Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 31st Sunday in ... · The Commemoration of all the Faithful...

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016 " Blessed Are the Sorrowing, for They Shall be Consoled " Matt: 5,1-12 My dear Parishioners, On Tuesday, November 1, we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. It is a special day, a Holy Day for all of us in our parish. This week we rejoice with all the Saints and pray for our beloved dead, especially on All Souls Day, November 2, that they may now share in the fullness of life of heaven. We are reminded that our loved ones who have gone before us are praying for us from that great communion of holy men and women. REFLECTION Dressed in white baptismal garments and waving palm branches of victory, the redeemed people of God shout praises before the heavenly throne. Who are these dressed in white? Where have they come from? They are people from every nation, race, and tongue: apostles, martyrs, evangelists, missionaries, popes, bishops, doctors, presbyters, religious, virgins, married men and women. With loved ones who have gone before us, we praise and thank God for the salvation that is ours. What we shall become has yet to come to light, but Jesus tells us we are blessed right now. Though poor and suffering, we are comforted. Hungering and thirsting for holiness, we are filled. Compassionate and single-hearted in our pursuit of justice and peace, we are shown mercy. What love has been bestowed on us! Even though the world does not recognize us, we are children of God. When we stand before Gods throne, we will recognize ourselves in Gods benevolent gaze. Be glad and rejoice! The kingdom of God is ours! Happy Eve of All Hallows (Halloween) and Happy All Saints Day !! Love and blessings, Fr. Bob Cilinski Pastor A Message from our Pastor Fr. Bob Cilinski THANK YOU For your generous response to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith last weekend on World Mission Sunday. While some go to serve in other countries to develop the Church and serve its people, all of us are called to pray and support the Missions from right where we live. To continue answering this call, download the Mission App which makes it possible for you to meet and support religious Sisters and Brothers, priests and dedicated lay leaders who provide help and hope in some of the worlds poorest places. These missionaries provide essential education and health care, social outreach and advocacy, and pastoral service. They address basic human needs, while in every moment offering spiritual comfort and support to the suffering and the marginalized. Join them in mission every day as you joined them this past World Mission Sunday! The Book of Remembrance is in the Church near the baptismal font and Paschal candle during the month of November in memory of our beloved dead. All are invited to place the names of loved ones who have died in our Book of Remembrance with faith in the resurrection that Jesus promises us. ALL SAINTS DAY Tuesday, November 1st The Solemnity of All Saints is on Tuesday, November 1st. The Mass schedule is as follows: Monday, October 31 Vigil Mass at 5:00PM Tuesday, November 1 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 12:00PM 6:00PM and 7:30PM in Spanish ALL SOULS DAY Wednesday, November 2nd The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed Each year All Souls Day is a day of special prayer for all those who have died. We pray that those souls in need of perfection may swiftly pass through their purification and come into the presence of God. It is the grace of the Communion of Saints that we can have this special relationship of prayer with those who have departed this life. The Mass schedule is as follows: Wednesday, November 2 7:30AM and 7:00PM

Transcript of Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 31st Sunday in ... · The Commemoration of all the Faithful...

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016

" Blessed Are the Sorrowing, for They Shall be Consoled "

Matt: 5,1-12

My dear Parishioners, On Tuesday, November 1, we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. It is a special day, a Holy Day for all of us in our parish. This week we rejoice with all the Saints and pray for our beloved dead, especially on All Souls Day, November 2, that they may now share in the fullness of life of heaven. We are reminded that our loved ones who have gone before us are praying for us from that great communion of holy men and women. REFLECTION

Dressed in white baptismal garments and waving palm branches of victory, the redeemed people of God shout praises before the heavenly throne. Who are these dressed in white? Where have they come from? They are people from every nation, race, and tongue: apostles, martyrs, evangelists, missionaries, popes, bishops, doctors, presbyters, religious, virgins, married men and women. With loved ones who have gone before us, we praise and thank God for the salvation that is ours. What we shall become has yet to come to light, but Jesus tells us we are blessed right now. Though poor and suffering, we are comforted. Hungering and thirsting for holiness, we are filled. Compassionate and single-hearted in our pursuit of justice and peace, we are shown mercy. What love has been bestowed on us! Even though the world does not recognize us, we are children of God. When we stand before God’s throne, we will recognize ourselves in God’s benevolent gaze. Be glad and rejoice! The kingdom of God is ours! Happy Eve of All Hallows (Halloween) and Happy All Saints Day !!

