CITY OF ORILLIA COUNCIL MINUTES MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2008 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, ORlLLlA CITY CENTRE Present: Mayor R. Stevens in the Chair Councillors: R. Cipolla D. Evans J. Fecht M. Fogarty W. Gardy T. Lauer M. McMillan P. Spears The meeting opened with the singing of 0 Canada and a moment of silence. Disclosure of lnterest 1. Councillor Spears - re Grants Committee Report 2008-3. Nature of lnterest - Councillor Spears is an Executive of the Pipe Band of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 34. Councillor Spears declined to discuss the matter or to vote on its disposition. 2. Councillor Spears - re Correspondence Item No. 2 re OGRAIROMA Conference. Nature of lnterest - Councillor Spears' daughter is employed by the Ontario Good Roads Association. Councillor Spears declined to discuss the matter or to vote on its disposition. 3. Councillor Evans - re Deputation regarding the BizPal project by ServiceOntario. Nature of lnterest - Councillor Evans' daughter is employed by ServiceOntario and she introduced the BizPal project to Council with a powerpoint presentation. Councillor Evans declined to discuss the matter or to vote on its disposition. 4. Councillor Fecht - re Clauses 26. and 27. of Council Committee Report 2008-17 Nature of lnterest - Councillor Fecht's spouse is employed by the City. Councillor Fecht declined to discuss the matter or to vote on its disposition. 5. Councillor Fogarty - re correspondence from the Simcoe County District School Board. Nature of lnterest - Councillor Fogarty is employed by the Simcoe County District School Board. Councillor Fogarty declined to discuss the matter or to vote on its disposition. Council Minutes -November 17,2008




Present: Mayor R. Stevens in the Chair Councillors: R. Cipolla

D. Evans J. Fecht M. Fogarty W. Gardy T. Lauer M. McMillan P. Spears

The meeting opened with the singing of 0 Canada and a moment of silence.

Disclosure of lnterest

1. Councillor Spears - re Grants Committee Report 2008-3.

Nature of lnterest - Councillor Spears is an Executive of the Pipe Band of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 34.

Councillor Spears declined to discuss the matter or to vote on its disposition.

2. Councillor Spears - re Correspondence Item No. 2 re OGRAIROMA Conference.

Nature of lnterest - Councillor Spears' daughter is employed by the Ontario Good Roads Association.

Councillor Spears declined to discuss the matter or to vote on its disposition.

3. Councillor Evans - re Deputation regarding the BizPal project by ServiceOntario.

Nature of lnterest - Councillor Evans' daughter is employed by ServiceOntario and she introduced the BizPal project to Council with a powerpoint presentation.

Councillor Evans declined to discuss the matter or to vote on its disposition.

4. Councillor Fecht - re Clauses 26. and 27. of Council Committee Report 2008-17

Nature of lnterest - Councillor Fecht's spouse is employed by the City.

Councillor Fecht declined to discuss the matter or to vote on its disposition.

5. Councillor Fogarty - re correspondence from the Simcoe County District School Board.

Nature of lnterest - Councillor Fogarty is employed by the Simcoe County District School Board.

Councillor Fogarty declined to discuss the matter or to vote on its disposition.

Council Minutes -November 17,2008

2008-270 Presentation

Kathleen Trainor and Nadine Ritchie of the Orillia Housing Resource Centre presented toques to the members of Council. File: MOB-GEN


Becky Evans, Senior Business Consultant, ServiceOntario spoke to Council regarding the benefits of the City joining the BizPal on-line service. File: AIG-PG

2008-315 Moved by Gardy, seconded by McMillan, that, further to the deputation by Becky Evans from ServiceOntario regarding the BizPal project, Council agrees to join the BizPal on-line service at no subscription cost to the municipality;

AND THAT the Economic Development Committee staff be responsible for gathering the required information on business licenses and permits, and for implementation of Orillia's participation in the BizPal service. Carried.


Moved by Spears, seconded by Gardy, that the Minutes of the previous meetings, having been prepared and copies distributed, were taken as printed.

