Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 25. · TBE KM ITKMKNT IN MAINE. I 1 |K>! I- POfl A l'KACKFl"L...

TBE KM ITKMKNT IN MAIN E. I 1 |K>! I- POfl A l'KACKFl" L Sl;t!I.F.\IK.\t. rkpiv nY rXSlV.liill rt> ».. iV i.l; . < >R 1 OAK' U>\ BOMrTC BOB Kl II '.'IsSlnN l.) THE « i .-M'ltAt BtTfUg SMUTOBK TIIKOItll - IWT'iK «il iik KltAl'IV K\->. Batet Morrill hits si n( | replv to G«>v- rrnor i. n l.":. expressing, grutifirati-n nt Iiis decision ko mmmM the/ point- it umbc l> tween Ujjii ami Ihn Repoblkanis ol the state to the SupTi HM .In: 1 CoOXt« :iiid inclosing :i im <in>i ..iiii.ini ot !lie qni Miotig on which opinion- «' »Irsinil. PeÜttwOB lrom aM pältj "I l * >'.(<, and lif nil Bf BMMkors nt hol Ii BBltMB, BOrOt BtOB MMl to He Gnv- etnor BTgTOg MM to |MJBBB tlit* course indi- c;it« >l hv Mi. Morrill. A Washington newspaper IBM inloruiatinn that G- ih lal llutler Was the origi' a.oi of ihr scheme of I i au«! in Maine, ami tins was a part ot a plan designed to ifhvt kit election to the IV«sidotiey. qit:siio\> OF Liff, aX-tRXATOM voi nui's BXPLY TO MMBBMBB BAB> in.'\-m»h"iii\iuii mi Boajrta ion sib- M rTBB l«> tii? sri'ki M' Jt ial rorKT. Arora ». Met, Dae. 2&.The jion. Lot M. Mur¬ rt 1 i-.i:i:o >.' \iirii»t_ ye-ter.t i\ by un earlv train, and n-turnet! In siierial train at n:.*»0o'clock i». m. It !- OV stood that tho okpBBl of Ina visit was to BaYVO a conference touching the points to lie pre- aentcd to Governor Gaicclnu f..r Midm Asimi to the |B| .:iir C urt. Lighten brisl questions, have ts'i'ii *gre '1 upon. Mr. Mm.l. expresses great MaMBMB that Governor Garcclnn will agree to IBMBal tie- questions. Petitions are coming in ro:»t'llv from all parts of the State, niginar the (iov. inor to *-.broil the quest.n,is to the Supreme r<mrt. In Portland, the principal rVotestant rlergymen. including BtlBOB Neely and the Rev, Dr. Il ll. h ive united in a oeii'ion prav ng the (ievi n ot iea eeet Mr. kVBRill't pr position. The following is Mr. MorriU's reply to Governor Ciareelon j At 'it -TV Me.. I>ee. 27. 1-7IV rrfs gBssgwSS Al os/n Q .\ i I v '; »«>r <>t Maine : I... ku ¦ Ii dae ili«' westM vottr Kxo limey's letter i. ¦ -'.. a-;. ieli rr..eli«-'t uie vi si entity. Y.n.r Kxieite e> wilt. M Bourse, pcreelvc thai v Is enm -i i .>. li pur« at of my cerrvapoudeaee to gtseaest ¦) ¦ or tnc ucjuiiti.coi Bagreatexeitemeui waiehBowias eeeetBB)peaoa of tie t*tat<>. Y>»irEx- i 'i. lie., sen it wits un- ili..» ilie rxettvaioBI i lists, ml also i( is blginy desirable lo uli.'». it nr uimte aud BteaeBMB WBMB are ai te lionaraBle lo ul. Poles. It is bbv ¦surpass leeoagae ibe dlsroaaioii to iiios But riilea an sMentmt. imil nrwiii'h«i>niiv re nth sobsobm si : sn.i are nut.; ii 'eeftm.wtsely svoiu t MWMcfeBIB OOOHMMMBBUal SBd DU uui.'li Hi' I, in lit aig-r. I eesat <iire. !i>' to Unit p.rt ef jrottr Kxrellenev's -.ii loa a um'Ii r.-i itea to tba points in \>- mui>- i' Itti'U to Uie luitsuieut oi' Irr« Coiut. I have »uc.e-t i c laestti s the tasleaad ¦ siwrauduto (tueiuoran- aasa Betowl Your. exeelleney win Uiserve that lürse q: - inc. ;UiMgfe BBBMrens. ..ii simple, requiring t.ut a-.-.> 'Hei .. r.i lii i. :. . ai'or..te i,pi. Aa I n: .-xeei ¦ net i|Uie»res in the i ro Mrtetf of sLii, u^ uii dtssntad imjubU in Un* or- end o >ust it ut tunai mautier, I hetr luve to ».i'.-l',«r. tu BM~el to utii.-ii I bat aeoo rlst Bars anted, that tBers i.- abuudaoi time IBsCsart ui easar'BVr tue ¦.ui.t ct. Trie Court esu Brefl st IBeOkptMloB W. Jti- iwii.y next, or bv lu -.I.v. it ii.esaiy»aM tUe ajarstloB eaa be placed 1 tot ISM a oa i...rili. Bail B-M aoi been tue li.iini tili., ( ..ui to toes BfBBMiBls.losstien« auomnte<i hv the Gorel sr.tBtra e SB >l Bt Nttledaabt fun by Frliluv )aauarr2 voar Kxeolieuey woold receive the uns. er 8ftm i ur' is litt gaeeooaa Bt :i tbould tbeCeun rM)'..: i ii >ro tli .n t luv1 ippoied seeeasary, tu-i wool.i still Be four tall daya lei be tore ibr as MBit f tie !. Is uiur'. 0 ten I .. ir I <<¦>¦.Nmsm a-k- BM lo in lie if'- the ri> tuts Mal bavi le t slready l.een a e«l, I reply Hint soehai si it pt . BldBav-Joel.¦ <\ in<le. .| loreiyu t luewl - .s- an p ri"«- t iBts pence ul < f adjH*tUM V ir I x 'i* \ uiusl be aware t.iat lie-re !->.:.¦ oei Blspoie iat«ag to*yer» to liu» Bees it< .! ..>' IBe CuBrt, .<.< tbers is touching that wtu ... si acosetedbi tue Legislature. Your Kxee. .. ^. II ri11 v admit thai ihe t'ouri Is BeataBtt todsterasMB waoi iis.< already bc<»ii sifjudt- tati I; sad. * IB the streng BradVBey of toe luiociai Ii :11> 1 t ml to one i t its n BBBBBBB of SfSliUins by Uiai srbti Baa bees dec a«d, ue-te i* uo danger tint j.«ai Ext '. ion will sol iMVe Hie lull uiitau- tac. ol . iobs Bata^oBito pttssooBced by that eaiv- Leni )a Be il tri si sL IOBBOOtetoos witaoM uramg upon your Excellency tBOBtopriet] ofroiag forward In tbe course w lue ii in yon. r ii you have lii in-ated your »iilin».*- ii-s. to p .: - le. 1: ¦ucvi'i in ii." history oi our fr'sie iaBpoBed s loyeaeof it* chi t aiagiatrates to luve it in Bis powi r to a as a set tor we psaee au.l good order ot soeiefj ;is yonr Excellency en|nvs tiMlay. 'Jle u ol tin mi qucsiiens in"Court tvtll iii- ? .. i.e. presi'tve re«tore Ui.rinoii.v ("¦n your I . :- ' e. ,-lv. t!>. p.-.-pie any assnranre til wBai may nappes aBoald uaa seatutauooai mode of attjttstmetii in rejected, sad IBs attempi is- t ia.teto Staat Be Be ts sis start by lore.* or on a b'isis of mein- i> t-ii.j.. obi a s> largs a progsctBMM Me i>e>.|ile of Mam. i>< re te M eoatnsry to toe actoal result of the ek-eil' ii I I mil not porntt myseli ta doubt that witu ti.. tw ¦< >. on rouj gx stlcoev. one of susoluie anu biuioi'iibi.' p. nee, tiieotli. ro' is.sslble violence and dai . lordee, your Bxeelleuey will promptly r:¦ - adily aoaere tu t. e former; uiei in mat at : bob i" aoOsortbt BiytoU very rcsiKCifaiiy ) Lot M. MfrBBIlilu TTBaBTMBB. eta OjUMIIUHl r<>tt IBB OOUBT. I rat -It M tli-duty of tae QBBBBBMt Bad ' ouncil In BBBta'saBBg tin rt-'urus for Menatora and R. preseiita- ii\ ¦ B) HM Lagt ijtutc to allow BstTecUons therein by t'..e i at id nuttor tbo Constitution and lawn of ib. st ti l t" »b. t .i -u.-ii correct o-i* ex- BMll Ii "t ihe.r aty, h.ive tie \ Men tbe riubt or po m-r t i sllowsaeheetraoibMs si u:p:i spttoo f IBtOBM*--tSB CMBTS ».»nietl Bf less than a uia|orl!y ot tin tsalty so i!. f. i t v.- tt eaanor be StQB ed I -lands I If so detective, can a ilulv at¬ tested « . of tut record be sub-tliiunl for it and he Irgal .1 fie toast of Lewtstoo, Bath, RtxU- IsBd d asco are ret* rred to. ikiid.' - a rsiiti wincii plaei« a Btnaber of vote, op- rH.-i:. tu .. " k. tt» i g" »o detect i re that it cm not h conn led ween lite whole number of votes -o phtced I i uy ui notirt eandtdste * sun leave a plurality to another candidate 1 And 11 so de. SrCtlVi lie.-, can It he by the l. (ird? 1 . .; - bat ol IbV City of Portlntil.' IW/tt.If i rt'tora mis not t tie sttwata. r of tne Tow n t . i .' i. ud AH"-, ai. can a duly at>. >:.¦:.. ii tla' record be u itutcit ttcrcfor, ami t: e v i..¦ stNcdl Her« r.i qacsitoas numb nur ii iu which lt.e BBefeddef el Qbaceouetof which .ach rcj-ete.l return a,. s ..-i Nod, sad the oolnloti or the i .up ,Bo seTeral points. The i)u«> snatsiedvl si staitutttcocss. Mr. llorrialutii ;.sk»: ... .nor an Couai ti u' ebte thui ihere is no r .in a *r< i' a y si t..v. . aa WBtsB >Heptetratattvc ean I. u I to Ibe L^glstaturc. Is It th<ar duty to taki -urh . s as wilt Insure t,. ths vol. r- of such citv er lows a nes tlsettoB By whicl 11. v -in.i secure n ¦ :li um t The esses of tl. live Idl rraai I rtt'ci srt iafem d to. Havetuj Oovemor and Coora 1 ihs right and I? It IBeBr dot) :. .. ... ..t v ««n.tii ol election liaprop- et j r i ssly 'Issued M any Bcnator or Itepresmt .t'.e.oi i ¦ raasof rreal a est ItBeate. Bare they t tie right and In It ihi li duty to i*»ii" a new eertilcate to the pens/a satltlsd uud< r II.Is cpiuiou of the toarts I AN AKil.tX.lsT fOB (i\rct:Lu\. Tiir i.</\. n.'s A' il«'V obpbmvkd iiy mk. BMBBtOrfl ..! II.ll.SOl-N'l ciumk KOR .tc- mc ai aariaiftri b*ib vtowa og tju kesclt. II V Tl.l l.'.l. ti ll TO TltU TRIBOE.I VidgU3BBTOX,Doc.StV>-Tka condition of affairs In Main-cmn.iies to he the leading topic of cou- MaaBBHBI kera aetetagmM trBOSfB interested iu po¬ litical aakj .as. A' cut p.,ur.< ut su.eeeded in findings BMBUwtBl DetSOOfOl to-night who said he bad studied tin facts uotnewhat. and who therefore ha<l Bpitin n- t taXpBBta in reajBld to the course of Gov- efie.i i. Hin! his fouii.-il. ihe gei.tlcm.'.'i Mentioned is Representative Springer, «I Illin ns. "lf.'Vaul Mr. Spriti^r. "the Governor and hi* Council ,n ted under i provision of the State Consti¬ tution, tl. jc is no more 'o he said, because con- sttlutioiiii) p.nvisions are always mandatory. If, a- tt.ey asvrt, they wen^ guided by decisions of the IBMBMB CaBBt M similar cases, of course they are )uaf:heal. If they exercised a discretion whiehwa- det the Liw t u-y hud a right to exercise, or even il lutl ii,! they ovci stepped tho UiUiidsof their la .\ (ui |si\rcrsi, there is nothing for the Rcpnb- MMts U> do luit to submit. Ii I had been iu Gov¬ ernor:.i o.i.'s place, I think I should not have done as he hi done; but if I had done so 1 should »tick to .1.*' " 1 see." tontin tied Mr. QpMMjafi "thnt there is ttlk of now -u'.mitting tho mutter to the Supreme Court. Thai can't ho done, for there is BothiDg left for the Co.emor to submit. Both ho end his Council are /uac'at ojBiio so fur as declaring the rc- su t and is-suiiiii certificates of election to BtSMbtBB of the L' gisl ituro sre coiiecrued. 8ii|»pose that the 8ujir<me Court should now decide that the (Jov- emor has doue wrong in issuiug s uumhor of ie ecrtificates; he L it already issued them, the rneiabers have r«9cei\'ed theui, aud he hss uo power to recall tueui. (so, whether tLe Governor has doue right or Broug. 1 don't see hn.v the ll> puhlicaus BH going to help themsolves." Mr. Bpriuger wasaskud whothet he thought tho (iovi ruor had done right, and if he did not think the pubho will had been thwarted t " Well," said he, " the (iovrrnor appears to hare Jaw and prece¬ dent on his side. As to thwarting tbo will ot the psopioor violating public sentiment, I Ihiuk that the .ic'ioii of the Governor u: tl l onnril tin* rather been MftM re-, hot ii. Al yao know, the Rcpnbli- w M ir i n Titv m ih.< popular .00. il the la-: . Ic. lion ; tk.-relor-, in laooiof fill It. tt«« ..i |. , -..., t., ,M1on-:h r'iiMoiiint* to BBBO* a Oi hi L .tit:... t:i,.i;,.vorn«>r h:is unuHy . ii.-Ion thee !1 of ih.< people, a* rsXpreased n 'It.if election. I .ive ii.. don't he will k mih- l.'iiii il in h s aciiou liy the popular m-tiiimcnt uf the ee ui'-. .' Il «. I.. I ley**] l.v. 1:1 ,11 ." remark.-d the corre- naondewt, .. 11...i tt|,. ,!,:,}. daaieu in t i* piöraadiBa, was t.> an a l nrovidtng tiintil». l.-irts|ntnre . all. Iiihino it,. iYi ttdauiMal rded m next jnnr." I hi*- i,.. ," ,.,..| Mt. Spri: . r. " I hat h » rn'iie that twnr n ;lav, ami ti c 1) moerata 1.».j "ire tn - by ii. i think," be immtinned, *'*"< " tv... weatu after the Lrajialaiara .hJ the House w II beooaia Repahlieun. nf " ran, Iwfore i'i ii t ikes piar* the Fuatoniai e n. ii- -late lor (.; .veniei a,.i in,, other State ufloera will bare In-, n slrrlad. Boa )'.. von exaa* t the Hmi*c to bicoasa Repub¬ lic m, asked Ibe ci.rr «p..n(|.m.i, M when a mnjoritv at Ua raerabt r- are Fuhomm* f" "On," rspbed llr. Bpriaaar, " u* ««oon n* the Gov¬ ernor aad i.ti ir oilier* have ecu elected, the Ho'i«e will m at s ,ii,e ,f ||le Republican members. 1 ui know I a'a tinnil.. r of Baata are ra int. ami laa Hou h.-ha vice im rieht t.. jndg.. of the right- oi nienii.erH «i,i admH Mai maraberi bo wcte ' ct. .I. rtnaa, even it there wan u purpose to cliauir- tbe mode .1 fN.osiiig Presidential elector*. It could not')' dooc unlt-s the Republican House should agree to it." R BT If K NT DK.VOCR ATS. pnoMiNKKr aaatocaATa ia waaauati ¦ Dororixx> ixo t>» i at k about TiiK rmaaaiaarr. |ur OOOaOaaaM to ihk mint nr.| WaOOBXOTiin, ih c. 'js u is rarjt diffli oil to find in Wash i n et on a DOMOOIOl of any prominence who in ready to express any opinion on the Maine steal. The re.i- n all tln-ae pi BtOBOBSO giv- for ttieir latieaaeetai "WoU r.aiiy, I know nothing about the facia iu the ca--e." Among Democrats of less prominence great delight U felt, and not conceal- .1, at the prolanle success of the conspiracy. IbaSB gentlemen have lound lime to look into the "facts." A very proniiueut Democrat, when appealed* to y-sternav by a Tit iirvK correspondent for his opinion, ootd : " Well, leally, 1 know nojhing ulhiut the facts. Rutil QoBOfOOk* Garre- lao has beta pniileil and controlled by the Consti- Mrtl 'ti. tko laws and the precedents, lie OaatM tt> be .uataioed, if Urraaalarttaai boos been eoaitaittad ueretotoaa by Kepabltcaxm, by which ih.