Chorlton Unitarians Christmas šŸŽ„ 2015...

1 Chorlton Unitarians Christmas 2015 Newsletter Ministerā€™s Musings Happy Festive season everyone! We have, as usual, had a very busy Autumn season. In September I had the opportunity to hear Rex Hunt, an Australian Minister, speaking under the auspices of the Progressive Christian Network. Besides meeting a few faces I recognised from Luther King House and Chorlton Clergy, I was amused that we were taught a ā€˜newā€™ hymn ā€œFor everyone bornā€ā€¦. pretty familiar to Chorlton Unitarians. I think we are already embracing the concept of alternative worship quite well. I had the pleasure of attending the Induction of Rev Anna Jarvis as she took up her position as Minister at Monton, a welcome addition to our group of Ministers in the Manchester District where we have 16 churches and chapels! The Build Your Own Theology Group has just completed and the participants have drawn up their personal credos which they will be sharing with us on Sunday 13 th December.

Transcript of Chorlton Unitarians Christmas šŸŽ„ 2015...

Page 1: Chorlton Unitarians Christmas šŸŽ„ 2015Ā Ā· very busy Autumn season. In September I had the opportunity to hear Rex


Chorlton Unitarians

Christmas šŸŽ„ 2015


Ministerā€™s Musings Happy Festive season


We have, as usual, had a

very busy Autumn season.

In September I had the

opportunity to hear Rex

Hunt, an Australian

Minister, speaking under the

auspices of the Progressive

Christian Network. Besides

meeting a few faces I

recognised from Luther King

House and Chorlton Clergy,

I was amused that we were

taught a ā€˜newā€™ hymn ā€œFor

everyone bornā€ā€¦. pretty

familiar to Chorlton

Unitarians. I think we are

already embracing the

concept of alternative

worship quite well.

I had the pleasure of

attending the Induction of

Rev Anna Jarvis as she took

up her position as Minister

at Monton, a welcome

addition to our group of

Ministers in the Manchester

District where we have 16

churches and chapels!

The Build Your Own

Theology Group has just

completed and the

participants have drawn up

their personal credos which

they will be sharing with us

on Sunday 13th December.

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I am continuing my Healthy

Leadership Course online

and finding it beneficial to

get together for video

conferencing and discussion.

I am pleased that the

committee is determined to

take care of me and my

spiritual and emotional

needs and supports my

ministerial retreats and


Our new members service

was a great highlight which

tied in with our Anniversary

Sunday service.

In October I went along to

support Derby Unity at the

launch of their new

Unitarian congregation

based at the Multi-faith

centre at Derby University.

A very positive occasion!

And at the beginning of

December Rev Danny

Crosby very kindly came

along to Chorlton and led a

singing meditation which

was greatly enjoyed by all

who attended.

A baby naming, foodbank

training and a funeral

included the circle of life.

And just in the last week I

had an enlightening day at

The Faith Network for

Manchester interfaith event

on education followed by

our own movementā€™s day of

Vision into Action in


Many Blessings as we move

through the Christmas

season and into the sparkling

New Year!

Nicky Jenkins

I am available for Pastoral

matters and Weddings, Baby

Namings and Funerals and can

be contacted on 0161 224 5289

or by e-mail on

[email protected]

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New Members

At our Anniversary Service

this year we welcomed eight

people into membership of

the Church.

The new members are welcomed by Mary

Crumpton, Chairperson and Rev Nicky


Mark Hutchinson writes:

When I joined Chorlton

Unitarians the average

attendance struggled into

double figures. This year we

welcomed eight new


In their off-the-cuff

expressions we received

comments on the warmth of

the reception, the

comfortable nature of the

sacred space: we had an

expression of gratitude for

gaining their own

understanding of spirit/god.

We had gratitude and an

admission that they still

wouldn't tell their friends

they went to church.

We had an evocatively

expressed acknowledgment

that after a lifetime of

religious community and

personal hypocrisy it was

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very satisfying to be in a

community and able to ditch

the hypocrisy.

Those choosing not to speak

spoke volumes as they help

set up, attend and

contribute. Eight new

members and eight more

contributions to the Spirit of


We had a treasurer almost

with a tear in his eye; long

standing members smiling

and wow what an

atmosphere! Our Minister

always welcomes and holds

us with her words: Truth,

meaning, love and deep

connection. It was all there

and we look forward to the

next eight new members.


We love nature and rejoice in

fresh flowers adorning our

church during Sunday

services. These are kindly

arranged for us each week

by Miriam Dewhurst. We

support this by contributing

to the flower fund. Please see

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Miriam and choose two or

three dates which are

important to you to

remember when you would

like to donate the flowers.

Miriam collects the money

and buys the flowers each

week and arranges them

beautifully for us.

Haikus of Meaning

Our Build Your Own

Theology Group looked at

what gave their lives

meaning and wrote a haiku

to express it. A haiku is a

poem of 17 syllables

arranged in a 5, 7, 5 on three

lines. For many of us it was

the first attempt at the form.

Soft petalled rose bloom

Raindrop on spikey pine tip

Beech leaves burnishing


Challenging myself Is a creativity Which I find useful.


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I sit in stillness

my mind settles, grows quiet

clear water from mud


Leaves dance, kiss the air

Roots reach deep down in the


Trunk holds us steady


To understand all -

- Explain it to everyone -

This is my true quest.



Holiday or


I was lucky enough to go

this year at the end of

September to Transylvania.

Strange to say I have always

wanted to go, but I haven't

always been Unitarian.

Arriving on the overnight

sleeper from Budapest at 9

am on a Sunday (the things

you do to save money!)

