Page 1954 CITY OF SOUTH BA Y CITY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 16,2010 A Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of South Bay, Florida was called to order by Mayor Shirley Walker-Turner at 6:00 P.M. in the Commission Chambers at 335 S.W. 2nd Avenue South Bay, Florida. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given by all in attendance. Mayor Shirley Walker-Turner, present Vice-Mayor John Wilson, present Commissioner Esther E. Berry, present Commissioner Linda Johnson, present Commissioner Joe Kyles, present Staff: City Manager, Corey Alston, present City Attorney, Thomas Montgomery, present City Clerk, Virginia K. Walker, present Public Works Director, Edgar Kerr, present Disclosure of Voting Conflict: None Comments From the Floor for Agenda Items Only: None Consent Agenda: Commissioner Kyles made a motion to approve the consent agenda inclusive of Minutes of January 19,2010. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Johnson. The Vote was Commissioner Kyles, yes; Commissioner Johnson, yes, Commissioner Berry, absent, Vice-Mayor Wilson, absent and Mayor Shirley Walker-Turner, yes Special Business: A Proclamation on "Water Conservation Month for April 2010" was given by Administrative Assistant, Jessica Figueroa. Commissioner Kyles moved to adopt the Proclamation, Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The Vote was Commissioner


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A Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of South Bay, Florida was called to order by Mayor Shirley Walker-Turner at 6:00 P.M. in the Commission Chambers at 335 S.W. 2nd Avenue South Bay, Florida. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was given by all in attendance.

Mayor Shirley Walker-Turner, present Vice-Mayor John Wilson, present Commissioner Esther E. Berry, present Commissioner Linda Johnson, present Commissioner Joe Kyles, present


City Manager, Corey Alston, present City Attorney, Thomas Montgomery, present City Clerk, Virginia K. Walker, present Public Works Director, Edgar Kerr, present

Disclosure of Voting Conflict: None

Comments From the Floor for Agenda Items Only: None

Consent Agenda:

Commissioner Kyles made a motion to approve the consent agenda inclusive of Minutes of January 19,2010. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Johnson. The Vote was Commissioner Kyles, yes; Commissioner Johnson, yes, Commissioner Berry, absent, Vice-Mayor Wilson, absent and Mayor Shirley Walker-Turner, yes

Special Business:

A Proclamation on "Water Conservation Month for April 2010" was given by Administrative Assistant, Jessica Figueroa. Commissioner Kyles moved to adopt the Proclamation, Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The Vote was Commissioner

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Kyles, yes, Commjssioner Johnson, yes, Commissioner Berry, yes, Vice-Mayor Wilson, yes, and Mayor Shirley Walker-Turner, yes.

New Business:

Mayor Walker-Turner called for discussion of a City Treasurer. City Manager Corey Alston suggested that whoever was appointed as Treasurer serve as the Chllirman for the city's audit committee. He said that was proposed by the City's auditor at the last meeting. Mr. Alston stated that the audit committee is composed by someone that is not serving an operational capacity, so that if there are any discrepancies there will not be any conflicts between the person who serves as chair of that committee and the execution of the audit. Commissioner Johnson made a motion for Commissioner Berry to become Treasurer, It died for lack of a second. The City Attorney stated that Mrs. Walker is the acting City Treasurer, and our Auditors suggested that it would be a good idea to have a different person on the audit committee. Mr. Alston then stated that he conducted a survey across a number of cities in Palm Beach County, and identified who were the individuals who were acting City Treasurer, and came up with either a City Commissioner or a Finance Director who has filled that position. Mayor Walker-Turner stated that the City Commission needs to move forward, but if Commissioner Berry would work with Mrs. Walker during the interim until the City appoints a Finance Director. Mr. Alston sllid that he will bring back the duties for the City Treasurer and Finance Director so that the Commission could be clear on the duties that they hold.


Commissioner BelTY made a motion to pass Resolution 24-2010, Authorizing Palm Beach County Supervisor of Election to perform certain duties for the Election of March 9,2010. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kyles. The vote was Commissioner Kyles, yes, Commissioner Johnson, yes, Commissioner Berry, yes, Vice-Mayor Wilson, no, Mayor Shirley Walker-Turner, yes.

Mayor Walker-Turner asked the City Attorney if there were any changes made to Resolution 25-2010, approving the final version of the Charter for the City of South Bay. City Attorney Thomas Montgomery stated that the only changes that were made were responsibilities of the City Clerk, The term for Commissioners as it relates to the documents is two years and the effective date would be 30 days after approval by the voters in March 2010. The motion to approve Resolution 25-2010 was made by Commissioner Berry, and was seconded by Commissioner Kyles. The vote was Mayor Walker-Turner, yes, Commissioner Berry, yes, Commissioner Kyles, yes, Vice-Mayor Wilson, yes, Commissioner Johnson, yes.

Items for Distribution Only:

City Manager Corey Alston spoke on expanding the limits of the City of South Bay, and looking at a number of annexation possibilities, he stated that he has an executed and notarized petition for voluntary annexation which will expand the City of South Bay's borders further south on U.S. 27. He also stated that there will be no action tonight but

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that he wanted the City Commission to know that he will follow up with the City Attorney and the County, and that he is still moving aggressively to expand the borders of the City.

Public Comments:

James Orth spoke on working with the City of South Bay as the City's Consultant, he said that he submitted proposals to work, and has not received any payments for the work that he has done. Mayor Walker-Turner asked the Attorney to look further into the Contract with Mr. Orth so that they would have more information on what needs to be done.

Mayor Walker-Turner Adjourned the Meeting

ATTEST: s:54JdrL~ Mayor

r:'~City Clerk