Christmas investigators1

Christmas investigators

Transcript of Christmas investigators1

Christmas investigators

Christmas in ITALY

The popularity of the Nativity scene, one of the most beloved and enduring symbols of the holiday season, originated in Italy. In Rome, cannon are fired from Castel St. Angelo of Christmas Eve to announce the beginning of the holiday season. A 24-hour fast ends with an elaborate Christmas feast. Small presents are drawn from the Urn of Fate. The main exchange of gifts takes place on January 6, the feast of the Epiphany, the celebration in remembrance of the Magi's visit to the Christ Child. Children anxiously await a visit from La Befana who brings gifts for the good and punishment for the bad.

Christmas in FRANCE

Nearly every French home at Christmastime displays a Nativity scene or creche, which serves as the focus for the Christmas celebration. The creche is often peopled with little clay figures called santons or "little saints." The Christmas tree has never been particularly popular in France. The menu for the meal varies according to regional culinary tradition. In Alsace, goose is the main course, in Burgundy it is turkey with chestnuts, and the Parisians feast upon oysters and pat de foie gras. French children receive gifts from Pere Noel who travels with his stern disciplinarian companion Pere Fouettard. In some parts of France Pere Noel brings small gifts on St. Nicholas Eve (December 6) and visits again on Christmas.

Christmas in JAPAN

Christmas was introduced in Japan by the Christian missionaries, and for many years the only people who celebrated it were those who had turned to the Christian faith. The idea of exchanging gifts seems to appeal strongly to the Japanese people. Many western customs in observing Christmas have been adopted by the Japanese. Besides exchanging gifts they eat turkey on Christmas Day, and in some places there are even community Christmas trees. They decorate their houses with evergreens and mistletoe, and in some homes Christmas carols are sung gaily.