-y have profited, tiiev ought not tosbbsojIoIb bobj that they nr.- eiaapelksil t.'siill r. Hut. a hi ther Governor Uur- oekoa ia a patriot or a ¦ooaadratl 1 trust that the people of Malus boos ton aiook good aanoa to allow anv diataruaooe of toe public peace, nnd that they anil quietly lubcoil to the action of theooootftotoo authorities of ihe S.nte." THL ORIGINATOR OK TDK FRAl'D. fir.NriivL Bin.i it's KKi'oitTi i< Si OOOIO TO OOTAIX mi PO -leiACV-imw ins OOaTOCI was To MAVK Ul s Al l OMPLIslIH». iliv timmra rm: tiuhi n WaoojoayniN, Dee. B8.~Toa tntaowag adltotiol Bftaala arill aoajaoria Jht PTaaaaaaaaa lmO$ (Xrimcwo- aasarawt a HaaaaaOaaeaai Meaabttaoanow in this tktij,a icen- ta in..a ¦ 1... i..i- «ri aa laa >< an in the Lmrof aad two la t m Dpyac lf..u.e of taa Biata I/eglshnnre, praieoaaB io p..v.- laforMattaa laal ikraan u.-w iiKhl on the (in sent imbiOfc-iio In Mime. M s statement is laal «Inn flaiintal K- ''¦ Boubi .." r ii-lair in In- . a- lit Ihe const <d .M dr.. hist aaBiBier,kawaaaal so much ahsoituid in iTeoatloa oil in th. eivUuteo exteaded la kiaaatoaaa af the cobm town- akora be ¦ opped battkal he taaad tJ ne ta aira aiadioaa attea n lo lialaa pa itic«. It tu. ih. i aaaartrd ti at a aaon nun in a re ibaabM iton in taal Btaus Qaaeral iniiit-r had aa Iuteerte a ¦Mo Q varaaf Sarai ion und other oO* ,r ihe H;ao QovaraaMBi at tiijtaata\ taal u nunl BBtlBB wa.« IBOB made of lotlin r cl.-elioi , irto :.»r um i.ui,.o-e of niteilcs' the in. BaltltMH ' ., f.» cr. and i at liiiih r's sjiigesiion. iba al nt -in i- --i bum loa rataraa OUtrtkatad Ut tka Count-es tlolii lue St 11 t npitul W ere urawu Up w tii i. si it i' vi. » toeatrappou aawary "tHrtfraaOr rs lata In* mbb le. iimeai er> oi » a-Iis htOUM* s s.h - i.; l'lt-i.-i isis li-itijr enri folly lust uctid to-e.< that returns weie lu correct form woere tbeir eaniM- - had a aia.toiry. nmi ;o forward pruteela b ht ti rar -\ n- i.\eioa uiaoaieaJ ootaato lu aatorai wiucu aiattttO BaravUnaBa. . * . lie* expianatioB of Oaasral Battar*aaottaa in laa matter, given by ike aeaittmaa akota retarred to, is thai aa (Bailer) waa at taa uma ntta aaaoataa of all o»ii«lei tinn to b- (inveriior of Massuciiuin ft-": trut ne Bbvuexpeeted to have a Democratic ni.-J ruv, uinin y eoiuposea of an ll, lu tliu LeulSi il lire of I in- aame 8,ale; thai hm ptaa «ua to BavB lata laabOaluiB pa-, a inn protndlaa t.-r aboli <. ut Praaataaltalalaol I- to us if, whi'b hi BaBaaaarad BBjairiilaaita ibe choice of Buuer ele-lorsj that the atreiia'h of tbe QrBrakaak > l< in al in Maiaa laaplrad tum wuh ti e bope oi bciua anle t.. luduee ihe Kusiou majority In tlie L inula- tu .. ol tint Biate to adept tue «»me course; linn \ in law» urowdmir foi tne elude * of elector* by tbe tu ».»latore -1 ü ii, IWB OtalBB, aad a reasonable certainly in tatraaaa laal Ibeaeeteeaar« would aa ataaaa i to rata for bluisilf 10 be President, he boo,.(| lo secure toa I- erattc aoaaiaanaa i ami timt, taiiimr iu this, he ooaatad on u probaklbty (h*t without tue eiaa* KHrti Voll i ol Main in Ma.-s.a-'iiist-l:* In ither PetlKV Bar Bepublwaaa w«uid have a tnajority. ami that tbe eicii-ti would be thrown Into tka lions--, win re Mr. hi' I..i Matjr.a Oreen'meker and a BaUer man.would have held the hulanee of BoWBT, BaO < tli.' 11 -a ( a he b Bad tlol thin Voted) Me 111 a l> raocraUc dele*raU"e 10 Cougrc**. aad would nave altkei eon j.-1 tbe DtmoeratM iiel.-gaii.itis bb vote for 01 t, aera Batter at ptaTeatad aaakaaooa by tkaatoaaa. A CASE FOli C0klTiJu80N. Al.MtlM.v'S TWO M Olsl ATUKF.8 I!» 1872.Anoit- WOrMMMBOlI wilXlAMS'd bams OF OBTTLOs mk.n r. Komc persons have ucsrested that the present sit- OOtttrn in Maim* is BBOlOfXlPi to the I.egi8lulive dis- BtMOkoAlok aoOOafUM Iii»; election iu 1S72. The fans in that Caee w. t--, briefly, tiic?e : Thcie were a number of contest <1 seats in the Senate a: d lloiüse of 1:¦ i-1< 0 ulutives. Of the contestants several Cotiscrva-ivi-i re-eived certiticu'c* of elect ion, and several l.epuldiciius were re- tused certificates. Iho latter nnit-d vttk s ¦ nf thatI own pirty whose « a etlOO was not datasrtedi aad faaaaad a Lssjl.lotoia, to which tbaj aamittedaaoaak pefBOBB who had sot bean candid itea at all to form n qnorutn. This hot. b s recognized i>.. GhiTarnot* Laaria, aod losieuoea rreXlacted Ka ator fepaBoar, Tos two Legislatures thonolounii fs thorlty seted loiiopoodaatly until the dispnte wra ttuaiii adj latao by the acceptance t.i the followlua oa laol s .tileuicnt, proposed,with the ippi ivalol tha 1*M idoas, by Attorney.Oeaarol Williams: rani Braaaaaaalaaa »t lioataaB>aiy, Ala^ elahalaa sa b Be to Btaral Assembly oi th si.n uavc upu.-aled lo pre* lent, aad, with hi* approval, I snf.inif, a* a ¦¦.ait oi tiimprirniaras tho diOaraBy, the following: Ftrtt.Tum otteen of eaea orguoi/attiou *haii tendor flu ir it-sign itlons, fo lake I lT-f t upon tbe permanent er- i!.i aaaii-e i BepraasntattraB,aakerala* aiiei provided. .. r inO OB the liistmit tbe hall ot tbe House In the Capnoiaoallberaeated M id al it B^eiaekoltkatday all the pwrtoai Boldiaa ¦aruOBBOM of election a* Bepre- .eatattTBs abaB a»as »'< lOoratai bat taa aaraoaa aald- inn the e.u.U. ..i . i tetaiy Koy.and ri.all be tb<- .il, K a si. 1.1. from Harbour f "tintr 1 onrt shall make ¦ tu* BBBIier a tcmiKirary otirauiza- Jkfldl TWO teller*, one K-puli'U-an nnd one "Demo¬ cratic, shall be BOB*-latad by ib.- (speaker pro tetn.. who «ha l publicly aud .u ihn preaeaea of tbe B*aas count the voto» east lor Ueprea u-.ailvea In the County of Maranoe* and for tail puipu.« tiiev akaO tukc tbo re- lurti-of ibe preeitiet luspeciur* of *ald tsuiuty. or In ca-e liiey caunot tw ptocuted Ibe erideuce of BBM In- auf« tor*, a*fur n* te?*aiue mtiv be uece*sniy loasceitaln nil rote c '»t a* afareaaid* and the person* found abon aieb count ia üktc the bixbo*t uiiuiIkt ot vote* 'or iteorrselitaUve» -hall he acaieü aa euch Ir to »<dd county i b«l tbe jN-raon* now holding certldeate* of huuun a* BepreaoniaiiTBi fmni Mareiutu ahull not vole upon or In ni.d temporary «.rrnni«atioti. . i0 ui aai boalnaM other than taaOaono the couie*t a* I couuly be nanaacted during aaeb orgaaiaatitto. /onrfA -w b-ii-a. n oati hi I* dcienuined ihe House at a I make a prruiMUt-nt orgau'tatioo la the usual way. rirtA-Ou »ald. the . lust . tue nate Chamber «hall he ti oaaii aud bi 19 o'clock the persona boldma uertld- aatea -i elecr.ou as fVnalor* sba.l a**emble and organ¬ ise w in the J.."iiico4i.t-Ooveriior pre*idlnr. witu tue boldinit the i-ertiflcete of Psrcivtary Kurland iii ia, seat a* use oi.u Senator irom liarbmir Coaaiy, aud me vol.* lor s. natoi In Marci.go Couuiy aball be c «Bted In tbe »atne Way and BJOBS töe same kinds of ertdeaM aa is bsrskakafors nrovided ...r the House c ititeal as to said county, and u| ,B BBBB couut tka person found to l.are lac highest number of vie* lorH.-tialM from said county shall Im- si at er) a* such hut the person now holding (be certlücate ..f «lec- ilou 'lo the e* uaie troui »al l et.uaty BBOO not rate USB ,., aoMtlotl abliBliillBOBSSl about hi* seat i* pending; a ul tuen UM contest us to tbe dlauict c. in- niiiiiB the «online» of Putl.-r and Couecuh abaii Imj divided tn the aamo way nurl m.ou the same kind i-r. v .l. inc. and Ihe person now BBUtlaO t"' Ot rliH. al. * of e . etmn as Is. Sätet ftoui said j" in t sLu l not vole .ii-jj auy uuieliou b. fore he M d.e i ared elected ui-ou count of Ihe votes of *md Uuir.ct ,. ,.lo:e*aul ; nor shall the eet.nte do any oil., r hiisint;** i , on ;n.s. oiiU-ts ui. scltled. N'o iK-rsou Dow bold ua Hoer.iOcaie or cation abail tnke a seal in eff her \u*y UbtU hi* fight thereto i* . n-.rmed as pro- vhinl All IhoJe clionuaglo beui.uib. ra and e .1 ,,, . b.T omaiim.tiou * ali 1«< BBawad mileaQB and MB dieu. vmupensatiou prior lo tbe teinporarr oi- °", .'« aerehBeetare provided lor; after wheb Si raaaa behllag aartOlaaaaa fraai tri lira Parker iur Lthour C u .iy »bau e< ase ta draw pay. aa4 lb s. en .si a.uf* lit Mareugo and the nl.trtei of Butlrr »c uae-l auall b* ..: iH-r diem pal uulll said < ouital* are resfM-ellvely ¦ nded. Sad t he" m.. r* and employ** ef each oro»n.s»t.on shall be nald tue u*ual comiu-usa lou. t.u-hBK ll. Williams. Attornc) (JcneraL ad rnrui T<> The n appeamnce of Mr. VVallaek to-night ¦BloosaaaaaafciaaaaaBt skaa thia pcidio wtu not be slow u. wolrome. Mr. O aliack will BSt VaWcsas In "She bitmpe to Coiisiuer.'' Another not; de inddeot le tke flr»tpiodurtioo here of Mr. Barll 'OSBJBlJST^PSJTJtl ..j/alrfaa ! I hi* pleas wia bs hrsi.<bt oat at us Park Tbtatn rii mt flf1riiy*sfinjTj»y. At ot...r Meetrea tin- attracts n n un- BsBced. THE INDIA V A BOUTIA TiOSB. PSCMPBOTB OF riUCM F\ ILI'RK. VlKws Of bmiavwm rtUlM, OO rot.ult»; i;: \- ritAi OAXCV'l v un i\ ttXKOUA v PB1 ft RDI D MIM \|i! i:MA\|)|\(i UV i.rinY, Gi oonl Hatch dm given op hope* ol securing Mi. Dt« murderers, aid 07M to hovt otorted ft ¦ I.m PlnOO m Saturday. Mis lone OMMUted of MM hmo twenty-nye nun, arid mj WOO MUIOOJHImIi i>t last accounts, hf Mvtnl hundred braTea, Tars arc entertained no ins oofoty. Oozoy, v. ho hu«I promised tO obtain the surrender of tho OWTdOWfO, WOtOOQjOd to have liii.-uiider- .tood the mission m obJch bo WM wttt. nod General Hatch expressed the helief that bo hoi not tho power to cause them to hi given up. This opinion is strength¬ ened by nn int- rview with Senator Teller, of Colorado, who says that Ouny is no MOfMt MMSTOMmI as chief ol his trilie, and Mr. Teller fears an alliance with the Sioux »nid a new Indian war. AN ATTACK FL AKLO. MMMBA* Hatch ABOUT To UtATO UM rixos. TRrtops OODflMOO t'P To pmiTPCr him. I>i\vKit. Col.. Dec. 28.-A special dispatch to Thr Ihnrer Tribune frinn Los Pines, dated *J.»th mst.. represents that the llMMlaM is Terv serious tlu-re. General Hutch was to hav.i started from Lo. pines yesterday, ami spend the night at ('line's ram h on the f iinurmn, Outheltoth he will slnrt troni there for Al.imosa. which is the last railroad smtion. (ieneral Hatch has given up all hope of securing the Indian*, ami ns his departure is tanta¬ mount to a declaration of war. much anxiety is felt as to his fate. There are several hiimlred braves near Los Finos, and the whlBM all told do not num¬ ber over tw-nt'-five. Tho roads nre blocked with snow and onlv pass aide for licht backboards. The Indi ins have the whites completely trapped. Those in the bowl arc G- neral Hatch. Lieutenant Valois. W. T. Saunders of Virginia, 1 he /Vanr Tiibunr coTC-ipnnilent, fifteen sohlh is. and the agency cm- plo\i5s. General Adams is hi Denver. Ii is hollered tout the tmon of cavalry under Colonel Mack, nzie, stationed at Fori Gortond, has been ordered to Mokoo foroed march to Los Finos at once; hut they cannot get there liefere tlie In- dians i.iat.e an aft ich. unle s Otiru. succeeds Ifl keep n-/ them QBiel a little longer. Ourav. Auimas City, Silveiton and other settlements mo gn ntlv exposed. The White River Lies havi.tisiimcil nil the stores taken from the White l.'iver Ag-ucv. and are aggg to m ike nn attack on the Ixn Firm* \geucv. If (ieneral Hatch has left without the In- JiM in ui d. rers, n is eoosiderod that war will open nt ooee. t he [Miens will strike the first blow, as thev h iv- event hing their own wav at present, owing to the NMOvaJof troops to instant points at the demand of Ourav. A MIsTAKLN POLICY. bexatoo 'IHUIi'i Vit W of 1 ii K HITfATIOX OfJOAY WlTSOOf ixkli knck ix TOO Titmr. i It 00 ax aii.ianck WITH TIIK SIOl X. Iiiy OMMrl to TiiK BHMM0.1 Wamiimito.n. Dee.88. Beoetot Teller,ol Colo rail >, in spcaktng of the Indian question this after- 0000, expressed a belief that the pending MfMOV tiotis f.