Love and blessings,

Fr. Bob Cilinski Pastor

A Message from our Pastor Fr. Bob Cilinski


For your generous response to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith last weekend on World Mission Sunday. While some go to serve in other countries to develop the Church and serve its people, all of us are called to pray and support the Missions from

right where we live. To continue answering this call, download the Mission App which makes it possible for you to meet and support religious Sisters and Brothers, priests and dedicated lay leaders who provide help and hope in some of the world’s poorest places. These missionaries provide essential education and health care, social outreach and advocacy, and pastoral service. They address basic human needs, while in every moment offering spiritual comfort and support to the suffering and the marginalized. Join them in mission every day as you joined them this past World Mission Sunday!

The Book of Remembrance is in the Church near the baptismal font and Paschal candle during

the month of November in memory of our beloved dead. All are invited to place the names of loved ones

who have died in our Book of Remembrance with faith in the resurrection that Jesus promises us.

ALL SAINTS DAY Tuesday, November 1st

The Solemnity of All Saints is on Tuesday, November 1st.

The Mass schedule is as follows:

Monday, October 31 Vigil Mass at 5:00PM Tuesday, November 1 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 12:00PM 6:00PM and 7:30PM in Spanish

ALL SOULS DAY Wednesday, November 2nd

The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed

Each year All Souls Day is a day of special prayer for all those who have died. We pray that those souls in need of perfection may swiftly pass through

their purification and come into the presence of God.

It is the grace of the Communion of Saints that we can have this special relationship of prayer

with those who have departed this life.

The Mass schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, November 2 7:30AM and 7:00PM

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016

MASS OF REMEMBRANCE Wednesday, November 2nd at 7:00PM

One of our most beloved traditions at Nativity Church occurs every year during the month of November. This is the month when the whole Church remembers those who have passed from this world in hope of eternal life. At Nativity we celebrate a special Mass for those of our parish family who have died in the past year.

We wish to invite your family and friends to this special Eu-charist. This special Mass will take place on Wednesday, November 2nd at 7:00pm. Please know that you are in our prayers and in the prayers of the community of Nativity.

Love and blessings, Fr. Bob Cilinski

Our parish has subscribed to an exciting new online platform: This will give you 24/7 access to the truth, beauty, and

meaning of the Catholic Faith anytime, anywhere!

Here’s how easy it is to access:

Go to

Enter our Parish code: M4CJ3W on the homepage

Create a personal account with your user name/email and password

Start enjoying the best Catholic content all in one place!

IMPORTANT: Do not sign up as an individual. Our Parish access code provides more content than

an individual subscription.

If you have any questions, please contact Ann Benson at [email protected]

This weekend, October 29th and 30th 2016, there will be displays of beautiful olivewood handmade carvings from the Holy Land in our Church for sale. These Carvings are made by the Christians of Bethlehem who use them as their source of income.

You can support the Christians of Bethlehem by purchasing some of these beautiful carvings after Mass. For further information, please visit the website at: or call (202) 302-5889.

All Souls Day Novena Mass Schedule

November 2016

November 2, 2016 7:30 A.M. November 2, 2016 7:00 P.M. November 3, 2016 7:30 A.M. November 4, 2016 7:30 A.M. November 5, 2016 9:00 A.M. November 5, 2016 5:00 P.M. November 6, 2016 7:30 A.M. November 7, 2016 7:30 A.M. November 8, 2016 7:30 A.M.


Bishop Francis DiLorenzo of Richmond and Bishop Paul Loverde of Arlington have issued a pre-election statement to guide Virginia Catholics before going into the voting booth on November 8th. They call on Catholics to carefully form their consciences, pray, learn the issues, consider candidates’ character and use principles of Catholic social teaching to guide them.

See their statement in English and Spanish, as well as four principles of Catholic social teaching and other voter resources on the Virginia Catholic Conference website at

The Confirmation Class of 2017 extends heartfelt gratitude to

Nativity’s Knights of Columbus Fr. Vincent S. Sikora Council #7992 for the generous donation of

The New American Bible for each member of our class.

Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

Archdiocese for Military Services U.S.A. Second Collection, next weekend!

