Chordas jeopardy


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Transcript of Chordas jeopardy

Page 1: Chordas jeopardy

Chordas Jeopardy/Regular Jeopardy The Rise of Totalitarianism 100: Maginot Line: 200 miles fortification between France and Germany 400: What type of state did Mussoline make Italy?Corporatist State: 300: Germany was called what between the wars? Weimar Republic 500: In what year did Hitler order troops back into the Rhineland? 1936 200: Who fought for control of the Soviet Union after Lenin died? Trotsky and Stalin Road to WW2 500: What country was annexed in 1938 with no opposition? Austria 200: Italy conqured what country in Africa? Ethiopia 400:What countries civil war was a testing ground for the Nazi’s prior to WW2? Spain 100: Japan controlled ¼ of this country by 1939: China 300: What country was invaded right after the Munich Conference? Czeckoslovakia World War 2 (Pacific Theatre) 400: What two battles were considered to be the turning points: Midway and Coral Sea 100: What surprise attack brought the U.S. into the Pacific theatre? Pearl harbor 300-Japan’s premier: Hideki Tojo 200-American policy and strategy in defeating Japan was called what?island hopping 500-VJ day: Sep. 2, 1945 World War 2 (European Theatre) 200-The invasion of this country begin WW2: Poland 100-German word for lightning war: blitzkrieg 300-Turning point in the east: Stalingrad 400-Germany last ditch offensive: Battle of the Bulge 500-This French seaport was the scene of a huge evacuation of British, Belgian, and French troops after they were cut off from the main French force to the south by the Germans: Dunkerque The Cold War 300-What does NATO stand for? North Atlantic Treaty Organization 200-This was also called the European recovery program: Marshall Plan 400-To carry this doctrine out the United States would not try and stamp out communism in countries where it already existed. It would be a policy of containment or restrict the spread of communism=Truman 100-This provided food and supplies daily to the western part of a city in Germany: Berlin Airlift. 500-In May 1955, a meeting was held with representatives of the Eastern bloc. These nations adopted a 20 year mutual defense agreement called what? Warsaw pact

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South Asia After Empire 500-Leader of the Muslim league who desired a separate state from India: Muhammed Ali Jinnah 200-First prime minister of India: Jawaharlal Nehru 300-First woman to be the head of a Muslim nation: Benazir Bhutto 100-What country did East Pakistan become? Bangladesh 400-What leader formed his government in exile in India when he was kicked out of China? Dalai Lama Communist China 400-What was Mao’s second five year plan also called? Great Leap Forward 200-A violent attempt at social change by ridding China of its old customs, habits, and thoughts.=Cultural revolution 100-What incident in 1989 in China shocked the world: Tinanmen Square Massacre 300-Where did the nationalists escape to? Taiwan (DD) 500-What group wanted to continue the cultural revolution after Mao died? Gang of 4 Chordopoly 500-My wife is what 2 ethnicities? 300-How old am I? 100-What city do I live in? 200-Name the 3 freshman girls that I taught world history and coached softball: Anna, Meghan, Lauren 400-What religion am I? Roman Catholic Arab-Israeli Confrontation 100-This was launched by Israel on June 5, 1967-6 day war 500-Who succeeded Nasser in 1970 in Egypt? Anwar Sadat 300-The Camp David Accords established peace on what border of Israel? Egyptian (west) 200-Arabic for shaking: intifada 400-What country did Israel invade in 1982? Lebanon Latin America since 1945 300:Led the Sandinistas: Daniel Ortega 500: What countries signed the Contadora Principles? Colombia, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela 400: In 1987: Oscar Arias proposed a peace plan that called for an end to fighting in central America. What country was he president of? Costa Rica 100:Operation Bootstrap: Puerto Rico 200: Shining Path was a terrorist group in this country: Peru