>r the surrender of the White River Utes will end in utter failure. The plan adopted bv tin- Indian DepOrtMOBl ha«, he says, been u mistake from tho ouf«et. ThMO Indians cannot, he de¬ clares, lie tried anywhere except In the State of Colorado for an lOMMO committed within that State, lo make a condition to exempt thOMBOM trial iu that State virtually means that they nre to have M trial nt ull. The trouble, with the l'fr«. Mi. Teller says, is that tho azeatsof the ÜBtted States have never been able to luliil their part of the BlWM TreeiJ ol lisTd The Indians were to re- celre 190,000 for the lande then eededj hut m arly half that aasoaal is sell in arrears. Mr. teller inli.idu ed a resolution into the Senate B lew Weeka ago, asking lor iuformatiori ns to w hat moneysBad bees paid and w hat MMtsOd unpaid ot this siiui; but thus far he has received no answer from the Secretary of the Interior. Afler the pay¬ ments Had bMB stopped by tho Fluted States the udiaiis became incensed, and their ungor was in- creas (1 because Ourav, then tho head chief, con¬ tained, OB he doe* to-day, to receive his annuity of 91,<K)i>. |*of this MOMOJ Ouray decs not now icily Mad his people, Mr. teller declares, but has been sii|>er8cded by Douglass snd Jack, whoOM had Indians. If these chiefs mount their Mates and go north in tho Spring, as seems most likely, they mav l»o able to give tho Govern.ncnt a good deal of trouhie. I he Moux, vvilli whom the I'tes h iv e been at war for the p ist thirty years, are now their ..Un s, and the peace |ust concluded hc- twien these two tribes may have been prompted by the Mdnceinont held out by Douglass atal Jack of a War with the whites. Mr. Teller BBOpeeM that Secretary Schurz has grave oubt* now of the BBMNMM of his p !:< v, which by delayo and dickering^ will give the Indians a u ei oils opinion of the resources of the OeWOtWOMBt, They look upon 0 WtllingMM to ne¬ gotiate with a tribe which has cmumillt-d a serious 01 tine aa ua evidence of cowardice or weakne-is. or batO ; and il tl:ey lake tho war path alter all, Mr. Teller thinks the Indian policy will ho to blame for it. 'lhe llllia fcOMIBll police ot tlie Government now is in glaring cmilrast wnli Hie vigorous ti,-at¬ me,it recentlyaeeordod to tho reell/ poaoe lorma aod domesticated Ponoaa ; and it any he rhat it has been adopted now to make up lor its loo great severity then. However tbe! nay be, Mr. Tellei I In nk . 11.« tni.-'ako iqually inexcusable. Mr. I'eiler laeertainl* asioiaken in saying that rie ( -s eannet M tried outside of Colorado, '1 here are a number of precedents M the trial of Ii.(liars b. a militarv coinnnssion ouisdsof tho rernt ry or Stato where the oilcnces for wh:ch they were tried were committed. A CKlsis TU TÄTE COHFUG l PoOTMt Col., Dec. Ifl flppltial dispatches to Iht J'enter Tribune from Los Tines say : " Ouray came up yes.erday afiernoou, and lhe Commission went promptly Into session, lie had promised his colleagues ut the last meeting to send them word as soon a* Souier- wick arrived, hut the latter came up to the Aiicncy, snd ws* h're several hours before the news of BJa srnval .nrl d the Comua-sion. Upon lhe question being .i.ed, * Oorsy, where ate the prisoners I' he aflaeted g.'ut «urprcie, and eald that lie Lad not understood that the Cuinml&doii wanted Hie Inulaux as prisoners of wur, and had not thought that any ot tlietu were to be tiled; hut he had thonghi that all of them were to go to Washington to have a talk with the Great Fathrr on thr sub ect ot their wrongs. .. plow luiiisinu. h ns lue principal difficulty the Com- mlasion has been stiui-glluK with was to luduce the Iu ill..n- to give t K-.iisrlvea up for trial, and as tbey had Anally consented upon condition that they should not be tried In Colorado, this affectation of misnnaerstaud- lngthe wishes of foe Commission was too niUi b for even the patience of General llstcti, and for tin second time since lhe convening of the Commltaio-i he lost his tem¬ per, and for the first time he lost court.leuce m the Dual .ii, of his effort*. Lust nlf lit ho expressed himself to the effect that be did not believe thst Ouray had povsrr io enforce toe surrender of the Utes. He hos, I think, flua )y atven tip the hope that the ludians will be aairendered, and Is making prrpar.tious to start ou: ; m.iliinnv w»s not leproaclied hv hlui for sny dlaploVT oi bud faith or with unset lying, hut he ¦ ns toid liy Geni tal Batet ibut he would star1 on ihe BjOM tor Ala- iiiusa. and would remain out day at the sliolon ou ;h« (. itnsrron, tweuty five miles dlstiuir. Hboii d he rhooee to ilri.ver up the Indians tuereapon, on tho 2tlfh, liny wonul oe received. .. Ouray then hegan to entertain tbe Commlsama with store s of meu who had been frozen and tost la the eftorl lo get out hi this «essou.» cnildlsh plan to di ler (ji-u-ril il.tleU from leaving. He evident « fears the , ., i»i on. nees to ins tribe should Oei.eial Hatch lesvs witlioul ihe prisoners, as h -evidently cauuot persuade or foice the ties to drin er themselves up. The last five dar» given M Ourai makes Mir sum total of tseuiy-ono Mrs' time give to tl»- Utos. Tihb Utes msy possih'y saoida to glvs tacBisclTea BO 1 Mt vMUei Ih.-y u> or not Haloa will losve on huiulu> , and if he leaves without the pi isoner» there will he war. _ .. it hn. Beet MoseaMts i<> obtain heretofore a fu'l M of tho bsni'-s of the twelve Utes who are to he tries at Fort Leaven sorUi troin the. Coiutalssiou, and II has b-en eoilaily l«ipo«slbh- to sscerwlu w. en these tWilTesn to iJ irnsl for the testtmouy ol tbe M«* ke.s. as giveu to tho ores* convicts onlv a few of them of tlier-lme. This is treoueuily ton rred to by the Commissioners sad at- laelies i" coun -eiioii with eertinn ludistis, and always astir 'star' Irak What this list Is I emnot say po-l- tlvc v hat from hlnisdroprsd by members of tue Com ml»sl >u and from stray remark* mads by them when thev imagined the repoi ler* aura not alert, I am oonn .nut ihst ih« .star' list contains the names or thoss In. dians who oommlttsd a crime worse than murder or trton a crime which Is apohsuof only wtU bated breath, and *"hioB has not ssyel oesu even hmtoO at by ths aews- ^Tdispstes to tab fWtaiM MmIbsbM * aapoMed eighty-four Apaehs* have eurrendered to the troops la ?riseoa. A DISGRACE TO I HE UITY. VII.K condition OT A i,lli:.\T MMIWV. I. tiik rkurci ai. WnOM4tm£lM m«.i:t ok tiik citt a PABDBM '.U M ok MMN am» < 01 09t -N an!> AMWAIIoMI IAHO0 of km.hi. TM i'' p.i,i il.ty titthv condition of Washington Market,the principal who'- sal1 city intr!;etin New/- \o,k. mm in vit mmM worse than ut the present UOJB, OWlof nartly lo the. iictIi < f I t.< t.. and par \f ineOMBOaOMO Of .?eitiewdlBO l»v IM <on- i u 111BseraOMof vendersof iin-it ami vcpJOBbleO, Il known, also, tliat piililn :.I consi.i. nines |>r»'- veul BM BOBlU :|i. nt and improvement of wliat I* pnhabij BM of IM IltlltOBl BMIte ia the B/Ofid. S( BXE8 IK WASHINGTON MABE ET. IB9J OVUiCKOWIt.MI ami 11 Ml i t.TJUI h< lit 1- s:i>F. tilk in n ihm; l.vstn irii.xr 0?aCI within MKT BVBBIWBBBB. A jHrson coin in ir into or leaving Xnr-Ynil. at un cm ly hour of too .lav, ami BBBStBg IMBOM POJtaa or Vcs.y-sts. BBtM Hudson BlB. OSB be ..rat.tied BJ scene whlr-h could bard v have been BBCMBBOl M mdse, coufuslon and dirt by which en ¦ued at the farn-ui* nn-ak . tip of lhe contraetorM OBOOOBl Iu t.'.e bull.ling of tbe Tower of tabali Hirrtelied alonir bath the BBTMM named will be omul farmers' wagons, witli their Hied horses still Iu the barn-ss, c.n-h wagon llllcd «Ith goods inure or h sa savory and tresh, the owners of which call out In deal- enlng lon-s trie 1 >w rates at which they will sell. Along the sidewalks, ou improvise i stands, are displayed nil sorts of good* from woollen stocking* and second-hand clothing to truinperr glass and BMBMP/VMB. Muigl.tig MBB tue cries ot the vender* of fruit and vegc ubb s one uiav hear the voiceof some weak old woman piping forces- BM rs for cheap and tawdry prints of all the S.lnU. Pholograpbsof* in iiI.uohi all degrees of nudity are dismayed f ir sale at lie same mini.I with poodle dogs arrayed in apparently too great prolusion »»¦ wool Further on in Washington and West-sis. the traveller will encounter the hundreds of w which come IB carry away to different parts of tho eliy the net iinii- latious ut Washington Matkct, aud here lie will reach the i liiuux oi, confusion, dirt and pro auity. Both MfMBl almost daily witin .~s %.* hiuekade," appiienilv Inextricable, and only relieved by the interposition of IMpol ice m j n '.authority. Fach individual driver bus ideas of his own us to hi» In i.tenable right not ou'y to iree aud proiane speech, bi.t 10 be Hist served und the last to get out of i he way. The sublinie*t Indlffi retire to the comtorts und rights of all others exists !n liic tu.nd nt earn; and tue fr. quem near approaches to bloody personal BMOMtOH would lead a naturally BMM man to think htsowu nfo Dot seta in the vicinity, lice men an- noi only BOOJBB and vulgir, but dirty In the xlrctnc. Their wagons are oit. ti au l slimy with the reu-e of tho loads of food tuey curry, Iii» not omy a bewildering out a dlsgu<;.ng m bm. ft is eo. leussunug to sei ne of these du ty men « .1 ti a ipi.ii tet of heel, still warm and only hall dressed, on Ins duly shomder and In his grimy hands, dump It Into one of their wagons with other BBIBBOJBB* lib n scramble ver tue whale, and with th-Inevitable oath to the Imrse, dr rn away us If afraid tun natural heat of the animals would he out of tui ir eurcasscs before they reached the <. m m hier. If tue same traveller will return at night through BSSBeeBSM BtlOBlB M Will llmt this uiorniugconftisiou slid worse confounded. Htrcct-car* add u new terror to the blockade. The retail purchasers seem to viitiaN " It ig Fair " at, and the sidewalks are crowded nu¬ ll p..?- ige ways niii-t be wotked w.tu the elbows. CM cries aopear intensified. In the morning largo pur- chaser* lu iiulv visit the market, hut ut uight tho mul¬ titudes nt small iiattlrUri s com- to barter with tue huck¬ sters; und then driv.u by the engendes ul trade aud sharp rivalry of their ucl^hbors, handle then BOStOBPM I with a familiarity thut Is not oaly dibgu-tlng hut cal- alan d to create not a littIt- terror. TM scene Weuid bo picturesque, with tho colors, the lights UU.l the dls- eord.iuce of ll.c place audtM persons, were It uol for tho overpowering BMOBj to eyo and MBtfilB alike, o tilth. DSMClTOta condinOS 01 t;ii: i:.tumor. Hut we must go into Washington Market Unit to np- prec.utc luily w hat the last word mi ans. Tue m .rki t is us BfMB un BOOBHsl] among the tine and BBMBMdMBl buildings f lint rise w Uhu a hundred yard* of IBfdOBBB us a row of equatters' BBMM OBOid be on the gioin; of Mm my Hill. It 1* more ilian an uu- t.inl) j it 1* u ills iiriu e. Willie old, deeri ptl builuiug* have been cleared away and been replaced by new ones, or iiuve ai legist conti i med to the Improved cotinitions of ilie times, tins dum-} . iime-wurn »truetuni still exidts, u.oro con-pi. u. mmmtf de;oruieu snd out or piare than ever, the murk aud scorn of all beuotder*. There is, in (ruth, no meaner, poorci pluce in uil the city; aid the impoitstit mil useful puriioso to which It Is applied m it all tho mealier und poorer by comparison. It Isold, dilapidated ami uti sigbtiv, with not a s.ngie n Inatura. TM roof ia mil of holes, und the window Ir.niies are mosily destitute of gits*. Il is pateBM on every side, utni is in uvcry p.n duty. You äppweB II turoush tile llll of must Venders i.escribed, .nil li tnrotiga sine 1, BJTSVMtJ dour*, bo narrow are Hi* vvny-- witnlu Oi iwe-'u lhe -lauds thai, ou a eiuvvdid da-, toil have lo pu-h and squ. sOB r our w,.y mIoii,-. TM1 B are boarded auu uneven, The b ark eobw Tis hung irom lue low and utluiiidaied mm BBtll you aim ai fear Ihst your head niuy touch tnem. Ilo . lulls are hlli.d.ed iogelher lor Wahl of pio|»cr space ; luiy uro of uneven st.uetnrc and inwfflchmi dimensions; and their back uicoiuminlMlioiis loi the reuiival and BBMBaiteMt of reliL-e are poor and uieagre. Light and ' catilatlon uro, iu-re Hie re- auli of hi. Ideal that of ortglnal deaigB, Tue plaee h « a pinched and BTaBBIOWdad look tu n tsisltiveiy oppresses «>ne. It Is bud y ki pt and is uiwuysouioi repair. Oaaweedajp aratet'drlpatnfrom the (not auove, walle the cold air lUsi.i a tiuough ti e BfokeB patms. It is as itlsmal and cherrh s.s a placi as can p i-sii ly be louii.l. Tee lefuse of the stalls, tor toe disposal oi which there is wholly inadequate provision, IS p. rilillled IO llllllgl.l With lUf ell: r d.i t of UM pluee. Ou itutup day* lue mud ol the streets curried into tue building by the thousmids of feet passing and repa.ising, uilngiliig wiin the r. fuse, soon t> nder- the floor not only sloppy ami dirtv, uut slippery, uutil locomotion becomes cq'ia.iy U flleu.t and daugt-rous. A-k aBll IB mBpenaleiB for all tut», und we get two r j ii. -. Tea larger eaeMM m the merket, tBesi hurmg .in e itabbabed trade \»itu tBe large con maaers, like I». t- Mo ro, BalUl «lf .lleNell. lhe BW, ele., u,,.uUs»i r thai It is lie imilli of lhe pultlfcHaua. " We try lo g< t things rghled," ll.ey say", "but they doli'l BMBd u-- i bej du nioiii .g-or if i i.ey do, pereb >i., il" anytbtii;. Ill.Vs cheaply and badly cone. We ate in llielr bm s. um ii lerasij iir» of no bum ga< nee io theuu" Tbe eimed bbuui dauere will detead in- polltieiaM aadeeaiinathetu, too; tor thev onpose tue BuMtrac- lion »1 a new Slid Improved ui.r»(l eo-iltig a lirge hiuo. bee.