November 3, 2008 - Public Meeting re Planning Matters November 3,2008 - Regular Council Carried.


1. Simcoe County District School Board - re Twin Lakes Secondary School. File: COI-2008-183 (Motion)

2. OGRAIROMA 2009 Combined Conference, February 22 - 25, 2009. File: ~04-GEN


2008-316 Moved by Evans, seconded by Spears, that the correspondence dated October 30, 2008 from the Simcoe County District School Board regarding the Twin Lakes Secondary School, be received as informational. Carried.

2008-317 Moved by Evans, seconded by Fecht, that the following be authorized to attend the OGRAJROMA 2009 Combined Conference in Toronto, with expenses:

Councillor Gardy Councillor Cipolla Councillor McMillan. Carried.


1. Report Number 2008-1 8 of the Council in Closed Session. (Motion) (See Page 2008-278)

2. Report Number 2008-1 7 of the Council Committee. (Motions) (See Pages 2008-279 - 2008-282)

3. Report Number 2008-1 8 of the Council Committee. (Motion) (See Page 2008-283)

4. Mayor Stevens - re Chamber of Commerce 11 9th Annual Dinner. File: AOI-CHA

(Motion) 5. Mayor Stevens - re Council Member Appointments. File: COI-2008- (Motion) 6. Grants C~rTImittee - re Report No. 2008-3. File: c12-GNT (Motions) 7. Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Purchase of Alcohol - re Report No. 2008-1.

File: C12-PUR (Motion)

Council Minutes -November 17,2M)8

8. Chair, Communications Committee - re Proposed Implementation Schedule for E-Agenda. File: CI 2-COM,XAI 0-EAGE (Motion)

9. Report Number 2008-20 of the Council in Closed Session. (Motion) (See Page 2008-284)

2008-318 Moved by Fogarty, seconded by Lauer, that Report Number 2008-18 of the Council in Closed Session, now before Council, be adopted. Carried.

2008-319 Moved by McMillan, seconded by Gardy, that Report Number 2008-17 of the Council Committee, now before Council, be adopted with the exception of Clauses I I ., 26. and 27., which shall be introduced separately. Carried.

2008-320 Moved by McMillan, seconded by Lauer, that Clause 11. of Report Number 2008-17 of the Council Committee, now before Council, be adopted. Carried.

A verbal motion to Table and refer to Budget Committee the following motion was Carried.

2008-321 Moved by McMillan, seconded by Fogarty, that Clauses 26. and 27. of Report Number 2008-17 of the Council Committee, now before Council, be adopted. TABLED

A verbal motion to separate Clause 3. from Report Number 2008-18 of the Council Committee, for presentation again on December I, 2008, was Lost.

2008-322 Moved by McMillan, seconded by Lauer, that Report Number 2008-18 of the Council Committee, now before Council, be adopted. TABLED by Resolution Number 2008-323

2008-323 Moved by Cipolla, seconded by Fogarty, that the motion now before Council be Tabled until December 1, 2008 to allow a public meeting for all the stakeholders to have their final input into Option A of the LibraryIMarket Square project before ratification;

AND THAT staff be directed to report back with respect to the soft and hard costs for the project. Carried.

2008-324 Moved by McMillan, seconded by Gardy, that as recommended in a report dated November 10, 2008 from Mayor Stevens, all members of Council and their spouses be authorized to attend the Orillia District Chamber of Commerce 119th Annual Dinner on January 15,2009, with expenses. Carried.

2008-325 Moved by Cipolla, seconded by Evans, that the report dated October 21, 2008 from Mayor Stevens regarding Council Member Appointments, be adopted. Carried.

