CHRIST THE KING CHURCHALTAR FLOWERS: We will begin sponsoring the weekly flowers on the altar for a...

C HRIST T HE K ING C ATHOLIC C HURCH 1407 Broadway Blvd. Kilgore, TX 75662 S IXTEENTH S UNDAY IN O RDINARY T IME / D ÉCIMO S EXTO D OMINGO DEL T IEMPO O RDINARIO July 21, 2019/Julio 21, 2019 The Most Reverend Joseph E. Strickland—Bishop of Tyler Fr. John Henao, STL—Parish Administrator Welcome to Christ the King Catholic Church If you are new or vising our parish, please stop by and introduce yourself. We are pleased to have you share in our celebraon of the Eucharist. We invite you to become a part of our Spiritual home. Registraon forms are located in the parish office or below the bullen board in the foyer. Welcome and God bless! Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Católica Cristo Rey Si es nuevo o está visitando nuestra parroquia, por favor pase y preséntese. Nos complace que compartan nuestra celebración de la Eucarisa. Te invitamos a ser parte de nuestro hogar espiritual. Los formularios de inscripción se encuentran en la oficina parroquial o en el puesto de publicaciones en el vesbulo. ¡Bienvenido y que Dios te bendiga! MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIOS Sat/Sáb: 5:00pm (English) 7:00pm (Spanish) Sun/Dom: 9:00am (English) 12:00pm (Spanish) 5:00pm (Spanish) Note: Holy Rosary recited 30 mins. before each weekend Holy Mass. Nota: El Santo Rosario se reza 30 minutos antes de cada misa de fin de semana. Tues/Mar: 8:00am (Spanish) 7:00pm(Spanish) Wed/Mié: 12:05pm (English) 7:00pm (Spanish) Thur/Jue: 8:00am (Spanish) 7:00pm (Spanish) Fri/Vie: 8:00am (Spanish) 12:05pm (English) RECONCILIATION/RECONCILIACIÓN Sat/Sáb: 4:00pm—4:45pm Wed/Mié: 11:00am—11:55am Aſter 7:00pm Holy Mass Después de la Santa Misa de 7:00pm Thur/Jue: Aſter 7:00pm Holy Mass Después de la Santa Misa de 7:00pm ADORATION/ADORACIÓN Thur/Jue: 6:00pm—6:45pm 1st Fri/1 Vie: 8:00pm connuous unl Sat. at 8:00am; ends with Benedicon TITLE NAME PHONE CONTACT Parish Administrator Fr. John Henao, STL (903) 483-2500 [email protected] Deacon Isidro Sánchez (903) 812-4399 Deacon Alejandro Cisneros (903) 315-6520 [email protected] Receptionist Petra Mojica (903) 483-2500 [email protected] Secretary Mary Beth Gaddy (903) 483-2502 [email protected] Bookkeeper Lupe Natera (903) 483-2500 [email protected] Director of Faith Formation Zaida Meraz (903) 812-7552 [email protected] Music Director Marcus Arreguin (903) 806-1006 [email protected] Gift Shop Manager Guillermina López (214) 364-1652 Catholic School St. Mary (903) 753-1657 Catholic Charities Diocese of Tyler (903) 258-9492 [email protected] Institute St. Philip (903) 630-5055 Promoter of Justice Rev. John Gómez, JCL 1-877-415-6423 [email protected] EMERGENCY (903) 617-8419 Phone (903) 483-2500 Fax (903) 483-2501 Office Hours/Oficina Horarios Monday closed/Lunes cerrada Tues—Thurs/Mar-Jue: 9:00am— 5:00pm Fri/Vie: 9:00am— 1:00pm Email: ctkoffi[email protected] Website: Christ the King Office 1508 Broadway Blvd. Kilgore, TX 75662

Transcript of CHRIST THE KING CHURCHALTAR FLOWERS: We will begin sponsoring the weekly flowers on the altar for a...

CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC CHURCH 1407 Broadway Blvd. Kilgore, TX 75662



July 21, 2019/Julio 21, 2019

The Most Reverend Joseph E. Strickland—Bishop of Tyler Fr. John Henao, STL—Parish Administrator

Welcome to Christ the King Catholic Church

If you are new or visiting our parish, please stop by and introduce yourself. We are pleased to have you share in our celebration of the

Eucharist. We invite you to become a part of our Spiritual home. Registration forms are located in the parish office or below the bulletin

board in the foyer. Welcome and God bless!

Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Católica Cristo Rey

Si es nuevo o está visitando nuestra parroquia, por favor pase y preséntese. Nos complace que compartan nuestra celebración de la Eucaristía. Te invitamos a ser parte de nuestro hogar espiritual. Los

formularios de inscripción se encuentran en la oficina parroquial o en el puesto de publicaciones en el vestíbulo. ¡Bienvenido y que

Dios te bendiga!


Sat/Sáb: 5:00pm (English) 7:00pm (Spanish) Sun/Dom: 9:00am (English) 12:00pm (Spanish) 5:00pm (Spanish) Note: Holy Rosary recited 30 mins. before each weekend Holy Mass. Nota: El Santo Rosario se reza 30 minutos antes de cada misa de fin de semana.

Tues/Mar: 8:00am (Spanish) 7:00pm(Spanish) Wed/Mié: 12:05pm (English) 7:00pm (Spanish) Thur/Jue: 8:00am (Spanish) 7:00pm (Spanish) Fri/Vie: 8:00am (Spanish) 12:05pm (English)


Sat/Sáb: 4:00pm—4:45pm Wed/Mié: 11:00am—11:55am After 7:00pm Holy Mass Después de la Santa Misa de 7:00pm Thur/Jue: After 7:00pm Holy Mass Después de la Santa Misa de 7:00pm


Thur/Jue: 6:00pm—6:45pm 1st Fri/1 Vie: 8:00pm continuous until Sat. at 8:00am; ends with Benediction


Parish Administrator Fr. John Henao, STL (903) 483-2500 [email protected]

Deacon Isidro Sánchez (903) 812-4399

Deacon Alejandro Cisneros (903) 315-6520 [email protected]

Receptionist Petra Mojica (903) 483-2500 [email protected]

Secretary Mary Beth Gaddy (903) 483-2502 [email protected]

Bookkeeper Lupe Natera (903) 483-2500 [email protected]

Director of Faith Formation Zaida Meraz (903) 812-7552 [email protected]

Music Director Marcus Arreguin (903) 806-1006 [email protected]

Gift Shop Manager Guillermina López (214) 364-1652

Catholic School St. Mary (903) 753-1657

Catholic Charities Diocese of Tyler (903) 258-9492 [email protected]

Institute St. Philip (903) 630-5055

Promoter of Justice Rev. John Gómez, JCL 1-877-415-6423 [email protected]

EMERGENCY (903) 617-8419

Phone (903) 483-2500 Fax (903) 483-2501

Office Hours/Oficina Horarios Monday closed/Lunes cerrada

Tues—Thurs/Mar-Jue: 9:00am— 5:00pm Fri/Vie: 9:00am— 1:00pm

Email: [email protected] Website:

Christ the King Office 1508 Broadway Blvd.

Kilgore, TX 75662

Faith Formation Registration July 14, 21, 2019 10:00am-11:30am; 1:15 - 2:00pm

The Ladies Altar Society wishes to thank all parishioners for their generosity on the School Supply collection!!! $1,307.00

The St. Philip Institute will be holding a Catechist Formation Day on August 17th from 9 am to 6 pm at Bishop TK Gorman and Sts. Peter and Paul Chapel for Mass following the training. Catechists, priests, deacons, DREs, and teachers are encouraged to attend. The cost is $10 which includes lunch. (Scholarships are available if needed.) The cut-off date to register is August 14th. The link to the event registration page is:


It is Christ whom we proclaim, admonishing everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.— Colossians

A MINDSET OF SERVICE There’s a lot of traveling, delivering, and visiting going on in our readings today. In Genesis Abraham cares for the needs of three mysterious travelers. The psalm responds, celebrating the kind of righteousness that Abraham practices. Then, in his letter to the Colossians, Saint Paul describes his own ministry as almost like a delivery service: he, God’s steward, brings the word of God to their community. Finally, Luke’s Gospel shares the well-known story of Mary and Martha, and the different ways they welcome Jesus into their home. Amid all this coming and going, we are invit-ed to pay attention to the ways we tend to the needs of others. Each of us can ask, How am I present to God and others in my life? TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Abraham shows hospitality to three visitors (Genesis 18:1-10a). Psalm — He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord (Psalm 15). Second Reading — The mystery hidden from generations past has been manifested; it is Christ in you, the hope for glory (Colossians 1:24-28).