-iu.-e of the liuvltao.e tin.lenry of sueh n i.ioveiuetit to build up the Urge dealers waoctti i- Tor cosily stalls st loavy ttu'ul. the coiisci.'M nt reduction or destruction ot tnetr own bust- nes-. as isailIklbI ¦* who um the maibei will tell you. what liu..Hint the vast m.Ourity of stall owu< rs ,Ui n.o want auy change. Nor do mey helieTe that a M Idf mg on s tarne scale nt tin* point woiiic ever be BBMs jib L " D irltig the BOnei necessary to build a BMTfeei, ii eadertakee by the taty," larearkofl a city uflleleJ lately the margel men would Me seutnr.d In van. us par^s 1 the city, the BreMsB; s great number would Be Bra ill , and once removed siel established furttier uo ton n, those who surv.ved won "er come down town agklu." what A bkttkk Kf l'ld efkkct. How many private Imliv. »i y Ihtm-clws the luxury of going to Washing! ./. alar set byicasonof it* course* auu BBBMMh n* It i* hard to say ; but enlarged accommodations and a cleaner, brighter int. nor would oeriaiuly titimci a larger utinil»-r than at pre-i nt, BM be the means beside* of a considerable In¬ crease In Its revenues. Of the many evil* by which it 1* encumbered, locality and .!."l. u.u of approach are among the uios. prominent and mint widely expcrieuced. According to the law no street obstruction* nre per¬ mit led within UOO yardMol any public BsBfMt, but as appind lo this market tl.e law I* still a dead letter. la spito of late . if t-. All down Vesey-st. the crowd Is so deiisc, and the venders are so c'smotmis und persistent iu their eag. rtie«s lu sell, that the visitor arrives exhausted si the entrance. oatP lo Bna, on s.-tlliig fool inti.le, that a mill more tire¬ some ordeal uwulta hint. What a contrast to tue Halle* ( entralu of Fans, or the Farrtnnton str. Hartetol Loudou, where a clear and open space without and ample passage room wttblu give >«s. elrculstlon to the crowd. Il ike name results could not l-e armed at Uere, the pressure could ai least be partly relieved by tue en- foinemrnt of the law in clearing the approaches, aud in so Mi.lung the ouslde trade tust ii would not hinder the free movement or pBBBBeB-M, Kferybody Is disgust¬ ed with it The Dioprletiira within complain that their business Is strioualy affected by the competition SB II ¦ outside venders, who sell Inferior meat at great Ir r.- il prices, and exert every possible ui« aus in their power to attract and defraud the pnhllc. Ho sausthla sre the ststl-owuers of the evils and BMBBB of toe pluee that Ihcy termed s company uuimig llieinselvee a short time stn, onsring to lease the giuuud und to end a new aud suitable structure n.siu the site of the old one. But as do coiieess.on* could be obtained from the stithorltlea, tho tirejut fell to the sround, aud with ll all Iho ho|-ea and u»olrutn>ns it hod mised. How much hiugsr II will be loterutcd depends upon tue louc-suffrring public l Uli HEATH Ot OEOlitiE S1 ORRS, George Storrs, editor uud publisher of The Bible Examiner, tiled at hi* home. No. 7J Wieke St, Brooklyn, yesterday morning at S o'clock, st tho aal¬ en.r I tig <of otgbty-lhree. Mr. Htorr* waa lion, at I^banou, N. H., December 19, 1700. Uta early religious trainlue was m the Congregational Church, but at tbe age of twenty-seveu he Joined the New-Hampshire Confer¬ ence of tbe Mrtbodlrt Episcopal Church, aud for fifteen yeara be tilled appotntmeuta tn that Bute. Ills vlewa In regsrd to salvation aad endless punishment st this pe¬ rlad ehana-sd, and M withdrew froso the Methodist ChareS and ever after rsmalasd an Independent preaekar, OevoUag bis labor* largaly lo tM enforoemeut ot his views ra bis paper. At tM Obs si the ssrly Antl-alivsry sgllsUoB, Mr Stnrr* mm* un mut* BBfl m<I l-currd Ire- tpuntlv. If. ptnmner.r* in this matter man umt ri.w ei in* harriag tu* Metim-n*! Chmt-h. Aflrr Ii iv t.g N>v II .inp-litP- Iii» |>-vsched In mi Iutlepi iji!#*in eilten in Alba*/ BN MM ***JBB ai d in lohn*, for Mm- v. iii - In 1-» >J Im n in (V .1 t.. tasealraand0»tmm* is mb-t.ev ».¦ us r/m mm»Am- aininrr, " ¦ Btsatbi* *'«.MIM' for 'Ii.- UuMuiM at fi ti a trnili." Ia Majr. 187t, his vaa iahen stes MmMi Mtrapapsr wa* *f upa" d. sai in Oetsasr aaetker issa.- of it appear-d.tln-la-t Bl wa* Ihe author <>f several In. ';«. among Iii. in "Sil rmntis," nnd of name, uu« tracts. Mr. Starr* wa* a great auiVrer In bis laier dar* ami dir BrsaitM esTsessst1 m ssaeesa af the kidney He i. ai;i wile nd one danelit'i i Ii* Ii tier km Baak*- ii nt lu In* H"ir»f>'!K*r w-rk. Iii" funeral will Ih« »to-tifl* I at the bsosa iu<> rtf mil im in-r.nent will be iu WBaateWB Cemetery. ////.; HÜEDJ7 nnnrsE. TMfaraay*B iasaa ot Tai Büm*Y Tkibvrr aaa- tni'ieil .i \ an--' y <»f attractive mafter.coveribg tu-! <m! < t ...:-«.¦. fioin «II qUtrtTatif I lie world, but almost eveiy subject nt immedia'e interest. Much ear" i* taken in th.- preparation of TliK SlTKDAY TbiBVBB tti pre.sent an ample array f eilte; taming reading matter to meet tbe w isbej ai Iii se who want to i--.. ;i|i- tor one day out of the ?even t.n.a a I-.-..- a. n'i.»:iifan. o with the news aod with politics. AM who are carefully watching the progress of this t ity w ill be interested la the following : BBjBIlot Law t),iu-ted ou mtkm Future of New York." Rai Id Transit Routes north of the Ilirletn. (Arrow pinned by map.) I.duoi ltd aruela on the 8tn>et-Cle*nlng PMaaaflB. JJfCM politics, nt homr and abroad, there were the following ii'table contriliiitinna: Spe. iai .-anle .1 ,|. itefie. e.mrrr toe the»nil leader- *hip in England, and pu die 1. ilmg upon ih« A'gfiaii ¦II nation, roui " O. W. tf." Km .- sure or the fabaa plot, showing that It was framed I». lore ine .-lection. .. H. 11.\ " reply to Seci.-tary IMBTB. t\-Sj.eak.-r (i«iii*ba A. titnw upoutue Maine frand. In art and lit"rary matters, the following aro im¬ portant : Gilbert nnd Sullivan'* new opera.i full ontMn* nf ibe loi the,unlng saMBBBBB to " P ua'ore." BemtBloeeneee of fhurles T.« onedon, Itf. K.-\iew of Mme. ih- |{- iiu i ll's Memoirs. iii Hastetet ut-w spans, A History of the K:kii-ii Iltbl*. Poaasi ByTaasM »v, f a* Boardinaa.Tllaaai win¬ ter, Walter Thoinhuiy, eta, Art study in Baguad (O.ff. 8.) i.ui bat on tin- t^Brbaaa Btaaa\ There is much entertaining personal intelligence in tie folio wing: Baal Hisn.urck once re-igned. Sir Wader Heott'-Study ai Abbotsfard. II. rbat' h|» neer in l ereinonles. Joseph GlilOii'aOaM Fortune. The ÜITÜiaed C- tvwayo. Barly Llres ol Vnaea relahrltlM bi bm Daeal ¦Troanirtrtttsa \N ho Is 1'. Hold I Th* fol'owmg. wlneh are of a ireneral nature, fur¬ nish iiiurh information of a useful kind ; laaaaaKB tka Laad at faakaaiaad wild nonry. A MBttay] BiBslergariea. Bay M its Btiotai BaaaalB I'Vitriole Way*. (ha*M Tile* ol Afrifa. riet] in*. Italian 1'ost-il I urloslttes. Pbmbaioauaaa laetutel m noises. Beleaea .or in. People. BtllglfiBB btialltaaaaa The nonaBhnld BfilnainB fnrnaii practical artiolos upon the following suhjee:-, among othera : Herring dintr r In eoiiraes. Cookuu' oi mrata Hntne B*CMtl of B Fri-nob kitchen. \Vui-re Bngtand totiad uer V-gotable*. erraiiin- Fa«hion* In Fur. Ki.ltt;ng aud Crochet work.with illu-lru'lons. Copies of Thk St'noay TBJBtniB can 6till he oh- tallied in tlie BaBMBttBB MB1; price, 5 cents. jwir Tu OET Si \n.i ri .\ i. fJ'.v Fium The Daily Tribune rf Drcember"T. TtJ lAr Erl i tor of I ft* lr to nnt hm: Would it bt ct.usisttnt \ii;li your pliins to give wita Moiidn; '* n-ue of your papr-r *m> pli'incutiiry sheet coituiimie a resume of suh l-ij't new*, together with the European corre«poiidt-uee, BBBBaaaUy the Inttr* of O W. einnlley I P nce you huve silepted the BaM of pub Nlilng n Sun day edition, I am obliged ellner to give up nir convic¬ tions ami lake a Baudaj pa*** °' c:*e baatlM run at Um aewa I do not wish to do either. Ths above plan wBeetataaaeallmMl or » nun.her of pent en,en who have spoken to me on tue sableet. U> pi .-tfuiir, Sra>Tor*. Dec. 24, 1879. A N'. C'UAltwiCK. |\Ye have the .snicerest respect for tho convictions of our correspondent and the cln>s of most excellent t in.ens he represents. We would gladly do any¬ thing we could to moet their wishes. Uut w!,at Mr. Chadwick asks is out of the question. Practically he wishes us to print a large [.art of OM dBJ k paper OT rau'.iin the next tlay-giving stale news to nine- tenths of our readers thi'.t the other tc.ith BtaJ Bi sure to sec it. There is a much simph-r way to ac- eoii;ph-h what he want*. Let him have Sunday's paper laid aside till Monday, ami read it then. Perhtip* his conscientious scruple may extend to reading a papal the work of whi> h has been done on IlllBdlBJ. hut in that rase it is ihe Monday paper he should refuse to read..P.<1 ] MIPS I (Ml WISATUHB lu:i'i)llT. GOVF.RXMFA V DtDIOATIOSS, S'jhiii fin for the )i i$t 'J I houn. WJUBIBUTUB*DBB. 20, 1 a. m..An areas of lo -ie-t pressure has luovud slow ly norlht as: ward into Northern Illinois, ami the barometer Im« fallt n thn tigh- t.iit the Atlantic States, Lake region. Ohio Vn'ley. ¦Taftfc* we-t and tile Southwest, with cloudy or pertly cloudy weather throughout this region and higher temperatures and south.-!ly winds, un-l nt Northern Station* occa¬ sional light rain or mow, Tbe pressure has rU.-n In flu- ..itn me Borthweal aad Btlaaoeol n with eoM aoctberly alads,eloady waatasr, aadlraia Bas prevailed on the l'.u .fie o i*i and at > M an1.1 in si .it ems, w uh rit mg barometer und atationary or lower temperatures iiiiiirnti ma For Middle Atlant! .. warmer «outherlv Blade*faOiM barometer, eim.ay waaiberaad passiMy rata. Pot Hrv-BBgiaad. sontbesst to uonht-nst winds, warmer, eloady w. aiiier. patribly rale aad *u<iw, bar tmstei, po.*ibi> psassaad hy a siigki rtae. TRIBPVr LOCAL OBMKRTATIOTTS. ^nOtTMlMsrala» n M |7T7 y. -. \ L Ü'-LIi,:..;-^L_ .. " Tb»flaami sasas th« aajaasa >i**rtsiioaitnti>i< (BysrSrataaa In^bca. 11.» p»a* .Ur ;iur. t'rr ilo 1,1, u* of Ilm* li.r II.» H Hour* prri-rSlas u Isnutbt Tbl Irrsiult/ «rhtts Uns rsprsisnti Ihr aartllktl a* tb# ¦SfStar ^-otns tlioss hsiti*. 1 he bfoksn or Aultsd ||ajg rssrssiuu BM .arlatlan* In ismrsrat.irr. aa St4WaBSS b> tbr liter mum etrr al It uJ- Lut'* rha.-iuac)-. Us iiiu«a«a) IniBCXE OrriCR. I>ee. 2t>, 1 a. m..Th* mnr.-merit In the baromeier ye»tenlny was iTejrular, aat tendency being downw.-iriL Parity cloiidr weather generally pre- vslled. Tb* fi-mperatcie ranged betweeu 'Js' aud 4<)', the average Oklkj*J iiemgO V BBCkBB than ou the same m\f laat par,aadU%* klgaai than on Saturday. 'Iho amount of moi*rur* in ihe air has o.-en tnrte It at, 1'artly rltmdy and warmer wnattu-r. With sltcbt ahaacca of lignt rain or snow, may be expwtcd to-day iu Ibta cli.v and vieinuy. OESEUAL GRAST IS WASHIS'G TOS. WashivctuN, Dec. 28.. General Grant and Wife, HCeompatlled hy tit-ueril Ilnale, attelnlid dlv.ue serviee thla momiug ut the M-i ropolltau Cliurch. occil. pring tue Hetieral's old pew. At 11 o'clock, wbi-n tier sen Ires began, every pew was occu¬ pied, aud the aisles wrre tilled with rt.alrs. Tbe altar and i uri wrre i-rofjsely uu.t tasla fully d -torutitl. Tno Rtv. Dr. II. R. Naylor preached. At the conclusion of ibe servier* O-n. rsI (irant exchangesl Hi reu-is* *lth a ii u in in-1 or trn-ndswho crowded up to wdromi him, and passing in front of thn aller «htsik hands with Ur. Naylor and departed tbtougu the paetai 'e stud]. OBBSralBrsal was entertained at dinner tliut even- inc by t'. Cameron. Covers were l.ild for twenty persou*. li.cludlne the host ami family, a* follows: OciM-ral and Mrs. QrSBl. Ml*. Colouea Oraat, UtfBaaa e. Uraat, Jr., Unneral Mberiuan, (. r I' .!.- ii mi Mi«s ll'iile. tit-neral MaeKee'ey and wile. BsBator l arpi-nur und w ife, Senator Lngan and wot. ^l.