Civics day 3 notebook set up-lp

Notebook Set up September 14, 2009

Transcript of Civics day 3 notebook set up-lp

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Notebook Set up

September 14, 2009

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February 2, 2010

Objective: Students will be able to get organized for Civics class by setting up their interactive notebooks.

Do Now: What do you think of when you hear the word “history”? What do you think when you hear the word “civics”?(5 minutes)

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History Is…

Formal definition: a written record of past events

Ms. Avashia’s definition: stories about events that happened before the moment we’re living in now.

Time when history happened: 1 minute ago-5000 years ago when writing was invented.

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Civics Is…

Official Definition: the study of civic affairs and the duties and rights of citizenship

Ms. Avashia’s Definition: the study of how our government works, how it both protects and punishes us, and what we have to do to make our country a good place for us to live.

Time When Civics Happened: RIGHT NOW!

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So What’s the Connection?

To understand Civics, you have to know a little history. You’ll learn how our government was formed, and how different groups of people in this country fought to get rights that were denied to them. So think about this class as a combination of then and now.

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Students Speak…

What words stand out to you on the Word Cloud?

What kinds of advice do you think students gave you, based on the words in the word cloud?

Based on the word cloud, what do you think are the most important things you should do in order to successfully survive Civics?

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The Interactive Notebook Is…

A place for you to keep all of the information you learn during Civics class

A place for you to write down your thoughts and questions about what we’re learning

A study toolA reference you can use in high school,

when you see some of these topics again.

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Observing Interactive Notebooks

With your partner, carefully examine the interactive notebook you have been given.

Answer the questions on the notebook scavenger hunt.

Think about what you need to do with your notebook to make it BETTER than the one you’re holding.

(10 minutes)—Share Out for 5

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INB pages

First page, first section- Your intro page, write CIVICS big in the middle, your name, the class, date and section

A-FTable of ContentsGNotebook GuidelinesHSyllabusINotebook Did I SheetJGrading PolicyKClassroom ProceduresP. 1 Unit 1: We The People

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Intro Page

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Table of Contents

Letter the pages in the top corner from A-F. Write the word “Table of Contents” on the top line. On each page, using the full length and width of the page, create a table that looks like this:

Table of ContentsDate Title Page

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Notebook Guidelines

Write the title “Notebook Guidelines” on page G.

Tape the Notebook Guidelines handout on that page.

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Write the title “Syllabus” at the top of page H.

Tape the syllabus handout on the page.

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Notebook Did I Sheet

Write the title “Notebook “Did I” Sheet” at the top of page I.

Tape in the “Did I” Sheet

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p. J Grading Policy

Label the top of p. J “Grading Policy

Tape in the Grading Policy

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P. K Classroom Procedures

Label the top of p. K: Classroom Procedures

Tape in Classroom Procedures

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p. 1

Make sure p. 1 is a RIGHT HAND page.

Number the page in the top corner.

Write the title “Unit 1: We the People” BIG in the middle of the page—design it up!

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p. 2-100

Number subsequent pages 2-100

Remember: left-hand pages are even (2, 4, 6, 8), right-hand pages are odd (3, 5, 7, 9)


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Reference Section

Turn to the 5th section in your notebook

Label the first page with the title “Reference”

On the back of the first page, make a table of contents page.

Number the pages from 1-20

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Decorate your notebook!

Use color and drawings to decorate the cover of the notebook, the unit 1 page, and the titles and page numbers.

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Show What You Know

What are three tips you would give to a new student about how to keep their notebook organized?

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Read all documents on p. G-K. Get your syllabus (p.H) signed

by a parent.Decorate your notebook.Make sure your pages are

numbered up to 150!