2008-326 Moved by Gardy, seconded by McMillan, that as recommended in Report Number 2008-3 of the Grants Committee, Council approve the following grants:

Starry Night Committee c/o Orillia & District Arts Council $ 300 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Guardian Angels Conference $2,000 Orillia Christian Centre (o/a Lighthouse Christian Ministries) $3,500 Orillia Non-Profit Places for People Corp. $2,500 Orillia and District Arts Council for Rise Up! A Concert for Change $1,000 The Salvation Army $1,000 Orillia Winter Carnival $1,500


Council Minutes -November 17.2008

2008-327 Moved by Gardy, seconded by McMillan, that as recommended in Report Number 2008-3 of the Grants Committee, Council approve the following grant:

City of Orillia Branch 34 R.C.L. Pipes & Drums Carried.

2008-328 Moved by Gardy, seconded by McMillan, that as recommended in Report Number 2008-3 of the Grants Committee, Council recommend to Budget Committee that the budget for grants remain at $38,000 for 2009. Carried.

2008-329 Moved by Evans, seconded by Cipolla, that as recommended in Report 2008-1 of the Ad Hoc Committee on Purchase of Alcohol, Council adopt Policy 1 .I 1.7.1 attached to the report regarding business hospitality expenses for Council and staff;

AND THAT the Ad Hoc Committee on Purchase of Alcohol be disbanded.

The meeting was recessed at 9:20 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:25 p.m.

2008-330 Moved by Gardy, seconded by Fogarty, that the motion now before Council be amended by making the following changes to Policy 1 .I 1.7.1 :

Section 2: add the words "for guests" after the word "beverages" Section 3: In the first sentence:

Add the words "and staff' after the word "members" Add the words "on submitting expenses" after the word "reimbursement" Add the word "related" after the word "business"

In the second sentence, Add the words "and staff' after the word "members", and by removing the words "pursuant to s. 284 of the Municipal Act."

AND THAT Section 4 be replaced with the following: "Expense for alcohol shall not be allowed for staff or Council members."

AND THAT the following Section 5 be added: "Incomplete detailed expense statements will be the responsibility of the person incurring the expense."

AND THAT the Ad Hoc Committee on Purchase of Alcohol be disbanded. TABLED

2008-331 Moved by Spears, seconded by Fecht, that as recommended in a report dated November 14, 2008 from the Chair of the Communications Committee, further to the resolution adopted by Council at its meeting held on December 11, 2006, an extension be granted for the full implementation of the electronic Council agenda process moving the completion date from the end of November 2008 to the end of January 2009. Carried.

2008-332 Moved by Fogarty, seconded by Lauer, that Report Number 2008-20 of the Council in Closed Session, now before Council, be adopted. Carried.

Recorded Vote Yeas: Fecht, Spears, Evans, Cipolla, McMillan, Lauer, Stevens Nays: Gardy, Fogarty

Council Minutes -November 17,2M)8

Consent Agenda

1 . Association of Municipalities of Ontario: File: AOI-AMO

a) Alert - re Ontario Proposes Ban on cell Phones While Driving. b) Alert - re Report of the Provincial-Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery

Review Released. c) FYI - re Celebrate Ontario - Province Investing $9 Million in Ontario's

Festivals and Events. d) LAS - re LAS Municipal Energy Management Benchmarking Project First

Meeting of Advisory Group - November 25 in Toronto. e) AM0 - re How to keep Federal Gas Tax Money Flowing and AM0 Policy

Update Sessions. (See Resolution Number 2008-334)

f) Alert - re Seeking Comment on Draft Joint AM0 and OMSSA Paper on Poverty Reduction. (See Resolution Number 2008-335)

g) Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance Announces Partnering to Compete Workshop.

Recommendation: Receive as informational. Copied to appropriate Departments and Agencies.

2. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - re success of planning initiatives. File: A16- MMAH

Recommendation: Receive as informational. Copy to Planning and Development Department.

3. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - re Report of the Provincial Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review. File: ~ 1 6 - MMAH

Recommendation: Refer to Council Committee. Request report from the Treasury Department. Report available for review in Clerk's Department.

4. Minister of Finance, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Minister of Energy and Infrastructure - re Investing in Ontario Act. File: FII-IN,XAIG-MOF

Recommendation: Receive as informational. Copy to Treasury Department.