Gospel — Jesus converses with Martha and Mary about service and contemplation (Luke 10:38-42).

ALTAR FLOWERS: We will begin sponsoring the weekly

flowers on the altar for a memorial or healing of a loved one, in honor of birthdays, graduations, weddings,

anniversaries, etc. If you are interested in donating fresh flowers for the altar, call

the church office at 903-483-2500. Flowers are $50 for all the arrangements.

The Knights of Columbus are a group founded on the principal of charity by men of faith. Our main goals are to support our church and those in need. Our regular meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the parish offices. We invite you to join us. We need your help in becoming a thriving counsel, active in supporting the many great goals of the Knights of Columbus. Anyone with questions about the Knights, please contact Revard Pfeffer 903-985-3150 or Mike Conner 903-986-1057.

MOVING? When you move to a new house or apartment, please call the Parish Office and give us your new address. This will help us to communicate with you more efficiently. Thank you.

Catechist Formation Day

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Registro de Formación de Fe

14, 21 de Julio 2019 10:00am-11:30am;

1:15 - 2:00pm

Las damas del altar agradecen a to-dos los feligreses por su

generosidad en la colecta para los útiles escolares !!! $ 1,307.00

Séptimo domingo del tiempo ordinario 24 de febrero de 2019

UNA MENTALIDAD DE SERVICIO Hay varios viajes, entregas y visitas que pasan en las lecturas de hoy. En el libro del Génesis, Abraham atiende las necesidades de los tres viajeros misteriosos. La respuesta del salmo, celebra la justicia que Abraham prac-tica. Entonces, en su carta a los colosenses, san Pablo describe su propio ministerio como algo que es para darse como servicio: él, administrador de Dios, trae la palabra de Dios a su comunidad. Finalmente, el Evangelio de Lucas, comparte la historia bien conocida de Marta y María, y la mane-ra diferente como recibieron en su casa a Jesús. En medio de todo este trajinar, se nos invita a poner atención en las formas que atendemos las necesidades de los demás. Cada uno de nosotros podemos preguntar, ¿cómo presento mi vida a Dios y a otros? LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Abraham muestra hospitalidad a los mensajeros del Señor (Génesis 18:1-10a). Salmo — ¿Quien será grato a tus ojos, Señor?(Salmo 15 [14]) Segunda lectura — Pablo habla de la responsabilidad que se le ha enco-mendado de completar la Palabra de Dios (Colosenses 1:24-28). Evangelio — Marta, te preocupas de muchas cosas. María ha escogido la mejor parte (Lucas 10:38-42).

FLORES PARA EL ALTAR: ¿Celebrando una ocasión especial? ¿Honrando a un ser querido? Inscríbase para proveer las flores del altar de nuestra iglesia de Cristo Rey. La Donación es de $50 Por favor comuníquese con la oficina parroquial (903) 483 2500.

El Instituto San Felipe llevara acabo un Dia de Formacion de Catequistas el 17 de agosto de 9 a.m. a 6 p.m. en la escuela Bish-op TK Gorman y la Capilla de Santos Pedro y Pablo. Catequistas, sacerdotes, diaconos, directores de formacion, y maestros estan bienvenidos atender. El costo es $10 con almuerzo incluido. (Habran becas disponibles por si son necesarias.) La ulti-ma fecha para registrarse es el 14 de agosto. Para registrarse vaya a la pagina

¡Atención ! La semana del 26 de julio , el aseo de la Iglesia le

corresponde al grupo numero 4.


