CITY CENTER PARISHES · 2019-09-19 · CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi ©sburgh,...


Transcript of CITY CENTER PARISHES · 2019-09-19 · CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi ©sburgh,...

Page 1: CITY CENTER PARISHES · 2019-09-19 · CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi ©sburgh, PA 15219 Reverend Christopher Donley, Administrator—cdonley@diopi ©.org Reverend



Page 2: CITY CENTER PARISHES · 2019-09-19 · CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi ©sburgh, PA 15219 Reverend Christopher Donley, Administrator—cdonley@diopi ©.org Reverend

CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi sburgh, PA 15219 Reverend Christopher Donley, Administrator—cdonley@diopi .org

Reverend John Odeyemi, Parochial Vicar—jodeyemi@diopi .org Deacon Samuel Toney—stoney@diopi .org

In Residence : Rev. Edward Bryce Monsignor Ronald Lengwin Rev. Augus ne Wayii

    Business Manager—Chuck Goetz Email: [email protected] Music and Mission Minister—Noah Pepmeyer Email: [email protected]

SAINT BENEDICT THE MOOR 91 Crawford Steet Pi sburgh, PA 15219 Phone: 412-281-3141 Fax: 412-471-1345 Email: [email protected]

Safe Environment - Priscilla Davis Music - Antonia Long

CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY 164 Washington Place Pi sburgh, PA 15219 Phone: 412-471-0654 Fax: 412-471-1345 Email: [email protected] Secretary - Cindy Goetz Music - John Raevens Maintenance - Dylan Weller

SAINT MARY OF MERCY 202 Stanwix Street Pi sburgh, PA 15222 Phone: 412-261-0110 Fax: 412-471-1345 Email: [email protected]

Outreach Staff - Carole Clifford Music - Amanda Bruce, A.R. Valle a Red Door ‐ Heidi Po er/Nathalie Berry Maintenance - Ray Krivanek

Welcome to our Parish Family, Ms. Abbey Marie Olenick (Church of the Epiphany)

City Center Parish Assemblies Sunday, September 15 Saint Benedict the Moor Church Noon

Wednesday, September 18 Church of the Epiphany Parish Hall (Below Church) 6:30 PM

Labor Day Mass Schedule: Saint Benedict the Moor at 8:00 AM Saint Mary of Mercy at Noon

Offices will be closed on Monday, September 2 in observa on of Labor Day

New Parish Office Hours

Monday-Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM

The beginning of “work” is from the beginning of me. God Himself worked for six days and rested on the seventh. We are created in the image of God and are designed to experience success and fulfillment through hard work. Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a crea on of the labor movement and it celebrates and honors the contribu on of the American system of organized labor and workers to the success and strength of the na on. Labor Day came about because workers felt they were spending too many hours and days on the job. The average American worked twelve-hour days and seven-day weeks in order to earn a basic living. The first Labor Day celebra on was held on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City. About 10,000 union workers marched in a parade to honor American workers, who at the me were without the labor laws. The first state to designate a Labor Day holiday by law was Oregon in 1887.The United States Congress declared Labor Day a federal holiday on June 28, 1894 when President Grover Cleveland signed the Labor Day bill into law.

Enjoy the Labor Day weekend with family and friends, fill it with prayer, picnics, barbecues and maybe even a parade

celebra ng our history.

Have a relaxing and blessed weekend,

City Center Parish Staff

Page 3: CITY CENTER PARISHES · 2019-09-19 · CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi ©sburgh, PA 15219 Reverend Christopher Donley, Administrator—cdonley@diopi ©.org Reverend

