Chuong_01 - Information Technology Basic

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  • 8/2/2019 Chuong_01 - Information Technology Basic


    Module 1: Information Technology Basic


    Computer types and software applications

    A brief overview of the Internet

    Information Technology Terminology

    Digital Base Systems

    Introductions to analog and digital

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    Getting Started in IT

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    Computer Systems and Programs

    A computer system consistsof


    Hardware is the physical

    equipmentCase, floppy disk drives,keyboardsMain-board, RAM, CD-Romdrives,

    Software is the programsused to operate thecomputer system.

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    Computer Systems and Programs

    Two types of softwareOperating systems


    Applications are programs to perform aspecific function for


    Another application program

    For example: Word, Excel, Web browsers,

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    An operating system (OS)

    Computer Systems and Programs

    File and folder managementManagement of applicationsSupport for built-in utility

    programsControl to the computerhardware

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    Computer Systems and Programs

    Firmware is a program

    Embedded in a silicon chip

    Outdated if any change to either the

    hardware or softwareOlder firmware lead to device failure,system failure or data loss The only solution is to replace it


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    Computer Types

    Mainframes arepowerful machines

    The mainframe model

    consists ofCentralized-computers

    Dumb terminals

    Terminals consists of

    A monitor, keyboard

    A communication port

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    Computer Types

    A mainframe environmentA single computer or group of computers

    Centrally managed and maintained


    Centralized management

    Centralized backupLow cost desktop devices

    High level of security

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    Computer Types


    Character-based applications

    Lack of OS standards and interoperabilityExpensive maintenance, set-up cost

    A single point of failure

    Potential for a bottleneck

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    Computer Types

    A personal computer (PC) isa standalone device.

    Graphical User Interface(GUI) employs a graphicsdisplay to representprograms executed by thecomputer

    An example is theWindows desktop.

    Icons are small picturesto represent differentprograms

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    Computer Types


    Standardized hardware

    Standardized, highlyinteroperable OS

    GUIDistributed computing

    User flexibility



    No centralized backup

    No centralizedmanagement

    Physical, data access,and virus security risksbe greater

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    Connecting computer systems

    Networka group of computers connected to shareresources.

    allows users to share printer, files,

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    Connecting computer systems

    Internet is the ultimate network connectingmillions of smaller networks

    Most connections are made by cable

    Cable can carry voice, data, or bothHomes can connect to Internet throughmodems with the speed of 56Kbps

    Faster connections to the Internet

    Digital subscriber line (DSL), cable, T1, E1,

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    Birth of the Internet

    1968: ARPANET project began1970s: The Growth Begins

    1980s: More is Better

    1982: The term Internet used for the firsttime

    1983: TCP/IP becomes the universallanguage of the Internet

    1984: DNS was introduced

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    Birth of the Internet

    1990s: The Net Becomes Big Business1990: ARPANET becomes the Internet

    1991: The World Wide Web is born

    1996: The Internet covers the globe. Thenumber of Internet hosts exceeds 10million

    2005: The number of Internet hostsexceeds 350 million

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    Windows Desktop Environment

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    Starting, shutting down, and restartingMicrosoft Windows

    The basic functions of a computer includeturning the computer onrestarting the computershutting down the system

    Turning on the PCThe startup process of a PC is referred to asbooting the systemTurning on the PC using the power button referred

    to as a cold bootAt the end of this process, Windows OS desktopwill be displayed

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    Starting, shutting down, and restartingMicrosoft Windows

    Shutting down a computerClick Start button -> selectShut Down

    Or press Ctrl-Alt-Delete ->click Shut Down

    Not to power off the

    computer with the powerswitch

    Restarting the PCReferred to as a warm boot

    By pressing the reset buttonOr press Ctrl-Alt-Delete ->click Restart

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    Windows Explorer

    The Windows Explorerprovides the ability to create,copy, move, and delete filesand folders

    Explorer displays

    the hierarchy of foldersstored on the hard disk orother storage device in theleft windowthe folders contents in theright window

    Two or more instances ofExplorer can be launched todrag and drop between them

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    Windows Explorer

    Explorer can beaccessedIn Windows 9x, bychoosing Start ->Programs -> WindowsExplorer

    In Windows 2000, XPand 2003, choose Start -> Programs ->

    Accessories ->Windows Explorer

    Right-click on Start andthen select Explorer

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    The Desktop

    The main display screen in Windows

    An icon isan image that represents an application or a capability

    selectable as a shortcut to a program or file on the computer

    desktopnon-selectable as in a company logo on a web page

    Some of the icons on the desktop, such asMy Computer, My Network Places, Recycle Bin, or MyDocuments are shortcuts to those directories

    Microsoft Word, Excel, or Yahoo! Messenger are shortcuts tothose applications

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    The Desktop

    The My Computer icongives access to all theinstalled drives

    My Documents is a

    shortcut to personal orfrequently accessed files

    My Network Places allowsthe users to see neighboringcomputers in a networked


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    The Desktop

    The taskbarlocated at the bottom of the desktop

    contains the Start button, quick launch buttons, and thesystem tray.