5. Canadian Heritage - re News Release entitled, "The Theatre has Arrived! - If Champlain Could Tell His Story....". File: MOZ-GEN

Recommendation: Receive as informational.

6. Pitch-In Canada - re program events. File: MOZ-GEN

Recommendation: -.

(See Resolution Number 2008-336)

7. Ontario Municipal Board - re application by Marc Dickie, 290 Mississaga Street West, Orillia. File: DM-GEN

Recommendation: Receive as informational. Copy to Planning and Development Department.

Council Minutes -November 17,2008

County of Simcoe, Human Services Committee - re Additional Homelessness Allocations for 2009. File: ~16 -cos

Recommendation: Receive as informational.

Simcoe County District School Board - re new public school on Lions Oval property. File: COI-2007-162

Recommendation: Receive as informational.

Simcoe County District School Board - re 200712008 Simcoe Country District School Board Annual Report. File: ~16-SCBE

Recommendation: Receive as informational. Report available for review in Clerk's Department.

Crime Stoppers of Simcoe Dufferin Muskoka - re January is "Crime Stoppers Month". File: MOZ-GEN

Recommendation: Receive as informational. Copy to Mayor's Office re proclamation.

Orillia District Chamber of Commerce - re annual 2009 Special Events. File: MOZGEN,XAOl-CHA

Recommendation: Refer to Parks and Recreation Department in conjunction with the annual special events report.

Orillia District Chamber of Commerce - re 2009 Port of Orillia Capital Requests. File: F05-09,XAOl-CHA

Recommendation: Refer to City Manager's Office for consideration in the 2009 Capital Budget Process.

Orillia ~ is t r ic t Chamber of Commerce - re Tourism Information Service financial statement as of October 31, 2008. File: ~05-O~,XAOI-CHA

Recommendation: Refer to the 2009 Budget Committee. Copy to Treasury Department.

Orillia District Chamber of Commerce - re request to increase the Port of Orillia moorage rate for the 2009 season. F ~ I ~ : F ~ ~ - o ~ , x A ~ ~ - c H A

Recommendation: That Council approve the Port of Orillia moorage rate increase.

City of Orillia - re requesting support of resolution regarding Continued Use of Coal Generation in Ontario: File: EOG-GEN

In support of: a) Town of Midland

Received only: a) County of Simcoe

Recommendation: Receive as informational. Individual letters available for review in Clerk's Department.

Council Minules -November 17,2008

Orillia Against Drunk Driving - re News Release entitled, "OADD celebrates 14 '~ Anniversary1'. File AOI-OADD

Recommendation: Receive as informational.

Simcoe Condominium Corporation 101 - re proposed boat launch ramp. File: R04-GEN

Recommendation: Receive as informational. Copy to Parks and Recreation Department.

First Baptist Church - re proposed use of lacrosse boxlskating rink adjacent to Church by the Parks and Recreation Department. File: ~05-GEN

Recommendation: Refer to Council Committee. Request report from Parks and Recreation Department.

Peter and Donna Paul - re new library. File: c12-LTF

Recommendation: Receive as informational.

Paul Orser - re new library. File: CIZLTF

Recommendation: Receive as informational.

Lynne Withey - re new library. File: c12-LTF

Recommendation: Receive as informational.

Don Munro - re new library. File: ~12-LTF

Recommendation: Receive as informational.

Municipal Heritage Committee - re new library. File: c12-LTF

Recommendation: Receive as informational.

Laura Carter - re downtown parking. File: ~02-GEN

Recommendation: -.


(See Resolution Number 2008-337)

Downtown Orillia Management Board - re Children's Candle Light Parade, November 22, 2008. File: CIZDMB

Recommendation: That the following resolution be passed:

"THAT, pursuant to the request of the Downtown Orillia Management Board in a letter dated November 10, 2008, Mississaga Street be closed to vehicular traffic from West Street to Front Street on November 22, 2008 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. during the Torchlight Parade;

AND THAT the event must adhere to the following conditions:

i) the cross streets will remain open, and

Council Minutes - November 17,2008

ii) a six metre right-of-way down the centre of the street be maintained at all times to comply with fire and safety regulations, and the barriers be removed on the Saturday evening following the event, and the whole of intersections remain clear to allow for turning of emergency vehicles."

