Church leaders in Orissa, India find progress in forgiveness

CHRISTIANS IN THE Indian state of Orissa suffered great persecution in 2008 when Maoists and Hindu extremists destroyed 4500 homes and churches. During that time, more than 500 Christians were martyred, many of them pastors. Out of the 3232 criminal complaints made by victims, only 452 persons were convicted, six for murder. In many places the accused roam freely and again threaten the victims and witnesses. ACTION helped raise funds to build a home for 9 of the threatened widows and 16 orphans whose husbands and fathers sacrificed their lives for the Lord. ACTION PLD ministries have sent 9 teams to minister to these pastors. Pastor Diggal, at the end of an ACTION pastors’ conference, gave this testimony: “I saw my brother, also a pastor, being killed in front of me. To make matters worse, they ripped open his stomach, removed his intestines and put them as a garland around my dead brother’s neck. Seeing this, I was so furious with the killers that I made arrangements to get an AK47 rifle to kill them. “However, during the conference, the Lord touched my heart and I was able to forgive the people who killed my brother. I am resolved to go back and share the love of God with the killers.” Today, as a result of the persecution, over 80 pastors formed a church planting mission lead by ACTION colleague Ranjan. This year more than 80 Christians were baptized, and God is saving souls through the obedience and commitment of these pastors who count it a privilege to serve their Master! A PUBLICATION OF ACTION INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES // ISSUE 2 OF 2012 Ministering to persecuted pastors Church leaders in Orissa, India find progress in forgiveness PASTORAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Multiplying church leaders, serving needy pastors, making Christ known worldwide Pastors in Orissa praying for one another

Transcript of Church leaders in Orissa, India find progress in forgiveness

CHRISTIANS IN THE Indian state of Orissa suffered great persecution in 2008 when Maoists and Hindu extremists destroyed 4500 homes and churches. During that time, more than 500 Christians were martyred, many of them pastors.

Out of the 3232 criminal complaints made by victims, only 452 persons were convicted, six for murder. In many places the accused roam freely and again threaten the victims and witnesses. ACTION helped raise funds to build a home for 9 of the threatened widows and 16 orphans whose husbands and fathers sacrificed their lives for the Lord.

ACTION PLD ministries have sent 9 teams to minister to these pastors.

Pastor Diggal, at the end of an ACTION pastors’ conference, gave this testimony: “I saw my brother, also a pastor, being killed in front of me. To make matters worse, they ripped open his stomach, removed his intestines and put them as a garland around my dead brother’s neck.

Seeing this, I was so furious with the killers that I made arrangements to get an AK47 rifle to kill them.

“However, during the conference, the Lord touched my heart and I was able to forgive the people who killed my brother. I am resolved to go back and share the love of God with the killers.”

Today, as a result of the persecution, over 80 pastors formed a church planting mission lead by ACTION colleague Ranjan. This year more than 80 Christians were baptized, and God is saving souls through the obedience and commitment of these pastors who count it a privilege to serve their Master!

A publicAtion of Action internAtionAl Ministries // issue 2 of 2012

Ministering to persecuted pastorsChurch leaders in Orissa, India find progress in forgiveness


Multiplying church leaders, serving needy pastors, making Christ known worldwide

Pastors in Orissa praying for one another

In the midst of the persecution many people are coming to Christ in Orissa villages. The pastors have a God-given heart and vision to make Christ known and to plant churches.

In order to serve these pastors and their need to be equipped for ministry AC-TION Coalition has begun. Pastors and teachers visit Orissa three times each year to give training in doctrine, godli-ness and ministry skill.

Mentoring groups involving all the pas-tors have been formed so that between conferences, the pastors are being sharp-ened through the Word of God. The pas-tors are very excited about the ACTION

FOCUS // A pUbliCAtiOn OF ACtiOn internAtiOnAl MiniStrieS // iSSUe 2 OF 2012

pastoral leadership development (plD) in india

Action International MinistriesPO Box 398, Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043-0398 USA3015A 21 Street NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 7T1

Did you know?>> Last year ACTION PLD missionaries served in 11

countries alongside 80 national workers

>> ACTION teams personally trained 252 pastor trainers

>> 2,354 pastors attended conferences

>> 76,301 Christian books were distributed

— Bruce Ingram ACTION PLD Facilitator

Coalition and the impact they see it has on their own ministries.

God willing there will be a Bible college in which Orissa pastors will be trained by their own brothers to make known the glorious light of Christ until He comes!

ACTION PLD missionary Walt Becker with one of the pastors from Orissa