Chris Jansen () - "Case studies of raising achievement 2012"

Case studies of raising achievement: Mangere College, Taihape Area school


This presentation outlines approaches to raising achievement levels of adolescents from Maori and Pasifika cultures in New Zealand schools.

Transcript of Chris Jansen () - "Case studies of raising achievement 2012"

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Case studies of raising achievement:

Mangere College, Taihape Area school

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Case study: Mangere College

What is an AIMHI school?

Some of the issues present for students and teachers

Strategies to address achievement.

Case Study: Taihape Area School

Te Kauhua project

Key turn around strategies

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What is an AIMHI school

In the late 90‟s ten decile 1 schools around NZ chosen for research project with Massey University - Kay Hawk and Jan Hill

They produced articles such as:

“Towards making achieving cool”

“Teachers under stress: Implications for schools and teachers in multi cultural schools.”

“Aiming for student achievement: How teachers can understand and better meet the needs of pacific Island and Mäori students”

“Four conceptual clues to motivating students”

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“What kind of school did you go to…..

“What kind of schools have you been to on teaching


”What would a low decile school look like?? …..feel


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Popular perceptions/misconceptions

1) Decile 1 schools are under resourced???

2) Suburbs like Mangere, Otara, Aranui – are dangerous and violent???

3) Decile 1 schools have poor teachers???

4) My child will not be able to get a good education at these schools??

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Overview of Mangere College -

800 students.

Approx. 60% Pacific Island /Pasifika (Samoan, Tongan, Cook Islands, Nuiean, Fijian)

25% Maori, 5% Indian, 5% Asian,

In 1998: 8 Pakeha students

Staff: approx 50% Pakeha

PE staff – 7 staff 2 Maori, 2 Samoan, 1 Tongan and 2 Pakeha

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Hufanga Taufo‟ou Ieremia Toe‟Salelea

Mata Rikiau Memory Haimona

Jacqueline Itamua Poriau Uamaki

Andre Vatu Misili Filoa

Francis Pule Kose Tuifelasai

Jerry McFarland Steven Nabong

Ema Piutau Julia Pula

Vicky Rauwhero Kui Sifaheone

Fatu Tangaloasa Ronny Taniela

Makasini Tulimaiau Apenera Tutai (Ape)

Asoleaga Nuausala (Aso)Taiwan Leasuasu

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Issues –

Perception of schools not as good as others…..despite

good reports from ERO

Falling rolls – white flight and brown flight – buses

going out of suburb

Capna – staff cuts

Achievement range

Lower literacy levels – Year 9 equivalent to Year 6-7


Bursary and School C passes 15-20%

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So why the low achievement?

1)Poor teachers?

2) Low decile? – means it a low socio economic area…poverty……

3) Maori and Pasifika students - over represented in low decile schools – in every city in NZ….Aranui, Porirua, Otara, Glen Innes etc…

The Big Question: WHY???

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Socio Economic factors: Poverty – no doubt if you are poor it is harder to do well at


What do the students experience:

shared bedroom or non assigned, often no desk, no computer

several families in one house – rental prices

pressure for nutrition/food - no breakfast maybe - houses

change, no phone often or changing number

Having to do a job to „pay the bills‟ – pressure to leave school


Social problems as a result of poverty

Precedents and role modelling – if none of your family has ever

been to tertiary education it is generally harder for you to have

self belief in this option….

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Cultural Factors: (based on research)

Values of traditional culture vs. values of western culture –

ie: respect for elders means don‟t question, contrast with critical

thinking and debate in classrooms

Priorities and time pressures - other commitments – family /

church / performance

Living in two worlds leads to gate keeping - immense

pressure and various coping strategies

Language difficulties – most can speak several languages,

English is second or third language, parents often island born

and speak own language at home…..can lead to lower

comprehension – impact in exams

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Bishop 2004

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“What could schools do to improve achievement?

“What can teachers do to improve achievement

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1) Macro level - issues for government Poverty – high unemployment

Housing – state house rents


School zoning and competition

Teacher recruitment and retention

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2) Medium level -Strategies for Schools

Leaverage alternaitve assessment methods instead of exams


Longer periods/block teaching/ home rooms

Vertical forms – mix of ages / whanau concept

After school homework centres

Cultural liaison staff – parents/ communities/ churches

Emphasis on student support / pastoral care

Innovative discipline systems– restorative practice

Career pathways – bridging between organisations

Nutrition initiatives

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3) Micro Level - Individual Teachers

Develop teacher - student working relationship

High expectations of potential – engender self belief vs deficit


Explore ways to unlock their potential

Innovative teaching methods

Cultural overlay

Intentional building of community – develop group locus of


Create environment where it is safe to take risks/fail…

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Confident and collaborative classroom management

Be a role model – participate, demonstrate, embarrass yourself

Use feed forward one on one with students

Be aware of cultural differences and worldview – be teachable

Pronounce names correctly – they notice it immediately - shows that you value and respect their culture enough to have tried to learn it…

Sense of humour - laugh with students and at yourself…….

Persevere in contacting parents…….

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