2008-333 Moved by Lauer, seconded by Fogarty, that Council adopt the recommendations as set out on the Consent Agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council on November 17, 2008, with the exception of the recommendation(s) with respect to Correspondence Item(s) I .e), I .f), 6. and 25. which shall be introduced separately. Carried.

2008-334 Moved by Fecht, seconded by Spears, that the recommendation with respect to Correspondence ltem I .e) on the Consent Agenda for the regular meeting of Council on November 17, 2008, read as follows:

That the following be authorized to attend the "Moving Beyond PSAB Update Session" in Orillia on December 4, 2008:

Councillor Fecht Councillor Cipolla Councillor McMillan Carried

2008-335 Moved by McMillan, seconded by Gardy, that the recommendation with respect to Correspondence ltem 1 .f) on the Consent Agenda for the regular meeting of Council on November 17, 2008, read as follows:

Copy to the Housing Committee for their input. Carried.

2008-336 Moved by Fecht, seconded by Spears, that the recommendation with respect to Correspondence ltem 6. on the Consent Agenda for the regular meeting of Council on November 17, 2008, read as follows:

Receive as informational. Copy to Public Works Department. Copy to Waste Management Advisory Committee. Copy to Trails for Life Committee. Copy to Environmental Advisory Committee. Carried.

2008-337 Moved by Gardy, seconded by McMillan, that the recommendation with respect to Correspondence ltem 25. on the Consent Agenda for the regular meeting of Council on November 17, 2008, read as follows:

Receive as informational. Copy to Parking Advisory Committee. Copy to Legislative Services Division of the City Manager's Office. Copy to Accessibility Advisory Committee. Carried.

2008-338 Moved by Cipolla, seconded by Evans, that the following by-laws be now introduced and read a first, second and third time today:

2008-1 88 A By-law to amend Chapter 106 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code - Order of Orillia Awards Committee.

2008-189 A By-law to amend Chapter 240 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code - Documents - Records Retention Schedule.

Council Minutes -November 17,2008

2008-190 A By-law to authorize the execution of a Service Agreement with the Corporation of the Township of Ramara - 9-1-1 (C.E.R.B.).

2008-191 A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the City of Orillia and the Corporation of the Township of Ramara - Fire Dispatch.

2008-192 A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the City of Orillia and the Chippewas of Rama First Nation - Fire Dispatch.

2008-193 A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the City of Orillia and the Corporation of the Town of Gravenhurst - Fire Dispatch.

2008-1 94 A By-law for the purpose of appointing members to various Committees.

2008-1 95 Amendment Number 15 to Traffic and Parking Regulation By-law Number 2007-55.

2008-339 Moved by Cipolla, seconded by Evans, that By-law Number 2008-196, a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on November 17, 2008, be now introduced and read a first, second and third time today. Carried.

By-laws read a first, second and third time and passed.

Other Business

Consensus was received to direct staff to proceed with the application for the Building Canada Fund for the LibraryIMarket Square Project, which is due for submission on November 21, 2008, requesting funding in the amount of $4 million.

Open Public Forum

- Nil




Council Minules -November 17,2008


TO: The Mayor and Members of Council

FROM: Council in Closed Session

DATE: November 12, 2008

SUBJECT: Report Number 2008-18 (From meeting of November 10,2008)

Your Council is pleased to report and recommend as follows:

1. THAT as recommended in a report dated November 3, 2008 from the

Manager of Human Resources and Director of Public Works, Council approve a Letter

of Understanding with IBEW Local 636 (Public Works Employees) that details the shifts

required to implement improved winter control service delivery, as part of a new

Collective Agreement that is currently being negotiated;

AND THAT staff be authorized to implement the Letter of Understanding prior to

ratification by Council.

