Chrysler building powerpoint

By: Nilaja Brown-Roberts & Darius Harris

Transcript of Chrysler building powerpoint

By: Nilaja Brown-Roberts & Darius Harris

Well the Chrysler building was not our first choice the empire state build was simply because everyone talks about. But as we go along and research the empire state building they keep talking about the Chrysler and how luxurious it was, so me being myself had to know about this building. The research was relatively easy everything was laid out amazingly. We decided our logo based off of the build of the Chrysler building.

When we first heard about this project my mind flew to the empire state building, but in researching the empire state building the Chrysler building just caught my eye.

Well I think the story of the Chrysler building should be titled you snooze you lose. I say this because the building started out as a partnership between William Van Allen and William H. Reynolds. Van Allen was the architect and Reynolds as the contractor. It was Reynolds opinion that Van Allen idea for the building was too "ambitious. Someway somehow Van Allen’s Ideas landed on the desk of Walter P. Chrysler, he felt Van Allen’s idea was not luxurious enough so Van Allen went back to work!

Walter P Chrysler was born April 2 1875. Now I know everyone is asking why “why does he get to have his own building?” Well Mr. Chrysler is the Chrysler he manufactured the Chrysler car.

Chrysler saw an opportunity in this young man, he was doing what everyone at that time wanted to accomplish. He wanted to build the tallest building in the world!

Like I previously said everyone was trying to build the tallest building in the world, so you could imagine that they is a lot of competition. Chrysler biggest competition was a banker by the nickname of “the kid”.

Trying to be the first building built the kid was receiving information on how tall the Chrysler building was being built. So the added a 40 ft wall street spire making it 60 ft taller than the Chrysler building.

Well, Chrysler found out and he was not haven't it so Van Allen and Chrysler added a surprise 186 ft spire. This made the Chrysler building the tallest building in the world! His victory lasted only for eleven months before the empire state building surpassed it. It my opinion that the height is not as nearly important than the actually design of the building.

We made our logo based upon the outside of the Chrysler building, it resemble something like triangles, so we decided make a sun with triangles around it. When building the actually build it was more difficult than I thought. Instead of making a huge tall building I wanted ours to be small and sturdy so that what I did.