When the going gets tough... Ephesians 4:32 reminds us to ‘be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ Jesus God forgave you.’ As we con nue to make our way towards our January 2020 date of becoming one parish in Christ, these words from St. Paul have never been more important. Some mes we can forget the basic tenants of the faith and jus fy our ac ons, words and behaviors because we feel we have been wronged in some way. This is not the way of the Lord. Let us, all of us, parishioners, parish leadership teams, staff and clergy (myself included!) take these words from St. Paul to heart and to prayer and enter into the process our Bishop has tasked us with, with grace, kindness, compassion and forgiveness in our hearts. Communica on... The clergy team and leadership team have heard from some that communica on could be be er in our grouping of parishes. This is something that is being heard all around the Diocese these days. How do we effec vely communicate a common message with all the obstacles of trying to run three parishes in play? Well, as we con nue to make efforts in this category, we thank you for your pa ence. With this in mind, I would like to announce today that we have purchased and are installing communica on boxes in each of the parishes. These communica on boxes are here, not as an absolute solu on to the issue, but as a step in the right direc on. Please feel free to write ques ons or comments or sugges ons with regards to the merger process or concerning your parish in par cular. But, please remember two rules for the communica on box, speak with a loving heart and always leave your name. Anything submi ed without a name will not reach me. God bless and have a wonderful week, Fr. Chris


Page 4: CITY CENTER PARISHES · 2019-09-19 · CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi ©sburgh, PA 15219 Reverend Christopher Donley, Administrator—cdonley@diopi ©.org Reverend

Please pray for those who have requested our prayers: Jerry Barry, Laurie Bozik, Josie Crame, Robert Dougherty, William Egger, Richard Gazzam, Katherine Gross, Margaret Hurney, Marva Josie, D.M.K., Barbara Kuhn, F.M.M., Jessie Marsh, Patricia Morra, Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Jus n Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon, Mary Ann Pacini, Clara Jane Roy, Marianne Wisdom Oines, C.Z.R., Sr. Mary Ann Troup, Elsie Urban, Bill Vergot, Derrick Gardener, Leah Lindenfelser, Diane and Jim Foley, Elizabeth Kochin



Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Lectors and Ushers are needed on Sundays at the 9 AM and 5 PM Masses. Please contact Pat Wilson at 412-527-0465 for more informa on.

***All volunteers must be in compliance with the Diocesan Safe Environment Policy. ***


Television Ministry Saint Mary of Mercy’s daily noon Mass is televised and can be viewed seven days a week on Comcast channel 95 in the Greater Pi sburgh area or at www.chris

OFFERTORY Weekday 8/19-8/23 - $986.42

First Collection - $2,195.72 Second Collection - $1,277.65

Red Door Ministry: Those in need can receive a bagged lunch Monday through Saturday from 10:30 AM-11:30 AM The actual Red Door is located on the Boulevard of the Allies. New Hours Tuesday - Friday 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM and Saturday Mornings

OFFERTORY First Collection - $1,784.77 Second Collection - $578.00

It was a hot, muggy, summer morning in downtown Pi sburgh, and one of our dear guests sat in her favorite spot at the base of the light post staring contentedly and reflec vely at the Red Door as she watched people pass through the line receiving their lunches. Her peaceful expression begged for the ques on, "Elizabeth, what are you thinking about?" Without hesita on, she quietly responded with a rhetorical ques on as she con nued to gaze upon the line of people passing by the Red Door, "You know why Saint Mary's has been so blessed throughout the years? Because they've always taken care of the poor. No one should over-look that and we should all be thankful." It is true... God has abundantly blessed Saint Mary of Mercy Parish and will con nue to pour out His blessings upon our new parish grouping as we seek to serve Him ever more faithfully especially in the care of the poor. Please con nue to offer prayers of thanksgiving for God's faithfulness in providing for the Red Door ministry, prayers for all those who generously support the ministry through me, money, and talent, and most especially, prayers for all those whom we have the privilege to serve every-day. May the Red Door truly be a symbol of God's merciful love for all those who pass by, for all those who need it, and for all those who gaze upon it.

“Love and ever more love is the only solu on to every problem that comes up. If we love each other enough, we will bear with each other’s faults and burdens, If we love enough, we are going to light a fire in the hearts of others, and it is love that will burn out the sins and hatreds that sadden us. It is love that will make us want to do great things for each other. No sacrifice and no suffering will then seem too much.” Dorothy Day

Farewell We would like to bid farewell to Dylan, one of our trusted and hardworking maintenance men in our grouping. Dylan has been here for several years working endless hours at the fish fry, preparing the banquet hall with exact specifica ons, caring for the church and the grounds plus so much more. Dylan has decided to pursue his passion in the culinary world. We wish him the best of luck and to let him know he is and will always be part of our Church of the Epiphany family.