Brasov train station is the

kind of station it's important

you leave to the city, as

opposed to never seeing the

city. A drab, almost 1980s

station is modernised as the

bus approaches the centre,

but even as we walked

nothing prepared us for the

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang feel

of beautifully painted houses

nestled amongst hills just tall

enough and very green


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Hearing the bell tolling, we

walked to discover The Black

Church, the doorman

proudly informing us the

service was an hour long,

Lutheran, in German and

once we were in we couldn't

leave. Spotting a place to

stay, bags dumped and

quick Internet directions for

Brasov Unitarians. Unsure

on crossing at the park we

asked at the Orthodox

Church who, with no sense

of irony at all, sent us in the

wrong direction! If in doubt

ask a pharmacist and right

on time we arrived at the

Unitarian Church just as the

service began. 250 in

attendance. (Nicky Jenkins

take note.) It was

thanksgiving and a certain

discomfort for me: very

dressed up, communion, and

men and women sitting


The minister hunted us out

and over tea I asked about

the communion and

segregation.ā€™ Traditionā€™ was

the response. Reflecting on

the Bible, he said we don't

know how much of the Bible

is true but we know what

parts mean to us and we

know our traditions. They

have great lodgings with a

kitchen too; we returned the

following weekend and

stayed at Ā£10 for both of us.

What a start! Cluj Napoca

(Romanian) Kolozsvar

(Hungarian) was day three

and the birthplace of

Unitarianism. We called at

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the college late afternoon

and met the vice principal. A

tour of college and church

were arranged for the next

morning. A whistle-stop tour

of the churches of Cluj was

breath-taking. The college is

25% assisted places and the

rest paid, (step down

Manchester Grammar), and

about 30 per cent Unitarian

by faith. It costs about Ā£500

per year per pupil so maybe

a fund-raising day for us to

help somebody from rural

Romania to an education?

Holder of the earliest science

school lab in Eastern Europe,

and with only one original

painted room left in original

condition, the building is a

testament to the journey of

communism also.

Lucky enough then to sit in

the church as the minister

gave us a 45 minute history.

Francis David in 20 years a

Catholic, a Calvinist and a

Unitarian Bishop. As the

myth goes, on his return

from the Diet the people

were so excited to hear from

him that he had to stand on a

stone. (Picture below)

Itā€™s more likely he returned

to the then Catholic church

and pronounced. This

church became Unitarian

and is once again Catholic. I

learn more of the liberal

nature of a young king, of

how an Italian doctor and a

Greek free spirit influenced

him and Francis David. And

this was how religious

tolerance began and ended.

Once the king died Francis

David was imprisoned and

died, effectively executed. It

was a humbling experience.

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Travelling throughout

Transylvania we were struck

by the quality of the

Orthodox Church buildings

everywhere. A couple of

interesting facts: 97%

of Romanians consider

themselves religious. Such is

the sway of the Orthodox

Church, the state pays all

ministersā€™ salaries, of all

denominations. Perhaps we

should email George and see

what he thinks? No wonder

all the buildings were in

good nick and that in my

early rising I was always

able to find 7:30 am


As regards the rest. Yes, we

did some Dracula stuff. I

knew of Vlad the Impaler

but didn't know that meant

the ramming of a sharpened

tree trunk into the victim,

who is then upended

crucifixion-like until death.

We visited Viscri, of Prince

Charles fame, gorgeous and

ancient and breathing of a

life long gone.

And finally back to Brasov

and service number two, just

the 120 there this time. More

to tell including the

mountain drive to end all

mountain drives; green upon

green upon green.

It was wonderful to touch

the spirit of our origins, to

feel a less liberal tradition

than ours there now, yet still

modern. It was great to meet

and be welcomed. This is the

right home for my spirit and

thank you to all those who

came before giving love,

warmth and their own lives

to enable us to seek Truth,

Meaning, Love and Deep


Mark Hutchinson

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Whatā€™s On


For a wide listing of

Unitarian events around the

UK check out

Feb 19, 2016 5:00pm- Sun,

Feb 21, 2016 3:00pm. FUSE

Festival of Unitarians in the

South East

Letting go Services

Letting Go celebrations have

been such a success that they

will carry on in the New

Year on the last Friday of the

month. They will start at


Life reveals to all of us many

things that constrain our

spiritual and physical

movement forward.

Bereavement, jobs, empty

nest or simply a tough day,

week or month; we all need

the calm and transcendence

to let difficult things go.

A participatory service led

by Mark Hutchinson, this is

aimed at all comers to meet

in community and seek the

comfort of letting go.

This is a personal journey to

be kept private, yet in the

warmth of a loving, spiritual

and supporting


7 pm Chalice lighting and

opening prayers.

7-7.40 Service with readings,

songs and music.

7.40 Letting go .

7.45 Closing Reflection .

Tea and close by 8.

Open to all our friends in the

wider community as a

means of spiritual support.

Mark Hutchinson

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Dates for your Diary

Sunday 29th November-

CafĆ© Church. Weā€™re all going

a little potty! Raising funds

for hygienic toilets in Africa.

Friday 11th Dec ā€“ Festive

Quiz Night .Bring your

mates. Play in teams

Sunday 20th December ā€“

Evening Carol Service -

6.30pm Mulled wine and

mince pies!

Friday 25th December ā€“

Christmas day short service



Sunday 3rd January No

service. Church closed

28th December ā€“ 4th January

Church Closed for floor

sanding and varnishing

Where to find us

Facebook page: Chorlton

Unitarian Church


Chorlton Unitarian Church

Rear of Regency Court Flats

Wilbraham Rd,


M21 9LB

Chorlton Unitarian

Church is grateful to the

for the

contribution to their part-

time paid Ministry