CHTS - Flash Cards

What does ARRA stand for? The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. What is an EHR? It is an electronic health record which consolidates electronic medical records and personal health records into a central data repository across multiple providers and across a lifespan enabling provider data exchange and access. What does HITECH stand for? Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act What is CPOE? Computerized Provider Order Entry What is the consolidated Health Informatics (CHI) Initiative? It is one of the 24 presidential e-government initiatives with the goal of adopting vocabulary and messaging standards to facilitate communication of clinical information across the federal health enterprise. What is HIE? Health Information Exchange What is Meaningful Use (MU)? Regulations Medicare and Medicaid published to provide incentives to physicians to adopt the use of electronic records and use them in a "meaningful" way. What does REC stand for?


Certified Healthcare Technology Specialist. (CHTS) Exam flash cards, study guide

Transcript of CHTS - Flash Cards

What does ARRA stand for? The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. What is an EHR? It is an electronic health record which consolidates electronic medical records and personal health records into a central data repository across multiple providers and across a lifespan enabling provider data exchange and access. What does HITECH stand for? Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act What is CPOE? Computerized Provider Order Entry What is the consolidated Health Informatics (CHI) Initiative? It is one of the 24 presidential e-government initiatives with the goal of adopting vocabulary and messaging standards to facilitate communication of clinical information across the federal health enterprise. What is HIE? Health Information Exchange What is Meaningful Use (MU)? Regulations Medicare and Medicaid published to provide incentives to physicians to adopt the use of electronic records and use them in a "meaningful" way. What does REC stand for? They are regional extension centers which offer technical assistance, guidance, and information on best practices to support and accelerate health care providers efforts to become meaningful users of EHR's. What does AHIMA stand for? American Health Information Management Association What does AMIA stand for? American Medical Informatics Association What does HIMSS stand for? Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society What does IOM stand for? Institute of Medicine What is the ONC? The ONC is the office of the National coordinator. AHRQ stands for? Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality CMS stands for? Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services What does CCHIT stand for? Certification Commision for Health Information Technology. What does ATCB stand for Authorized Testing and Certification Body What does SDO stand for? Standards Development Organization What does ISO stand for? International Organization for Standardization What does ADT stand for? Admission, Discharge and Transfer What does SNOWMED stand for? Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine What is VistA? The Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture What does HIPPA stand for? Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 What is an EMR? An EMR is an legal electronic medical record that is a repository for patient data that resides with each individual healthcare provider in inpatient and outpatient environments. It is used to document, monitor and manage healthcare delivery. What is TRICARE? Tricare is a series of health plans operated through a network of civilian providers which serves active-duty service members, retirees and their families. What did the Hill-Burton Act accomplish? The hospital survey and Construction Act (aka the Hill Burton Act) was passed in 1946 during Truman's administration. It stimulated the construction of health care facilities and is the foundation of today's medical infrastructure. What do the Stark Laws do? They address concerns about physicians referring to facilities in which they financial interest; they ban self-referrals. What is ICD-10 ICD-10-CM (The international Classification of Diseases, 10th edition Clinical Modification) and ICD-10-PCS (for Procedural coding) are the new diagnosis coding systems set to start in 2013. What is NDC? National Drug Code Which electronic record encapsulates a record of medical care provided in a single health care organization? Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Which is a reason for slow acceptance of the electronic health record by the public? Privacy concerns What is a main reason that describes a National Health Information Network (NHIN) impact on the practice of health care providers? Provides a care coordination exchange platform Which governmental effort related to electronic health records (EHRs) addresses the meaningful use of interoperable health information technology and qualified EHRs? Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) What is the principle factor in the Institute of Medicine's vision of health care system? Effective use of information Which CPOE attribute addresses checking on patient allergies? Patient safety features What is Leeds Abdominal Pain System? It is a early clinical decision support system using computer based decision aids which is based on the Bayesian probability theory. What is the meaningful use requirement that must be met for Stage 1 eligible professionals? Implement one clinical decision support rule relevant to specialty or high clinical priority along with the ability to track compliance with that rule. Image modalities differ in their storage requirements depending on what? The contrast and spatial resolution needed. What diagnostic expert system was designed to diagnose certain blood infections and is represented by a set of IF-THEN rules? MYCIN What expert diagnostic system produces a ranked list of diagnoses using a Bayesian Network? DXplain What expert diagnostic system was developed at the University of Pittsburgh and utilizes patient observations to create differential diagnoses? INTERNIST A solution to the challenge of modifying or implementing alerts is? Open Architecture The 3 catagories of rules for implementing clinical decision support alerts are: 1. communication2. intervention techniques3. monitoring CDS alerts in an EHR Name the system that is used to manage digital radiography. Picture Archiving Communications Systems (PACS) What is the name of the system used for direct entry of one or more types of orders by a provider into a system that transmits those orders electronically to the appropriate department? CPOE- computerized provider order entry What percentage of all orders in a hospital setting must be placed using a Computerized Provider Order Entry to be considered being a "meaningful use" of an EHR system? 10% What is RHIO stand for? Regional health information organization What component of interoperability focuses on the consistent meaning of terms specific to the application? Semantic Which component of interoperability refers to the electronic sharing and exchange of electronic health information? Technical Name a non-profit organization that aids in the development of universal healthcare standards to improve technical interoperability? HLN-7 EPHI stands for? Electronic protected health information What is a "juxtaposition error"? A juxtaposition error is an error where something is too close to something else on the screen and the wrong option is too easy to choose. What is a "Slip" error? an error that is caught What is a "commission error"? an error that occurs due to an action that is taken What is a "mistake" error? an error that occurs because the wrong choice was made What is an "omission" error? an error that occurs because an action wasn't taken What is alert fatigue? Happens over time when people become non-responsive to alarming functions. Name the four general processes that make up the software development life-cycle. 1. planning and analysis2. design3. implementation4. support and evaluation What is another term used to describe "business process modeling?" User needs analysis What is the goal of Knowledge acquisition? To gather and capture process knowledge. What type of knowledge is easiest for an organization to share with others? Coded knowledge. Name the four process steps in order. 1. Create a process inventory2. Identify variations and exceptions3. Identify needed EHR function4. Report analysis findings What does PACS stand for? Picture archiving communication system