Page 5: CITY CENTER PARISHES · 2019-09-19 · CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi ©sburgh, PA 15219 Reverend Christopher Donley, Administrator—cdonley@diopi ©.org Reverend


The first black person to graduate from Harvard Dental School was

Robert T. Freeman. Freeman was born near Washington, DC in

the year of 1846. He was the son of a carpenter who bought his

family’s freedom then moved to Raleigh, NC. During his late teens

he found and worked for a mentor named Dr. Noble, a white

den st in Washington. Before Freeman was accepted into

Harvard University School of Dental Medicine he was rejected by

two other ins tu ons because of the color of his skin. Harvard

introduced a new faculty with a new unbiased policy towards


4TH ANNUAL “OLD SCHOOL” DINNER DANCE Saturday, September 7, 2019

Terrace on Fi h 1014 5th Ave, Pgh, 15219 Opposite PPG Paints Arena

6:30 PM-10:30 PM Tickets $55

RSVP August 29, 2019 to 724-472-7832 Or [email protected]

Also purchase ckets through Eventbrite: h p://

Sponsored by Diocesan Nat’l Black Catholic Congress


BIRTHDAYS Calia Black 9/1 Sandra Johnson 9/4 Wambui Ngari 9/1 Ashley Omalu 9/5 Bennet Omalu 9/1 David Hudson 9/6 Robin Woolridge 9/2 Nathaniel Sagbohan 9/6 Cierra Herriot 9/3 Paule e Threa -Moody 9/7 Linda Backo 9/4

PRAYER LIST...KEEPING FOLKS BEFORE THE LORD Be y Bell, Gordon Bullard, Edward Davis, Dolores Denton, Carol Derewcz, Grace Dixon-Kizzie, Patricia Ellis, Debra Foster, Woody Frazier, Ann Fultz, Richard Gazzam, Janet Glass, Brenda Glenn, Helena Harris, Harold G. Heim, Jr., Osaruyi Osasere Igbineweka, Billy Jenkins, Sandra Johnson, Sean Kraus, Tiffany Livsey, Aisha Lado, Andrew Lyke, Ruth McCartney, Sherry McGinnis, Todd Ma ei, Be y Muse, Josephine O’Connor, Ira Ri er Sr., Mary Samuels, Genevieve Sanford, Debbie Sturm, Vincent Tucker, Barbara Tucker, Lyle Williams, Leslie Wilson, Regina Zelik, FMM, DMK, Vic ms of Abuse


The 36TH Anniversary of Pi sburgh’s Labor Day Parade is on September 2, 2019. The Parade fes vi es begin with a Mass at Saint Benedict the Moor Roman Catholic Church at 8AM The Parade con nues to follow tradi on in origina ng at PPG Paints Arena at 10:00 AM, a er Mass.

PRO-LIFE KICKOFF EVENT The fall campaign for 40 Days for Life starts September 25 and runs through November 3. The campaign kicks off on Tuesday, September 10 at St. Bernard's Clairvaux Hall in Mt. Lebanon. The event features speaker Melissa Coles, the birth mother from the 30-minute documentary "I Lived on Parker Avenue." There will be a pro-life resource fair at 6:30 PM and a showing

of the film at 7:30 PM, followed by Melissa's tes mony.

Community News

OFFERTORY 8/25/19 is $4,278.00


DO YOU NEED A…. WILL POWER OF ATTORNEY LIVING WILL If you are low income, contact Duquesne University School of Law Tribone Center for Clinical Legal Education To schedule your free appointment call: 412-396-4704

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Looking for people who like to crochet or knit to make prayer shawls for the sick and/or shut-ins. If you love making things with your hands and can crochet or knit, please contact Priscilla at 412-281-3141. If you know any sick and/or shut-ins desiring a prayer shawl, please contact Rita Costa at 412-276-6639 and leave your name and number.

