Christmas presentation for 97 2003

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Transcript of Christmas presentation for 97 2003

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Christmas in Greece are special. Some days before Christmas we decorate a Christmas tree or a little ship with decorations. Then we hang a stocking over the fireplace and we write a letter to Santa Claus which says what present we want. On Christmas day we wake up early and we sing carols with our friends. In the afternoon we send the cards and make sweets. In the evening we have a big family dinner and we eat pork with celery, chicken soup and lot of sweets.This year, because of the economical crisis we can't buy expensive presents and some parents are unemployed. so many people don't have even to eat. We hope the New Year will be better for everyone.

On New Year's Eve we sing carols and we go to a lots of houses and we take some pocket money from the people. We wait till midnight for the New Year to come. We make a wish when the New Year comes. We kiss each other wishing ''Happy New Year''. Santa Claus brings presents to the nice kids. Before that we invite our friends and our family waiting for the New Year change. We make a countdown from 10 to 1. When the New Year comes we light fireworks and we sing and wish to our family and friends. Unfortunately , this year is very difficult for people in Greece. We live a serious economic crisis, a lot of people are unemployed and cannot afford to buy expensive presents. But we hope that better days will come.

We are going to present to you a Greek Christmas recipe:''Kourambiedes''.Ingrendients

PreparationFirst, we melt the butter and we add the sugar.After that, we whip it in the mixer, we add the cognac, the orange peel and then the flour. Finaly, we add the white almonds.We make small balls and put them in the oven. We bake for 30' minutes in 230oC. When they get cold we add icing sugar.We hope you will like it!

500 gr. butter 1\2 cup of cognac

2 cups of sugar a teaspoon of orange peel

1kg of flour 1 kg icing sugar

2 cups of white almonds

The morning of the New Year's Eve all the children wake up early and sing carols from house to house and to stores. They give us money for that. When we finish, at noon, we go home and all the family eats together! Some weeks earlier, we sent cards at the North Pole. At New Year’s Eve night we stay awake because we wait for the Santa to bring us the presents we really want if we are good and friendly kids! Then, we wait for the


On the 6th January we celebrate Epiphany. It's a religious celebration. We go to church early in the morning and around 11 o'clock we go to a river, lake or sea. The priest throws a cross into the water and a lot of people dive and try to catch it. Whoever catches it is lucky and blessed. The water is very cold but there are always people who dare to swim in the cold water. We also sing Epiphany



PreparationIn a large bowl we whip butter till it gets white for 45 minutes. We add sugar and the egg yolks and we continue whipping. Then, we add mastic brand and the flour little by little and we stir. We add baking powder and vanillas and we go on making a dough. We take pieces and make small balls “Buns” in any shape we want. We put them on a tray and we bake then, in a moderate oven for 15-20 minutes.

Merry Christmas!!!

2 cup of butter 2 vanillas

½ cup of sugar 1 cup mastic brandy

2 eggs yolks little bit rosewater

4-5 tea cups sift flour 640 grams sugar mist

1 cup baking powder

In Greece, we celebrate Christmas with a lot of different ways. At the beginning of the December, we decorate the house with our family. We used to decorate a traditional ship but now decorate the christmas tree. On Christmas Eve we sing carols and we have a feast with turkey. We see our friends and we tell Christmas stories. We do reverse counting before the new year comes!