Cinical trial protocol writing



Important aspects of protocol writing, Investigators Brochure

Transcript of Cinical trial protocol writing

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Dr Urmila M. Aswar,

Sinhgad Institute of Pharmacy, Narhe, Pune -41

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Protocol writing

It is a complete written description and scientific

rationale for a research activity involving human





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Writing a Protocol – First steps The PI must know the answers for

Is it reasonable? Do we have the resources?

What are the significant risks?

Do we have the patient population?

Associate Investigator/ outside investigators may be included.

Should be able to write the whole CT in few lines

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Who Reads Protocols?

• The protocol language/ content should be

understood by

–Other physicians


– IRB members

–Scientific reviewers

– IC for a lay person

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Parts of the Protocol

1. Introduction/Abstract

2. Objectives

3. Background/Rationale

4. Eligibility criteria

5. Study design/methods (including drug/device info)

6. Safety/adverse events

7. Regulatory guidance

8. Statistical section (including analysis and monitoring)

9. Human subjects protection/informed consent

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1. Objectives

• Objectives should be stated clearly ashypotheses to be tested.

• Each objective should have a correspondingdiscussion in the statistical section.

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2. Background and Rationale

• All protocols require a section detailing thescientific rationale for a protocol and thejustification in medical and scientific literaturefor the hypothesis being proposed.

• Introductory section should be organized in alogical, sequential flow.

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Background and Rationale

• Double check all citations

• Common mistakes

• Name misspellings (including wrong initials),

wrong journal names, wrong years of

publication, and wrong volume numbers

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3. Eligibility criteria- defn.

• Inclusion and exclusion criteria are theconditions that must be met in order toparticipate in a clinical trial.

• The most important criteria used to determineappropriateness for clinical trial participationinclude age, sex, the type and stage ofa disease, treatment history, and othermedical conditions.

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Writing Eligibility Criteria for Patient

• Eligibility criteria are the largest barrier to

clinical trials.

• There is no guideline for writing these criteria

• Poorly written or poorly conceived criteria

may affect the scientific validity of CT.

• Reasons for imposing eligibility criteria

includes scientific rationales, safety concerns,

regulatory issues, and practical considerations

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The points to be considered to write a good eligibility criteria

1. The number of eligibility criteria should be kept to a minimum.

2. Criteria should include only those absolutely necessary to ensure scientific validity and patient safety.

3. Eligibility criteria should be clearly defined and verifiable by an external auditor.

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4. Eligibility criteria should be straightforward

and unambiguous. Which of these criteria is

better understood?

1. Pregnant and/or nursing women are not


2. All women of childbearing age are

required to have a negative serum

pregnancy test.

3. Nursing women are not eligible for this

study. All women of childbearing potential

must have a negative serum pregnancy test

within 2 weeks of study enrollment.

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Failure to write eligibility criteria


• Leads to

Failure to mimic clinical practice

Increased study complexity

Increased costs

Less number of patient getting recruited

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Example• Eligibility criteria given by National Institute ofNeurological Disorders and Stroke’s for recruitingparticipants for a clinical trial titled Study of Brain ActivityDuring Speech Production and Speech Perception.

• The inclusion criteria specified for the experimental groupwere (a) right-handed children and adolescents, (b) nativespeakers of American English, and (c) stuttering orphonological disorders.

• The comparison (control) group consisted of normallydeveloping right-handed children and adolescents whowere native speakers of American English.

• Exclusion criteria were (a) language use in the home otherthan American English, (b) speech reception thresholdsgreater than 25 dB, and (c) contraindications to magneticresonance scanning.

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4. Study Design

• The study design section of the protocol

should contain a stepwise description of all

procedures required by the study.

• A good study design section includes sufficient

information for the participating site.

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Study Design• Parts of the study design section may


Initial evaluations

Screening tests

Required lab tests

Details of treatment or procedures

Device specifications

Dose scheduling and modification


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5. Safety

• Adverse effect and side effect are termscommonly associated with drugs. They are usedby nurses and doctors, to refer to undesirableeffects of a medication on a patient.

• The Safety (or Adverse Events) section shouldinclude:

• Detailed information for reporting adverse events,including reporting to the FDA and/or the sponsor

• Unblinding processes (if applicable)

• Lists of expected adverse events

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6. The Statistical Section

• The study objectives and study designelements in the statistical section shouldbe described in the Objectives section

• The descriptions and definitions oftoxicities in the statistical section matchthose in the Safety/AE section.

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7.Human Subjects Protection

• This section includes discussion of:

– Subject selection and exclusion

– Proposed methods of patient recruitment

– Minority representation

– Recruitment (or exclusion) of special subjects, including vulnerable subjects

– Lists of potential risks and benefits, including justification for risks

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Informed Consento Disclosure of relevant information to prospective

research subjects

o Comprehension of the information provided to thesubject

o Voluntary agreement of the subject.

The protocol’s informed consent must

• Be thorough and complete

• Be written in simple, nontechnical language

• Be carefully worded to avoid complexity.

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The protocol’s informed consent must


• Statement that the study involves research

• Purpose of the research and the length of the study

• Description of risks and benefits

• Discussion of alternative therapies

• Confidentiality policy

• Compensation for injury

• Contact for further questions/information

• Statement of voluntary participation

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Tools for Better Writing: Proofreading

Working too long on a protocol may habituate eyes

and brains to mistakes, simply because they’ve

been there all along.

Spell-checkers, etc.

– A document should be checked by automatic


– The document should be proofread.

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• Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch atCmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn'tmttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in awrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihngis taht the frist and lsat ltteer be atthe rghit pclae.

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NIH Guidance on Protocol Writing

• Protomechanics:

• The Office of Human Subjects Research:

• The NCI Investigators’ Handbook:

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• It is a comprehensive document summarizinginformation about an investigational productobtained during a drug trial.

• The IB is updated with new information as itbecomes available.

• Compile data relevant to studies of theinvestigational drug in human subjectsgathered during preclinical and other clinicaltrials.

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• It sd provide the information for management of CT and safety during CT

• Dose (of the study drug)

• Frequency of dosing interval

• Methods of administration

• Safety monitoring procedures

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IB contains Summary of Data and Guidance for the Investigator

• Provide the investigator with a clearunderstanding of the possible risks andadverse reactions, details of tests,observations, and precautions that may beneeded for a clinical trial

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• The information should be based on theavailable physical, chemical, pharmaceutical,pharmacological, toxicological, and clinicalinformation on the investigational product.

• Should also provide treatment of possibleoverdose and adverse drug reactions.

• The IB should be reviewed annually

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• Detail guideline is provided in GCP and ICH