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Double Jeopardy Pictures 200: Sadam Hussein 400: Margaret Thatcher 600: Vicente Fox 800: Jomo Kenyata 1000: Pol Pot Chordopoly 1000: What year did I graduate high school? 1994 200: What color pants was I wearing yesterday? Black 400: What Orange high school teacher used to be my roommate? 600: List out 3 of the 4 ethnicities I am: 800: What do I have a large collection of displayed in my home office? Bobbleheads Maps 400: Europe Today: Finland 800:Modern Africa: Rwanda 200:South America: Peru 1000:Middle East: Qatar 600:Southeast Asia: Philippine Islands Great Wheel of Chordas Jeopardy 400:Pictures: Imelda Marcos 600: Mr. Lopoly: What college did he graduate from? John Carroll 800:Korea: What parallel line divides North and South Korea? 38th 1000:WW2: Who was also known as the desert fox? Erwin Rommell 200: Cold War: Who was Stalin’s successor? Nikita Khrushchev Southeast Asia 400:-Who was the leader of the Philippines in 1970 that put the country under martial law and had hundreds of enemies arrested? Ferdinand Marcos 200:-What did Myanmar used to be called?--Burma 1000: Who was the first president of the Republic of Indonesia in 1949? Sukarno 600:-Who was the leader of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia? Pol Pot 800:-What ended U.S. involvement in Vietnam? Paris Peace Accords Africa 400: Kwame Nkrumah was the leader of what country?—Ghana 800: In what year did South Africa have its first all races election?: 1994 600: What two groups were fighting in Rwanda? Tutsi and Hutu (Most were Tutsi slaughtered by Hutu) 1000: What two resisttance groups (SLA) and (JEM) are fighting against the government and the Janjaweed in Darfur today?-DD 200: Defined as the spread of the desert: desertification

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Iran and Iraq 200:This was the Operation launched to protect Saudi Arabia from being attacked by Iraq: Operation Desert Shield 600: What country did Iraq attack in 1990? 800: What country did Iraq attack in 1980? 400:This individual demanded aboliton of the maonachy and the establishment of an Islamic republic in Iran: Ayatollah Khomeini 1000: What group did Sadam Hussein used chemical weapons against in Iraq? Kurds Fall of Communism 200: Velvet Revolution: Czeckoslovakia 400:First President of the Russian Federation: Boris Yeltsin 800: What was the first European country to throw off communist rule? Poland 1000:What was known as the year of revolutions against communism in Europe? 1989 600: In 1992 what country will peacefull split into two separate countries? What were they? Czeckoslovakia (Czeck republic and Slovakia) Yugoslavia 200: How many regions made up the former Yugoslavia? 6 400: In 1991 what two provinces declared their independence from Yugoslavia? Croatia and Slovenia 600: What agreement gave Bosnian Serbs control over certain areas of Bosnia while still recognizing the overall sovereignty of Bosnia’s Muslim-led government?-Dayton Accords 1000: How many weeks did NATO bomb Yugoslavian targets before the Yugoslavian government finally allowed a NATO peacekeeping force into Kosovo? 11 weeks. 800: In 2003, the name Yugoslavia was dropped and replaced by what? Serbia and Montenegro Terrorism 400: How many suspected hijackers were arrested in conjunction with 9/11? (19) 800: This group waged a war of urban terrorism and fierce battles against government forces in El Salvador in 1979. FMLN (Farabundo Marti’ National Liberation Front) 600: Radical Palestinian organization that launched a terroist campaign in Israel in 1994: Hamas 1000: What African terrorist organization brought terror and destruction to the central highlands of Kenya? Mau Mau 200: What does Al Queda mean? The base

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The Modern World 800:Picture: Rachel Carson 600:How many articles are contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? 30 400: Name of the first space shuttle: Columbia 1000:In November of 2000 how long did 1 astronaut and 2 cosmonauts stay on the International Space Station? 4 months 200: This concentrates light and releases it in an intense beam that travels in a straight line.=laser Final Jeopardy 3rd: Yalta Members 5/6: Desert Fox 7/8: Heinrich Himler