Civil rights movement civics



overview of the highlights of the Movement

Transcript of Civil rights movement civics

  • 1. A promise deferred is a promise denied. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A legacy of slavery Considered a sub-class if not sub-human Uneducated by law [self-fulfilling prophecy] The South after Reconstruction Role of the Supreme Court [Dred Scott] Jim Crow [Black Codes] legal segregation and discrimination: denial of rights and voice The Civil War amendments [13, 14, 15] Full citizenship and right to vote South passes laws to get around the Constitution [Jim Crow v. suffrage] Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) establishes separate but equal doctrine What that say?
  • 2. The modern Civil Rights Movement Frustrated by Congress, President Truman desegregates the Exec. Branch including the armed forces in 1948 [Exec. Order #9981] -Just in time for Korea Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka KS (1954) Public schools to be desegregated Overturns separate but equal Resistance at Central High School Little Rock Arkansas Little Rock Nine AK National Guard federalized; 101st Airborne sent in [there will be many more] Brown II court orders states to desegregate schools with all deliberate speed.
  • 3. The Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955 NAACP officer Rosa Parks arrested for not giving up seat on bus Montgomery Improvement Association formed, organizes bus boycott [will last 11 mos.] Elect 26-year-old Baptist pastor Martin Luther King, Jr. leader African Americans file lawsuits, boycott buses, use carpools, walk Get support from black community, outside groups, sympathetic whites 1956, Supreme Court outlaws bus segregation
  • 4. Gaining national attention Television a powerful tool of information and emotion Sit-in at Greensboro, NC Woolworth seen nationwide [many other sit-ins, marches and demonstrations] Getting arrested on purpose breaking the system and making a statement Southern Christian Leadership Conf. [SCLC] and Student Non-violent Coordinating Comm. [SNCC] lead the movement Freedom Summer 1961 Target is to desegregate busses; encourage blacks to register to vote Violence directed toward Freedom Riders;
  • 5. Triumph [?] 250,000 March on Washington to demand Civil Rights legislation Dr. King delivers the I have a dream speech. LBJ signs Civil Rights Act into law, 1964 24th Amendment ends poll tax Followed by the Voting Rights Act 1965 Swann v. Charlotte-Meck. Schools (1971) orders nationwide busing of students to desegregate Affirmative action programs [Regents of Univ of Cal. Berkeley v. Bakke (1971)] 1997 Chuck Burris elected mayor of Stone Mountain, GA NOT DONE YET!!
  • 6. Triumph [?] 250,000 March on Washington to demand Civil Rights legislation Dr. King delivers the I have a dream speech. LBJ signs Civil Rights Act into law, 1964 24th Amendment ends poll tax Followed by the Voting Rights Act 1965 Swann v. Charlotte-Meck. Schools (1971) orders nationwide busing of students to desegregate Affirmative action programs [Regents of Univ of Cal. Berkeley v. Bakke (1971)] 1997 Chuck Burris elected mayor of Stone Mountain, GA NOT DONE YET!!