Church · is, and what it stands for,...

A FREE DISCUSSION The Book of Job is primarily a free, open, and frank exchange of opposing ideas conducted by Job and his four challengers; it is perhaps our finest example of how free speech ulti- mately leads to the truth. In the 1960's the University of California at Berkeley was the epicenter of the free speechmovement that emphasized the freedom to use profanity and to oppose conventional politi- cal or religious thought. But now, egged on by violent groups, universities like Berkeley are the epitome of intoler- ance, and their hostile attitude toward free speech is beginning to influence our major social media platforms. When someone expresses a point of view that is at odds with their leftist totalitarian agenda, he is often shouted down, drowned out, censored, blocked, banned, and sometimes physi- cally assaulted. They discourage real freedom of speech unless you want to parrot their pablum; you see, if they can control your speech, then they can control your thinking, and eventually they can control your world. This intolerant movement cannot permit an open and honest discussion of their ideas be- cause they know that their positions are indefensible, both on a factual basis and on a ration- al basis. In the religious world there are also many who refuse to allow the expression of opposition viewpoints; for instance, most adherents to Islam will not tolerate anyone who questions the authority of the Koran. Muslims, just like the ancient Jews, consider it blasphemy to even think that Jesus Christ could be the Son of God (see Matthew 26:63 through 65). On the other hand, many of our so-called Christiangroups tell us that the Bible has very little relevance in today's world, so they will not engage in a serious discussion of biblical teachings either. One particular group insists that the Bishop of Rome now has the authority to bind on earth and thereby make it so in heaven, which is a perversion of what Jesus actually said (check out Matthew 16:19 in an accurate translation, such as the New American Standard Bible). But we know that the Word of God holds all truth, and therefore we are not afraid to con- tend for our faith in an open and free-wheeling discussion (John 17:17, Acts 17:2, II Timo- thy 4:2, and Jude 3). So, as the Lord said in Isaiah 1:18: Come now, and let us reason together.--Jim Crooks Church News June 14, 2020 Contributions If you are sll uncomfortable returning to worship service, please consider connuing sending us your contribu- on. If you have any questions, please contact the office. Listed below are the various ways you can mail or drop off your contribution. By mail. Drop it off. Pay online via using your phone or computer. Please note (For those who are not on our email list.) Since we have reopened, this is the last bulletin that you will receive since we hope to see you at worship service. If you dont have email and would like to continue to receive the bulletin, please contact the office at 909-797-1919. We had a wonderful turn-out for our first worship service since we closed mid-March. We had 66 in attendance with a few loved guests sprinkled in. It was so good to see everyone and it was very hard not to give a hug or two. We will continue meeting for Sunday morning worship only until further notice. The men are keeping an eye on the COVID-19 situation as we want to resume all our regular bible clas- ses and worship services as soon as possible, but we also want to keep our members safe. We will continue our safety procedures, again, until it is no longer required. We will be taking up a second collection this Sunday, June 14, to support the great work that is being done at the New Mexico Christian Childrens Home.

Transcript of Church · is, and what it stands for,...

Page 1: Church · is, and what it stands for, we would be heartless no to love it. A grateful heart Nuestros nombres están inscritos


The Book of Job is primarily a free, open, and frank exchange of opposing ideas conducted by Job and his four challengers; it is perhaps our finest example of how free speech ulti-mately leads to the truth.

In the 1960's the University of California at Berkeley was the epicenter of the “free speech” movement that emphasized the freedom to use profanity and to oppose conventional politi-cal or religious thought.

But now, egged on by violent groups, universities like Berkeley are the epitome of intoler-ance, and their hostile attitude toward free speech is beginning to influence our major social media platforms.

When someone expresses a point of view that is at odds with their leftist totalitarian agenda, he is often shouted down, drowned out, censored, blocked, banned, and sometimes physi-cally assaulted.

They discourage real freedom of speech unless you want to parrot their pablum; you see, if they can control your speech, then they can control your thinking, and eventually they can control your world.

This intolerant movement cannot permit an open and honest discussion of their ideas be-cause they know that their positions are indefensible, both on a factual basis and on a ration-al basis.

In the religious world there are also many who refuse to allow the expression of opposition viewpoints; for instance, most adherents to Islam will not tolerate anyone who questions the authority of the Koran.

Muslims, just like the ancient Jews, consider it blasphemy to even think that Jesus Christ could be the Son of God (see Matthew 26:63 through 65).

On the other hand, many of our so-called “Christian” groups tell us that the Bible has very little relevance in today's world, so they will not engage in a serious discussion of biblical teachings either.

One particular group insists that the Bishop of Rome now has the authority to bind on earth and thereby make it so in heaven, which is a perversion of what Jesus actually said (check out Matthew 16:19 in an accurate translation, such as the New American Standard Bible).