Currently, 285 Catholic military chaplains provide pastoral care to over 1.5 million Catholics on ships, in combat,

on bases and in 153 VA hospitals. Next week’s 2nd Collection for the Archdiocese for

the Military Services (AMS) will fund their Co-Sponsored Seminarian Program, which identifies vocations within the

military and is now educating 30 men for the priesthood and subsequent military chaplaincy.

The AMS has no parishes from which to draw financial support and relies solely on donations. See their website for more information:

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016

“‘Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.’” Luke 14:13-14

The Falls Church 40 Days For Life campaign continues through Sunday, November 6,

2016. 40 Days For Life is a focused Pro-Life effort that consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting, 40 days of peaceful vigil, 40 days of community outreach. Sign Up For Vigil Hours, become a "Prayer

Warrior" and Stand Up For Life! For more info, please contact Soledad Olivera, 703-863-0710, [email protected] More

details at Note Well: Nativity Parishioners and families are invited

to pray the Rosary each Friday during the campaign from 9 - 10:30 AM at the prayer site. Please note and obey parking regulations.

The GABRIEL PROJECT supports women who are facing a crisis pregnancy and need help. Contact 1-866-444-3553 or

[email protected] You are not alone! (Gabriel Project is a crisis pregnancy program open to all and sponsored by

the Catholic Diocese of Arlington.)

Religious Education classes are cancelled on Monday, October 31, so that students may attend the Vigil Mass with their families. Religious Education classes WILL BE HELD as usual on Sunday, November 6; Monday, November 7; and Tuesday, November 8. Catechists and assistants for seventh grade students should attend an important information meeting on Thursday, November 10, at 7:00pm in room 240. Thanksgiving Holiday — classes are canceled on Tuesday, November 22; and Sunday, November 27, in observance of the holiday. Classes resume regular schedules beginning Monday, November 28.

Annual Coat Drive

The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring our annual coat drive to help those in need. Please drop off your new/gently

used men’s/woman’s coats, hats, gloves and sweaters at the back of church THIS Weekend October 29 and 30.

The coats are distributed to several of our local service institutions.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Introduction to the Nativity Community Service Ministries

Hundreds of Nativity parishioners are active in community service and social justice activities. Rarely do we ask what mo-tivates them or why they care enough to serve. What would we learn if they shared their thoughts and experiences with us? What have they learned from those they serve? When do they see the face of Christ in others? For the next nine months we will have opportunities to hear such stories and program descriptions. Sessions will be held on Thursdays from 7:30 – 8:30 pm in Room 242 of Nativity School.

The schedule will be as follows:

November 10: Why We Care about Global Warming

December 8: Feeding the Hungry

January 12: Ending Abortion & the Death Penalty

February 9: Sheltering the Homeless

Each evening will be self-contained so you need attend only those that interest you. For further details, watch for information in the Nativity Bulletin or send an email to [email protected] and ask to be placed on a mailing list where addresses will not be shared.

Why We Care about Global Warming Thursday, November 10, 7:30-8:30 pm, room 242

The U.S. Bishops describe On Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si') as a “new appeal from Pope Francis addressed to "every person living on this planet" for an inclusive dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet.” In this presentation, two Nativity parishioners, Phil Thompson and

Chris Degnan will discuss why they care about global warming. They will present the scientific basis of global warming theory, recent experimental evidence, predicted consequences of both scientific and societal effects, and what we can do at this point

to give us time to find scientific and engineering solutions.

Nativity's Love is Given Charismatic Prayer Group

Invites all parishioners to a special talk by a Spirit-filled, gifted speaker, Dave Nevins, author of, Surrendering to

Abundance. The topic of Dave's talk is "The Intimacy With God You Already Have."

He is gifted in helping people discover the gifts the Lord has given them and how to use those gifts for His glory.

We will gather in the school cafeteria/parish hall on Thursday, November 10th from 7:15 PM until 8:45 PM.

The meeting will begin with prayer and praise and then Dave will speak for the remainder of the meeting.

This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to discover how the Lord wants to work in our lives and the gifts He

has given us to bring Him to others. All are welcome. Come join us for a powerful evening.

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016


Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be

merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved.

Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being

enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his

betrayal, and assured Paradise to the repentant sinner.

Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gift of God!”

You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the

Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified.

You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved

and forgiven by God.

Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news

to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind.

We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy. You who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for

ever and ever. Amen.

Monday, October 31 7:30am † Robert Mason Green, Sr. 5:00pm † Enrico Martinez Tuesday, November 1 7:30am † Rose an George Lawyer 9:00am † Laura Busony 12:00pm † Nancy Lucks 6:00pm † Blanche Atchley Wednesday, November 2 7:30am † All Souls Day Novena Mass 7:00pm † All Souls Day Novena Mass Thursday, November 3 7:30am † All Souls Day Novena Mass Friday, November 4 7:30am † All Souls Day Novena Mass 9:00am † All Souls of the Legionnaires Saturday, November 5 9:00am † All Souls Day Novena Mass 5:00pm † All Souls Day Novena Mass Sunday, November 6 7:30am † All Souls Day Novena Mass 9:00am † Rene Trinidad 11:00am † Samuel Cuomo 12:45pm † Don Jordon 5:30pm † Dixie Freeman

The priest schedule for Masses is found on our webpage:

In prayer, let us remember

The next Joyful Noise - Praise and Worship Event – Friday, November 18 in the Fr. Martin Center

Experience vibrant contemporary praise and worship featuring musicians from around the Catholic Diocese of Arlington.

From 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Friday, November 18th. Free Admission - all ages are welcome.

Intercessory prayer teams available to pray with attendees


donated by

Patricia Ferraro in loving memory of Agnes V. Lachance


A support group for men and women going through separation and divorce will meet this Friday, November 4th, at 8:00 PM in St. Mary of Sorrows Historic Church Hall. Our topic will be

“Loneliness.” Please feel free to join us. Newcomers are warmly welcomed. There is no fee. For further information or

directions, please call Maureen at 703-978-6318.

Church of the Nativity, Burke Virginia 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016



A Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

Come Walk Through Our Hallways

~~ If … You … Dare ~~

Our Kindergartners and First Graders

have created SCARY art Monsters

and Black Cats, just in time for

Halloween ! First, the Monsters!

Under Mrs. Plumb’s direction, the First Graders were asked to think about what type of funny monster they could be. Using thick chalk pastels, our First Graders first drew their head, filling up the entire piece of paper, turning the

single black sheet either horizontally (for a wide monster) or vertically (for a tall one).

Next, our young artists placed two (or more!) eyes and a monster mouth -- often baring huge, pointy teeth!

All our First Grade monsters are spectacular -- it almost makes one want to “treat” them with a candy bar or two.

Next, our Black Cats ! In Art Class, our Kindergartners were asked to draw an asymmetrical head -- and face -- of a cat on a piece of black paper. Mrs. Plumb discussed with them what it means to have a “spatial relationship” with the cat, and encouraged each child to use oval shapes for the eyes. Some of the students even added a tail and whiskers to their cat! Choosing just a very few excellent examples to include in this bulletin from among so many fine, funny monsters and crazy cats has been quite difficult for me -- I did my best! However, I can post ALL the funny monsters and crazy cats on our official Nativity Catholic School Facebook Page. Please look for all of them there!

************************************************ In Our Next Issue, Expect Updates On:

Nativity’s Advanced Academic Programs Nativity’s After-School Clubs

Highlights From “Trunk or Treat”

************************************************ Yes, Catholic education is worth the investment!

Please come join us ~~ Our faith-filled Nativity Community offers a strong academic program, friendly folks,

and lots of fun -- for Everyone! Our enrollment window is closing quickly ~~

There are still a few opportunities to join us in class to see how your child would spend his or her days here at Nativity

Catholic School -- learning, praying, sharing, and laughing. Contact us at: (703) 455-2300, [email protected],

or at

Nativity Scene Lawn Decorations again available this year! The Knights of Columbus will be making and selling Nativity scene lawn displays again this year. Let your neighbors know why you celebrate Christmas with this beautiful lawn display.

Many bought them last year and were happy with their purchase. We will be taking orders for delivery early in December. The council is selling them for $50, please contact Bob Colleta at [email protected] to order.

Flag Retirement: The Knights of Columbus 4th De-gree Monsignor Bradican Assembly 2996, along with the Boy and Girl Scouts of Nativity parish, invite ALL parishioners to a Patriotic Flag Retirement Ceremony and Reception on Thursday,

November 10 at 7:30 PM at Holy Spirit Parish. Anyone with a worn or tattered flag to be retired may deposit it in the collection box at the entrances to the church after all Masses or simply bring it with them to the ceremony. All are also invited to bring photos of Veterans for display on our Wall of Honor. This patriotic event is a great way to celebrate Veterans Day and to show the proper reverence and respect for that symbol of freedom that is our American Flag. A reception with refreshments and fellowship will follow the ceremony. Contact John Ostrowski [email protected].

Nativity's Fr. Vincent Sikora Council will host a Second Degree Exemplification Ceremony dur ing its business meeting on Tuesday, 15 November, at 7:30pm, in the Nativity School Cafeteria. We encourage all 1st Degree Knights to attend and advance one step closer to becoming a full member of our order. Report time for participants is 7:00 p.m. at the Nativity School main entrance. Coat & tie preferred. There will be a fellowship reception for attendees and observers following the ceremony. Also request Brother Knights' assistance for set up and take down. Please email DGK Carlos Perez at [email protected] if you are a 1st Degree Knight who seeks to advance or a if you'd like to volunteer to help. Alternatively, sign up on-line at:

Family Bowling Night: Bring the whole family and join us for a fun afternoon of bowling on Saturday, 5 Nov. 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. The Council will provide two games, plus pizza and drinks at Bowl America, 5615 Guinea Rd, Fairfax (near the Target shopping Center). Sign up to attend at or email Russ Smith directly at [email protected].

Mass of Remembrance: This family event/liturgy will be held to pray for all brothers and family members who died in the last year. Our Chaplain Fr .Bob will celebrate on Thursday, 17 November at 6:30 pm.

Annual Italian Dinner Dance: Will be held in the Par ish Hall starting at 6:30 PM on Saturday, November 19th. It is always a fantastic evening of dining, dancing and entertainment. You will be provided with the best homemade Italian dinner in town for only $25 per ticket. Tickets will be sold after all Masses from November 5th through the 13th. Don’t get “shut out”—please get your tickets early!! For further information and reservations contact Ron Cestaro at [email protected] – (703) 250-1013 or Joe Miletta at [email protected] -- (703) 250-9584

Website: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016

ECHO Food Collection

The next monthly food collection for ECHO will take place next weekend: Sunday, November 6th.

Please bring non-perishable foods to the side entrance of the church (at the left). There will be a truck there collecting all donated items. Jelly, box rice, muffin mix, dry beans, pancake mix, instant potatoes and juice boxes are much needed items. Laundry detergent and personal items such as deodorant, razors and shampoo are also needed. All canned food items are welcomed. ECHO also accepts small appliances, but they must be in working order. For more information, call 703-569-9160.

ECHO Center is located at: 7205 Old Keene Mill Road, Springfield


The Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Monsignor Bradican

Assembly 2996, along with the Boy and Girl Scouts of Nativity parish, invite ALL parishioners to a

Patriotic Flag Retirement Ceremony and Reception on Thursday, 10 November at 7:30 PM

at Holy Spirit Parish

Anyone with a worn or tattered flag to be retired may deposit it in the collection box at the entrances to the church after all Masses or simply bring it with them to the ceremony. All are also invited to

bring photos of Veterans for display on our Wall of Honor.

This patriotic event is a great way to celebrate Veterans Day and to show the proper reverence and respect for that symbol of

freedom that is our American Flag. A reception with refreshments and fellowship will follow the ceremony.

For more information, contact John Ostrowski at [email protected]

Fall Men’s Retreat: Perfecting the Soul through Faith, Hope, and Charity – November 18—20

To conclude the Year of Mercy, take a weekend for quiet prayer and reflection at San Damiano Retreat Center in White Post. The retreat will be led by Fr. Basil Cole,

O.P., Professor of Moral, Spiritual and Dogmatic Theology at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington D.C.

The cost is $265 until November 4 and $290 after that date; need-based scholarships are available. For more information,

please visit

Mornings of Mercy for Divorced Catholics

Join us for a series of morning retreats for those suffering after divorce. The next morning of recollection will be held on

Saturday, November 5, at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church in Fredericksburg, from 9:00AM to noon. The event will include Mass; a talk by Fr. Thomas Ferguson, Vicar General of the Diocese of Arlington; and confessions. Continental breakfast provided. To learn more or to register,


John Paul The Great Open House

Date: Sunday, November 13 from 1:00-4:00pm (Presentation at 1:15pm).

The first 100 8th graders to pre-register receive a free t-shirt! For more info, please visit


“The one who serves God willingly is heard; his petition reaches the heavens.” Let us serve God willingly by

strengthening, renewing and rekindling our marriages by participating in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter

weekend from 18-20 November in Herndon.

For more information or to apply, visit our website at or contact us at [email protected]

or 703-378-4150.

On Thursday evening, November 3rd, our parish Youth Choir will sing at the taping of the TV Mass at the Basilica of the

National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Come support the choir and be a part of the TV Mass

congregation! The broadcast of The Sunday Mass not only offers the eternal banquet of Christ’s Love to homebound Catholics, but

also makes this central celebration of the Church’s life available to any viewer with an open heart.

Our choir will gather at 6:45PM in the Crypt Church. The Sunday TV Mass is broadcast locally at 10:30AM on WDCW Channel 50 (CW50), as well as nationally on the Catholic TV cable network

from Boston. For more information on this joyful act of evangelization for our parish, contact Sara Prince at

[email protected].

Don’t forget: Daylight Savings Time ends NEXT weekend!!

Remember to set your clocks back one hour Saturday night, November 5th


Are You 50 or Better? Please join us for the next Lunch N’ Life sponsored by the Shepherd’s Center of Fairfax-Burke on

Thursday, November 17, 2016, (12:00-2:00 p.m.) at The Church of the Good Shepherd,

9340 Braddock Road, Burke. The guest speaker will be Paul Herbert, Author of Treason in the Rockies;

Nazi Sympathizer, Dale Waple's POW Escape Plot. For reservations, call Bea Stephenson at 703-273-5730 by

November 11th. The cost is $10.00; checks payable to SCFB. If transportation is needed, call the SCFB office (703)

323-4788. See for more information. Here is a Link to the flyer:


Website: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016

The Importance of Sunday Mass

As the body will die without food, the soul will expire without nourishment. As Catholics, that spiritual

nourishment comes at the Sunday Eucharist. The Lord’s Day is essential for our faith.

Make Sunday Mass the heart of your week.

Contact Director: Alison Fram Email: [email protected] Cell: 703-577-5329 Find us @nativitycollege or parish website Facebook: Catholic Life Young Adult Ministry


We’re getting ready for our Thanksgiving College Flag Football Game! It’s our very own Turkey Bowl the day before Thanksgiving, so you’ll have no regrets enjoying

that turkey dinner the next day.

Wednesday, November 23 from 3:00-6:00 pm on the grass at Nativity

Thought for the week…




Saturday, November 12- “Footsteps to the Past” Tour in Old Town

Join us for this tour which includes history, folklore, and ghost stories. Meet by 7:00 pm in front of Ramsay House

Visitors Center, 221 King Street in Alexandria. Email [email protected] in advance to receive more details.

“Joyful Noise” Praise and Worship

Friday, November 18, 7:30-8:30pm in the Fr. Martin Center

(Gym) All parishioners are invited to this contemporary praise and worship event! It is free and is open to

people of all ages.

Weekly events: Young Adult Small Group is every Tuesday from

7:30-9:00 pm in the Youth Room. Young Adult Basketball is every Thursday from

7:00-9:00 pm in the Fr. Martin Center (Gym)

Join the CYM UPdate

Get on our weekly E-list for UPdates Send an email Child/s name, School, Grade

Parent/Guardian names, cell numbers

During construction, please put your itemized receipts in the

collection baskets. Thank you for Supporting Youth Ministry!

Director: Ingrid Sánchez-Seymour

Email: [email protected]

Web: programs

October Calendar

EDGE 3:45pm-5:00pm (Grades 6-8) LIfeTe en 7:00pm-8:30pm (High school)