^s Mik-u.v, Hetiator Coasron, aiL- und two diiugbirrs, fhn f Jtistit-e Waits aud Lleuiennot ii V. Grbenc, Uulied State* Lr.giurcr Corps. t.y usExrEsnrn kalasck. Washington. Dec. 2S..Conimis«iouer-(len- e: al 11» I'm tu ck Im* eoiupl. t d a list of al. expenditures upon Ute part of the. Called ststs* at tbs Pans Ktpasl- llou. autl the same wiU be scut toCougn«* by the Secre¬ tary of State. Uf the two t'ongr- *s-on»l approptis- tlmis, ainniiultiig together to BIW.OOO, the Comtuls- alo.ier-i.i-u-rsl reporU au uuctpouded balauco uf be¬ tween Tlo.-snj aud «II,000. GOVERSOR TALBttT EXTMBZAUIBJK Boston, Doc 28..A banquet waa given to Governor Tal Dot yesterday, by tbs members of the Mid- dlessx Club. T here were prsssst Ooveruors Bead of New-Hampshire and Van Xaadl of Rhod* Islsnd, attor¬ ney Oeaeral Derens, QoTeraor-eleet Long, n«aiu>oi r-eln. < nnu: hnhi Bier, Vmwtttt Rennt, .nfr» Bin» .in* ramivnfV'rv Mp«-eche« -a. ¦¦<* .a uipll* men( »| y <*f OdtWM T n»'s BOOM :.. N ::.-nj%l OOBBHBM wer« slimiest to. and sl-o 'It |K>liii< al hi rn .'gio that M N* lieiag wsge-l in T i' Tin rs (. I'lnt<l tu be a rei.ial «<i>ü Ml sim ng tM speakers ft ut tbe netton o' fie reir.rrbM I«hi ¦« MM * »» rcvelutwwiarv. in <l fi B< i . r.wtB the It'-puMic I he-I -l-.'-M rtr-nji .- r'l till tM people, whereby II «ungut t«. I.- r' ¦¦. brown. s*B*l lint prevail. .Vote of the spenscr'. !u»w« v i. lü tliat BBg WUW WBBlO l».i pro, . a . .Log ittftt allies latMltftttt »i . - ui< .> J iijr flu- pr-i| «»r conns of law. Ft i»r»!itii| of n Well-known nMCMjSJl of ft r.t-lgl.hoi u>g eitv that, after along kW »»i I »ml leaving a lata«' i-iop- i'i.v in a IibsIm lot fete - .". lo a I mi iM ail mm ia bbb ututt readiag tfea* % i.:m.-.»..-1 if there w*« anv a leri»i|.|i ,<r i: |>.-nve»-.-a lo- could sug¬ gest. " Well, fatlie ,'¦ a ¦ il I lie lo mis .nan, iluntitig a i i. ..ii tie. '. i rhlnk fi* tliiiij:- in nov i it -, it icon.) ho Bet'CT foi M e If you left the iro:> rtv lo the MMf f'-|. low and Blatt« ine too Imalee." The old atlMu made up Ii miud fbsvi and th ie thai nn- vouna man was .juiie competent to tsk* charge of hi« own trsbsrlt- fiioee. ii,il «, ratehed th-- iriMt- eil.ui«- nt |H.>«ton Co iino r-i il 11 illettn. Tm m ninr OfWi pp'fi'UKir i-i hi* lecture} to the Ju.ilor* Hie otuerdav, sve.ikmg of tin- m .rnage of Venu» .11 il Voleall, nn.i.Kril "thai il.» h.tDita iiio-at btbmbgsaetBlIy marry the M»elie*l ai n," n'.iiug, lirlmly,iheie'a encoui ni.-i mint f- r a ;.-ol in my of raa,"- fAaMrsl mu.i. nt. iDMTtOSfAL TBAÜB BMPOBT. Kl'ltOPKV.M MAIIKKr* Losscnt. Iiee. 27..Pork-Pr.B.a Mess F.asioru. dull at II.'. >**!«*¦, .lull at BO, Uacon-Ciimts-rlan-t C-lt, ¦teartv ». BSSMa -ln>re Ilm. >ir,uir al :c# h'iir i'irur *I.i7 0.L: "»hon Cle, r.«| .<: itsc i lama.Uu( < ut steady a; i>>. -'...ui itetaaBta tailf r.-t Inc.ia Mesa, dull at H.» I.lira Mm .loll at 10»; Prime Mnm, «lull a* -'-'. .' it-t P-iiii We.f.-rn i-'i ,.i i.i.i-i PrtiueCity. steady at JT .1-1. 1 in |m iitile Hj..m», tinner at .1 tsl. K"«ta eiiu. «I til at Knie, (lull at I«. Cbeeae- Au er can Clane*, itull at HUM. l-od Oil. dull at AO. I- out -1- xtra -i.-i.e -1-a.ty ii .1 '...-.ii »uiiifc .No. il, steady at 10 Til., Spring, No. X steady SI |0|Kl.. N'rW Ueatein Whi-.-r.Mesrt. si 11 T.I. New ...>¦«I in W nit- r.-te wiv . I i x I. « orn-Miliii, dull at i)N'-.4l. ( etnmaor,! IS. -\al- ,nw Ainrrlcin. mm In uiarkel. Itsasa.I MM al Luiilon. dot, at 5 . I iirsenttne-S'iirt«. at tssafesa, »li a.iv at -J i.ivr.Bf<s>u Hoe. '.'7.13:31' i». m -latrd. Hie p- r m for Aim-m an. Corn, ft Hit,.»S S'. d. pernulal for Sen Slixsd Wimen I^ini'.-n Mfe "7 '-' I". ii. tn. ratrntta*eed. fis s.",s :ut. twrqr. U-niKsl KelT iieuui. t>H'to't i. |htsal. l/omuion itos 111. ft' AkltVr:::'. Iiee '.'7. Ivtrnleum. '.'.' Uanea fur fine pals Amenrsu. lam cloaod st los (rams a*, loo s'.tos. cotton BtAstaTaTM AOBCBTA, DM. 27 .Cotti a >|ii>t, Imt l n Vi MltS**, lit] 011*40.1 M UBha«, 1. V-.. OMB i -toin.irjr l0*aa>i in ajBl 1,'ft huh 4 «atea .s li:i!,-. Bamimokk, Dec. v,..< oti'in firm i MoMiei*. |M*j tatv MuallPiit. IXtts.) Oeo-I Ontlnarv. l!te.: nei ii-» ijo», .i i>.t.>sj sroia, ..*,»«ft nslea; extwirta rnsatwlae. SOU IlStsS| aai--a. JI5 balsa apinnrr*. lift Ijslea. ar.n k. v'O '.'li sales. B-isTon. I>«c 27.-« ""->! -'it. Mi n.r. 12V.- tow WI4» dlina 1.'V»-.. ii'Ni.i or.lin.-v. 1IV. ii-t rroetpta, .'.-.';r i.alss, Rio--, 4.180 1'sle* i alurk. 't,7- > bale*. t'riiNt.RSTOS. i»er. '.'7. < ii' eis 11 .1.! l:-e|ia,.yed j M|i|. <lithu. 121«»'«».-; i.ow Mu'.diui* l2e. lissd -orstasry, il*saa MtiMBtfefa. t,io9basts)i pr « .' 19U bsles: rsMrtalaOrtai Brltalii. A77 baies ; to the « isittneBi, 1,240 bale* cusatwlsa, a7.'. l a ea isl-s. ::i» i bai. «i k. ;.>. .isle. Nnv ist.» »SS, Uer. IT TUM quiet: Ml-l totiir. 11 V.. LSJSJ Mi iihns. n*jf. <;<..-: Ordlnarr, li'te. net re .-it-ta. IS,4B0 BsJmi ttass. i-.s-o bales j eapart* u «,v-*t Brtuata. B.BM balesi roiu-(v»i<e. l.'aja baai, taisa iLBao bsAtai »t«<cs, .01,711 BBBBk BsvAnsfl Daa IT..<bjmm bbMj Mi-t «tn*. :?v.: i/>w Muhl. in/. llHe.1 >Um4 OrdlSSTT, II V. »e< '..".et« 2 U*d balea; sr»-». 2.U ii u ties-v1|ain« In tin-« ..m.r.-i-.l. 1,1», IMlloai eoss'wiae .I. IH. h tl. a: <,| . la l . \ a.. / UtKI bales. «. 07,003 biles. aa Loitat i. '..:. oit-ii. »t dy, Mckaanst Ml lUaj, 12r;i.iiv Mtdiillaa, IISc.: Osnd ordinsry. 11 Sc.: m-ipts, *J,80ft balsai sblpssenta, B,211B U»le*i isis*. IU liim. aio It, 7 .2 '.' I'.iles. WltMlv It))!. OSC. 17 f'ietn-- ri.iii im- h Sored Ml t tan*. He.; I/I-* Ul-l i'iiie. it"..- ii--n| Hnliutrr, ll*isCl net ra- cetpt«, U Ban*; MOB '. 2 I ; BUSSB \u\ Vi i bah UVB ^'ii>' k MAItKr. is-nv TOIaOtBOArJfOL MMSAM dm 91<.Th* /,. tJmtwmt ". loaat. Reerui'a. -j:t -o, 1 .-. li,:. n- ll. .1'. t firmer, hut not iiiotshlv !!..-. .-¦. Mice's si'|m-srlna; Munt Packfac. *4 I a\\ ihi| Ucht, ii f>oa *4 B0 choice id *-... », jo. EverythingmvmMCB- HBMagatast striking i .. -s OATItB ttSOSipt*. f.«WS> «I -li'titn n'«. C H'sa lieul- C'aTal Cattle atronsami ot In si II *."> 2 COmasM ti- onsaL S3 70s Si 10 j Kot- Ii .>' un.-i .mi ii bsast41 Caws, 0SV B3 26: Mils,! Bta i: |. J> ¦¦ 10, CoTB tsS Vi utM i»i- n-.t.t- no bass BtaMObsadi ¦ ..ct Strongs! «4a ft '10. si. lorn.. Mi. 27.. ROM tefire sn I s -Ii *V MrSeT | Ugbl Ubiw*aa, si.---:. t«s| Park n - *-'.'ii lint, tn i«'. f I toe fi 7ft i. .. :p 1,10'bca rs P0J t-enl. UATTtat- Dull and un- ..ui .. !, BOaptf v r ... loll Httls OsOivj itn i-.jif» J head. MOBis rtl in ami urniBMsgl i. FASSEXQMtta XBUlVltD. rno.m niniiHWi ot spaaMartp Bttne. nraff. w.j, iioiii t. v. J < :*. r. r. MoT't, <>.>. Horn, o t. \ \. liOVd. Alt X III. ess. J. J I ¦. a*. !l Csriwrtglit.Mr. au ! Mittou. K J Vir«. O. V. Malitovv. t. 11 Choats. i'ha*. T. :-t. L.tchlan, Wu. r-ildeli. A. Karrell, J. P. Nlsta, K. . OlOWBM. IT. Olsi-s, Itenir Nevlu. J. M IL ir. It. C. I'ltp'enflv hn-ak up v.i-.u ( i.d Ir. i!.-. in !y Use ot III. .lav |i.-'» l..\p clo.a:,t, an old r.I. lei - -rs luus-s aud ihroa'*, ,u.l a certain ciicat:\e fa. ci ugfea * Iletler linn Foreign Po.f. Spesr*» I'-Tt (ir ip \\ .ue i U.-ti-r ih.n imp i't-,1 |sir«. sn4 since the sdiilteradnu of t SBStBS'',ttnaMIBMMSBSSa II isp ire snd reil'y ex.-dent .m t tisjlih aivtjig fr ivTimea Trie iniwt - lect llilti A v-., ue f mul.e ..f » V. ... -iselhl* wlue at MOB cm ;.ii. . entertsMMMk Mai sra an, :U U iccn st.. N Vstk. /».: ;>. harn KM -At bat rasHaass,ta c . -1 9o. r si LaksrO pl*ee, Lsrss) oL on ihmsi v DaessiBsf 2i* CatSisrUM n^iiiCiti r nl Hl« laie WÜU nn 11 e ' --. sr. BssaBvesaaa fnsas* >t .>.> sre In* i tiif -nlliet f'ln---i Ml Of. Psnl's en i-e|. iirawtnar »¦ I piilfcw at, M.- nine, lieeembiM B0 al hall Sssek a. iu. it ia r- ,ucatsxl that un ttoWcTs Ie- sour. PCNKIN- DsSBBsOai M, 1 .:!>. Thgraa* J. rMOuBj lOBiM ve»r«. Relativ»« .in I fr1»s1s srsrssp "'t'e laritsl v* i"-it tha isasrsj from Ina lni» r M ¦. .. soj Baal Bist -'i m >o- de-, 2'jtu i , aii'.'u I: s .. -,<-d that aoS->wers fes seit. HAVII.Deeemner 21. ot basBp e*MUp*J*%Jata If nry llsnili. in t ie1 ear of tils .. ;, a -1 rt ilsnilL of tin- tirtn of if iin-I .* B>sMh, Jti n-y-.r*. I"rleuda are reSnsetBttl/ Bavttajt M BttcsKl I stoaen *. Pal- erxnn, H. , eh It-iedav, Deertune '.".. In a. in., n ,iu ef. John's i hnr-' I. corn- r Main i n-i UraBd atf Traisa Isars iasl WS »4 '. ..; > si -i - t:. .1. in.. < : :.n.i« a. 7:50»iel H 4a*. iii.. V u Uli- !'...:. ad. Csmsste* will be >n MlUBg. II in ttie BB| 1 last., JSBBM 0, Hin '.. r. J' la th* 8 >th cesr .it o< .»* .. OsBmIvm unit frtsad* nr.- rssasctfullv Isrltsltsal .' it* tsn*tfsj ton tu« in- ¦-.ih ,e... \s.,'t tt-t.>«.-.! tsia sn-' 13 febsta .' n i if««t'v. 11 is s'epsrb au JfORTII.At Po iirh'seep-le. D-eeniber PT, AA r». ;..'tnt »SO of the i:ev Charles fa sad tnnli -i HsrtO, Fitueral private oaOfn>D-tsn Triers.!i-, DM sMt OsOBM*Sl ¦ 0*. lielaurs. »:«<t trlssds sre in' It**' ¦ stli bb tfea fur r. 1 :it hi* latersaldsace,04 West :'- ¦. M .adsv. Dee* ibsw tP, at i n tu. It I* ncjaset I *!ia- as Bower* MSBM Pa RAUS r.n i'n.i i- mm Dsm n'.-r BOaf .bpteherla. In bsf I'-tu year, Kath.ilin 1> . BTps*V BBBgfef Wilhehst f-.'haua. Vn -i svlrr«tf flie P*Mf ^ of tm* ft >'y Trsn-r -nrttlM, ¦BObsmum BteaSaytsswbM -t i"---. -««. Mill LD >N -Itn.w.. N D .-., -. 10 fiMblls L..ln- fii.t s ai .: r. I., in. t'e in -1 p si i: mm. Kuiietsl aeivue im» lne,d*',lh- IfsHl. n , .it» fclSSO, t af e-..*-.-. wii as is wsltlag sa arrival ot tM 10 a'i k M01 fr>i n Raw Noik. New Haven. . nil . na:ifi - n>a« eipr. HT'>ItRa-r>n ir mirier.s. Dee»inle>i C"t \*~t. li-otH starr«. OOlBars I he B:i Ie Ktaniiio r. s no tell saieepiu Je- aua wsitlmr lor S II- MTlSStM at III* roinina*. PrfessM ¦labin« ia «00 sm Oa m prise a* -v n*t., 10 a. ai , v> lien >e Wl.l Is" la . n W oo-il.ns u eVii..-!-.-. TA VI.'iR \t mmm r. P. a a.. M Ml M h is I Mi widow ol j.-iiu t.j-.-j. 11-ai-r'v a we.I known toirrh.u ot slu* cliy. la S nil .. t e. ai ¦. The rema ns wnl be bmught on to tireenwouu < em-trry far lilte: ui.-ai. WA P.N'I It -s.idilontv. sb VMsv bsscbMs. (Ota ISSl ,«liar* i. im sipin*. widow ot ii,-! .i bum w, OTstaas Puuetsl servte* *rOJfeatb«U s' hi«r Ms -«ii.i '. Ms. A33 Maihai -i av«\. nn Moud.iv, thu '.'Ot'i i«t.. St lüo'c.-svs. Ills k n ¦:> -s'ed that no rluwora be aeut. WILLIAMS MMOai wMle skallnr. «n fir evetilug of !)«. r sjaber 16, at OeaaafO, Mas«., Clusrio* II. a Wihisui*. Iar¬ mer Ir »i few-Ysrc Funeral al C.anronl, Mass , Turai'.sy. rtoth isst.. at 'J o'cbwlt. örjfcntt Xot (ti. Fawsell's lest ream Is th' nesr. one «,n*r1 brick .tellv- I !ill to. >l imt gallon <ir-b 12 Bil.U ll.mse. l'rescoli's B and Hock 11. W PRKsT'OIT ¦? -"Ns 78 CHAM 'iklta st, _Kl a a aaoADWA v x.t. I'osl limee Notice -Thai toie go mails f..r th* was« «a<t- lug si 11' itl>\\. trnuoot v :. 1170 will ciuss st this otflra. tm It MDAV, ai II s.u.. i-i 1 a, <>i-e. by stetmship ie i.i int., vts uneeii'io «u : ou WBUNKsiitv, it 4 :t0 a m lor Ko¬ ro rs-. by at.simshlp Algerla.vls U'leeiial >wn on TH I' 11« I' v V at ft a. tu., lor ..urope, by atSSSSSfelB c If of Klclouo'-d Via QuesMsiown tinrreai-ogden.e For tieruiany snd I MM be apsctslly aa.lresseit): and at V a. to.. kSf Bur»*s. by alssMn- . 111u lleoler. Via I'lvnwnjtli. CiierhoaiK sud llawburg. aa M \TC UliAY. st '-s *.. for Kuropr, br MSBsSfetf Kst-ub.Wr.yis Uue. ii-towu t.airr«4ia>'« for ocnoauv .udn.oilaud uiuat be spsi-uUiy sddres«ed> ; and st t! a. in., for -co'land .tu, i hy stea«ti«hiptires als, via <c.i<-g->* and at 11 a ut , lor Kurope, by aleanisl.lp Main, ma soutbainptou aud Bremen. Plir mails for Denmark. Sweden ana Norway sra dlapstebed br Ham- barg asd Hrerses abss.uera sniy. i ha ojaUa fur Its. il sod Colombia leave New Vora Dm» utter SO Tha malls 'or Sal. pinwali an 1 SMBB Kacnie Pi.rta lea re N'ew-Vork tiecemtisr 110 The lusllsfor isavn New f«rs Jauuary 3, Tb« maus I !' tiaveau lists New Vork Deceuiistill iad JanuarvS- The malls lot St. lau la. I uunn.ea. Mari.nisiiisv Iksr- bario** and Tr.ul-ia.1 .l.r.ct MVS >'<»¦ Vor» Deosauier J\. Tl.« mails tar Itrrniuda lesve New Vinrk January 1. Pis miitafwr Mexico, *U New-oreai's, lesve New-York January 1. Pis las..* far China aad Japan lea»< Man Kran-lass* Jauu.uv ,;. lb-¦*'. » for Austrslls, Ac, Umvs sasu k >, . . rilos. I.. JAkl** Post "(Bee, Haw York 1-e -7. lis7S. Just Publish,-,! the sr.w i.vK \vi>:. THBRB MlMi.XH Cl.JtTBIta. THI BLACI 1ULI.S, MOM ana, . I TAH. Mr. /. L. WB.ITK'8 letter* frota tli« now Mlalnr lUa'rtoas ate w day ksaueil iu T1IBUNE EXTRA n<>. 51. PH10K ffBJBJ CKXTB. Th-. fullest and most arcurale tnfurmsiion tn retarl to -h*m ur» «cell-« ot enterprlai. and sdveulur*. Is hcoo given iq a eouveulsut no 111 ssd al s uoutiuai pnes beut by mall ou reeelpl ut pries. Addres* TllBTRIHUNa NSO-YStBa

