Christian Communities and Scriptures (pgs. 44-63).

Christian Communities and Scriptures (pgs. 44-63) Chapter 3: The Lasting Legacy of the Apostles

Transcript of Christian Communities and Scriptures (pgs. 44-63).

Christian Communities and Scriptures(pgs. 44-63)

Chapter 3: The Lasting Legacy of the Apostles

The Communities on Paul’s Second JourneyLove Brings Conversion in PhilippiRun Out of ThessalonicaRejection in AthensChallenge in Corinth

The Communities on Paul’s Third JourneyTaking on the Magicians in EphesusHouse Churches

Small Christian Communities: Prayer and Mutual Love

Troubles for Paul in JerusalemA Mission of MercyA Touching FarewellA Mob Attack and Roman Protection

Paul’s Final Years in RomeHouse ArrestDeath in Nero’s Persecutions

For Review pg. 55

Small Christian Communities cont’d

PhilippiSteadfast in Faith – Philippians 1:27

ThessalonicaChurch Order – 1Thessalonians 5:12-22

CorinthOne Body, Many Parts – 1Corithians 12:12-26

EphesusBattle against Evil – Ephesians 6:13-17

Paul’s Advice

Paul’s Epistles: Letters of Love to the Christian CommunitiesWritten to the Local AssemblyPaul’s Message SummarizedTreasures Passed On

The Gospels: Answers to the Question, Who Was Jesus?The Good News Told, Then Written DownDifferent Gospels, Different Audiences

Other Writings of the Christian Testament

The Christian Testament: Letters, Stories, and Inspiration

Jesus the JewMade sense for Jewish Christians to live as Jews

The Breach WidensJames (leader of Jerusalem Christians)

Arrested, thrown off temple roof, stoned to deathChristians flee out of fear

A Matter of SurvivalJews rebel by discontinuing daily sacrifice to

Emperor NeroRoman army take the city and destroy the

templeJudaism needed unity

The Final Break with Judaism: Christianity as a New Religion

Life JourneysJesus Paul