Ese mismo Cristo es el que nosotros predicamos cuando corregimos a los hombres y los instruimos con todos los recursos de la sabiduría, a fin de que todos sean cristianos perfectos.— Colosenses 1:28b

¿MUDÁNDOSE? Cuando te mudes a una nueva casa o apartamento, por favor llama a la Ofici-na Parroquial y danos tu nueva direc-ción. Esto nos ayudará a comunicarnos con usted de manera más eficiente.

Dia de Formacion de Catequistas Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary


June & Art Penny Lacie Richardson Linda McCarty Meredith McAlister Aleta Castillo Mike Connor Alessandra Vasquez Antonio Muniz Alvarado Evelin Cedillo Mario Alberto Don Juan Jonathan Kossa Marcos Rojas Ernestine Wilson Jesus San Juan Janet Ledet Jose Carlos Gomez Barbara Hostetter Catherine Emmel Leola Lee Samuel Parker Christopher Mccoy Teresa Benefield Allison Del Angel Joe Hardt Charles Madison If you or a loved one is in need of prayer, please call 903-483-2500 so the whole community may pray for your intention. Se necesita oraciones para usted o para un ser querido llame al 903-483-2500 para que toda la comuni-dad ore por su intencion.


June-July 2019 Saturday, July 20 5:00pm: † Bertha Rice Lopez(C) 7:00pm: † Lucia Deras(C) Sunday, July 21 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

9:00am: † Pro Populo 12:00: † Emiliana Zagal(C) 5:00pm: † Jose Luis Rodriguez(C)

Tuesday, July 23 8:00am: † Emiliana Zagal (C) 7:00pm: † Jose Luis Rodriguez(C) Wednesday, July 24 12:05pm: † Lance Rhea(C) 7:00pm: † Emiliana Zagal (C) Thursday, July 25 8:00am: † Jose Luis Rodriguez(C) 7:00pm: † Emiliana Zagal (C) Friday, July 26 8:00am: † Luis Galvan(C) 12:05pm: † Souls in Purgatory Saturday, July 27 5:00pm: † Jose Luis Rodriguez(C) 7:00pm: † Emiliana Zagal (C)


July 2019

July 21 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Décimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Faith Formation Registration 10:00am-11:30am; 1:15 - 2:00 pm Food Group Serving: Sagrado Corazon July 28 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Décimo Septimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Food Group Serving: Getzemaní


It is Christ whom we proclaim, admonishing everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.— Colossians

Diocese of Tyler Promoter of Justice/ Promotor de Justicia Protecting your Child from Abuse/ Protejiendo a tu Hijo del Abuso If you or someone you know has been abused by someone who works for the Church, please report any suspected crimes to the police and please contact our Promoter of Justice • 1-877-415-6423 • [email protected]. Additional information is available in the vestibule of the church or in the parish office. Si tú o alguien que conoces ha sido abusado por alguien que trabaja para la Iglesia, por favor reporta toda sospecha de crimen a la policía. Y por favor llama a nuestro Promotor de Justicia • 1-877-415-6423 • [email protected]. Información adicional está disponible en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o en la oficina parroquial.

Weekly Offering/Ofrenda Semanal Collected/Colectado…….7/13-14…..................................$6,835.00 On Line Donations/Donaciones en la Web ………………….….$285.00 Children/Niños ..................................................................$182.00 Total Offering/Ofrenda ...............................................$7,302.00 Building Fund/Fondo de Construcción……………..……....…$3,765.00 Food Sales……………………………………….....………..………...…….$939.00

Thank you so much. God bless you for your generosity. Dios le pague por su bondad y generosida.

Second Quarterly Report 2019

Upcoming Second Collections/Próximas Segundas Colectas July 21 Youth Ministry Aug 4 Building Fund

On-line Giving For your convenience, we are now accepting donations on line! You may use Visa, MC, Discover, Amex or ACH draft from checking or savings. Just go to our website ( and look for the logo below. • Para su con-veniencia, ¡estamos aceptando donaciones en la web! Puede usar Visa, MC, Discover, Amex o ACH proyecto de cheques o de ahorros. Sólo tiene que ir a nuestro sitio web ( y busque el logo de arriba.