CivERE Team CivERE - Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur · Varun Singla, rdB.Tech3 Year ......

CivERE Th F th N ti lC f f Ci il The Fourth NationalConf erence for Civil and Environmental Engineering Students 20 th – 22 nd February 2009 Society Of Civil Engineers Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Transcript of CivERE Team CivERE - Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur · Varun Singla, rdB.Tech3 Year ......

Page 1: CivERE Team CivERE - Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur · Varun Singla, rdB.Tech3 Year ... CivERE Th FthNti lCf f Ci il CivERE Team Convener D Pi kGh h Ait tPf e Fourth National

CivERETh F th N ti l C f f Ci il

CivERE Team

ConvenerD P i k Gh h A i t t P f The Fourth National Conference for Civil 

and Environmental Engineering Students

20th – 22nd February 2009 

Dr. Priyanka Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur.

Event CoordinatorT.V.N. Srinivas ([email protected]), B.Tech 4th YearPh: 91 9919631567

Head‐ EventsBharath V., B.Tech 4th Year

Head‐ Core TeamVarun Singla, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐ Technical TeamSalil Goel B Tech 3rd YearSalil Goel, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐ Show ManagementAbhinav Gupta, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐MarketingKirtiman Mishra, B.Tech 3rd YearAakash Gupta, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐ Public Relations

Society Of Civil EngineersDepartment of Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

ead ub c e at o sRavi Goyal, B.Tech 3rd Year

For any queries, contact us at:Email: [email protected] online registration and other details, look at the Website:

Page 2: CivERE Team CivERE - Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur · Varun Singla, rdB.Tech3 Year ... CivERE Th FthNti lCf f Ci il CivERE Team Convener D Pi kGh h Ait tPf e Fourth National

CivERETh F th N ti l C f f Ci il

CivERE Team

ConvenerD P i k Gh h A i t t P f The Fourth National Conference for Civil 

and Environmental Engineering Students

20th – 22nd February 2009 

Dr. Priyanka Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur.

Event CoordinatorT.V.N. Srinivas ([email protected]), B.Tech 4th YearPh: 91 9919631567

Head‐ EventsBharath V., B.Tech 4th Year

Head‐ Core TeamVarun Singla, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐ Technical TeamSalil Goel B Tech 3rd YearSalil Goel, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐ Show ManagementAbhinav Gupta, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐MarketingKirtiman Mishra, B.Tech 3rd YearAakash Gupta, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐ Public Relations

Society Of Civil EngineersDepartment of Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

ead ub c e at o sRavi Goyal, B.Tech 3rd Year

For any queries, contact us at:Email: [email protected] online registration and other details, look at the Website:

Page 3: CivERE Team CivERE - Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur · Varun Singla, rdB.Tech3 Year ... CivERE Th FthNti lCf f Ci il CivERE Team Convener D Pi kGh h Ait tPf e Fourth National

CivEREThe ConferenceThe conference would consist of the following

students on to a common platform and build a new breed of next generation engineers. Moderated sessions on various research works d i f bli i hi h h

Submission of abstracts and final papersThe selection is a two step procedure. The abstracts have to be sent through email on or b f h d dli i h ib d f

The conference would consist of the following events1. Technical Paper Presentation Contest2. Case‐ Study Solving Contest (CSS)3. Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS)4 Knowledge Sharing Sessions (KSS)

and new topics of public interest which the students are dealing with would be discussed irrespective of their specialization. Minutes of this session would be mailed to all the participating institutions after the conference to promote 

before the deadline in the prescribed format. These abstracts will go through a thorough screening procedure and the final list of participants would be displayed on the event website, calling for full papers. The selected 

4. Knowledge Sharing Sessions (KSS)5. Interactive sessions with Professionals

Who can participateStudents pursuing their third or fourth year of 

mutual interaction and further initiatives on providing such kinds of platforms.

Distinguished lecture seriesThis would consist of a series of talks given by the

teams in this second round will be notified by e‐mail for attending the conference.  

Prizes The best papers in each specialization would be

under graduation, or those pursuing their masters program in the departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering  in any registered universities across India could participate in the conference.

This would consist of a series of talks given by the personalities eminent in their field. Leaders who have strived hard to build a stronger nation would be invited to inspire the next generation leaders.

I t ti i ith f i l

The best papers in each specialization would be awarded with prizes and certificates. Further, all students attending the conference would be awarded with certificates and mementos. Winners of on the spot sessions like the Case‐St d l i t t (CSS) K l d h i

p p

EligibilityStudents selected for the paper presentation contest would be eligible for participating in the conference

Interactive sessions with professionalsTo bring more experience in to the conference, a session with industry experts would be organized to get all those ever existing doubts in the students clarified. Sessions like these would go a 

Study solving contest (CSS), Knowledge sharing sessions (KSS) etc. would also be awarded with prizes and mementos.

Case‐studythe conference.

Paper presentation contest Papers could be presented in any of the following specializations: 

long way in helping the best brains attending the conference to choose a right career path for developing a better nation.

Important Dates

Case studies are the best ways to study  real life engineering problems in the classroom. Extensive and almost complete information about the problem at hand is provided and comprehensive solutions are expected from

1. Engineering Geosciences 2. Environmental Engineering 3. Geo‐Informatics/Surveying 4. Geotechnical Engineering 5. Hydraulics and Water Resources 

Important DatesAbstract Submission: 1st November 2008Announcement of results: 10th November 2008Submission of final papers: 20th December 2008Announcement of final results: 15th January 2009Conference 20th 22nd February 2009

comprehensive solutions are expected from the students, based upon their engineering judgement. This is not hi‐tech, this is purely  situational and would test how good one is at approaching real problems.


6. Structural Engineering 7. Transportation Systems Engineering 8. General Public Interest (GPI)

Conference: 20th‐ 22nd February, 2009 

Keep visiting the conference website for updates.

Knowledge sharingThis session brings out the aim of CivERE, to get the Civil and Environmental Engineering

Page 4: CivERE Team CivERE - Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur · Varun Singla, rdB.Tech3 Year ... CivERE Th FthNti lCf f Ci il CivERE Team Convener D Pi kGh h Ait tPf e Fourth National

CivERETh F th N ti l C f f Ci il

CivERE Team

ConvenerD P i k Gh h A i t t P f The Fourth National Conference for Civil 

and Environmental Engineering Students

20th – 22nd February 2009 

Dr. Priyanka Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur.

Event CoordinatorT.V.N. Srinivas ([email protected]), B.Tech 4th YearPh: 91 9919631567

Head‐ EventsBharath V., B.Tech 4th Year

Head‐ Core TeamVarun Singla, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐ Technical TeamSalil Goel B Tech 3rd YearSalil Goel, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐ Show ManagementAbhinav Gupta, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐MarketingKirtiman Mishra, B.Tech 3rd YearAakash Gupta, B.Tech 3rd Year

Head‐ Public Relations

Society Of Civil EngineersDepartment of Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

ead ub c e at o sRavi Goyal, B.Tech 3rd Year

For any queries, contact us at:Email: [email protected] online registration and other details, look at the Website: