Church of St. Raphael · Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office. For...

WORSHIP Weekday Masses Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am First Friday: 7:00 pm Extraordinary Form LaƟn Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30 am SACRAMENTS ReconciliaƟon Weekdays: 7:30 am - 7:50 am Saturday: 7:30 am - 7:50 am 8:30 am - 9:30 am 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm Marriage contact Fr. Rudolph BapƟsm contact the Parish Oce 763-537-8401 CONTACT Parish Oce Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Fr. Michael Rudolph, Pastor x205 [email protected] Fr. Robert AlƟer, Parochial Vicar x206 frrobertalƟ[email protected] School Oce - 763-504-9450 Church of St. Raphael Faithful to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, St. Raphael Parish and School promotes the Universal Call to Holiness for all the People of God. 7301 Bass Lake Road , Crystal, MN 55428 | 763-537-8401 | AUGUST 19, 2019

Transcript of Church of St. Raphael · Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office. For...

Page 1: Church of St. Raphael · Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office. For more informa on, or to have a registra on packet sent to you, please contact Mike


Weekday Masses

Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am First Friday: 7:00 pm Extraordinary Form La n

Weekend Masses:

Saturday: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30 am


Reconcilia on Weekdays: 7:30 am - 7:50 am Saturday: 7:30 am - 7:50 am 8:30 am - 9:30 am 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm Marriage contact Fr. Rudolph

Bap sm contact the Parish Office 763-537-8401


Parish Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Fr. Michael Rudolph, Pastor x205 [email protected]

Fr. Robert Al er, Parochial Vicar x206 frrobertal [email protected]

School Office - 763-504-9450

Church of St. Raphael Faithful to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, St. Raphael Parish and School promotes the

Universal Call to Holiness for all the People of God.

7301 Bass Lake Road , Crystal, MN 55428 | 763-537-8401 |

AUGUST 19, 2019

Page 2: Church of St. Raphael · Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office. For more informa on, or to have a registra on packet sent to you, please contact Mike

The Mysteries of the Rosary, Chapter Eleven: The Visita on, con nued…

“Magnificat” is the name of a li le monthly magazine that many Catholics subscribe to. For every day of the month, it has a “Prayer for the Morning,” the Mass readings and prayers for the day, a medita on related to the readings, “Prayer for the Evening” and a descrip on of the life of a saint. Interspersed with these are various other inspira onal wri ngs. I highly recommend it.

“Magnificat” is also the first word in the La n transla on of the beginning of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s proclama on to her cousin Saint Elizabeth, which, as commonly translated in modern English versions of the Bible, is: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.” (Luke 1:46) The infini ve of the verb is magnificare. It means “to prize, esteem greatly, praise or extol.”

Of course, our Blessed Mother probably was speaking Aramaic to Elizabeth, not La n. The closest we can get now to what Mary really said is the original Greek of the Gospel of Luke, which as Catholics we believe was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Luke’s account of the events surrounding the birth of Our Savior are so detailed that it’s likely he interviewed Mary herself. The Greek version of “magnificat” is a version of the verb megalyno, which means “to magnify or make great.” It doesn’t take a rocket scien st to figure out that we get our English word “magnify” from the Greek by way of La n. The two most famous sixteenth century English transla ons of the Bible (the Douay-Rheims and King James versions) did well by transla ng Mary’s words as “My soul doth magnify the Lord.”

At this point, you may be asking, “How can we magnify the Lord? Doesn’t that mean to make Him bigger? God already fills all me and space. We can’t do anything to make Him bigger.” We can’t, but we can magnify Him in other ways. For example, we can make Him be er known and open up spaces for Him to work in and through us.

Mary magnified the Lord in many ways. She surrendered her will to His. She allowed God to take on human flesh within her womb. She proclaimed God’s greatness and goodness. She encouraged her Divine Son to perform His first miracle at the wedding in Cana. She joined her sorrows to His suffering on the cross and so cooperated with Our Savior’s work of redemp on. A er the Resurrec on, she joined with the apostles and other disciples of Jesus in their work of evangeliza on. She has appeared many mes in different con nents to encourage faith in Jesus, along with repentance, repara on, prayer, fidelity and peace. Mary also magnifies the Lord by her prayers; her intercession helps people get closer to God. And she magnifies God by her virtue. She shows us how beau ful it is to be filled with God’s grace and so inspires us to be like her, to surrender ourselves to Him and be completely open to Him.

Our Blessed Mother magnified the Lord by everything she did and said. How about us? Do we magnify the Lord?

There can be a tempta on to magnify ourselves instead. Maybe we want to be no ced, appreciated, admired, respected and looked up to. We might want to impress others with our talents or accomplishments. By God’s grace, the Blessed Virgin Mary avoided those traps. Mary, pray for us, that like you, everything we do and say may point to the Lord—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—and so to the source of all love, peace, goodness, contentment and happiness.

Yours in Christ with Mary, Father Rudolph

Page 3: Church of St. Raphael · Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office. For more informa on, or to have a registra on packet sent to you, please contact Mike

Parish Directory

Parish Office 763-537-8401

PRIESTS Pastor, Fr. Michael Rudolph x205 Parochial Vicar, Fr. Robert Al er x206

PARISH ADMINISTRATION Business Administrator, Ginny Metzger x202 Bookkeeper, Carrie Nelle x222 Part- me Administra ve Assistant, Sue Kubovec x201 Part- me Administra ve Assistant/Bulle n Editor, Marie Nachtsheim x209 Social Needs Coordinator, Bunny Arseneau x214 Crisis Pregnancy Hotline, x500

FAITH FORMATION Faith Forma on Coordinator, Mike Gerads, x211 Faith Forma on Assistant, Sarah Gerads, x211 Youth Ministry & Confirma on Coordinator, Anna Scherber x210 RCIA Coordinator, Mary Jo Smith x511

WORSHIP Prayer Line, x528 Bulle n Prayers For The Sick, x523 Adora on Coordinator: Be y Kreuter 763-537-1399

Monday, August 20 School First Aid Training: Marian Hall, 8:00 am CSCOE Mee ng: Fr. Fenelon Room, 5:00 pm Fes val Wrap Up Mee ng: Marian Hall, 7:00 pm Tuesday, August 21 No Scheduled Events Wednesday, August 22 School Staff Workshop: Marian Hall, 7:00 am Core Team Discernment: Parish Center, 7:00 pm Thursday, August 23 School Staff Workshop: Marian Hall, 7:00 am School Staff Workshop: Fr. Fenelon Room, 12:00 pm Senior Cards: Marian Hall, 1:00 pm Knights of Columbus Prayer Night: Holy Spirit Chapel, 6:00 pm Cana Family Ins tute-Training: St. Raphael Room, 7:00 pm St. Raphael Prayer Group: Marian Hall, 7:00 pm Friday, August 24 No Scheduled Events Saturday, August 25 No Scheduled Events Sunday, August 26 Parish Library: 8:00 am - Noon

Monday, August 20 8:00 am + Leo Thibodeau Tuesday, August 21 8:00 am + Ray Lynch Wednesday, August 22 8:00 am + Nancy Poeschl Thursday, August 23 8:00 am + Raymond Ferrian Friday, August 24 8:00 am + Glen Hunt Saturday, August 25 8:00 am + Gordon Cremers 5:30 pm + Don Moore Sunday, August 26 8:30 am St. Raphael Parishioners 10:30 am + William O’Mahoney

Pastoral Council: Dale Hoffmann, Sharon Hedman, Mike Vecellio, Roselyn Lawrence, Betty Kreuter, Rose Pistilli, Scott Gregory and Mario Chavez. Pastoral Council Meetings: If you would like a par cular item on the next Parish Council agenda please contact Fr. Rudolph.

Reaching For Faith Living With Passion & Purpose

Minneapolis Conven on Center September 29th—Let’s have some fun!

Many of you will remember Mathew Kelly, renowned speaker, and author of Rediscover Catholicism. He will be the keynote speaker on Saturday evening, September 29th, at the Minneapolis Conven on Center. The event includes a free bag of Dynamic Catholic resources, and also music by singer – songwriter Eliot Morris. Tickets are $39. It’ll be a fun get together that serves to inspire you with Passion & Purpose that too o en we find lacking in our lives. Bring a friend!! We plan to carpool from St. Raphael’s about 6 pm. All you have to do is buy your cket on the Dynamic Catholic website: h ps:// Let me know when you’ve got your ckets, and I will give you reminders and more details as we get closer to the event. If you have any ques ons, call Phil Rief 612-280-4565 / or email: [email protected]

Page 4: Church of St. Raphael · Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office. For more informa on, or to have a registra on packet sent to you, please contact Mike

BULLETIN DEADLINE: Ar cles for the bulle n must be submi ed no later than Monday a ernoon at 3:00 pm for the upcoming weekend’s bulle n. Ar cles may be submi ed to Marie Nachtsheim at [email protected]. Please note that ar cles submi ed for publica on are subject to edi ng. Thank you!

Li le Flowers Girls’ Club

Are you interested in becoming a “Li le Flower”? Li le Flowers Girls’ Club is a Catholic club for girls that teaches virtues through scripture, saints’ biographies and the Catechism of the Catholic Church and is based on the spirituality of St. Thérèse, the Li le Flower of Lisieux (also known as St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus).

Our Li le Flowers Girls’ group will meet once a month on the first Thursday of each month in the evening from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Our first mee ng will be on October 4th. Girls in grades 2 and up are welcome to join.

If you would like to join, or would like addi onal informa on, please call Pam Gagnon at 763-560-8287.


August 12, 2018 Contribu ons: $ 15,660.40 Mr. J. Budget: $ 20,809.00 Scholarship Fund Building Fund: $ 1,062.00 $175.00 Budget: $ 2,600.00

End of Life Planning From A Catholic Perspec ve Saturday September 15, 2018

10:00 am - Marian Hall A end a compassionate and mely Adult Educa on workshop about End of Life Planning from a Catholic Perspec ve. Typical ques ons about end of life issues: Must medical treatment always be con nued? Are Catholics allowed to have Living Wills? What is Church teaching about “Death with Dignity”? How do I make my Catholic health care direc ve? Father Michael Rudolph will address these ques ons and others during this workshop on Sept. 15th at St. Raphael’s at 10 am, and will provide steps for pu ng together a valid Catholic Health Care Direc ve. Speaker Jon Ginther from Catholic United Financial, will also be on hand to speak about the financial aspects of end of life decisions, including final expenses, estate plans, charitable giving, power of a orney and more. Contact Jon Ginther for more details: [email protected] or call/text 612-644-0563. h ps://

Parents, Teachers and Students Night of Prayer

Please join us as we remember all involved in our youths educa on. Parents, Teachers, any others assis ng, and especially our children themselves.

When: Thursday, August 23rd in the Holy Spirit Chapel at 7:00 pm.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Patron Saint of Students and Teachers, Pray For Us!

Ques ons, call Jon 952-393-7428

The Opening Mass for Faith Forma on and Confirma on is Wednesday, September 5th at 7 pm. with classes beginning Wednesday, September 12th.

Faith Forma on and Confirma on registra on packets have been sent out. Please return your completed registra on by Friday, August 31st. If you did not receive your packet, or if you are new to the Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office.

For more informa on, or to have a registra on packet sent to you, please contact Mike Gerads in the Faith Forma on office at 763-537-8401 x211 or [email protected].

Page 5: Church of St. Raphael · Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office. For more informa on, or to have a registra on packet sent to you, please contact Mike

Eucharis c Adora on contact Be y Kreuter at 763-537-1399

The need for addi onal Adorers has changed, thanks to the many people who have responded recently to the Holy Spirit’s promp ng to make a commitment to an hour of prayer once a week. There are three hours that s ll need a commi ed adorer in the capacity of being able to a end almost every week and making sure the hour is covered by someone else when they are unable to a end. Currently there are parishioners who are able to help out during these mes, however, they are not able to make a weekly commitment. The hours that need a commi ed adorer are: Wednesdays: 10:00 pm - 11:00 pm Fridays: 2:00 - 3:00 pm Saturdays: 5:00 - 6:00 pm

For further details about commi ng to the above hours, or any other hour, please contact Be y at the above number.

If you are considering “trying out” an hour of Adora on, you may want to have your name added to the Subs tute List. Commi ed Adorers or members of the Core Team will contact you when a subs tute is needed. You may say “yes” or “no” as to your availability. You may specify hours you could be available on the subs tute list. With ques ons or commitment, please contact Barb McCalley at 763-971-8460.

For your convenience there are also forms on the counter that may be completed and le in the envelope on the sign-in counter outside the Adora on Chapel.

God bless each and every one of you and your families that con nue to make this Ministry a blessing for the parish of St. Raphael!

Rest in Peace: Blanche Laverne Kreutzian

PLEASE PRAY FOR: Isabelle Reinert David McMillen Andrew Eisenzimmer Jeff Woodruff John Noe Laverne Herlofsky Don Knopick Brandon Biser Erica Lauinger Norb Meier Ron Benson Lisa Harm Phil Deeney Tom Dancisak Nadine Svetc Cliff Evangelist Trent Hoover Jon Tupy To add a name please call 763-537-8401 x523.


If you wish to donate a book for the Eucharis c Adora on Chapel, please drop it off at the Parish Office so that it can be reviewed and catalogued before being placed on the book shelves in the Adora on Chapel Lobby. Thank you and God bless!

"Each me we look upon Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, He raises us up into deeper union with Himself, opens up the floodgates of His merciful love to the whole world, and brings us closer to the day of His final victory "where every knee will bend and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord". "The reign of God is already in your midst." The coming of Jesus to us in the Eucharist is an assurance of His promise of final victory: "Behold I come to make all things new."

~Blessed Mother Teresa Of Calcu a (1910 to 1997)

Page 6: Church of St. Raphael · Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office. For more informa on, or to have a registra on packet sent to you, please contact Mike


Monday, August 20th—7:00 pm Thanks to the volunteers who assisted with this year’s fes val! Your help was much appreciated! On Monday, August 20th, at 7:00 pm we will hold a wrap-up mee ng in Marian Hall. At this mee ng, we plan to discuss what worked well and what we can look at changing for the future. All are welcome to a end! Thank you! RAFFLE TICKET WINNERS: $5,000 Cash Prize Winner: Charlie Hudrlik $500 Cash Prize Winners: Wayne B Emily Loesch Rita Lewis $25 Cub Gi Card Winners: Marty Aretz Lisa Ellis Dolores Boyle $25 Hy-Vee Gi Card Winners: Kevin & Julie Matzek Jake Erickson Gerald/Mary Lou Pfeifer

PHT (Parents Helping Teachers) would like to extend a very deep felt, sincere THANK YOU to everyone who donated to our Dollars for Catholic Scholars basket raffle during the recent St. Raphael Fes val.

We also had great support from these local businesses that we encourage you to patronize: AC Carlson - New Hope Pa na - Golden Valley Fra allone’s Ace Hardware - New Hope Fox Hollow Golf - St. Michael JM Cremps Adventure Store - MOA Total Wine In addi on, we are VERY grateful to those who par cipated in the raffle and supported the teachers and students of St. Raphael School. Being able to provide for the addi onal needs of our teachers is vital to con nue enriching the experiences and Faith-based educa on of the students. The event was a lot of fun and we could not have done it without all of you! God bless you all!

Elevate Life, formerly Total Life Care/TLC Op ons for Women Annual Benefit Gala Saturday, September 22 at the Double Tree Bloomington Social Hour 6 p.m., Dinner 7 p.m. Featured Speaker: Ma Birk, former Viking, Raven and Pro Life Hero More info at

Celebrate Life at the 6th Annual Harvest of Hope Gala

on Sept. 22nd Op ons for Women/Cornerstone, a prolife pregnancy center located in St. Michael, will hold its 6th Annual Harvest of Hope Gala on Saturday, Sept. 22, at the Marrio Northwest in Brooklyn Park. There will be Social Hour and Silent Auc on star ng at 5:30 p.m., Dinner and Speaker 6:30-9:00 p.m., and Music and Dancing 9:00-11:00 p.m. Our keynote speaker this year is Ryan Bomberger, an Emmy® Award-winning crea ve professional, interna onal public speaker, ci zen journalist, "fac vist," and author of the powerful book, Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong. He is also the co-founder of RadianceFounda, a life-affirming organiza on based on the belief that every human life has purpose. Come enjoy an evening celebra ng life and the work of this vital ministry suppor ng women facing an unplanned pregnancy in the greater Wright County community! For more informa on or to buy ckets, please visit h p://cornerstoneop or call (612) 584-9449. To become a sponsor, call (612) 250-1544.

Readings for the Week of August 19, 2018 Sunday: Prv 9:1-6/Ps 34:2-3, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15 [9a]/ Eph 5:15-20/Jn 6:51-58 Monday: Ez 24:15-24/Dt 32:18-19, 20, 21 [cf. 18a]/Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10/Dt 32:26-27ab, 27cd-28, 30, 35cd-36ab [39c]/Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1]/Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Ez 36:23-28/Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19 [Ez 36:25]/ Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Rv 21:9b-14/Ps 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18 [12]/Jn 1:45-51 Saturday: Ez 43:1-7ab/Ps 85:9ab and 10, 11-12, 13-14 [cf. 10b]/Mt 23:1-12 Next Sunday: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b/Ps 34:2-3, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21, 22-23 [9a]/Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32/Jn 6:60-69 © LPi

Serra Club THIS WEEK!

The Serra Apostolate for Voca ons is hos ng Sr. Mary Francis Reis VHM, Superior of Visita on Monastery of Minneapolis as guest speaker on Tuesday,

August 28th, 12:15pm at Jax Café in Minneapolis. Parishioners interested in advancing Church voca ons are invited to this luncheon mee ng at Jax Café. For RSVP and more info, contact Norma Swanson at 763-571-3288.

Page 7: Church of St. Raphael · Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office. For more informa on, or to have a registra on packet sent to you, please contact Mike

Robbinsdale Women’s Center’s 3rd Annual 100 Hole Challenge

7:00 am, Monday, September 25th Rush Creek Golf Club

Are you ready to take a swing at suppor ng life?

If you enjoy the game of golf and are passionate about saving innocent lives, Robbinsdale Women’s Center invites you to join our 100 Hole Challenge at Rush Creek Golf Club! During this red-carpet event, you’ll have exclusive rights to a closed course, your own golf cart, three great meals, with snacks and beverages along the way. Par cipa on gi s include golf apparel, a dozen golf balls, and more! In addi on to hole contest prizes, top fundraisers can earn great prizes that will be given out at our awards dinner, to be a ended by you and a guest. Our Grand Prize Winner will get a week’s stay of choice with up to 2000 resorts to choose from around the world!

Ready to dust off your driver, pack up your pu er, and join the 100 Hole Challenge? To register or for more informa on go to, [email protected], or call 763-999-6714.

Catholic Apologe cs: Defending the Faith Wednesdays, September 19 – October 17, 7:00-8:30 p.m.,

Saint Helena Catholic Church in Minneapolis In this five-week series, Father John Echert will walk us through applying apologe cs to several areas of the Catholic faith. Par cipants will come to a deeper understanding of what we believe as Catholics and should gain confidence in making a solid defense of the Catholic faith. To register, click EVENTS at Cost: $20. Includes lecture, materials, large group Q&A and snack. Ques ons? Contact Susanna Parent at [email protected] or 651.291.4411


If you work hard to care for others . . . Here is an opportunity to revitalize your spirit and care for yourself!

You are invited to: Living and Working from the Heart of Christ Fr. Andrew Jaspers, Retreat Master September 7-9, 2018 Christ the King Retreat Center Buffalo, MN

To register go to: www.cura ; or for more informa on, contact MaryAnne Frank at 612-669-4221.

Saint Maria de Ma as

Maria was born on February 4, 1805 in Vallecorsa, a town in what was then the Papal States and is now part of Italy. She received no formal educa on, but was taught the Catholic faith by her father, who passed on to her a deep love for Sacred Scripture by reading it to her when she was s ll very young. Maria taught herself to read and write. As a teenager she was ini ally introverted and self-absorbed, but God transformed her to care for others and reach out to help them. She had a gi for straigh orward and convincing speech, and she used this along with her deep faith and experience of God’s love to speak about Jesus Christ and the mysteries of the faith to many different people. She made a special point of giving religious instruc on to mothers and their children, but people from many walks of life came to listen to her. In 1834 the local Bishop asked her to take charge of a school. She did so and went on the next year to found a Congrega on of women religious called “Sister Adorers of the Blood of Christ.” They ran schools and encouraged people to love and follow Jesus Christ and live good lives. Many women joined the Congrega on and by the

me of her death in Rome on August 20, 1866, they had seventy communi es, most of them in small isolated towns in central Italy. In his homily at Maria’s canoniza on on May 18, 2003, Saint John Paul II said: “Love for Jesus crucified was expressed in her in passion for souls and in humble devo on to her brothers and sisters, her ‘beloved neighbor’, as she liked to say. ‘Let us encourage one another’, she urged, ‘to suffer willingly out of love of Jesus who with such great love shed his blood for us. Let us work hard to win souls for heaven’.” Saint Maria de Ma as, pray for us! (Excerpted and adapted with permission of the Publisher from Butler’s Lives of the Saints, New Full Edi on ©Paul Burns 2003, Published by Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN. The quote from Saint John Paul II is from the Va can website:

Saint of the Day

Enjoy this wonderful site! It is FREE and EASY to register! Follow a few simple Steps: Go to Enter our parish Code YZG3V4 on the

homepage. Create an account with your user name/email & password. Start enjoying the best Catholic content (eBooks, movies, CD’s, and devo ons in English and Spanish) all in one place!!

Month of August: In the World, But Not of the World Check out FORMED pick: The Bible and the Virgin Mary - Journey Through Scripture or Catholic Answers - Ready Reasons on such things as “Are the Saints Aware of our Prayers?”; “Why Is Sola Scriptura Unreasonable?” and more! Kids! Watch Cat Chat for Kids “Celebra ng Mary - Learning About Our Blessed Mother”

Page 8: Church of St. Raphael · Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office. For more informa on, or to have a registra on packet sent to you, please contact Mike

BACK TO SCHOOL ~ GET READY WITH SCRIP! Summer is almost over, school is just around the corner and it’s almost me to send the kids off to college or back onto the school bus . We offer

Scrip to help them be ready for the first day of class with new clothes, supplies, stuff for their dorms, and everything else a student needs!

For your convenience we have a variety of gi cards available. Stop by the SCRIP desk in the East Gathering Area. If we don’t have it… place an order and we will get it for you next week.

THANK YOU!! We would like to give a big thank you to all who support our Scrip program. From July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 the program earned $4,744.44 for our school. Thank you!!

Youth Ministry

Ques ons about either of the events below? Please contact Anna Scherber at 763-537-8401 x210 or at: [email protected]


5:00 - 7:00 pm We can’t wait to see you!!

Hot Dog Roast Dinner provided by Knights of Columbus - 5:00 pm in Marian Hall.

Classrooms: Teachers will be in their classrooms and happy to greet all of their students. Parents are asked to visit the classrooms with their children to drop off school supplies and sign important forms for health services, textbooks, volunteering and other informa on specific to each classroom. Stop By The Gym: Make sure you stop by the Gym to visit the many Informa on Tables including Health Office Table; Breakfast & Lunch Program Table; Uniform Exchange Table; Athle cs Table; Educate & A er School Care Sign Up; Volunteer Informa on & Essen al 3 Requirements Table; Athle cs Table; and more!


St. Raphael School is looking for a part- me cafeteria assistant. Job du es will include helping to: prepare food for the hot lunch program, par cipate in the serving process, clean the equipment/utensils, and wash dishes/utensils using the dishwasher. Applicants should have some kitchen or food prepara on experience, a high school diploma, work effec vely with others and without supervision, good communica on skills, and be hard working, enthusias c and posi ve. For more informa on about these posi ons please contact Ginny Metzger at 763-537-8401. This job is also posted on the archdiocesan website h p:// To apply for these posi ons, please email resume, cover le er, and references to Ginny Metzger at [email protected]

Page 9: Church of St. Raphael · Church of St. Raphael, you may pick up a packet in the parish office. For more informa on, or to have a registra on packet sent to you, please contact Mike

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518030 St Raphael Church (A)

Free Estimates, References Available, Fully InsuredDENNIS HEIGL PAINTING, LLC

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Painting & Staining w. Paper Rmvl. - Minor Repair, DecksDENNIS HEIGL Parishioner Since 1997

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CassenSharon & BillRealtor • Parishioner

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This is a new music collection for preschool children and those who are

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5640 WEST BROADWAYCRYSTAL, MN 55428763-537-3655

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New Hope