KUUSKChristmas tree• Tuletab meelde igavest

elu Reminder of eternal life

• Tuuakse tuppa jõululaupäeva õhtul

Will be brought home on Christmas eve

• Vanim väljakukuusk Tallinnas 1441. a.

First public Christmas tree was in Talllinn on 1441 year

KÜÜNALCandle• Tähistab valgust, mida

jõulud meile toovadMarks the light that

Christmas brings us

NELI KÜÜNALTFour candles• Tähistab nelja

jõulueelset pühapäevaSymbolises Advent

candles (four candles that are lit on every Sunday before Christmas eve)

• Advendiküünalde komme on pärit Saksamaalt

AISAKELLJingle bell• Annavad teada

pühade saabumisestLets you know the

Christmas is coming.


• Toomapäev 21. detsember

St. Thomas's Day on December 21

• Jõululaupäev 24. detsember

Christmas Eve (December 24)

• Jõulupühad 25. -27. detsember

The First, the Second and the Third Christmas holidays

• Vana- aasta 31. detsember• Uusaasta 1. jaanuarNew Year's Eve and New

Year's Day (31.12, 01.01)• Kolmekuningapäev 6.


JÕULUKOMBED VANASTIOld Christmas traditions• Jõululaupäeva õhtul sõideti kirikusse hobustega ja saani põhja tehti rist

On Christmas eve peope went to Church by horse and sledge.

The sauna was traditionally visited before the Christmas Eve service in the local village church

• Jõululaupäeval toodi kuusk tuppaChristmas tree was brought in the house on Christmas eve.

• Kogu öö pidi üleval olemaHad to stay up all night

• Koristati, toodi õled tuppaHouse was cleaned and hey was brought in the

house• Aken kaeti kinni, kus põles tuliWindors were fully covered where Christmas light

was lit• Ennustati kukega, kes saab meheleFortune telling with a rooster to see who will get

married• Silitati hobuseid käega, milles oli hõbesõrmus, et

nad oleksid rammusadHorses were stroked with a hand that had a Silver

ring on so they would be well fed

• Jõulutoit pidi olema laual kogu öö

Christmas food had to remain on the table (as part of the cult of the ancestors) and the fire burning in the fireplace (probably as sun worship) for the whole night. It was believed that both good and bad forces were on the move on Christmas Night and that ancestors would visit the house

According to an old tradition, seven to twelve different meals were served on Christmas Nigh

JÕULUKOMBED TÄNAPÄEVALChristmas traditions today• JõuluvanaSanta claus• KingitusedPresents• JõulukaardidChristmas cards• Kalmudele küünladLighting candles on the

graves of relatives

• Saunas käimine jõululaupäeval

Sauna on Christmas eve• JõulupeodChristmas party• JõulutoidudChristmas food• JõulukuuskChristmas tree


• VerivorstBlood sausage• Sült„sült“ pork meat in jelly • Sealiha• Kartulid ja hapukapsasTraditional Estonian

Christmas food is pork with sauerkraut and blood sausage

• MõduHome-brewed ale and

mead were the most popular Christmas drinks

• Küpsetatakse leiba, jõuluorikas

A specialChristmas bread • PiparkoogidGingerbread biscuits

JÕULUÖÖ SALADUSEDChristmas Eve mysteries

• Jõuluööl võib maa alt kuulda orelimängu ja kellade helinat, need helid tulevad maa alla vajunud kirikutest.

Sound of the organ on a Christmas eve from underground ment sounds from the underground church

• Jõuluööl on kõik kohad täis vaime ja hingesid.On Chistmas Eve spirits of the close ones were


• Elumaja juurest lauda ja aida juurde pandi maha redelid, et õnneandjad saavad peresse õnne tuua.

The ladders were set up ner the house and the barn so the luck can enter the house

• Jõuluöö avab loomade keeleköidikud.

On the eve of Christmas animals can speak

• Jõuluööl võistlevad pimedus ja valgus teineteisega, sellepärast joonistati majade seintele ristid.

• winter solstice, when the day is the shortest and the night the longest, is celebrated between December 21 and 25. According to folk-tradition, "the sun was laying in the nest" and the day was celebrated as the Sun's birthday. From that day on, the Sun started to rise and move slowly to the north again. 

• Jõuluööl püütud jänes muutub kullaks.

A rabbit cought on the Christmas eve will turn into gold

• Jõuluööl teretas pererahvas loomi nimepidi ja viis neile leiba, soola ja õlut.

On the holy night, the domestic animals in the barn were greeted by the name and also offered Christmas bread, salt and mead.