Transcript of Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 25. · TBE KM ITKMKNT IN MAINE. I 1 |K>! I- POfl A l'KACKFl"L...

  • TBE KM ITKMKNT IN MAIN E. I1 |K>! I- POfl A l'KACKFl" L Sl;t!I.F.\IK.\t.rkpiv nY rXSlV.liill rt> ».. iV i.l;

    . < >R 1OAK' U>\ BOMrTC BOB Kl II '.'IsSlnN l.) THE« i .-M'ltAt BtTfUg SMUTOBK TIIKOItll -

    IWT'iK «il iik KltAl'IV

    K\->. Batet Morrill hits si n( | replv to G«>v-rrnor i. n l.":. expressing, grutifirati-n nt Iiisdecision ko mmmM the/ point- it umbc l> tweenUjjii ami Ihn Repoblkanis ol the state to theSupTi HM .In: 1 CoOXt« :iiid inclosing :iim i ..iiii.ini ot !lie qni Miotig on whichopinion- «' »Irsinil. PeÜttwOB lrom aMpältj "I l * >'.(l hv Mi. Morrill. A Washington newspaperIBM inloruiatinn that G- ih lal llutler Was theorigi' a.oi of ihr scheme of I i au«! in Maine,ami tins was a part ot a plan designedto ifhvt kit election to the IV«sidotiey.

    qit:siio\> OF Liff,aX-tRXATOM voi nui's BXPLY TO MMBBMBB BAB>

    in.'\-m»h"iii\iuii mi Boajrta ion sib-M rTBB l«> tii? sri'ki M' Jt i« ial rorKT.