But we know that the Word of God holds all truth, and therefore we are not afraid to con-tend for our faith in an open and free-wheeling discussion (John 17:17, Acts 17:2, II Timo-thy 4:2, and Jude 3).

So, as the Lord said in Isaiah 1:18: “Come now, and let us reason together.” --Jim Crooks

Church News June 14, 2020


If you are still uncomfortable returning to worship service, please consider continuing sending us your contribu-tion. If you have any questions, please contact the office. Listed below are the various ways you can mail or drop off your contribution. By mail. Drop it off. Pay online via using your

phone or computer.

Please note

(For those who are not on our email list.) Since we have reopened, this is the last bulletin that you will receive since we hope to see you at worship service. If you don’t have email and would like to continue to receive the bulletin, please contact the office at 909-797-1919.

We had a wonderful turn-out for our first worship service since we closed mid-March. We had 66 in attendance with a few loved guests sprinkled in. It was so good to see everyone and it was very hard not to give a hug or two. We will continue meeting for Sunday morning worship only until further notice. The men are keeping an eye on the COVID-19 situation as we want to resume all our regular bible clas-ses and worship services as soon as possible, but we also want to keep our members safe. We will continue our safety procedures, again, until it is no longer required.

We will be taking up a second collection this Sunday, June 14, to support the great work that is being done at the New Mexico Christian Children’s Home.

Page 2: Church · is, and what it stands for, we would be heartless no to love it. A grateful heart Nuestros nombres están inscritos

Upcoming Events

June 14—Morning worship service, 10 am

June 14—2nd Sunday collections for New Mexico Christian Children’s Home

June 17—Wednesday Evening Service, 7:00 pm via Zoom

June 21—Father’s Day


66 ~ June 7, 2020


$4,568 ~ June 7, 2020

Yucaipa Church of Christ

33981 Yucaipa Blvd.

Yucaipa, CA 92399

Office: (909) 797-1919

Email: [email protected]


Services have been modified due to the

COVID-19 pandemic.

Meeting Times Sunday 10:00 am Morning Worship (Live streamed on our website & YouTube)

5:00 pm Evening Worship (Posted on our website & YouTube)

Wednesday 7:00 pm Evening Bible Class (Meeting via Zoom)

Minister Milt Beauchamp (909) 553-3874 Seniors’ Minister Dub Coffer (909) 553-3874

Order of Worship for June 14, 2020

Announcements & Opening Prayer Dub Coffer Song #620 “Sunlight”

Song #314 “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”

Song #300 “Praise Him! Praise Him”

Lord’s Supper Jim Crooks

Main Prayer Jeff Horn

Song #716 “Sing to Me of Heaven”

Sermon Milt Beauchamp

Invitation Song #904 “Have You Been to Jesus?” Closing Prayer Dale Harriman

*Sunday Sermons

Milt’s Sunday morning worship service is being live streamed at 10:00 am and his evening sermons are posted on our website, on Facebook and on YouTube. Our church website at: https://www. Church YouTube link: STa5LmXCTfC4UYw

Milt & Darla, along with Mark &

Kelly & family, will be on vacation

June 20-28, 2020.

New brother–in-Christ!

Austin Wamsley came forward last Sunday, June 7, and was baptized. Austin is Mark & Kelly’s youngest son and Milt & Darla’s grandson. Welcome Austin!

Our dear sister Helen Gehrke passed away June

8. The family is not planning a service and her

remains will be sent to her sister in Kansas.

Suzanne Richards would like

to thank everyone for the

birthday cards she received.

There are copies of the Power for

Today, for July-September 2020 in

the foyer. Thank you, Clara Almand

for providing these wonderful,

thought-provoking daily devotional


No Birthdays or


June 14-20, 2020

Page 3: Church · is, and what it stands for, we would be heartless no to love it. A grateful heart Nuestros nombres están inscritos

Iglesia de Cristo Horario

10:00 am Adoracion

A nuestros hermanos y hermanas de Rene & Rosa Hernández


La Iglesia, que es también el reino de Dios, es una de las más importantes institu-ciones divinas que favorecen la tierra. Este reino no es de naturaleza terrenal sino que es celestial en origen y en misión; estar en la Iglesia del Señor Jesús es tener nuestra ciudadanía en los cielos, "En aquel tiempo estabais sin Cristo, alejados de la ciudadanía de Israel y ajenos a los pactos de la promesa, sin esperanza y sin Dios en el mundo." Efe. 2:16.

Nuestros nombres están inscritos en el libro de la vida del Cordero "No entrará en ella (la Nueva Jerusalén) ninguna cosa inmunda, sino solamente los que están ins-critos en el libro de la vida del Cordero…" Apoc. 21: 27.