October 30 Regular Schedule

Website: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016


Domingo XXXI (ciclo c) Javier Leoz

1. La vida de Zaqueo, amigos, era una vida cómoda y perversa. Su fama de recaudador de impuestos hacía que, muchos ojos, estuvieran puestos en él. Y no precisamente para bien. (Se quedaba con la mayoría del dinero que recaudaba) Pero, de repente, la vida de aquel pequeño gran hombre (era pequeño de estatura pero grande porque supo encaramarse al “árbol de Je-sús”) cambió radicalmente con una interpelación de Jesús: ¡baja Zaqueo! Aquel encuentro fue sorprendente, y la invitación de Jesús inesperada. ¿Qué sentiría Zaqueo al encontrarse cara a cara con Jesús? ¿Qué tendría de especial Zaqueo para reparar Jesús en un hombre cosido a las ramas de un árbol? Los dos tenían actitudes y respuestas complementarias: -Zaqueo estaba adornado por la riqueza del mundo, pero con un corazón maniatado, infeliz y fletado por el dinero. -Jesús, irradiaba la felicidad, la luz y la paz, aunque –visiblemente- pudiera dar la sensación ser un mendigo. Y, mira por donde, recaudador de impuestos y mendigo, se hicieron los encontradizos en el camino. Se cambian los papeles: Jesús mendiga el amor del recaudador Zaqueo, y Zaqueo mendiga la grandeza, el perdón, la comprensión y la amistad del Jesús mendigo. Aquella casualidad, estoy seguro, cambió radicalmente el itinerario existencial de un hombre que, subido a un árbol, logró dar con ese otro gran árbol de la salvación que iba anunciar Jesús: su cruz. 2. ¿Qué pasó con Zaqueo? ¿Qué ocurriría con todas sus riquezas, carácter, temperamento, hacienda,…? Posiblemente lo mismo que le acontece a todo el que se encuentra radicalmente con Jesús: cambió y se marchó por otros caminos. ¡Cuántos Zaqueos aquí, hermanos! ¡Pero cuántos! El Señor, también nos quiere recuperar a nosotros. No nos pide nada a cambio. Eso, lo hemos de decidir nosotros. El Señor, quiere que bajemos del árbol y le saludemos a pie llano, que le sigamos con todas nuestras fuerzas y con todo nuestro corazón. ¿Qué cosas nos impiden seguirle? La Eucaristía, la oración, la caridad, un detalle, ser catequista, participar en la parroquia, formar parte de diversos movimientos parro-quiales o eclesiales…son árboles que se levantan para que, con toda claridad, veamos el paso de Jesús. El, porque quiere nuestra recuperación total, porque desea que seamos de los suyos….nos mira con pasión y con amor. Ninguno pode-mos quedar indiferentes ante su llegada. Nada puede obstaculizar nuestra entrega y nuestro seguimiento confiado a El. ¿Qué es necesario para sentir esa sacudida que transformó la existencia de Zaqueo? Pues ni más ni menos que mirar en la dirección ade-cuada. No podemos estar despistados. Hay cristianos que en vez de estar subidos en el árbol de la fe, para comprender y entender la vida de Jesús, se conforman con estar subidos encima de una banqueta. Hay cristianos que, en vez de arriesgarse a subir un poco más alto, prefieren que sean otros los que se suban y cuenten lo que ven. Existen cristianos que, aún pensando el horizonte amplio y fantástico de la fe, miran de reojo a lo que tienen y se conforman con ver “pasar de vez en cuando” (comuniones, bautizos, bodas, funerales) a Jesús. La fe es experiencia personal. Y, cuando uno se encuentra con Jesús (ese es el gran dilema de muchos cristianos, que dicen ser católicos pero no han sentido la presencia viva y real de Jesús) su vida cambia de color, su actitud se hace positiva, su mañana es marcado por el firme convencimiento de que Dios acompaña en el caminar. No sabemos lo que ocurrió con Zaqueo. Ni tampoco nos debe de importar demasiado. Ahora, ya que nosotros estamos comiendo en este árbol de la Eucaristía, aprovechemos para mirar frente a frente a Jesús y, cuando descendamos a la realidad de la vida, pensemos en qué hemos de restituir y cambiar algunas cosas o nuestra relación con los demás. ¿En qué se notará? Si mudan algunos aspectos de nuestra historia…denotará que, en esta Eucaristía, nos hemos encontrado cara a cara con el mismo Jesús.

VEN, Y CAMBIA MI VIDA, SEÑOR Y, cuando me veas trepado en algún árbol Llámame para que yo sienta tu llamada Llámame para que no te pierda Llámame para que sea posible mi salvación Llámame y, dime, en qué debo cambiar Llámame y, si quieres, tendrás sitio en mi casa Llámame para que, viendo el horizonte que me espera, comprenda que es nada o muy poco lo que mis manos cuentan.

VEN, Y CAMBIA MI VIDA, SEÑOR Porque existen cosas que me ciegan cuando intento descubrirte Porque cuento lo que tengo y no doy importancia a que no te poseo Porque oigo hablar de Ti pero conozco muy poco de tu vida Porque, aún siendo débil y frágil, Tú, Señor, puedes moldear el barro de mi persona y hacer, con ella, un instrumento para pregonar tu gloria.