    Arora ». Met, Dae. 2&.The jion. Lot M. Mur¬rt 1 i-.i:i:o >.' \iirii»t_ ye-ter.t i\ by un earlv train,and n-turnet! In siierial train at n:.*»0o'clock i». m.It !- OV stood that tho okpBBl of Ina visit was toBaYVO a conference touching the points to lie pre-aentcd to Governor Gaicclnu f..r Midm Asimi to the|B| .:iir C urt. Lighten brisl questions, havets'i'ii *gre '1 upon. Mr. Mm.l. expresses greatMaMBMB that Governor Garcclnn will agree toIBMBal tie- questions. Petitions are coming inro:»t'llv from all parts of the State, niginar the(iov. inor to *-.broil the quest.n,is to the Supremeree. 27. 1-7IV

    T» rrfs gBssgwSS Al os/n Q .\ i I v '; »«>r t Maine :I... ku ¦ Ii dae ili«' westM vottr Kxo limey's letter

    1» i.¦ -'.. a-;. ieli rr..eli«-'t uie vi si entity.Y.n.r Kxieite e> wilt. M Bourse, pcreelvc thai v Is

    enm -i i .>. li pur« at of my cerrvapoudeaee togtseaest ¦) ¦ or tnc ucjuiiti.coi BagreatexeitemeuiwaiehBowias eeeetBB)peaoa of tie t*tat. Y>»irEx-i 'i. lie., sen it wits un- ili..» ilie rxettvaioBI i lists, mlalso i( is blginy desirable lo uli.'». it nr uimte audBteaeBMB WBMB are ai te lionaraBle lo ul.Poles. It is bbv ¦surpass leeoagae ibe dlsroaaioii toiiios But riilea an sMentmt. imil nrwiii'h«i>niivre nth sobsobm si : sn.i are nut.; ii 'eeftm.wtsely svoiut MWMcfeBIB OOOHMMMBBUal SBd DU uui.'li Hi' I, in litaig-r.

    I eesat ' to Unit p.rt ef jrottr Kxrellenev's-.ii loa a um'Ii r.-i itea to tba points in \>- mui>-

    i' Itti'U to Uie luitsuieut oi' Irr« Coiut. I have t» »uc.e-ti c laestti s the tasleaad ¦ siwrauduto (tueiuoran-aasa Betowl Your. exeelleney win Uiserve that lürseq: - inc. ;UiMgfe BBBMrens. ..ii simple, requiring t.ut

    a-.-.> 'Hei .. r.i lii i. :. . ai'or..te i,pi.Aa I n: .-xeei ¦ net s« i|Uie»res in the i ro

    Mrtetf of sLii, u^ uii dtssntad imjubU in Un* or-end o >ust it ut tunai mautier, I hetr

    luve to ».i'.-l',«r. tu BM~el to utii.-ii Ibat aeoo rlst Bars anted, that tBers i.- abuudaoi time

    IBsCsart ui easar'BVr tue ¦.ui.t ct. Trie Court esuBrefl st IBeOkptMloB W. Jti- iwii.y next, or bv

    lu -.I.v. it ii.esaiy»aM tUe ajarstloB eaa be placed1 tot ISM a oa i...rili. Bail B-M aoi been tue li.iinitili., ( ..ui to toes BfBBMiBls.losstien« auomntel Bt Nttledaabt fun by Frliluv)aauarr2 voar Kxeolieuey woold receive the uns. er8ftm i ur' is sü litt gaeeooaa Bt :i tbould tbeCeunrM)'..: i ii >ro tli .n t luv1 ippoied seeeasary,tu-i wool.i still Be four tall daya lei be tore ibr asMBit f tie !. Is uiur'.0 ten I .. ir I .:.¦ oei Blspoie iat«ag to*yer» s» to sii.itliu» Bees it< .! ..>' IBe CuBrt, .

    ixo t>» i at k about TiiK rmaaaiaarr.|ur OOOaOaaaM to ihk mint nr.|

    WaOOBXOTiin, ih c. 'js u is rarjt diffli oil to findin Wash i n et on a DOMOOIOl of any prominence whoin ready to express any opinion on the Mainesteal. The re.i- n all tln-ae pi BtOBOBSO giv- for ttieirlatieaaeetai "WoU r.aiiy, I know nothing aboutthe facia iu the ca--e." Among Democrats of lessprominence great delight U felt, and not conceal- .1,at the prolanle success of the conspiracy. IbaSBgentlemen have lound lime to look into the "facts."A very proniiueut Democrat, when appealed*

    to y-sternav by a Tit iirvK correspondent forhis opinion, ootd : " Well, leally, 1 know ulhiut the facts. Rutil QoBOfOOk* Garre-lao has beta pniileil and controlled by the Consti-Mrtl 'ti. tko laws and the precedents, lie OaatM tt> be.uataioed, if Urraaalarttaai boos been eoaitaittadueretotoaa by Kepabltcaxm, by which ih.-y haveprofited, tiiev ought not tosbbsojIoIb bobj that theynr.- eiaapelksil t.'siill r. Hut. a hi ther Governor Uur-oekoa ia a patriot or a ¦ooaadratl 1 trust that thepeople of Malus boos ton aiook good aanoa to allowanv diataruaooe of toe public peace, nnd that theyanil quietly lubcoil to the action of theooootftotooauthorities of ihe S.nte."

    THL ORIGINATOR OK TDK FRAl'D.fir.NriivL Bin.i it's KKi'oitTi i< Si OOOIO TO OOTAIX

    mi PO -leiACV-imw ins OOaTOCI was ToMAVK Ul s Al l OMPLIslIH».

    iliv timmra f» rm: tiuhi nWaoojoayniN, Dee. B8.~Toa tntaowag adltotiol

    Bftaala arill aoajaoria Jht PTaaaaaaaaa lmO$ (Xrimcwo-aasarawta HaaaaaOaaeaai Meaabttaoanow in this tktij,a icen-

    ta in..a ¦ 1... i..i- «ri aa laa >< an in the Lmrof aad twola t m Dpyac lf..u.e of taa Biata I/eglshnnre,praieoaaB io p..v.- laforMattaa laal ikraanu.-w iiKhl on the (in sent imbiOfc-iio In Mime.M s statement is laal «Inn flaiintal K- ''¦ Boubi

    .." r ii-lair in In- . a- lit Ihe const l< in al in Maiaa laaplrad tum wuh ti e bopeoi bciua anle t.. luduee ihe Kusiou majority In tlie L inula-tu .. ol tint Biate to adept tue «»me course; linn \ in law»urowdmir foi tne elude * of elector* by tbe tu ».»latore-1 ü ii, IWB OtalBB, aad a reasonable certainly

    in tatraaaa laal Ibeaeeteeaar« would aa ataaaa i to ratafor bluisilf 10 be President, he boo,.(| lo secure toaI- erattc aoaaiaanaa i ami timt, taiiimr iu this, heooaatad on u probaklbty (h*t without tue eiaa*KHrti Voll i ol Main in Ma.-s.a-'iiist-l:* In ither PetlKV

    Bar Bepublwaaa w«uid have a tnajority.ami that tbe eicii-ti would be thrown Intotka lions--, win re Mr. hi' I..i Matjr.a Oreen'mekerand a BaUer man.would have held the hulanee ofBoWBT, BaO < tli.' 11 -a ( a he b Bad tlol thin Voted) Me 111 al> raocraUc dele*raU"e 10 Cougrc**. aad would navealtkei eon j.-1 tbe DtmoeratM iiel.-gaii.itis bb vote for01 t, aera Batter at ptaTeatad aaakaaooa by tkaatoaaa.

    A CASE FOli C0klTiJu80N.Al.MtlM.v'S TWO M Olsl ATUKF.8 I!» 1872.Anoit-

    WOrMMMBOlI wilXlAMS'd bams OF OBTTLOsmk.n r.

    Komc persons have ucsrested that the present sit-OOtttrn in Maim* is BBOlOfXlPi to the I.egi8lulive dis-BtMOkoAlok aoOOafUM Iii»; election iu 1S72. Thefans in that Caee w. t--, briefly, tiic?e : Thcie werea number of contest i., il" anytbtii;.Ill.Vs cheaply and badly cone. We ate in llielrbm s. um ii lerasij iir» of no bum ga< nee io theuu"Tbe eimed bbuui dauere will detead in- polltieiaMaadeeaiinathetu, too; tor thev onpose tue BuMtrac-

    lion »1 a new Slid Improved ui.r»(l eo-iltiga lirge hiuo. bee.-iu.-e of the liuvltao.e tin.lenry ofsueh n i.ioveiuetit to build up the Urge dealerswaoctti i- Tor cosily stalls st loavy ttu'ul. thecoiisci.'M nt reduction or destruction ot tnetr own bust-nes-. as isailIklb I¦* who um the maibei will tell you.what .» liu..Hint the vast m.Ourity of stall owu< rs ,Uin.o want auy change. Nor do mey helieTe that a M Idfmg on s tarne scale nt tin* point woiiic ever be BBMsjib L " D irltig the BOnei necessary to build a BMTfeei,ii eadertakee by the taty," larearkofl a city uflleleJlately the margel men would Me seutnr.d In van. uspar^s 1 the city, the BreMsB; s great number would BeBra ill , and once removed siel established furttier uoton n, those who surv.ved won "er come down townagklu."

    what A bkttkk Kf l'ld efkkct.How many private Imliv. »i y Ihtm-clws the

    luxury of going to Washing! ./. alarset byicasonof it*course* auu BBBMMh n* It i* hard to say ;but enlarged accommodations and a cleaner, brighterint. nor would oeriaiuly titimci a larger utinil»-r than atpre-i nt, BM be the means beside* of a considerable In¬crease In Its revenues. Of the many evil* by which it 1*encumbered, locality and .!."l. u.u of approach areamong the uios. prominent and mint widely expcrieuced.According to the law no street obstruction* nre per¬mit led within UOO yardMol any public BsBfMt, but asappind lo this market tl.e law I* still adead letter. la spito of late . if t-. Alldown Vesey-st. the crowd Is so deiisc, and the vendersare so c'smotmis und persistent iu their eag. rtie«s lusell, that the visitor arrives exhausted si the entrance.oatP lo Bna, on s.-tlliig fool inti.le, that a mill more tire¬some ordeal uwulta hint. What a contrast to tue Halle*( entralu of Fans, or the Farrtnnton str. HartetolLoudou, where a clear and open space without andample passage room wttblu give >«s. elrculstlon to thecrowd. Il ike name results could not l-e armed at Uere,the pressure could ai least be partly relieved by tue en-foinemrnt of the law in clearing the approaches, aud inso Mi.lung the ouslde trade tust ii would not hinderthe free movement or pBBBBeB-M, Kferybody Is disgust¬ed with it The Dioprletiira within complain that theirbusiness Is strioualy affected by the competition SB II ¦outside venders, who sell Inferior meat at great Ir il prices, and exert every possible ui« aus in theirpower to attract and defraud the pnhllc.Ho sausthla sre the ststl-owuers of the evils and

    BMBBB of toe pluee that Ihcy termed s company uuimigllieinselvee a short time stn, onsring to lease thegiuuud und to end a new aud suitable structure n.siuthe site of the old one. But as do coiieess.on* could beobtained from the stithorltlea, tho tirejut fell to thesround, aud with ll all Iho ho|-ea and u»olrutn>ns it hodmised. How much hiugsr II will be loterutcd dependsupon tue louc-suffrring public

    l Uli HEATH Ot OEOlitiE S1 ORRS,

    George Storrs, editor uud publisher of TheBible Examiner, tiled at hi* home. No. 7J WiekeSt,Brooklyn, yesterday morning at S o'clock, st tho aal¬en.r I tig -vsched Inmi Iutlepi iji!#*in eilten in Alba*/ BN MM ***JBBai d in lohn*, for Mm- v. iii - In 1-» >J Im n in (V .1t.. tasealraand0»tmm* is mb-t.ev ».¦ us r/m mm»Am-aininrr, " ¦ Btsatbi* *'«.MIM' for 'Ii.- UuMuiM atfi ti a trnili." Ia Majr. 187t, his vaa iahen stesMmMiMtrapapsr wa* *fupa" d. sai in Oetsasr aaetker issa.-of it appear-d.tln-la-t Bl wa* Ihe author f severalIn. ';«. among Iii. in "Sil H« rmntis," nnd of name, uu«tracts. Mr. Starr* wa* a great auiVrer In bis laier dar*ami dir BrsaitM esTsessst1 m ssaeesa af the kidneyHe i. ai;i wile nd one danelit'i i Ii* Ii tier km Baak*-ii nt lu In* H"ir»f>'!K*r w-rk. Iii" funeral will Ih« »to-tifl* Iat the bsosa iu rtf mil im in-r.nent will be iuWBaateWB Cemetery.