    The Start buttondisplays the Start Menuallows access to almost every program and function on thePC

    The quick launch buttons

    located on the taskbar next to the Start button

    allow immediate access to desktop from any application, aswell as access to any application quickly

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    The Desktop

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    Working with icons

    Creating the Shortcuts(icons)navigate to the program or file.Right-click it and select CreateShortcutright-click on the desktop andselect New > New Shortcutor Create Shortcut. Enter thepath for the program or file

    Moving IconsClick on it and then drag it tothe desired locationIf the icon not move, right-clickon an empty space of the

    desktop and uncheck theAutoArrange selection

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    Working with icons

    Selecting MultipleIcons

    hold down the Ctrl keyand click on all the icons

    to be moveddrag the group of iconsto the new location

    de-select the icons byclicking on the empty

    part of the desktop

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    Working with icons

    Renaming Iconsthe first way is to clickonce on the name underthe icon.

    then type in a new nameclick on the empty partof the desktop tocomplete

    the second way is to

    right-click on the iconand select Renameoption

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    Recognizing an application window

    Title Bar Displays the name of thedocument and application.

    Menu Bar Contains menus formanipulating the document

    Status BarShows useful information suchas the page number, how to access Helpfeature, and so on

    Scroll BarMoves the images or textthrough the window.

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    Resizing a desktop window

    To resize a windowmove the cursor to any corner or side of the applicationwindow

    a double-headed arrow will appear

    click and drag on the window edge to change the window


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    Resizing a desktop window

    There are types ofarrows, pointers,cursors, and other itemsused to navigate around

    in Windows

    To modify the mousepointers, go to MyComputer > Control

    Panel > Mouse >Pointer

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    Switching between windows

    When more than one window is open, theuser can switch between windows bypressingAlt-Tab or clicking the desiredwindow on the taskbar

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    Basic Features of Windows

    h b f

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    Viewing the basic system informationof a computer

    To view information about the system inWindows 2000, go to the Start menu andchoose Programs >Accessories >System Tools > System Information

    Vi i h b i i f i

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    Viewing the basic system informationof a computer

    A window will display the information such asthe OS name and version, the systemmanufacturer and model, the BIOS version,and the memory,

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    Setting the clock rate

    To adjust the date and time, double-click onthe clock on the taskbar.

    To choose the appropriate time zone, click on

    the tab labeled Time Zone

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    Setting the clock rate

    To automatically synchronize with an Internettime server, click on Internet Time tab andthen click the Update Now button

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    Minimizing, maximizing, and exiting

    Most applications in Windows have threesmall icons in the upper right corner of thescreen used to minimize, maximize thescreen, or exit the application

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    Minimizing, maximizing, and exiting

    By clicking on the Minimize button, the applicationis placed on the taskbar

    The middle button, the Maximize or Restorebutton, changes depending on whether the window isopened partially or fully

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    Adjusting the screen display

    To adjust the screendisplay

    Right-click on emptyspace on the desktopand choose Properties

    to open the DisplayProperties window

    Or choose Settings >Control Panel >

    Display from the Startmenu

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    Adjusting the screen display

    The Desktop tab allows users to choose theBackground for the desktop

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    Adjusting the screen display

    The Screen Saver tabpermits the selection of ascreen saver

    when it should activateon the desktop

    Screen saver also be setup to require apassword

    Energy savings featuresof the monitor are alsoapplied in this tab

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    Adjusting the screen display


    choose the size andcolor of text

    backgrounds forapplications

    The Effects buttonallows users tochoose visual effects

    such as fade effects,large icons,

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    Adjusting the screen display

    The Settings tab allows users to adjust thescreen area display and colors

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    Desktop Settings

    To adjust thedesktop settings

    access the DisplayProperties window

    in the Settings tab,adjust the number ofcolors and pixels bedisplayed


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    Desktop Settings

    Pixels are the tiny dotsmake up the light on the screen

    determine the intensity of a screen image

    Lower values display cartoon-like colorimages

    Higher values display more realisticcolor images

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    Adjusting Audio Volume

    To access the volume controlclick on the speaker icon on the taskbar

    or from the Sounds and Multimedia icon in theControl Panel

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    Start Menu Options

    Run featureanother method of starting a program

    used instead of clicking the program shortcut icon

    access the Run feature by clicking on Start and choosingRun

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    Start Menu Options

    Find or Search featureused to locate files, folders, and networkconnections to other computers and peripherals

    Documents or Recent Documents menushows a list of the most recent documents thathave been accessed or created

    Programs menulists all of the programs that are installed on thecomputer

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    Recycle Bin

    Stores files, folders, graphics, and web pagesfrom the hard disk that have been deleted

    The deleted items can be undeleted orrestored back to their original location

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    Overview of SoftwareApplications