EMMAUS RETREAT FOR WOMEN October 11-13, 2019 in the beau ful, historic St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat Center, this weekend provides women a safe and comfortable environment in which to recognize Jesus in their everyday lives and renew their rela onships with the Lord, through both personal reflec on and listening to other women share their own life experiences. You will leave the retreat renewed and refreshed! Space is limited. Financial Assistance is available. Register by September 20, so your name is included in the "early bird" raffle! For more info, email [email protected] or call Theresa Zingrone at 412-287-5295.

Page 6: CITY CENTER PARISHES · 2019-09-19 · CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi ©sburgh, PA 15219 Reverend Christopher Donley, Administrator—cdonley@diopi ©.org Reverend

CONFESSIONS: CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Monday and Friday 11:15 AM-11:45 AM SAINT MARY OF MERCY Monday through Friday 11:00 AM-11:45 AM NOVENAS: CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Saint Rita, Mondays a er 12:05 PM Mass Sorrowful Mother, Fridays a er 12:05 PM Mass SAINT BENEDICT THE MOOR Begins 9 weeks prior to Feast Day after Sunday Mass SAINT MARY OF MERCY Miraculous Medal, Mondays after 12:00 noon Mass

Saturday, August 31

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Salvatore Gaetano DiBacco† (Godmother/Aunt Gracey DeIuliis)

2:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Wedding of Cathy Le and George O'Connor

4:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Wedding of Marie Carroll and Christopher Curran

4:00 PM Saint Mary of Mercy Geraldine Steele † (Priests and Staff of Saint Mary of Mercy)

Sunday, September 1 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 AM Saint Mary of Mercy For the People of Saint Mary of Mercy Parish

9:00 AM Church of the Epiphany Deceased Crame Family † (Family)

10:30 AM Saint Benedict the Moor Deceased Whaby Family† (Simone Hickey)

10:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Victoria Lucarelli † (Esther and Frank DiPasquale)

5:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Veronica Muraco † (Gen and Dusty Dascola)

Monday, September 2 Labor Day

8:00 AM Saint Benedict the Moor For the People of Saint Benedict the Moor Parish

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Stephanie Aranowski † (Michael Britzki and Jeanne Shaffer)

Tuesday, September 3 Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Joseph DeIuliis † (Gracey DeIuliis, sister)

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy William F. Kern †

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Frank Scalamogna † (Palmieri Family)

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Deceased of John P. Harris Family † (Cynthia Hahn Yothers)

Wednesday, September 4

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Members of the Michalski Family †

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Jim and Millie Morgan † (Bud and Karen Burke)

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Salvatore Gaetano DiBacco† (Godmother/Aunt Gracey DeIuliis)

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Burrell and Karbin Family, Living and Deceased

Thursday, September 5

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Members of the Michalski Family †

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Connie Vaskov† (Joe and Judi Nocito)

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Robert and Anne Marino† (Eileen and Joe Sisca)

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Robert J. McLuckie † (Anne Dombrowski)

Friday, September 6

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Maha Basil † (Rick and Ann Valdes)

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Samuel and Anna Erra † (Diane Shosky)

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Joseph DeIuliis † (Gracey DeIuliis, sister)

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany For the People of Church of the Epiphany

Saturday, September 7

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Members of the Michalski Family †

2:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Wedding of Caroline Rogi and Robert Quinn

4:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Wedding of Kara Bozick and Gary Specht

4:00 PM Saint Mary of Mercy Mary Sherwood † (Peg Sherwood)

Sunday, September 8

8:00 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Members of the Michalski Family †

9:00 AM Church of the Epiphany Giuseppe Ba aglia † (Ba aglia Family)

10:30 AM Saint Benedict the Moor Morris Staty † (Simone Hickey)

10:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy August and Frances Beck Families †

5:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Pat Krivanek † (Family)