Al entender qué es la iglesia y lo que ella simboliza o representa, deberíamos tener un corazón insensible para no amarla. Un corazón agradecido no tendrá problema en expresar su amor por ella. Así que, la adoración debe ser un privilegio para cada cristiano que busca la oportunidad de presentarse ante Dios y ofrecerle honra y adoración en su día señalado.

De acuerdo al profeta Malaquías, "ir a la iglesia" llego a ser para el pueblo de Dios, algo cansado y aburrido, "Habéis además dicho" Oh! qu e fastidio es esto! y me despreciasteis, dice Jehová..." "Aceptaré yo eso de vuestras manos? dice Jeho-vá" (Malaquías 1: 13). Por lo contrario, vemos a David exclamando: "yo me alegré con los que me decían: a la casa de Jehová iremos" Sal. 122:1. Su actitud fue de gozo!

Cuando un hijo de Dios sufre una enfermedad severa que le impide ir a la casa de Dios en el día del Señor, El mismo comprende y justifica a ese hijo suyo. La distan-cia de nuestras casas al lugar de adoración, tiene poco que ver con nuestra falta de asistencia; en muchos casos más bien tiene que ver con la distancia de nuestro co-razón y Dios. Decir que amamos a Dios y a su reino no es suficiente. Es necesario amarles de verdad, demostrando ese amor siendo fieles al Rey del Reino, Cristo Jesús. Las acciones son muestra de cuando hay amor a Dios; Cristo dijo "Si me amáis, guardad mis mandamientos" Juan 14:15.

Es fácil tenerle amor a la iglesia después que nos damos cuenta de lo que Dios ha hecho por nosotros: primero, porque hemos sido hechos a su imagen y semejanza, Gen. 1:26-27; segundo, porque El nos dio el poder de ser llamados sus hijos "mas a todos los que le recibieron, a los que creen en su nombre, les dió potestad de ser hechos hijos de Dios" Juan 1:12; además, entre otras razones, nos convirtió en una persona moral representantes de su reino.

Se dice que el amor es una afección del corazón, y Cristo dijo, "porque donde esta vuestro tesoro, allí estará también vuestro corazón", Mat. 6:21. El amor a Dios y a su reino demanda devoción y obediencia. El amor defiende, protege y permanece fiel. Cuando vienes a la casa de Dios a adorarle, como te sientes? te sientes como aquel pueblo, fastidiado y aburrido? o te tientes tan feliz como David cuando decía, "Yo me alegré con los que me decían a la casa de Jehová iremos"? Piénsalo, y deci-de por lo que demuestre tu amor al reino de Dios.


The church or Kingdom of the Lord is one of the most important institutions to ever grace this earth. This Kingdom it is not earthly in nature, but heavenly in origin and mission. To be in the church of Jesus is to have our citizenship in heaven, “That at that time you were without Christ; being aliens from the com-monwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world,” Ephesians 2:12-17. Our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, “But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life,” Revelations 21:27. When we understand what the church is, and what it stands for, we would be heartless no to love it. A grateful heart will have no trouble in expressing love for the church. So worship is a privilege to every Christian having the opportunity to come into the presence of God to offer Him praise and adoration every Sunday. According to prophet Malachi “going to church” had become a day of weariness and boringness to the children of God in this day and time, “You also say, Oh! What a weariness! And you sneer at it…” said the Lord of Hosts… Should I ac-cept this from your hand? said the Lord. Malachi 1:13. But that was not so with everyone, David was excited as he said, “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Psalms 122:1. David’s attitude was of joy. When a child of God suffers from a severe health condition, there is a reason not to come to the house of the Lord, and God Himself understands and justifies him. Church attendance has little or nothing to do with the distance one lives from the building we worship God. Rather, lack of attendance has more to do with the distance between our hearts and God. Brethren, to say “I love God and His King-dom” is not enough. We must truly love them and demonstrate such love by be-ing faithful to the kingdom and it’s King, Jesus Christ. Our actions will show if there is love to God, for Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15. When we realize what God has done for us, love for the kingdom comes easily; first, because we have been made in the image of God. Genesis 1:26, 27. Second, because God has given us “the power” to become his children. “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in Him.” John 1:12. Besides, among other blessings, He has made us free moral people who represent His Kingdom It has been said that love is the affection of the heart; and Jesus said: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also,” Matthew 6:21. Love to our Lord and to His church demands devotion and obedience. Love defends, protects and remains faithful to his King. How do you feel as you come to the house of the Lord to honor Him in adoration? Is it to you a weary and a boring day, the way it was to those in Malachi? Or are you happy as David, saying “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord?” Give it some thought! Devote your heart to show your love for the Kingdom of God.

–Rene & Rosa Hernandez