VEN, Y CAMBIA MI VIDA, SEÑOR Encontrarás mi casa demasiado acomodada, ayúdame a darle un toque de sencillez Verás que, muchas cosas sobran, dame tiempo para situarlas. Comprobarás que, falta lo más esencial: la luz, la paz y hasta un poco de vida. Espero, Señor, que sea, lo que falla, el regalo que Tú, hasta mi morada, traigas.

VEN, Y CAMBIA MI VIDA, SEÑOR Y, te lo digo de antemano, aún a sabiendas de que todo lo alcanzas: soy pecador y a falta de lo esencial. Pero si quieres…puedes cambiar mi vida. Amén.

Website: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016

Gracias, Padre, por la lección de conversión que hoy nos da Jesús en la parábola del fariseo y del publicano.

Haznos, Señor, entender que somos tan fariseos como pecadores, tan hipócritas como mezquinos, tan necios como soberbios.

Nosotros encasillamos de una vez por todas a los demás,

pero tú eres el que brinda siempre una segunda oportunidad. Tú crees en el hombre a pesar de todo, porque tu misericordia, tú compasión, tu paciencia, tu amor y tu perdón no tienen límite.

Líbranos, Señor, de la religiosidad de escaparate,

y haz que la brisa de tu ternura oree nuestro yermo corazón con la esperanza y el gusto de tu banquete de fiesta.


Vengo ante ti, Señor, que estás solo, siempre esperando, quiero ser tu com-pañía, y yo necesito la tuya. ¡Cómo te necesito, Señor! Por: Ma Esther De Ariño | Fuente:

Cae la tarde, Señor, y yo me acuerdo de ti... Hoy me he sentido especialmente sola. El mundo se agi-ta, corre, sueña, baila, grita, ríe, llora, canta, hay dolor, hay alegría ... pero nada de eso hay en mí, solo la sole-dad es mi compañera y la tarde se va en un crepúsculo de suave luz... y yo, Señor, me acuerdo de ti. Vengo ante ti, Señor, que también estás solo, siempre esperando, y quiero ser tu compañía, pero yo necesito la tuya, ¡cómo te necesito, Señor! Quédate conmigo porque tu eres mi luz y sin ti estoy en tinieblas. Quédate conmigo, Jesús, porque necesito sentir tu pres-encia para no olvidarte porque ya ves con cuánta frecuencia te abandono. Quédate , Señor, conmigo, porque se hace tarde y se vienen las sombras, es decir, se pasa la vida, se acerca la cuenta, la eternidad y es preciso que redoble mis dí-as, mis esfuerzos y que no me detenga en el camino de la oración y de dar más amor... por eso te necesito. En mi vida se está haciendo tarde, Señor, viene la no-che, las tentaciones, sequedades, penas y cruces... y te necesito ¡oh, mi buen Jesús!. Quédate conmigo porque soy muy débil y necesito de tu fuerza para no caer tantas veces. Quédate Señor conmigo, porque deseo amarte mucho y con ese mismo amor, amar a mis semejantes. Quédate, quédate conmigo para no sentir mi soledad, porque tengo frío y a veces todo me da miedo. Necesito tu presencia para sentir el calor de tu amor y tu mirada, la caricia de tus manos cuando lloro...tu dulce sonrisa que me da ánimo para seguir... Quédate, Señor conmigo, porque Tu solo sabes dar amor, porque solo Tu tienes palabras de vida eterna y nos dices que quien en Ti cree, no muere: Yo soy la luz, la Verdad, el Camino y la Vida. Soy como un pobre mendigo que implora una limosna, pero limosna de amor, esa que Tu sabes dar con tanta dulzura, con tanta plenitud, sin fijarte en lo poco que valgo, en lo poco que soy y en lo mal que se corre-sponder a tu gran amor. No tomes en cuenta esto y ¡quédate conmigo, te necesito tanto, oh, Señor!. Ya se que en tu soledad del Sagrario un día soñaste con este encuentro y siempre me estabas esperando. Pues bien, Señor, aquí estoy, por fin, llegué cansada y triste, Tu lo sabes bien, pero al sentir tu presencia y tu com-pañía, todo cambió. Una suave serenidad arropa mi al-ma y el calor y la seguridad de tu amor me hacen mirar de frente a la vida.

¡Gracias mi Jesús Sacramentado!