    ////.; HÜEDJ7 nnnrsE.

    TMfaraay*B iasaa ot Tai Büm*Y Tkibvrr aaa-tni'ieil .i \ an--' y pli'incutiiry sheet coituiimie a resume of suh l-ij'tnew*, together with the European corre«poiidt-uee,BBBBaaaUy the Inttr* of O W. einnlley IP nce you huve silepted the BaM of pub Nlilng n Sun

    day edition, I am obliged ellner to give up nir convic¬tions ami lake a Baudaj pa*** °' c:*e baatlM run atUm aewa I do not wish to do either. Ths above planwBeetataaaeallmMl or » nun.her of pent en,en whohave spoken to me on tue sableet. U> pi .-tfuiir,Sra>Tor*. Dec. 24, 1879. A N'. C'UAltwiCK.|\Ye have the .snicerest respect for tho convictions

    of our correspondent and the cln>s of most excellentt in.ens he represents. We would gladly do any¬thing we could to moet their wishes. Uut w!,at Mr.Chadwick asks is out of the question. Practicallyhe wishes us to print a large [.art of OM dBJ k paperOT rau'.iin the next tlay-giving stale news to nine-tenths of our readers thi'.t the other tc.ith BtaJ Bisure to sec it. There is a much simph-r way to ac-eoii;ph-h what he want*. Let him have Sunday'spaper laid aside till Monday, ami read it then.Perhtip* his conscientious scruple may extend to

    reading a papal the work of whi> h has been done onIlllBdlBJ. hut in that rase it is ihe Monday paper heshould refuse to read..P.«tonCo iino r-i il 11 illettn.Tm m ninr OfWi pp'fi'UKir i-i hi* lecture}

    to the Ju.ilor* Hie otuerdav, sve.ikmg of tin- m .rnage ofVenu» .11 il Voleall, nn.i.Kril "thai il.» h.tDita iiio-atbtbmbgsaetBlIy marry the M»elie*l ai n," n'.iiug,lirlmly,iheie'a encoui ni.-i mint f- r a ;.-ol inmy ofraa,"- fAaMrsl mu.i. nt.


    Losscnt. Iiee. 27..Pork-Pr.B.a Mess F.asioru. dullat II.'. >**!«*¦, .lull at BO, Uacon-Ciimts-rlan-t C-lt,¦teartv ». BSSMa -ln>re Ilm. >ir,uir al :c# h'iir i' *I.i7 0.L: "»hon Cle, r.«| .>. -'...ui itetaaBta tailf r.-t Inc.ia Mesa, dullat H.» I.lira Mm .loll at 10»; Prime Mnm, «lull a*-'-'. .' it-t P-iiii We.f.-rn i-'i ,.i i.i.i-i PrtiueCity.steady at JT .1-1. 1 in |m iitile Hj..m», tinner at .1 tsl. K"«ta

    eiiu. «I til at Knie, (lull at I«. Cbeeae-Au er can Clane*, itull at HUM. l-od Oil. dull at AO.I- out -1- xtra -i.-i.e -1-a.ty ii .1 '...-.ii »uiiifc .No. il,steady at 10 Til., Spring, No. X steady SI |0|Kl.. N'rWUeatein Whi-.-r.Mesrt. si 11 T.I. New ...>¦«I in W nit- r.-te wiv. I i x I. « orn-Miliii, dull at i)N'-.4l. ( etnmaor,! IS. -\al-,nw Ainrrlcin. mm In uiarkel. Itsasa.IMM al, at 5 . I iirsenttne-S'iirt«. at tssafesa, »li a.iv at -J

    i.ivr.Bfu Hoe. '.'7.13:31' i». m -latrd. Hie p- r m forAim-m an. Corn, ft Hit,.»S S'. d. pernulal for Sen SlixsdWimen

    I^ini'.-n Mfe "7 '-' I". ii. tn. ratrntta*eed. fis s.",s :ut.twrqr. U-niKsl KelT iieuui. t>H'to't i. |htsal. l/omuion itos111. ft'AkltVr:::'. Iiee '.'7. Ivtrnleum. '.'.' Uanea fur fine pals

    Amenrsu. lam cloaod st los (rams a*, loo s'.tos.

    cotton BtAstaTaTMAOBCBTA, DM. 27 .Cotti a >|ii>t, Imt l n Vi MltS**, lit]

    011*40.1 M UBha«, 1. V-.. OMB i -toin.irjr l0*aa>i in ajBl1,'ft huh 4 «atea .s li:i!,-.Bamimokk, Dec. v,..< oti'in firm i MoMiei*. |M*j tatv

    MuallPiit. IXtts.) Oeo-I Ontlnarv. l!te.: nei ii-» ijo», .i i>.t.>sjsroia, ..*,»«ft nslea; extwirta rnsatwlae. SOU IlStsS| aai--a. JI5balsa apinnrr*. lift Ijslea. ar.n k. v'O '.'li sales.B-isTon. I>«c 27.-« ""->! -'it. Mi n.r. 12V.- tow WI4»

    dlina 1.'V»-.. ii'Ni.i or.lin.-v. 1IV. ii-t rroetpta, .'.-.';r i.alss,Rio--, 4.180 1'sle* i alurk. 't,7- > bale*.t'riiNt.RSTOS. i»er. '.'7. < ii' eis 11 .1.! l:-e|ia,.yed j M|i|.

    . .isle.Nnv ist.» »SS, Uer. IT TUM quiet: Ml-l totiir. 11 V.. LSJSJ

    Mi iihns. n*jf. oa*4 B0 choice id *-... », jo. EverythingmvmMCB-HBMagatast striking i .. -sOATItB ttSOSipt*. f.«WS> b« «I -li'titn n'«. C H'sa lieul- C'aTal

    Cattle atronsami ot In si II *."> 2 COmasM ti- onsaLS3 70sSi 10 j Kot- Ii .>' un.-i .mi ii bsast41 Caws, 0SVB3 26: Mils,! Bta i: |. J> ¦¦ 10, CoTB tsS Vi utM

    i»i- n-.t.t- no bass BtaMObsadi ¦ ..ctStrongs! «4a ft ' lorn.. Mi. 27.. ROM tefire sn I s -Ii *V MrSeT |

    Ugbl Ubiw*aa, si.---:. t«s| Park n - *-'.'iilint, tn i«'. f I toe fi 7ft i. .. :p 1,10'bcarsP0J t-enl.UATTtat- Dull and un- ..ui .. !, BOaptf v r ... loll

    Httls OsOivj itn i-.jif» J head.MOBis rtl in ami urniBMsgl i.

    FASSEXQMtta XBUlVltD.rno.m niniiHWi ot spaaMartp Bttne.

    nraff. w.j, iioiii t. v. J < :*. r. r.MoT't, .>. Horn, o t. \ \.liOVd. Alt X III. ess. J. J I ¦. a*. !lCsriwrtglit.Mr. au ! Mittou. K J

    Vir«. O. V. Malitovv. t. 11Choats. i'ha*. T. :-t. L.tchlan, Wu. r-ildeli. A.Karrell, J. P. Nlsta, K. . OlOWBM. IT.Olsi-s, Itenir Nevlu. J.

    M ILir. It. C.

    I'ltp'enflv hn-ak up v.i-.u ( i.d Ir. i!.-. in !yUse ot III. .lav |i.-'» l..\p clo.a:,t, an old r.I. lei - -rsluus-s aud ihroa'*, ,u.l a certain ciicat:\e fa. ci ugfea *

    Iletler linn Foreign Po.f.Spesr*» I'-Tt (ir ip \\ .ue i U.-ti-r ih.n imp i't-,1 |sir«. sn4

    since the sdiilteradnu of t SBStBS'',ttnaMIBMMSBSSa IIisp ire snd reil'y ex.-dent .m t tisjlih aivtjig fr ivTimeaTrie iniwt - lect llilti A v-., ue f mul.e ..f » V. ... -iselhl*

    wlue at MOB cm ;.ii. . entertsMMMkMai sra an, :U U iccn st.. N Vstk.

    /».: ;>.harn KM -At bat rasHaass,ta c . -1 9o. r si LaksrOpl*ee, Lsrss) oL on ihmsi v DaessiBsf 2i* CatSisrUMn^iiiCiti r nl Hl« laie WÜU nn 11 e ' --. sr.

    BssaBvesaaa fnsas* >t .>.> sre In* i tiif -nllietf'ln---i Ml Of. Psnl's en i-e|. iirawtnar »¦ I piilfcw at,M.- nine, lieeembiM B0 al hall Sssek a. iu. it ia r- ,ucatsxlthat un ttoWcTs Ie- sour.

    PCNKIN- DsSBBsOai M, 1 .:!>. Thgraa* J. rMOuBj lOBiMve»r«.

    Relativ»« .in I fr1»s1s srsrssp "'t'e laritsl v* i"-it thaisasrsj from Ina lni» r M ¦. .. soj Baal Bist -'i m >o-de-, 2'jtu i , aii'.'u I: s .. -,wers fesseit.HAVII.Deeemner 21. ot basBp e*MUp*J*%Jata If nry

    llsnili. in t ie1 ear of tils .. ;, a -1 rt ilsnilLof tin- tirtn of if iin-I .* B>sMh, Jti n-y-.r*.

    I"rleuda are reSnsetBttl/ Bavttajt M BttcsKl I stoaen *. Pal-erxnn, H. , eh It-iedav, Deertune '.".. In a. in., n ,iu ef.John's i hnr-' I. corn- r Main i n-i UraBd atf

    Traisa Isars iasl WS »4 '. ..; > si -i - t:. .1. in.. < : :.n.i« a.7:50»iel H 4a*. iii.. V u Uli- !'...:. ad.

    Csmsste* will be >n MlUBg.II in ttie BB| 1 last., JSBBM 0, Hin '.. r. J' la th*8 >th cesr .it o< .»* ..

    OsBmIvm unit frtsad* nr.- rssasctfullv Isrltsltsal .' it*tsn*tfsj ton tu« in- ¦-.ih ,e... \s.,'t tt-t.>«.-.! tsiasn-' 13 febsta .' n i if««t'v. 11 is s'epsrb au

    JfORTII.At Po iirh'seep-le. D-eeniber PT, AA r». ;..'tnt »SOof the i:ev Charles fa sad tnnli -i HsrtO,

    Fitueral privateoaOfn>D-tsn Triers.!i-, DM sMt OsOBM*Sl ¦ 0*.

    lielaurs. »:« . BTps*V BBBgfef Wilhehstf-.'haua.

    Vn -i svlrr«tf flie P*Mf ^ of tm* ft >'y Trsn-r -nrttlM,¦BObsmum BteaSaytsswbM -t i"---. -««.

    Mill LD >N -Itn.w.. N D .-., -. 10 fiMblls L..ln-fii.t s ai .: r. I., in. t'e in -1 p si i: mm.

    Kuiietsl aeivue im» lne,d*',lh- IfsHl. n , .it» fclSSO,t af e-..*-.-. wii as is wsltlag sa arrival ottM 10 a'i k M01

    fr>i n Raw Noik.New Haven. . nil . na:ifi - n>a« eipr.HT'>ItRa-r>n ir mirier.s. Dee»inle>i C"t \*~t. li-otHstarr«. OOlBars I he B:i Ie Ktaniiio r. s no tell saieepiu Je-aua wsitlmr lor S II- MTlSStM at III* roinina*.

    PrfessM ¦labin« ia «00sm Oam prise a* -v n*t.,10 a. ai , v> lien >e Wl.l Is" la . n I» W oo-il.ns u eVii..-!-.-.

    TA VI.'iR \t mmm r. P. a a.. M Ml M h is I Mi widowol j.-iiu t.j-.-j. 11-ai-r'v a we.I known toirrh.u ot slu*cliy. la S nil .. t e. ai ¦.

    The rema ns wnl be bmught on to tireenwouu < em-trry farlilte: ui.-ai.WA P.N'I It -s.idilontv. sb VMsv bsscbMs. (Ota ISSl ,«liar*

    i. im sipin*. widow ot ii,-! .i bum w, OTstaasPuuetsl servte* *rOJfeatb«U s' hi«r Ms -«ii.i '. Ms. A33Maihai -i av«\. nn Moud.iv, thu '.'Ot'i i«t.. St lüo'c.-svs. Illsk n ¦:> -s'ed that no rluwora be aeut.

    WILLIAMS MMOai wMle skallnr. «n fir evetilug of !)«.r sjaber 16, at OeaaafO, Mas«., Clusrio* II. a Wihisui*. Iar¬mer Ir »i few-Ysrc

    Funeral al C.anronl, Mass , Turai'.sy. rtoth isst.. at 'J o'cbwlt.

    örjfcntt Xot (ti.Fawsell's lest ream Is th' nesr. one «,n*r1 brick .tellv-

    I !ill to. >l imt gallon \\. trnuoot v :. 1170 will ciuss st this otflra. tmIt MDAV, ai II s.u.. i-i 1 a, i-e. by stetmship ie i.i int.,vts uneeii'io «u : ou WBUNKsiitv, it 4 :t0 a m lor Ko¬ro rs-. by at.simshlp Algerla.vls U'leeiial >wn on TH I' 11« I' vVat ft a. tu., lor ..urope, by atSSSSSfelB c If of Klclouo'-d ViaQuesMsiown tinrreai-ogden.e For tieruiany snd I .» MMbe apsctslly aa.lresseit): and at V a. to.. kSf Bur»*s. by alssMn-. 111u lleoler. Via I'lvnwnjtli. CiierhoaiK sud llawburg. aaM \TC UliAY. st '-s *.. for Kuropr, br MSBsSfetf Kst-ub.Wr.yisUue. ii-towu t.airr«4ia>'« for ocnoauv .udn.oilaud uiuatbe spsi-uUiy sddres«ed> ; and st t! a. in., for -co'land .tu, i hystea«ti«hiptires als, via