M. Fogarty, Chair.

Council Minutes - November 17,2038


TO: The Mayor and Members of Council

FROM: Council Committee

DATE: November 11,2008

SUBJECT: Report Number 2008-17 (From meeting of November 10,2008)

Your Committee is pleased to report and recommend as follows:

1. THAT as recommended in a report dated October 20, 2008 from the

Environmental Advisory Committee, Ainsley Munro and Emma Herrington be appointed

as voting student members on the Environmental Advisory Committee for a term from

November I , 2008 to August 31,2009.

2. THAT as recommended in a report dated October 20, 2008 from the

Planning Advisory Committee, the application for a Draft Plan of Condominium for 9

Westmount Drive South, submitted by 1369317 Ontario Ltd., be approved, subject to the

Conditions of Approval included as Attachment 2 to Planning and Development Staff

Report PD-08-38, as revised October 10, 2008

3. THAT as recommended in a report dated November 5, 2008 from the

TOMRMS Liaison Committee, Council repeal and replace Schedule " A to Chapter 240 of

the City of Orillia Municipal Code (Documents - Records Retention Periods) with an

updated records retention schedule;

AND THAT the amended schedules become effective upon the approval of the Municipal


4. THAT as recommended in a report dated November 10, 2008 from the

Recreation Advisory Committee, Council approve $600 annually to provide food for a

small reception for the City of Orillia Athlete of the Year award presentation.

5. THAT the report dated October 8, 2008 from the Waste Management

Advisory Committee regarding plastic shopping bags be referred back to Waste

Management Advisory Committee to develop an implementation plan which will include

public consultation and to report back to Council Committee;

AND THAT City staff support the development of the plan.

6. THAT as recommended in a report dated October 28,2008 from the Order

of Orillia Awards Committee, Section 106.3.6 of Chapter 106 of the City of Orillia

Municipal Code - Order of Orillia Awards Committee, be repealed and replaced with the


"The "Order of Orillia" award shall be presented in April each year during National

Volunteer Week. Those nominees that did not receive the award will not be announced,

and shall remain confidential."

Council Minutes -November 17.2M)EI

7. THAT the report dated October 22, 2008 from the Public Works

Department regarding the ditches on June Drive, be received as informational.

8. THAT, further to the report dated October 24, 2008 from the Public Works

Department, no parking be permitted at any time on the west side of Atlantis Drive from

Bass Lake Sideroad to a point 200m to the south.

9. THAT as recommended in a report dated October 24, 2008 from the Public

Works Department, a yield sign not be implemented at the intersection of Cedar Island

Road and Elgin Street.

10. THAT as recommended in a report dated October 23,2008 from the Public

Works Department, staff submit a budget request, as part of the 2010 budget process, for

the construction of a section of concrete sidewalk on the west side of Atlantis Drive from

the north side of Bass Lake Sideroad to the south side of Notre Dame's south entrance.

11. THAT as recommended in a report dated October 24,2008 from the Public

Works Department, an all-way stop not be implemented at the intersection of John Street

and McKenzie Street at this time.

12. THAT as recommended the report dated October 30, 2008 from the

Public Works Department regarding Collins Drive asphalt resurfacing, be received as


AND THAT staff be directed to further report with respect to the cost of replacing the

shoulder with pavement.

13. THAT staff consult with the Ministry of Transportation regarding the

installation of a sidewalk on the south side of Highway 12 between the private sidewalk

on the RioCan property and the City sidewalk on the south side of Highway 12.

14. THAT as recommended in a report dated November 4, 2008 from the

Manager of Human Resources, Policy Number 5.1 .I .3. regarding Succession Planning,

be adopted.

15. THAT as recommended in a report dated September 12,2008 from the Fire

Chief, the Fire Department be authorized to accept a donation of a used commercial

elliptical machine from Phoenix Health and Fitness Centre;

AND THAT a receipt for $1,000 for income tax purposes, be issued to the donor in

accordance with Section I 1 0.1 and Section 118.1 of the Income Tax Act, subject to a

third party appraisal.

