that are serious about music but have a funny side. Eye contact with them already lets audience relate to them.

Masthead: RIOT – capital letters, makes it seem bold and maybe the word ‘RIOT’ suggests the type of music may be a rock style. Capitals suggest shouting. Interesting font style, jagged edges rather than a bold outline.

Main cover line: scrabble piece style font. This may be trying to secure their younger audience, as this would be the font style of the bands logo.

‘NEW BAND TO RIOT ABOUT’: Using the word riot hints at exclusivity to the audience, that they are using the masthead title as part of a sentence, which shows why I may have chosen to use a word as my masthead.

ContentsTitle: looks like a ‘fun’ font, a bit different, fits in more with the style of my music magazine

Images: different types of shots, some outdoor, some inside a studio with studio lighting. I staged the photos so that the backdrops were appropriate. One image of person on stage, meant to look like a gig, shows the element of live music involved.

Columns: split into thirds makes information easier to read and makes the page look neater.

Fonts: I used three different types of font, all from, they have a cartoony/futuristic style and are sort of novelty, making it seem more fun and interesting. With ‘RIOT’ being the title, delicate fonts would not have put across the correct image.

Colour: as the background was white I tried to make my contents as colourful as possible by using images with different colour and a coloured font

Double page spread

Interview: chatty, informal style, readers feel ‘at ease’ with the band

Columns: splits the page design and the writing up, makes it simpler

Images: jokey, informal style. Gives the band a fun image and potentially goofy style, gives readers an insight into the band and their attitudes.

Multiple entry points: pull quotes, separate questions and drop cap giver different entry points so the reader can start reading from different places as not all people choose to read whole articles.

Design features: encouraging readers to visit website, assuming

they are internet users.