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    Word Processors

    A word processor is an applicationcreates, edits, stores, and prints documents

    insert or delete text, define margins, copy, cut, and paste

    Examples are Corel WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, and Lotus

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    In a spreadsheet, numerical data is stored in cellsthat are arranged on a gridThe data in a cell could be a number, text, orcalculationExamples are Microsoft Excel and Lotus 1-2-3

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    A database is an organized collection of data that can be easilyaccessed, managed, and updated

    PC databases are divided into two distinct categoriesflat-file


    Examples are Microsoft Access, MS SQL, and Oracle Database

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    Presentation Applications

    Permit the organization, design, and delivery ofpresentations in the form of slide shows and reports

    Microsoft PowerPoint is a prominent presentationapplication

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    Web browser and E-mail

    A web browser is anapplication used tolocate and displaypages from the WorldWide Web (WWW)

    Examples are MicrosoftInternet Explorer,Firefox, Opera,

    Electronic mail (e-mail)is the exchange ofcomputer-storedmessages by networkcommunication

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    Math for a Digital Age

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    Measurement-related terminology

    bitsmallest unit of data in a computer

    the value of either one or zero

    the binary format processed by computers

    bytea unit of measure used to describe the size of a data file, theamount of space on the storage medium,

    one byte consists of eight bits of data

    nibblehalf a byte or four bits

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    Measurement-related terminology

    kilobyte (KB)1024, or approximately 1000, bytes

    kilobytes per second (kBps)a measurement of the amount of data transferred over aconnection

    approximately 1,000 bytes per second

    kilobit (Kb)1024, or approximately 1000, bits

    kilobits per second (kbps)a data transfer rate of approximately 1,000 bits per second

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    Measurement-related terminology

    megabyte (MB)1,048,576 bytes, or approximately 1,000,000bytes

    megabytes per second (MBps)a data transfer rate of approximately 1,000,000bytes or 106 kilobytes per second

    megabits per second (Mbps)

    data transfer rate of approximately 1,000,000 bitsor 106 kilobits per second

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    Measurement-related terminology

    hertz (Hz)a unit of frequency measurement

    synonymous with cycles per second

    used to describe the speed of a computer microprocessor

    megahertz (MHz)one million cycles per seconda common measurement of the speed of a processing chip

    gigahertz (GHz)

    one billion cycles per seconda common measurement of the speed of a processing chip

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    Analog and digital systems

    The variables thatcharacterize ananalog system mayhave an infinitenumber of values

    The variables thatcharacterize digitalsystems only occupy

    a fixed number ofdiscrete values

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    Boolean logic gates

    There are three primary logic functionsAND gate If either input is off, the output is off

    OR gate If either input is on, the output is on

    NOT gate If the input is on, the output is off.

    The same is true of the opposite

    NOR gate a combination of the OR andNOT gates. If either input is on, the output is


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    Boolean logic gates

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    Boolean logic gates

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    Decimal and binary number systems

    The decimal number system uses tendigits including 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,and 9

    The binary number system uses twodigits 0 and 1

    Ex, 1000101001101111

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    Decimal and binary number systems

    In Base 10, powers of ten are usedFor example, 23605 in Base 10 means 2 x 10,000 + 3 x1000 + 6 x 100 + 0 x 10 + 5 x 1

    Note that 100 = 1, 101= 10, 102= 100, 103= 1000,and 104 = 10,000

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    Decimal and binary number systems

    Binary numbers are converted into decimal numbersby using the same method as with powers of 2

    Ex, 100100012 = 1 x 128 + 0 x 64 + 0 x 32 + 1 x 16+ 0 x 8 + 0 x 4 + 0 x 2 + 1 x 1 = 128 + 16 + 1 =


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    Decimal to binary conversions

    To convert a decimal number to binary, first find thelargest power of 2 that will "fit" into the decimalnumberFor example, convert the decimal number 35 intobinary

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    The hexadecimal number system

    The Base 16, or hexadecimal, number system usedfrequently with computers to represent binarynumbers in a more readable form

    To express hexadecimal output is using "0x" in frontof the hexadecimal number

    For example, 0x1234 means 1234 in Base 16

    Base 16 uses 16 characters to express numericalquantities

    These characters are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B,C, D, E, and F

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    Binary to hexadecimal conversion

    To convert a binarynumber tohexadecimal

    divide the number

    into groups of fourbits, starting fromthe right

    convert each group

    of four bits intohexadecimal

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    Hexadecimal to binary conversion

    To convert ahexadecimal numberto binary

    convert each

    individualhexadecimal digit tobinary

    string together the


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    Converting to any base

    From decimal to binaryGeneral rule: divide and write remainderfrom right to left

    Why this works remainder gives bit 0

    odd numbers have a 1 in bit 0

    dividing by 2 does a shift right

    For example, convert 1810 to binary

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    Converting to any base

    1810 = 100102

    This rule works in converting decimal to anybase

    18 29 2

    4 22 2

    1 2







    0 01


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