Council Minutes -November 17,2008

16. THAT as recommended in a report dated November 3, 2008 from the Fire

Chief, the City renew its agreement with the Township of Ramara for the continued

provision of 9-1-1 dispatch services until December 31, 2012, with the same terms and

conditions as are currently in effect.

17. THAT as recommended in a report dated November 3, 2008 from the Fire

Chief, the City renew its fire dispatch agreements with the Township of Ramara, the Town

of Gravenhurst, and the Chippewas of Rama First Nation for the continued provision of

fire dispatch services until December 31, 2012.

18. THAT as recommended the report dated November 3,2008 from the Public

Works Department regarding the Water Efficiency Program, be received as informational.

19. THAT as recommended in a report dated October 28,2008 from the Public

Works Department, the City pass a by-law to recover the costs from benefiting property

owners under Section 391 of the Municipal Act for the two pressure sanitary sewers and

the watermain extension on Bay Street from Drinkwater Drive southerly to Fittons Road

East as per Schedule A of the report.

20. THAT as recommended in a report dated November 4, 2008 from the

Public Works Department, staff be authorized to tender the Champlain Sewage Pumping

Station in January 2009 such that work can proceed in the first part of the construction

season and that actual costs are available for 2009 budget discussions.

21. THAT, further to the report dated October 30, 2008 from the Public Works

Department, Colborne Street streetscaping be designed to a downtown standard from

Front Street to Andrew Street.

22. THAT as recommended in a report dated November 3, 2008 from the

Public Works Department, road closures be permitted for West Street North

reconstruction from Brant Street to Borland Street for the remainder of the construction


AND THAT authorization for West Street North road closures be in effect immediately,

prior to Council ratification on November 17, 2008.

23. THAT as recommended in a report dated October 17, 2008 from the Public

Works Department, the City not offer a large item collection program.

Council Minules -November 17,2038



24. THAT the report dated October 29, 2008 from the Public Works

Department regarding the 2008 Recycling Council of Ontario Award, be received as


25. THAT as recommended in a report dated October 8, 2008 from the Acting

Clerk, one-third of the remuneration paid to the members of Orillia City Council continue

to be deemed to be for expenses incident to the discharge of their duties as members of

Council, pursuant to Section 283 of the Municipal Act, 2001.

26. THAT as recommended in a report dated November 4, 2008 from the City

Manager, the salary grid for exempt employees, excluding Level 13, be increased by 3%

effective January 1,2009. TABLED

27. THAT Level 13 of the Exempt Employee Salary Grid be increased by 3%

effective January I , 2009. TABLED

M. McMillan, Chair.

Council Minules -November 17.2W8


TO: The Mayor and Members of Council

FROM: Council Committee

DATE: November 12,2008

SUBJECT: Report Number 2008-18 (From meeting of November 12,2008)

Your Committee is pleased to report and recommend as follows:

1. THAT underground parking not be included in the final design of the

LibraryIMarket Square project.

2. THAT Site Plan Option A, submitted to Council Committee on October 27,

2008, be selected for subsequent phases of the LibraryIMarket Square project, at an

estimated 2008 capital construction cost of $1 8.7 million, excluding soft costs.

3. THAT Council express its support for the fa~ade design submitted to the

Council Committee meeting on October 27, 2008.

(Report Tabled by Resolution Number 2008-323)

R. Stevens, Chair.

Council Minutes -November 17,2008


TO: The Mayor and Members of Council

FROM: Council in Closed Session

DATE: November 17,2008

SUBJECT: Report Number 2008-20 (From meeting of November 17,2008)

Your Council is pleased to report and recommend as follows:

1. THAT the City of Orillia relinquish its interest in the Lake Simcoe Regional

Airport Commission and agree to an immediate withdrawal from the Airport Joint Venture

Agreement, in order to facilitate the Township of Oro-Medonte's application to the

Building Canada Fund for airport improvements, in view of the significant regional

economic benefits from a successful grant application.

M. Fogarty, Chair.

Council Minutes -November 17.2C08